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This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Tools/Visualize data and the translation is 51% complete.
Ancient intellectual network
Art Browser (Q111159786)
OpenArtBrowser邀请您浏览艺术世界,欣赏美丽的艺术品并学习有趣的事情。 我们提供世界各地许多时期的绘画,素描和雕塑。 对于每个艺术品,均显示元数据和相关艺术品。 相关的意思是,艺术品共享相同的艺术家,运动甚至主题。
Chlambase (Q63379414)

ChlamBase is an easily editable model organism database for Chlamydia that is built upon the WikiGenomes application framework, and Wikidata We allow you to lookup, add, and modify data in real time. Your data will instantly be visible, structured, and shared with the Chlamydial research community!

Cita (Q108311142)
Adds citations metadata (i.e., what other items an item cites) support to the reference management software Zotero, using cites work (P2860) information from Wikidata, and enabling users to easily contribute missing data.
by Diegodlh
Wikidata Charts using SPARQL and React to draw line charts of properties or queries
by Germartin1
Compare IT
Interactive HTML tables based on Wikidata in multiple languages. Search and sort options.
by Germartin1
Conzept encyclopedia (Q98684949)
Conzept encyclopedia
Conzept is an attempt to create an encyclopedia for the 21st century. A modern topic-exploration tool based on Wikipedia, Wikidata, Open Library, GBIF, YouTube and other information sources. Development news on Twitter.
by Waldenn
Crotos (Q48029227)
搜索和显示视觉艺术品的引擎,基于Wikidata并使用Wikimedia Commons文件,并提供33种不同的语言。 可以使用类别(例如绘画,雕塑)或时间段(例如1560-1760)过滤搜索结果。 艺术品可以随机或按时间顺序显示。 还有一种贡献模式可以过滤视觉艺术品的某些缺失属性。
by Shonagon
Daty (Q60949478)
Daty是遵循 GNOME (Q44316) Human Interface Guidelines 的跨平台免费Wikidata编辑器,旨在使更好的编辑工作流和更快地部署Wikidata所请求的用户功能。
by Ogoorcs
Denelezh (Q105751022)
在Wikidata和Wikimedia项目的内容中探索性别差距及其演变。 您可以通过Wikimedia项目和/或人类特征(出生年份,国籍国家和职业)来完成此操作。
by Envlh
Entitree (Q104728828)

Navigable Family Tree (D3 inspired) of any human-like item in Wikidata. Also, you can use any property as a relationship to build taxonomies, org charts and so on.

by OrlandataandGermartin1
Entity Explosion (Q98398855)

Chrome browser extension that allows you to discover links and information about a topic you are browsing on other sites. Data live from Wikidata.

On-wiki documentation and discussion page: Wikidata:Entity Explosion

Examples from video demonstration:

by 99of9
GeneaWiki是一个WikiData上简单的图形可视工具。它试图从一个人开始构造他的族谱通过父亲,母亲以及孩子们。比如可以看:Bach family
by Magnus Manske

Histomania (Q62091449)
histomania是一种浏览器,用于可视化,测量和比较时间轴中的事件。 除了用户生成的内容外,historania还具有从Wikidata和Wikipedia数据生成的大量时间表的可能性。 您可以将时间轴彼此相邻放置或及时移动它们以使其具有可比性。 由于故事彼此关联,因此您可以深入研究它们。 您可以在任何设备,个人计算机,平板电脑或智能手机上使用它。 非常适合快速了解时间尺度和历史联系。
by Histum
File:HistoryMaps - Learn History Visually.png
Learn History visually with Interactive 3D Maps, Timelines, Images, and Videos with HistoryMaps. Content is generated from Wikipedia data.
by HistoryMaps

Histropedia (Q23038974)
Histropedia 使用Wikipedia和Wikidata的数据来自动生成交互的包涵Wikipedia文章中时间的时间线。组合时间线和事件来创造你自己的时间线,将历史如同乐高一样玩耍。从ABBA专辑到祖鲁国王以及中间所有的事情,时间线目录让你在数以百计的事件中发现上千个时间线。
by Navino Evans and Sean McBirnie
Visual tool for exploring ideologies of political parties. Using property political ideology (P1142) you can filter the graph by country. Clicking on the node labels allows you to find further information.
by André Ourednik
Inventaire (Q32193244)
by Maxlath

Linked People
Linked People
Linked People project demonstrates the family relationships of characters in Wikidata movies, TV shows, and books.
by Amin Anjomshoaa

LOD4Culture is a web application for exploring Cultural Heritage contents from Wikidata and DBpedia. An interactive map is provided for exploring world-wide sites. It also includes a browser of sites, artists and artworks.
by Guiveg

