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Scholarly articles in African Studies Journals

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label author name string publication date published in main subject
NATIVE CROWNS 1903-04 African Affairs
The Native Problem in South Africa 1904-01 African Affairs
Schutsgebiet Kamerun. Fragebogen zur ersten Aufnahme der Sprachen der Adamauastämme. Zusammengestellt im Auftrag des Kgl. Museums fär Völkerkunde 1908-10 African Affairs
A Transformed Colony: Sierra Leone as it was and as it is, its Progress, Peoples, Native Customs, and Undeveloped Wealth 1910-04 African Affairs
THE NATIVE PROBLEM H. E. RAWSON 1912-01 African Affairs
The Native Problem; Some of its Points and Phases 1913-04 African Affairs
The Education of the South African Native 1917-10 African Affairs
German Colonies: A Plea for the Native Races 1919-01 African Affairs
Native Races and their Rulers 1919-01 African Affairs
AFRICAN MELODIES W. A. NORTON 1919-01 African Affairs
The Bantu, Past and Present: An Ethnological and Historical Study of the Native Races of South Africa 1920-10 African Affairs
Economic Changes in South African Native Life I. Schapera 1928-04 Africa
Text-Books in Use in Native Schools in Africa Georges Hardy 1928-04 Africa
Native Poetry in East Africa A. Werner 1928-07 Africa
The Native Problem in Africa. By Raymond Leslie Buell. Two volumes, 1045 and 1101 pages. New York, the Macmillan Company, 1928. (Bureau of International Research, Harvard University and Radcliffe College.) D. Westermann 1928-10 Africa
The Kalahari and its Native Races. By E. H. L. Schwarz. London: H. F. & G. Witherby, 1928. Pp. 244, with photographs and maps. 16s. net. I. Schapera 1929-04 Africa
The Stone Ages in South Africa A. J. H. Goodwin 1929-04 Africa
Fulani-Hausa Readings in the Native Scripts, with Transliterations and Translations. By F. W. Taylor. 8vo., pp. 259. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 25s. G. J. F. Tomlinson 1929-07 Africa
Report of the Commission on Closer Union of the Dependencies in Eastern and Central Africa. London: H.M. Stationery Office. 6s. B. Malinowski 1929-07 Africa
The Native Tribes of South-West Africa. Cape Town: Cape Times Ltd.; London: Walker Bros., 1928. 10s. 6d. I. Schapera 1929-10 Africa
School Education and Native Life James W. C. Dougall 1930-01 Africa
East Africa in Transition. Being a review of the principles and proposals of the Commission on Closer Union of the Dependencies in Eastern and Central Africa, xii + 123 pp. London. Student Christian Movement, 1s. B. Malinowski 1930-01 Africa
The School in the Bush. By Victor Murray, M.A. A critical study of the Theory and Practice of Native Education in Africa. London1929. Longmans, Green & Co. 12s. 6d. xx + 431 S. Illustr. Karten. Julius Richter 1930-04 Africa
NATIVE POLICY IN AFRICA1 J. C. SMUTS 1930-04 African Affairs
The Problem of Word-Division in Bantu with special reference to the languages of Mashonaland. By Clement M. Doke, M.A., D.Litt. Department of Native Development, Southern Rhodesia. Occasional Paper, No. 2. M. Klingenheben-Tiling 1930-10 Africa
Teaching of Hygiene in Native Primary Schools A. A. Jaques 1930-10 Africa
Sorcery and Native Opinion E. E. Evans-Pritchard 1931-01 Africa
Das Eingeborenenrecht, Sitten u. Gewohnheitsrechte der Eingeborenen der ehemaligen deutschen Kolonien in Afrika und in der Südsee, herausgegeben von E. Schultz-Ewerth u. L. Adam. Bd. II, Togo, Kamerun, Südwestafrika, die Südseekolonien. Geordnet und D. Westermann 1931-01 Africa
Some Traits of the Kipsigis in Relation to their Contact with Europeans I. Q. Orchardson 1931-10 Africa
Ethnology and the Study of Culture Change Fritz Krause 1932-10 Africa
Das Eingeborenenrecht, herausgegeben von Dr.Erich Schultz-Ewerth und Dr.Leonhard Adam. Togo, Kamerun, Südwestafrika, Die Südsee Kolonien, geordnet und bearbeitet von A. Schlettwein, Ministerialdirektor z. D. in Rostock; Dr. Phil. Dr. Jur. Jul Henri Labouret 1934-01 Africa
Native Education: Ceylon, Java, Formosa, the Philippines, French Indo-China, and British Malaya W. BRYANT MUMFORD 1935-07 African Affairs
XII. Im Vorderen Kamerun Johannes Ittmann 1935-10 Africa
1937-01 African Affairs
The Threat of the Sahara E. P. Stebbing 1937-10-01 African Affairs
Kamerun, Neuzeitliche Verwaltungsprobleme einer tropischen Kolonie. Von R. Schober. 181 S. Berlin: E. S. Mittler und Sohn. 1937. RM. 4.80. D. Westermann 1938-04 Africa
Die Baja, ein Negerstamm im mittleren Sudan. Von Günter Tessmann. Ergebnisse der 1913 vom Reichs-Kolonialamt ausgesandten völkerkundlichen Forschungsreise nach Kamerun. Band 2, Teil 1. Materielle und seelische Kultur. Mit 4 Bunttafeln, 32 Tafel-Bild Günther Spannaus 1938-04 Africa
East Africa and its Invaders. From the earliest Times to the Death of Seyyid Said in 1856. By R. Coupland, Beit Professor of Colonial History at the University of Oxford. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1938. Pp. 584 with maps. 30s. O. Karstedt 1939-07 Africa
The Exploitation of East Africa 1856–1890: The Slave Trade and the Scramble. By R. Coupland, C.I.E., Hon.D.Litt. (Durham), Fellow of All Souls College, Beit Professor of Colonial History in the University of Oxford. 1939. London: Faber. Pp. 507, ill Henri Labouret 1940-01 Africa
A Standard English-Swahili Dictionary and A Standard Swahili-English Dictionary. By the Inter-Territorial Language Committee of the East African Dependencies under the direction of the late Frederick Johnson. 2 volumes. 1939. London: Oxford Universi E. O. Ashton 1940-04 Africa
Notes of the quarter 1942-03 African Studies
The creation myth amongst the lala of Northern Rhodesia J. T. Munday 1942-03 African Studies
Ganda literature R. A. Snoxall 1942-03 African Studies
Makua song‐riddles from the initiation rites Lyndon Harries 1942-03 African Studies
The native languages of South Africa C. M. Doke 1942-06 African Studies
Native wages and standard of living in Northern Rhodesia R. J. B. Moore 1942-06 African Studies
Prefix concordance in Lozi, Lingua Franca of Barotseland Max Gluckman 1942-06 African Studies
Herkoms en geskiedenis van Die Tlhaping F. J. Language 1942-06 African Studies
The social organization of the dorobo G. W. B. Huntingford 1942-09 African Studies
Industrial expansion and native policy in South Africa N. N. Franklin 1942-09 African Studies
Shimwalule: a study of a bemba chief and priest Vernon Brelsford 1942-09 African Studies
Some aspects of Zulu literature B. W. Vilakazi 1942-12 African Studies
Some riddles of the Makua people Lyndon Harries 1942-12 African Studies
Easy english for africans Edward Roux 1942-12 African Studies
La justice coutumiere chez les Bakwa Luntu G. Brausch 1942-12 African Studies
Dabida numerals John Williamson 1943-01 African Studies
The work of tribal courts in the Bechuanaland protectorate I. Schapera 1943-01 African Studies
Progressive english for Africans E. C. Parnwell 1943-01 African Studies
Natal code of native law 1943-01 African Studies
The tonal structure of Kele (Lokele) J. F. Carrington 1943-01 African Studies
Nyakyusa law from court records R. de Z. Hall 1943-01 African Studies
Planning native development in Northern Rhodesia G. Beresford Stooke 1943-01 African Studies
Tlokwa riddles Godfrey Nakene 1943-01 African Studies
The growth of comparative Bantu philology C. M. Doke 1943-01 African Studies
The African chapter in the history of writing O. F. Raum 1943-01 African Studies
The tonal structure of the Ngombe verb E. W. Price 1944-03 African Studies
An unusual Bantu tale of the little‐hare series C. M. Doke 1944-03 African Studies
The magical thought‐pattern of the Bantu in relation to health services J. D. Krige 1944-03 African Studies
The drum language of the Lokele tribe John F. Carrington 1944-06 African Studies
Some lobolo cases in native law Julius Lewin 1944-09 African Studies
Colonies from three angles G. V. O. Bulkeley 1944-09 African Studies
Some proverbs of the Nyanja people Ernest Gray 1944-09 African Studies
The noun prefixes of the west‐central zone of Bantu languages C. M. N. White 1944-12 African Studies
Voluntary associations in an urban township Hilda Kuper
Selma Kaplan
1944-12 African Studies
Report on urban conditions in Southern Rhodesia 1945-03 African Studies
The relative clause in Xhosa J. M. Jeanjaquet 1945-03 African Studies
The death of a dialect M. D. W. Jeffreys 1945-03 African Studies
The practice of lobolo in Natal H. C. Lugg 1945-03 African Studies
The “new method” of teaching english G. C. Darton 1945-03 African Studies
Notes on the qualificative concords in four languages of the West Central Zone C. M. N. White 1945-06 African Studies
Local migration in Tanganyika R. de Z. Hall 1945-06 African Studies
The story of Amanhlapo J. M. Nhlapo 1945-06 African Studies
Some historical notes on African tone languages M. D. W. Jeffreys 1945-09 African Studies
Notes on the history of the Kaa I. Schapera 1945-09 African Studies
Die territoriale Organisasie van die Venda H. Du Plessis 1945-09 African Studies
The British protectorates in South Africa 1945-09 African Studies
The relative‐locative clause or adverbial clause of place in Xhos J. M. Jeanjaquet 1945-12 African Studies
African music : the Mganda dance A. M. Jones 1945-12 African Studies
Etude grammaticale d'une fable du Cameroun Francais Madame René Dugast 1946-03 African Studies
Nsaangu's head M. D. W. Jeffreys 1946-03 African Studies
The unification of Bantu languages E. Westphal 1946-03 African Studies
The so‐called article in Xhosa W. Bourqujn 1946-03 African Studies
White settlement in Africa Ralph Horwitz 1946-03 African Studies
The clan organization and kinship system of some Shona tribes W. H. Stead 1946-03 African Studies
Dual organisation in Africa M. D. W. Jeffreys 1946-06 African Studies
Proverbs collected from the amandebele K. D. Leaver
C. L. S. Nyembezi
1946-06 African Studies
A separatist church: Ibandla Lika‐Krestu L. Mqotsi
N. Mkele
1946-06 African Studies
Tsonga law in the Transvaal T. D. Ramsay 1946-09 African Studies
Dual organisation in Africa M. D. W. Jeffreys 1946-09 African Studies
Notes on the Reshe language P. G. Harris 1946-12 African Studies
Inkishafi—a translation from the Swahili R. Allen 1946-12 African Studies
D'un royaume amphibie et fort disparate J. Robin 1946-12 African Studies
The tree cult in the Zimbawe culture Harald Von Sicard 1946-12 African Studies
The African Elephant in Warfare SIR WILLIAM GOWERS 1947-01 African Affairs
Some riddles of the Mwera people Lyndon Harries 1947-03 African Studies
A comparative survey of the verb forms in four languages of the west central Bantu group C. M. N. White 1947-03 African Studies
The capture of Fumbam M. D. W. Jeffreys 1947-03 African Studies
Makalaka A. M. Sebina 1947-06 African Studies
An advance in African sociology Max Gluckman 1947-06 African Studies
Ecology and Planning. The Soils, Vegetation, and Agriculture of Northern Rhodesia: Report of the Ecological Survey by C. G. Trapnell. Lusaka, 1943. Pp. III. Foolscap. Price 5s. E. B. Worthington 1947-07 Africa
Bantu wisdom‐lore C. M. Doke 1947-09 African Studies
The visit of the king and queen to South Africa A. Z. Ngani 1947-09 African Studies
The initiation language: Lokele tribe J. F. Carrington 1947-12 African Studies
Note on the Bahurutshe 1947-12 African Studies
Bridewealth among the Nuer E. E. Evans‐Pritchard 1947-12 African Studies
Notes on twins: Bamenda M. D. W. Jeffreys 1947-12 African Studies
A Livingstone letter M. D. W. Jeffreys 1947-12 African Studies
The supreme being in the beliefs of the Balovale tribes C. M. N. White 1948-03 African Studies
The Poro society as an arbiter of culture K. L. Little 1948-03 African Studies
Spirit names among the Central Bantu J. T. Munday 1948-03 African Studies
Transition rites of the Kuanyama Ambo (a preliminary study) Edwin M. Loeb 1948-06 African Studies
Modern political organization of the Plateau Tonga Elizabeth Colson 1948-06 African Studies
Notes on the noun classes of Swati and Nrebele D. Ziervogel 1948-06 African Studies
Mining Commerce and Finance in Nigeria. By P. A. Bower, Dr.A. J. Brown, Dr.C. Leubuscher, J. Mars, and SirAlan Pim: being the second volume of a study of the ‘Economics of a Tropical Dependency’, edited by Margery Perham. Published under the auspice F. J. Pedler 1948-07 Africa
Modern Developments in African Land Tenure: an Aspect of Culture Change L. P. Mair 1948-07 Africa
Welfare Work in a Secret Society M. A. S. MARGAI 1948-10 African Affairs
Fishermen of the Bangweulu Swamps. By W. V. Brelsford. Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia: The Rhodes-Livingstone Institute, 1946. Pp. 171, map and plates. 5s. Raymond Firth 1948-10 Africa
Kinship terminology among the Cewa of the Eastern province of Northern Rhodesia J. Bruwer 1948-12 African Studies
The classification of the Bantu languages G. P. Lestrade 1948-12 African Studies
Notes on some metaphysical concepts of the Balovale tribes C.M.N. White 1948-12 African Studies
Black magic feuds W. Singleton Fisher 1949-03 African Studies
Recueil de signaux claniques ou kumbu des tribus Mbagani et du Kasai (Congo Beige) G. Vancoillie 1949-03 African Studies
Addendum to the “Ila‐speaking peoples of Northern Rhodesia” Edwin W. Smith 1949-06 African Studies
Recueil de signaux claniques ou kumbu des tribus Mbagani et du Kasai (Congo Belge) G. Vancoillie 1949-06 African Studies
The conjugation of inchoative verbs in Shona G. Fortune 1949-09 African Studies
The political organization of the Yao of Southern Nyasaland J. Clyde Mitchell 1949-09 African Studies
Ubambatha Kamakhwatha E.H.A. Made 1949-12 African Studies
An outline of the relationship system of the Nyanja and Yao tribes in South Nyasaland Audrey Lawson 1949-12 African Studies
UnBvibrant dans le bantou septentrional L.B. De Boeck 1950-03 African Studies
African life and language W. A. Norton 1950-03 African Studies
Kinship among the Cewa of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Cullen Young 1950-03 African Studies
Bantu languages, inflexional with a tendency towards agglutination C. M. Doke 1950-03 African Studies
Two arabic documents M. D. W. Jeffreys 1950-06 African Studies
“To be” and “to have” in Shona G. Fortune 1950-06 African Studies
The Kisra legend A. B. Mathews 1950-09 African Studies
The derivation of the name Mashona Harald Von Sicard 1950-09 African Studies
Traits of Divine Kingship in Africa. By P. Hadfield, M.A., B.D. London: Watts & Co.1949. Pp. vii, 134. 8s. 6d. S. H. Hooke 1950-10 Africa
Age‐groups among the Ika and kindred people M. D. W. Jeffreys 1950-12 African Studies
Early Ba‐Fokeng rock shelter dwellings at Ntlo‐Kholo James Walton 1951-06 African Studies
Bantu and north Australian: a study in agglutination A. Capell 1951-06 African Studies
The locative in Bantu Ernest Haddon 1951-09 African Studies
Note of the quarter 1951-09 African Studies
Some African royal burials and coronations in western Tanganyika C. H. B. Grant 1951-12 African Studies
Lobolo is child‐price M. D. W. Jeffreys 1951-12 African Studies
Notes on the concords in Xhosa and Zulu, their differences and general aspect W. Bourquin 1952-03 African Studies
The garamantes of central Sahara Raymond A. Dart 1952-03 African Studies
Death and burial customs of the Bapedi of Sekukuniland L. Longmore 1952-06 African Studies
The study of African ability S. Biesheuvel 1952-06 African Studies
A Swahili takhmis Lyndon Harries 1952-06 African Studies
Intonation in tone languages William J. Samarin 1952-06 African Studies
A Uganda Secondary School as a Field of Culture Change F. Musgrove 1952-07 Africa
The study of African ability S. Biesheuvel 1952-09 African Studies
Corsali 1515 on Bantu and Sudanic languages M. D. W. Jeffreys 1952-12 African Studies
Some reflections on the sociology of African education F. Musgrove 1952-12 African Studies
Main contributors to this number 1952-12 African Studies
Remnants of a rain‐cult among the Acewa J. P. Bruwer 1952-12 African Studies
The early portuguese in Southern Africa Charles Edward Fuller 1953-03 African Studies
Kom Die Zoeloe i(li)hhashi uit engels? G. S. Nienaber 1953-03 African Studies
Customary law of the Akan peoples A. N. Allott 1953-03 African Studies
In memory of Rheinallt Jones 1953-03 African Studies
The Lemba ancestor Baramina Harald von Sicard 1953-06 African Studies
The function of annual first fruit ceremonies in Baca social structure W. D. Hammond‐Tooke 1953-06 African Studies
Notes on the circumcision rites of the Balovale tribes C. M. N. White 1953-06 African Studies
Umnu. J. D. Rheinallt Jones D. L. P. Yali‐Manisi
F. S. M. M. Ncube
1953-06 African Studies
Honorific cremation in South Eastern Africa 1953-09 African Studies
The ndzundza dialect of Southern Transvaal nguni‐ndebele E. F. Potgieter 1953-12 African Studies
Maclean on native law and custom 1953-12 African Studies
The rolling target (hoop‐and‐pole) game in Africa O. F. Raum 1953-12 African Studies
African reincarnation re‐examined B. Stefaniszyn 1954-01 African Studies
The syntactical nature of the deficient verb and its complement in Zulu J. A. Louw 1954-01 African Studies
Some contemporary developments in sub‐Saharan Africa Melville J. Herskovits 1954-01 African Studies
Retirement of professor Doke 1954-01 African Studies
The structure of the disyllabic tense suffix in Cokwe Guy Atkins 1954-01 African Studies
Ikeŋga: the Ibo Ram‐headed God M. D. W. Jeffreys 1954-01 African Studies
A note on the Ngasa H. A. Fosbrooke 1954-01 African Studies
Gquma, Mdepa and the Amatshomane clan: a by‐way of miscegenation in South Africa Percival R. Kirby 1954-01 African Studies
Economics of Agriculture in a Savannah Village. By MissM. R. Haswell. Colonial Research Studies, No. 8. H.M.S.O. for the Colonial Office, 1953. Pp. 143. 15s. D. P. Gamble 1954-01 Africa
Nutrition Studies in the British Dependencies 1954-07 Africa
Tribal and trade languages Eugene A. Nida 1955-01 African Studies
The initiation of a Baca isangoma diviner W. D. Hammond‐Tooke 1955-01 African Studies
Notes on the “close vowels” in Bantu W. Bourquin 1955-01 African Studies
Shaka and the North Harald von Sicard 1955-01 African Studies
A fragment on Xhosa religious beliefs Charles Brownlee 1955-01 African Studies
Unkhoswe: the system of guardianship in Gewa matrilineal society J. P. Bruwer 1955-01 African Studies
The burial bird for an Okuku M. D. W. Jeffreys 1955-01 African Studies
The Rehoboth community of South West Africa 1955-01 African Studies
The water of life Agathe Schmidt 1955-01 African Studies
Education in the United Kingdom Dependencies 1955-10 Africa
The Umundri tradition of origin M. D. W. Jeffreys 1956-01 African Studies
Linguistic relationships and contacts expressed in the vocabulary of Eastern Bushman L. W. Lanham
D. P. Hallowes
1956-01 African Studies
Margaret wrong prize competition 1956-01 African Studies
The Nyama society of the ibibio women M.D.W. Jeffreys 1956-01 African Studies
Cultural verse‐forms in Swahili Lyndon Harries 1956-01 African Studies
Some recent studies of native law A.J. Kerr 1956-01 African Studies
Fifth International congress of anthropological and ethnological science 1956-01 African Studies
Retirement of Dr. M.D.W. Jeffreys 1956-01 African Studies
An outline of the structure of Eastern Bushman L. W. Lanham
D. P. Hallowes
1956-01 African Studies
Sebetwane and the MaKololo Edwin W. Smith 1956-01 African Studies
The role of hunting and fishing in Luvale society C. M. N. White 1956-01 African Studies
Obituary: Professor C. Van Riet Lowe B. D. Malan 1956-01 African Studies
Stone kraal settlements in South Africa P.‐L. Breutz 1956-01 African Studies
The Masai age‐group system as a guide to tribal chronology H. A. Fosbrooke 1956-01 African Studies
Von Totengebräuchen und Ahnenkult der Kɔsi in Kamerun J. Ittmann 1956-10 Africa
UN publications 1957-01 African Studies
The installation of Sukuma chiefs in Mwanza district, Tanganyika R. E. S. Tanner 1957-01 African Studies
Three Bushman languages L. F. Maingard 1957-01 African Studies
Notes on the imperative in Zulu J. A. Engelbrecht 1957-01 African Studies
Back numbers of the journal 1957-01 African Studies
Ibibio verb morphology Donald C. Simmons 1957-01 African Studies
Notice to subscribers 1957-01 African Studies
Initiation into the Cwezi spirit possession cult in Bunyoro J. H. M. Beattie 1957-01 African Studies
Tribal medicine: diviners and herbalists H. J. Simons 1957-01 African Studies
The grammatical structure of Zulu A. T. Cope 1957-01 African Studies
Kinship change in the Belgian Congo S. Comhaire‐Sylvain
J. Comhaire‐Sylvain
1957-01 African Studies
The Cwezi spirit possession cult 1958-01 African Studies
The attainment of adult status among the Mount Frere Bhaca W. D. Hammond‐Tooke 1958-01 African Studies
Notes on some folklore forms in Tsonga and Ronga P‐D. Cole‐Beuchat 1958-01 African Studies
The structure, migration and resettlement of Ewe fishing units Rowena M. Lawson 1958-01 African Studies
Scripture translation into Bantu languages C. M. Doke 1958-01 African Studies
Reports from two institutes of social and economic research 1958-01 African Studies
A note on Luvale joking relations C. M. N. White 1958-01 African Studies
Surveys by I.F.A.N 1958-01 African Studies
The grammatical structure of Zulu 1958-01 African Studies
The modern family in social‐anthropological perspective M. G. Marwick 1958-01 African Studies
Recent Portuguese publications 1958-01 African Studies
Australian branch, association of social anthropologists of the British commonwealth 1958-01 African Studies
Notes to contributors 1958-01 African Studies
Proposed Raymond Dart institute for the study of man in Africa Phillip V. Tobias 1958-01 African Studies
Three Bushman languages L. F. Maingard 1958-01 African Studies
Notes on Dr Sims's Yalulema vocabulary J. F. Carrington 1959-01 African Studies
Tonomorphology of the Tsonga noun P‐D. Cole‐Beuchat 1959-01 African Studies
The early history of the Transkei and Ciskei Monica Wilson 1959-01 African Studies
Early Bantu literature—the age of Brusciotto C.M. Doke 1959-01 African Studies
Bantu language pioneers of the nineteenth century C. M. Doke 1959-01 African Studies
Notes on the history of the lakeside Tonga of Nyasaland J. van Velse 1959-01 African Studies
On the Eastern Bantu root for six A. Seidenberg 1959-01 African Studies
Ethnicity and National Integration in West Africa Immanuel Wallerstein 1960 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Organization of a Zande Kingdom E. E. Evans-Pritchard 1960 Cahiers d'études africaines
Miscegenation in South Africa Pierre L. Van Den Berghe 1960 Cahiers d'études africaines
Oron proverbs Donald C. Simmons 1960-01 African Studies
Land rights on the Tanganyika coast R. E. S. Tanner 1960-01 African Studies
The particle in Boran Eric J. Webster 1960-01 African Studies
'N ou ongepubliseerde lys Hottentot‐ en xhosawoorde G. S. Nienaber 1960-01 African Studies
The growth of comparative Bantu philology C. M. Doke 1960-01 African Studies
Some changes in the social structure of the Tlhaping of the Taung reserve B. A. Pauw 1960-01 African Studies
Agnes Winifred Hoernlé: an appreciation Eileen Jensen Krige 1960-01 African Studies
On the Nyoro concept of mahano J. H. M. Beattie 1960-01 African Studies
The Alien Town. Patterns of Settlement in Busoga, Uganda. An Essay in Cultural Geography. By Ann Evans Larimore. University of Chicago Press, 1958. Pp. 208, ill., maps. Margaret Chave Fallers 1960-01 Africa
The Build-up of Nationalism in Colonial Nigeria - Nigeria: Background to Nationalism. By James S. Coleman. Berkeley and Los Angeles. University of California Press, 1958. Pp. xiv+510. Illus. and Maps. 6s. 6d. John Flint 1960-01 The Journal of African History
Savannah Nomads. By Derrick J. Stenning. London: Oxford University Press for the International African Institute, 1959. Pp. v + 248, maps, ill. 40s. A. H. M. Kirk-Greene 1960-04 Africa
Nationalism Emergent - The Road to Self-Rule; a Study in Colonial Evolution. By W. M. Macmillan. London: Faber and Faber, 1959. Pp. 296. 30s. Philip D. Curtin 1960-07 The Journal of African History
Clientship in East Africa Lucy Mair 1961 Cahiers d'études africaines
Why the Haud was ceded Léo Silberman 1961 Cahiers d'études africaines
A Russian Look at Rhodesia Matabele i Mashona u Bor'be Protiv Angliyskoy Kolonizatsii, 1888–1897 (Matabele and Mashona in their fight against English colonization, 1888–1897). By A. B. Davidson. Moscow, 1958. Pp. 183, illus. and maps A.R.C.B. 1961-01 The Journal of African History
Aggrey beads M. D. W. Jeffreys 1961-01 African Studies
The concept of Christianity in the African independent churches B. G. M. Sundkler 1961-01 African Studies
Suicide in Northern Rhodesia J. H. Chaplin 1961-01 African Studies
The qualificative and the pronoun in Tsonga P‐D. Cole‐Beuchat 1961-01 African Studies
The central group of the click languages of the Kalahari L. F. Maingard 1961-01 African Studies
The concept of jok Bethwell A. Ogot 1961-01 African Studies
Notes on Bakweri funeral customs M. D. W. Jeffreys 1961-01 African Studies
The wrath of the ancestral spirits John Riordan 1961-01 African Studies
Lobedu kinship terminology H. O. Mönnig 1961-01 African Studies
The totem of the tutelary spirit (mhondoro) and that of the clan of the Sokoto district Michael Gelfand 1961-01 African Studies
The linguistic work of H. W. Woodward C. M. Doke 1961-01 African Studies
The establishment of legitimacy in a dependency situation J. Gus Liebenow 1961-01 African Studies
Colonial Myths, II - Die Anfänge der Deutschen Kolonialpolitik in Ostafrika. By Kurt Büttner. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1959. Pp. vii + 156. Paper DM 9.50; hard cover DM 12.50. C. Leubuscher 1961-01 The Journal of African History
Colonial Myths, I - Mythes et Réalités de L'Impérialisme Colonial Français, 1871–1914. By Henri Brunschwig. Paris, Armand Colin, 1960. Pp. 188. Ronald Robinson 1961-01 The Journal of African History
Kamerun unter Deutscher Kolonialherrschaft. Herausgegeben von Dr Helmuth Stoecker. Band 1.—Schriftenreike des Instituts für Allgemeine Geschichte an der Humboldt-Universität Berlin. Herausgegeben von Professor Dr Gerhard Schilfert. Band 5.—Rütten un Charlotte Leubuscher 1961-07 The Journal of African History
Oasis and Casbah: Algerian Culture and Personality in Change. By Horace M. Miner and George de Vos. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan (Museum of Anthropology, Anthrop. Pap., 15), 1960. Pp. v + 236, ill. D. Jacques-Meunié 1961-10 Africa
Apartheid, Fascism and the Golden Age Pierre L. Van Den Berghe 1962 Cahiers d'études africaines
African Urban Family Life Peter C. Gutkind 1962 Cahiers d'études africaines
Competitive Gift Exchange among the Mambila Farnham Rehfisch 1962 Cahiers d'études africaines
Venda: Tonal structure and intonation E. O. J. Westphal 1962-01 African Studies
The relationships between the sexes in a coastal Islamic society: Pangani district, Tanganyika R. E. S. Tanner 1962-01 African Studies
The Wiya tribe M. D. W. Jeffreys 1962-01 African Studies
The ethno‐history of the upper Zambezi C. M. N. White 1962-01 African Studies
The urban role of tribal associations in West Africa Kenneth Little 1962-01 African Studies
The Wiya tribe M. D. W. Jeffreys 1962-01 African Studies
Additional notes on the Tonomorphology of the Tsonga noun P‐D. Beuchat 1962-01 African Studies
Venda: Tonal structure and intonation E. O. J. Westphal 1962-01 African Studies
Publication received for review 1962-01 African Studies
Food for History in Africa - The Staple Food Economies of Western Tropical Africa. By B. F. Johnston. 1958. Pp. 305. 48s. - Manioc in Africa. By W. O. Jones. 1959. Pp. 315. 54s. - The Food Economies of Urban Middle Africa: The Case of W. B. Morgan 1962-03 The Journal of African History
The Karamoja District of Uganda J. P. Barber 1962-03 The Journal of African History
The Arms Trade in East Africa in the Late Nineteenth Century R. W. Beachey 1962-11 The Journal of African History
British Colonial Law - British Colonial Law—A Comparative Study of the Interaction between English and Local Laws in British Dependencies. By T. Olawale Elias. London: Stevens and Sons, 1962. Pp. 323. 70s. J. M. Gray 1962-11 The Journal of African History
The Partition of Africa Jean Stengers 1962-11 The Journal of African History
Institutionalized Licence and Normative Stability Pierre L. Van Den Berghe 1963 Cahiers d'études africaines
A Kaguru Version of the Sons of Noah: A Study in the Inculcation of the Idea of Racial Superiority Thomas O. Beidelman 1963 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Urban African and his World William Russell Bascom 1963 Cahiers d'études africaines
The origin of the name “Hottentot” G. S. Nienaber 1963-01 African Studies
Epic tales of the Mbukushu Thomas J. Larson 1963-01 African Studies
Pondo rain‐making ritual: Ukukhonga T. Sohl Thelejane 1963-01 African Studies
The structure of Lobedu social and political organisation H. O. Mönnig 1963-01 African Studies
The Baroka Ba Nkwana H. O. Mönnig 1963-01 African Studies
A comparative study of Naron, Hietshware and Korana L. F. Maingard 1963-01 African Studies
Feudalism in Africa? 1963-03 The Journal of African History
Mary Kingsley — a reassessment J.E. Flint 1963-03 The Journal of African History
Italy and Africa: colonial ambitions in the First World War Robert L. Hess 1963-03 The Journal of African History
Kilwa and the Arab Settlement of the East African Coast 1963-07 The Journal of African History
German Colonial History - Studies in German Colonial History. By W.O. Henderson. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1962. Pp. 150. Henri Brunschwig 1963-07 The Journal of African History
Divorce and Fertility: An African Study. By Edwin Ardener. (Nigerian Social and Economic Studies, No. 3.) London: Oxford University Press for the Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research, 1962. Pp. xvi, 171, diagr. 20s. Clyde Mitchell 1963-10 Africa
The Thirteenth- and Fourteenth-Century Kings of Mali N. Levtzion 1963-11 The Journal of African History
Harriette Colenso and the Zulus, 1874–1913 Shula Marks 1963-11 The Journal of African History
The Problem of the Judaized Berbers H. Z. (J. W.) Hirschberg 1963-11 The Journal of African History
The Effect of Co-residence of Sisters'Sons on African Corporate Patrilineal Descent Groups Elliott Percival Skinner 1964 Cahiers d'études africaines
Social Communication Methodology in the Study of Nation-Building Brian Weinstein 1964 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Allocation of Power and Responsibility in Bulu Society : A test of the usefulness of a methology developed by Marion Levy Jr. in " The Structure of Society " George R. Horner 1964 Cahiers d'études africaines
Niger : Origins of the Word 1964 Cahiers d'études africaines
New light on South West Africa Gordon Lawrie 1964-01 African Studies
Who are the Tikar? M. D. W. Jeffreys 1964-01 African Studies
Mrs E. O. Ashton—90 C. M. Doke 1964-01 African Studies
African and European magic: a first comparative study of beliefs and practices Brian W. Rose 1964-01 African Studies
Bibliography of native law in South Africa 1941–1961 Bernice Kuper 1964-01 African Studies
Bibliography D. H. Simpsons 1964-01 African Affairs
Liberia's Open-Door Policy Lawrence A. Marinelli 1964-03 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Mariage et divorce dans la banlieue de Dakar Luc Thoré 1964 Cahiers d'études africaines
Kenya Colony - Kenya: A Political History: The Colonial Phase. By George Bennett. London: Oxford University Press, 1963. Pp. 200, maps. 6s. C. Gertzel 1964-07 The Journal of African History
The Portuguese and The Africans - Race Relations in the Portuguese Colonial Empire, 1415–1825. By C. R. Boxer. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1963. Pp. 136. 155. David Birmingham 1964-07 The Journal of African History
(33) Political Pressures and Reactions in the Asian Minority in East Africa A. Bharati 1964-12 African Studies Review
(66) Image-Making in Field Research: Some Tactical and Ethical Problems Arising from Research in Tropical Africa William John Hanna 1964-12 African Studies Review
Some Aspects of Institutionalized Exchange: A Kanuri Example Ronald Cohen 1965 Cahiers d'études africaines
The trend and pattern of fertility in Soweto: an urban Bantu community Joan Verster
W. J. P. Carr
1965-01 African Studies
Local government in Basutoland D. A. Kotzé 1965-01 African Studies
Reply to a review W. D. Hammond‐Tooke
van Velsen writes
1965-01 African Studies
Perspective on African ideophones William J. Samarin 1965-01 African Studies
Some aspects of circumcision in Basutoland S. M. Guma 1965-01 African Studies
Professor W. M. Macmillan — 80 Julius Lewin 1965-01 African Studies
Notices in Soviet Journals on the Occasion of the Sixtieth Birthdays of Professors Ol'derogge and Potekhin 1965-01 Africa
The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela: a Twelfth-Century Jewish Description of North-East Africa Robert L. Hess 1965-03 The Journal of African History
The 93rd Birthday of Lord Hailey 1965-04 Africa
The Bulletin of A.R.S.O.M. in 1963 - ‘Considérations sur quelques livres récents ayant trait à Henry Morton Stanley.’ By Marcel Luwel. Brussels: Académie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer, Bulletin des Séances (1962–1964), VIII, 531–8. - ‘Un fonds d'a Roger Anstey 1965-07 The Journal of African History
The Politics of Boundaries in North and West Africa I. William Zartman 1965-08 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Portrait of a Minority: Asians in East Africa edited by Dharam P. Ghai Nairobi, Oxford University Press, 1965. Pp. 154. 10s. - An African Elite: Makerere College students, 1922–1960 by J. E. Goldthorpe Nairobi, Oxford University Press for East Afric R. C. Pratt 1965-12 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Some Observations on Jomo Kenyatta in Britain. 1929-1930 Ann Beck 1966 Cahiers d'études africaines
Landlords and Brokers: A West African Trading System (With a Note on Kumasi Butchers) Polly Hill 1966 Cahiers d'études africaines
Racial Segregation in South Africa: Degrees and Kinds Pierre L. Van Den Berghe 1966 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Origins of African Kingdoms Herbert S. Lewis 1966 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Indonesian origin of certain African musical instruments Percival R. Kirby 1966-01 African Studies
The perfect tenses in Zulu P‐D. Beuchat 1966-01 African Studies
An early reference to the Zulu M. D. W. Jeffreys 1966-01 African Studies
Some observations about ritual mutilation in a Transkei mission hospital, with special reference to theingqithi‐custom G. Jansen 1966-01 African Studies
The substantive paradigms of Manyika Earl W. Stevick 1966-01 African Studies
The significance of rainmaking for the Mbukushu Thomas J. Larson 1966-01 African Studies
Kurrichane: a late Iron Age site in the Western Transvaal J. D. Seddon 1966-01 African Studies
Kgalagari masters and Bushman serfs: some observations G. B. Silberbauer
A. J. Kuper
1966-01 African Studies
The Origins of the Galla and somali Herbert S. Lewis 1966-03 The Journal of African History
The Gambia, the Colonial Office, and the Opening Months of the First World War P. H. S. Hatton 1966-03 The Journal of African History
The 94th Birthday of Lord Hailey 1966-04 Africa
African Nationalism: Concept or Confusion? Robert I. Rotberg 1966-05 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Turu Ecology: Habitat, Mode of Production, and Society Harold K. Schneider 1966-07 Africa
African Slavery and other Forms of Social Oppression on the Upper Guinea Coast in the Context of the Atlantic Slave-Trade Walter Rodney 1966-11 The Journal of African History
The Problem of the Bantu Expansion Roland Oliver 1966-11 The Journal of African History
Eastern Nigeria Under the British - Southern Nigeria in Transition 1885–1906: Theory and Practice in a Colonial Protectorate. By J. C. Anene. Cambridge University Press, 1966. Pp. 360. 45s. J. E. Flint 1966-11 The Journal of African History
Les rébellions populaires au Congo en 1964 Benoît Verhaegen 1967 Cahiers d'études africaines
Ethnicity, Social Differentiation, and Secondary Schooling in West Africa Remi Clignet 1967 Cahiers d'études africaines
A Reconsideration of the 'Eastern Sudan' Michael M. Horowitz 1967 Cahiers d'études africaines
Vassal and Fief in Three Lacustrine Kingdoms Edward I. Steinhart 1967 Cahiers d'études africaines
Time and Structure in Gogo Kinship Peter Rigby 1967 Cahiers d'études africaines
If the Dogon.. Mary Douglas 1967 Cahiers d'études africaines
Bantu grammatical reconstructions Achille Emile Meeussen 1967 Africana Linguistica
Particularite Tonale du Verbe en Nyanga Kahombo C. Mateene 1967-01 African Studies
The prefix of Bantu noun class 10 Desmond T. Cole 1967-01 African Studies
The English Academy of Southern Africa 1967-01 African Studies
Eleven Kaguru texts T. O. Beidelman 1967-01 African Studies
Korana texts from Bloemhof L. F. Maingard 1967-01 African Studies
Portrait of a Minority: Asians in East Africa J. E. GOLDTHORPE 1967-01 African Affairs
Bibliographie critique récente sur Madagascar Louis Molet 1967-03 Canadian Journal of African Studies
The Ninety-Fifth Birthday of Lord Hailey 1967-04 Africa
The Garamantes and Trans-Saharan Enterprise in Classical Times R. C. C. Law 1967-07 The Journal of African History
Ethnolinguistic Continuity on the Guinea Coast P. E. H. Hair 1967-07 The Journal of African History
The Ewe Church - A Church between Colonial Powers. A Study of the Church in Togo. By H. W. Debrunner. London: Lutterworth Press, 1965. Pp xi+368, maps. 27s. 6d. Richard Gray 1967-07 The Journal of African History
Historiography of the Colonial Period - The Historiography of the British Empire-Commonwealth. Edited by Robin W. Winks. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1966. Pp. xiv+ 596. $12.50. G. N. Sanderson 1967-07 The Journal of African History
The Prelude to Colonial Africa - Histoire de l'Afrique. Tome II: L'Afrique précoloniale du tournant du XVIe au tournant du XXe siécle. By R. Cornevin. Paris: Payot, 1966. Pp. 638, maps,50,00 F. Richard Gray 1967-07 The Journal of African History
Conference on African Local Institutions and Rural Transformation Edward L. Muth 1967-09 The Journal of Modern African Studies
The African Labourer in Colonial Times - The African Labourer. By G. St. J. Orde Browne. London: Frank Cass and Co. Ltd., 1967. Pp. 223, map. 45s. - Modern Industry and the African. Edited by J. Merle Davis with a new introduction by Robert I Robin Cohen 1967-11 The Journal of African History
Toward a Chronology for the Caliphate of Hamdullahi (Māsina) William A. Brown 1968 Cahiers d'études africaines
Résistance Movements in the Tukulor Empire Benjamin Olatunji Oloruntimehin 1968 Cahiers d'études africaines
Political Elite Recruitment and Political Structure in French-Speaking Africa Victor T. Le Vine 1968 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Implications of Migrant Labour for Urban Social Systems in Africa Eric W. Wood 1968 Cahiers d'études africaines
Urban and Rural Economies in the Western Sudan : Birni N'Konni and its Hinterland Daniel Chirot 1968 Cahiers d'études africaines
A note on the term “Bantu” as first used by W. H. I. Bleek Raymond O. Silverstein 1968-01 African Studies
The birth of symbology Raymond A. Dart 1968-01 African Studies
Bahr Sudan=Black sea=river Niger M. D. W. Jeffreys 1968-01 African Studies
Information wanted: Bushmen circumcision Murray Schoonraad 1968-01 African Studies
Descent group scatter in a Mpondomise ward W. D. Hammond‐Tooke 1968-01 African Studies
Pack‐oxen and cattle‐riding amongst the Zulu A. I. Berglund 1968-01 African Studies
The Zulu noun without the initial vowel D. Mzolo 1968-01 African Studies
A preliminary report on traditional beadwork in the Mkhwanazi area of the Mtunzini district, Zululand H. S. Schoeman 1968-01 African Studies
Bushman circumcision M. D. W. Jeffreys 1968-01 African Studies
An aerial survey of settlement and living patterns in the Transvaal Iron Age: preliminary report J. D. Seddon 1968-01 African Studies
The Cabonas M. D. W. Jeffreys 1968-01 African Studies
Bosman New and Costly A New and Accurate Description of the Coast of Guinea. By William Bosman. A new edition with an introduction by John Ralph Willis and notes by J. D. Fage and R. E. Bradbury. London: Frank Cass and. Co. Ltd, 1967. Pp. xxi + 577, 1968-01 The Journal of African History
Decolonization - Colonial Development and Good Government. A Study of the Ideas Expressed by the British Official Classes in Planning Decolonization, 1939–1964. By J. M. Lee. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967. Pp. vii+311, diagrams. 45s. George Bennett 1968-04 The Journal of African History
The Dilemma of Press Freedom in Colonial Africa: The West African Example Fred I. A. Omu 1968-04 The Journal of African History
British Rule and Indigenous Organization in Nigeria: A Case-Study in Normative-Institutional Change Alvin Magid 1968-04 The Journal of African History
The Ninety-Sixth Birthday of Lord Hailey 1968-04 Africa
An Analysis of Kenyan Foreign Policy John Howell 1968-05 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Connexions between ‘Primary Resistance’ Movements and Modern Mass Nationalism In East and Central Africa. Part I T. O. Ranger 1968-07 The Journal of African History
Mkwawa and the Hehe Wars Alison Redmayne 1968-07 The Journal of African History
Wall Painting: Popular Art in Two African Communities Julian Beinart 1968 African Arts
Revolution and the Colonial Regimes - Autorités traditionnelles et pouvoirs européens en Afrique noire. By Lombard Jacques. Paris: Armand Colin. Cahiers de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, no. 152. 1967. Pp. 292. 28 F. John D. Hargreaves 1968-07 The Journal of African History
Authority and Change: A Study of the Kallu Institution among the Macha Galla of Ethiopia. By Karl Eric Knutsson. Göteborg: Etnografiska Museet, Etnologiska Studier 29, 1967. Pp. 239. 30 Kroner. I. M. Lewis 1968-07 Africa
Strike a Blow and Die: a narrative of race relations in colonial Africa by George S. Mwase, edited and introduced by Robert I. Rotberg Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1967. Pp. xlii + 135. $4.95. - Politics in a Changing Society: a polit John Mccracken 1968-08 The Journal of Modern African Studies
On Machiavelli and the Mercenaries Kenneth W. Grundy 1968-10 The Journal of Modern African Studies
The Nineteenth-Century Gold ‘Mithqal’ in West and North Africa Marion Johnson 1968-10 The Journal of African History
The Devil Drives: A Life of Sir Richard Burton. By Fawn M. Brodie. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1967. Pp. 390. 45s Caroline Oliver 1968-10 The Journal of African History
The Myth of a State 1968-12 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Frantz Fanon and the African Revolution G. K. Grohs 1968-12 The Journal of Modern African Studies
The Ethiopian Coup d'Etat of December 1960 Christopher Clapham 1968-12 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Haile Selassie's Protectorate Appeal to King Edward VIII George W. Baer 1969 Cahiers d'études africaines
Assimilation in 19th Century Senegal H. Oludare Idowu 1969 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Kinship Factor in Ngologa Politics Adam Kuper 1969 Cahiers d'études africaines
Political Theory and National Involvement in East Africa Ali Al'Amin Mazrui 1969 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Politics of Apoliticality : Form and Process in a Lower Congo Régional Council John M. Janzen 1969 Cahiers d'études africaines
A Conversation with Gebre Kristos Desta Sydney W. Head
Gebre Kristos Desta
1969 African Arts
Bantu linguistic studies in South Africa Desmond T. Cole 1969-01 African Studies
The work of customary courts: some facts and speculations Adam Kuper 1969-01 African Studies
A Muslim Saint in South Africa G. R. Smith 1969-01 African Studies
Innovation and Change in Mende Chieftaincy 1880–1896 Kenneth C. Wylie 1969-04 The Journal of African History
Gonja in Colonial Times - Salaga: The Struggle for Power. By J. A. Braimah and J. R. Goody. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1967. Pp. xviii+222. 48s. D. H. Jones 1969-04 The Journal of African History
The Ninety-Seventh Birthday of Lord Hailey 1969-04 Africa
The value of local history 1969-06 African Historical Review
Die Departement Geskiedenis/The History Department P.H. Zietsman 1969-06 African Historical Review
Historical journals/Histories Tydskrifte S.B. Spies 1969-06 African Historical Review
Slavery and the Slave Trade in the Context of West African History J. D. Fage 1969-07 The Journal of African History
Takrūr The History of a Name 'Umar Al-Naqar 1969-07 The Journal of African History
Brunschwig on Crowder - West Africa under Colonial Rule. By Michael Crowder. London: Hutchinson, 1968. Pp. xvi + 540. 84s. Henri Brunschwig 1969-07 The Journal of African History
Muslim Politics and Resistance to Colonial Rule: Shaykh Uways B. Muḥammad Al-Barāwī and the Qādirīya Brotherhood in East Africa B. G. Martin 1969-07 The Journal of African History
The hamitic hyopthesis; its origin and functions in time perspecive Edith R. Sanders 1969-10 The Journal of African History
Vakatures vir Gegradueerde Geskiedenisstudente 1969-10 African Historical Review
Historiese tydskrifte/Historical journals 1969-10 African Historical Review
Politieke Denke? D.W. Kruger 1969-10 African Historical Review
Italy's international position before 1914 D.W. Kruger 1969-10 African Historical Review
A man for the people R.L. Cope 1969-10 African Historical Review
Die Garnisoen aan die Kaap, 1652–1662 J.C.H. Grobler 1969-10 African Historical Review
The Ondo road Eastwards of Lagos, c. 1870–95 S. A. Akintoye 1969-10 The Journal of African History
A Colonial Survival - Djibouti and the Horn of Africa. By Virginia Thompson and Richard Adloff. Stanford University Press, 1968. Pp. 246, illus. $7·50. V. Luling 1969-10 The Journal of African History
European Empires and African History - Britain and Germany in Africa: Imperial Rivalry and Colonial Rule. Edited by ProsserGifford and Wm. Roger Louis with the assistance of Alison Smith. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1967. Pp. xvii, Anthony Atmore 1969-10 The Journal of African History
A Preliminary Checklist of English Short Fiction by Non-Europeans in South Africa, 1940-1964 Bernth Lindfors 1969-12 African Studies Review
An African Theater in South Africa Abbey Maine 1970 African Arts
The Dance of the Tyi Wara Pascal James Imperato 1970 African Arts
Bokolanfini: Mud Cloth of the Bamana of Mali Pascal James Imperato
Marli Shamir
1970 African Arts
Amos Tutuola: Debts and Assets Bernth Lindfors 1970 Cahiers d'études africaines
Continuities and Discontinuities in Race Relations : Evolutionary or Revolutionary Change Leo Kuper 1970 Cahiers d'études africaines
Approaches to the Study of Ethnicity Robert Hinrichs Bates 1970 Cahiers d'études africaines
Indians of African Origin D. Bhattacharya. 1970 Cahiers d'études africaines
Bibliography of modern African religious movements: supplement II, numbers 1602-1917 Harold W Turner 1970 Journal of Religion in Africa
Un Conte Hunde Chanté et dialogué Kahombo Mateene 1970-01 African Studies
The Bantu treasury series 1970-01 African Studies
Verbal extensions in Mbuunda D. F. Gowlett 1970-01 African Studies
Plaints: a Zande text E. E. Evans‐Pritchard 1970-01 African Studies
A new contribution to Nama studies Oswin Köhler 1970-01 African Studies
Monotheism and Pantheism in Africa E.G. Parrinder 1970-01-01 Journal of Religion in Africa
Liberia's population figures Kory WB 1970-01-01 Liberian Studies Journal
Re-Engineering Vocational and Technical Education for Sustainable Development in North Central Nigeria AO Sofoluwe 1970-01-01 Makerere Journal of Higher Education
An African View of John Chilembwe - Strike a Blow and Die. A Narrative of Race Relations in Colonial Africa by Gideon Simeon Mwase. Edited and introduced by Robert I. Rotberg. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1967. Pp. xlii + 135, map, illustrat George Shepperson 1970-01 The Journal of African History
Outputs of Minority Entrepreneurship Programs Glenn Dixon 1970-03 The Review of Black Political Economy
Dynasties of the Mutapa-Rozwi Complex Edward A. Alpers 1970-04 The Journal of African History
THE BUGANDA CRISIS OF 1964 IAN HANCOCK 1970-04 African Affairs
University College, Dar es Salaam: Current Researches in pre-Colonial History 1970-04 Africa
The evolution of Pan-Africanism M. Boucher 1970-06 African Historical Review
Two tributes S.B. Spies
M. Boucher
1970-06 African Historical Review
Natal Archives Depot, Pietermaritzburg: Vacancy for Editor/Historian 1970-06 African Historical Review
Leonardo da Vinci: the career pattern of a Renaissance Artist Marion Molteno 1970-06 African Historical Review
Five hundred years N.G. Garson 1970-06 African Historical Review
Die Verloop van die Vrystaatse Eenheidstrewe met die Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek, 1874–1899 S.F. Malan 1970-06 African Historical Review
Historical journals/Historiese tydskrifte S.B.S. 1970-06 African Historical Review
Geskiedenis en die sosiale wetenskappe P.H. Zietsman 1970-06 African Historical Review
The Germans in South-West Africa - Südwestafrika unter Deutscher Kolonialherrschaft: Der Kampf der Herero und Nama gegen den deutschen Imperialismus (1884–1915). By Dreschler Horst. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1966. - Kolonialherrschaft und Socialstruk Marcia Wright 1970-07 The Journal of African History
Black Central Cities: Dispersal or Rebuilding (Part I) Peter Labrie 1970-09 The Review of Black Political Economy
The Evolution of African Monetary Institutions Osman Hashim Abdel-Salam 1970-10 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Les Fouilles De Tegdaoust Denise S. Robert 1970-10 The Journal of African History
