Wikidata:Training/Tips and limitations

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 Training    Plan a workshop    5min outline    Tips and limitations    Train the Trainers    MOOC    Discussion

Tips for a successful Wikidata workshop

Slides: Keys to organize a Wikidata workshop

Feel free to add your tips in the list below.

  • Don't organize your workshop alone! Find co-trainers with different skills
  • Think about who your audience will be, what they are interested in, and adapt your content to them
  • Make it active: watch and try
  • Show good examples
  • Show things to improve
  • Make sure that everyone can create an account
  • When you plan a Wikidata event, don't forget to add it on Wikidata:Events



Feel free to add here the limitations that you encountered, and how to solve them.

Account creation


Per IP address only 6 new accounts can be created per day.

  • Solution 1: Ask participants to create an account at home.
  • Solution 2: If you are an admin on a wiki, you can create an account for participants through Special:CreateAccount. (If you are not an admin on Wikidata, but you are admin on another Wikimedia wiki (with logging in with SUL account), you can use that wiki to create accounts, have users log in there, and when logged in on the local wiki they go to Wikidata and log in there.)
  • Solution 3: Request account creation rights.
  • Solution 4: Requesting temporary lift of IP cap

Number of edits a minute


There are also limitations of number of edits done at one IP address.