Missing images heatmap
Missing images heatmap
by Magnus Manske
Multilingual map
Multilingual map
by PlaneMad
Discover a whole new way to learn and connect with nSens, the ultimate collaborative learning network. Designed for avid learners and knowledge enthusiasts, nSens is your gateway to a world of information, curated from trusted sources like Wikipedia, books, and ArXiv.
by Salvatore Russo

ProWD (Profiling WikiData)
ProWD (Profiling WikiData)
Knowledge imbalances are a real issue, and the ProWD tool visualizes knowledge imbalances in Wikidata.
Reasonator (Q20155952)


例如,搜索巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)将把奥巴马总统列为第一结果。
by Magnus Manske
Scholia (Q45340488)
Displays scientific and bibliographic information from Wikidata by queries to Wikidata Query Service.
by fnielsen
Science Stories
Science Stories

Science Stories is a linked data application powered by structured data. The facts about the lives of scientists from under-represented backgrounds stories are syndicated from Wikidata.

SQID Wikidata Browser (Q24298088)

SQID的一个特别重点是支持基于Wikidata属性和类项目的用法搜索。 例如,您可以找到最常使用或根本不使用或仅在限定词等中使用的属性。 您还可以获取Q5类(人类)的实例使用的所有属性的列表,或者相反,找到具有职业的项目上使用的所有类(P106)。 实体页面随后针对每个类或属性显示大量其他数据和实时查询结果,例如,您可以看到所有用作P21值(性别或性别)的项目。

by Markus Krötzsch
vglist (Q96096761)
A video game library web application, for helping users track their video game libraries and their completion progress of their games. All data is sourced from video game items on Wikidata.
by Nicereddy
基于地图的可视化,包括数据集中第三个数字维的图形。 Project on Github
by gordelwig
获取(丢失)Wikidata属性(标签,描述和别名)的翻译统计信息。 按数据类型,类浏览属性。 搜索属性以描述实体。 比较不同语言之间的翻译统计信息。 获取属性讨论模板的翻译统计信息。
by Jsamwrites
We Do Data Science
Graph and analyze Wikidata datasets
by Scottgpaulin
Wikidata Browse
Wikidata Browse
浏览项目并以几种语言显示照片,事实和项目的翻译。 对于翻译很有用。 学习外语的好工具。
by Denny
Wikidata Decent Map
Tool to visualize all descendants of a person in a map, allows filtering from the date of life of the person.
by Shevekk
Wikidata Image Positions
Wikidata Image Positions
显示和添加Wikidata项上 depicts (P180)语句上的relative position within image (P2677)限定词并将其添加为项 image (P18)上区域的工具。


by Lucas Werkmeister
Wikidata periodic table (Q106033256)
Wikidata periodic table


by Ricordisamoa
Wikidata Related Properties
Provides statistics about the usage of properties in Wikidata and how they are related to each other.
by Envlh
Wikidata Tables
Live SPARQL-powered tables of different topics: Airlines, Universities, Countries, etc...
by Germartin1
Wikidata tempo-spatial display (Q63475418)
Wikidata tempo-spatial display


by Magnus Manske
Wikidata Timeline
Wikidata Timeline


by Hardwigg
Wikidata Tree Builder

Tree structure of Wikidata entities. Used mainly for family trees and parent/sub organization structure.

by Germartin1
Wikidata Visualization
Wikidata Visualization
各种易于配置的可视化工具,用于显示Wikidata查询结果。 源代码和更多信息可在Github上找到。
by Stevenliuyi
Wikidocumentaries (Q85947706)
Wikidocumentaries is a maker space for citizen historians. It navigates Wikimedia content based on Wikidata items and illustrates the pages with maps and graphs. It displays media and other content from external repositories. Further on, it will present tools to import external content and enrich existing Wikimedia content with it.
Wikigenomes (Q26489220)
A freely open, editable, and centralized model organism database for the biological research community. powered by Wikidata
Wikimedia Related Projects
Provides statistics about Wikimedia projects sitelinks and how the projects are related to each other in term of sitelinks.
by Envlh
yaap! (Q125217322)
Mobile-friendly frontend for Wikidata to create timelines quickly and easily without knowledge of SPARQL. Are you in a discussion and want to check if something happened before another event? Check without having to read the details in Wikipedia. Add predefined contextual timelines to get an overview of time. You can also add based on properties: get all the consuls of the Roman Empire in seconds.
by Tuxfux
Archive guide to the German Colonial Past (Q64160985)
Archive guide to the German Colonial Past
by UJung

See also