The Canoe in West African History Robert Smith 1970-10 The Journal of African History
New light on the Colonies - British Colonial Administration in the Mid-nineteenth Century: the Policy-Making Process. By John W. Cell. Yale University Press, Pp. xiv + 344. $10.00. G. E. Metcalfe 1970-10 The Journal of African History
Pre-colonial Trade - Pre-colonial African Trade: Essays on Trade in Central and Eastern Africa before 1900. Edited by Richard Gray and David Birmingham. Oxford University Press, 1970. Pp. 308, 16 maps. 50s. J. Vansina 1970-10 The Journal of African History
Full Circle in Dahomey 1970-12 African Studies Review
Black Central Cities: Dispersal or Rebuilding (Part II) Peter Labrie 1970-12 The Review of Black Political Economy
Angolan Colonial History Michael A. Samuels
Mario Antonio Fernandes de Oliveira
1970-12 African Studies Review
On the African Role in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade in Dahomey Dov Ronen 1971 Cahiers d'études africaines
Nembe : the City Idea in the Eastern Niger Delta Ebiegberi J. Alagoa 1971 Cahiers d'études africaines
Christian Encounter with Indigenous Religion at Onitsha (1857-1885) Samuel N. Nwabara 1971 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Impact of Islamic Writing on the Oral Cultures of West Africa 1971 Cahiers d'études africaines
Life in a Dual System : Eastern Nigerians in Town, 1961 Josef Gugler 1971 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Story of Malik Sy, translated and edited by A. Neil Skinner and Philip D. Curtin with the assistance of Hammady Amadou Sy Saki Olal N'Diaye. 1971 Cahiers d'études africaines
Notes on conjugation and tone in Yao Achille Emile Meeussen 1971 Africana Linguistica
L'abolition de la traite des Noirs en France de 1814 à 1831 1971 Cahiers d'études africaines
A collection of Xhosa riddles R. M. Sobukwe 1971-01 African Studies
The noun as the deep‐structure source for Nguni adjectives and relatives L. W. Lanham 1971-01 African Studies
Message from Dr G. R. Bozzoli, vice‐chancellor and principal, university of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 1971-01 African Studies
Message from Mr M. Whitmore Richards, chairman of council, university of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, and chairman of the council of education, Witwatersrand 1971-01 African Studies
The iron age in South West Africa and Damara pot‐making B. H. Sandelowsky 1971-01 African Studies
Courts and court speech in Venda N. J. Van Warmelo 1971-01 African Studies
Notes on IK A. N. Tucker 1971-01 African Studies
The use of magic in Vilakazi's novels C. L. S. Nyembezi 1971-01 African Studies
A selection of Lozi folktales and riddles D. F. Gowlett 1971-01 African Studies
The Bantu locative D. Ziervogel 1971-01 African Studies
C. M. Doke: list of publications and manuscripts 1971-01 African Studies
The literary riddle in Swahili Lyndon Harries 1971-01 African Studies
Comments on review of Lumko Xhosa self-instruction course 1971-01 African Studies
A jubilee tribute to Professor Emeritus Clement Martyn Doke 1971-01 African Studies
The noun classes of Tumbuka H. Leroy Vail 1971-01 African Studies
A selection of Lozi folktales and riddles D. F. Gowlett 1971-01 African Studies
The constitutional troubles of Ọyọ in the eighteenth century R. C. C. Law 1971-01 The Journal of African History
Q93989836 M S Applegryn 1971-01-01 African Historical Review
Local Adaptation and the Transformation of an Imperial Concession in North-Eastern Botswana Richard P. Werbner 1971-01 Africa
Firearms and warfare on the Gold and Slave Coasts from the sixteenth to the ninteenth centuries R. A. Kea 1971-04 The Journal of African History
The Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African. 1789. Ed. by Paul Edwards. Reprint with new introduction, London: Dawsons, 1969. (Colonial History Series.) 2 vols. Pp. cxii, 272; iv, 255, ill. £10.50. 1971-04 Africa
Western Ibo Society and its Resistance to British Rule: The Ekumeku Movement 1898–1911 Philip A. Igbafe 1971-07 The Journal of African History
<em>A propos: Ralph Austen Replies to UFAHAMU</em>: Reconsidering African Colonial History n/a n/a 1971 Ufahamu
Kamerun unter Deutscher Kolonialherrschaft. Volume 2 edited by Stoecker Helmuth. Berlin, Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1968. Pp. 272. David Birmingham 1971-07 The Journal of African History
France and West Africa: an anthology of historical documents edited by John D. Hargreaves London, Macmillan: New York, St Martin's Press; 1969. Pp. 278. $8.25. - Africa to 1875 by Robin Hallett Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1970. Pp. viii Erving E. Beauregard 1971-08 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Background to the Emergence of the National Congress of British West Africa G. I. C. Eluwa 1971-09 African Studies Review
Portuguese Musketeers on the Zambezi Richard Gray 1971-10 The Journal of African History
Currency, Credit and Capitalism on the Cross River in the pre-colonial era A. J. H. Latham 1971-10 The Journal of African History
Republic of Kenya. Report of the Commission on the Law of Marriage and Divorce. J. F. Spry (Chairman). Nairobi: Government Printer, 1968. Pp. 209. Sh. 10. - Republic of Kenya. Report of the Commission on the Law of Succession. H. Slade (Chair C. M. McDowell 1971-10 Africa
The Age of Mansa Musa of Mali: Problems in Succession and Chronology Nawal Morcos Bell 1972 International Journal of African Historical Studies
The Filth of Incest : a Text and Comments on Kaguru Notions of Sexuality, Alimentation and Aggression Thomas O. Beidelman 1972 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Evidence for a Niger-Congo Hypothesis Haig Der-Houssikian 1972 Cahiers d'études africaines
A Royal Ritual in a Changing Political Context Hilda Kuper 1972 Cahiers d'études africaines
Problems of Initiating Industrial Labour in Preindustrial Community Agwu Akpala 1972 Cahiers d'études africaines
Guinea : Pointers to the Origin of this Word D. W. Jeffreys 1972 Cahiers d'études africaines
Quelques réflexions sur l'auto-restriction technologique et la dépendance économique dans les sociétés d'auto-subsistance. Jean-Claude Muller 1972 Cahiers d'études africaines
Seasonal mobility in the late stone age 1972-01 African Studies
Coalescing and non‐coalescing vowel roots in Lokele (upper zaïre) John F. Carrington 1972-01 African Studies
Fire‐dogs of Africa M. D. W. Jeffreys 1972-01 African Studies
On a new radiocarbon chronology for Africa south of the Equator Peter B. Beaumont 1972-01 African Studies
Notes on IK A. N. Tucker 1972-01 African Studies
Montshiwa and the country of the Rolong A. J. Dachs 1972-01 African Studies
The relationships of Coastal Ndau to the Shona dialects of the interior K. G. Mkanganwi 1972-01 African Studies
The Funj: a reconsideration Jay Spaulding 1972-01 The Journal of African History
Studies in Failure - West African Resistance: The Military Response to Colonial Occupation. Edited by Michael Crowder. London: Hutchinson, 1971. Pp. xiv+314. Illus. and maps. £6.00 cased, £2.50 paper. John Miles 1972-01 The Journal of African History
Stephen and Rogers at Work - Imperial Control of Colonial Legislation 1813–1865. By D. B. Swinfen. Clarendon Press, 1970. Pp. 202. £2.50. H. F. Morris 1972-01 The Journal of African History
Colonial and Settler pressures and the African move to the politics of representation and union in Nyasaland Roger Tangri 1972-04 The Journal of African History
The Maasai Warriors: pattern maintenance and violence in colonial Kenya Robert L. Tignor 1972-04 The Journal of African History
Nonformal Education in Africa: Micro-Solutions to Macro-Problems? James R. Sheffield 1972-09 African Studies Review
Long Distance Trade and the Luba Lomami Empire Ann Wilson 1972-10 The Journal of African History
Underdevelopment and Dependence in Black Africa — Origins and Contemporary Forms Samir Amin 1972-12 The Journal of Modern African Studies
African Retentions in Montserrat 1973 African Arts
The Myth of the Bagre Daniel F. Mc Call 1973 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Succession and Civil War in Bunyoro - Kitara G. N. Uzoigwe 1973 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Toward a Theory of One-Party Government in Africa Kiven Tunteng 1973 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Sacred and the Secular in East African Politics Ali Al'Amin Mazrui 1973 Cahiers d'études africaines
Kazi : Conceptualizations of Labor in a Charismatic Movement among Swahili-Speaking Workers Johannes Fabian 1973 Cahiers d'études africaines
Patriarchal Structures and Factional Politics. Toward an Understanding of the Dualist Society Jean-CLaude Willame 1973 Cahiers d'études africaines
Sex in Traditional Asaba Patrick A.C Isichei 1973 Cahiers d'études africaines
Requiem for the "Jaga" Joseph C. Miller 1973 Cahiers d'études africaines
I. T. A. Wallace-Johnson and the West African Youth League Leo Spitzer
LaRay Denzer
1973 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Niominka Pirogue Ornaments Virginia Coulon 1973 African Arts
Some East African Ithna-asheri jamaats, 1840-1967 Seyyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi 1973 Journal of Religion in Africa
Defence and protection of converts: Kenya missions and the inheritance of Christian widows, 1912-1931 Leon P Spencer 1973 Journal of Religion in Africa
Twin beliefs and ceremony in Ga culture Marion Kilson 1973 Journal of Religion in Africa
La Chrétienté dans la region de la Mer Rouge Stefan Strelcyn 1973 Journal of Religion in Africa
Precincts of the prophet: a day with Johannes Galilee Shembe James W Fernandez 1973 Journal of Religion in Africa
Kikuyu spirit churches 1973 Journal of Religion in Africa
The prophet Harris and Ivory Coast John R Pritchard 1973 Journal of Religion in Africa
“N4 or S7”: another Bushman language A. Traill 1973-01 African Studies
African attitudes in town: the search for precision A. A. Dubb
L. Melamed
M. Majodina
1973-01 African Studies
Philosophy of African history E. A. Ruch 1973-01 African Studies
Animal remains excavated from the Robertsdrift Iron Age site R. G. Welbourne 1973-01 African Studies
University of the Witwatersrand African studies institute 1973-01 African Studies
The initial vowel of the noun in Zulu P. M. S. Von Staden 1973-01 African Studies
Mau‐Mau: the cognitive restructuring of socio‐political action A. G. Schutte 1973-01 African Studies
Notes on Ik A. N. Tucker 1973-01 African Studies
Social registers in chidzero's “Nzvengamutsvairo” G. Fortune 1973-01 African Studies
Robertsdrift, an Iron Age site and settlement on the banks of the Vaal and Klip rivers near Standerton, South‐Eastern Transvaal Robin M. Derricourt
T. Michael Evers
1973-01 African Studies
Chemical resemblance of garden roller and M1glass beads Claire C. Davison 1973-01 African Studies
Contagion and cataclysm: a theoretical approach to the study of ritual pollution beliefs Leora Nadine Rosen 1973-01 African Studies
Agriculture in the Colonial Period - A History of the Colonial Agricultural Service. By G. B. Masefield. Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1972, £3.75. W. B. Morgan 1973-01 The Journal of African History
The Pre-Colonial Ibo - The King in Every Man: Evolutionary Trends in Onitsha Ibo Society and Culture. By Richard N. Henderson. Yale University Press, 1972. $25.00. Caroline Ifeka 1973-01 The Journal of African History
European Population Patterns, Cultural Persistence, and Political Change in Rhodesia Barry M. Schutz 1973-01 Canadian Journal of African Studies
The mid-fourteenth century capital of Mali J. O. Hunwick 1973-04 The Journal of African History
The three-party system in Dahomey: I, 1946–56 Martin Staniland 1973-04 The Journal of African History
Kilwa Kisiwani: The Rise of an East African City-State Terry H. Elkiss 1973-04 African Studies Review
Aspects of the use of copper in pre-colonial West Africa Eugenia W. Herbert 1973-04 The Journal of African History
Announcement/Aankondiging 1973-05 African Historical Review
Historical journals/Historiese Tydskrifte 1973-05 African Historical Review
A man and his work: The University's third Vice-Chancellor M. Boucher 1973-05 African Historical Review
The Transvaal War of Independence, 1880–1881 1973-05 African Historical Review
Die Verowering van die Boere-Republieke 1973-05 African Historical Review
West African Wager: Houphouët versus Nkrumah by Jon Woronoff Metuchen, N.J., Scarecrow Press, 1972. Pp. xii + 357. $10.00 P-Kiven Tunteng 1973-06 The Journal of Modern African Studies
A contribution to the biography of Shaikh Mu ammad ibn Abd-al-Karīm ibn Mu ammad ( Umar-a Mar) al-Maghīlī, al-Tilimsānī Batrān 1973-07 The Journal of African History
The three-party system in Dahomey: II, 1956–1957 Martin Staniland 1973-07 The Journal of African History
The African Collection of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences Lorene Heath Potter 1973 African Arts
Vom Sklavenhandel zum Kolonialen Handel; Wirtschaftsräume und Wirtschaftsformen in Kamerun vor 1914. By Albert Wirz. Zürich and Freiburg, Atlantis Verlag. Pp. 301, maps. Colin Newbury 1973-07 The Journal of African History
Rulers of Empire: The French Colonial Service in Africa. By William B. Cohen. Hoover Institute Press, Stanford, 1971. Pp. 206. $9.50. Rita Cruise O'Brien 1973-07 The Journal of African History
Colonial Rule in Southern and Eastern Nigeria - The Evolution of the Nigerian State: The Southern Phase, 1898–1914. By T. N. Tamuno. Longman, 1972. Pp. xvi + 422. £4. The Warrant Chiefs. Indirect Rule in Southeastern Nigeria. By A. E. Afigbo. John D. Hargreaves 1973-07 The Journal of African History
Colonial chiefs in a stateless society: a case-study from Northern Uganda John Tosh 1973-07 The Journal of African History
The Slave Trade in Nineteenth Century Temneland and the British Sphere of Influence Kenneth C. Wylie 1973-09 African Studies Review
The cannonade of Valmy E.H. Wainwright 1973-09 African Historical Review
Die geskilpunte in die investituurstryd A.J. Fick 1973-09 African Historical Review
Historical journals Historiese tydskrifte 1973-09 African Historical Review
“A serious lack of uniformity…” A.L. Harington 1973-09 African Historical Review
A man and his work—A footnote and a correction M. Boucher 1973-09 African Historical Review
Die Ontstaan van die Burgerraad J.C. Visagie 1973-09 African Historical Review
Imperialism, the Transvaal press and the Spanish-American war of 1898 M. Boucher 1973-09 African Historical Review
Peace and palaver: international relations in pre-colonial West Africa Robert Smith 1973-10 The Journal of African History
Bai Bureh, The British, and the Hut Tax War Arthur Abraham 1974 International Journal of African Historical Studies
The Rise and Fall of an African Merchant Class on the Gold Coast 1830-1874 Edward Reynolds 1974 Cahiers d'études africaines
Kuba King Figures Jean B. Rosenwald 1974 African Arts
Arab Migrations to East Africa in Medieval Times B. G. Martin 1974 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Ritual and History : the Case of Nyabingi Jim Freedman 1974 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Income Tax, Indirect Rule and the Depression : the Gold Coast Riots of 1931 Stanley Shaloff 1974 Cahiers d'études africaines
Kingship in Elmina before 1869 : A Study in 'Feedback' and the Traditional Idealization of the Past David Patrick Henige 1974 Cahiers d'études africaines
Learning What it Is to Be a Christian Franck A. Salamone 1974 Cahiers d'études africaines
Subsistence to Cash : Economic Change in Rural Kiambu Ronald A. Bullock 1974 Cahiers d'études africaines
Population Density and Rural Market Provision L. J. Wood 1974 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Royal Pretender : Prince Douala Manga Bell in Paris, 1919-1922 Richard A. Joseph 1974 Cahiers d'études africaines
Chronologie des mouvements religieux indépendants au bas-Zaire, particuliérement du mouvement fondé par le prophète Simon Kimbangu André Jozef Geuns 1974 Journal of Religion in Africa
Bayudaya of Uganda: a portrait of an African Jewish community Arye Oded 1974 Journal of Religion in Africa
Pioneers of Ghanaian Pentecostalism: Peter Anim and James McKeown Robert W Wyllie 1974 Journal of Religion in Africa
Modernization and change in the Nizari Ismaili community in East Africa: a perspective Azim Nanji 1974 Journal of Religion in Africa
Currents and crosscurrents in South African Black theology David J Bosch 1974 Journal of Religion in Africa
Ancestor beliefs and rituals among urban Africans B. A. Pauw 1974-01 African Studies
The relationships between Hima and Iru in Ankole Yitzchak Elam 1974-01 African Studies
A note on the so‐called “Creole” character of Afrikaans W. W. Schuhmacher 1974-01 African Studies
Arab‐introduced exotics in East Africa M. D. W. Jeffreys 1974-01 African Studies
Notes on a. traill : “N4 or S7?” E. O. J. Westphal 1974-01 African Studies
Verb species relationships of some Nyanja ideophones G. T. Nurse 1974-01 African Studies
A Lovedu prayer—the light it throws on the ancestor cult Eileen Jensen Krige 1974-01 African Studies
The Shaka theme in dramatic literature in French from West Afirca Dorothy S. Blair 1974-01 African Studies
A marginal elite? African registered nurses in Durban, South Africa Angela P. Cheater 1974-01 African Studies
Zulu riddles J. S. M. Khumalo 1974-01 African Studies
Where zionists draw the line: a study of religious exclusiveness in an African township J. P. Kiernan 1974-01 African Studies
Griqua government Robert Ross 1974-01 African Studies
Disease and medicine in African history: a bibliographical essay. Patterson KD 1974-01-01 History in Africa
French Africanist Traditions - Afrique Noire Occidentale et Centrale. De la Colonisation aux Independances (1945–1960). Crise du systeme colonial et capitalisme monopoliste d'Etat. By J. Suret-Canale. Paris, Editions Sociales, 1972. Pp. 430. - L'Afr R. W. Johnson 1974-01 The Journal of African History
A Planning Model for Black Community Devolpment June G. Hopps 1974-03 The Review of Black Political Economy
More on the Zambezi Prazos - Portuguese Settlement on the Zambesi: Exploration, Land Tenure and Colonial Rule in East Africa. By M. D. D. Newitt. London: Longman, 1973. Pp. iv+434, 8 maps, 8 plates. £4.50. - Colonialismo e feudalismo: La questione d Gerhard Liesegang 1974-04 The Journal of African History
Restatement of African Law: The Law of Marriage and Divorce: Kenya (Vol. I). By Eugene Cotran. London: Sweet and Maxwell, 1968. Pp. xxxiv + 213, map, bibl., 2 appendices. £4·20 (cloth). Gary Ferraro 1974-04 Africa
Die Historiese Metode M.C. van Zyl 1974-05 African Historical Review
The passing of the Glory of Venice C. de Jong 1974-05 African Historical Review
Fly and Elephant parties: Political polarization in Dahomey, 1840–1870 John C. Yoder 1974-07 The Journal of African History
Alhaji Bai Konte: Kora Melodies from the Republic of Gambia Roderic Knight
Marc D. Pevar
1974 African Arts
Vom Sklavenhandel zum Kolonialen Handel: Wirtschaftsraume und Wirtschaftsformen in Kamerun vor 1914 Albert Wirz 1974 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Vom Slavenhandel zum Kolonialen Handel: Wirtschaftsräume und Wirtschaftsformen in Kamerun vor 1914. By Albert Wirz. Freiburg i. Br.: Atlantis, 1972. Pp. 301, bibl., maps, ca, DM/Fr.39. A. H. M. Kirk-Greene 1974-07 Africa
Ashanti and Dahomean Architectural Bas-Reliefs Thomas W. Livingston 1974-09 African Studies Review
Pre-Colonial History as the History of the "Society" David William Cohen
Marcel d'Hertefelt
1974-09 African Studies Review
Social and Cultural Change in a Rural Zairian Village Alan P. Merriam 1974-09 African Studies Review
Rhodes, Rhodesia and the Rand I.R. Phimister 1974-10 Journal of Southern African Studies
The Aquatic Civilization of Middle Africa J. E. G. Sutton 1974-10 The Journal of African History
Kaptein Jan Kekane — 'n kort lewenskets J.S. Bergh 1974-10 African Historical Review
Historiese Tydskrifte/Historical journals 1974-10 African Historical Review
Contents Inhoud; Kleio, I–V, 1969–1973 1974-10 African Historical Review
Announcement Aankondiging 1974-10 African Historical Review
A comparative survey of the economic decline of Empires C. de Jong 1974-10 African Historical Review
Wat ek van Henri Pirenne Onthou H.J. de Vleeschauwer
A.J. Fick
1974-10 African Historical Review
Books received and short notices/Boeke ontvang en kort mededelings 1974-10 African Historical Review
Europe and West Africa: The First Phase - Europa a Afryka zachodnia w dobie wozensnej ekspansji kolonialnej [Europe and West Africa in the early stage of colonial expansion]. By M. Malowist. Warszawa: PWN, 1969. Pp. 648, index, carte, resumé anglais B. Jewsiewicki 1974-10 The Journal of African History
António Salazar and the Reversal of Portuguese Colonial Policy Alan K. Smith 1974-10 The Journal of African History
King Gezo of Dahomey, 1818-1858: A Reassessment of a West African Monarch in the Nineteenth Century Augustus A. Adeyinka 1974-12 African Studies Review
The Economics of Minorities Flournoy A. Coles 1974-12 The Review of Black Political Economy
Wealth Distribution and its Impact on Minorities Robert S. Browne 1974-12 The Review of Black Political Economy
The Anatomy of a Racist Recall Election J. Don Granville Davis 1974-12 The Review of Black Political Economy
Ideological Change and an Emerging Counter-Culture in Tunisian Politics John P. Entelis 1974-12 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Early Oyo History Reconsidered B.A. Agiri 1975 History in Africa
Un programme réformiste en 1919 : Maurice Delafosse et la « politique indigène » en AOF Marc Michel 1975 Cahiers d'études africaines
Fang Reliquary Art : Its Quantities and Qualities James W. Fernandez
Renate L. Fernandez
1975 Cahiers d'études africaines
Lend-Lease and the Opening of French North and West Africa to Private Trade James J. Dougherty 1975 Cahiers d'études africaines
Felsbilder des Nord-Etbai, Oberagyptens und Unternubiens Philip E.L. Smith
Paul Cervicek
1975 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Time and change in African traditional thought Newell S Booth 1975 Journal of Religion in Africa
Religion as play: Bori, a friendly 'witchdoctor' Frank Salamone 1975 Journal of Religion in Africa
Three African religious founders 1975 Journal of Religion in Africa
Bohras of East Africa Hatim Amiji 1975 Journal of Religion in Africa
Spatial juxtapositions and belief orientations in a ritual of a Ghanaian Healing movement 1975 Journal of Religion in Africa
Journey of the soul in Sisala cosmology 1975 Journal of Religion in Africa
The end of red rubber: a reassessment Robert Harms 1975-01 The Journal of African History
Prefatory note David Webster
W. D. Hammond‐Tooke
1975-01 African Studies
Tonal iconicity in Bini colour terms Roger W. Wescott 1975-01 African Studies
The patriarchal image: routine dissociation in Gusii families Iona Mayer 1975-01 African Studies
Traditional political structures in the contemporary context : the chieftaincy in the Kweneng Richard Vengroff 1975-01 African Studies
Khoisan traces in Iranian (or semitic traces in Khoisan)? W. W. Schuhmacher 1975-01 African Studies
Two lenge folktales 1975-01 African Studies
Australian models in the South West African highlands Alan Barnard 1975-01 African Studies
Common Bantu riddles D. F. Gowlett 1975-01 African Studies
Shipping patterns and mortality in the African slave trade to Rio de Janeiro, 1825-1830. H S Klein
S L Engerman
Herbert S. Klein
Stanley L. Engerman
Cahiers d'études africaines
Q93994852 H Brunschwig 1975-01-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
Racial Bargaining in Independent Kenya: a Study of Minorities and Decolonization. By Donald Rothchild. London: Oxford University Press for Institute of Race Relations, 1973. Pp. ix+476. £7.00. Lucy Mair 1975-01 Africa
West African Chiefs - West African Chiefs. Their changing status under Colonial Rule and Independence. Edited by Michael Crowder and Obaro Ikime. New York: Africana Publishing Corporation and Ile-Ife: University of Ife Press, 1970. Pp. xxix + 453, N D. H. Jones 1975-01 The Journal of African History
Politics and Change in Pre-Colonial Zambia - A History of the Bemba: Political Growth and Change in North-eastern Zambia before 1900. By Andrew D. Roberts. London, Longman, 1974. Pp. xxxiv + 420. 18 maps, 8 plates, 17 figs. £7.50 (£2.85 soft covers) Joseph C. Miller 1975-01 The Journal of African History
The Kisra legend and the distortion of historical tradition Phillips Stevens 1975-04 The Journal of African History
Kamerun: Strukturen und Probleme der sozio-ökonomlschen Entwicklung (Franzō sische, Englische und Deutsche Beiträge) J. F. BAYART 1975-04 African Affairs
Akan stool succession under colonial rule—continuity or change? David Henige 1975-04 The Journal of African History
Die Groot Trek — 'N Verdere Perspektief J.C. Visagie 1975-05 African Historical Review
Announcements Aankondigings 1975-05 African Historical Review
The naming of Johannesburg — A radical theory M.S. Appelgryn 1975-05 African Historical Review
The responsible government question in Natal, 1856–1893 J. Lambert 1975-05 African Historical Review
Kora Melodies Susan Gunn Pevar 1975 African Arts
Alien Settlerism and the Revolutionary Response in Southern Africa: The Significance of Recent Events Yassin El-Ayouty 1975 Issue: A Journal of Opinion
Zambia before 1890: Aspects of Pre-Colonial History Allen F. Isaacman
H. W. Langworthy
1975 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Symbolic Domination: Cultural Form and Historical Change in Morocco Dale F. Eickelman
Paul Rabinow
1975 International Journal of African Historical Studies
The Prazeros as Transfrontiersmen: A Study in Social and Cultural Change Allen Isaacman
Barbara Isaacman
1975 International Journal of African Historical Studies
A French View of Colonial Africa - Histoire de l'Afrique, tome 3. Colonisation, décolonisation, indépendance. By Robert Cornevin. Payot, Paris, 1975. Pp. 691. No price stated. Terence Ranger 1975-07 The Journal of African History
The 1974 Coup d'État in Niger: Towards an Explanation Richard Higgott
Finn Fuglestad
1975-09 The Journal of Modern African Studies
A Spatial Model of Authority-Dependency Relations in South Africa Charles F. Schmidt 1975-09 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Man's Environmental Predicament: an introduction to human ecology in tropical Africa by D. F. Owen London, Oxford University Press, 1973. Published as Man in Tropical Africa: the environmental predicament. New York, Oxford University Press, 1 Peter Mustel 1975-09 The Journal of Modern African Studies
The causes of the great Rumanian peasant revolt of 1907 P. Eidelberg 1975-10 African Historical Review
Short notices and books received Kort mededelings en boeke ontvang 1975-10 African Historical Review
The !Kora wars on the Orange River, 1830–1880 Robert Ross 1975-10 The Journal of African History
Bantu, Galla and Somali migrations in the Horn of africa: a reassessment of the Juba/Tana area E. R. Turton 1975-10 The Journal of African History
L'affranchissement des esclaves de Mayotte, décembre 1846-juillet 1847 1976 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Xhosa Cattle Killings, 1856-57 John Zarwan 1976 Cahiers d'études africaines
Le Sahara avant le désert Philip E.L. Smith
H.-J. Hugot
1976 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Bibliography on the East African revival movement 1976 Journal of Religion in Africa
Ganda Catholic spirituality 1976 Journal of Religion in Africa
African prophetism and Christian missionaries in northeast Nigeria 1976 Journal of Religion in Africa
Taylor revival of 1866 and the roots of African nationalism in the Cape Colony Wallace G. Mills 1976 Journal of Religion in Africa
Sociologist's encounter with the Jamaa Willy De Craemer 1976 Journal of Religion in Africa
Yoruba orìsà cults: some marginal notes concerning their cosmology and concepts of deity P R McKenzie 1976 Journal of Religion in Africa
Sudan interior mission and the condominium Sudan, 1937-1955 Lilian Sanderson 1976 Journal of Religion in Africa
Soul and sacrifice amongst the Sisala 1976 Journal of Religion in Africa
Fonction psychologique et socio-religieuse des drogues sacrees au Gabon Stanislaw Swiderski 1976 Journal of Religion in Africa
Early European travellers in the Transkei and Ciskei Robin M. Derricourt 1976-01 African Studies
On the deep structure of Riddles Lyndon Harries 1976-01 African Studies
Tense and aspect in the Damara verbal system Harriet E. Manelis Klein 1976-01 African Studies
The significance of Kinship in a Cape Peninsula township M. G. Whisson 1976-01 African Studies
The political structure of the Pedi of Sekhukhuneland C. V. Bothma 1976-01 African Studies
Who are the Basotho? N. J. van Warmelo 1976-01 African Studies
Portuguese influences in East African languages Jacqueline M. Kiraithe
Nancy T. Baden
1976-01 African Studies
Rural-to-rural migration as a factor in regional development of the Kano Plains Ayiemba Eho 1976-01-01 African Geographical Review
Man and cannabis in Africa: a study of diffusion. DuToit BM 1976-01-01 African Economic History
Continuity and change in cannabis use by Africans in South Africa DuToit BM 1976-01-01 Journal of Asian and African Studies
Q93988863 B Lugan 1976-01-01 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Q93988867 A Lux 1976-01-01 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Q93995764 L Gorissen 1976-01-01 African Historical Review
Q95825293 B Lugan 1976-01-01 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Q95825308 A Lux 1976-01-01 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Miners, Migrants and Proletarians - Labour, Race and Colonial Rule: The Copperbelt from 1924 to Independence. By Elena L. Berger. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974. Pp. xiv + 257. £6.00. Charles van Onselen 1976-01 The Journal of African History
New Radiocarbon Dates for Northern and Western Africa Roderick McIntosh 1976-04 The Journal of African History
Pre-Colonial Trade - The exchange economy of pre-colonial tropical Africa. By Lars Sundström. (Reprint of The Trade of Guinea, Studia Ethnographica Upsaliensia XXIV, 1965, with new introduction by A. G. Hopkins). London: C. Hurst, 1974. Pp. 2 Marion Johnson 1976-04 The Journal of African History
The Colonial Period in the Maghrib and its Aftermath: The Present State of Historical Writing Michael Brett 1976-04 The Journal of African History
Black Chiefs, White Traders and Colonial Policy near the Kwanza: Kabuku Kambilo and the Portuguese, 1873–1896 Jill R. Dias 1976-04 The Journal of African History
Leiding aan voorgraadse studente in geskiedenis d.m.v. afstandsonderrig S.F. Malan 1976-06 African Historical Review
Kort mededelings en boeke ontvang Short notices and books received 1976-06 African Historical Review
Eric Walker (1887–1976) M.J. Lacey 1976-06 African Historical Review
Skotse sendeling word oosgrenspionier J.S. Bergh 1976-06 African Historical Review
Annales' Insights in African Civilization Frederick Ivor Case 1976 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Textbooks for Africa - Iron Age to Independence. A History of Central Africa. By D. E. Needham. London: Longman, 1974. Pp. 208. £1 (soft covers). - A History of South Africa. By Gideon S. Were. London: Evans Brothers Ltd., 1974. Pp. 198. £1.15. - Le 1976-07 The Journal of African History
The Economic Foundations of an Islamic Theocracy—The Case of Masina Marion Johnson 1976-10 The Journal of African History
Black elites in the Transkei Nancy C J Charton 1976-12 Review of African Political Economy
The Zanj Rebellion Reconsidered Ghada Hashem Talhami 1977 International Journal of African Historical Studies
The Samorian Occupation of Bondoukou: An Indigenous View Akbar Muhammad 1977 International Journal of African Historical Studies
New Evidence regarding the Shungwaya Myth of Miji Kenda Origins R. F. Morton 1977 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Devising an Ideology: The Demonstration Effect in East Africa James H. Mittelman 1977 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Identity of the Dead. Aspects of Mortuary Ritual in a West African Society Michael Jackson 1977 Cahiers d'études africaines
Art and the Perception of Women in Yorùbá Culture Henry John Drewal 1977 Cahiers d'études africaines
An Introductory Guide to the Study of Negro Slavery in Pernambuco, 1500-1700 Gérald Cardoso 1977 Cahiers d'études africaines
Production, Property, Prostitution. ' Sexual Politics ' in Atu Janet M. Bujra 1977 Cahiers d'études africaines
Milho, Meixoeira and Other Foodstuffs of the Sofala Garrison, 1505-1525 Paul Edward Hedley Hair 1977 Cahiers d'études africaines
Anthropology and the Study of Schism in Africa. A Re-examination of Some Anthropological Théories Joseph R. Manyoni 1977 Cahiers d'études africaines
Class, Ethnicity, and Slavery: The Origins of the Moroccan 'Abid Allan R. Meyers 1977 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Eastern Libya, Wadai and the Sanūsīya: A arīqa and a Trade Route Dennis D. Cordell 1977-01 The Journal of African History
The irrelevance of Tone Class D in Luganda John Kalema 1977-01 African Studies
New Khoisan linguistic studies Oswin Köhler 1977-01 African Studies
The argument in and about oratory Richard P. Werbner 1977-01 African Studies
Nomenclature of population groups in Southern Africa Trefor Jenkins
Phillip V. Tobias
1977-01 African Studies
Some remarks on ideophones in Zulu Paul M. S. von Staden 1977-01 African Studies
The relevance of the balance of payments to employment creation in South Africa N. A. Labia
H. Zarenda
1977-01 African Studies
Madolo: a Bushman life Christopher Saunders 1977-01 African Studies
Afrikaans and “Malayo‐Portuguese”: light and shadow Edith H. Raidt 1977-01 African Studies
Reflections on Political Conflict, Rebellion, and Revolution in Africa Bernard A. Nkemdirim 1977-03 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Poems of Black Africa edited and introduced by Wole Soyinka London, Heinemann, 1975. pp. 378. £1.95 paperback Michael Kelly 1977-03 The Journal of Modern African Studies
White miners in historical perspective: Southern Rhodesia, 1890–1953 Ian Phimister 1977-04 Journal of Southern African Studies
Errata 1977-04 African Studies Review
Nicolaus Theunissen Koen, 1852–1883—Lewenskets van 'n pioniersendeling onder die BaVenda D.W. van der Merwe 1977-06 African Historical Review
Historiese tydskrifte/Historical journals 1977-06 African Historical Review
The historical thought of Giambattista Vico E.H. Wainwright 1977-06 African Historical Review
The real source of the law of the USSR and the influence of the Communist Party of the USSR on the USSR's organs of state power HQ Msimang 1977-06 Politikon : South African Journal of Political Studies
Lukasa: A Luba Memory Device Thomas Q. Reefe 1977-07 African Arts
Eastern Approaches - East Africa and the Orient: cultural syntheses in pre-colonial times. Edited by H. Neville Chittick and Robert I. Rotberg. New York and London: Holmes and Meier, 1975. Pp. 343. $30; £15. J. E. G. Sutton 1977-07 The Journal of African History
Confrontation over Kenya: the Colonial Office and its Critics 1918–1940 Diana Wylie 1977-07 The Journal of African History
War and Diplomacy in West Africa - Warfare and Diplomacy in Pre-colonial West Africa. By Robert S. Smith. London: Methuen; New York: Barnes & Noble, 1976 (Studies in African History 15.) Pp. 240. £5.50 (£2.90 paperback). Joseph P. Smaldone 1977-10 The Journal of African History
Sir Charles Coghlan: Some reflections on his political attitudes and style H. C. HUMMEL 1977-11 South African Historical Journal
Leo Africanus and the Songhay Conquest of Hausaland 1978 International Journal of African Historical Studies
A Resurrection for the Jaga John K. Thornton 1978 Cahiers d'études africaines
Nation, Tribalism and National Language : Nigeria's Case Keith Allan 1978 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Kin Terminology System of the Nharo Bushmen Alan Barnard 1978 Cahiers d'études africaines
French Reaction to the 'Disguised British Slave Trade' : France and British African Emigration Projects, 1840-1864 Lawrence C. Jennings 1978 Cahiers d'études africaines
Thanatopsis Joseph C. Miller 1978 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Precolonial Baule : A Reconstruction Timothy C. Weiskel 1978 Cahiers d'études africaines
Myth, Literature and the African World Thomas Cassirer
Wole Soyinka
1978 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Ethiopians and East Africans Harold C. Fleming 1978 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Nubia. Corridor to Africa Philip E. L. Smith
William Y. Adams
1978 International Journal of African Historical Studies
The War of thangata: Nyasaland and the East African Campaign, 1914–1918 Melvin E. Page 1978-01 The Journal of African History
A preliminary report on Kgalagadi vowels Patrick Dickens 1978-01 African Studies
Morphological re‐analysis in the Bantu nasal class Robert K. Herbert 1978-01 African Studies
Form and content: a formalist approach to the ‘long‐faced style of buli' Anitra Nettleton 1978-01 African Studies
Methods of traditional fire‐making in pre‐industrial South Africa H. M. Friede 1978-01 African Studies
The Creole of São Tomé Luiz Ivens Ferraz 1978-01 African Studies
The Creole of São Tomé Luiz Ivens Ferraz 1978-01 African Studies
An approach to stone settlement typology of the late Iron Age: stone walling on the Klip River 27°10's 29°10'e Peta Jones 1978-01 African Studies
The role of dingaka tsa setswana from the 19th century to the present. Dennis C 1978-01-01 Botswana Notes and Records
Bochum-Blauberg: die ontstaan, stigting en ontwikkeling van die Helene Franz-Hospitaal, 1895–1935 D W van der Merwe 1978-01-01 African Historical Review
The profits of death: a comparative study of miners' phthisis in Cornwall and the Transvaal, 1876-1918 G Burke
P Richardson
1978-01-01 Journal of Southern African Studies
New Guinea Models in the African Savannah Ivan Karp 1978-01 Africa
Kamerun: Könige, Masken, Feste Hans-Joachim Koloss 1978-01 African Arts
Colonial Katanga: Rural… - Lunda Under Belgian Rule. The Politics of Ethnicity. By Edouard Bustin. Cambridge, Mass, and London: Harvard University Press, 1975. Pp. xiv+303. $10.50; £7.50. Jean-Luc Vellut 1978-01 The Journal of African History
Frogs into Princes: The Temne Rabai Initiation Frederick Lamp 1978-01 African Arts
The Cape Town troubles, March‐April 1960 Tom Lodge 1978-04 Journal of Southern African Studies
Land Concentration around a Few Individuals in Igbo-land of Eastern Nigeria: Its Processes, Scope and Future Theo C. Mbagwu 1978-04 Africa
Cameroon: An Exhibition from the William and Robert Arnett Collection Michael A. Gallis 1978-04 African Arts
Department of history/Department geskiedenis Departmental news-letter/Departementele nuusbrief 1978-06 African Historical Review
Historical journals Historiese tydskrifte 1978-06 African Historical Review
A new view of the past A.L. Harington 1978-06 African Historical Review
Erasmus Smit, 1778–1863: 'in hervertolking van 'n 19de-eeuse tragedie C.F.J. Muller 1978-06 African Historical Review
Short notices — Kort mededelings 1978-06 African Historical Review
New perspectives on Britain's conduct of the Anglo-Boer War A.M. Grundlingh 1978-06 African Historical Review
Night illumined: astronomers in South Africa today and yesterday M. Boucher 1978-06 African Historical Review
An early view of university history teaching 1978-06 African Historical Review
Kleio 1969–1978 from the Principal Van die Rektor Theo van Wijk 1978-06 African Historical Review
Plantations in the Economy of the Sokoto Caliphate 1978-07 The Journal of African History
Meat and Monopolies: Beef Cattle in Southern Rhodesia, 1890–1938 I.R. Phimister 1978-07 The Journal of African History
Vom Sklavenhandel zum kolonialen Handel. Wirtschaftsräume und Wirtschaftsformen in Kamerun vor 1914 Jean Suret-Canale
Albert Wirz
1978 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Counterfactual Arguments in Historical Analysis: From the Debate on the Partition of Africa and the Effect of Colonial Rule Jarle Simensen 1978 History in Africa
The Earlier Historiography of Colonial Africa A.D. Roberts 1978 History in Africa
Chiefship in Ukaguru: The Invention of Ethnicity and Tradition in Kaguru Colonial History T. O. Beidelman 1978 International Journal of African Historical Studies
From Nyasaland to Malawi: Studies in Colonial History Leroy Vail
Roderick J. Macdonald
1978 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Mission und Kolonialpolitik. Die katholische Mission in Kamerun wahrend der deutschen Kolonialzeit Heinrich Berger 1978 Journal of Religion in Africa
Armies as Predators: Soldiers and Peasants in Ethiopia c. 1850-1935 R. A. Caulk 1978 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Cultural Change and Literary Expression in Mozambique Russel Hamilton 1978 Issue: A Journal of Opinion
African Studies since 1945: A Tribute to Basil Davidson. Proceedings of a Seminar in Honour of Basil Davidson's Sixtieth Birthday at the Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh, under the Chairmanship of George Shepperson J. Gus Liebenow
Christopher Fyfe
1978 International Journal of African Historical Studies
In search of a Marxist Perspective on Pre-Colonial Tropical Africa Robin Law 1978-07 The Journal of African History
Lango Agriculture during the early Colonial Period: Land and Labour in a Cash-Crop Economy John Tosh 1978-07 The Journal of African History
Gurensi Wall Painting Fred T. Smith 1978-07 African Arts
Corrigenda: Frogs into Princes: The Temne Rabai Initiation 1978-07 African Arts
The Study of Slavery in Africa Martin A. Klein 1978-10 The Journal of African History
The Food Economy and French Colonial Rule in Central Cameroun Jane I. Guyer 1978-10 The Journal of African History
Popular Culture in Africa: Findings and Conjectures Johannes Fabian 1978-10 Africa
The Origin of Pastoralism in the Cape P. T. ROBERTSHAW 1978-11 South African Historical Journal
The Philosophy of African Medical Practice Richard C. Onwuanibe 1979 Issue: A Journal of Opinion
Nxele, Ntsikana and the Origins of the Xhosa Religious Reaction J. B. Peires 1979-01 The Journal of African History
Intellectual slovenliness or academic indifference? N.L. Combrink 1979-01 African Historical Review
Seigneurialism or manorialism? S.A.C. du Plessis 1979-01 African Historical Review
The British and the Kyungus: a study of the changing status of the Ngonde rulers during the period 1891–1933 Owen J. M. Kalinga 1979-01 African Studies
Religious independency in Nyasaland — a typology of origins John Parratt 1979-01 African Studies
Dr Leyds and some plans to help the Boers, 1899–1902 L.E. van Niekerk 1979-01 African Historical Review
The linguistic difference between nouns and names in Zulu Adrian Koopman 1979-01 African Studies
Male and female names in Zulu Adrian Koopman 1979-01 African Studies
Kgatla notions of ritual impurity I. Schapera 1979-01 African Studies
Brief aan die redakteur Letter to the editor W.Ph. Coolhaas 1979-01 African Historical Review
Die rebellie van 1914: 'n historiografiese verkenning A.M. Grundlingh 1979-01 African Historical Review
Education and fertility: policy implications for developing countries. O Akinkoye 1979-01-01 Africa Development
An epidemic among the Kgatla: the influenza of 1918. Spears JV 1979-01-01 Botswana Notes and Records
Q93998369 Jansen PC 1979-01-01 African Historical Review
Politik und Wirtschaft in Kamerun: Bedingungen, Ziele und Strategien der staatlichen Entwicklungspolitik CLAUDE E. WELCH 1979-01 African Affairs
Bamana Blacksmiths Patrick R. McNaughton 1979-02 African Arts
Revolutionary Pressure in Africa by Claude Ake London, Zed Press, 1978. Pp. 109. £6.50. £2.50 paperback P. F. Wilmot 1979-03 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Clan Leaden and Colonial Chiefs In Lango: the political history of an East African stateless society, c.1800–1939 LUCY MAIR 1979-04 African Affairs
Toward a Reconstruction of Pre-Colonial Central African History Jacques Depelchin 1979 Ufahamu
A Nineteenth-Century Ruhr in Central Africa Jean-Pierre Warnier
Ian Fowler
1979-10 Africa
An Economic History of Tropical Africa. Vol. I: The Pre-Colonial Period; Vol. II: The Colonial Period. Edited by Z. A. and J. M. Konczacki. London: Frank Cass, 1977. Pp. xii, 310 and xv, 260. £9.95 and £11.00. C. C. Stewart 1979-10 Africa
Colonial West Africa, By Michael Crowder. London: Frank Cass, 1978 Pp. iv + 341. £11.50. Martin Klein 1979-10 The Journal of African History
Historiographical Tides in East Africa - Clan Leaders and Colonial Chiefs in Lango: The Political History of an East African Stateless Society, c. 1800–1939. By John Tosh. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978. Pp. xvi + 293. £11.50. John Iliffe 1979-10 The Journal of African History
Pre-Colonial Kenya - Kenya Before 1900. Edited by B. A. Ogot. Nairobi: East African Publishing House, 1976. Pp. xix + 291. Shs 55 (Kenya). Richard Waller 1979-10 The Journal of African History
Head Tax, Social Structure and Rural Incomes in Cameroun, 1922-1937 Jane I. Guyer 1980 Cahiers d'études africaines
Production and Reproduction of Warrior States: Segu Bambara and Segu Tokolor, c. 1712-1890 Richard L. Roberts 1980 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Malcolm Guthrie and the Reconstruction of Bantu Prehistory Colin Flight 1980 History in Africa
The Economic and Social Significance of Rubber Production and Exchange on the Gold and Ivory Coasts, 1880-1900 Kwame Arhin 1980 Cahiers d'études africaines
Kola in the History of West Africa 1980 Cahiers d'études africaines
Linkages and Multiplier Effects in the Ecologically Specialized Trade of Precolonial West Africa Richard L. Roberts 1980 Cahiers d'études africaines
Rejoinder 1980 Cahiers d'études africaines
Structural Characteristics of Underdevelopment in the Mafia Archipelago : An Historical Analysis Wim Van Spengen 1980 Cahiers d'études africaines
Ecologically Based Trade and the State in Precolonial West Africa Stephen Baier 1980 Cahiers d'études africaines
John Dunn and Cetshwayo: the Material Foundations of Political Power in the Zulu Kingdom, 1857–1878 Charles Ballard 1980-01 The Journal of African History
The Import of Firearms into West Africa in the Eighteenth Century W. A. Richards 1980-01 The Journal of African History
Notes on a pidgin dialect L. Ferraz 1980-01 African Studies
David Stuurman: “last chief of the Hottentots” V. C. Malherbe 1980-01 African Studies
Short notices/Kort mededelings 1980-01 African Historical Review
Die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog en 'n Duitse beeldhouer op diplomatieke dun ys Ute Scholz 1980-01 African Historical Review
Professor C.F.J. Muller as historikus B.J. Liebenberg 1980-01 African Historical Review
Ceramics, classification and Iron Age entities 1980-01 African Studies
Professor J.J. Oberholster: 'n huldeblyk S.F. Malan 1980-01 African Historical Review
Experimental burning of traditional Nguni huts H. M. Friede
R. H. Steel
1980-01 African Studies
The formative period in Amharic studies Jack Fellman 1980-01 African Studies
Professor C.F.J. Muller: die einde van 'n era M.C. van Zyl 1980-01 African Historical Review
Maladministration: Cause or Result of Underdevelopment? The Algerian Example John R. Nellis 1980-01 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Black Americans and Ghanaians: comparative patterns of internal migration Bobo BF 1980-01-01 The Review of Black Political Economy
The veterinary department and the animal industry in the Gold Coast, 1909-1955. K D Patterson 1980-01-01 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Mortality in the eighteenth-century French slave trade. R Stein 1980-01-01 The Journal of African History
Die siektetoestand en laaste dae van President T.F. Burgers M S Appelgryn 1980-01-01 African Historical Review
Q93987850 E S Tiberini 1980-01-01 Africa: Rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione
Critical approaches to the population question. An African perspective. O Nnoli 1980-02-01 Pula
The Social and Economic Status of the Black Population in the U.S.: An Historical view, 1790–1978 Aurelia Toyer Miller 1980-03 The Review of Black Political Economy
Blainey and the Jameson Raid: the debate renewed Richard Mendelsohn 1980-04 Journal of Southern African Studies
Henry Tayali: Zambian Printmaker Bob Barde 1980-05 African Arts
Slaves and society in Western Africa, c. 1445— c. 1700 J. D. Fage 1980-07 The Journal of African History
The subjection of a South African state: Thaba Nchu, 1880–1884 R. L. Watson 1980-07 The Journal of African History
The Justice of the Queen's Government: The Cape's Administration of Basutoland, 1871–1884. By S. B. Burman. Leiden: Afrika-Studiecentrum; Cambridge: African Studies Centre, 1976. Pp. viii + 131. Not priced Anthony Atmore 1980-07 The Journal of African History
Manioc, rente foncière et situation des femmes dans les environs de Brazzaville (République populaire du Congo). Michel Adam 1980 Cahiers d'études africaines
Clan Leaders and Colonial Chiefs in Lango: The Political History of an East African Stateless Society c. 1800-1939 Godfrey N. Uzoigwe
John Tosh
1980 International Journal of African Historical Studies
From Nyasaland to Malawi: Studies in Colonial History. Edited by Roderick J. Macdonald. Nairobi: East African Publishing House, 1975. Pp. xi + 316. £7.50. John McCracken 1980-07 The Journal of African History
Colonial Rule in Africa: Readings from Primary Sources. Edited with an Introduction by Bruce Fetter. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1979. Pp. xiii + 223. £9.00 (£4.00 paperback). John D. Hargreaves 1980-07 The Journal of African History
Modernization, Divorce and the Status of Women: Le Tribunal Coutumier in Bobodioulasso Carol Bohmer 1980-09 African Studies Review
Mission und Kolonial-politik: Die Katholische Mission in Kamerun während der Deutschen Kolonialzeit. Par Heinrich Berger. Immensée: Neue Z. für Missionswissenschaft1978. xxvii, 358p., tableaux, cartes, index. Sw. Fr. 46.00 Ph. Laburthe-Tolra 1980-10 Africa
NEW PERSPECTIVES ON SOUTH AFRICA - One Azania, One Nation: the national question in South Africa by No Sizew London, Zed Press, 1979 Pp. viii + 215. £8.50. $16.95. £2.95 and $6.95 paperback. - Ethnic Power Mobilized: can South Africa change? by Heri Roger J. Southall 1980-12 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Small Urban Centres in African Rural Development G. B. Norcliffe
Aidan Southall
1981 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Les kodro de Bangui : un espace urbain « oublié » Marie-France Adrien-Rongier 1981 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Wave is my Mother's Husband : A Piscatorial Thème in Pastoral Nilotic Ethnology John W. Burton 1981 Cahiers d'études africaines
Cheikh Anta Diop: The Search for a Philosophy of African Culture Isidore Okpewho 1981 Cahiers d'études africaines
Q58847777 D Domergue 1981 The Journal of African History
The Third World: Premises of U.S. Policy W. Scott Thompson; U.S. Foreign Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa: National Interest and Global Strategy Robert M. Price; Revolutionary Pressures in Africa Claude Ake; The Western Crisis over Southern Africa ... Melvin E. Page
W. Scott Thompson
Robert M. Price
Claude Ake
Colin Legum
Timothy Shaw
Carl Widstrand
Douglas Anglin
1981 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Futa Jallon and the Jakhanke clerical tradition 1981 Journal of Religion in Africa
Futa Jallon and the Jakhanke clerical tradition 1981 Journal of Religion in Africa
South Africa: Mobilization, Revolt and Crisis Patrick O'Meara
Heribert Adam
Hermann Giliomee
Baruch Hirson
Colin Legum
1981 Canadian Journal of African Studies
The Inland Niger Delta before the Empire of Mali: Evidence from Jenne-Jeno Roderick J. McIntosh 1981-01 The Journal of African History
Zulu tonology J.S.M. Khumalo 1981-01 African Studies
Dr. H.F. Verwoerd as hoofredakteur van Die Transvaler D. Prinsloo 1981-01 African Historical Review
Worldview in perspective: Towards the reclamation of a disused concept J. Kiernan 1981-01 African Studies
Why Basotho wear blankets Dan Bosko 1981-01 African Studies
The earliest extant word‐list of Swahili, 1613 P. E. H. Hair 1981-01 African Studies
The Guinea surgeons on the middle passage: the provision of medical services in the British slave trade. R B Sheridan 1981-01-01 International Journal of African Historical Studies
The Hidden Hippopotamus. Reappraisal in African history: the early colonial experience in western Zambia MICHAEL TWADDLE 1981-01 African Affairs
Missionary messengers of liberation in a colonial context. A case study of the Sudan United Mission. By Jan Harm Boer. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1979. Pp. xiv + 530. Hfl. 90. Richard Gray 1981-01 The Journal of African History
Decolonization - The End of Colonial Rule in West Africa: essays in contemporary history. By John D. Hargreaves. London: Macmillan, 1979. Pp. xvi + 141. £10. G. O. Olusanya 1981-01 The Journal of African History
Colonial Governors - African Proconsuls: European Governors in Africa. Edited by L. H. Gann and P. Duignan. New York and London: The Free Press; Stanford: Hoover Institution, 1979. Pp. xii + 548. $29.95. J. Suret-Canale 1981-01 The Journal of African History
The New African Historiography - The Hidden Hippopotamus. Reappraisal in African History: the early colonial experience in western Zambia. By Gwyn Prins. Cambridge University Press, 1980. Pp. xvi + 319. £20. Jan Vansina 1981-04 The Journal of African History
Upland and swamp rice farming systems in Sierra Leone: the social context of technological change Michael Johnny
John Karimu
Paul Richards
1981-04 Africa
From tidal swamp to inland valley: on the social organization of wet rice cultivation among the Diola of Senegal Olga F. Linares 1981-04 Africa
Iron is iron 'til it is rust: Trade and Ecology in the Decline of West African Iron-Smelting Candice L. Goucher 1981-04 The Journal of African History
Kamerun: Könige, Masken, Feste Roy Sieber 1981-05 African Arts
The Kedong Massacre and the Dick Affair: A Problem in the Early Colonial Historiography of East Africa Robert Maxon
David Javersak
1981 History in Africa
Volkerkundliche Aufzeichnungen aus dem Notizbuch Eines Kamerun-Missionars 1880-1914 Peter Valentin 1981 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Islamic Political Culture and Constitutional Change in Nigeria John N. Paden 1981 Issue: A Journal of Opinion
The influenza pandemic of 1918–19 and the spread of cassava cultivation on the lower Niger: a study in historical linkages D. C. Ohadike 1981-07 The Journal of African History
Clan Leaders and Colonial Chiefs in Lango: The Political History of an East African Stateless Society c. 1800-1939. By John Tosh. Oxford: Clarendon Press1978. (Oxford Studies in African Affairs.) xvi, 293 p., maps, bibl. £11.50. Joseph C. Miller 1981-07 Africa
Tradition and Change in Ethiopia. Social and cultural life as reflected in Amharic Fictional Literature ca. 1930–1974. By R. K. Molvaer. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1980. Pp. xii + 268. 84 guilders. Donald Crummey 1981-07 The Journal of African History
The Hidden Hippopotamus. Reappraisal in African History: the early colonial experience in western Zambia by Gwyn Prins Cambridge University Press, 1980. Pp. xvi + 319. £20.00. Arthur Butler 1981-09 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Meprises et admires: l'ambivalence des relations entre les Bacwa (Pygmees) et les Bahemba (Bantu) Ntole Kazadi 1981-10 Africa
Problems of savannah development: the Sudan case. Ed. Gunnar Haaland. Bergen: Univ. of Bergen, Dept. of Soc. Anthrop., 1980. 198 p. maps, tables. (Dept. of Soc. Anthrop., Univ. of Bergen, Occ. paper No. 19). n.p. Martin E. Adams 1981-10 Africa
Colonial Universities - Universities in Partnership. The Inter-University Council and the Growth of Higher Education in developing countries, 1946–70. By I. C. M. Maxwell. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1980. Pp. xii + 480, plates. £15.00. - A John D. Hargreaves 1981-10 The Journal of African History
State and Society, Marriage and Adultery: Some Considerations Towards a Social History of Pre-Colonial Asante T. C. McCaskie 1981-10 The Journal of African History
La politique extérieure d'un royaume africain : le Yatênga au XIXe siècle Michel Izard 1982 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Political Transformation of Northern Busoga, 1600-1900 David W. Cohen 1982 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Kingdom of Kongo, ca. 1390-1678. The Development of an African Social Formation John K. Thornton 1982 Cahiers d'études africaines
Making Sense of a Traditional Narrative: Political Disintegration in the Kingdom of Oyo Robin Law 1982 Cahiers d'études africaines
Clan Alterations and Political Centralization on Ijwi Island, Zaire, ca. 1780 - ca. 1840 David Newbury 1982 Cahiers d'études africaines
The State of the Akan and the Akan States: A Discursion 1982 Cahiers d'études africaines
The United States and Moroccan International Status, 1943-1956: A Contributory Factor in Morocco's Reassertion of Independence from France Benjamin Rivlin 1982 International Journal of African Historical Studies
T. J. Bowen and Central Africa: A Nineteenth-Century Missionary Delusion Iysle E. Meyer 1982 International Journal of African Historical Studies
A data da morte da rainha Jinga D. Verônica (segunda parte) Fernando Campos 1982 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
The Mhondoro spirits of supratribal significance in the culture of the Shona Diana Auret 1982-01 African Studies
500 Years/500 JAAR 1982-01 African Historical Review
British nonconformity and the Anglo-Boer war, 1899–1902 G.C. Cuthbertson 1982-01 African Historical Review
The Witzieshoek revolt 1940–1950 D.A. Kotzé 1982-01 African Studies
Short notices Kort mededelings 1982-01 African Historical Review
Rotsskildering van 'n historiese figuur Marie M. Stroobach 1982-01 African Historical Review
Foreigners at the Cape from Mentzel to La Caille, 1737–1753 M. Boucher 1982-01 African Historical Review
Zulu tonology J.S.M. Khumalo 1982-01 African Studies
Soccer in South Africa (A brief outline) F.J. Nöthling 1982-01 African Historical Review
Professor Davey retires D.M. Scher
G.C. Cuthbertson
1982-01 African Historical Review
Gustav Stresemann in die debat rondom kontinuiteït en diskontinuïteit in die Duitse buitelandse beleid Werner van der Merwe 1982-01 African Historical Review
Hermanus and his sons: Khoi bandits and conspirators in reply to: the post‐rebellion period (1803–1818) V. C. Malherbe 1982-01 African Studies
Khoisan folktales original sources and republications Sigrid Schmidt 1982-01 African Studies
A note on the fertility of the Mbanderu women Almagor U 1982-01-01 Botswana Notes and Records
Prayers, amulets and charms: health and social control. Handloff R 1982-01-01 African Studies Review
U. S. population policies, development, and the rural poor of Africa. E Green 1982-01-01 The Journal of Modern African Studies
The Horse in West African History: the role of the horse in the societies of pre-colonial West Africa ALAN RYDER 1982-01 African Affairs
The Solima Yalunka Kingdom: Pre-colonial Politics, Economics and Society. By C. Magbaily Fyle. Freetown: Nyakon, 1979. Pp. viii + 169. Soft covers, not priced. P. E. H. Hair 1982-01 The Journal of African History
Ethnicity and Leadership in Africa: the ‘Untypical’ Case of Tom Mboya David Goldsworthy 1982-03 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Class and kinship in Sudanese urban communities Richard A. Lobban 1982-04 Africa
Development: The official Story The Official History of Colonial Development. By D. J. Morgan. Vol. i. The Origins of Aid Policy 1924–1945. Pp. xxx + 253. London: Macmillan, 1980. £20 per volume; £85 the set. The Official History of Colonial Develop Cyril Ehrlich 1982-04 The Journal of African History
Workers in Colonial Africa Forced Labour in Colonial Africa. By A. T. Nzula, I. I. Potekhin and A. Z. Zus-manovich. Edited and introduced by Robin Cohen; translated by Hugh Jenkins. London: Zed Press, 1979. Pp. xi + 218. £8.50 (£2.95 paperback). Roger G. Thomas 1982-04 The Journal of African History
The Baulé and the French French Colonial Rule and the Baulé Peoples, Resistance and Collaboration, 1889–1911 By Timothy C. Weiskel. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980; Pp xix + 323. £16.50. Odile Georg 1982-04 The Journal of African History
Pan-African Documents Ideologies of Liberation in Black Africa, 1856–1970. Documents on modern African political thought from colonial times to the present. Edited by J. Ayo Langley. London: Rex Collings, 1979. Pp. 858. £20. Imanuel Geiss 1982-04 The Journal of African History
French Administration in the Maghrib Qaids, Captains and Colons: French Military Administration in the Colonial Maghrib, 1844–1934. By Kenneth J. Perkins. New York and London: Africans Publishing Company, 1981. Pp. xv + 278. $24.50. Raphael Danziger 1982-04 The Journal of African History
Labour Reservoirs and Population: French Colonial Strategies in Koudougou, Upper Volta, 1914 to 1939 Dennis D. Cordell
Joel W. Gregory
1982-04 The Journal of African History
SBA Regional Loan Distribution to Minorities Samuel I. Doctors
Richard E. Wokutch
1982-06 The Review of Black Political Economy
Wangara, Akan and Portuguese in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. I. The matter of Bitu 1982-07 The Journal of African History
Broken Drums Data Fiberesima 1982 Ufahamu
Jean Barbot as a Source for the Slave Coast of West Africa Robin Law 1982 History in Africa
Pre-Colonial Central African History John Thornton
David N. Beach
Robert W. Harms
Thomas Q. Reefe
1982 Canadian Journal of African Studies
The Horse in West African History: The Role of the Horse in the Societies of Pre-Colonial West Africa Donald R. Wright
Robin Law
1982 International Journal of African Historical Studies
The Hidden Hippopotamus. Reappraisal in African History: The Early Colonial Experience in Western Zambia Robin Palmer
Gwyn Prins
1982 International Journal of African Historical Studies
A Biographical Dictionary of the British Colonial Governor. Volume 1. Africa. By Anthony H. M. Kirk-Greene. Brighton: Harvester Press; Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1980. Pp. 320. £35; $31.95. 1982-07 The Journal of African History
Independence without Freedom: the Political Economy of Colonial Education in Southern Africa. Edited By Agrippah Mugomba and Muogo Nyaggah. Santa Barbara and Oxford: Clio Press, 1981. Pp. x + 289. £14.65. Fay Gadsden 1982-07 The Journal of African History
Race Relations in the French Colonial Empire - The French Encounter with Africans. White Responses to Blacks, 1530–1880. By William B. Cohen. Bloomington and London: Indiana University Press, 1980. Pp. xxii + 360. $22.50; £13.50. Martin A. Klein 1982-07 The Journal of African History
Food Production and Family Labour in Southern Malawi: the Shire Highlands and Upper Shire Valley in the Early Colonial Period Megan Vaughan 1982-07 The Journal of African History
The Marxist Origins of Qadhafi's Economic Thought Sami G. Hajjar 1982-09 The Journal of Modern African Studies
The Changing Status of Economic Minorities, 1948–1977 Mickey L. Burnim
David W. Rasmussen
1982-09 The Review of Black Political Economy
The Volume of the Atlantic Slave Trade: A Synthesis 1982-10 The Journal of African History
Wangara, Akan and Portuguese in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. II. The Struggle for Trade 1982-10 The Journal of African History
From Pre-Colonial Kingdoms to Post-Colonial States - The African Middle Ages 1400–1800. By Roland Oliver and Anthony Atmore. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. viii + 216. £15.00 (£5 50 paperback). Africa since 1800 Joseph C. Miller 1982-10 The Journal of African History
The Anti-Republican League of the 1950's B. L. REID 1982-11 South African Historical Journal
Karnu's Message and the 'War of the Hoe Handle': Interpreting a Central African Resistance Movement Philip Burnham
Thomas Christensen
1983 Africa
Presence and Prestige: Africans in Europe. A History of Africans in Europe before 1918 Willfried F. Feuser
Hans Werner Debrunner
1983 Africa
Guide to the Basel Mission Materials on the Gold Coast 1983 History in Africa
Dār Silā, the Sultanate in Precolonial Times, 1870-1916 Lidwien Kapteijns 1983 Cahiers d'études africaines
The tonology of the noun in Kongo (Ntandu) Jan Daeleman
Achille Emile Meeussen
1983 Africana Linguistica
A Genealogical and Historical Study of the Mahas of the "Three Towns," Sudan Richard A. Lobban 1983 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Chiefdom Politics and Alien Law: Basutoland under Cape Rule, 1871-1884 R. L. Watson
S. B. Burman
1983 International Journal of African Historical Studies
La circoncision chez les Ngbaka Katumba Ndadua Beya Moiya 1983 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
A data da morte da rainha Jinga D. Verônica I (terceira parte) Fernando Campos 1983 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
Publications received 1983 African Archaeological Review
Editorial 1983 African Archaeological Review
Migration in West Africa: Demographic Aspects Joel W. Gregory
K. C. Zachariah
Julien Conde
1983 International Journal of African Historical Studies
The coronation of Pepin as a turning point in West European history P.G. Eidelberg 1983-01 African Historical Review
Boundaries and belief W.D. Hammond‐Tooke 1983-01 African Studies
Reassessing Joseph Booth Robert B. Boeder 1983-01 African Historical Review
The elusive unity of Sir George Grey's library Robert Thornton 1983-01 African Studies
Symbol and authority in Mpondo ancestor religion H. Kuckertz 1983-01 African Studies
Population movement around the northern Kalahari G. T. Nurse 1983-01 African Studies
The structure and function of the song in the Tsonga folktale Mary C. Bill 1983-01 African Studies
Georg Ritter von Schönerer (1842–1921) — profeet van Nasionaal-Sosialisme Werner van der Merwe 1983-01 African Historical Review
Urban bus boycott in Alexandra township, 1957 G. H. Pirie 1983-01 African Studies
The Economics of Thomas Sowell: A Critique of Markets and Minorities Bernadette P. Chachere 1983-01 The Review of Black Political Economy
Introduction: Ibn Khaldun and Islamic Ideology B. B. Lawrence 1983-01-01 Journal of Asian and African Studies
Population, economy and domestic groups: the Kitui case M O'leary 1983-01-01 Africa
Proto-industrialization and demographic change: a thesis and some possible African implications. G Kitching 1983-01-01 The Journal of African History
The influenza epidemic of 1918-1919 in the Gold Coast. K D Patterson 1983-01-01 The Journal of African History
Q93994856 M Chastanet 1983-01-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
French Images of Malagasy Character - Madagascar: le colonisé et son ‘âme’. Essai sur le discours psychologique colonial. By Antoine Bouillon. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1981. Pp. 423. Soft covers; no price given. Stephen Ellis 1983-01 The Journal of African History
Computing the Thin White Line - The Imperial Bureaucrat: the Colonial Administrative Service in the Gold Coast, 1920–1959. By Henrika Kuklick. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1979. Pp. xviii + 225. No price stated. Elizabeth Bennett 1983-01 The Journal of African History
Conjectures, Conjunctures - A State in the Making: Myth, History and Social Transformation in Pre-colonial Ufipa. By Roy Willis. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981. Pp. xxviii + 322. $32.50, £19.50. Steven Feierman 1983-01 The Journal of African History
Skulpturen aus Kamerun: Sammlung Thorbecke 1911/12 Christraud M. Geary
Klaus Born
1983-02 African Arts
Family and Kinship among the Kongo South of the Zaïre River from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Centuries Anne Hilton 1983-04 The Journal of African History
Family and Property Amongst the Amhara Nobility Donald Crummey 1983-04 The Journal of African History
French West Africa in the First World War John Hargreaves 1983-04 The Journal of African History
African Smoking and Pipes John Edward Philips 1983-07 The Journal of African History
Monica Wilson 1908–82 David Brokensha 1983-07 Africa
A State in the Making: Myth, History, and Social Transformation in Pre-Colonial Ufipa Thomas Spear
Roy Willis
1983 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Tradition and Change in Ethiopia. Social and Cultural Life as Reflected in Amharic Fictional Literature ca. 1930-1974 R. A. Caulk
Reidulf Knut Molvaer
1983 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Historians and Africanist History: A Critique. Post-Colonial Historiography Examined. By Arnold Temu and Bonaventure Swai. London: Zed Press, 1981. Pp. xiv+187. £16.95. Robin Law 1983-07 The Journal of African History
An Anthropologist on the Christian Kaguru - Colonial Evangelism: a socio-historical study of an East African Mission at the grassroots. By T. O. Beidelman. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982. Pp. xix + 274. Cloth £17.97 (£7.50 paperback). Richard Gray 1983-07 The Journal of African History
Ruth first: a tribute Shula Marks 1983-10 Journal of Southern African Studies
Aspects of tone assignment in Chichewa Francis Moto 1983-10 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
The Basle Mission Trading Company and British Colonial Policy in the Gold Coast, 1918–1928 Margaret Gannon 1983-10 The Journal of African History
The Shirazi in Swahili Traditions, Culture, and History Thomas Spear 1984 History in Africa
Oral Historiography and the Shirazi of the East African Coast Randall L. Pouwels 1984 History in Africa
Two New Religions, One Analytic Frame Simon Ottenberg 1984 Cahiers d'études africaines
The African Christian Community and its Press in Victorian South Africa Les Switzer 1984 Cahiers d'études africaines
Ìdáìsà: The Making of a Frontier Yorùbá State Biodun Adediran 1984 Cahiers d'études africaines
A New Focus in African Worker Studies : Promises, Problems, Dangers Peter Waterman 1984 Cahiers d'études africaines
Judaeo-Christian Spectacles: Boon or Bane to the Study of African Religions? Robin Horton 1984 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Uses of Ritual in Sembene's Xala Harriet D. Lyons 1984 Canadian Journal of African Studies
The cultural construction of illness - the case of Mukund Among the Lele of Zaire Ngokwey Ndolamb 1984 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
B. Mark Lynch 20 February 1952?14 December 1982 Lawrence H. Robbins
Dorothy Nelson
1984 African Archaeological Review
Editorial 1984 African Archaeological Review
The Pedi polity: a new view but no new ground Ken Smith 1984-01 African Historical Review
Short notices Kort mededelings 1984-01 African Historical Review
Amaury Talbot prize for African anthropology 1984 1984-01 African Studies
100 years of Tsonga publications, 1883–1983 Mary C. Bill 1984-01 African Studies
The substrate of Annobonese L. Ivens Ferraz 1984-01 African Studies
Qhalaxari verb tone classes Patrick Dickens 1984-01 African Studies
F.A. van Jaarsveld — en 'n nuwe Afrikaanse geskiedskrywing? Johannes du Bruyn 1984-01 African Historical Review
The “Forgotten factor” sixteen years later: some trends in historical writing on precolonial South Africa Johannes du Bruyn 1984-01 African Historical Review
Marxistiese geskiedskrywing en die opkoms van die ‘Afrikaner-magnaat’, 1934–1948 J.P. Brits 1984-01 African Historical Review
Predication in Ndonga Derek Fivaz 1984-01 African Studies
A typological approach to Bantu linguistic studies G. Poulos 1984-01 African Studies
Stabilization in Bantu D. F. Gowlett 1984-01 African Studies
A preliminary survey of Zulu adoptives J. S. M. Khumalo 1984-01 African Studies
An 1842 version of Dingana's eulogies David K. Rycroft 1984-01 African Studies
Word categories in Southern Bantu J. A. Louw 1984-01 African Studies
The Krio numeral “one” and the pragmatics of reference T. Givón 1984-01 African Studies
George Orwell'sNineteen Eighty-Four:some reflections on its relevance to the study of history in South Africa A.M. Grundlingh 1984-01 African Historical Review
The changing nature of isihlonipho sabafazi Rosalie Finlayson 1984-01 African Studies
An outline of Zulu grammar A. T. Cope 1984-01 African Studies
Non-white migration patterns in northern metropolitan areas, 1960-1970: the interaction between economic and affinitive factors Latos CJ 1984-01-01 The Review of Black Political Economy
Polygyny: an indicator of nutritional stress in African agricultural societies? L Brabin 1984-01-01 Africa
Q93993957 E Venturini
S Atti
1984-01-01 Africa: Rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione
Q93995168 Shibata T 1984-01-01 Estudios de Asia y África
Beginning to Let Go - The Turning Point in Africa: British Colonial Policy 1938–1948. By R. D. Pearce. London: Frank Cass, 1982. Pp. 223. £15. Michael Crowder 1984-01 The Journal of African History
The Colonial Office in World War II - The Colonial Office, War and Development Policy: Organisation and the Planning of a Metropolitan Initiative, 1939–1945. By J. M. Lee and Martin Petter. London: Temple Smith, for the Institute of Commonwealth Stu N. J. Westcott 1984-01 The Journal of African History
A New Generation in South African Historiography - Studies in the social and economic history of the Witwatersrand, 1886–1914. Volume I. New Babylon. Volume II. New Nineveh. By Charles van Onselen. Harlow: Longmans, 1982. Pp. xv John Iliffe 1984-01 The Journal of African History
The Development of an African Catholic Church in the Kingdom of Kongo, 1491–1750 John Thornton 1984-04 The Journal of African History
Roy Willis, A State in the Making: myth, history, and social transformation in pre-colonial Ufipa, African Systems of Thought. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981, 322 pp. Martin Walsh 1984-04 Africa
Gwyn Prins, The Hidden Hippopotamus. Reappraisal in African History: the early colonial experience in western Zambia, African Studies Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980, 319 pp., £22.50. M. A. Sifuniso 1984-04 Africa
Stepping-Stones: Memoirs of Colonial Nigeria, 1907–1960. By Sylvia Leith-Ross, edited by Michael Chowder. London and Boston: Peter Owen, 1983. Pp. 191. £ 10.95. Susan Martin 1984-04 The Journal of African History
A Green Revolution? Agricultural Innovation in the Early Islamic World. The Diffusion of Crops and Farming Techniques, 700–1100. By Andrew M. Watson. Cambridge University Press, 1983. Pp. xii + 260. £25 Jeremy Johns 1984-07 The Journal of African History
Accommodating Imperialism: the Compromise of the Settler State in Southern Rhodesia, 1923–1929 Ian Phimister 1984-07 The Journal of African History
Igbo Masquerade Performance and the Problem of Alien Intervention: Transition from Cult to Theatre Emeka Nwabueze 1984 Ufahamu
Ebutumwa Bw'Emiogo: The Tyranny of Cassava A Women's Tax Revolt in Eastern Zaïre M. Catharine Newbury 1984 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Ritual Warfare and the Colonial Conquest of the Eggon David C. Dorward 1984 History in Africa
Writing in Context - Manichean Aesthetics: the Politics of Literature in Colonial Africa. By Abdul R. JanMohamed. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1983. Pp. 312. $25.00. Richard Rathbone 1984-07 The Journal of African History
Marriage rules on the Plateau: an exchange J. C. Muller
Barrie Sharp
1984-10 Africa
The East African Sisal Industry, 1929–1949: The Marketing of a Colonial Commodity During Depression and War Nicholas Westcott 1984-10 The Journal of African History
‘A Swift Agent of Government’: Air Power in British Colonial Africa, 1916–1939 1984-10 The Journal of African History
Papers of Frederick R. Burnham (1861-1947) in the Hoover Institution Archives 1985 History in Africa
Conakry : un modèle de ville coloniale française ? Règlements fonciers et urbanisme, de 1885 aux années 1920 1985 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Problem with Malik Sy and the Foundation of Bundu Michael A. Gomez 1985 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Ethnic Heart of Anthropology Aidan Southall 1985 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Mane, the Decline of Mali, and Mandinka Expansion towards the South Windward Coast Andreas W. Massing 1985 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Apartheid City and the Politics of Bus Transportation Jeffery J. McCarthy
Mark Swilling
1985 Cahiers d'études africaines
La nécessité rituelle chez les Maassai Jacqueline Roumeguère Eberhardt 1985 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
Miths as history: a critique of the traditions of origin of nigerian ethnic groups Olusola Akinrinade 1985 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
Editorial 1985 African Archaeological Review
Publications received 1985 African Archaeological Review
Felsbilder Nordafrikas und Der Sahara Philip E. L. Smith
Karl Heinz Striedter
1985 International Journal of African Historical Studies
In memoriam: Shiela Anne Campbell du Plessis 1985-01 African Historical Review
United Party membership and the Coloureds D.M. Scher 1985-01 African Historical Review
Descent and descent groups in lovedu social structure Eileen Jensen Krige 1985-01 African Studies
Professor Julius Lewin February 1907–September 1984 Noam J. Pines 1985-01 African Studies
Maurice Boucher: colleague and historian Albert Grundlingh
Greg Cuthbertson
1985-01 African Historical Review
Beasts to beer pots—migrant labour and ritual change in Willowvale district, Transkei P. A. McAllister 1985-01 African Studies
Recent publications from the Department of History at Unisa Onlangse publikasies uit die Department Geskiedenis van Unisa 1985-01 African Historical Review
Transition from an oral to a written literature in Francophone West Africa Anny Wynchank 1985-01 African Studies
Brigadier-General B.G.L. (Barney) Enslin L.E. van Niekerk 1985-01 African Historical Review
Dr. H.F. Verwoerd en die Ossewa-Brandwag 1938–1952 Dioné Prinsloo 1985-01 African Historical Review
Struggles for control: the social roots of health and healing in modern Africa. Feierman S 1985-01-01 African Studies Review
The Mutumwa Church of Peter Mulenga (part 1). C Dillon-Malone 1985-01-01 Journal of Religion in Africa
[Predictions concerning population development in Black Africa] J Alibert 1985-01-01 Afrique contemporaine
Sisters, wives, wards and daughters: a transformational analysis of the political organization of the Tiv and their neighbours. Part II: The transformations Richard Fardon 1985-01 Africa
Colonial Africa. By A. J. Christopher. Beckenham and Canberra: Croom Helm; Totowa, N.J.: Barnes and Noble, 1984. Pp. vi + 232. £19.95. Robin Law 1985-03 The Journal of African History
African Personal Dictatorships 1985-06 The Journal of Modern African Studies
The Historical, Economic, and Political Bases of France's African Policy Guy Martin 1985-06 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Nigeria and Its British Invaders 1851 - 1920: A Thematic Documentary History Okete J.E. Shiroya
Johnson U.J. Asiegbu
1985 International Journal of African Historical Studies
A State in the Making. Myth, History and Social Transformation in Pre-Colonial Ufipa Henri Moniot
Roy Willis
1985 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Family and Farm in Southern Cameroon Frederick Quinn
Jane I. Guyer
1985 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Ouaga et Abidjan : divorce à l’africaine ? Les raisons contre la raison Yves-André Fauré 1985 Politique africaine
Reidulf Knut Molvaer, Tradition and Change in Ethiopia: social and cultural life as reflected in Amharic fictional literature, c. 1930–74, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1980, 268 pp., 84 guilders, ISBN 90 04 05998 9. Richard Pankhurst 1985-07 Africa
Africans and Agricultural Production in Colonial Kenya: The Myth of the War as a Watershed David Anderson
David Throup
1985-10 The Journal of African History
Church versus state? Divorce legislation and divided South Africa Sandra Burman
Martine Huvers
1985-10 Journal of Southern African Studies
Ethnic areas and migration: how to direct the movement B Tallet 1985-12-01 Politique africaine
A Provisional Historical Schema for Western Africa Based on Seven Climate Periods (ca. 9000 B.C. to the 19th Century) George E. Brooks 1986 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Ecology of Swidden Agriculture and Agrarian History in São Tomé Pablo B. Eyzaguirre 1986 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Historical Approach to the Study of Societies and their Environment in the Eastern Upper Nile Plains Douglas H. Johnson 1986 Cahiers d'études africaines
Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Class in Africa : A Retrospective Merwin Crawford Young 1986 Cahiers d'études africaines
Ethiopianism and African Nationalism in South Africa before 1937 Badra Lahouel 1986 Cahiers d'études africaines
Putting the Horse Back Before the Cart: Recent Encouraging Signs David Henige 1986 History in Africa
Editorial 1986 African Archaeological Review
A reply to the Editor 1986 African Archaeological Review
Glynn Llywelyn Isaac, 1937?1985: a personal appreciation and assessment 1986 African Archaeological Review
Publications received 1986 African Archaeological Review
Professor C.J. Barnard Tree Af M.C. van Zyl 1986-01 African Historical Review
The anthropologist's vocation in South Africa Adam Kuper 1986-01 African Studies
The Cape franchise after union: the Queenstown by‐election of December 1921 Noel Garson 1986-01 African Studies
The structure of the Zulu ward J. F. Holleman 1986-01 African Studies
General J.C. smuts and the German question, 1919–1923 Werner van der Merwe 1986-01 African Historical Review
“My place is the Bitterpits”: The home territory of Bleek and Lloyd's /XAM San informants 1986-01 African Studies
The Ingwavuma dispute revisited: African trade route and European buffer zone G.A. Dominy 1986-01 African Historical Review
The fluidity of household composition in Matatiele, Transkei: a methodological problem A D Spiegel 1986-01-01 African Studies
Q93994937 C Becker 1986-01-01 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Q95825356 C Becker 1986-01-01 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Nigeria and its British Invaders, 1851-1920: A Thematic Documentary History ROBERT PEARCE 1986-01 African Affairs
A New Look at the Later Prehistory of the Kalahari 1986-03 The Journal of African History
Industrial Decentralisation Policy and the Prospects for the Development of South Africa's Homelands Mark Addleson 1986-03 The Journal of Modern African Studies
The British, Rhodes and the Tswana - Rhodes, the Tsviana, and the British: Colonialism, Collaboration, and Conflict in the Bechuanaland Protectorate, 1885–1899. By Paul R. Maylam. Westport, Connecticut & London: Greenwood Press (Contributions in Q. N. Parsons 1986-03 The Journal of African History
Missionaries and Government - Mission, Church and State in a Colonial Setting: Uganda, 1890–1925. By Holger Bernt Hansen. London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1984. Pp. xix + 649. £19–50. M. Louise Pirouet 1986-03 The Journal of African History
Colonialism in Perspective - UNESCO General History of Africa, Vol. VII, Africa under Colonial Domination 1880–1935. Edited by A. Adu Boahen. Paris: Unesco; London: Heinemann Educational Books; Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985. Pp. xxx Christopher Fyfe 1986-03 The Journal of African History
Coercion and Control in Nyasaland: Aspects of the History of a Colonial Police Force John McCracken 1986-03 The Journal of African History
Local government restructuring in South Africa: The case of the Western Cape Alison Todes
Vanessa Watson
Peter Wilkinson
1986-06 Social Dynamics
Dahomey and the Slave Trade: Reflections on the Historiography of the Rise of Dahomey Robin Law 1986-07 The Journal of African History
Semper Aliquid Veteris: Printed Sources for the History of the Ivory and Gold Coasts, 1500–1750 Adam Jones 1986-07 The Journal of African History
Nomads and the Outside World. By A. M. Khazanov; translated by Julia Crookenden. Cambridge University Press, 1984. Pp. xxviii + 366. £37.50. Roland Oliver 1986-07 The Journal of African History
Ethic chinese multinationals in the international grain trade before the second world war John Latham 1986-09 South African Journal of Economic History
England, Holland and the capitalist commercial revolution of the seventeenth century Stuart Jones 1986-09 South African Journal of Economic History
State and private enterprise in the development of the cape wool-growing industry Peter Wickins 1986-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The state and the development of the Cape 1795–1820 André Müller 1986-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Liverpool of the Cape Jon Inggs 1986-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The value of business archives with special reference to Barlow Rand's archives Maryna Fraser 1986-09 South African Journal of Economic History
[Sterility and infertility in the demographic dynamics of Africa]. A Virgili 1986-12-01 Africa: Rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione
Property and Theft in Kano at the Dawn of the Groundnut Boom, 1912-1914 Allan Christelow 1987 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Lykota lya Bankoya : Memory, Myth and History Wim Van Binsbergen 1987 Cahiers d'études africaines
Decoding and Interpreting African Census Data : Vital Evidence from an Unsavory Witness Bruce Fetter 1987 Cahiers d'études africaines
Ayany, Malo and Ogot : Historians in Search of a Luo Nation William Benjamin Cohen
E.S Atieno Odhiambo
1987 Cahiers d'études africaines
Qui a obstrué la cascade? Analyse sémantique du rituel de la circoncision chez les Komo du Zaire Wauthier de Mahieu 1987 Canadian Journal of African Studies
The Ibibio Union 1928-1966 Monday Efiong Noah 1987 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Q62494309 Y G Paillard 1987 Cahiers d'études africaines
Editorial 1987 African Archaeological Review
African Migration and National Development Joel W. Gregory
Beverly Lindsay
1987 International Journal of African Historical Studies
The taxation of Africans: Transvaal 1902–1907 David Burton 1987-01 African Historical Review
Rhodesië: Die mislukking van UDI, 1965–1980 Elna Krause 1987-01 African Historical Review
Taylor se “Origins” ná 25 jaar Werner van der Merwe 1987-01 African Historical Review
Modality in language and thinking: Some developmental psycholinguistic considerations Carol Macdonald 1987-01 African Studies
Qhalaxarzi consonants Patrick Dickens 1987-01 African Studies
Depressing facts about Zulu A. Traill
J.S.M. Khumalo
P. Fridjhon
1987-01 African Studies
Is there anything more to say about Lobolo? Mary De Haas 1987-01 African Studies
Why General Smuts won on 4 September 1939 F.D. Tothill 1987-01 African Historical Review
Van matroos tot senator: Die kleurryke en stormagtige politieke loopbaan van S.M. Pettersen F.A. Mouton 1987-01 African Historical Review
Basotho children's early development of speech Michael Connelly 1987-01 African Studies
Culture, technology and policy in the informal sector: attention to endogenous development C M Fyle 1987-01-01 Africa
Trends in birth and death rates in Goa, 1820-1910: some evidence gathered from the baptism and burial records of a parish. Srivastava HC 1987-01-01 Journal of Asian and African Studies
Issues in the political economy of health in Southern Africa S Marks
N Andersson
1987-01-01 Journal of Southern African Studies
The local state and public health reform in South Africa: Bloemfontein and the consequences of the Spanish 'flu epidemic of 1918 H Phillips 1987-01-01 Journal of Southern African Studies
Doctors or medical aids--the debate over the training of black medical personnel for the rural black population in South Africa in the 1920s and 1930s K A Shapiro 1987-01-01 Journal of Southern African Studies
[Black populations in South Africa] M Cornevin 1987-01-01 Afrique contemporaine
Q93994860 C Coquery-Vidrovitch 1987-01-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
The problem of numbers: The stock of British investment abroad in 4 August 1914 Christopher Platt 1987-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Entrepreneurs and the social sciences Leslie Hannah 1987-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Black advancement in the secondary sector of the South African economy 1880–1980 Stuart Jones 1987-03 South African Journal of Economic History
The establishment and development of the Cape fresh fruit industry 1886–1910 Chris Aucamp 1987-03 South African Journal of Economic History
The Power and the Word: L'Aventure Ambigue and the Wedding of Zein 1987-03 African Studies Review
Ethiopia: Conquest and Colonisation - Haile Selassie's War. By Anthony Mockler. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984. Pp. xxiv + 454. £17.50. - Ethiopia under Mussolini: Fascism and the Colonial Experience. By Alberto Sbacchi. London: Zed Press, 19 John Markakis 1987-03 The Journal of African History
Regional Analysis on the Grassfields - Échanges, développement et hiérarchies dans le Bamenda pré-colonial (Cameroun). By Jean-Pierre Warnier. Stuttgart: Steiner-Verlag-Wiesbaden-GmbH, 1985. (Studien zur Kulturkunde; Bd. 76.) Pp. xiv + 323. DM 60 (a Richard Fardon 1987-03 The Journal of African History
Hegemony and Culture: Politics and Religious Change among the Yoruba L. O. Adewole
David D. Laitin
1987-03 African Studies Review
The EPLF second congress Doris Burgess
Lionel Cliffe
1987-04 Review of African Political Economy
The History of the Great Mosques of Djenné Jean-Louis Bourgeois 1987-05 African Arts
Knowledge Brokers: Books and Publishers in Early Colonial Zaire Barbara A. Yates 1987 History in Africa
The UNESCO General History of Africa, Volume VII: Africa under Colonial Domination 1880-1935 Phyllis M. Martin
A. Adu Boahen
1987 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Early Post-Colonial Bureaucracy as History: The Case of the Lesotho Central Planning and Development Office, 1965-1975 David Hirschmann 1987 International Journal of African Historical Studies
A. Adu Boahen (ed.), General History of Africa, VII: Africa under Colonial Domination, 1880–1935. UNESCO, Heinemann Educational, London and Berkeley, Cal.: University of California Press, 1985,865 pp., £16.50, ISBN 0 435 94813 X. T. C. McCaskie 1987-07 Africa
West Africa's Colonial Civil Servants in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Kwame Arhin. Leiden: African Studies Centre, 1985. Pp. vi, 56. Dfl. 7,50. A. H. M. Kirk-Greene 1987-07 The Journal of African History
Hegemony and Culture. Politics and Religious Change among the Yoruba RICHARD GRAY 1987-07 African Affairs
Symbols of Conflict and Integration in Frafra Funerals Fred T. Smith 1987-11 African Arts
Millenarianism in Central Africa - Revival and Rebellion in Colonial Central Africa. By Karen E. Fields. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1985. Pp. xiv + 323. £27.50. Gwyn Prins 1987-11 The Journal of African History
Rent boycotts, the state, and the transformation of the urban political economy in South Africa Matthew Chaskalson
Karen Jochelson
1987-12 Review of African Political Economy
An Extraordinary Life by Vernon J. Mwaanga Lusaka, Multimedia Publications, 1982. Pp. 307. $1.50 paperback. - The Other Society: a detainee's diary by Vernon J. Mwaanga Lusaka, Fleetfoot Publishing Company, 1986. Pp. 327. $8.25 paperback. - The Kapw Mwizenge S. Tembo 1987-12 The Journal of Modern African Studies
African Revolutionary: The Life and Times of Nigeria's Aminu Kano Robin Law
Alan Feinstein
1988 Canadian Journal of African Studies
The Adventures of Ibn Battuta, A Muslim Traveler of the Fourteenth Century Marina Tolmacheva
Ross E. Dunn
1988 International Journal of African Historical Studies
The Bantu Expansion and the SOAS Network Colin Flight 1988 History in Africa
Breaking the Pen of Harold Macmichael: The Ja'aliyyin Identity Revisited Abdullahi Ali Ibrahim 1988 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Power and Knowledge. The Representation of the Mande World in the Works of Park, Caillié, Monteil, and Delafosse Maria Grosz-Ngaté 1988 Cahiers d'études africaines
Warriors and Traders. The Political Organization of a West African Chiefdom 1988 Cahiers d'études africaines
Q64361163 M Lenci 1988 Africa: Rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione
Une gueguere de cents and dans le golfe de Guinée 1988 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
Editorial 1988 African Archaeological Review
Publications received 1988 African Archaeological Review
Domestic dynamics and wage labour: A case study among urban residents in Qwaqwa Isak A. Niehaus 1988-01 African Studies
The ‘mythic’ content of Zulu folktales W. D. Hammond‐Tooke 1988-01 African Studies
Die Unisa-biblioteek verhuis Die Redakteur 1988-01 African Historical Review
The slave “rebellion” of 1808 Karen Harris 1988-01 African Historical Review
Maurice Boucher John Lambert 1988-01 African Historical Review
Social structure is where the hearth is: a "woman's place" in Beti society. M Houseman 1988-01-01 Africa
A spurious correlation of r=.70: or historiodémographe, modère tes transports! Fetter B 1988-01-01 History in Africa
[African demography: trends and prospects] Sala-diakanda M 1988-01-01 Afrique contemporaine
The northern Cape manganese fields: Development and effect on the surrounding agrarian community 1922–1948 P.H.R. Snyman 1988-03 South African Journal of Economic History
The nature of the Rothschild loan: International capital and South African railway diplomacy, politics, and construction 1891–1892 Kenneth Wilburn 1988-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Smith'a coasters: The shipping interests-of C.G. Smith 1889–1966 Paul Dickinson 1988-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Change and development in short-term insurance in South Africa 1950–1985 Angus Laing 1988-03 South African Journal of Economic History
African purchases of Crown lands in Natal 1880–1903 John Lambert 1988-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Economic limits to bus apartheid in Cape Town 1948–1979 Gordon Pirie 1988-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Language and Colonial Power - Language and Colonial Power: The Appropriation of Swahili in the Former Belgian Congo, 1880–1938. By Johannes Fabian. Cambridge University Press, 1986. Pp. viii + 206. £25; $39.50. Marcia Wright 1988-03 The Journal of African History
Colonial Natal - Enterprise and Exploitation in a Victorian Colony: Aspects of the Economic and Social History of Colonial Natal. Edited By Bill Guest and John M. Sellers. Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1985. Pp. xiv + 362. Freda Harcourt 1988-03 The Journal of African History
Fishermen Herders: Subsistence, Survival and Cultural Change in Northern Kenya Neal Sobania 1988-03 The Journal of African History
Ethnic and minority groups, and constitutional change in South Africa Pierre du Toit
François Theron
1988-04 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
David D. Laitin, Hegemony and Culture: politics and religious change among the Yoruba. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1986, 252 pp., £23.95, ISBN 0 226 46789 9 (hardback), £11.25, ISBN 0 226 46790 2 (paperback). A. L. Mabogunje 1988-04 Africa
18th-Century Kuba King Figures Monni Adams 1988-05 African Arts
Of Friends and Foes of Nkrumaism The Spark: from Kwame Nkrumah to Hilla Limann by Kofi Batsa London, Rex Collings, 1985. Pp. 137. £5.25. Kwame Nkrumah by Yuri Smertin Moscow, Progress Publishers; New York, International Publishers; 1987. Pp. ix+180. Opoku Agyeman 1988-06 The Journal of Modern African Studies
The limits and possibilities of local initiatives for change: the case for participatory planning Doreen Atkinson
Chris Heymans
1988-06 Politikon : South African Journal of Political Studies
Sacred Acquisition: Andrianampoinimerina at Ambohimanga, 1777–1790 Gerald M. Berg 1988-07 The Journal of African History
LAITIN, David D., Hegemony and Culture: Politics and Religious Change among the Yoruba, Chicago and London, the University of Chicago Press, 1986, xiii, 252 pp. £25.50 (cloth), £11.95 (paper), 0 226 46789 9, 0 226 462790 2 (paper) J.F. Ade Ajayi 1988 Journal of Religion in Africa
Cameroon. By Mark DeLancey and Peter Schraeder. Oxford: Clio Press, 1986. Pp. xxvi + 201. £27.50. Philip Burnham 1988-07 The Journal of African History
The Colonial Office, British Business Interests and the Reform of Cocoa Marketing in West Africa, 1937–1945 David Meredith 1988-07 The Journal of African History
Concubinage and the Status of Women Slaves in Early Colonial Northern Nigeria 1988-07 The Journal of African History
‘Kafir Time’: Preindustrial Temporal Concepts and Labour Discipline in Nineteenth Century Colonial Natal Keletso E. Atkins 1988-07 The Journal of African History
South Africa: Competing Images of the Post-Apartheid State 1988-09 African Studies Review
Financing an infant coal industry: The Case of the Natal collieries Bill Guest 1988-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Fort Elizabeth's response to the expanding economy of Europe 1820–1870 Jon Inggs 1988-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The Munich Reinsurance Company of South Africa 1968–1985 Angus Laing 1988-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Economic history and theories of the multinational corporation 1988-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Biography Into Autobiography: Wole Soyinka and the Relatives Who Inhabit ‘Ake’ James Gibbs 1988-09 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Hegemony and Culture: Politics and Religious Change among the Yoruba J. F. Ade Ajayi
David D. Laitin
1988-10 Journal of Religion in Africa
The Mfecane as Alibi: Thoughts on Dithakong and Mbolompo Julian Cobbing 1988-11 The Journal of African History
Popularizing History: the Case of Gustav Preller Isabel Hofmeyr 1988-11 The Journal of African History
The Anatomy of Architecture: Ontology and Metaphor in Batammaliba Architectural Expression Labelle Prussin
Suzanne Preston Blier
1988-11 African Arts
The Second World War Revival of Forced Labor in the Rhodesias Kenneth P. Vickery 1989 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Coastal Society in the Republic of Bénin: Reproduction of a Regional System Patrick Manning 1989 Cahiers d'études africaines
African Peasantries, Reciprocity and the Market. The Economy of Affection Reconsidered 1989 Cahiers d'études africaines
Speaking in the Name of the Real Paul Stoller 1989 Cahiers d'études africaines
Vietnam under Communism, 1975-1982 by Nguyen Van Canh; Why Viet Nam? Prelude to America's Albatros by Archimedes L. A. Patti [Review] 1989 Estudios de Asia y África
Editorial 1989 African Archaeological Review
Publications received 1989 African Archaeological Review
No chief, no exchange, no story Isabel Hofmeyr 1989-01 African Studies
African political organisation in Brakpan in the 1950s Hilary Sapire 1989-01 African Studies
The man who ruled in secret: A glance at Louis Esselen F.D. Tothill 1989-01 African Historical Review
“Die slag van Durban”: Die massiewe polisie-optrede van November 1929 in Durban F.A. Mouton 1989-01 African Historical Review
Racial segregation on Johannesburg trams: Procedures and protest, 1904–1927 G. H. Pirie 1989-01 African Studies
Fertility, mortality, and migration in the Cape Colony, 1891-1904. C Simkins
E VanHeyningen
1989-01-01 International Journal of African Historical Studies
The effects of climate and disease on African farming in Natal 1895–1905 N Ramdhani 1989-01-01 South African Journal of Economic History
Slave-Raiders and Middlemen, Monopolists and Free-Traders: the supply of slaves for the Atlantic trade in Dahomey c. 1715–1850 Robin Law 1989-03 The Journal of African History
The Umzimkulu Sugar Company Limited 1904–1940 Paul Dickinson 1989-03 South African Journal of Economic History
The customs tariff and the cement industry in South Africa 1886–1939 1989-03 South African Journal of Economic History
The South African maize industry's response to the Great Depression and the beginnings of large-scale state intervention 1929–1934 Anthony Minnaar 1989-03 South African Journal of Economic History
The Origins of African Population Growth John Iliffe 1989-03 The Journal of African History
The Renovation of Custom in Colonial Kenya: the 1932 Generation Succession Ceremonies in Embu Charles H. Ambler 1989-03 The Journal of African History
From the Land of the Totem Poles: The Northwest Coast Indian Art Collection at the American Museum of Natural History Victoria Wyatt
Aldona Jonaitis
1989-05 African Arts
God, Anti-Colonialism and Drums: Sheikh Uways and the Uwaysiyya Christine Choi Ahmed 1989 Ufahamu
The Myth of the Capitalist Class: Unofficial Sources and Political Economy in Colonial Malawi, 1895-1924 Tony Woods 1989 History in Africa
Setting the Story Straight: Louis Hunkanrin and Un forfait colonial E. A. McDougall 1989 History in Africa
Hunters, Poachers and Gamekeepers: Towards A Social History of Hunting in Colonial Kenya E. I. Steinhart 1989-07 The Journal of African History
Community development. Putting plans into action, By Hennie Swanepoel, Juta & Co, Ltd, Cape Town, 1989 Francois Theron 1989-08 Development Southern Africa
Industrial protection and employment creation in South Africa during the inter-war years Sean Archer 1989-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The Cape Orchard company: Its contribution to the fresh fruit industry of the Western Cape, 1892–1910 Chris Aucamp 1989-09 South African Journal of Economic History
South Africa's balance of payments 1946–1985 Philip Mohr
Mariana Botha
Jon Inggs
1989-09 South African Journal of Economic History
A history of the South African mohair industry 1838–1971 Tony Pringle 1989-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The circumstances leading to the formation of the Natal Bank in 1854 Arthur Webb 1989-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The decline of the British pound as a key currency G.M. Wessels 1989-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Agricultural revolution in South Africa Peter Wickins 1989-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Books reviewed Colin Bundy
Gervase Clarence‐Smith
Doug Hindson
Robert Shanafelt
Preben Kaarsholm
Megan Vaughan
1989-10 Journal of Southern African Studies
African Land Purchase and the 1913 Natives Land Act in the Eastern Transvaal ROBERT MORRELL 1989-11 South African Historical Journal
Colonial Medicine - Imperial Medicine and Indigenous Societies. Edited By David Arnold. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1988. Pp. viii + 231. £32.50. - Disease, Medicine, and Empire: Perspectives on Western Medicine and the Experience of Eu K. David Patterson 1989-11 The Journal of African History
A Murder in the Colonial Gold Coast: Law and Politics in the 1940s Richard Rathbone 1989-11 The Journal of African History
The population challenge in Africa and the prospects for the African Development Bank's intervention. P T Seya 1989-12-01 African Development Review
Cohesive Cosmologies or Pragmatic Practices ? Tenancy in Matatiele (Transkei) and Dualist Approaches in Southern African Anthropology Andrew D. Spiegel 1990 Cahiers d'études africaines
Representing Social Hierarchy. Administrators-Ethnographers in the French Sudan: Delafosse, Monteil, and Labouret Ed Van Hoven 1990 Cahiers d'études africaines
Opinions des femmes de Kisangani sur le interdits traditionnels de grossesse Bibi Lufenge
Bolakonga Bobwo
1990 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
Les tabous de grossesse chez les femmes Sakata Bolakonga Bobwo 1990 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
Salts of the Western Sahara: Myths, Mysteries, and Historical Significance E. Ann McDougall 1990 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Editorial 1990 African Archaeological Review
Publications received 1990 African Archaeological Review
Philip louter wessels: ‘Sneaking hypocrite’? J Haasbroek 1990-01 African Historical Review
Khoekhoen: spelling, vorme, betkenis G.S. Nienaber 1990-01 African Studies
On becoming herders: Khoikhoi and San ethnicity in Southern Africa Andrew B. Smith 1990-01 African Studies
The making of the Qwaqwa ‘mafia’? Patronage and protection in the migrant taxi business Leslie J. Bank 1990-01 African Studies
Local government and african resistance in grahamstown during the first world war Nicholas Southey 1990-01 African Historical Review
Die departement geskiedenis/The history department MC van Zyl 1990-01 African Historical Review
The Old Shaiqi Language in Historical Perspective Jay Spaulding 1990-01 History in Africa
Book reviews Paul Maylam
Eddie Webster
F. Van Zyl Slabbert
Gary van Staden
Gavin Heron
M. G. Whisson
J.D. Lewis‐Williams
Deborah James
Rupert Taylor
H. Kuckerte
H. Kuckertz
Andrew van der Spot
1990-01 African Studies
Labor market segmentation and relative black/white teenage birth rates. E Mccrate 1990-01-01 The Review of Black Political Economy
Value-Orientation in Historical Research and Writing: The Colonial Period in African History Jarle Simensen 1990-01 History in Africa
The Apotheosis of Côte d'lvoire's Nana Houphouët-Boigny Jeanne Maddox Toungara 1990-03 The Journal of Modern African Studies
The Sophiatown writers of the fifties: the unreal reality of their World Paul Gready 1990-03 Journal of Southern African Studies
A comment on the real forces in South Africa's industrial growth prior to 1939 1990-03 South African Journal of Economic History
A century of customs unions in Southern Africa 1889–1989 Gavin Maasdorp 1990-03 South African Journal of Economic History
The Great Depression 1929–1934 Adverse exchange rates and the South African wool farmer Anthony Minnaar 1990-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Discrimination and the economic position of the Afrikaner Tjaart Steenekamp 1990-03 South African Journal of Economic History
State involvement in the rehabilitation of poor Whites by means of land resettlement at the Hartebeespoort irrigation scheme Andries Du Plessis 1990-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Showdown - The Flogging of Phinehas Mcintosh: a tale of colonial folly and injustice, Bechuanaland 1933. By Michael Crowder. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1988. Pp. xiv + 248. £20; $30. Landeg White 1990-03 The Journal of African History
Colonial Rule in Igboland - Tradition and Transformation in Eastern Nigeria: a sociopolitical history of Owerri and its hinterland, 1902–1947. By Felix K. Ekechi. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1989. Pp. xi + 256. $29.50 (paperback, $17). Toyin Falọla 1990-03 The Journal of African History
Slavery and the Slave Trade in Colonial Africa Patrick Manning 1990-03 The Journal of African History
The Effect of Human Capital on the Economic Status of Divorced and Separated Women: Differences by Race Teresa Mauldin
Joan Koonce
1990-03 The Review of Black Political Economy
The Voorhuis as a central element in early Cape Houses L.Y. Brink 1990-06 Social Dynamics
Book reviews Dave Christianson
Rupert Taylor
Peter M Stewart
Karl P Magyar
Jean‐Philippe Wade
Duncan Greaves
Alexander Johnston
Clive J Napier
Ralf Lawrence
1990-06 Politikon : South African Journal of Political Studies
The emergence of a Diola Christianity Robert M. Baum 1990-07 Africa
MCEWAN, Dorothea, A Catholic Sudan: Dream, Mission, Reality, Rome, Stabilimento Tipografico Julia s.r.l., Via dei Granatieri, 39, 1987, 207 pp Adrian Hastings 1990 Journal of Religion in Africa
Hegemony and Culture: Politics and Religious Change among the Yoruba Jean-Claude Muller
David D. Laitin
1990 Canadian Journal of African Studies
In and Out of Step - Khaki and Blue. Military and Police in British Colonial Africa. By Anthony Clayton and David Killingray. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1989. Pp. xii + 344- £15–20. - Imperialism and War. Essays on Colonial Wars in Africa and As John M. Mackenzie 1990-07 The Journal of African History
Dockworkers - On the African Waterfront: Urban Disorder and the Transformation of Work in Colonial Mombasa. By Frederick Cooper. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1987. Pp. xvi + 290. £25; $36. Leroy Vail 1990-07 The Journal of African History
River, Swamp and Forest - Games Against Nature: An Eco-cultural History of the Nunu of Equatorial Africa. By Robert Harms. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Pp. xi + 276. $42.50. Christopher Wrigley 1990-07 The Journal of African History
Security Strategies for a Future South Africa Simon Baynham 1990-09 The Journal of Modern African Studies
The Natal regional economy 1910–1960 in historical perspective Bill Guest 1990-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Real growth in the South African economy since 1961 Stuart Jones 1990-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The Black Scholar: An Endangered Species Alan Fechter 1990-09 The Review of Black Political Economy
T. Cullen Young: Missionary and Anthropologist LEROY VAIL 1990-10 African Affairs
Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Modernity: The Paradox of Mau Mau Bruce J. Berman 1991 Canadian Journal of African Studies
African Testimony Reported in European Travel Literature: What Did Paul Soleillet and Camille Piétri Hear and Why Does No One Recount It Now? John H. Hanson 1991 History in Africa
Swahili Networks Randall L. Pouwels 1991 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Devonshire Declaration: The Myth of Missionary Intervention Robert M. Maxon 1991 History in Africa
Publications received 1991 African Archaeological Review
Links between apartheid and national socialism Werner Schellack 1991-01 African Historical Review
Abafazi Bathonga Bafihlakala David Webster 1991-01 African Studies
Migration, incapsulation and ethnicity Robin Palmer 1991-01 African Studies
Where were the guests? John Perry
Cassandra Perry
1991-01 African Studies
‘A colony of carriers’: transport-riding in nineteenth-century Natal DH Heydenrych 1991-01 African Historical Review
The written works of Philip and Iona Mayer 1991-01 African Studies
Using ritual to resist domination in the Transkei P.A. McAllister 1991-01 African Studies
Kinship authority and political authority in precolonial South Africa W. D. Hammond‐Tooke 1991-01 African Studies
Relying on kin C. W. Manona 1991-01 African Studies
Will Stuart, ‘the black man's burden’ FA Mouton 1991-01 African Historical Review
Social existence and the practice of personal integrity Dunbar Moodie 1991-01 African Studies
Mental illness or a form of resistance? The case of Soera Brotto Edna Bradlow 1991-01 African Historical Review
The 1983 referendum: the English press and the Progressive Federal Party campaign Elspeth McKenzie 1991-01 African Historical Review
Dravidian Gold Mining and Trade in Ancient Komatiland C. A. Hromnik 1991-01-01 Journal of Asian and African Studies
Women Missionaries and Cultural Change Philip M. Kulp 1991-02 Journal of Religion in Africa
The sources of productivity in the agricultural revolution in England Gordon Mingay 1991-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Sir Evelyn Wallers mining magnate extraordinaire Jocelyn Bell 1991-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Real growth in the South African economy since 1961 Part II: The tertiary sector Stuart Jones 1991-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Miners by Default Afrikaners and the Gold Mining Industry before Union Elaine Katz 1991-03 South African Journal of Economic History
The tin mining industry in the Transvaal 1905–1914 Some social and economic implications and perspectives Gail Nattrass 1991-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Indian merchants anddukawallahsin the Natal economy, c1875–1914 Vishnu Padayachee
Robert Morrell
1991-03 Journal of Southern African Studies
Book reviews Malcolm Lupton 1991-03 Urban Forum
Race, class, gender and home ownership subsidies in contemporary South Africa 1991-03 Urban Forum
History of Anti-colonial Resistance and Protest in the Kingdoms of Buganda and Bunyoro, 1862–1899. By Viera Pawlikova-Vilhanová. Prague: Oriental Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 1988. Pp. 335 (mimeo). (Dissertationes Orientales, n Andrew Roberts 1991-03 The Journal of African History
Warfare and Diplomacy in Pre-colonial West Africa, Second edition. By Robert S. Smith. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press; London: James Currey, 1989. Pp. xii+164. $39.75; £19.95 (paperback $14.95; £8.95). D. J. E. Maier 1991-03 The Journal of African History
A Peculiar Sharpness: An Essay on Property in the History of Customary Law in Colonial Africa Martin Chanock 1991-03 The Journal of African History
City, countryside and Kru ethnicity L. B. Breitborde 1991-04 Africa
Therapeutic efficacy and consensus among the Aluund of south-western Zaire 1991-04 Africa
Women's Revolt: The Lumpa Church of Lenshina Mulenga in the 1950s Hugo Hinfelaar 1991-05 Journal of Religion in Africa
Wombs and Alien Spirits: Women, Men, and the Zar Cult in Northern Sudan Wendy James 1991-05 Journal of Religion in Africa
Books reviewed Charles Carter
Guy Arnold
John Dreijmanis
Frances Stewart
T.F. Mars
1991-06 Journal of Southern African Studies
The problem of intellectual history in (post) colonial societies: the case of South Africa André Du Toit 1991-06 Politikon : South African Journal of Political Studies
Les Rois de Gao-Sané et les Almoravides Dierk Lange 1991-07 The Journal of African History
Aid and Development in Southern Africa: Evaluating a Participatory Learning Process Joel Samoff
Denny Kalyalya
Khethiwe Mhlanga
Ann Seidman
Joseph Semboja
1991 International Journal of African Historical Studies
The Anatomy of Architecture: Ontology and Metaphor in Batammaliba Architectural Expression Julia Risser
Susan Preston Blier
1991 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Wombs and Alien Spirits: Women, Men and the Zar Cult in Northern Sudan John W. Burton 1991 Canadian Journal of African Studies
BODDY, Janice, Wombs and Alien Spirits: Women, Men, and the Zar Cult in Northern Sudan, Madison, The University of Wisconsin Press, 1989, 399 pp., $45.00 (cloth), $23.95 (paper), 0 299 12310 3, 0 299 12314 6 Wendy James 1991 Journal of Religion in Africa
Government and Change in Lesotho, 1800-1966: A Study of Political Institutions Malcolm Wallis
L.B.B.J. Machobane
James Ferguson
1991 International Journal of African Historical Studies
KULP, Philip M., ed., Women Missionaries and Cultural Change, Williamsburg, Department of Anthropology, College of William and Mary, 1987, 80 pp., (Library of Congress 89 060602) 1991 Journal of Religion in Africa
Gender Ambiguity in Primary Source Material: The Case of Southern African Rock Art Katherine Sadler 1991 Ufahamu
STAKEMAN, Randolph, The Cultural Politics of Religious Change: A Study of the Sanoyea Kpelle in Liberia, Lewinston, New York, Edwin Mellen Press, 1986, 255 pp., 0 88946 177 5 Caroline Bledsoe 1991 Journal of Religion in Africa
French Colonial Education - L'éducation en Afrique noire à la veille des indépendances (1946–1958). Par Jean Capelle. Paris: Editions Karthala, 1990. Pp. 326. No price given. John D. Hargreaves 1991-07 The Journal of African History
Exploring some aspects of labour and labourers in Port Elizabeth 1870–1914 André Apple 1991-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Mercantile activity and investment in the Eastern Cape: The case of Queenstown 1853–1886 Richard Bouch 1991-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Early Port Elizabeth harbour development schemes 1820–1855 Jon Inggs 1991-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The effects of the “Great Depression” of the late 19th century on East London 1873–1887 Keith Tankard 1991-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Technological and institutional restructuring National and international trends as they impact on a semi-peripheral region in South Africa: A case study of North-eastern Natal Conrad Van Gass 1991-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Noise Over Camouflaged Polygamy, Colonial Morality Taxation, and a Woman-Naming Crisis in Belgian Africa Nancy Rose Hunt 1991-11 The Journal of African History
The Cultural Politics of Religious Change: A Study of the Sanoyea Kpelle in Liberia Caroline Bledsoe
Randolph Stakeman
1991-11 Journal of Religion in Africa
The Far Right in Current South African Politics Brian M. Du Toit 1991-12 The Journal of Modern African Studies
[The development of population policies in Africa]. D M Sala-diakanda 1991-12-01 Politique africaine
[Health policy and population]. M Barbieri
P Cantrelle
1991-12-01 Politique africaine
[The fear of numbers or the challenge of population growth?]. M Loriaux 1991-12-01 Politique africaine
The Volume of the British Slave Trade, 1655-1807 Joseph E. Inikori 1992 Cahiers d'études africaines
Rejoinder James Steel Thayer 1992 Cahiers d'études africaines
Guinée Cloth : Linked Transformations in Production within France's Empire in the Nineteenth Century Richard L. Roberts 1992 Cahiers d'études africaines
Towards a Chronology of the Publications of Francis Moore's Travels into the Inland Parts of Africa… Matthew H. Hill 1992 History in Africa
O contexto histórico-cultural da criação literária em Agostinho Neto: memória dos anos cinquenta Fernando Mourão 1992 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
Publications received 1992 African Archaeological Review
Editorial 1992 African Archaeological Review
The United Party's Afrikaans-language press, 1948–1953 WB White 1992-01 African Historical Review
‘Becoming a somebody’ Harry Dugmore 1992-01 African Studies
‘Coloured’ Afrikaans‐speakers in Potchefstroom before and after 1950: identity or political ideology? N.S. Jansen Van Rensburg 1992-01 African Studies
Lynette van Niekerk John Lambert 1992-01 African Historical Review
Andrew Harington Nicholas Southey 1992-01 African Historical Review
The venal Hottentot Venus and the Great Chain of being Robert J. Gordon 1992-01 African Studies
The Dongola Wild Life Sanctuary: ‘psychological blunder, economic folly and political monstrosity’ or ‘more valuable than rubies and gold’? 1992-01 African Historical Review
Urban life and the struggle for autonomous culture in some Transvaal communities Deborah James 1992-01 African Studies
The herder and the rustler J.P. Kiernan 1992-01 African Studies
The Mark of Zorro Clive Glaser 1992-01 African Studies
Thys van Zyl Francois Malan 1992-01 African Historical Review
Children and the family in a rural settlement in Gazankulu J.C. Kotzé 1992-01 African Studies
Street rivalry and patron‐managers Ian Jeffrey 1992-01 African Studies
‘Our poor’: the politicisation of the Poor White problem, 1932–1942 Judith Tayler 1992-01 African Historical Review
The anthropology of anthropological work: C.S. Van Der Waal 1992-01 African Studies
[The demographic challenge]. J Schwartz 1992-01-01 Afrique contemporaine
Government and Change in Lesotho, 1800-1966: A study of political institutions C. MURRAY 1992-01-01 African Affairs
Re-using the spaces of confinement 1992-03 Urban Forum
Competing urban agendas in South Africa Richard Tomlinson 1992-03 Urban Forum
I Economic interpretations of 19th century imperialism Stuart Jones 1992-03 South African Journal of Economic History
II The imperialism of free trade John Gallagher
Ronald Robinson
1992-03 South African Journal of Economic History
III “Imperialism”: An historiographical revision D.K. Fieldhouse 1992-03 South African Journal of Economic History
IV “The imperialism of free trade”: Some reservations D.C.M. Plait 1992-03 South African Journal of Economic History
V Further objections to an “imperialism of free trade” 1830–60 D.C.M. Platt 1992-03 South African Journal of Economic History
VI The role of economics in the expansion of the empires 1830–1914 D.K. Fieldhouse 1992-03 South African Journal of Economic History
IX Gentlemanly capitalism and British expansion overseas II: New imperialism 1850–1945 P.J. Cain
A.G. Hopkins
1992-03 South African Journal of Economic History
BAT and the penetration of capital into Oyo state Ademola Babalola 1992-03 Review of African Political Economy
‘Trailing behind the masses’: the United Democratic Front and township politics in the Pretoria‐Witwatersrand‐Vaal region, 1983–84 1992-03 Journal of Southern African Studies
Colonial Abridgements - Africa Under Colonial Domination, 1880–1935. (UNESCO General History of Africa, Abridged Edition, Vol. vii.) Edited by A. Adu Boahen. Paris: UNESCO; London: James Currey; Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990. Pp. v+ Kristin Mann 1992-03 The Journal of African History
Meta' Politics - Ranking and Resistance: A Precolonial Cameroonian Polity in Regional Perspective. By Richard G. Dillon. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1990. Pp. ix+310. $39.50. Bongfen Chem-Langhëë 1992-03 The Journal of African History
Shaping Lesotho - Government and Change in Lesotho, 1800–1966: A Study of Political Institutions. By L. B. B. J. Machobane. Harlow: Macmillan, 1990. Pp. xix+374. £45. Rok Ajulu 1992-03 The Journal of African History
Viera Pawlikova-Vilhanova, History of Anti-colonial Resistance and Protest in the Kingdoms of Buganda and Bunyoro, 1862-1899. Prague: Oriental Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 1988, 335 pp., mimeo, paper cover, no price stated, but Michael Twaddle 1992-04 Africa
Richard Dillon, Ranking and Resistance: a precolonial Cameroonian polity in regional perspective. Stanford, Cal.: Stanford University Press, 1990, 323 pp., $39.50, ISBN 0 8047 1571 8. Peter Probst 1992-04 Africa
The cultural transformation of Western education in Sierra Leone Caroline Bledsoe 1992-04 Africa
Susan M. Kenyon, Five Women of Sennar: culture change in central Sudan. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991, 262 pp., £35.00. ISBN 0 19 8278322. Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban 1992-04 Africa
Southern African Air Transport After Apartheid Gordon H. Pirie 1992-06 The Journal of Modern African Studies
From quiescence to ‘people's power’: Township politics in Kagiso, 1985–1986 1992-06 Social Dynamics
African Settlements in India Abdulaziz Y. Lodhi 1992-06-30 Nordic Journal of African Studies
Afrikaner Nationalism, Apartheid and the Conceptualization of ‘Race’ Saul Dubow 1992-07 The Journal of African History
On Aro Colonial Primary Source Material: A Critique of the Historiography A. O. Nwauwa 1992 History in Africa
Creative Apostasy or Aesthetic Amnesia?: Osofisan's Birthdays Are Not For Dying and Other Plays Okwute J. Abah 1992 Ufahamu
Krio Political Biography - H. C. Bankole-Bright and Politics in Colonial Sierra Leone 1919–1958. By Akintola J. G. Wyse. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. Pp. xii+278. £35; $49.50. Allen M. Howard 1992-07 The Journal of African History
Colonial Togo - Ein ‘Platz an der Sonne’? Die Verwaltungs- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte der deutschen Kolonie Togo, 1884–1914. By Ralph Erbar. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1991. Pp. 350. DM 86. 1992-07 The Journal of African History
The Production and Export of Hides and Skins in Colonial Northern Nigeria, 1900–1945 A. G. Adebayo 1992-07 The Journal of African History
Five Women of Sennar: Culture and Change in Central Sudan POLLY HILL 1992-07 African Affairs
Sugar and gold in the making of the South African labour system The crisis of supply on the Zululand sugar estates 1906–1939 Alan Jeeves 1992-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The limits of industrialisation in “New Societies”: An Australian perspective Colin White 1992-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Foreign and local investment in the South African Motor Industry 1924–1992 David Duncan 1992-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The settling of New Netherland, North America 1613–1664 Diederik Goedhuys 1992-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Environmental economics and the shaping of development strategies 1992-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The African Quest for Freedom and Identity: Cameroonian Writing and the National Experience George Hegarty
Richard Bjornson
1992-09 African Studies Review
[The urban explosion]. R Pourtier 1992-10-01 Afrique contemporaine
A Biographical Dictionary of the British Colonial Service, 1939–1966. By A. H. M. Kirk-Greene. London: Hans Zell, 1991. Pp. xviii + 403. £85. 1992-11 The Journal of African History
Images of Africa: The Depiction of Pre-colonial Africa in Creative Literature. Edited by Martin Gray and Robin Law. (Centre for Commonwealth Studies, University of Stirling, Occasional Paper No. 1.) Stirling: Centre for Commonwealth Studies, Univers 1992-11 The Journal of African History
New Cape Frontiers - White Supremacy and Black Resistance in Pre-industrial South Africa: The Making of the Colonial Order in the Eastern Cape, 1770–1865. By Clifton C. Crais. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. Pp. xvi + 284. £35; $59.95. Roger B. Beck 1992-11 The Journal of African History
Posthumous Questions for Karl Polanyi: Price Inflation in Pre-Colonial Dahomey Robin Law 1992-11 The Journal of African History
Population trends, issues and implications K E Vaidyanathan 1992-12-01 African Development Review
[Population and health]. D Beghin
P Severyns
1992-12-01 African Development Review
Population and the environment. S Hansen 1992-12-01 African Development Review
Population and women in development: gender issues in the context of population and development. A Eshete 1992-12-01 African Development Review
Governance, Cultural Change, and Empowerment Pierre Landell-Mills 1992-12 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Studies and Comments on Ancient Egyptian Biological Relationships S. O. Y. Keita 1993 History in Africa
The British Establishment of Universities in Tropical Africa, 1920-1948 : A Reaction against the Spread of American " Radical " Influence Appollos O. Nwauwa 1993 Cahiers d'études africaines
" Batetela ", " Baluba ", " Basonge " : Ethnogenesis in Zaire Thomas Turner 1993 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Invention of Ethiopian Jews : Three Models 1993 Cahiers d'études africaines
Crossing Over : Ethnicity and Transboundary Conflict in the Senegal River Valley John V. Magistro 1993 Cahiers d'études africaines
Reconstructing the History of an African Ceramic Tradition: Technology, Slavery and Agency in the Région of Kadiolo (Mali) Barbara E. Frank 1993 Cahiers d'études africaines
" My Arse for Akou ". A Wartime Ritual of Women on the Nineteenth-Century Gold Coast Adam Jones 1993 Cahiers d'études africaines
Theologies of Black South Africans and the Rhetoric of Peace versus Violence 1993 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Editorial 1993 African Archaeological Review
'n Reëndag langs die Teems … en ander geselse At van Wyk 1993-01 African Historical Review
List of publications and manuscripts C.M. Doke 1993-01 African Studies
Not with one mouth R. K. Herbert 1993-01 African Studies
C.M. Doke's contribution to translation studies Derek Fivaz 1993-01 African Studies
C F J Muller: 'n persoonlike getuienis Theo van Wijk 1993-01 African Historical Review
Professor C F J Muller: 1916–1992 Ben Liebenberg 1993-01 African Historical Review
‘A rising councillor’: The origins and making of William Ballinger, 1892–1928 F A Mouton 1993-01 African Historical Review
C.M. Doke: a critical review by a believing outsider E.B. van Wyk 1993-01 African Studies
The loyal dissident: C M Warren and the United Party David Scher 1993-01 African Historical Review
Indigenous beer in Southern Africa P. A. McAllister 1993-01 African Studies
A new perspective on Bantu expansion and classification R. K. Herbert 1993-01 African Studies
Hendrik Witbooi, the prophet Tilman Dedering 1993-01 African Historical Review
In gesprek met professor C F J Muller Albert Grundlingh 1993-01 African Historical Review
Patrice Lumumba Thomas Turner 1993-01 African Studies
‘Where can we get a beast without hair?’ Jeremy Evans 1993-01 African Studies
C.M. Doke's contribution to Shona linguistic studies N.C. Dembetembe 1993-01 African Studies
Some thoughts on future language policy for South Africa Mubanga E. Kashoki 1993-01 African Studies
Costumes and the origin of Egúngún R.O. Romkalilu 1993-01 African Studies
A change of mood David H. Gough 1993-01 African Studies
The Role of the Springbok Legion in the Communist Party of South Africa's Common Front Strategy, 1941–1950 Barry White 1993-01 African Historical Review
The formative region: the eastern Cape frontier revisited Nicholas Southey 1993-01 African Historical Review
A personal tribute to Clement Martyn Doke L.W. Lanham 1993-01 African Studies
Language plan of action for Africa 1993-01 African Studies
AIDS in Africa: a perspective on the epidemic. M C Latham 1993-01-01 Africa Today
Judicial and Legal Records in the National Archives of Ghana/Accra: An Introduction for Users Akotia, P. 1993 History in Africa
Maryinez Lyons, The Colonial Disease: a social history of sleeping sickness in northern Zaire, 1900-1940. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992, 351 pp., £50·00, ISBN 0 521 40350 2. Bruce Fetter 1993-01 Africa
“In a Casual Way with a Blue Pencil”: British Policy and the Partition of Kamerun, 1914–1919 Peter J. Yearwood 1993-01 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Myths and Realities of Kenyan Capitalism David Himbara 1993-03 The Journal of Modern African Studies
VII The fortunes of a Leeds merchant house 1780–1820 R.G. Wilson 1993-03 South African Journal of Economic History
II The entrepreneur in brewing 1700–1830 Peter Mathias 1993-03 South African Journal of Economic History
III Josiah Wedgwood: An eighteenth-century entrepreneur in salesmanship and marketing techniques Neil Mckendrick 1993-03 South African Journal of Economic History
IV Eighteenth-century commerce and fashion: Matthew Boulton's marketing techniques E. Robinson 1993-03 South African Journal of Economic History
V The Peels in the early English cotton industry 1993-03 South African Journal of Economic History
VI Marketing organisation and policy in the cotton trade: M'Connel & Kennedy of Manchester 1795–1835 C.H. Lee 1993-03 South African Journal of Economic History
VIII Richard Reynolds, 1763–1772 and Abraham Darby III, 1768–1789 Arthur Raistrick 1993-03 South African Journal of Economic History
IX Anthony Bacon and Richard Crawshay J.P. Addis 1993-03 South African Journal of Economic History
X Joseph Whitworth and the growth of mass-production engineering 1993-03 South African Journal of Economic History
XI The foundation of the English Rothschilds: N.M. Rothschild as a Textile Merchant 1799–1811 1993-03 South African Journal of Economic History
XII The entrepreneur in banking: The private bankers of Manchester 1770–1825 Stuart Jones 1993-03 South African Journal of Economic History
States and Nations - The Black Man's Burden: Africa and the Curse of the Nation-State. By Basil Davidson. New York: Times Books; London: James Currey, 1992. Pp. xi+355. £25 (paperback £9.95). - Nations and Nationalism since 1780: Programme, Myth, R John Lonsdale 1993-03 The Journal of African History
Occasional Papers on the Irish in South Africa. By Donald Harman Akenson. Grahamstown, S.A.: Institute of Social and Economic Research, Rhodes University, 1991. Pp. 101. R 20 R. F. Foster 1993-03 The Journal of African History
Demographic Evidence for Central Africa - Demography from Scanty Evidence: Central Africa in the Colonial Era. Edited by Bruce Fetter. Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1990. Pp. xiii+365. No price given. Matthew Lockwood 1993-03 The Journal of African History
Sleeping Sickness - The Colonial Disease: A Social History of Sleeping Sickness in Northern Zaire, 1900–1940. By Maryinez Lyons. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. Pp. xiv+335. £50; $79.95. Luise White 1993-03 The Journal of African History
Kenya's Contradictions - Control and Crisis in Colonial Kenya: The Dialectic of Domination. By Bruce Berman. London: James Currey; Nairobi: Heinemann Kenya; Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1990. Pp. xvi+479. £30 (paperback £11.95). Richard Waller 1993-03 The Journal of African History
Ethiopian Resistance - Efiopiia v antikolonial'nykh voinakh. [Ethiopia in the Anti-Colonial Wars]. By Georgii Viktorovich Tsypkin. Moscow: Izdat, ‘Nauka’, 1988. Pp. 310. Roubles 3.50. Colin Darch 1993-03 The Journal of African History
Policing Colonial Nigeria - Imperial Policing: The Emergence and Role of the Police in Colonial Nigeria 1860–1960. By Philip Terdoo Ahire. Buckingham: The Open University Press, 1991. Pp. xvii+165. £25. E. O. Rotimi 1993-03 The Journal of African History
Kongo Modes of Thought - Catastrophe and Creation: The Transformation of an African Culture. By Kajsa Ekholm Friedman. (Studies in Anthropology and History, 5.) Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1991. Pp. xii+271. £27; $48. J. Vansina 1993-03 The Journal of African History
Spiders in and out of Court, or, ‘the long legs of the law: styles of spider divination in their sociological contexts 1993-04 Africa
[African families facing a crisis] T Locoh 1993-04-01 Afrique contemporaine
From regional planning to local development planning 1993-05 Development Southern Africa
Community development: Putting plans into action, by Hennie Swanepoel, Juta & Co Ltd, 1992 Sherry McLean 1993-05 Development Southern Africa
The Horse and Slave Trade Between the Western Sahara and Senegambia James L. A. Webb 1993-07 The Journal of African History
Occupations at Tegdaoust Tegdaoust V: une concession médiévale à Tegdaoust: implantation, évolution d'une unité d'habitation. Par Denise Robert-Chaleix. (Mémoire No. 82.) Paris: Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations, 1989. Pp. 287. FF 246 1993-07 The Journal of African History
Poor Whites White but Poor: Essays on the History of Poor Whites in Southern Africa 1880–1940. Edited By Robert Morrell. Pretoria: University of South Africa, 1992. Pp. xxiii + 224. £11.90, paperback Patrick Furlong 1993-07 The Journal of African History
Of Literary Melodies and Learning Benedicto Wokomaatani Malunga 1993 Ufahamu
"In a Casual Way with a Blue Pencil": British Policy and the Partition of Kamerun, 1914-1919 Peter J. Yearwood 1993 Canadian Journal of African Studies
The Colonial Disease: A Social History of Sleeping Sickness in Northern Zaire, 1900-1940 Tanya Weinstein
Maryinez Lyons
1993 International Journal of African Historical Studies
John Kenneth Noyes, Colonial Space: spatiality, subjectivity and society in the colonial discourse of German South West Africa, 1884-1915, Studies in Anthropology and History 4. Philadelphia: Harwood, 1992, 318 pp., £19.00, ISBN 3 7186 5167 X. Thomas Widlok 1993-07 Africa
The Colonial Disease: A social history of sleeping sickness in Northern Zaire 1990–1940 BRIAN MORRIS 1993-07 African Affairs
Creating racial privilege: the origins of South African public health and town planning legislation 1993-09 Journal of Southern African Studies
The application of the theory of “economic backwardness” to South Africa 1881–1924 John Bottomley 1993-10 South African Journal of Economic History
Wage Regulation for African Workers 1918–1948 David Duncan 1993-10 South African Journal of Economic History
Keynes's proposal at the Bretton Woods conference as an exchange rate system H.F. Nel 1993-10 South African Journal of Economic History
The Glen Grey Act: Forgotten dimensions in an old theme R.J. Thompson
B.M. Nicholls
1993-10 South African Journal of Economic History
The “Colombian kickstart” in context: Are growth and redistribution mutually exclusive? A. Smith 1993-10 South African Journal of Economic History
[Mortality and health in African towns]. P Antoine
A Ba
1993-10-01 Afrique contemporaine
[Demographic structures and urban fertility] P Gubry
V Guerin
1993-10-01 Afrique contemporaine
An Assessment of the Sustainability of Nigeria's Fiscal Deficit: 1970–90 Ademola Ariyo 1993-10 Journal of African Economies
The National Monuments Council and a Policy for Providing Protection for the Cultural and Environmental Heritage ANDREW HALL
1993-11 South African Historical Journal
Tirailleurs Sénégalais - Colonial Conscripts: The Tirailleurs Sénégalais in French West Africa, 1857–1960. By Myron Echenberg. (Social History of Africa Series.) London: James Currey; Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1991. Pp. xix + 236. £35.00 (paperback A. S. Kanya-Forstner 1993-11 The Journal of African History
Colonial Medicine - Curing their Ills: Colonial Power and African Illness. By Megan Vaughan. Cambridge: Polity Press; Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1991. Pp. xii + 224. £35.00 (paperback £11.95). John M. Janzen 1993-11 The Journal of African History
Court Histories - Law in Colonial Africa. Edited by Kristin Mann and Richard Roberts. London: James Currey; Portsmouth, N.H.: Heineman, 1991. Pp. xvi + 264. £35 (paperback £11.95). Andrew Roberts 1993-11 The Journal of African History
Pastoralism in Fulbe Folktales Paul K. Eguchi 1994 Cahiers d'études africaines
Art, Ritual, and Folklore: Dance and Cultural Identity among the Peoples of the Casamance Peter Mark 1994 Cahiers d'études africaines
Kibudu a bantu language with nine vowels Constance Kutsch Lojenga 1994 Africana Linguistica
Bantu noun-class reflexes in Komo Paul Thomas 1994 Africana Linguistica
African Reflections: Art from Northeastern Zaire Enid Schildkrout
Curtis A. Keim
1994 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Conflitos raciais durante a República (1910-1926) - Um campo de luta: a Imprensa dos Naturais Augusto Nascimento 1994 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
Drought and coping strategies in Fulbe Society in the Hayre (Central Mali) : a historical perspective 1994 Cahiers d'études africaines
'Swart gevaar' in beeld: visuele propaganda in Die Burger gedurende die parlementere verkiesingstryd van 1928 tot 1929 Henriette J. Lubbe 1994-01 African Historical Review
The Chinese in South Africa: a preliminary overview to 1910 Karen L. Bridges 1994-01 African Historical Review
Introductory comments Ed Wilmsen 1994-01 African Studies
Beyond the buzzwords: report on a workshop, Albert Einstein institution civics project, 18–21 August 1993 Colin Bundy 1994-01 African Studies
Remarks on silence and alterity Karin Barber 1994-01 African Studies
History workshop conference report 1994-01 African Studies
The mystery of the blue ostriches Phillip V. Tobias
J. David Lewis‐Williams
1994-01 African Studies
Report on the eleventh symposium on ethnomusicology, Natal university Durban, 23–25 August 1993 Deborah James
Carol Muller
1994-01 African Studies
A world turned upside down John Sharp 1994-01 African Studies
The impossibility of silence and alterity Windsor S. Leroke 1994-01 African Studies
A man of splendid appearance Sandra Klopper 1994-01 African Studies
Comment on Barber's ‘remarks of silence and alterity’ Keith Shear 1994-01 African Studies
Angry men and working women Leslie Bank 1994-01 African Studies
The German Jewish experience in Cape Town from 1936 to the present day Edna Bradlow 1994-01 African Historical Review
The English-language press and the Anglo American Corporation: an assessment Elspeth McKenzie 1994-01 African Historical Review
‘They must be Dagaba first and any other thing second …’ Carola Lentz 1994-01 African Studies
Fellow Travellers in an Antique Land: La Guma and Uncle Lenin Roger Field 1994-01 Social Dynamics
On Art and Museums in South Africa before the Elections Doran H. Ross 1994-01 African Arts
Editorial Board 1994-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Editorial Peter Bowden 1994-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
La formation bahloul en tunisie centro-septentrionale: variations latérales, nouvelle datation et nouvelle interprétation en terme de stratigraphie séquentielle A.L. Maamouri
D. Zaghbib-Turki
M.F. Matmati
M. Chikhaoui
J. Salaj
1994-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Patterns of sedimentation and fossil distribution in the Kenya Rift Valleys 1994-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Secondary ZnPbCu minerals, an aid to mineral exploration in the Aggeneys area, Bushmanland, South Africa H. de Bruiyn
W.A. van der Westhuizen
G.J. Beukes
1994-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Pb-isotope constraints on base-metal mineralisation at Kipushi (Southeastern Zaïre) F. Walraven
M. Chabu
1994-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The River Nile Geology, hydrology and utilization R.W. Duck 1994-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Do the Effutu Really Believe That the Spirits Cause Illness? a Ghanaian Case Study Robert W. Wyllie 1994-01-01 Journal of Religion in Africa
Population policies and the "creation" of Africa. T O Pearce 1994-01-01 Africa Development
Is there a distinct African sexuality? A critical response to Caldwell. B M Ahlberg 1994-01-01 Africa
AIDS, the individual, family and community: psychosocial issues. K Osei-hwedie 1994-01-01 Journal of Social Development in Africa
A Calendar of the Kwame Nkrumah Papers in the Documentation Centre of the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, 1935–1948 Akussah, H. 1994 History in Africa
The kazanga festival Wim M.J. van Binsbergen 1994-01 African Studies
L'editorial Peter Bowden 1994-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The geological setting and style of copper mineralization at the Bushman group of deposits, northeastern Botswana J.M. Barton
J.L. Blaine
R. Doig
C.L. Byron
1994-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Gold mineralization in Natal, South Africa W.D. Bullen
R.J. Thomas
A. McKenzie
1994-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Contrôles paléogéographique et diagénétique des successions sédimentaires argileuses du Bassin Atlasique au Crétacé (Haut-Atlas Occidental, Maroc) L. Daoudi
J.F. Deconinck
1994-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Extension directions and strain near the failed triple junction of the Zambezi and Luangwa Rift zones, southern Africa P.M. Oesterlen
T.G. Blenkinsop
1994-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Namibia regains Walvis Bay at last 1994-03 Review of African Political Economy
Productivity in an imperial bank in the age of high imperialism: The case of the Standard Bank of South Africa 1882–1900 Stuart Jones 1994-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Managing South Africa's environmental pollution: The “command-and-control” versus economic instruments debate 1994-03 South African Journal of Economic History
A historical perspective on the changing role of the International Monetary Fund Helena Van zyl 1994-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Making Space - Colonial Space: Spatiality in the Discourse of German South West Africa 1884–1915. By John K. Noyes. Chur: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1992. Pp. x+315. $32 (ISBN 3-7186-5167-x). Brian T. Mokopakgosi 1994-03 The Journal of African History
Religious Divide - The Thousand Generation Covenant: Dutch Reformed Covenant Theology and Group Identity in Colonial South Africa, 1652–1814. By J. N. Gerstner. New York and Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1991. Pp. xi+280. No price given (ISBN 9-00409-361-3). Andrew Bank 1994-03 The Journal of African History
Inner city communities and urban environments Lone Poulsen 1994-03 Urban Forum
Preface J.P. le Roux
I.W. Hälbich
1994-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Preface J.P. le Roux
I.W. Hälbich
1994-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A structural sequence in low strain sedimentary rocks in the Beaufort Group of the south-western Karoo and its bearing on syngenetic and epigenetic mineralization I.W. Hälbich 1994-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A stratigraphic-structural profile through parts of the Beaufort Group: fold genesis and relationship to U-distribution I.W. Hälbich
L. Grobler
1994-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Monoclines and palaeochannels: evidence for syntectonic sedimentation in the Beaufort Group of the Karoo basin, South Africa J.P. le Roux
L.E. Grobler
P.H. Smit
1994-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A quantitative assessment of the effects of magmatism on the thermal history of the Karoo sedimentary sequence Roderick Brown
Kerry Gallagher
Michael Duane
1994-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A strategy for uranium exploration in the Permo-Triassic Beaufort Group of the main Karoo basin, South Africa J.P. Le Roux
H.J. Brynard
1994-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Call for papers 1994-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Papers to appear in forthcoming issues 1994-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Editorial: Review volume 18 Peter Bowden 1994-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
16th international colloquium of African geology, Ezulwini, Swaziland, September 1993 M. Mabuza
R.J. Thomas
1994-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
PbPb whole-rock ages for the Pongola supergroup and the Usushwana Complex, South Africa F Walraven
J Pape
1994-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A precise UPb zircon age for the Archaean Pongola Supergroup volcanics in Swaziland E Hegner
A Kröner
P Hunt
1994-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Application of regional geochemical surveys to environmental studies; a case study from the Namaqualand copper district A.D. Wulfse
R. Holdsworth
1994-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Announcements 1994-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Papers to appear in forthcoming issues 1994-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Volume 18 (1994) title page, volume contents and author index 1994-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Obituary: Japhet Tulule Nanyaro 1945–1994 Thomas Schlueter 1994-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Keith Shiri (editor and compiler), Directory of African Film Makers and Films. Flicks Books, 29 Bradford Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire BA 14 9AN, 1992, 208 pp., £33.00, ISBN 0 948911 60 3. Patricia Aufderheide 1994-04 Africa
Family, marriage and divorce in a Hausa community: a sociological model Luigi M. Solivetti 1994-04 Africa
Democratization: Understanding the Relationship between Regime Change and the Culture of Politics Pearl T. Robinson 1994-04 African Studies Review
Ndembu, Luunda and Yaka Divination Compared: From Representation and Social Engineering to Embodiment and Worldmaking 1994-05 Journal of Religion in Africa
Measuring employment discrimination through controlled experiments Marc Bendick
Charles W. Jackson
Victor A. Reinoso
1994-06 The Review of Black Political Economy
Sophiatown: the view from afar 1994-06 Journal of Southern African Studies
Colonial discourse theory and African history, or has postmodernism passed us by?1 Megan Vaughan 1994-06 Social Dynamics
Conference on ‘symbols of change — transregional culture and local practice in Southern Africa’ Veit Erlmann 1994-06 Journal of Southern African Studies
Government and Change in Lesotho, 1800–1966: a study of political institutions by L. B. B. J. Machobane Basingstoke and London, Macmillan, 1990. Pp. xix+374. £14.99 paperback. Elizabeth A. Eldredge 1994-06 The Journal of Modern African Studies
African and European Cocoa Producers on Fernando Póo, 1880s to 1910s W. G. Clarence-Smith 1994-07 The Journal of African History
Anglo-Saxon Attitudes: The Algerian War of Independence in Retrospect Michael Brett 1994-07 The Journal of African History
Editorial Board 1994-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Editorial Peter Bowden 1994-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochronology of anorogenic igneous complexes in the Sudan: isotopic investigations in North Kordofan, the Nubian Desert and the Red Sea Hills A. Höhndorf
K-D. Meinhold
J.R. Vail
1994-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Seismicity of the south-western region of the Arabian Shield and southern red sea Abdullah M.S. Al-Amri 1994-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Regional crustal trends in South Africa from the spectral analysis of topographic and gravity data Martin F. Mushayandebvu
C.Moctar Doucouré
1994-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Structural interpretation of the Bouguer and aeromagnetic anomalies in central Sinai Hosni H. Ghazala 1994-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Les chapeaux de fer de Pagala, Togo (Afrique de l'ouest). Un exemple de minéralisation supergène à protore sidéritique en Chaîne Dahomeyenne Kodjo Togbe
Yves Besnus
1994-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry of the Wadi Hawashia Granite Complex, northern Egyptian Shield F.H. Mohamed
M.A. Hassanen
G. Matheis
M.H. Shalaby
1994-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Paléomagnétisme du volcanisme de Bou-Acila (Méséta centrale, Maroc) Driss Khattach
Driss Najid
1994-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A1 Awaynat surficial uranium mineralization, south-western Libya, a new approach to its origin H.S. Assaf
K.M. Hangari
M.B. Baegi
1994-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Labelling of precipitation by stable isotopes (18O, 2H) over the Jos Plateau and the surrounding plains (north-central Nigeria) M Mbonu
Y Travi
1994-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sédimentologie et évidence d'une tectonique Tardi-Hercynienne d'âge Permien Inférieur dans le bassin des Ida Ou Ziki; sud-ouest du massif ancien du Haut-Atlas (region d'Argana, Maroc) Hafid Saber 1994-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry and origin of the manganese deposits in the Umm Bogma region, west central Sinai, Egypt Nadi A. Saad
Bahgat I. Zidan
Khalil I. Khalil
1994-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Electrical resistivity mapping of the buried stream channel of the Canopic branch in the western Nile Delta, Egypt M.M El-Gamili
F.F Shaaban
O.A El-Morsi
1994-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Papers to appear in forthcoming issues 1994-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Studies in Cameroonian and Zairean Languages William J. Samarin
Ryohei Kagaya
Hiroshi Nakagawa
Yasutochi Yukawa
1994 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Ranking and Resistance: A Precolonial Cameroonian Polity in Regional Perspective Jeanne-Françoise Vincent
Richard G. Dillon
Jeanne-Francoise Vincent
1994 Canadian Journal of African Studies
The Colonial Disease: A Social History of Sleeping Sickness in Northern Zaire, 1900-1940 Diana Wylie
Maryinez Lyons
1994 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Beyond the Pale: Essays on the History of Colonial South Africa A.H. Duminy
Robert Ross
1994 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Contemporary Source Material for the History of the Old Oyo Empire, 1627–1824. By Robin Law. Ibadan: The Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, 1993. Pp. 94. No price given. (ISBN 978-2188-00-X). Toyin Falola 1994-07 The Journal of African History
French Colonial Africa: A Guide to Official Sources. By Gloria D. Westfall. London: Hans Zell Publishers, 1992. Pp. x + 226 (ISBN 1-873836-60-0). Myron Echenberg 1994-07 The Journal of African History
A Bridge Too Far - Bridging the Zambezi: A Colonial Folly. By Landeg White. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1993. Pp. xvii + 233. £40 (ISBN 0-333-55170-2). Jon Lunn 1994-07 The Journal of African History
The ‘Rod of Empire’: The Debate Over Corporal Punishment in the British African Colonial Forces, 1888–1946 1994-07 The Journal of African History
Transforming the research system: Contribution of the post‐structuralist theoretical framework Catriona Macleod 1994-08 Development Southern Africa
An overview of the South African economy in the 1980s Stuart Jones
Jon Inggs
1994-09 South African Journal of Economic History
South African agriculture in the 1980s J.F. Kirsten
J. Van Zyl
J. Van Rooyen
1994-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The South African mining industry in the 1980s 1994-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The 1980s — a lost decade for the South African manufacturing sector? Colin McCarthy 1994-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The dynamics of South African banking in the 1980s 1994-09 South African Journal of Economic History
South Africa's external trade in the 1980s Stuart Jones 1994-09 South African Journal of Economic History
South Africa's balance of payments in the 1980s Philip Mohr
Mariana Botha
Penny Hawkins
1994-09 South African Journal of Economic History
South African tax policy in the 1980s J. vd S. Heyns 1994-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Land and freedom in South Africa Colin Murray
Gavin Williams
1994-09 Review of African Political Economy
Your terroir and my ‘action space’: implications of differentiation, mobility and diversification for the approche terroir in Sahelian West Africa Thomas Painter
James Sumberg
Thomas Price
1994-10 Africa
Preface 1994-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Pan-African structures and metamorphism in the Makuti group, north-west Zimbabwe Hubert Munyanyiwa
Thomas G Blenkinsop
1994-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Contrasting P-T-t loops from southern East Africa, natal and East Antarctica R.J Thomas
P Mendonidis
1994-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mineralization types in the Mozambique Belt of eastern Zambia A.F. Kamona 1994-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Papers to appear in forthcoming issues 1994-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
D.J. Kotzé (1927–1992): Afrikanerhistorikus en Kultuur-en Bewaringsleier D. J. VAN ZYL
1994-11 South African Historical Journal
A Town Called Dakajalan: The Sunjata Tradition and the Question of Ancient Mali's Capital Davind C. Conrad 1994-11 The Journal of African History
Regional Editor's preface R.J. Thomas 1994-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Stratigraphy of Zambian copperbelt orebodies Pier L. Binda 1994-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Some constraints on the formation of the Zambian Copperbelt deposits M.A. Sweeney
P.L. Binda
1994-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Papers to appear in forthcoming issues 1994-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Volume 19 contents, author index and reviewer index 1994-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Participation of disadvantaged communities in project planning and decision‐making: A case‐study of Hout Bay Merle Sowman
Megan Gawith
1994-11 Development Southern Africa
Ethiopian Source Material and Colonial Rule in the Nineteenth Century: The Letter to Menilek (1899) By Blatta Gäbrä Egzi'abehēr Irma Taddia 1994-11 The Journal of African History
Contesting Clothes in Colonial Brazzaville Phyllis M. Martin 1994-11 The Journal of African History
Killing Bwana: Peasant Revenge and Political Panic in Early Colonial Ankole Justin Willis 1994-11 The Journal of African History
Editorial 1994-12 African Archaeological Review
Contributors 1994-12 African Archaeological Review
Publications received 1994-12 African Archaeological Review
Ibn Battuta in Black Africa Marina Tolmacheva
Said Hamdun
Noel King
1995 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Face of the Gods: The Artists and Their Altars Robert Farris Thompson 1995 African Arts
Queries on Cultural Capitalism Janet Roitman 1995 Cahiers d'études africaines
Witches of the Transvaal Lowveld and their Familiars. Conceptions of Duality, Power and Desire Isak Niehaus 1995 Cahiers d'études africaines
Inikori's Odyssey : Measuring the British Slave Trade, 1655-1807 David Richardson 1995 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Evolution of the Idaw al-Hajj Commercial Diaspora James L.A. Webb 1995 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Volume and African Origins of the British Slave Trade before 1714 David Eltis 1995 Cahiers d'études africaines
Empirical Studies and Conceptual Dilemmas. A Reply to Janet Roitman Peter Geschiere 1995 Cahiers d'études africaines
Medieval Christian Nubia and the Islamic World: A Reconsideration of the Baqt Treaty Jay Spaulding 1995 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Heroes or Villains? Youth Politics in the 1980s Norma Kriger
Steven Friedman
1995 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Le religieux et les élections législatives de mars 1995 au Bénin Cédric Mayrargue 1995 Politique africaine
“Proprietor of Natal:” Henry Francis Fynn and the Mythography of Shaka Dan Wylie 1995-01 History in Africa
Writing Ideology: Ranavalona, The Ancestral Bureaucrat Gerald M. Berg 1995-01 History in Africa
Development communication – for whom and for what? Jan Servaes 1995-01 Communicatio
Boekbespreking/Book Discussion 1995-01 Communicatio
The Journal of an African Slaver, 1789-1792, and the Gold Coast Slave Trade of William Collow 1995-01 History in Africa
1995-01 African Security Review
1995-01 African Security Review
EXPLORING THE NEW CHALLENGES TO PEACE OPERATIONS Jakkie Potgieter 1995-01 African Security Review
ARE WE SPENDING TOO MUCH ON DEFENCE? Krish Naidoo 1995-01 African Security Review
1995-01 African Security Review
‘A cusser when crossed’: the turbulent career of William Ballinger FA Mouton 1995-01 African Historical Review
The Trappists in South Africa: a short overview Risimati Sam Khandlhela 1995-01 African Historical Review
Z K Matthews and the formation of the ANC Youth League at the University College of Fort Hare TRH White 1995-01 African Historical Review
‘The fading songs of Chimurenga’ Mxolisi R. Sibanyoni 1995-01 African Studies
Eileen Jensen Krige 1905–1995 John Argyle 1995-01 African Studies
Codesria seminar on labour movements and policy making in Africa, Dakar, 20–23 March 1995 Windsor Leroke
Eddie Webster
1995-01 African Studies
Wilmsen's reply to Dickens Alan Barnard 1995-01 African Studies
Patriarchs, politics and ethnicity in the making of the Ciskei, 1945–1959 Anne Mager 1995-01 African Studies
The way you tell them 1995-01 African Studies
The other anthropology: a response to Gordon and Spiegel's review of Southern African anthropology Shahid Vawda 1995-01 African Studies
Paradigms slightly obscured? A partial view of the Jsas conferenceparadigms lost, paradigms regainedheld at York university, UK, 9–11 September 1994 Deborah James
Owen Sichone
1995-01 African Studies
On the trail of John Ross AE Cubbin 1995-01 African Historical Review
Comment on ‘the Kalahari debate continued’ Megan Biesele 1995-01 African Studies
Democracy and the gendering of the private domain Deborah James 1995-01 African Studies
N.J. Van Warmelo and the ethnological section a memoir W.D. Hammond‐Tooke 1995-01 African Studies
Philip Mayer 1910–1995 David Hammond‐Tooke 1995-01 African Studies
‘All work and no play makes civilisation unattractive to the masses’ Bhekizizwe Peterson 1995-01 African Studies
The Orange Free State and the race for the Rand a century ago: the story of the Cape-Bloemfontein-Johannesburg railway line SF Malan 1995-01 African Historical Review
What is the state of anthropology in South Africa? Tim Quinlan 1995-01 African Studies
Who were the opponents of apartheid? FA Mouton 1995-01 African Historical Review
Reports on the Biennial conference of theSouth African historical journaland on the women's history workshop, Rhodes university, July 1995 Rehad Desai
Thembeka Orie
1995-01 African Studies
Space, domesticity and ‘people's power’ Justine Lucas 1995-01 African Studies
Die historiese metode FA van Jaarsveld 1995-01 African Historical Review
Onderdrukking van die Rehoboth-Baster-verset in Suidwes-Afrika (Namibië), April 1925 GJJ Oosthuizen 1995-01 African Historical Review
Analytical philosophy and its South African critics Denise Meyerson 1995-01 Social Dynamics
Sudan Notes and Records and Sudanese Nationalism, 1918–1956 1995-01 History in Africa
First carboniferous conulariids from Niger (west Africa) L.E. Babcock
J. Lang
M. Yahaya
1995-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Late Cretaceous alkaline saline lake complexes of the Kalahari Group in northern Botswana P.I. Du Plessis
J.P. Le Roux
1995-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Abundance and distribution of uranium in Senonian phosphorites, Arad basin, southern Israel Dan Gill
Yair Shiloni
1995-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Distribution des matières en suspension dans les eaux de la plate-forme continentale de Côte d'Ivoire Aka Kouamé 1995-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Low temperature luminescence of transition metal-doped beryls M.L. Chithambo
S.G. Raymond
T. Calderon
P.D. Townsend
1995-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Papers to appear in forthcoming issues 1995-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
F A van Jaarsveld (1922–1995) — a flawed genius? FA Mouton 1995-01 African Historical Review
Crisis as challenge: counselling counsellors, persons living with HIV / AIDS and survivors. M L Crowley 1995-01-01 Journal of Social Development in Africa
The power of sex: some reflections on the Caldwell's "African sexuality" thesis. S Heald 1995-01-01 Africa
Ages and geological significance of the igneous rocks from Seychelles Ph.S. Plummer 1995-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Editorial Peter Bowden 1995-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Ore-forming processes in the upper part of the Bushveld complex, South Africa Dirk M.W. Harne
Gerhard Von Gruenewaldt
1995-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Neoproterozoic granitic magmatism and tectonic evolution of the northern Arabian Shield: evidence from southwest Jordan K.M. Ibrahim
W.J. McCourt
1995-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
La formation de l'inkisi (Supergroupe ouest-congolien) en Afrique centrale (Congo et Bas-Zaïre): un delta d'âge Paléozoïque comblant un bassin en extension Philippe Alvarez
Jean-Christophe Maurin
Jean-Paul Vicat
1995-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
On the scope and limitations of the electromagnetic method in groundwater prospecting in a Precambrian basement terrain - a Nigerian case study M.O. Olorunfem
M.A. Dan-Hassan
J.S. Ojo
1995-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
IGCP 348 Mozambique and Related Belts meetings for 1995–96 1995-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Papers to appear in forthcoming issues 1995-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Let Us Forget Unpleasant Memories: The US State Department's Analysis of The Congo Crisis The Foreign Relations of the United States, 1958–60, Vol. 14, Africa US Department of State, Washington, DC, 1992. Pp. xxv + 784. $33.00 David N. Gibbs 1995-03 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Eritrea's national charter John Markakis 1995-03 Review of African Political Economy
Belief, Legitimacy and the Kpojito: An Institutional History of the ‘Queen Mother’ in Precolonial Dahomey Edna G. Bay 1995-03 The Journal of African History
Namibia: swapo wins two‐thirds majority 1995-03 Review of African Political Economy
Rich nations-poor nations: A long run view Derek H. Aldcroft 1995-03 South African Journal of Economic History
The motor car assembly/manufacturing industry in South Africa: Phases I to V K.A. Dix 1995-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Government failure as an explanation for the asymmetric effects of labour apartheid in South Africa Brian Dollery 1995-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Disinvestment and the restructuring of the South African computer-hardware industry P. Draper 1995-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Industrial history in South Africa: Past trends and future needs 1995-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Nationalism and free enterprise in mining: The case of Federale Mynbou 1952–1965 1995-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Rethinking urban South Africa Alan Mabin 1995-03 Journal of Southern African Studies
French Economics in Africa - Proceedings of the Sixteenth Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society, Mackinac Island, 1990. Edited by Patricia Galloway. Lanham, New York and London: University Press of America, 1990. Pp. v + 194. £29.50 (ISB François Manchuelle 1995-03 The Journal of African History
Women's ‘Conservatism’ and the Politics of Gender in Late Colonial Lesotho Marc Epprecht 1995-03 The Journal of African History
Divine Madness: Mohammed Abdulle Hassan (1856–1920) ALUSINE JALLOH 1995-04 African Affairs
Roland Werner, Tìdn-áal: a study of Midob (Darfur-Nubian). Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 1993, 169 pp., DM68, ISBN 3 496 02507 7 M. Lionel Bender 1995-04 Africa
Editorial Peter Bowden 1995-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Calcareous nannoplankton and diatoms from the Eocene/Pliocene sediments, Fayoum depression, Egypt Abdelfattah A. Zalat 1995-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene productivity in the Arabian Sea Alfred N.N. Muzuka
Stephen A. Macko
1995-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Middle Jurassic non-marine siliciclastic facies in southern central Saudi Arabia Ahmad A. Al-Aswad 1995-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The potential for minimizing drawdowns in groundwater wells in tropical aquifers Ayodele Owoade 1995-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Flow and accumulation of pollutants in an agro-industrial ecosystem Fawzia A. Fahim
Amin M.A. Abdallah
Taha A.M. Abdel Razek
1995-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Making a Market: The institutional transformation of an African society WILLIE HENDERSON 1995-04 African Affairs
The Word for 'God' in Swahili: Further Considerations P. J. L. Frankl 1995-05 Journal of Religion in Africa
‘The kingdom, the Volkstaat and the New South Africa’: drawing South Africa's new regional boundaries Yvonne G. Muthien
Meshack M. Khosa
1995-06 Journal of Southern African Studies
Book Review: It Just Ain't Fair: The Ethics of Health Care for African Americans E. Wynstin Walton 1995-06 The Review of Black Political Economy
A fragment of colonial history: the killing of Jakob Marengo J. R. Masson 1995-06 Journal of Southern African Studies
Freedom of Expression in the Cameroonian Democratic Transition Charles Manga Fombad 1995-06 The Journal of Modern African Studies
New Linguistic Evidence and ‘The Bantu Expansion’ J. Vansina 1995-07 The Journal of African History
Development, demarcation and ecological outcomes in Maasailand 1995-07 Africa
Asians in East Africa Quest for Equality: Asian Politics in East Africa, 1900–1967. By Robert G. Gregory. Hyderabad and London: Orient Longman and Sangam Books (57 London Fruit Exchange, London E1 6EP, UK), 1993. Pp. xvi + 231. £14.95 (ISBN 0-8631 Michael Twaddle 1995-07 The Journal of African History
Geology at Stellenbosch: a legacy of Scottish Professors W.J. Verwoerd
A. Rozendaal
P. Bowden
1995-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Introduction to the special issue A. Rozendaal
M.K. Watkeys
1995-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Gariep belt: stratigraphic-structural evidence for obliquely transformed grabens and back-folded thrust stacks in a combined thick-skin thin-skin structural setting I.W. Hälbich
D.J. Alchin
1995-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of Late Precambrian S-, I- and A-type granitoids in the Saldania belt, Western Cape Province, South Africa R. Scheepers 1995-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The geochemistry and isotopic composition of the mafic and intermediate igneous components of the Cape Granite Suite, South Africa L.J. Jordaan
R. Scheepers
E.S. Barton
1995-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Fractionation of the rare earths in a suite of highly evolved metaluminous granitoids and felsic dykes from the Western Cape Province, South Africa R. Scheepers
C.M. Smtt
1995-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Transpression and transection in the late Pan-African Vanrhynsdorp foreland thrust-fold belt, South Africa P.G. Gresse 1995-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Magmatic and related mineral deposits of the Pan-African Saldania belt in the Western Cape Province, South Africa A. Rozendaal
R. Scheepers
1995-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Phosphorus as a typological and mineralization potential indicator: the Cape Granite Suite of the Saldania belt as a case study R. Scheepers
A. Ozendaal
1995-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tourmaline nodules: indicators of hydrothermal alteration and SnZn(W) mineralization in the Cape Granite Suite, South Africa A. Rozendaal
L. Bruwer
1995-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Fold interference from simultaneous shortening in different directions: the Cape Fold Belt syntaxis C.H. de Beer 1995-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Rare metal mineralization at the Salpeterkop carbonatite complex, Western Cape Province, South Africa W.J. Verwoerd
E.A. Viljoen
L. Chevallier
1995-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Geelwal Karoo heavy mineral deposit: a modern day beach placer W.G. MacDonald
A. Rozendaal
1995-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Papers to appear in forthcoming issues 1995-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Drums of Redemption: An Introduction to African Christianity Harvey J. Sindima 1995 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Food and Society in Nigeria: A History of Food Customs, Food Economy, and Cultural Change 1900-1989 Diana Wylie
Eno Blankson Ikpe
1995 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Period Piece - The German Colonial Empire, 1884–1919. By W. O. Henderson. London: Frank Cass, 1993. Pp. ix + 164. £35 (ISBN 0-7146-3427-1). Marcia Wright 1995-07 The Journal of African History
Tsetse Visions: Narratives of Blood and Bugs in Colonial Northern Rhodesia, 1931–9 Luise White 1995-07 The Journal of African History
Evolution of Kenyan agricultural policy Jeff Gow
Kevin Parton
1995-08 Development Southern Africa
Tectonic evolution of the Late Archaean Pongola-Mozaan basin, South Africa D.J.C. Gold
M.W. Von Veh
1995-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geological and geophysical reconnaissance of the Lotikipi plain of northwestern Kenya and its relationship to the northern Kenya Rift William A. Wescott
Denise M. Stone
Stephen T. Wigger
1995-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The petrogenesis of the Edough muscovite orthogneisses, Annaba, northeast Algeria Y. Ahmed-Said
B.E. Leake
1995-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Rôle et importance de la fracturation méridienne dans les déformations crétacées et alpines de la ‘zone des diapirs’ (Tunisie septentrionale) M. Chikhaoui
M.M. Turki
1995-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Palaeosols in Late Quaternary colluvium, northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa G.A. Botha
N. Fedoroff
1995-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Altérabilité des minéraux titanés (ilménite et rutile) et mobilité du titane dans les profils d'altération du secteur d'Ovala (Gabon) A. Edou-Minko
F. Colin
J.J. Trescases
1995-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Les mécanismes de dispersion et d'accumulation d'or dans des conditions d'altération supergène en zone équatoriale A. Edou-Minko 1995-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Papers to appear in forthcoming issues 1995-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
List of contents for the journal of South American earth sciences 1995-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
List of contents for the journal of Southeast Asian earth sciences 1995-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
South Africa and the international diamond trade Part One: Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, De Beers and the evolution of central selling, 1920–1950 Colin Newbury 1995-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The Natal Land and Colonisation Company and the vexed question of land distribution and redistribution J. J. Edley 1995-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The development of the South African petrochemical industry John Giantsos 1995-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Aspects of fiscal policy in South Africa 1985–1995 J. vdS. Heyns 1995-09 South African Journal of Economic History
From currency board to central banking: The Gold Coast experience 1995-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Conceptualising motherhood in twentieth century South Africa Cherryl Walker 1995-09 Journal of Southern African Studies
Cr-poor megacrysts from the Shamah volcanic field, northwestern part of the Arabian Plate 1995-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Fordism, flexible specialisation and explanations for development planning 1995-10 Development Southern Africa
Lithostratigraphy, provenance and facies distribution of Archaean cratonic successions in western Kenya Wilson M. Ngecu
Steve J. Gaciri
1995-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Solar and ENSO signatures in laminated deposits from lake Magadi (Kenya) during the Pleistocene/Holocene transition Brahim Damnati
Maurice Taieb
1995-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Détachements et tectonique extensive dans le massif hercynien des Rehamna (Maroc) Abdel M. Aghzer
Ricardo Arenas
1995-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Palaeomagnetism of early miocene basaltic eruptions in the areas east and west of Cairo H.I. Lotfy
R. Van der Voo
C.M. Hall
O.A. Kamel
A.Y. Abdel Aal
1995-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The stratigraphy, depositional environments and periods of deformation of the Wajid outcrop belt, southwestern Saudi Arabia T.E. Stump
J.G. Van der Eem
1995-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A study of metabasite and metagranite chemistry in the Adola region (south Ethiopia): implications for the evolution of the East African orogen B. Woldehaimanot
J.H. Behrmann
1995-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Retrogressive hydration of calc-silicate xenoliths in the eastern Bushveld complex: evidence for late magmatic fluid movement T. Wallmach
C.J. Hatton
S.A. De Waal
1995-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geology of the ultrabasic to basic Uitkomst complex, eastern Transvaal, South Africa: an overview C.D.K. Gauert
S.A. De Waal
T. Wallmach
1995-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Preface P.G. Eriksson
B.F.F. Reczko
H.V. Eales
1995-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The sedimentary and tectonic setting of the Transvaal Supergroup floor rocks to the Bushveld complex P.G. Eriksson
B.F.F. Reczko
1995-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A re-evaluation of the volcanism of the Palaeoproterozoic Pretoria Group (Kaapvaal craton) and a hypothesis on basin development B.F.F. Reczko
J.D. Oberholzer
M. Res
P.G. Eriksson
U.M. Schreiber
1995-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Transvaal Supergroup inliers: geology, tectonic development and relationship with the Bushveld complex, South Africa F.J. Hartzer 1995-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Palaeomagnetic constraints on the emplacement of the Bushveld complex Pierre J. Hattingh 1995-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mantle plume origin for the Bushveld and Ventersdorp magmatic provinces C.J. Hatton 1995-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Evidence for synchronous extrusive and intrusive Bushveld magmatism C.J. Hatton
J.K. Schweitzer
1995-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Lead isotope variations within the Bushveld complex, Southern Africa: a reconnaissance study R.E. Harmer
J.M. Auret
B.M. Eglington
1995-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
An evaluation of proposed platinum group element contents in the parental magmas of the Bushveld complex R.K.W. Merkle
G. von Gruenewaldt
D.M.W. Harney
1995-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Platinum group element proportions in chromitites of the Bushveld complex: implications for fractionation and magma mixing models G. von Gruenewaldt
R.K.W. Merkle
1995-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Applied Geoscience Conference Warwick University, UK 15–18 April 1996 1995-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Algérie Panique - Modern Algeria: The Origins and Development of a Nation. By John Ruedy. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1992. Pp. x + 290. $39.95 (ISBN 0-253-34998-2) $16.95, paperback (ISBN 0-253-20746-0). - L'Algérie incertaine. Edited by Mike Mason 1995-11 The Journal of African History
Development, research and participation: Towards a critique of participatory rural appraisal methods Jonathan Stadler 1995-12 Development Southern Africa
Institutional change, property rights and economic performance in post‐apartheid in South Africa Brian Dollery 1995-12 Development Southern Africa
Making a Market: the institutional transformation of an African society by Jean Ensminger Cambridge University Press, 1992. Pp. xv+212. £30.00. $49.95. James H. Smith 1995-12 The Journal of Modern African Studies
La construction de l'altérité ethnique peule dans l'œuvre de Faidherbe Anna Pondopoulo 1996 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Prayer Economy in a Malian Town 1996 Cahiers d'études africaines
Okiek Portraits: Représentation, Mediation, and Interpretation in a Photographic Exhibition Corinne A. Kratz 1996 Cahiers d'études africaines
Africa95. A Critical Assessment of the Exhibition at the Royal Academy Nancy Van Leyden 1996 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Historian's Gaze and the Philosopher's Gaze John Middleton 1996 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Younger Brother and the Stranger : In Search of a Status Discourse for Mande 1996 Cahiers d'études africaines
The «Régénération of Africa». An Important and Ambiguous Concept in 18th and 19th Century French Thinking about Africa François Manchuelle 1996 Cahiers d'études africaines
Created in their Own Image : A Comment on Beta Israël Figurines Chaim Rosen 1996 Cahiers d'études africaines
« After Fish, Milk Do not Wish ». Recurring Ideas in a Global Culture Eric Silla 1996 Cahiers d'études africaines
Local Tradition or Islamic Precept ? The Notion of zakat in Wuli (Eastern Sénégal) Ed Van Hoven 1996 Cahiers d'études africaines
Memory: Luba Art and the Making of History Mary Nooter Roberts
Allen F. Roberts
1996 African Arts
Sida et pollutions sexuelles chez les Tonga de Zambie Hanne O. Mogensen 1996 Cahiers d'études africaines
L'image des Fulbe : analyse critique de la construction du concept de 'pulaaku' A. Breedveld 1996 Cahiers d'études africaines
Postcolonial Literatures: Achebe, Ngugi, Desai, Walcott by Michael Parker, Roger Starkey; World Views in Chinua Achebe's Works by Raisa Simola 1996 Research in African Literatures
Joyce, Race, and Empire by Vincent Cheng [Review] 1996 Research in African Literatures
History, Oral Transmission and Structure in Ibn Khaldun's Chronology of Mali Rulers 1996-01 History in Africa
“Portuguese” Architecture and Luso-African Identity in Senegambia and Guinea, 1730–1890 Peter Mark 1996-01 History in Africa
A MARITIME VISION FOR SOUTH AFRICA IN THE 21ST CENTURY Greg Mills 1996-01 African Security Review
Mark Malan
1996-01 African Security Review
1996 IDP MONOGAPH SERIES 1996-01 African Security Review
CONTROLLING THE PROLIFERATION OF WEAPONS Virginia Gamba 1996-01 African Security Review
IN DEFENCE OF REALISM: CONFESSIONS OF A FALLEN IDEALIST Hussein Solomon 1996-01 African Security Review
MARITIME POWER IN PEACE AND WAR—AN INDIAN VIEW Kailash Kumab Kohli 1996-01 African Security Review
NAVIES IN WAR AND PEACE: ANNUAL POLICY REVIEW Robert Simpson-Anderson 1996-01 African Security Review
African sepoys? The black police on the Eastern Cape frontier: 1835–1850 KI Watson 1996-01 African Historical Review
A light-hearted look at some aspects of Medieval eating Jeanette Serfontein 1996-01 African Historical Review
Administering an African Township or a personal fiefdom? The management style of the Manager of Langa Township, Cape Town, 1938–1948 Muchaparara Musemwa 1996-01 African Historical Review
‘The contractor has started on the earthworks’: The Jameson Raid (1895–96) a century ago Francois Malan 1996-01 African Historical Review
The Zionist congregation over time Jim Kiernan 1996-01 African Studies
‘My work is to help the woman who wants to have a child, not the woman who wants to have an abortion’ Liz Walker 1996-01 African Studies
Reply to Wilmsen's review ofthe Kua: life and soul of the Central Kalahari Bushmen Carlos Valiente Noailles 1996-01 African Studies
Human origins, race typology and the other Raymond Dart Saul Dubow 1996-01 African Studies
‘Pioneers’ and ‘natives’: Establishing the Natal ‘metanarrative’? 1825–1860 Julie Pridmore 1996-01 African Historical Review
The built environment 1996-01 African Studies
Polities and Political Discourse: Was Mande Already A Segmentary Society in the Middle Ages? 1996-01 History in Africa
The Representation of Status in Mande: Did the Mali Empire Still Exist in the Nineteenth Century? 1996-01 History in Africa
Oswin Reinhold Albin Köhler 1911–1996 Tony Traill 1996-01 African Studies
Monkey in a spiderweb Linda Waldman 1996-01 African Studies
A note on Barnard's comment on Wilmsen's reply to Dickens Edwin N Wilmsen 1996-01 African Studies
‘In the net of history’: Burridge spies and the representation of the past Albert Grundlingh
Greg Cuthbertson
1996-01 African Historical Review
Scrambling (for) Africa Elizabeth Rankin
Nessa Leibhammer
1996-01 African Studies
Thaba Sione 1996-01 African Studies
Landscape phenomenology and the imagination of a new South Africa on Parktown Ridge Jeremy Foster 1996-01 African Studies
Absolute objectivity the ideal; perspectivism the reality M Phillips 1996-01 African Historical Review
Ben (B J) Liebenberg Hennie Grobler 1996-01 African Historical Review
Die hantering van minderheidsgroepe in Duits-Suidwes-Afrika: Die Rehoboth-Basters, 1884–1915 GJJ Oosthuizen 1996-01 African Historical Review
‘Now I stay in a house’ Rebecca Ginsburg 1996-01 African Studies
‘What would we be without our land and cattle?’ Stefan Schirmer 1996-01 African Studies
Mothers of the nation: Afrikaans women's magazine advertisements in the 1940s Helen Terre Blanche 1996-01 African Historical Review
‘They say Venda is winning, but we can't see how’ Jane Duncan 1996-01 African Studies
A discourse of modernity Peter Wilkinson 1996-01 African Studies
B J Liebenberg: historian Johannes du Bruyn 1996-01 African Historical Review
Domestic diversity and fluidity among some African households in Greater Cape Town Andrew Spiegel
Vanessa Watson
Peter Wilkinson
1996-01 Social Dynamics
Evolution of the northern Somali basement: new constraints from zircon ages A. Kröner
F.P. Sassi
1996-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The geochemistry of cadmium in the phosphate-rich and organic-rich sediments of the Oulad-Abdoun and Timahdit basins (Morocco) Y. Nathan
N. Benalioulhaj
L. Prévôt
J. Lucas
1996-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry and origin of low and high TiO2 mafic rocks in the Barkasan complex: a comparison with common Neoproterozoic gabbros of northern Somali crystalline basement A. Jama Aden
P. Frizzo
1996-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Un segment proximal de rampe carbonatée d'âge protérozoïque supérieur au Nord du craton d'Afrique centrale (sud-est de la République centrafricaine) Philippe Alvarez 1996-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Palaeomagnetism of Precambrian rocks from Gabon, Congo craton, Africa Manoel Souza D'Agrella-Filho
Jean-Louis Feybesse
Jean-Pierre Prian
Didier Dupuis
Julien eko N'Dong
1996-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Women, Marriage, Divorce and the Emerging Colonial State in Abeokuta (Nigeria) 1892–1904 Judith Byfield 1996-01-01 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Le protérozoïque supérieur d'imiter, Saghro oriental, Maroc: un contexte géodynamique d'arrière-arc H. Ouguir
J. Macaudiere
G. Dagallier
1996-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Compilation of the Namibian airborne magnetic surveys: procedures, problems and results D. Eberle
D.G. Hutchins
R.J. Rebbeck
I. Somerton
1996-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Gravity modelling along a seismic line across the Mandawa basin, southeastern Tanzania P.C.H. Veeken
K.V. Titov
1996-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
An announcement for the geological society of Africa 1996-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Call for papers 1996-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The deep continental crust in southern and eastern India M. Santosh
M. Yoshida
1996-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geological mapping of the ∼1.1 Ga Cape Meredith complex (west Falkland) Robert J. Thomas
Joachim Jacobs
1996-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Terrane collisions in southern India, Sri Lanka and East Antarctica during the Neoproterozoic 1996-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Metamorphic evolution of Kodaikkanal granulites, south India A. Mohan
D. Prakash
1996-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Bhavani shear zone, south India V. Ram Mohan 1996-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Japan-Russia joint research 1995–1999-“comparative study of precambrian mobile belts of Gondwana and Laurasia: Examples from the Baltic, Aldan, and Indian shields” M. Yoshida
V.A. Glebovitsky
1996-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
IGCP 368 “Proterozoic events in East Gondwana” Masaru Yoshida 1996-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Precambrian '95 Rao S. Divi 1996-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
VII international symposium on Antarctic earth sciences M. Satish-Kumar
Y. Tani
1996-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
India and Antarctica during the Precambrian (geological society of India memoir no. 34) published 1996-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
IGCP 368 business meetings in Siena, Italy Rao S. Divi 1996-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The first decade Jon Inggs 1996-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Budgetary policy and the fiscal stance of the South African government during the Great depression Malcolm J. Abbott 1996-03 South African Journal of Economic History
The limits to indigenous technological capacity in the South African computer‐hardware industry: Company strategies and the local manufacture campaign of the 1980s Peter Draper 1996-03 South African Journal of Economic History
A history of the South African Fire & Life Assurance Company: South Africa's first insurance company Robert W. Vivian 1996-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Important announcement 1996-03 African Archaeological Review
Editorial introduction 1996-03 African Archaeological Review
A Little Knowledge - From Civilization to Segregation: Social Ideals and Social Control in Southern Rhodesia, 1980–1934. By Carol Summers. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 1994. Pp. xv + 311. $45; £43.95 (ISBN 0-8214-1074-1). - Neither Cultural Im Michael O. West 1996-03 The Journal of African History
Labour in Lourenço Marques - African Workers and Colonial Racism: Mozambican Strategies and Struggles in Lourenço Marques, 1877–1962. By Jeanne Marie Penvenne. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann; Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand Press; London: J Bill Freund 1996-03 The Journal of African History
Colonial Economies - Colonialism and Development: Britain and its Tropical Colonies, 1850–1960. By Michael Havinden and David Meredith. London and New York: Routledge, 1993. Pp. xv + 420. £50 (ISBN 0-415-02043-3). A. G. Hopkins 1996-03 The Journal of African History
Debates at the Cape - Beyond the Pale: Essays on the History of Colonial South Africa. By Robert Ross. Hanover, NH: Wesleyan University Press, 1993. Pp. xii + 270. $60; £34 (ISBN 0-8195-5258-8). John Edwin Mason 1996-03 The Journal of African History
Asante State and Society - State and Society in Pre-Colonial Asante. By T. C. McCaskie. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Pp. xvii + 492. $69.95; £45 (ISBN 0-521-410096). 1996-03 The Journal of African History
Algerian Resistance - Rebel and Saint. By Julia A. Clancy-Smith. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994. Pp. xxiii + 370. $45 (ISBN 0-520-08242-7). Susan Gilson Miller 1996-03 The Journal of African History
Setting development agendas in Bushbuckridge Heloise Henning 1996-04 Development Southern Africa
Structural controls on Quaternary depocentres within the Chotts Trough region of southern Tunisia C.S. Swezey 1996-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Kanye axis, Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa: a postulated Archaean crustal architectural element inferred from three-dimensional basin modelling of the lower Transvaal Supergroup P.G. Eriksson
B.F.F. Reczko
B. Corner
S.L. Jenkins
1996-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Evolution d'un arc insulaire océanique birimien précoce au Liptako nigérien (Sirba): géologie, géochronologie et géochimie I.Ama Salah
J.-P. Liegeois
A. Pouclet
1996-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Depositional environments of the Meso- to Neoproterozoic Ghanzi-Chobe belt, northwest Botswana Benson N.J. Modie 1996-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Histoire sédimentaire et tectonique tardi-hercynienne des bassins de l'Oued Zat et Ida Ou Zal (Haut Atlas occidental, Maroc): bassins en transtension sur décrochements Hafid Saber
Mohamed El Wartiti
1996-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Structures within the Mahatta Humaid area, Huqf Uplift: implications for the tectonics of eastern Oman Robin Pilcher
Gerald Roberts
Rebecca Buckley
Neil Harbury
1996-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Dynamique sédimentaire et structuration, durant le Néogène, de la bordure nord du Haut Atlas Marocain (Haouz de Marrakech) J. Salomon
E.H. Chellai
F. Guerraoui
J. Lang
1996-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Controls on dune colour in the Namib sand sea: preliminary results John Walden
Kevin White
Nick A. Drakes
1996-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mineralogy and geochemistry of the sediments of the Etosha Pan Region in northern Namibia: a reconstruction of the depositional environment M.W. Buch
D. Rose
1996-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Erratum: The stratigraphy, depositional environments and periods of deformation of the Wajid outcrop belt, southwestern Saudi Arabia 1996-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geology of Deltas R.W. Duck 1996-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geoenvironment: an introduction S. Burgess 1996-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Cultural Politics in South Africa: An Inconclusive Transformation Kenneth W. Grundy 1996-04 African Studies Review
The origin of high bicarbonate and fluoride concentrations in waters of the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley, East African Rift system Berhanu Gizaw 1996-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The salinity of Djibouti's aquifer I. Houssein
M. Jalludin
1996-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Groundwater and geothermal resources of Eritrea with the emphasis on their chemical quality Habteab Zerai 1996-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Lake-groundwater relationships and fluid-rock interaction in the East African Rift Valley: isotopic evidence W.George Darling
Berhanu Gizaw
Musa K. Arusei
1996-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Preliminary investigations on the defluoridation of water using fired clay chips G. Moges
F. Zewge
M. Socher
1996-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry and geochronology of the Mkhondo suite, Swaziland: evidence for passive-margin deposition and granulite facies metamorphism in the Late Archean of Southern Africa A. Kröner
C.C. Milisenda
1996-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Kuara formation (northern Arabian shield); definition and interpretation: a probable fault-trough sedimentary succession John Kemp 1996-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Stratigraphie et évolution structurale paléozoïque d'un segment de la Meseta orientale marocaine (Monts du Sud-Est d'Oujda): rôle des décrochements dans la formation de l'olistostrome intraviséen et le plutonisme tardi-hercynien Abdelkrim Torbi 1996-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Nouvelles données pétrographiques et structurales sur le magmatisme du Sud du bassin de Morondava (Sud-Ouest de Madagascar) Pierre Gioan
Josephine Rasendrasoa
Jacques-Marie Bardintzeff
Georges Rasamimanana
1996-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Occurrence of Libycoceras ismaeli (Zittel) in the Upper Maastrichtian of Eastern Tademait, Algerian Sahara Bertrand Amard 1996-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Extension directions and strain near the failed triple junction of the Zambezi and Luangwa Rift zones, southern Africa D.S.M. Shoko 1996-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Extension directions and strain near the failed triple junction of the Zambezi and Luangwa Rift zones, southern Africa: reply T.G. Blenkinsop
P.M. Oesterlen
1996-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Africa South of the Sahara: A geographical interpretation M. Kesby 1996-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Stereographic projection techniques in structural geology S. Goodman 1996-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Announcements 1996-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Special issue announcement 1996-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The politics of food and starvation Ray Bush 1996-06 Review of African Political Economy
Influence of palaeotopography on the distribution of coal in the Western Coalfield, Sydney basin, Australia: comparison with South African coals A.C. Hutton
R. Feldtmann
1996-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Quantitative XRD measurement of mineral matter in Gondwana coals using the Rietveld method A. . Hutton
A.J. Mandile
1996-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Lignite from the western coastal plain of South Africa D.I. Cole
D.L. Roberts
1996-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Editorial Peter Bowden 1996-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
JAES special issues on Godwana research Bryan C. Storey 1996-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sub-Saharan economic geology 1996-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
JAES announcement 1996-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Swahili women since the nineteenth century: theoretical and empirical considerations on gender and identity construction. R Gower
S Salm
T Falola
1996-07-01 Africa Today
Women and the social construction of gender in African development. A C Kalu 1996-07-01 Africa Today
Beyond The Pale: Essays on the History of Colonial South Africa N. PENN 1996-07-01 African Affairs
Kunst in Kamerun Piet Meyer
Susanna Aulbach
1996 African Arts
Terms of Trade and Terms of Trust: The History and Contexts of Pre-Colonial Market Production around the Upper Zambezi and Kasai John Yoder
Achim von Oppen
1996 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Women, Marriage, Divorce and the Emerging Colonial State in Abeokuta (Nigeria) 1892-1904 Judith Byfield 1996 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Studies in Cameroonian and Zaïrian Languages. Tokyo: ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 1992, 375 pp., paperback. Elizabeth Magba 1996-07 Africa
Psychiatry in Colonial Africa - Colonial Psychiatry and the African Mind. By Jock McCulloch. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Pp. x + 185. £30 (ISBN 0-521-453330-5). Harriet Deacon 1996-07 The Journal of African History
Turkana Resistance - The Scattering Time: Turkana Responses to Colonial Rule. by John Lamphear. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992. Pp. xxiii + 308. £40 (ISBN 0-19-820226-1). Neal Sobania 1996-07 The Journal of African History
Pre-Colonial Market Forces - Terms of Trade and Terms of Trust: The History and Contexts of Pre-Colonial Market Production around the Upper Zambezi and Kasai. by Achim von Oppen. (Studien zur Afrikanischen Geschichte, Band 6.) Münster: Lit Verlag, 1 Paul Tiyambe Zeleza 1996-07 The Journal of African History
Explaining Surgical Evangelism in Colonial Southern Africa: Teeth, Pain and Faith Paul S. Landau 1996-07 The Journal of African History
Rounding up Spinsters: Gender Chaos and Unmarried Women in Colonial Asante Jean Allman 1996-07 The Journal of African History
Gondwanaland: Its formation, evolution and dispersion Y. Miashita
T. Yamamoto
1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Post-Gondwanan continental sedimentation, Limpopo region, southeastern Africa G.A. Botha
M.C.J. De Wit
1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Provenance of mudstones in the Karoo Supergroup of the Ellisras basin, South Africa: Geochemical evidence K. Faure
R.A. Armstrong
C. Harris
J.P. Willis
1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Hydrological impact of the Pretoria Saltpan crater, South Africa L.P. McCaffrey
C. Harris
1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Du bassin sur décrochement au bassin d'avant-pays: Dynamique du bassin d'Azrou-Khénifra (Maroc hercynien central) M. Bouabdelli
A. Piqué
1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Paléoaltérations hydrothermale et supergène dans un basalte triasique du Moyen Atlas, Maroc S. Kamel
R. Bouabid
B. Boulangé
F. Colin
1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Facies analysis of the Bida sandstone formation around Kajita, Nupe basin, Nigeria O. Olaniyan
S.B. Olobaniyi
1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Un segment proximal de rampe carbonatée d'âge protérozoïque supérieur au Nord du craton d'Afrique centrale (sud-est de la République Centrafricaine) J.L. Poidevin 1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Un segment proximal de rampe carbonatée d'âge protérozoïque supérieur au Nord du craton d'Afrique centrale (sud-est de la République Centrafricaine) P. Alvarez 1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Past glacial environments: Sediments, forms and techniques Colin K. Ballantyne 1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Archaean-Proterozoic terrain assembly in southern India M. Santosh
M. Yoshida
1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochronological framework of South India N.B.W. Harris
J. Bartlett
1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Evolution of granulite blocks of southern India and their relation to the East Gondwana continent A.S. Janardhan
K.Francis Anto
1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The configuration of the Indian Shield — Precambrian tectono-thermal events and constraints on the thermal history of Gondwana T.M. Mahadevan 1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Significance of Wollastonite- and Scapolite-bearing assemblages from the Kerala Khondalite belt, southern India M. Satish-Kumar 1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Preliminary geochronological results of a suite of granulites from Eastern Ghats, India R.K. Shaw
M. Arima
H. Kagami
1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Study of migmatitic rocks in Tekkali, Eastern Ghats, India T. Yamamoto
A.T. Rao
M. Yoshida
1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Neodymium model ages and isotopic signature of the Precambrian mobile belts of peninsular India: Japan-Russia Joint Research Project No. 1 V. Kovach 1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Apatite-bearing pegmatites of Southern Kerala, India H.M. Rajesh
M. Santosh
M. Yoshida
1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Brazilian tectonic studies 1995 F. Chemale 1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
India and Antarctica during the Precambrian and granulite and crustal processes in East Gondwana R.S. Divi 1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Fourth IGCP 348 field meeting in Northern Ethiopia and Eritrea R.J. Thomas 1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Invitation for the membership of IAGR 1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Forthcoming events 1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Interesting publications related to Gondwana research 1996-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Business imperialism and business history Stuart Jones 1996-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The imperial banks in South Africa 1861–1914 Stuart Jones 1996-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The Rand capitalists and the coming of the South African war 1896–1899 A.H. Jeeves 1996-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Rails crossed Imperialists, republicans and Edward McMurdo 1883–1889 Kenneth Wilburn 1996-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Reuters and South Africa: “South Africa is a country of monopolies” Donald Read 1996-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Pilkington Glass in South Africa 1882–1992 Theo Barker 1996-09 South African Journal of Economic History
A second 1820s settlement: British textile manufacturers and South Africa post 1945 Ken Kilvington 1996-09 South African Journal of Economic History
South Africa and the international diamond trade ‐ Part Two: The rise and fall of South Africa as a diamond entrep0t, 1945–1990 Colin Newbury 1996-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Ethiopia in Change: peasantry, nationalism and democracy edited by Abebe Zegeye and Siegfried Pausewang London, British Academic Press, 1994. Pp. xii+333. £39.50. Berhanu Abegaz 1996-09 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Preface to the Special Issue of IGCP 348 (Mozambique and Related Belts) R.J. Thomas
R.M. Shackleton
S. Muhongo
1996-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The final collision zone between East and West Gondwana: where is it? R.M. Shackleton 1996-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sutures and shear zones in the Arabian-Nubian Shield M.G. Abdelsalam
R.J. Stern
1996-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Transpressive structures in the Neoproterozoic Ariab-Nakasib Belt, northeast Sudan: evidence for suturing by oblique collision E.L. Wipfler 1996-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Structure across a possible intra-oceanic suture zone in the low-grade Pan-African rocks of northern Ethiopia T. Tadesse 1996-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Structural control and metamorphic setting of the shear zone-related Au vein mineralization of the Adola Belt (southern Ethiopia) and its tectono-genetic development H. Worku 1996-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Composition, fractionation trend and zoning accretion of the columbite-tantalite group of minerals in the Kenticha rare-metal field (Adola, southern Ethiopia) Solomon Tadesse
Desta Zerihun
1996-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Excess Ar in biotites from the Broderick Falls (Webuye) area, western Kenya: implications for the tectonothermal history of the Mozambique Belt and its Archaean foreland K. Shibata
K. Suwa
S. Uchiumi
T. Agata
1996-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Pan-African high pressure isobaric cooling: evidence from the mineralogy and thermobarometry of the granulite-facies rocks from the Uluguru Mountains, eastern Tanzania S. Muhongo
P. Tuisku
1996-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geology of Nicholson's point granite, Natal Metamorphic Province, South Africa: the chemistry of charnockitic alteration and origin of the granite A.R. Allen
D.H. Cornell
C. Harris
1996-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A comparative study of the Mesoproterozoic late orogenic porphyritic granitoids of southwest Namaqualand and Natal, South Africa R.J. Thomas
C.H. De Beer
S.A. Bowring
1996-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Eno Blankson Ikpe, Food and Society in Nigeria: a history of food customs, food economy and cultural change, 1900–89. Beiträge zur Kolonial- und Überseegeschichte 59, with summary in German, Stuttgart: Steiner, 1994, 287 pp., DM 84,00, ISBN 3 515 06 Barrie Sharpe 1996-10 Africa
Philip Baker (compiler) International Directory of African Studies Research/Répertoire International des Etudes Africaines, third revised and expanded edition. London: Hans Zell, for the International African Institute, 1994, 342 pp., £95.00, ISBN 0 Graham Furniss 1996-10 Africa
The Atlantic Slave Trade. Edited by David Northrup. Lexington MA: D. C. Heath, 1994. Pp. xvii + 221. £9.95, paperback (ISBN 0-669-33145-7) David Richardson 1996-11 The Journal of African History
Preface T.C. Davies 1996-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Chemistry and pollution of natural waters in western Kenya T.C. Davies 1996-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Erratum: Stratigraphy of the Karoo Supergroup in southern Africa: an overview 1996-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Announcement 1996-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A Colonial Prescription - The Culwick Papers 1934–1944: Population, Food and Health in Colonial Tanganyika. By A. T. and G. M. Culwick. Edited by Veronica Berry. London: Academic Books, 1994. Pp. 288. No price given (ISBN 1-873361-20-3). Gregory H. Maddox 1996-11 The Journal of African History
Colonial Mozambique - História de Moçambique: Moçambique no auge do colonialismo, 1930–1961, vol. 3. Edited by David Hedges. Maputo: Departamento de História, Eduardo Mondlane University, 1993. xii + 295. No price given (no ISBN). M. Newitt 1996-11 The Journal of African History
Port Sudan - Port Sudan: The Evolution of a Colonial City. By Kenneth J. Perkins. Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford: Westview Press, 1993. Pp. xvi + 204. £36.95 (ISBN 0-8133-8484-2). Endre Stiansen 1996-11 The Journal of African History
Wankie Colliery - Wangi Kolia: Coal, Capital and Labour in Colonial Zimbabwe 1894–1954. By Ian Phimister. Harare: Baobab Books, 1994. Pp. xiv + 194. £11.95; $21.50 (ISBN 0-908311-69-9). 1996-11 The Journal of African History
João dos Santos Albasini (1876–1922): the Contradictions of Politics and Identity in Colonial Mozambique Jeanne Marie Penvenne 1996-11 The Journal of African History
‘Tough guy, eh?’: The gangster‐figure in Drum Mac Fenwick 1996-12 Journal of Southern African Studies
Mandela's lost province: the African national congress and the Western Cape electorate in the 1994 South African elections Matt Eldridge 1996-12 Journal of Southern African Studies
Book reviews George M. Fredrickson
Peter Alexander
Shula Marks
Peter A. Coates
Anthony Kirk‐Greene
M. C. Musambachime
Brian Raftopoulos
Terence Ranger
M. Anne Pitcher
Lyn Schumaker
Alan Barnard
1996-12 Journal of Southern African Studies
From Economic Crisis to Political Liberalization: Pitfalls of the New Political Sociology for Africa 1996-12 African Studies Review
Indo-European and the Nostratic Hypothesis, 1996 Daniel F. McCall
Allan R. Bomhard
1997 International Journal of African Historical Studies
The Shaman's Quest in Africa Ioan M. Lewis 1997 Cahiers d'études africaines
Ìgbo Initiation : Phallus vs Umbilicus ? Victor Manfredi 1997 Cahiers d'études africaines
Dyadic Relation and Market Transaction in an Environment of Economic Depression Abebe Kifleyesus 1997 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Unraveling of a Neglected Source : A Report on Women in Francophone West Africa in the 1930s Ghislaine Lydon 1997 Cahiers d'études africaines
Citizenship and Welfare in South Africa: Deracialisation and Inequality in a Labour-Surplus Economy 1997 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Zerihun Yetmgeta Raymond A. Silverman 1997 African Arts
O Rei D. Pedro IV Ne Nsamu A Mbemba e a unidade do Congo Fernando Campos 1997 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
The hearthhold in pastoral Fulbe society, central Mali : social relations, milk and drought 1997 Africa
Violence Variously Remembered: The Killing of Pieter Oberholzer in July 1964 Terence Ranger 1997-01 History in Africa
CHILD SOLDIERS AND INTERNATIONAL LAW Barbara Fontana 1997-01 African Security Review
THE SANDF TRANSFORMATION PROCESS Fanie Uys 1997-01 African Security Review
ISS PUBLICATION SUBSCRIPTION 1997-01 African Security Review
RATIONALISATION IN THE SANDF: THE NEXTCHALLENGE Coll B van Stade 1997-01 African Security Review
Mark Shaw
Hussein Solomon
1997-01 African Security Review
Chart Schutte
Lindy Heineken
Bill Sass
1997-01 African Security Review
ISS BOOKS—PREVIOUS ISSUES 1997-01 African Security Review
THE ILLEGAL TRADE IN ENDANGERED SPECIES Kathleen E du Bois 1997-01 African Security Review
STAFFING AND TRAINING THE SA ARMY OF THE FUTURE R C Andersen 1997-01 African Security Review
INTERNATIONAL FRAUD TRENDS: SOUTH AFRICA AT RISK Lala Camerer 1997-01 African Security Review
‘Of great value to his generation’: the life of Frederick Rowland OBE, 1871–1937 John Lambert 1997-01 African Historical Review
Problems with a historical document — Cd 623 and the history of the Selati railway Don Diespecker 1997-01 African Historical Review
Student disturbances at Fort Hare in 1955 TRH White 1997-01 African Historical Review
Custom and common sense Antony Costa 1997-01 African Studies
Continuities, culture and the commonplace Andrew D. Spiegel 1997-01 African Studies
Ukuhloniphaas idiom of moral reasoning in Mpondo Heinz Kuckertz 1997-01 African Studies
David in the path of Goliath Jim Kiernan 1997-01 African Studies
Ritual and social practice in the Transkei Patrick McAllister 1997-01 African Studies
Anthropology, history, and the making of past and place Deborah James 1997-01 African Studies
David Hammond‐Tooke publications 1953–1997 1997-01 African Studies
The mantis, the eland and the meerkats David Lewis‐Williams 1997-01 African Studies
Dealing with relations of inequality Alida Liebenberg 1997-01 African Studies
A river of metaphors Manton Hirst 1997-01 African Studies
The ‘Asian question’ in East Africa David Himbara 1997-01 African Studies
Cape settler society at the time of slave emancipation Wayne Dooling 1997-01 African Historical Review
Restructuring within the Zulu royal house Carolyn Hamilton 1997-01 African Studies
The social life of Paraffin Leslie Bank 1997-01 African Studies
The threshold diffused João de Pina‐Cabral 1997-01 African Studies
Property reckoning and methods of accumulating wealth among the Ogoni of the eastern Niger delta Sonpie Kpone-Tonwe 1997-01 Africa
Chronological Problems in C.G. Okojie's Esan Narrative Traditions James B. Webster
Onaiwu W. Ogbomo
1997-01 History in Africa
Silicate facies iron-formation of the Egbe-Isanlu Palaeoproterozoic schist belt, southwest Nigeria A.E. Annor
S.B. Olobaniyi
A. Mücke
1997-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
PT conditions of metamorphism in the Wami River granulite complex, central coastal Tanzania: implications for Pan-African geotectonics in the Mozambique Belt of eastern Africa M.A.H. Maboko 1997-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Link between the granitic and volcanic rocks of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa J.K. Schweitzer
C.J. Hatton
S.A. De Waal
1997-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry of some deep gold mine waters from the western portion of the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa M.J. Duane
G. Pigozzi
C. Harris
1997-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Typologie du zircon des granitoides Hercyniens de la Meseta Marocaine: zonation magmatique et implication geodynamique M. Amenzou
Az.E. El Mouraouah
1997-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Altération d'un basalte triasique de la région d'Elhajeb, Moyen Atlas, Maroc E.M. Hamidi
B. Boulangé
F. Colin
1997-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Le bassin du Souss (Zone de Faille du Tizi n'Test, Haut Atlas occidental, Maroc): résultat d'une inversion tectonique contrl̂ée par une faille de détachement profonde H. Mustaphi
F. Medina
H. Jabour
C. Hoepffner
1997-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Étude comparée de I'apport des méthodes électromagnetique MaxMin et électriques dans l'implantation des foragès à gros débits dans les régions de socle cristallin du Burkina Faso Nindaoua Alain Savadogo
Samuel Nakolendousse
Soungalo Diallo
1997-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Seismic hazards in Uganda E.M. Twesigomwe 1997-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Call for papers 1997-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Book reviews John Noyes
Patricia van der Spuy
1997-01 Social Dynamics
Circumcision, Death, and Strangers Karen Middleton 1997-01-01 Journal of Religion in Africa
Het Surma stokduel : sport en ritueel geweld 1997 De baobab
The shrinking cultural and political space of East African pastoral societies 1997 Nordic Journal of African Studies
GEOGRAPHY IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN: AN APPRAISAL Hannington Sengendo 1997-03 African Geographical Review
AFRICA AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER Andrew I.E. Ewoh 1997-03 African Geographical Review
Re-evaluating South Africa's regional industrial development programme J. M. Luiz
C. S. van der Waal
1997-03 Urban Forum
Isotopic constraints on the age and formation of a Palaeoproterozoic volcanic arc complex in the Kedougou Inlier, eastern Senegal, West Africa A. Dia
W.R. Van Schmus
A. Kröner
1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Les tourmalinites stratiformesàdravite d'origine colloïdale du Paléoprotérozoïque sénégalo-malien Papa Moussa Ndiaye
Jean Jacques Guillou
1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Gold-telluride mineralisation in the Birimian at Diabatou, Burkina Faso: the role of CO2N2 fluids R. Klemd
T. Oberthür
A. Ouedraogo
1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Le volcanisme tertiare du Rekkame (Maroc): pétrologie, géochimie et géochronologie Hayat Rachdi
M'Hamed Berrahma
Michel Delaloye
Anne Faure-Muret
Mohamed Dahmani
1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Déformation hercynienne et relation socle/couverture dans le domaine du Bas-Draˆa (Anti-Atlas occidental, Maroc) A. Soulaimani
Cl. Le Corre
R. Farazdaq
1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Hamadya bomb-rich agglomerate: a case study of explosive Pliocene volcanism in the Jordan Valley, Israel Shimon Ilani
Sergiu Peltz
1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Arba'at Granite, Sudan: a mineralised, Pan-African intrusion enhanced by hydrothermal metasomatism D.C. Almond
A.A. Osman
F. Ahmed
1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry of meta-igneous rocks from southern Ethiopia: a new insight into neoproterozoic tectonics of northeast Africa Mulugeta Alene
Andrew J. Barker
1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sedimentology and facies development of an Archaean shelf: carbonate platform transition in the Kaapvaal Craton, as deduced from a deep borehole at Kathu, South Africa H. Peter Siegfried 1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Book review Ian Alsop 1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
JAES announcement 1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The deep continental crust in southern Madagascar: strain pattern and related fluid and heat transfers J.M. Lardeaux
J.E. Martelat
C. Nicollet
E. Pili
R. Rakotondrazafy
Y. Ricard
S. Sheppard
G. Vidal
1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Neoproterozoic glaciation in southern Brazil? T.T. Eerola 1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Phase analysis of high-grade pelites during retrograde metamorphism and its application to the metamorphic history of the Limpopo Belt, eastern Botswana K. Hisada 1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
IGCP 418 “Evolution of the Kibaran belt system in southwestern Africa: Comparison with equatorial and southern Africa” R. Key
A.B. Kampunzu
1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
GIS in identifying temporal and spatial patterns of VMS deposits in Canada and Australia R.S. Divi
J.M. Franklin
1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
IGCP 368 (Proterozoic events in East Gondwana), activity in 1995–1996 and a near-future program M. Yoshida
M. Santosh
C.B. Dissanayake
1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Proceedings of the national working group of the Indian National Committee of IGCP 368 M.M. Nair 1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
International symposium and field workshop on the Proterozoic continental crust of southern India M. Satish-Kumar
Y. Tani
1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
IGCP 368 meetings during the 30th IGC, Beijing M. Yoshida 1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
New ARC special research centre in tectonics 1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
XXXIX Brazilian geological congress S.S. Iyer 1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
International symposium on charnockite and granulite facies rocks H.M. Rajesh
H. Wada
1997-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The ‘alien invasion’ in South Africa: Illegal immigrants in Durban Brij Maharaj
Rinku Rajkumar
1997-04 Development Southern Africa
Tectonosedimentary subdivisions in the neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian cover of the taoudenni Basin (Algeria-Mauritania-Mali) Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine
Janine Bertrand-Sarfati
1997-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Stratigraphie séquentielle du Carbonifère inférieur du Haut Atlas central et des Jebilet (Maroc): un exemple de bassins à turbidites contrôlées par la tectonique Alain Izart
Jacques Beauchamp
Abdel-Ilah Tourani
Mohammed Essamani
1997-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Signification de la limite Jebha-Arbaoua (Maroc nord-occidental): une rampe latérale au-dessus dúne discontinuité crustale héritée de la période de “rifting” Julian Tejera De Leon 1997-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Proposed hydrostratigraphical classification and nomenclature: application to the Palaeozoic in Saudi Arabia Ahmad A. Al-Aswad
Abdulaziz M. Al-Bassam
1997-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Découverte d'une frayère de poissons téléosteens dans des diatomites messiniennes du Djebel Murdjadjo (environs d'Oran, Algérie) Jean Gaudant
Jean-Paul Saint-Martin
Mostefa Bessedik
Bouhameur Mansour
Pierre Moissette
Jean-Marie Rouchy
1997-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Les récifs coniaciens à rudistes de Tunisie centro-occidentale: sédimentologie, cadre paléogéographique et interprétation séquentielle Fouiâd Saïdi
Mohamed Hédi Ben Ismaïl
Ali M'rabet
1997-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Ressources minérales du Tchad: une revue Imrich Kusnir
Hamit A. Moutaye
1997-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
SmNd age and REE geochemistry of Proterozoic arc-related igneous rocks in the Richtersveld subprovince, Namaqua Mobile Belt, Southern Africa D.L. Reid 1997-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Error in depth determination from resistivity soundings due to non-identification of suppressed layers A.I. Olayinka 1997-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geoscience education and training in schools and universities, for industry and public awareness Helen King 1997-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Volume contents 1997-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Reviewer index 1997-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
‘White woman's country’: Ethel Tawse Jollie and the making of White Rhodesia Donal Lowry 1997-06 Journal of Southern African Studies
The Fall and Rise of Constitutionalism in West Africa VICTOR T. LE VINE 1997-06 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Makgoba: Victim of the ‘racialised power’ entrenched at Wits Mahmood Mamdani 1997-06 Social Dynamics
‘Tribes’ and the people who read books: managing history in colonial Zambia 1997-06 Journal of Southern African Studies
Compositional variation in pyrochlore from the Bingo carbonatite, Zaïre C.T Williams
F Wall
A.R Woolley
S Phillipo
1997-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
From the ballot box to the bookshelf: Studies of the 1994 South African general election 1997-07 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
Carbonatites from source to surface R.E. Harmer 1997-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The origin of dolomitic carbonatites: field and experimental constraints Robin E. Harmer
John Gittins
1997-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Ultramafic xenoliths and megacrysts from a melilitite tuff cone, Deeti, northern Tanzania L.H. Johnson
A.P. Jones
A.A. Church
W.R. Taylor
1997-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Changes in the crater of Oldoinyo Lengai: June 1993 – February 1997 Celia Nyamweru 1997-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Neodymium and Sr isotopic constraints on the petrogenetic relationships between carbonatites and cancrinite syenites from the Lueshe Alkaline Complex, east Zaire U. Kramm
H.V. Maravic
G. Morteani
1997-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemical and stable isotope patterns in altered volcaniclastic and intrusive rocks of the Kruidfontein carbonatite complex, South Africa L.W. Schürmann
U.E. Horstmann
H.C.C. Cloete
1997-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Carbon and oxygen isotope variations in southern African carbonatites Uwe E Horstmann
Wilhelm J Verwoerd
1997-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Preliminary studies of the solubility and stability of perovskite group compounds in the synthetic carbonatite system calcite-portlandite Roger H Mitchell 1997-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
What is ferrocarbonatite? A revised classification John Gittins
Robin E Harmer
1997-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Announcements 1997-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Editorial Peter Bowden 1997-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Leadership For Africa: In honor of Olusegun Obasanjo on the occasion of his 60th birthday A. KIRK-GREENE 1997-07-01 African Affairs
The Growth of Farming Communities in Africa from the Equator Southwards Brian Fagan
J.E.G. Sutton
1997 International Journal of African Historical Studies
The Elusive Epic: Performance, Text and History in the Oral Narrative of Jeki la Njambe (Cameroon Coast) Jan Vansina 1997 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Academic Freedom, Transformation and Reconciliation James H. Mittelman 1997 Issue: A Journal of Opinion
The alkaline Meidob volcanic field (Late Cenozoic, northwest Sudan) Gerhard Franz
Christoph Breitkreuz
David A. Coyle
Bushra El Hur
Wilhelm Heinrich
Holger Paulick
Dieter Pudlo
Robyn Smith
Gesine Steiner
1997-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Le gisement d'or de Sabodala (Sénégal Oriental): Une minéralisation filonienne d'origine hydrothermale remobilisée par une tectonique cisaillante M. Sylla
P.M. Ngom
1997-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Données pétrographiques, geochimiques et géochronologiques nouvelles sur les granitoïdes du Paléoprotérozoïque du Supergroupe de Dialé-Daléma (Senégal Oriental): Implications pétrogénétiques et géodynamiques P.M. Ndiaye
A. Dia
Y. Vialette
D.P Diallo
P.M. Ngom
M. Sylla
S. Wade
E. Dioh
1997-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Les filons basiques des boutonnières du Bas Drâa et de la Tagragra d'Akka: Témoins des distensions néoprotérozoïques de l'Anti-Atlas occidental (Maroc) Moha Ikenne
Abdelaziz Mortaji
Dominique Gasquet
Jean Marc Stussi
1997-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Structure et fonctionnement d'un hydrosystème karstique de montagne sous climat semi-aride: cas de l'Atlas de Beni-Mellal (Maroc) Lhoussaine Bouchaou
Pierre Chauve
Jacques Mudry
Jacky Mania
Youssef Hsissou
1997-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Morphologies karstiques et implications minières en République Centrafricaine Philippe Alvarez 1997-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The compositional evolution of pollucite from African granitic pegmatites David K. Teertstra
Petr Černiý
1997-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
South African Wool Marketing Malcolm Abbott 1997-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The government in the economic history of Singapore André Müller 1997-09 South African Journal of Economic History
So long, gold mines long live industries? A case study of Carletonville’ s battle for economic survival Elize van Eeden 1997-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Cycles in central bank independence G.M. Wessels 1997-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Book reviews Helen Kapstein
Paul B. Rich
Jane Starfield
Susie Jacobs
I. N. Mazonde
David Moore
John Minnis
Richard Wilson
René Pélissier
Alex Vines
David Birmingham
1997-09 Journal of Southern African Studies
Emplacement and reworking of the Marampa Group allothchon, northwestern Sierra Leone, West Africa R.S.A. Latiff
J.R. Andrews
L.I. Wright
1997-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Albitisations dans le Paléoprotérozoïque de l'Est sénégal: relations avec les minéralisations ferriféres de la rive gauche de la Falémé J.P Bassot 1997-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Nouveau type de gisement aurifère dans les ceintures de roches vertes birimiennes du Burkina Faso: les albitites de Larafella Ousmane Bamba
Didier Beziat
François Bourges
Pierre Debat
Martin Lompo
Jean-Claude Parizot
Francis Tollon
1997-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Transgressions, faulting and redeposition phenomenon during the Visean in the Khenifra area, western Moroccan Meseta Paul Huvelin
Bernard Mamet
1997-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Le Quaternaire Marin du Cap Achakar (Tanger, Maroc): nótectonique et lithostratigraphie Mustapha Alouane 1997-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
[France and its African migrants]. G Courade 1997-10-01 Politique africaine
Masculinity in South African History: Towards a Gendered Approach to the Past ROBERT MORRELL 1997-11 South African Historical Journal
Carboniferous diamictite dykes in the Falkland Islands D.M. Hyam
J.E.A. Marshall
D.J. Sanderson
1997-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Editorial Bryan C. Storey 1997-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Palaeomagnetism and aeromagnetic modelling of the Mesoproterozoic Ntimbankulu pluton, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa: mushroom-shaped diapir? L.P. Maré
R.J. Thomas
1997-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Gondwana newsdesk 1997-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Reviewer index 1997-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Call for papers 1997-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Reconstructing the Congo Carole J.L. Collins 1997-12 Review of African Political Economy
Book reviews Marja Spierenburg
David Simon
Nick Sekani James
Ian Linden
Terence Ranger
Norma Kriger
T. Kai Norris Easton
Helen Richman
Anthony O'Brien
Hermann Wittenberg
Ashley Jackson
1997-12 Journal of Southern African Studies
The European union's common foreign policy: the role of the commission in an “intergovernmental” process Martin Holland 1997-12 Politikon : South African Journal of Political Studies
The Naming Game: Ideologies of Luba Artistic Identity Mary Nooter Roberts 1998 African Arts
On the Origins of the Amazons of Dahomey Stanley B. Alpern 1998 History in Africa
The Literary Legacy of Frederick Courteney Selous E. Mandiringana
T.J. Stapleton
1998 History in Africa
In-Salah 1904/Tamanrasset 1905 : les deux soumissions des Touaregs Kel-Ahaggar Paul Pandolfi 1998 Cahiers d'études africaines
An Overview of the African National Congress Archives at the University of Fort Hare T.J. Stapleton
M. Maamoe
1998 History in Africa
Secrets and Lies : Context, Meaning, and Agency in Mande Barbara G. Hoffman 1998 Cahiers d'études africaines
The Garrison-Entrepôt Janet Roitman 1998 Cahiers d'études africaines
Griots and Griottes: Masters of Words and Music Thomas A. Hale 1998 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Hot Issues: The 1997 Kamabolon Ceremony in Kangaba (Mali) 1998 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Historical Account or Discourse on Identity? A Reexamination of Fulbe Hegemony and Autochthonous Submission in Banyo 1998 History in Africa
The Urban Challenge in Africa: Growth and Management of Its Large Cities Carol Rakodi 1998 International Journal of African Historical Studies
El Anatsui: Beyond Death and Nothingness Olu Oguibe 1998 African Arts
La dynamique de la reconciliation et de la prevention des conflits en Cote d'Ivoire (Endosmose culturelle des techniques de la gouvernance pour le maintien de la paix) Lanciné Sylla 1998 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
The labors of "Muigwithania:" Jomo Kenyatta as author, 1928-45 Bruce J. Berman
John M. Lonsdale
1998 Research in African Literatures
Colonization, Violence, and Narration in White South African Writing: André Brink, Breyten Breytenbach & J. M. Coetzee Rosemary Jane Jolly [Review] 1998 Cahiers d'études africaines
Writing South Africa: Literature, Apartheid, and Democracy, 1970-1995 James Booth
Derek Attridge
Rosemary Jolly
1998 Canadian Journal of African Studies
South Africa and Peace Support Operations: Limitations, Options and Challenges Pierre Steyn 1998-01 African Security Review
Keeping the Peace in the Neighbourhood and Abroad: Lessons for South Africa from the Russian Experience? Mark Malan 1998-01 African Security Review
Southern Africa Regional Action Programme on Light Arms and Illicit Arms Trafficking 1998-01 African Security Review
The Security Costs of Party-Political Boundary Demarcations: The Case of South Africa Richard A Griggs 1998-01 African Security Review
Small Arms Proliferation in Southern Africa: The Potential for Regional Control Virginia Gamba 1998-01 African Security Review
South Africa, the IOR-ARC and Southern African Co-operation Fred Ahwireng-Obeng 1998-01 African Security Review
A large peace of Africa? Richard Cornwell
Jakkie Potgieter
1998-01 African Security Review
Peacebuilding: Six dimensions and two concepts Henning Haugerudbraaten 1998-01 African Security Review
From Pariah to Partner—Bophuthatswana, the NPKF, and the SADF Jakkie Cilliers 1998-01 African Security Review
Police Corruption: Towards a Working Definition Taleh Sayed
David Bruce
1998-01 African Security Review
Anomalies and Acquiescence: The Mozambican Peace Process Revisisted Martinho Chachiua
Mark Malan
1998-01 African Security Review
The restructuring of South Africa's defence industry Peter Batchelor
Paul Dunne
1998-01 African Security Review
Mine Warfare at Sea Chris Bennet 1998-01 African Security Review
Africa Watch Richard Cornwell 1998-01 African Security Review
SADC: From a system to community of security? Agostinho Zacarias 1998-01 African Security Review
The Changing Nature of Warfare: Implications for Africa Ian van Vuuren 1998-01 African Security Review
Inside and Outside the Boundaries of Police Corruption Taleh Sayed
David Bruce
1998-01 African Security Review
International Humanitarian Law and the Restoration and Maintenance of Peace Michel Veuthey 1998-01 African Security Review
A State under Siege: The Internationalisation of the Sudanese Civil War Korwa G Adar 1998-01 African Security Review
Developing Mechanisms for Civilian Oversight over the Armed Forces Jabu Kuzwayo 1998-01 African Security Review
Phaphama iAfirika!:The African Renaissance and Corporate South Africa Francis Komegay
Chris Landsberg
1998-01 African Security Review
Peacekeeping in the New Millennium: Towards ‘Fourth Generation’ Peace Operations? Mark Malan 1998-01 African Security Review
The African Renaissance: Myth, Vital Lie, or Mobilising Tool? 1998-01 African Security Review
Reviewing Mozambique's first municipal elections: A brief qualitative study Irae Baptista Lundin 1998-01 African Security Review
‘Die man wat die Groot Trek veroorsaak het’:Glenelg's personal contribution to the cancellation of D'Urban's dispossession of the Rarabe in 1835 Randolph Vigne 1998-01 African Historical Review
Positioning the ‘postcolonial’ debate Julie Pridmore 1998-01 African Historical Review
The Yerer-Tullu Wellel volcanotectonic lineament: a transtensional structure in central Ethiopia and the associated magmatic activity T. Abebe
F. Mazzarini
F. Innocenti
P. Manetti
1998-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Permo-Carboniferous volcanism in Europe and northwest Africa: a superplume exhaust valve in the centre of Pangaea? M. Doblas
R. Oyarzun
J. López-Ruiz
J.M. Cebriá
N. Youbi
V. Mahecha
M. Lago
A. Pocoví
B. Cabanis
1998-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Aspects of tensional magmatism Judith A. Kinnaird 1998-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochronology of the Proterozoic Hartley Basalt formation, South Africa: constraints on the Kheis tectogenesis and the Kaapvaal Craton's earliest Wilson Cycle D.H. Cornell
R.A. Armstrong
F. Walraven
1998-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
RbSr whole rock ages of the lueshe, Kirumba and Numbi igneous complexes (Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo) and the break-up of the Rodinia supercontinent A.B. Kampunzu
J.D. Kramers
M.N. Makutu
1998-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Neoproterozoic dyke swarms from southern Sinai (Egypt): geochemistry and petrogenetic aspects M. Iacumin
A. Marzoli
A.A. El-Metwally
E.M. Piccirillo
1998-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Les minéraux accessoires des granitoïdes de la suite taourirt, Hoggar (Algérie): conséquences pétrogénétiques Abla Azzouni-Sekkal
Bernard Bonin
1998-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Book Reviews Mikela Lundahl
James Booth
Myron Echenberg
David Pottie
Harold G Marcus
Ralph A Austen
Peter Henshaw
John Cartwright
Mthobeli Guma
Dennis D Cordell
Simon Bockie
Allison Drew
1998-01 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Making children, making chiefs: gender, power and ritual legitimacy T Sanders 1998-01-01 Africa
Achim von Oppen, Terms of Trade and Terms of Trust: The History and Contexts of Pre-colonial Market Production around the Upper Zambezi and Kasai. Studien zur afrikanischen Geschichte 6, Munster and Hamburg: Lit Verlag, 1994, 473 pp., DM 68.80, ISBN Peter Geschiere 1998-01 Africa
Mineral chemistry in dioritic hornblendites from Wadi Araba, southwest Jordan 1998-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Summary of palaeomagnetic results from West Antarctica: implications for the tectonic evolution of the Pacific margin of Gondwana during the Mesozoic 1998-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Southermost Andes and South Georgia Island, North Scotia Ridge: zircon UPb and muscovite age constraints on tectonic evolution of southwestern Gondwanaland 1998-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
An Early Aptian ichnofossil assemblage zone in southern Israel, Sinai and southwestern Egypt Tuvia Weissbrod
Werner K. Barthel
1998-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Single zircon evaporation ages from the Oban Massif, southeastern Nigeria Barth N. Ekwueme
Alfred Kröner
1998-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sédimentologie et géochimie organique des sédiments superficiels de la lagune de Nador (Maroc nord-oriental) M. El-Alami
R. Mahjoubi
B. Damnati
S. Kamel
M. Icole
M. Taieb
1998-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Morphological and sedimentological changes in the Senegal River estuary after the constuction of the Diama dam J. Paul Barusseau
Mariline Bǎ
Cyr Descamps
E. Salif Diop
Bachir Diouf
Alioune Kane
Jean Luc Saos
A. Soumaré
1998-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tectonic patterns developed within the Sohag region, middle Egypt M.M. Youssef
H.A. Ibrahim
A.A. Bakheit
M.M. Senosy
1998-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Errata 1998-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Congo/Ex‐Zaire: through the looking glass Carole J.L. Collins 1998-03 Review of African Political Economy
Privatisation, participation and protest in the restructuring of municipal services 1998-03 Urban Forum
Urban agriculture Nigel L. Webb 1998-03 Urban Forum
Community development and research: Participatory learning and action ‐a development strategy in itself Stephen B Wetmore
Francois Theron
1998-03 Development Southern Africa
Participatory planning Lindsay Bremner 1998-03 Urban Forum
Tectonics, sedimentation and volcanism in the East African Rift System: introduction Damien Delvaux
M. Aftab Khan
1998-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Persistent fault controlled basin formation since the Proterozoic along the Western Branch of the East African Rift J. Klerkx
K. Theunissen
D. Delvaux
1998-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Denudation history of the Malawi and Rukwa Rift flanks (East African Rift System) from apatite fission track thermochronology Peter Van der Beek
Evelyne Mbede
Paul Andriessen
Damien Delvaux
1998-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Identification of a fossil wood specimen in the Red Sandstone Group of southwestern Tanzania: Stratigraphical and tectonic implications F. Damblon
Ph. Gerrienne
H. D'Outrelepont
D. Delvaux
H. Beeckman
S. Back
1998-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Late Quaternary tectonic activity and lake level change in the Rukwa Rift Basin D. Delvaux
F. Kervyn
E. Vittori
R.S.A. Kajara
E. Kilembe
1998-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Evolution Pliocène et Quaternaire du remplissage sédimentaire dans le sud du bassin du lac Edouard, branche occidentale du Rift Est-Africain T.K. Yamba
A. Boven
1998-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochronology of volcanic rocks and evolution of the Cenozoic Western Branch of the East African Rift System A.B. Kampunzu
M.G. Bonhomme
M. Kanika
1998-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Quaternary perpotassic magmatism in Uganda (Toro-Ankole Volcanic Province): age assessment and significance for magmatic evolution along the East African Rift A. Boven
P. Pasteels
L.E. Punzalan
T.K. Yamba
J.H. Musisi
1998-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The seismicity related to the southern part of the Kenya Rift D. Hollnack
R. Stangl
1998-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Decolonization of Portuguese Africa: Metropolitan revolution and the dissolution of Empire S. A. NOTHOLT 1998-04-01 African Affairs
The Growth of Farming Communities in Africa from the Equator Southwards G. BARKER 1998-04-01 African Affairs
Religious Plurality in Africa: Essays in Honour of John S. Mbiti 1998-05 Journal of Religion in Africa
Editorial Bryan C. Storey 1998-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Le volcanisme permien et mésozoïque inférieur du bassin d'Argana (Haut-Atlas occidental, Maroc): un magmatisme intraplaque associé à l'ouverture de l'Atlantique central E.H. Aït Chayeb
N. Youbi
A. El-Boukhari
M. Bouabdelli
M. Amrhar
1998-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Conference reports Bryan Storey 1998-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Caldera-related volcanic rocks in the Shammar Group, northern Arabian Shield John Kemp 1998-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The metamorphosed mafic-ultramafic complex of Mokuro, Ilesha Schist Belt, southwestern Nigeria O.A. Ige
M. Okrusch
U. Schüssler
E. Schmädicke
N.J. Cook
1998-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Upper Cretaceous Gongila Formation in the Hawal Basin, northeast Benue Trough: a storm and wave dominated regressive shoreline complex Gordian Chuks Obi 1998-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geology, geochemistry and origin of the banded and granite gneisses in the basement complex of the Ilesha area, southwestern Nigeria Akindele O. Oyinloye 1998-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Pardoning the Past? CYNTHIA KROS 1998-05 South African Historical Journal
Transforming Female Identities; Women's Organizational Forms in West Africa edited by Eva Evers Rosander. Uppsala, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 1997. Pp. 243, SEK200, £18.95, US$24.95. LUCY CREEVEY 1998-06 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Where was Raymond Dart wrong? Goran Strkalj 1998-07 African Studies
New carbonatite occurrences along the Hatta transform fault zone (northern Oman Mountains, United Arab Emirates) Reiner Klemd 1998-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Orality, mediation and subversion in Sol Plaatje'sMhudi Phaswane Mpe 1998-07 African Studies
Historical classification of Khoe (central khoisan) languages of Southern Africa Rainer Vossen 1998-07 African Studies
Judith Jennings, The Business of Abolishing the British Slave Trade, 1783–1807. London: Frank Cass, 1997, 174 pp., £30.00, ISBN 0 7146 4697 0 hardback, £15.00, ISBN 0 7146 4235 5 paperback 1998-07 Africa
Editorial Peter Bowden 1998-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Determination of hydrochemical processes and classification of hydrochemical facies for the Sakakah Aquifer, northeastern Saudi Arabia Abdulaziz M. Al-Bassam 1998-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
On the state of weathering of the Upper Cretaceous red phosphorites of Eshidiya, southern Jordan Abdulkader M. Abed
Raed S. Abdalla
1998-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Anomalies géothermiques de surface et hydrodynamisme dans le bassin d'Agadir (Maroc) Y. Zarhloule
A. Lahrach
L. Ben Aabidat
S. Bouri
H. Ben Dhia
D. Khattach
1998-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Evolution métamorphique des métapélites du Massif hercynien des Rehamna (Maroc): implications tectonothermales Abdel Mouhsine Aghzer
Ricardo Arenas
1998-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A segment of sea-floor spreading in the central Red Sea: basalts from the Nereus Deep (23°00′–23°20′N) P. Antonini
R. Petrini
G. Contin
1998-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Integrated structural and mineral alteration study of the Zona uranium anomaly, northeast Nigeria C.E. Suh
S.S. Dada
T.R. Ajayi
G. Matheis
1998-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Determination of potential groundwater sites using geological and geophysical techniques in the Cross River State, southeastern Nigeria C.S. Okereke
E.O. Esu
A.E. Edet
1998-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Study of aromatic hydrocarbons in heavy residual oils by a combination of spectroscopic analytical techniques A.A. Olajire
R.A. Oderinde
1998-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
“Rats Fell from the Ceiling and Pestered Me:” Phrase Books as Sources for Colonial Mozambican History Kathleen Sheldon 1998 History in Africa
West Africa before the Colonial Era: A History to 1850 Toyin Falola
Basil Davidson
1998 International Journal of African Historical Studies
A Most Promising Weed: A History of Tobacco Farming and Labor in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1890-1945 William A. Munro
Steven C. Rubert
1998 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Elliot Fratkin, Ariaal Pastoralists of Kenya: surviving drought and development in Africa's arid lands. Cultural Survival Studies in Ethnicity and Change series, Boston, Mass., and London: Allyn & Bacon, 1998, 154 pp., £29.95, ISBN 0 205 26997 4 Mario I. Aguilar 1998-07 Africa
Aeolian and alluvial deposition within the Mesozoic Etjo Sandstone Formation, northwest Namibia John Howell
Stephen Flint
Dougal Jerram
1998-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Loskop Formation and its relationship to the Bushveld Complex, South Africa J.E.J. Martini 1998-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The geology and geochemistry of the Maru Banded Iron-Formation, northwestern Nigeria J.A. Adekoya 1998-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Dark Age: The Political Odyssey of Emperor Bokassa Thomas O'Toole
Brian Titley
1998-09 African Studies Review
China's foreign policy towards Africa in the 1990s 1998-09 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Labour's mistrust of profit sharing Doreen Bekker 1998-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Phases I, II & III of the local content programme in the South African motor car manufacturing industry 1961–1976 A.B. Julius
A.B. Lumby
1998-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Neglected historical and social factors in the development of less developed countries A.A. Okharedia 1998-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Recent Publications on Sexual Health in Africa Kearsley A. Stewart
James P. M. Ntozi
George C. Bond
John Kreniske
Ida Susser
Joan Vincent
Michelle Lewis Renaud
1998-09 African Studies Review
Women, Work, and Economic Reform in the Middle East and North Africa Heather J. Sharkey
Valentine M. Moghadam
1998-09 African Studies Review
Britain's Africa policy: ethical, or ignorant? Chris Allen 1998-09 Review of African Political Economy
Compressive deformation in the floor rocks to the Bushveld Complex (South Africa): evidence from the Rustenburg Fault Zone P.G. Eriksson
R. Van der Merwe
1998-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Neoproterozoic terrane assemblages in Eritrea: review and prospects S.A. Drury
C.R. De Souza Filho
1998-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Palaeoproterozoic Woodlands Formation of eastern Botswana-northwestern South Africa: lithostratigraphy and relationship with Transvaal Basin inversion structures P.G. Eriksson
R. Van Der Merwe
1998-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Upper crustal structure in the vicinity of Lake Magadi in the Kenya Rift Valley region Silas M. Simiyu
G. Randy Keller
1998-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry of neoproterozoic granitoids from the Axum area, northern Ethiopia A. Tadesse-Alemu 1998-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Environmental hazard from fissures in the Main Ethiopian Rift Laike Mariam Asfaw 1998-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
10th International Gondwana Conference: University of Cape Town, South Africa, June 28–July 4, 1998 Jim Collinson 1998-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Report of the IGCP 368 International Field workshop in Eastern Zimbabwe and Western Mozambique, 11–18 July 1998 Bob Thomas 1998-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
News items 1998-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Calendar of events 1998-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
IGCP projects related to Gondwana 1998-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
JAES announcement 1998-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Paleoceanographic changes of the Indian Ocean and corresponding tectonic events recorded in the Himalayan Range 1998-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
African history and imperial culture in colonial Nigerian schools P. S. Zachernuk 1998-10 Africa
South Africa's First Published Work of Literature and its Author, Pierre Simond RANDOLPH VIGNE 1998-11 South African Historical Journal
Men, science, travel and nature in the eighteenth and nineteenth‐century Cape William Beinart 1998-12 Journal of Southern African Studies
Report of the international symposium on globalisation and social sciences in Africa, university of the Witwatersrand, September 1998 Noor Nieftagodien 1998-12 African Studies
Public ritual and private transition: the truth commission in Alexandra township, South Africa 1996 Belinda Bozzoli 1998-12 African Studies
Slouching towards Bethlehem:Ubu and the truth commission Lesley Marx 1998-12 African Studies
Negotiating segregation: pre‐parliamentary debate over the natives (urban areas) act of 1923 1998-12 African Studies
Fieldsights: the anthropological narration of post‐apartheid South Africa David B. Coplan 1998-12 African Studies
Rebel and Saint: Muslim Notables, Populist Protest, Colonial Encounters (Algeria and Tunisia, 1800–1904) by JULIA A. CLANCY-SMITH. Berkeley and London, University of California Press, 1997. Pp. 393. Pb. £12.95. MARTIN THOMAS 1998-12 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Des mises en scène de curiosités aux chefs-d'œuvre mis en scène. Le Musée royal de l'Afrique à Tervuren : un siècle de collections Anne-Marie Bouttiaux 1999 Cahiers d'études africaines
Native to Native the Sculpture of Ousmane Sow Salah M. Hassan 1999 African Arts
Known Artists but Anonymous Works: Fieldwork and Art History Susan Mullin Vogel 1999 African Arts
Trajectories of a Mask Performance : the Case of the Senegalese Kumpo Ferdinand De Jong 1999 Cahiers d'études africaines
Far Ahead of his Time : James Africanus Horton's Initiatives for a West African University and his Frustrations, 1862-1871 Appollos O. Nwauwa 1999 Cahiers d'études africaines
La dynamique des interrelations politiques : le cas du sultanat de Zinder (Niger) 1999 Cahiers d'études africaines
Julius Nyerere: Reflections on the Legacy of His Socialism Cranford Pratt 1999 Canadian Journal of African Studies
A Morbid Fascination: White Prose and Politics in Apartheid South Africa Paul B. Rich
Richard Peck
1999 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Review: RIchard Peck (1997) A Morbid Fascination: white prose and politics in apartheid South Africa. Westport: Greenwood Press Lindy Stiebel 1999 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Dahomey's Royal Road Stanley B. Alpern 1999-01 History in Africa
Central Africa on the boil Richard Cornwell 1999-01 African Security Review
Conflicts in the Congo: From Kivu to Kabila Willie Breytenbach
Dalitso Chilemba
Thomas A Brown
Charlotte Plantive
1999-01 African Security Review
Age and Aids: South Africa's crime time bomb? Martin Schönteich 1999-01 African Security Review
Heart of darkness: Western policy of non-interventionism in Africa Stephan Maninger 1999-01 African Security Review
Main trends in the development of South Africa's organised crime Peter Gastrow 1999-01 African Security Review
Enhancing oversight in South Africa's provinces: Institutions and concerns Claudie Senay
Dirk Besdziek
1999-01 African Security Review
Records of weapons collection and destruction in Southern Africa: The Mozambican experience Martinho Chachiua 1999-01 African Security Review
Mercenaries and the privatisation of security in Africa Jakkie Cilliers
Richard Cornwell
1999-01 African Security Review
How primary is the primary function?: Configuring the SANDF for African realities Rocklyn Williams 1999-01 African Security Review
The International Criminal Court: Negotiations and key issues Håkon Friman 1999-01 African Security Review
How organised is the state's response to organised crime? Martin Schönteich 1999-01 African Security Review
Regional African peacekeeping capacity: Mythical construct or essential tool? Jakkie Cilliers 1999-01 African Security Review
Peacebuilding in Africa: Prospects for security and democracy beyond the state Pierre du Toit 1999-01 African Security Review
Managing intelligence in an age of knowledge Christopher Theunissen 1999-01 African Security Review
Fighting corruption in developing countries and emerging economies: The role of the private sector Irène Hors 1999-01 African Security Review
Gender equality: A challenge for the Department of Defence Ntsiki Motumi 1999-01 African Security Review
The end of the post-colonial state system in Africa? Richard Cornwell 1999-01 African Security Review
Comparing crime in South Africa's major cities: Results of four city victim surveys Antoinette Louw 1999-01 African Security Review
Leaner and meaner? The future of peacekeeping in Africa Mark Malan 1999-01 African Security Review
Re-examining initial encounters between Christian missionaries and the Xhosa, 1820–1850: the Scottish case Natasha Erlank 1999-01 African Historical Review
Other book received/Ander boeke ontvang 1999-01 African Historical Review
Julius Nyerere: Reflections on the Legacy of his Socialism Cranford Pratt 1999-01 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Mantle processes during Gondwana break-up and dispersal Anton Le Roex
Bryan Storey
1999-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Event stratigraphy of Gondwana keynote papers 1999-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Alex Logan du Toit A.O. Fuller 1999-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Gondwana-10Alex du Toit Symposium event stratigraphy of Gondwana 1999-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Scent of a supercontinent: Gondwana's ores as chemical tracers—tin, tungsten and the Neoproterozoic Laurentia-Gondwana connection Christien Thiart
Moctar Doucouré
Wendy Wilsher
1999-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Gondwana events and pal˦ogeography:A pal˦omagnetic review Anne M. Grunow 1999-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Gondwana: Its shape, size and position from Cambrian toTriassic times A.G. Smith 1999-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Gondwanan palaeogeography and pal˦oclimatology C.R. Scotese
A.J. Boucot
W.S. McKerrow
1999-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Biospheric perturbations during Gondwanan times: From theNeoproterozoic-Cambrian radiation to the end-Permian crisis 1999-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
High precision U-Pb geochronology, the tempo of evolutionand the record from Gondwana Samuel A. Bowring
Mark W. Martin
1999-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Relation between the Gondwanide Orogen and contemporaneous intracratonic deformation Rudolph A.J. Trouw 1999-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tectonostratigraphical development of the Upper Karooforeland basin: Orogenic unloading versus thermally-induced Gondwana rifting Brian R. Turner 1999-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Aeromagnetic and gravity features of Gondwana and theirrelation to continental break-up: More pieces, less puzzle Colin V. Reeves 1999-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Pan-Gondwana students ‘geo-coaching clinic’ 1999-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Acknowledgements 1999-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Book reviews/Boekbesprekings 1999-01 African Historical Review
The unpublished recollections of Denise Paulme and Michel Leiris on the creation in 1936 of the Musée de l'Homme A Dupuis 1999-01-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
Africa naturalized N Dias 1999-01-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
Dogon masks: from objects at the Musée de l'homme to people as the object of the museum A Doquet 1999-01-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
From the diorama to the dialogic: a century of exhibiting Africa at the Smithsonian's Museum of Natural History M J Arnoldi 1999-01-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
Museums and colonization in tropical Africa A Gaugue 1999-01-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
Climate and causation in African history. McCann JC 1999-01-01 International Journal of African Historical Studies
A chronology of major events relating to the central Kalahari game reserve. Hitchcock RK 1999-01-01 Botswana Notes and Records
Migrant labour and the peasantry in the Bechuanaland Protectorate, 1930-1965. Morapedi WG 1999-01-01 Journal of Southern African Studies
A memory of violence: from a Congo of rebellion to a Zaire of looting Kalulambi Pongo M 1999-01-01 Canadian Journal of African Studies
The anatomy of a demographic explosion: Luanda, 1844-1850. Curto JC 1999-01-01 International Journal of African Historical Studies
[Ethnic cleansing in Katanga and the ethics of redressing the wrongs of the past.] Dibwe dia Mwembu 1999-01-01 Canadian Journal of African Studies
"The military wanted to see a Zulu dance": white history and black anthropology in the Natal narrative, c. 1890-1905. J Pridmore 1999-01-01 South African Historical Journal
Dry bones: the return of Nontetha, an Eastern Cape prophet. R Edgar
H Sapire
1999-01-01 South African Historical Journal
Environment, production and social difference in the Kalahari Thornveld, c1750-1830. Jacobs NJ 1999-01-01 Journal of Southern African Studies
Leaving a person behind: history, personhood, and struggles over forest resources in the Sangha Basin of Equatorial Africa. Giles-Vernick T 1999-01-01 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Culture, kinship, and power: the evolution of royal slavery in nineteenth-century Kano. Stilwell S 1999-01-01 African Economic History
The barracuda's tale: trawlers, the informal sector and a state of classificatory disorder off the Nigerian coast. A Klein 1999-01-01 Africa
Borgu in the Atlantic slave trade. R Law
P E Lovejoy
1999-01-01 African Economic History
Faith Healing for Mental and Social Disorders in the Northern Province (South Africa) 1999-01-01 Journal of Religion in Africa
William Kelleher Storey, Science and Power in Colonial Mauritius. Rochester Studies in African History and the Diaspora 3, New York: University of Rochester Press, 1997, 238 pp., £40.00, ISBN 1 53046 015 1. Jean Houbert 1999-01 Africa
Allen Isaacman, Cotton is the Mother of Poverty: peasants, work and rural struggle in colonial Mozambique, 1938–61. Social History of Africa series, Portsmouth NH: Heinemann; Cape Town: David Philip; London: James Currey, 1996, 272 pp., £35.00, ISBN Chris Cramer 1999-01 Africa
James Freeman Wilson—a dedication John Orpen 1999-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Intraplate magmatism and tectonics of southern Africa Paul Dirks
Hielke Jelsma
Hubert Munyanyiwa
1999-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Episodic granitoid emplacement in the western Kaapvaal Craton: evidence from the Archæan Kraaipan granite-greenstone terrane, South Africa Carl R. Anhaeusser
Feo Walraven
1999-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Fluid evolution in the Pote Shear Zone Harare-Shamva-Bindura greenstone belt (northeast Zimbabwe) Jan M. Huizenga 1999-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemical study of the Umkondo dolerites and lavas in the Chimanimani and Chipinge Districts (eastern Zimbabwe) and their regional implications Hubert Munyanyiwa 1999-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Precambrian intraplate magmatism: high temperature, low pressure crustal granulites Jacques L.R. Touret
Jan M. Huizenga
1999-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tectonothermal history of the western part of the Limpopo Belt: tectonic models and new perspectives L. Holzer
J.M. Barton
B.K. Paya
J.D. Kramers
1999-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Structural relations and PbPb zircon ages for the Makuti gneisses: evidence for a crustal-scale Pan-African shear zone in the Zambezi Belt, northwest Zimbabwe P.H.G.M. Dirks
A. Kröner
H.A. Jelsma
T.A. Sithole
M.L. Vinyu
1999-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tectonic and climatic controls on sedimentation during deposition of the Sinakumbe group and Karoo supergroup, in the mid-Zambezi Valley Basin, southern Zambia Imasiku A. Nyambe 1999-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Ten years in the making 1999-03 Urban Forum
‘A THOROUGHLY PUGNACIOUS SETTLER’ 1999-03 The Journal of African History
Africa & the drugs trade Chris Allen 1999-03 Review of African Political Economy
Post-collisional granite magmatism in the central Damaran (Pan-African) Orogenic Belt, western Namibia L. Tack
P. Bowden
1999-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Les minéraux ferrotitanés du littoral sénégalais: Caractérisation et recherche de leur origine J. Allouc
J.C. Samama
P.J. Fauvel
1999-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Differentiating fluvio-marine depositional environments in the Nile Delta using textural and compositional components O.E. Frihy
M.A. El-Askary
E.M. Deghidy
W.M. Moufaddal
1999-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Age and isotopic evidence for the origin of the Archæan granitoid intrusives of the Johannesburg Dome, South Africa J.M. Barton
E.S. Barton
A. Kröner
1999-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Regional seismic hazard study for the eastern Mediterranean (Trans-Jordan, Levant and Antakia) and Sinai region Eid A. Al-Tarazi 1999-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Dérive des continents paléoclimats et altérations tropicales Michael F. Thomas 1999-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sedimentary basins and petroleum geology of the middle east Dan Bosence 1999-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
White Men's (And Women's) Burden: Literature after Apartheid Michael Chapman
Derek Attridge
Rosemary Jolly
Rosemary Jane Jolly
Richard Peck
1999-04 African Studies Review
Negotiating the Past: The making of memory In South Africa D. HEAD 1999-04-01 African Affairs
Imperial Watchdog: Sir Marshal Clarke as Resident Commissioner in Southern Rhodesia P. R. WARHURST 1999-05 South African Historical Journal
11TH International Conference of the Geological Society of Africa Earth Resources for Africa 1999-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tertiary education requirements in the geosciences for the minerals industry and in the environmental field to meet the demands of the 21st century in South Africa Morris J. Viljoen 1999-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Environmental science, constructive co-operation in interdisciplinary projects and the prisoner's dilemma J.D. Kramers 1999-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Appropriate teaching materials for Africa: local is ‘lekker’! Marian Tredoux 1999-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Pedagogy of stereographic projection Tom Blenkinsop 1999-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
L'évolution géologique de Madagascar et la dislocation du Gondwana: une introduction A Piqué 1999-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
L'ouverture et le développement du bassin de Morondava (Madagascar) du Carbonifère supérieur au Jurassique moyen. Données stratigraphiques, sédimentaires, paléontologiques et structurales Alain Piqué
Edgard Laville
Gérard Bignot
Mamy Rabarimanana
Catherine Thouin
1999-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Extension et sédimentation au paléozoïque terminal et au Mésozoïque dans le bassin de Majunga (Nord-Ouest de Madagascar) Yolande Razafindrazaka
Théogène Randriamananjara
Alain Piqué
Catherine Thouin
Edgard Laville
Jacques Malod
Jean-Pierre Réhault
1999-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Modèle de lithosphère pour l'île de Madagascar (océan Indien occidental): nouvelle interprétation des données gravimétriques Solofo A Rakotondraompiana
Yves Albouy
Alain Piqué
1999-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
L'extension à Madagascar du Néogène à l'Actuel: arguments structuraux et géophysiques Alain Piqué
Edgard Laville
Pierre Chotin
Jean Chorowicz
Solofo Rakotondraompiana
Catherine Thouin
1999-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Imbongi and griot: toward a comparative analysis of oral poetics in Southern and West Africa* Russell H. Kaschula 1999-06 Journal of African Cultural Studies
The impact of the two Johannesburg biennales (1995 and 1997) on the formation of a ‘New South African art’ Sabine Marschall 1999-06 Social Dynamics
Writing South Africa: literature, apartheid, and democracy, 1970–1995 edited by D EREK A TTRIDGE and R OSEMARY J OLLY Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Pp. xvii+288. £37.50, £12.95 (pbk.) DOMINIC HEAD 1999-06 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Review Article: 'Keeping History Open': Studies in South African Literary History David Medalie 1999-06 Journal of Southern African Studies
Slave Captain: The Career of James Irving in the Liverpool Slave Trade. Edited, with an introduction, by SUZANNE SCHWARZ. Wrexham, Clwyd: Bridge Books, 1995. Pp. 164. £8.95, paperback (ISBN 1-872424-42-2) 1999-07 The Journal of African History
D. C. Conrad and B. E. Frank (eds), Status and Identity in West Africa: Nyamakalaw of Mande. African Systems of Thought series, Bloomington IN: Indiana University Press, 1995, 214 pp., £11.99, ISBN 0 253 20929 3 1999-07 Africa
The burial of Canon J.A. Calata and the revival of mass‐based opposition in Cradock, South Africa, 1983 Michael Tetelman 1999-07 African Studies
“Strangely hard natures were bred in the South Africa of that day”. rural settler childhood, 1850s‐1880s Simon Dagut 1999-07 African Studies
Preface B.C. Storey
B.S. Rubidge
D.I. Cole
M.J. De Wit
1999-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Neoproterozoic Dorsal de Canguçú strike-slip shear zone: its nature and role in the tectonic evolution of southern Brazil Luis Alberto D'Avila Fernandes
Edinei Koester
1999-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Vertical displacement during late-collisional escape tectonics (Brasiliano Orogeny) in the Ribeira Belt, São Paulo State, Brazil P.C. Hackspacher
A.M. Godoy
1999-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Early Permian sequence stratigraphy and the palæophysiographic evolution of the Paraná Basin in southernmost Brazil Michael Holz 1999-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Permian Gondwanan correlations: the significance of the western Australian marine Permian N.W. Archbold 1999-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Lithostratigraphy and depositional environments in the Waterberg-Erongo area, central Namibia, and correlation with the main Karoo Basin, South Africa Frank Holzförster
Harald Stollhofen
Ian G. Stanistreet
1999-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Complex thrusting at Uniondale, eastern sector of the Cape Fold Belt, Republic of South Africa: structural evidence for the need to revise the lithostratigraphy P.W.K. Booth
R.W. Shone
1999-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Reconstruction and break-out model for the Falkland Islands within Gondwana B.C. Storey
M.L. Curtis
J.K. Ferris
M.A. Hunter
R.A. Livermore
1999-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The basicranium of a basal prosauropod from the Euskelosaurus range zone and thoughts on the origin of dinosaurs Johann Welman 1999-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Middle Triassic vertebrates of India Saswati Bandyopadhyay
Dhurjati P. Sengupta
1999-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Triassic taphoflora of the Paraná Basin, southern Brazil: a biostratigraphical approach M. Guerra-Sommer
M. Cazzulo-Klepzig
R. Iannuzzi
1999-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
On Crown Service: A History of H. M. Colonial and Overseas Civil Services, 1837-1997 Colin Baker
Anthony Kirk-Greene
1999 International Journal of African Historical Studies
A Most Promising Weed: A History of Tobacco Farming and Labor in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1890-1945 (review) Leslie Bessant 1999 Africa Today
BOOK REVIEW: Rubert, Steven C. 1998. A MOST PROMISING WEED: A HISTORY OF TOBACCO FARMING AND LABOR IN COLONIAL ZIMBABWE. Athens: Ohio University Press. 1890-1945. Leslie Bessant 1999-07 Africa Today
The Lekganyanes and Prophecy in the Zion Christian Church 1999-08 Journal of Religion in Africa
Faith Healing for Mental and Social Disorders in the Northern Province (South Africa) 1999-08 Journal of Religion in Africa
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit: Resistance and Abuse in the Life of Solomon Lion (1908-1987) Colin Murray 1999-08 Journal of Religion in Africa
Geology and mineral resources of east Africa S. Muhongo
N. Opiyo-Akech
1999-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Pan-African pressure-temperature evolution of the Merelani area in the Mozambique Belt in northeast Tanzania S. Muhongo
P. Tuisku
Y. Mtoni
1999-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Constraints on interpretation of geochemical data for gold exploration in multiply deformed and metamorphosed areas: an example from Legadembi gold deposit, southern Ethiopia Dandena Tolessa
Walter Pohl
1999-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemical and isotopic (Sr, Nd and Pb) characteristics of volcanic rocks from southwestern Ethiopia Dereje Ayalew
Gezahegn Yirgu
Raphaël Pik
1999-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Lithostratigrapy and distribution of Pleistocene sediments of the Munyu wa Gicheru Formation in South Kenya Rift Valley Wilson M. Ngecu
Job N. Njue
1999-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
East African magadi (trona): fluoride concentration and mineralogical composition Joan M. Nielsen 1999-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
An overview of the South African economy in the 1970s Stuart Jones
Jon Inggs
1999-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The political economy of South Africa in the 1970s Charles Simkins 1999-09 South African Journal of Economic History
South African monetary policies during the 1970s R.M. Gidlow 1999-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Fiscal policy in South Africa during the 1970s J.vdS. Heyns 1999-09 South African Journal of Economic History
South African agriculture in the 1970s Nick Vink 1999-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The South African mining industry in the 1970s Gillian Moncur
Stuart Jones
1999-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The manufacturing sector during the 1970s Colin McCarthy 1999-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The South African transport sector in the 1970s Trevor Jones 1999-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Banking in the 1970s Stuart Jones 1999-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Asset and risk management in the 1970s Stuart Jones
Andre Liebenberg
Robert Vivian
1999-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Internal and external trade in the 1970s Stuart Jones 1999-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Some aspects of economic relations between South Africa and the BLS countries in the 1970s Gavin Maasdorp 1999-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The South African balance of payments in the 1970s Philip Mohr 1999-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The role of home economics in agricultural extension J Maryann Green 1999-09 Development Southern Africa
Women, Work and Economic Reform in the Middle East and North Africa by V ALENTINE M. M OGHADAM Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1998. Pp. 253, £47.95 PAUL B. RICH 1999-09 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Truth and Reconciliation: the Birth of the Present and the Reworking of History Aletta Norval 1999-09 Journal of Southern African Studies
Men with Cookers: Transformations in Migrant Culture, Domesticity and Identity in Duncan Village, East London Leslie Bank 1999-09-01 Journal of Southern African Studies
Men with Cookers: Transformations in Migrant Culture, Domesticity and Identity in Duncan Village, East London* Leslie Bank 1999-09 Journal of Southern African Studies
Depositional environments of the Kurnub group (Early Cretaceous) in northern Jordan Belal S. Amireh
Abdulkadr M. Abed
1999-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geoconservation - a southern African and African perspective Wolf Uwe Reimold 1999-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Structural features of Nigeria's coastal margin: an assessment based on age data from wells K.Mosto Onuoha 1999-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Le cadmium associé aux dépôts phosphatés en Tunisie méridionale Aïcha Beji Sassi
Sassi Sassi
1999-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Petrogenesis of a high TiO2 mafic dyke swarm from southwest Sinai Mohamed A. Essawy
Ahmed A. El-Metwally
1999-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Strontium isotope evidence for the origin of barite from four mineralisations of the Moroccan Meseta F. Castorina
E. Di Biasio
U. Masi
L. Tolomeo
1999-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
African basins R. Unrug 1999-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
On Crown Service: A history of HM Colonial and Overseas Civil Services, 1837-1997 N. GARDINER 1999-10-01 African Affairs
Without the West: 1990s Southern African and Indian woman writers — a conversation? Elleke Boehmer 1999-12 African Studies
Just cricket: black struggles for racial justice and equality Hilary Beckles 1999-12 African Studies
Les Castes de l'Afrique Occidentale. Artisans et musiciens endogames Tal Tamari 1999-12 African Studies Review
The TRC: commissioning the past (June 1999) Katie Mooney
Noor Nieftagodien
Nicole Ulrich
1999-12 African Studies
Lysistratain Nairobi: performing the power of womanhood in the post‐colony George Odera Outa 1999-12 African Studies
African environments past and present (St Anthony's college, Oxford, 5–8 July 1999) Clive Glaser 1999-12 African Studies
“Not even history”: a tale of two Islands Robert Leyshon 1999-12 African Studies
Connections Isabel Hofmeyr 1999-12 African Studies
African Soldiers and Imperial Authorities: Tensions and Unrest During the Service of High Commission Territories Soldiers in the British Army, 1941-46 Ashley Jackson 1999-12 Journal of Southern African Studies
Tertiary Tsondab Sandstone Formation: preliminary bedform reconstruction and comparison to modern Namib Sand Sea dunes Gary Kocurek
Mary Carr
Andy Frank
1999-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Le Sénonien du Haut Atlas occidental, Maroc: sédimentologie, analyse séquentielle et paléogéographie Ah Algouti
Ab Algouti
K Taj-Eddine
1999-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Hydraulic characteristics of the Maastrichtian sedimentary rocks of the southeastern Bida Basin, central Nigeria Petr Vrbka
Olusola Johnson Ojo
Holler Gebhardt
1999-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Evolution of the Molopo drainage and its possible disruption by the Morokweng impact event at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary Cornelis S. Bootsman
Wolf Uwe Remold
Dion Brandt
1999-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Plio-Quaternary volcanotectonic activity in the northern sector of the Main Ethiopian Rift: relationships with oblique rifting Mario Boccaletti
Roberto Mazzuoli
Marco Bonini
Teresa Trua
Bekele Abebe
1999-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Les tholeiites a affinité alcaline du secteur ouest du Siroua (Anti-Atlas central, Maroc): temoins d'une distension au Néoproterozoïque Ahmed Touil
Abdelmajid El-Boukhari
Essaid Bilal
Jacques Moutte
1999-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of intrusive rocks of the Wallagga area, western Ethiopia Tesfaye Kebede
Friedrich Koller
1999-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Étude de quelques palynomorphes du crétace supérieur du bassin offshore de Côte d'Ivoire: implications biostratigraphiques et paléoenvironnementales Juliette Tea-Yass
Zéli Bruno Digbehi
Konan Raphael Yao
Boblai Victor Glohi
1999-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Solute load concentrations in some streams in the Upper Osun and Owena drainage basins, central western Nigeria L.K. Jeje
O.O. Ogunkoya
J.M. Oluwatimilehin
1999-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Pollution par les nitrates des nappes phréatiques sous environnement semi-urbain non assaini: example de la nappe de Yeumbeul, Sénégal A.A Tandia
E.S Diop
C.B Gaye
1999-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Truth, Reconciliation, and Amnesty in South Africa Dallvan M. Coger
James Cochrane
John de Grunchy
Stephen Martin
Mark Hay
Antjie Krog
Sarah Nuttall
Carli Coetzee
1999-12 African Studies Review
A Most Promising Weed: A History of Tobacco Farming and Labor in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1890-1945 Nancy Jacobs
Steven Rupert
1999-12 African Studies Review
Early Swahili History Reconsidered Thomas Spear 2000 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Power, Honour and Shame: The Ideology of Royal Slavery in the Sokoto Caliphate Sean Stilwell 2000 Africa
Antelope Headdresses and Champion Farmers: Negotiating Meaning and Identity through the Bamana Ciwara Complex Stephen R. Wooten 2000 African Arts
Faire et défaire la société : enfants, jeunes et politique en Afrique Béatrice Hibou 2000 Politique africaine
Le « deuxième monde » et les « enfants-sorciers » en république démocratique du Congo 2000 Politique africaine
Anthologie de chants mandingues: (Cote d'Ivoire, Guinee, Mali) (review) 2000 Research in African Literatures
Retour aux Dogon: Figures du double et ambivalence Francoise Michel-Jones 2000 International Journal of African Historical Studies
The Complexion of Race: Categories of Difference in Eighteenth-Century British Culture Philippe Seminet
Roxann Wheeler
2000 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Pen and Power: A Post-Colonial Reading of J.M. Coetzee and Andre Brink, and: A Morbid Fascination: White Prose and Politics in Apartheid South Africa (review) Dominic Head 2000 Research in African Literatures
Text, Theory, Space: Land, Literature, and History in South Africa and Australia (review) Simon Lewis 2000 Research in African Literatures
Standing down or standing out? Demobilising and reintegrating former soldiers Lephophotho Mashike 2000-01 African Security Review
The peace process in Kosovo: Structures, processes and thoughts on peacekeeping in Africa Theo Neethling 2000-01 African Security Review
Towards justice in the wake of armed conflicts? The evolution of war crimes tribunals Jacquie Cassette 2000-01 African Security Review
A strategic approach to African security: Challenges and prospects Steven Metz 2000-01 African Security Review
Disarming and demobilising child soldiers: The underlying challenges Mark Malan 2000-01 African Security Review
Angola's foreign policy since independence: The search for domestic security Assis Malaquias 2000-01 African Security Review
Small arms—big challenge: Can Southern Africa show the way for the 2001 UN conference? Andrew McLean 2000-01 African Security Review
Mainstreaming gender in peacekeeping operations: Can Africa learn from international experience? Heidi Hudson 2000-01 African Security Review
Protection of foreign missions in South Africa Anthony Minnaar 2000-01 African Security Review
Forfeiting rights? Assessing South Africa's asset forfeiture laws Jean Redpath 2000-01 African Security Review
The establishment of the International Criminal Court: SADC's participation in the negotiations Sivu Maqungo 2000-01 African Security Review
South Africa as an emerging middle power Prof Maxi Schoeman 2000-01 African Security Review
Physical protection in practice: International and regional peacekeeping in Africa Mark Malan 2000-01 African Security Review
ISS Recent publications 2000-01 African Security Review
South Africa's arsenal of terrorism legislation Martin Schönteich 2000-01 African Security Review
South Africa's position in Africa's crime rankings Martin Schönteich 2000-01 African Security Review
Terms of endearment: Bilateral donor engagement in fighting corruption in South Africa Lala Camerer 2000-01 African Security Review
The role of the public protector in fighting corruption Gary Pienaar 2000-01 African Security Review
An illusion of plenty? Resources and development in Africa Jo-Ansie van Wyk 2000-01 African Security Review
The three economies of Africa Constance J Freeman 2000-01 African Security Review
Dirty Harryis back: Vigilantism in South Africa—The (re)emergence of the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ community Daniel Nina 2000-01 African Security Review
The challenge of change: Comparative lessons from the experiences of the EU and SADC Klaus Baron von der Ropp 2000-01 African Security Review
Rebuilding the Somali State Fiona Lortan 2000-01 African Security Review
The political economy of development in South Africa Dirk Kotzé 2000-01 African Security Review
War to peace: Dilemmas of multilateral intervention in civil wars Emmanuel Kwesi Aning 2000-01 African Security Review
Combating arms-trafficking: The need for integrated approaches Sarah Meek 2000-01 African Security Review
Editorial—Entrepreneurial solutions to African problems? 2000-01 African Security Review
Reconstructing the middle ages: some Victorian ‘medievalisms’ Julie Pridmore 2000-01 African Historical Review
Masking Sunjata: A Hermeneutical Critique 2000-01 History in Africa
The encounter between the Basotho and the missionaries of the Paris Evangelical Missionary Society, 1833–1933: some perspectives SG de Clark 2000-01 African Historical Review
Searching for gems: the Kimberley Papers at Oxford University Bridget Theron 2000-01 African Historical Review
The voice of the ‘people’? Memoranda presented in 1947 to the Sauer commission by ‘knowledgeable’ Afrikaners JP Brits 2000-01 African Historical Review
Re‐imagining, remaking or imposing identity: South Africa in a connected world 2000-01 Social Dynamics
Swahili History and Society to 1900: A Classified Bibliography Thomas Spear 2000-01 History in Africa
Unconformities of the auriferous, neoarchæan central rand group of South Africa: application to stratigraphy B.G. Els 2000-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Kisii Group of western Kenya: an end-Archæan (2.53 Ga) late orogenic volcano sedimentary sequence P. Pinna
A. Cocherie
D. Thiéblemont
P. Jezequel
2000-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Foch Thrust-Potchefstroom Fault structural system, Vredefort, South Africa: a model for impact-related tectonic movement over a pre-existing barrier M.C. Brink
F.B. Waanders
A.A. Bisschoff
N.C. Gay
2000-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Déformations néogènes et quaternaires de la bordure nord haut atlasique (Maroc): rôle du socle et consequences structurales Jean-Luc Morel
El-Mostafa Zouine
Jean Andrieux
Anne Faure-Muret
2000-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Le bassin sédimentaire a phosphates du Togo (Maastrichtien-Eocène): stratigraphie, environnements et évolution Ampah Kodjo Johnson
Pierre Rat
Jacques Lang
2000-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Black teen childbearing: reexamining the segmented labor market hypothesis. Meyer CS
Mukerjee S
2000-01-01 The Review of Black Political Economy
Zulu ritual immunisation in perspective. F Jolles
S Jolles
2000-01-01 Africa
Enjeux du deuil et négociation des rapports sociaux de sexe au Congo 2000-01-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
Race and cesarean delivery in Florida D Grant 2000-01-01 The Review of Black Political Economy
"Dear Dolly's" advice: representations of youth, courtship, and sexualities in Africa, 1960-1980 Mutongi K 2000-01-01 International Journal of African Historical Studies
The Persistence of the Family Farm and the Economy of Affection: The Cameroonian Case July M Ngwainmbi 2000-01-01 Journal of Social Development in Africa
« Au village ! » Yvette Monga 2000-01-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
New Sources for German Colonial History in Dresden Jörg Ludwig 2000-01 History in Africa
A commentary on the tectono-sedimentary record of the pre-2.0 Ga continental growth of India vis-à-vis a possible pre-Gondwana Afro-Indian supercontinent Rajat Mazumder
Pradip K. Bose
Subir Sarkar
2000-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
An Arch˦an arc-arc collisional event: a short-lived (ca 3 Myr) episode, Weltevreden area, Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa Cornel E.J. De Ronde
Sandra L. Kamo
2000-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Carbonate dykes associated with Arch˦an lode-Au mineralisation, Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa L.W. Schürmann
J.H.W. Ward
U.E. Horstmann
L.J. Jordaan
B. Eaton
2000-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A genetic model for a mesothermal Au deposit: evidence from fluid inclusions and stable isotopic studies at El Sid Gold Mine, Eastern Desert, Egypt Hassan Z. Harraz 2000-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Variations des paramètres physico-chimiques des eaux de l'Oued Aggai: significations géo-environnementales et conséquences sur la précipitation des travertins actuels (causse de Sefrou, Moyen-Atlas - Maroc) Lahcen Gourari
Mohammed Alaoui-Mhamdi
Abdellah Boushaba
Bouazza Fedan
2000-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Origine et contexte geotectonique des depots detritiques du groupe neoproterozoïque inferieur de Kelaat Mgouna (Anti-Atlas Oriental, Maroc) A. Fekkak
M. Boualoul
L. Badra
M. Amenzou
A. Saquaque
I.E. El-Amrani
2000-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sm Nd, Rb Sr and Th U Pb zircon ages of syn- and post-tectonic granitoids from the Axum area of northern Ethiopia Tarekegn Tadesse
Mitsuo Hoshino
Kazuhiro Suzuki
Shigeru Iizumi
2000-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Lithologie, structure et métamorphisme des formations birimiennes dans la région d'Odienné(Coˆte d'Ivoire): roˆle majeur du diapirisme des plutons et des décrochements en bordure du craton de Man R. Caby
C. Delor
O. Agoh
2000-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Analyse quantitative des foraminifères benthiques actuels de la marge atiantique marocaine entre Cap Draˆa et Cap Juby: reponses fauniques aux changements de l'environnement H. Rezqi
M. Oujidi
M. Boutakiout
M. Labraimi
2000-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Grain size distribution along the Msasani Beach, north of Dar es Salaam Harbour Alfred N.N. Muzuka
Yohana W. Shaghude
2000-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geological society of Africa newsletter January 2000 2000-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Current literature survey 2000-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The influence of family management on attendance and successful completion of skills training courses in KwaZulu-Natal J Maryann Green 2000-03 Development Southern Africa
Levelling the playing fields & embedding illusions: ‘post‐conflict’ discourse & neo‐liberal ‘development’ in war‐torn Africa David Moore 2000-03 Review of African Political Economy
A Morbid Fascination: White Prose and Politics in Apartheid South Africa Richard Peck [Review] 2000-03 The Journal of Modern African Studies
2000-03 The Journal of African History
OroonokoandHappy Birthday, Mister Deka D,by 'Biyi Bandele T. J. Cribb 2000-03 Research in African Literatures
Africans in the Diaspora: the Diaspora and Africa E Akyeampong 2000-04 African Affairs
Geology and mineralisation in the Meso- to Neoproterozoic Ghanzi-Chobe belt of northwest Botswana Benson N. Modie 2000-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geophysical exploration of the Kalahari Suture Zone J.S. Brett
R. Mason
P.H. Smith
2000-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The geophysical mapping of Mesozoic dyke swarms in southern Africa and their origin in the disruption of Gondwana C. Reeves 2000-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sedimentology of the Madumabisa Mudstone Formation (Late Permian), Lower Karoo Group, mid-Zambezi Valley Basin, southern Zambia Imasiku A. Nyambe
Owen Dixon
2000-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Magmatism and crustal accretion in continental rifts V.G. Kazmin
A.F. Byakov
2000-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Ion microprobe UPb ages on detrital zircon grains from the Ghanzi Group: implications for the identification of a Kibaran-age crust in northwest Botswana A.B. Kampunzu
R.A. Armstrong
M.P. Modisi
R.B.M. Mapeo
2000-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
RbSr isotope constraints on the timing of late to post-Archa↭ tectonometamorphism affecting the southeastaean Kaapvaal Craton T Elworthy
B.M Eglington
R.A Armstrong
A.B Moyes
2000-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Genetic aspects of the Katangan megabreccias: Neoproterozoic of Central Africa Marek Wendorff 2000-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Revision of the stratigraphical position of the ‘Roches Argilo-Talqueuses’ (R.A.T.) in the neoproterozoic Katangan belt, south Congo Marek Wendorff 2000-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Single zircon ages for felsic to intermediate rocks from the Pietersburg and Giyani greenstone belts and bordering granitoid orthogneisses, northern Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa A. Kröner
P. Jaeckel
G. Brandl
2000-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
UPb SHRIMP and SmNd age constraints on the timing and sources of the Pan-African Cape Granite Suite, South Africa L.C. Da Silva
P.G. Gresse
R. Scheepers
N.J. McNaughton
L.A. Hartmann
I. Fletcher
2000-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tectonic setting and geochemical characterisation of Neoproterozoic volcanics and granitoids from the Adobha Belt, northern Eritrea Beraki Woldehaimanot 2000-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Source basins for sediment-hosted stratiform Cu deposits: implications for the structure of the Zambian Copperbelt M.W. Hitzman 2000-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Spatial and temporal geochemical variability in basin-related volcanism, northern Israel Yishai Weinstein 2000-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Depths to density discontinuities beneath the Adamawa Plateau region, Central Africa, from spectral analyses of new and existing gravity data J.M. Nnange
V. Ngako
J.D. Fairhead
C.J. Ebinger
2000-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mapping gossans in arid regions with Landsat TM and SIR-C images: the Beddaho Alteration Zone in northern Eritrea Mohamed G Abdelsalam
Robert J Stern
Woldegabriel G Berhane
2000-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Application of a revised hydrostratigraphical classification and nomenclature to the Mesozoic and Cenozoic succession of Saudi Arabia Abdulaziz M. Al-Bassam
Mohammed E. Al-Dabbagh
Mohammed Tahir Hussein
2000-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Late Quaternary palæoecology and palæoclimates of the eastern Sahara Hans-Joachim Pachur
Philipp Hoelzmann
2000-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The age and palæoenvironmental significance of the Kalahari Sands in western Zimbabwe: a thermoluminescence reconnaissance study Kennedy Munyikwa
Peter Van Den Haute
Dimitri Vandenberghe
Frans De Corte
2000-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Announcement 2000-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The massacre of refugees in Congo: a case of UN peacekeeping failure and international law Kisangani N. F. Emizet 2000-06 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Abstract: 18th Colloquium of African Geology, Graz 2000-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A comparison of Late Permian Gondwanan and Laurasian amniote faunas B. Battail 2000-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
DOCUMENTING THE SLAVE TRADE 2000-07 The Journal of African History
Traditional Leaders in Purgatory Local Government in Tsolo, Qumbu and Port St Johns, 1990–2000 J.B. Peires 2000-07 African Studies
Changing Livelihoods: The Free State, 1990s Colin Murray 2000-07 African Studies
“We must now go back to our history” Retraditionalisation in a Northern Province Chieftaincy Barbara Oomen 2000-07 African Studies
Historical Research and Policy Making in South Africa Peter Delius
Stefan Schirmer
2000-07 African Studies
A review of tectonic events in the East Antarctic Shield and their implications for Gondwana and earlier supercontinents I.C.W. Fitzsimons 2000-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Gondwana-10: event stratigraphy of Gondwana proceedings volume B.C. Storey
M.J. De Wit
J.M. Anderson
H.M. Anderson
B.S. Rubidge
R.J. Thomas
2000-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Fold-thrust belt geometry of the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt, a structural study from its western margin, Orissa, India T.K. Biswal 2000-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Proterozoic orogens and the break-up of Gondwana: why did some orogens not rift? M. Krabbendam
T.D. Barr
2000-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Antarctic Peninsula Late Cretaceous-Early Cenozoic pal˦oenvironments and Gondwana pal˦ogeographies R.V. Dingle
M. Lavelle
2000-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Palynomorphs of Permian Gondwana coal from borehole GDH-38, Barapukuria Coal Basin, Bangladesh A. Akhtar
R.M. Kosanke
2000-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Megafloral diversity of the upper Gondwana sequence of the Rajmahal Basin, India J. Banerji 2000-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A new early Jurassic pteridosperm fructification from Queensland G.A. Pattemore 2000-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Towards a gravity map of Gondwana C.M. Doucouré
M.J. De Wit
C.V. Reeves
2000-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Foreword: the status of science in South Africa and south-south collaboration Khotso Mokhele 2000-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
MEMORY The Memory of Resistance: French Opposition to the Algerian War, 1954–1962 . By M ARTIN E VANS . Oxford: Berg Publishers, 1997. Pp. xvi + 250. £34.99 ( ISBN 1-85973-922-9), £14.99, paperback ( ISBN 1-85973-927-x). Negotiating the Past: The SEAN FIELD 2000-07 The Journal of African History
Speaking with Vampires: Rumor and History in Colonial Africa Nancy Rose Hunt
Luise White
2000 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Oroonoko and Happy Birthday, Mister Deka D, by 'Biyi Bandele T. J. Cribb 2000 Research in African Literatures
Power, Honour and Shame: The Ideology of Royal Slavery in the Sokoto Caliphate Sean Stilwell 2000-08 Africa
Holocene lake records in the Northern Hemisphere of Africa B. Damnati 2000-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Méthode quantitative d'étude des formations détritiques azoïques: grès anté-panafricains du Centrafrique et du Nord de la République Démocratique du Congo (ex-Zaïre) P. Alvarez 2000-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochronological review of the Precambrian in western Angola: links with Brazil H. De Carvalho
C. Tassinari
P.H. Alves
F. Guimarães
M.C. Simões
2000-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Évolution tectono-sédimentaire de l'unité d'Akokan au cours du Viséen dans le bassin de Tim Mersoï (région d'Arlit, Niger) M. Yahaya
J. Lang
2000-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Three-dimensional inversion of gravity data from the Main Ethiopian Rift R. Mahatsente
G. Jentzsch
T. Jahr
2000-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Errata 2000-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The economic history of the Port Elizabeth‐Uitenhage region André Müller 2000-09 South African Journal of Economic History
J.B. Loynes and central banking development in British West Africa 2000-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Community banking for development: The case of Community Bank in comparative perspective 1994–1996 2000-09 South African Journal of Economic History
South African agriculture in the 1970s: A decade of transformation? Arthur Webb 2000-09 South African Journal of Economic History
An agricultural revolution 1950–1975: A rejoinder Stuart Jones 2000-09 South African Journal of Economic History
War on the Savannah: The Military Collapse of the Sokoto Caliphate under the Invasion of the British Empire, 1897-1903 Allan Christelow
Risotto Marjomaa
2000-09 African Studies Review
Gender, Colonial 'Women's History' and the Construction of Social Distance: Middle-Class British Women in Later Nineteenth-Century South Africa Simon Dagut 2000-09 Journal of Southern African Studies
MASTER AND SERVANT IN COLONIAL KENYA, 1895–1939 DAVID M. ANDERSON 2000-09 The Journal of African History
Tapping the Neglected Resource in Kiswahili Terminology: Automatic Compilation of the Domain-specific Terms from Corpus Seleman S. Sewangi 2000-09-30 Nordic Journal of African Studies
Oxygen and hydrogen isotope geochemistry of thermal springs of the Western Cape, South Africa: Recharge at high altitude? R.E. Diamond
C. Harris
2000-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Anna's Rust Sheet and related gabbroic intrusions in the Vredefort Dome-Kibaran magmatic event on the Kaapvaal Craton and beyond? W.U. Reimold
G.Q.J. Pybus
F.J. Kruger
P.W. Layer
2000-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Les granitoïdes paléoprotérozoïques des boutonnières du Bas Drâa et de la Tagragra d'Akka (Anti-Atlas occidental, Maroc): en élément du puzzle géodynamique du craton ouest-africain (Palæoproterozoic granitoids from the Bas Drâa and Tagragr A. Mortaj
M. Ikenne
D. Gasquet
P. Barbey
J.M. Stussi
2000-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sédimentation détritique continentale synchrone d'un volcanisme explosif dans le Trias terminal à infra-Lias du domaine atlasique (Haute Moulouya, Maroc) (Late Triassic to infra-Liassic continental detrital sedimentation synchronous with an explos D. Ouarhache
A. Charriere
F. Chalot-Prat
M. El-Wartiti
2000-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Palæo- and Neoproterozoic granitoids and rhyolites from the West Congolian Belt (Gabon, Congo, Cabinda, north Angola): chemical composition and geotectonic implications J.-P. Vicat
A. Pouclet
2000-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Host rock geology and geochemistry of the Zona uranium occurrence, Peta Gulf Syncline (Upper Benue Trough), northeast Nigeria C.E. Suh
S.S. Dada
G. Matheis
2000-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Palygorskite and sepiolite occurrence in Pliocene lake deposits along the River Nile: evidence of an arid climate F. Tateo
R. Sabbadini
N. Morandi
2000-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Rhyolitic ignimbrites of the Cape Granite Suite, southwestern Cape Province, South Africa R. Scheepers
A.N. Nortjé
2000-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Publisher's announcement elsevier science journal of african earth sciences Peter Henn
Annette Doré
2000-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Significance of Earth-Eating: Social and Cultural Aspects of Geophagy Among Luo Children P. Wenzel Geissler 2000-11 Africa
2000-11 South African Historical Journal
The Constitutional Court and the Redistribution of Power in South Africa: Towards Transformative Constitutionalism Elsa Van Huyssteen 2000-12 African Studies
Zimbabwean Nationalism and Motherhood in Yvonne Vera's Butterfly Burning Eva Hunter 2000-12 African Studies
Victims, Villains and Fixers: The Urban Environment and Johannesburg's Poor Jo Beall 2000-12 Journal of Southern African Studies
Bantu Expansions: Re-Envisioning a Central Problem of Early African History Christopher Ehret 2001 International Journal of African Historical Studies
The Sunjata Epic--The Ultimate Version 2001 Research in African Literatures
Griots at War: Conflict, Conciliation, and Caste in Mande Barbara G. Hoffman 2001 International Journal of African Historical Studies
OSAMA BIN LADEN Global insurgent JOHN MACKINLAY 2001-01 African Security Review
2001-01 African Security Review
2001-01 African Security Review
2001-01 African Security Review
2001-01 African Security Review
A FOCUS ON SMALL ARMS 2001-01 African Security Review
BUSINESS AND WAR JAKKIE CILLIERS 2001-01 African Security Review
PARLIAMENT AND DEFENCE OVERSIGHT 2001-01 African Security Review
REGIONAL TRAFFICK MARK SHAW 2001-01 African Security Review
PLAYING GOD WITH HIV RANDY B CHEEK 2001-01 African Security Review
LIVING IN TERROR LINDY HEINECKEN 2001-01 African Security Review
AFRICA 2001-01 African Security Review
THE SADC REGION PETER GASTROW 2001-01 African Security Review
Die lewe van Martin Melck (1723–1781) GA Cockrell 2001-01 African Historical Review
The Kwa-Ndebele independence issue: A critical appraisal of the crises around independence in Kwa-Ndebele 1982–1989 SN Phatlane 2001-01 African Historical Review
Persistence of vision: writing the history of the British empire Julie Pridmore 2001-01 African Historical Review
Irving versus lipstadt: a historian's view of the case RL Cope 2001-01 African Historical Review
Geochemistry of the Palæoproterozoic Mooidraai Formation: Fe-rich limestone as end member of iron formation deposition, Kalahari Manganese Field, Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa H. Tsikos
J.M. Moore
C. Harris
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geophysical methods for locating groundwater in low permeability sedimentary rocks: examples from southeast Nigeria A.M. MacDonald
J. Davies
R.J. Peart
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tuffaceous beds in glaciogenic argillites of the Late Palæozoic Dwyka Group of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa B. Bangert
V. von Brunn
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The gravity field and crustal structure of the northwestern Arabian Platform in Jordan A.T. Batayneh
A.S. Al-Zoubi
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Carbonatite workshop at Saint Etienne, France on February 20th-22nd, 2000 P. Bowden
E. Bilal
D. Garcia
J. Moutte
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Carbonate-bearing xenoliths in the Velay Oriental: first occurrence of carbonatites in the Massif Central (France)? G. Chazot
J. Mergoil
H. Bertrand
S. Sheppard
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Kovdor ultramafic, carbonatitic and alkaline complex (Kola Peninsula, Russia): evidence for multi-source evolution D. Demaiffe
A. Verhulst
E. Balaganskaya
Y. Kirnarsky
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Evidence for magmatic crystallisation of ferroan dolomite at shallow depths in the Bulhoek Carbonatite Complex, South Africa R.E. Harmer 2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Oxygen isotope analysis of carbonates, silicates and oxides in carbonatites: constraints on crystallisation temperatures and cooling ages E.A. Haynes
D.P. Moecher
J.W. Valley
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Carbonates in mantle xenoliths: quenched melts or crystal cumulates? D. Ionov 2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Thermodynamic model of sulphide formation in the carbonatites of Turiy Alkaline Complex, Kola Peninsula, Russia P.I. Karchevsky 2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Calcite carbonatite-pegmatite with perovskite from the Kovdor Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia N.I. Krasnova 2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Pyrochlore chemistry and the transition from Ca-carbonatites and phoscorites to Mg-Fe carbonatites at Sokli (Finland) M.J. Lee
D. Garcia
J. Moutte
F. Wall
C.T. Williams
A.R. Woolley
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Iron speciation in weathered pyrochlores by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy M. Nasraoui
J.C. Waerenborgh
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Characteristics of Turkish carbonatites I. Özgenç 2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Dissolution of apatite ore from Angico dos dias carbonatite complex (Brazil) and recovery of rare earth elements F. Pereira
E. Bilal
J. Moutte
F.L. Lapido
J.J. Gruffat
B. Albert
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemical evolution of pyrochlore during supergene alteration of Catalão II ore deposits E.B. Rocha
M. Nasraoui
F. Soubies
E. Bilal
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Kola ‘carbonatites and carbonatites’: glimpses into the sub-continental mantle A. Rukhlov
K. Bell
V. Ivanikov
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Is there a Sr and Nd isotopic fingerprint of alkaline metasomatism? S. Sindern
U. Kramm
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Evolution of chemical composition of rock-forming carbonates in Sallanlatvi carbonatites, Kola Peninsula, Russia M.A. Sitnikova
A.N. Zaitsev
F. Wall
A.R. Chakhmouradian
V.V. Subbotin
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Carbonatites at 200 km: quenched melt inclusions in megacrystalline Iherzolite xenoliths, Slave Craton, Canada A.E. van Achterbergh
W.L. Griffin
K. Kivi
N.J. Pearson
S.Y. O'Reilly
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Rare earth pegmatites in carbonatites F. Wall
A.N. Zaitsev
A.N. Mariano
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tectonic implications of four recently discovered carbonatites along the Zambezi Escarpment Fault, northern Zimbabwe K.L. Walsh
P. Siegfried
R.P. Hall
D.J. Hughes
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Editorial Peter Bowden 2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Kola carbonatites: new insights into their origin as shown by a Sr, Nd and geochemical study of the Vuorijarvi Massif, northeastern Baltic Shield, Russia E. Balaganskaya
H. Downes
V. Subbotin
R. Liferovich
A. Beard
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The carbonatite-alkalic silicate igneous rock ‘association’: an unfortunate and misleading assumption J. Gittins
R.E. Harmer
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The role of carbonatites in the Cape Verde magmatism: Pb, Sr and Nd isotopic evidence of multiple source regions J.Ø. Jørgensen
P.M. Holm
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
New data about carbonatites of the Tiksheozero Massif, Northern Karelia N. Kascheeva 2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mineral chemistry in fenites of the Kalkfeld carbonatite complex and its bearing on the composition of the fenitising fluid T. Koerner
S. Sindern
U. Kramm
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Technological characterization of the potential RE ores from Córrego do Garimpo, Catalão, Central Brazil R. Neumann
J.V. Valarelli
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Two types of PGE mineralisations in carbonatite deposits (Phalaborwa Massif, South Africa and Kovdor Massif, Russia) N.S. Rudashevsky
Y.U.L. Kretser
A.G. Bulakh
V.N. Rudashevsky
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
‘Spinifex-textured’ pegmatitic crystallisation in carbonatites P. Bowden
F. Wall
L. Schürmann
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemical appraisal of carbonatites from Chhota Udaipur alkaline subprovince in the Deccan Trap region of Gujarat, western India L.G. Gwalani
A.N. Sial
V.P. Ferreira
W.-J. Chang
K.R. Randive
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A review of the geology of the dolomite-dominated carbonatite complexes of the Kalahari Craton, southern Africa R.E. Harmer 2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A geochemical comparison of magnesiocarbonatites and a co-existing suite of ocean island basalts from the island of Sao Vicente in Cape Verde J.Ø. Jørgnsen
P.M. Holm
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Welded carbonatite: a new type and new occurrence of extrusive carbonatite from the Kaiserstuhl area, Germany J. Keller 2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Timing of magmatism in the Kola alkaline province and the translation of isotope dates into geological processes U. Kramm
S. Sindern
H. Downes
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Volatile-bearing ultramafic to mafic xenoliths from the Kerguelen archipelago (southern Indian ocean): evidence for carbonatites in the mantle B. Moine
M. Gregoire
J.-Y. Cottin
S.M.F. Sheppard
S.Y. O'Reilly
A. Giret
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Oldoinyo Lengai natrocarbonatite revisited: a cognate fluid condensate? T.F.D. Nielsen
I.V. Veksler
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Archæan mantle below the Baltic shield: isotopic evidence from intrusive carbonatites A. Rukhlov
K. Bell
V. Ivanikov
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry of carbonatites and related rocks: the Lueshe complex (Kivu, Congo) J. Moutte
M. Nasraoul
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The African Renaissance and the geosciences: introduction P.G.B.G. ErikssonEls
H. Tirsgaard
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The African Renaissance and its relation to the geosciences: a South African perspective M.N. Mtimkulu
M. Motloung
I.T. Graham
P.G. Eriksson
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The oldest fossils of Africa – a brief reappraisal of reports from the Archean 2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Shear-zone controlled basins in the Blouberg area, Northern Province, South Africa: syn- and post-tectonic sedimentation relating to ca. 2.0 Ga reactivation of the Limpopo Belt P.G Eriksson
R Van Der Merwe
J.J Brümmer
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The western arm of the Lufilian Arc in NW Zambia and its potential for copper mineralization R.M. Key
A.K. Liyungu
F.M. Njamu
V. Somwe
J. Banda
P.N. Mosley
R.A. Armstrong
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
An overview of the Permian (Karoo) coal deposits of southern Africa B Cairncross 2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The oldest juvenile dinosaurs from Africa J.F. Durand 2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Affordable water resource development in the northern province, South Africa F.S. Botha
J.L. Van Rooy
2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Transient electromagnetic exploration techniques: can they be applied to the landmine discrimination problem? M. Combrinck 2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Contents list of vol. 33 2001-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Africana sources at the Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine Tuck MW 2001-01-01 History in Africa
Time and the river: observations on the Vaal River as source of water to the Witwatersrand 1903-24. Tempelhoff JW 2001-01-01 Historia (Historical Association of South Africa)
Blank verbeeld, or the incredible whiteness of being: amateur photography and Afrikaner nationalist historical narrative. DuToit M 2001-01-01 Kronos
African rice in the Columbian exchange. J A Carney 2001-01-01 The Journal of African History
Muti ritual murder in Natal: from chiefs to commoners (1900-1930). R Turrell 2001-01-01 South African Historical Journal
Scientism, social research and the limits of "South Africanism": the case of Ernst Gideon Malherbe. S Dubow 2001-01-01 South African Historical Journal
Of trees and earth shrines: an interdisciplinary approach to settlement histories in the West African savanna. Lentz C
Sturm HJ
2001-01-01 History in Africa
Ecology and power in the periphery of Maasina: the case of the Hayre in the nineteenth century. Bruijn de M
Dijk van H
2001-01-01 The Journal of African History
Schools, sport and Britishness: young white Natal, 1902-1961. P Thompson 2001-01-01 South African Historical Journal
Witches and missionaries in nineteenth century Transvaal. P Delius 2001-01-01 Journal of Southern African Studies
Physical fitness and economic opportunity in the Bechuanaland Protectorate in the 1930s and 1940s. Livingston J 2001-01-01 Journal of Southern African Studies
The population history of Luanda during the late Atlantic slave trade, 1781-1844. Curto JC
Gervais RR
2001-01-01 African Economic History
Public health in the era of South Africa's syphilis epidemic of the 1930s and 1940s. A Jeeves 2001-01-01 South African Historical Journal
Afro-Brazilians in Togo Alcione M. Amos 2001-01-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
Le syndrome du prophète 2001-01-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
Corporate and state responses to anti‐oil protests in the Niger Delta Jedrzej George Frynas 2001-01-01 African Affairs
[Demographic changes in the kaza of Debar in the 15th-16th centuries] Stojanovski A 2001-01-01 Archiv Orientalni
Fertility in southern Africa: the quiet revolution Potts D
Marks S
2001-01-01 Journal of Southern African Studies
Speaking with Vampires: Rumor and history in colonial Africa Patricia Hayes 2001-01-01 African Affairs
TRENDS AND MARKERS 2001-01 African Security Review
Sulphide and oxide mineralisation in the Uitkomst Complex, South Africa: origin in a magma conduit C. Gauert 2001-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Hydrogeological potential of major fractures in Eritrea S.A. Drury
R.J. Peart
M.E. Andrews Deller
2001-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Structural development and crustal stretching in the Muglad Basin, southern Sudan A.Y. Mohamed
W.A. Ashcroft
A.J. Whiteman
2001-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Magondi belt in northeast Botswana: regional relations and new geochronological data from the Sua Pan area T. Majaule
R.E. Hanson
R.M. Key
S.J. Singletary
M.W. Martin
S.A. Bowring
2001-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Possible miocene catastrophic flooding in Egypt's Western Desert I.A. Brookes 2001-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Ideas within a context of power: the African group in an evolving UNCTAD 2001-03 The Journal of Modern African Studies
BOOK REVIEW: White, Luise. SPEAKING WITH VAMPIRES: RUMOR AND HISTORY IN COLONIAL AFRICA. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000. Inge Brinkman 2001-03 Africa Today
Divergent development in South African cities: Strategic challenges facing Cape Town Ivan Turok
Vanessa Watson
2001-04 Urban Forum
Dakan Abdoulaye Dukule
Mohamed Camara
2001-04 African Studies Review
The Mesozoic succession of Dire Dawa, Harar Province, Ethiopia A. Bosellini
A. Russo
G. Assefa
2001-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Different evolution trends in alkaline evolved lavas from the northern Kenya Rift K. Kabeto
Y. Sawada
T. Wakatsuki
2001-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Malagarazi supergroup of southeast Burundi and its correlative Bukoba supergroup of northwest Tanzania: neo- and mesoproterozoic chronostratigraphic constraints from Ar-Ar ages on mafic intrusive rocks A. Deblond
L.E. Punzalan
A. Boven
L. Tack
2001-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Upper carboniferous palæogmagnetic pole from the stable Saharan Craton and Gondwana reconstructions M.E.M. Derder
B. Henry
N. Merabet
M. Amenna
S. Bourouis
2001-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Palæomagnetic results and palæointensity of Late Cretaceous Madagascan basalt J. Riisager
M. Perrin
P. Riisager
D. Vandamme
2001-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
In memoriam: Norman Kennedy Grant (1933–1999) Christopher I Chalokwu
John M Hughes
2001-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Second International Conference on the Geology of Africa 2001-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The 19th Colloquium of African Geology 2001-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
11th Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium and GEOCONGRESS 2002 2001-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Conference Announcement Gondwana 11: correlations and connections 2001-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Current literature survey 2001-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sedimentation et volcanisme synsédimentaire de la série de base de l'adoudounien infra-cambrien à travers deux exemples de l'Anti-Atlas du Maroc Ab Algouti
Ah Algouti
B Chbani
M Zaim
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Hercynian deformation in the western Ahnet Basin and Bled El-Mass area, Algerian Sahara: a continuous strain R.S Zazoun 2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Preface Peter Bowden
René-Pierre Ménot
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Les séries du carbonifère inférieur de la région d'Adarouch, NE du Maroc central: lithologie et biostratigraphie 2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Dynamique sédimentaire comparative dans les bassins stéphano-permiens des Ida Ou Zal et Ida Ou Ziki, haut Atlas Occidental, Maroc H Saber
M El-Wartiti
J Broutin
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Influence de la diagenèse d'enfouissement sur l'homogénéisation isotopique K-Ar des illites: exemple du Jurassique-Crétacé du bassin d'Agadir, Maroc L Daoudi
M Portugal-Ferreira
B Igmoullan
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Géodynamique et évolution thermique de la matière organique: exemple du bassin de Qasbat-Tadla, Maroc central H Er-Raïoui
M Bouabdelli
H Bélayouni
H Chellai
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Minéralogie et bilan de matière de l'altération supergène d'un basalte alcalin du Moyen Atlas Marocain A Dekayir
M El-Maâtaoui
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Typologie du zircon dans les granitoïdes de la boutonnière précambrienne de Sidi Flah-Bouskour, Saghro, Anti Atlas, Maroc M El-Baghdadi
A El-Boukhari
S Nadem
A Benyoucef
A Jouider
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Les granitoïdes néoprotérozoïques de Khzama, Anti-Atlas central, Maroc: marqueurs de l'évolution d'un magmatisme d'arc à un magmatisme alcaline T. El-Khanchaoui
M. Lahmam
A. El-Boukhari
H. El-Beraaouz
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Superposition de la tectonique éburnéenne et panafricaine dans les granitoïdes de la bordure nord du craton ouest africain, boutonniére de Zenaga, Anti-Atlas central, Maroc N Ennih
D Laduron
R.O Greiling
E Errami
H de Wall
M Boutaleb
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Géochimie et cadre géodynamique du volcanisme néoprotérozoïque terminal (vendien) du Haut Atlas occidental, Maroc A Jouhari
A El-Archi
M Aarab
A El-Attari
N Ennih
D Laduron
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Le magmatisme basique filonien néoprotérozoïque de la boutonnière de Zenaga, Anti-Atlas central, Maroc: pétrologie, géochimie et signification géodynamique A Hafid
J.P Sagon
M Julivert
M.L Arboleya
A Saquaque
A El-Boukhari
A Saidi
J.M.F Soler
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mise en évidence d'une tectonique tangentielle antérieure au plissenent majeur dans la chaîne hercynienne de l'Anti-Atlas occidental, Maroc M.A Belfoul
F Falk
B Hassenforder
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Pétrologie de l'intrusion alcaline mésozoïque de la région d'Anemzi, Haut Atlas Central, Maroc A. Lhachmi
J.-P. Lorand
J. Fabries
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Les structures de la couverture Néoprotérozoïque terminal et Paléozoïque de la région de Tata, Anti-Atlas centre-occidental, Maroc: déformation polyphasée, ou interactions socle/couverture pendant l'orogenèse hercynienne? F Faik
M.A Belfoul
M Bouabdelli
B Hassenforder
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Reconnaissance de la structure géologique du bassin de saïss occidental, Maroc, par sondages électriques A. Essahlaoui
H. Sahbi
L. Bahi
N. El-Yamine
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Exploitation et salinité des aquifères de la Chaouia côtière, littoral atlantique, Maroc Y Fakir
A Zerouali
M Aboufirassi
M Bouabdelli
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Étude du fonctionnement du système aquifére karstique Cénomano-Turonien de l'oued Igrounzar, bassin d'Essaouira, Maroc M. Jalal
B. Blavoux
M. Bahir
Y. Bellion
N.E. Laftouhi
J.M. Puig
A. Mennani
M. Daniel
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Apports des analyses chimiques et isotopiques à la connaissance du fonctionnement des aquifères plio-quaternaire et turonien de la zone synclinale d'Essaouira, Maroc occidental A Mennani
B Blavoux
M Bahir
Y Bellion
M Jalal
M Daniel
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
L'aquifère du bassin de la Mamora, Maroc: geometrie et ecoulements souterrains L Zouhri 2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
La prospection geothermique de surface au Maroc: hydrodynamisme, anomalies thermiques et indices de surface Y Zarhloule
A Lahrache
L Ben Abidate
D Khattach
S Bouri
A Boukdir
H Ben Dhia
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Le cordon sableux Limani-Yagoua, extrême-nord Cameroun, et son rôle hydraulique B Ngounou Ngatcha
J Mudry
A Wakponou
G.E Ekodeck
R Njitchoua
J Sarrot-Reynauld
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Pétrologie et géomorphologie dans la région de Kango, Gabon: un grand dyke ultramafique-mafique archéen A Edou-Minko
G Grandin
C Campiglio
2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Le paléovolcanisme de la bordure occidentale de la boutonnière de Kédougou, Paléoprotérozoïque du sénégal oriental: incidences géotectoniques D.P Diallo 2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Volume 32 author index 2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Volume 32 reviewer index 2001-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
‘AVolksvreemdeHistorian’: J.A.I. Agar-Hamilton and the Production of History in an Alien Environment NICHOLAS SOUTHEY
2001-05 South African Historical Journal
The Western Sahara under polisario control Michael Bhatia 2001-06 Review of African Political Economy
Fertility and Living Arrangements in South Africa Tom A. Moultrie
Ian M. Timæus
2001-06 Journal of Southern African Studies
How do households work? Migration, the household and remittance behaviour in South Africa 2001-06 Social Dynamics
The Cosmopolitan Nativist: Fela Anikulapo-Kuti and the Antinomies of Postcolonial Modernity Tejumola Olaniyan 2001-06 Research in African Literatures
The Journal of African History
Life in Claremont: An Interview with May Santon 2001-07 African Studies
Belletjiesbos, Draper Street and the Vlak: The Coloured Neighbourhoods of Claremont before Group Areas Wiesahl Taliep 2001-07 African Studies
Remembering Experience, Interpreting Memory: Life Stories from Windermere Sean Field 2001-07 African Studies
Twenty-five Years Later: The Forced Removals of the Coloured People from Simon's Town: An Interview with William Kindo Albert Thomas 2001-07 African Studies
Topological Sorrows: Perspectives on a Changing Way of Life in Oral Histories from the Cape of Good Hope and Red Hill Areas Silke Heiss 2001-07 African Studies
Neoproterozoic ensialic back-arc spreading in the eastern Arabian shield: geochemical evidence from the Halaban Ophiolite A.M. Al-Saleh
A.P. Boyle
2001-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
An analysis of the palynomorphs obtained from Tertiary sediments at Koingnaas, Namaqualand, South Africa S.E. De Villiers
A. Cadman
2001-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tectonic evolution of the northeastern part of the African continental margin, Egypt I.M. Hussein
A.M.A. Abd-Allah
2001-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Isotopic and geochemical constraints on Neoproterozoic crust formation in the Wami River area, eastern Tanzania M.A.H. Maboko 2001-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Structural rejuvenation of the eastern Arabian Shield during continental collision: 40Ar/39Ar evidence from the Ar Ridayniyah ophiolitic mélange A.M. Al-Saleh
A.P. Boyle
2001-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A new palæomagnetic pole for the Dwyka system and correlative sediments in sub-Saharan Africa N.D. Opdyke
M. Mushayandebvu
M.J. De Wit
2001-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
U-Pb isotopic evidence for episodic granitoid emplacement in the Murchison greenstone belt, South Africa M. Poujol 2001-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Editorial Henri A.B. Kampunzu 2001-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
In memoriam: Robert Shackleton (1909–2001) Peter Bowden
Sospeter Muhongo
2001-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geological Society of Africa (GSAf) The Robert Shackleton Award for Outstanding Geological Research in Africa 2001-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
‘I Will Not Eat Stone’: A women's history of colonial Asante, by Jean Allman and Victoria Tashjian. Oxford: James Currey; Portsmouth, OH: Heinemann; and Cape Town: David Philip. 2000. xlvi + 255pp. $24.95 paperback. ISBN 0‐325‐07000‐8. Sara Berry 2001-07-01 African Affairs
Currents of Change: Impacts of El Nino and La Nina on Climate and Society Michael H. Glantz 2001 International Journal of African Historical Studies
On Crown Service: A History of H. M. Colonial and Overseas Civil Services, 1837-1997 John Flint
Anthony Kirk-Greene
2001 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Literate Ethnohistory in Colonial Zambia: The Case of Ifikolwe Fyandi na Bantu Bandi Giacomo Macola 2001 History in Africa
"I Will Not Eat Stone": A Women's Colonial History of Asante Larry W. Yarak
Jean Allman
Victoria Tashjian
2001 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Speaking with Vampires: Rumor and History in Colonial Africa (review) Inge Brinkman 2001 Africa Today
The Island Writes Back: Discourse/Power and Marginality in Wole Soyinka's The Swamp Dwellers, Derek Walcott's The Sea at Dauphin, and Athol Fugard's The Island Harry Garuba 2001 Research in African Literatures
Pan-African nappe system in southwest Nigeria: the Ife-Ilesha schist belt R. Caby
J.M. Boessé
2001-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Metamorphic evolution of Neoproterozoic eclogites from south Togo (West Africa) Y. Agbossoumonde
R.-P. Menot
S. Guillot
2001-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Garnet-bearing leucogranite in the El-Hudi area, southern Egypt: evidence of crustal anatexis during Pan-African low pressure regional metamorphism A.M. Moghazi
M.A. Hassanen
M.H. Hashad
F.H. Mohamed
2001-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Review of the hydrogeological and hydrochemical aspects of groundwater in the Umm-Er-Radhuma aquifer system, Arabian Peninsula M.A.M. Sharaf 2001-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The newsletter of the geological society of africa November, 2001 2001-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Editorial Peter Bowden 2001-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Pb, Nd, and Sr isotopes and REE systematics of Cambrian sediments from New Zealand: Implications for the reconstruction of the Early Paleozoic Gondwana Margin along Australia and Antarctica 2001-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Meso- and macro-scale architecture of a Triassic fluvial succession: Denwa formation, Satpura Gondwana Basin, Madhya pradesh 2001-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Annotations to the Devonian Correlation table, B705di00-B705ds00: Microvertebrate zonations of East Gondwana 2001-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Palaeomagnetism and palaeozoic palaeogeography of Gondwana and European terranes 2001-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Velocity structure in parts of the Gondwana Godavari graben 2001-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The changing face of anti‐dumping actions against Chinese exporters Doreen Bekker 2001-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The influence on the South African economy of the gold mining industry 1925–2000 Jocelyn A. Bell 2001-09 South African Journal of Economic History
A tale of two governors: Monetary policy and the South African economy 1981–1999 Duncan Hodge 2001-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Transformation in the external trade of South Africa 1925–2000 Stuart Jones 2001-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The governors and deputy governors of the South African Reserve Bank 1921–2001 Philip Mohr 2001-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Steps towards social dialogue and the development of NEDLAC in a democratic South Africa 1979–2001 Raymond Parsons 2001-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Genrec: A business history of individual entrepreneurial spirit in the construction industry 2001-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Democracy and distribution in highly unequal economies: the case of South Africa 2001-09 The Journal of Modern African Studies
The Cost of Rich (and Poor) Country Protection to Developing Countries K. Anderson 2001-09-01 Journal of African Economies
A Social Biography of Gender in Cameroonian Society and Politics Mariane C. Ferme 2001-09 African Studies Review
Rural afforestation programmes for sustainable rural development: How realist conceptualisation can help Solomon Yirenkyi-Boateng 2001-09 Development Southern Africa
Energy use in the Namibian economy from 1995 to 1998 Florette Fleermuys 2001-10 Development Southern Africa
There are Many Kongo Worlds: Particularities of Magico-Religious Beliefs Among the Vili and Yombe of Congo-Brazzaville Dunja Hersak 2001-11 Africa
Locating Itinerant Drug Vendors in Ghana's Health Care System Joseph Oppong
David Williamson
2001-12 African Geographical Review
Home is Where the Heart Is: Namibians on Cross-Border Migration and Regional Integration Bruce Frayne
Wade Pendleton
2001-12 African Studies
Regional Conference of the International Geographical Union (IGU) 2001-12 African Geographical Review
Who are the heads of household, what do they do, and is the concept of headship useful? An analysis of headship in South Africa 2001-12 Development Southern Africa
Out “Black Spot”: Roosboom and the Struggle for Land Restoration in South Africa during the Transition to Democracy (1990–1993) Busisiwe Xulu
Brij Maharaj
2001-12 African Geographical Review
?When Hearts Beat Like Native Drums:? Music and the Sexual Dimensions of the Notions of ?Savage? and ?Civilized? inTarzan and His Mate, 1934. Clara Henderson 2001-12 Africa Today
"I Will Not Eat Stone": A Women's History of Colonial Asante Donna J. Maier
Jean Allman
Victoria Tashjian
2001-12 African Studies Review
GOVERNMENT VERSUS FARMERS The State against the Peasantry: Rural Struggles in Colonial and Postcolonial Mozambique. By M<scp>ERLE</scp> L. B<scp>OWEN</scp>. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 2000. Pp. xvi+256. $65 (<scp>ISBN</scp JEANNE MARIE PENVENNE 2001-12 The Journal of African History
THE ‘MÉTIS’ OF FRENCH WEST AFRICA Children of the French Empire: Miscegenation and Colonial Society in French West Africa, 1895–1960. By O<scp>WEN</scp> W<scp>HITE</scp>. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. Pp. 200. £40 (<scp>ISBN</scp> 0- WILLIAM B. COHEN 2001-12 The Journal of African History
DUALA LANDS AND COLONIAL REGIMES Grundbesitz, Landkonflikte und kolonialer Wandel: Douala 1880 bis 1960. By A<scp>NDREAS</scp> E<scp>CKERT</scp>. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1999 (Beiträge zur Kolonial- und Überseegeschichte, Band 70). Pp. X+50 ALBERT WIRZ 2001-12 The Journal of African History
The Island Writes Back: Discourse/Power and Marginality in Wole Soyinka'sThe Swamp Dwellers, Derek Walcott'sThe Sea at Dauphin, and Athol Fugard'sThe Island Harry Garuba 2001-12 Research in African Literatures
Female ‘Circumcision’ in Africa: culture, controversy and change edited by B<scp>ETTINA </scp>S<scp>HELL</scp>-D<scp>UNCAN</scp> and Y<scp>LVA</scp> H<scp>ERNLUND</scp> Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2000. Pp. viii+349. US$59·95. MURRAY LAST 2001-12 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Sisterhood and Rivalry in-between the Shadow and the Sultana: A Problematic of Representation in Ombre sultane Anjali Prabhu 2002 Research in African Literatures
Who and Where Were the Baga? European Perceptions from 1793 to 1821 Bruce L. Mouser 2002 History in Africa
Ravalomanana et la troisième indépendance ? Françoise Raison-Jourde
Jean-Pierre Raison
2002 Politique africaine
Fictional Testimonies or Testimonial Fictions: Moussa Ould Ebnou's Barzakh Nasrin Qader 2002 Research in African Literatures
Senghor: Poet of Night Gerald Moore 2002 Research in African Literatures
A Failure of Rural Protection Bronwen Manby 2002 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Women's Voices in Akan Juridical Discourse Samuel Gyasi Obeng
Beverly Stoeltje
2002 Africa Today
A Critical Note on “The Epic of Samori Toure” 2002 History in Africa
Des hommes et des betes--Chants de chasseurs mandingues (review) 2002 Research in African Literatures
Disappearing Peasantries: Rural Labour in Africa, Asia and Latin America Leigh S. Brownhill
Cristobal Kay
Jos Mooij
2002 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Young Warriors: Youth Politics, Identity and Violence in South Africa (review) Robert Morrell 2002 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
U.S. Exit, African Voices, and Francophone Loyalty Denise Secleve-Ganderton 2002 African Issues
Post-Colonial Shakespeares (review) Harry Garuba 2002 Research in African Literatures
UNDERSTANDING ORGANISED CRIME 2002-01 African Security Review
2002-01 African Security Review
ORGANISING THE BLUES MONIQUE MARKS 2002-01 African Security Review
2002-01 African Security Review
2002-01 African Security Review
ANGOLA'S CHILDREN JENNY CLOVER 2002-01 African Security Review
UNDER THE GUN RACHEL J STOHL 2002-01 African Security Review
CHILDREN IN THE SPOTLIGHT 2002-01 African Security Review
2002-01 African Security Review
2002-01 African Security Review
‘Personifying the coloured community’: Sonny Leon and the ambiguities of the politics of co-option and resistance in the apartheid state FA Mouton 2002-01 African Historical Review
From ‘land’ to ‘place’: communities and conservation in the Magaliesberg area, South Africa 2002-01 African Historical Review
Theophilus Shepstone and the Transvaal Colony, 1877–1879 Bridget Theron 2002-01 African Historical Review
Horn of Africa 2002-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geology of the Mesozoic-Tertiary sedimentary basins in southwestern Somalia Ali Kassim M
L Carmignani
P Conti
P.L Fantozzi
2002-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geological mapping in northeastern Somalia (Midjiurtinia region): Field evidence of the structural and paleogeographic evolution of the northern margin of the Somalian plate P.L Fantozzi
Ali Kassim M
2002-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The tectonostratigraphy, granitoid geochronology and geological evolution of the Precambrian of southern Ethiopia B Yibas
W.U Reimold
R Armstrong
C.R Anhaeusser
D Phillips
2002-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Structural evidence for the allochthonous nature of the Bulbul terrane in southern Ethiopia: A west-verging thrust nappe Tadesse Yihunie
Melaku Tesfaye
2002-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
From "mere weeds" and "bosjes" to a cape floral kingdom: the re-imagining of indigenous flora at the Cape, c. 1890-1939. Lance VanSittert 2002-01-01 Kronos
Leisure in African history: an introduction. Emmanuel Akyeampong
Charles Ambler
2002-01-01 International Journal of African Historical Studies
For the love of Adam: two sodomy trials at the Cape of Good Hope. Susie Newton-King 2002-01-01 Kronos
The wife, the farmer and the farmer's slaves: adultery and murder on a frontier farm in the early eighteenth century Cape. Nigel Penn 2002-01-01 Kronos
[The "lectio"] Angelo DelBoca 2002-01-01 Africa: Rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione
A case for enhanced resource flow to facilitate development and reduce poverty Aryeetey, E. 2002 Journal of African Economies
Common Property Resource Management, Institutional Change and Conflicts in African Floodplain Wetlands Tobias Haller 2002-01-01 African Anthropologist
TRENDS AND MARKERS 2002-01 African Security Review
BOOK REVIEW: Allman, Jean, and Victoria Tashjian. ?I WILL NOT EAT STONE?: A WOMEN'S HISTORY OF COLONIAL ASANTE. Portsmouth: Heinemann, 2000. Hannington Ochwada 2002-03 Africa Today
DUTCH FATHERS AND AFRICAN CATHOLICISM A Politics of Presence: Contacts between Missionaries and Waluguru in Late Colonial Tanganyika. By P<scp>ETER</scp> P<scp>ELS</scp>. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1999. Pp. xvii+354. No price gi DAVID MAXWELL 2002-03 The Journal of African History
SOCIAL HISTORY OF MEDICAL PRACTICE A Colonial Lexicon: Of Birth Ritual, Medicalization and Mobility in the Congo. By N<scp>ANCY </scp>R<scp>OSE</scp> H<scp>UNT</scp>. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1999. Pp. xix+475. £40 (<scp>ISBN JONATHAN SADOWSKY 2002-03 The Journal of African History
COLONIAL MEDICINE Frontiers of Medicine in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1899–1940. By H<scp>EATHER</scp> B<scp>ELL</scp>. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999. Pp. xiv+261. £45.00 (<scp>ISBN</scp> 0-19-820749-2). SUSAN KENYON 2002-03 The Journal of African History
COLONIAL BOUNDARIES Deutsche Kolonialgrenzen in Afrika: Historisch-geographische Untersuchungen ausgewählter Grenzräume von Deutsch-Südwestafrika und Deutsch-Ostafrika [German Colonial Borders in Afrika: Historical and Geographical Studies of Sel AXEL HARNEIT-SIEVERS 2002-03 The Journal of African History
The Saharan Metacraton Mohamed G Abdelsalam 2002-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
South African Matrix (Part 2) Dalvan M. Coger
York Bradshaw
Stephen N. Ndegwa
Allison Drew
Roger Southall
2002-04 African Studies Review
Q115173702 2002-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Colloquia of African Geology 2002-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Aspects of the geological evolution of Africa Harald Fritz
Juergen Loizenbauer
2002-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A re-examination of the paleo-position of Africa's eastern neighbours in Gondwana C.V Reeves
B.K Sahu
M de Wit
2002-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Crustal evolution in the East African Orogen: a neodymium isotopic perspective Robert J. Stern 2002-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Crust–mantle decoupling and the growth of the Archaean Zimbabwe craton Paul H.G.M Dirks
Hielke A Jelsma
2002-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tectonic and climatic events controlling deposition in Tanzanian Karoo basins H Wopfner 2002-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A review of thrust faulting in the Eastern Cape Fold Belt, South Africa, and the implications for current lithostratigraphic interpretation of the Cape Supergroup P.W.K. Booth
R.W. Shone
2002-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Lower Miocene stratigraphy of the Gebel Shabrawet area, north Eastern desert Egypt Osman Abdelghany 2002-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mineralogy and chemistry of bentonite (?) deposits at Minjingu, Lake Manyara, North Tanzania M.K.D Mutakyahwa 2002-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sebkhas as ecological archives and the vegetation and landscape history of southeastern Tunisia during the last two millennia E Schulz
A Abichou
T Hachicha
S Pomel
U Salzmann
K Zouari
2002-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sequence stratigraphic analysis of the Early Cretaceous Maconde Formation (Rovuma basin), northern Mozambique P.J Hancox
D Brandt
H Edwards
2002-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Advert 2002-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Sports Boycott and Cricket: The Cancellation of the 1970 South African Tour of England BRUCE K. MURRAY 2002-05 South African Historical Journal
Beyond informed choice: Infant feeding dilemmas for women in low‐resource communities of high HIV prevalence 2002-06 Social Dynamics
South Africa's Democratisation and the Politics of Gay Liberation Sheila Croucher 2002-06 Journal of Southern African Studies
Tathmini ya Kamusi Tano za Kiswahili Arvi Hurskainen 2002-06-30 Nordic Journal of African Studies
The Materiality of Everyday Sex: Thinking beyond 'prostitution' Mark Hunter 2002-07 African Studies
AIDS in Context Peter Delius
Liz Walker
2002-07 African Studies
Virginity Testing and the Politics of Sexual Responsibility: Implications for AIDS Intervention Fiona Scorgie 2002-07 African Studies
Sequence stratigraphy of clastic systems: concepts, merits, and pitfalls Octavian Catuneanu 2002-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry of the quartz diorite––granite association, Roded area, southern Israel Ron Bogoch
Dov Avigad
Tuvia Weissbrod
2002-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mineral chemistry and Nd isotopic composition of two anorthositic rocks from the Kunene complex (South Western Angola) Francesca F Slejko
Gabriella Demarchi
Eduardo Morais
2002-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Active compressional tectonics in central Africa and implications for plate tectonic models: evidence from fault mechanism studies of the 1998 earthquakes in the Congo Basin Atalay Ayele 2002-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Palaeomagnetism of the permo/carboniferous (280 Ma) Jebel Nehoud ring complex, Kordofan, Central Sudan Valerian Bachtadse
Rainer Zänglein
Jennifer Tait
Heinrich C Soffel
2002-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mineralogical, geochemical, and sedimentological characteristics of clay deposits from central Uganda and their applications George W.A Nyakairu
Hans Kurzweil
2002-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The origin and significance of load-induced deformation structures in soft-sediment and lava at the base of the Archaean Ventersdorp Supergroup, South Africa R.C.B Hall
B.G Els
2002-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Hydrogeology of an Arid region: the Arabian Gulf and adjoining areas by A.S. Alsharhan et al J.L van Rooy 2002-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Adverts 2002-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Editorial Pat Eriksson
Henri Kampunzu
2002-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Foundations of an African Ethic: Beyond the Universal Claims of Western Morality (review) Jean Godefroy Bidima 2002 Africa Today
Negotiating Federalism: How Ready Were Cameroonian Leaders before the February 1961 United Nations Plebiscites? Nicodemus Fru Awasom 2002 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Speaking with Vampires: Rumour and History in Colonial Africa Atieno Odhiambo
Luise White
2002 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Quantifying Conversion: A Note on the Colonial Census and Religious Change in Postwar Southern Mali Brian Peterson 2002 History in Africa
The Emergence of Lake Rudolf as an Iconic Colonial Space Mustafa Kemal Mirzeler 2002 History in Africa
&quot;I Will Not Eat Stone&quot;: A Women's History of Colonial Asante (review) Hannington Ochwada 2002 Africa Today
Kamuzu's Mbumba: Malawi Women's Embeddedness to Culture in the Face of International Political Pressure and Internal Legal Change Linda Semu 2002 Africa Today
Agency and Action in Colonial Africa: Essays for John E. Flint. Edited by C<scp>HRIS</scp> Y<scp>OUE</scp> and T<scp>IM</scp> S<scp>TAPLETON</scp>. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001. Pp. x+219. £42.50; $60 (<scp>ISBN</scp> 0-333-77885-5). JOHN D. HARGREAVES 2002-07 The Journal of African History
Grandmother's Footsteps: Oral Tradition and South-east Angolan Narratives on the Colonial Encounter. Edited by I<scp>NGE </scp>B<scp>RINKMAN</scp> and A<scp>XEL </scp>F<scp>LEISCH</scp>. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe, 1999. Pp. 255. DM 34.77 (<scp>ISBN DAVID BIRMINGHAM 2002-07 The Journal of African History
COMPETING COLONIAL DISCOURSES Imperial Networks: Creating Identities in Nineteenth-Century South Africa and Britain. By A<scp>LAN</scp> L<scp>ESTER</scp>. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. Pp. xii+257. £55; $90 (<scp>ISBN</scp> 0-415-1985 TIMOTHY KEEGAN 2002-07 The Journal of African History
GENDER POLITICS IN COLONIAL LESOTHO ‘This Matter of Women is Getting Very Bad’: Gender, Development and Politics in Colonial Lesotho. By M<scp>ARC </scp>E<scp>PPRECHT</scp>. Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal Press, 2000. Pp. ix+281. £18.9 ANNE MAGER 2002-07 The Journal of African History
ASANTE WOMEN’S STRUGGLES ‘I Will Not Eat Stone’: A Women's History of Colonial Asante. By J<scp>EAN </scp>A<scp>LLMAN</scp> and V<scp>ICTORIA</scp> T<scp>ASHJIAN</scp>. Oxford: James Currey; Portsmouth NH: Heinemann, 2000. Pp. xvi+255. £40 (< AKOSUA PERBI 2002-07 The Journal of African History
CATALOGUING PRE-COLONIAL ART African Art and Artefacts in European Collections, 1400–1800. By E<scp>ZIO </scp>B<scp>ASSANI</scp>. Edited by M<scp>ALCOLM </scp>M<scp>C</scp>L<scp>EOD</scp>. London: British Museum Press, 2000. Pp. xxxix+328+dis JAN VANSINA 2002-07 The Journal of African History
The supercontinent cycle: are there two patterns of cyclicity? 2002-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry provenance and depositional tectonic setting of the Adigrat Sandstone northern Ethiopia Worash Getaneh 2002-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Neoproterozoic magmatism in Southwestern Algeria (Sebkha el Melah inlier): a northerly extension of the Trans-Saharan orogen J Dostal
R Caby
J.D Keppie
M Maza
2002-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Ziway–Shala lake basin (main Ethiopian rift, Ethiopia): a revision of basin evolution with special reference to the Late Quaternary M Benvenuti
S Carnicelli
G Belluomini
N Dainelli
S Di Grazia
G.A Ferrari
C Iasio
M Sagri
D Ventra
Balemwald Atnafu
Seifu Kebede
2002-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sedimentary dynamics and structural geology of pre-rift deposits of the interior basin of Gabon M Mbina Mounguengui
J Lang
M Guiraud
O Jocktane
2002-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Petroleum maturation modelling, Abu Gabra–Sharaf area, Muglad Basin, Sudan Abdalla Y Mohamed
Michael J Pearson
William A Ashcroft
A.J Whiteman
2002-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Making a killing: criminality & coping in the Kivu War economy Stephen Jackson 2002-09 Review of African Political Economy
The decline of the South African economy 1980–2000 Stuart Jones 2002-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The effect of the gold standard crisis on the foreign exchange business of Barclays Bank (DCO) in South Africa Estranell Lübbe 2002-09 South African Journal of Economic History
A history of the London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Company in South Africa Robert W. Vivian 2002-09 South African Journal of Economic History
BOOK REVIEW: Bujo, B�n�zet. FOUNDATIONS OF AN AFRICAN ETHIC: BEYOND THE UNIVERSAL CLAIMS OF WESTERN MORALITY. Translated from German by Brian McNeil. New York: Crossroad Publishing, 2001 Jean-Godefroy Bidima 2002-09 Africa Today
Conflict Resolution in Africa: Intervention, Indifference, and Indigenous Solutions Richard Jackson 2002-09-30 African Affairs
U–Pb zircon and rutile metamorphic ages of Dahomeyan garnet-hornblende gneiss in southeastern Ghana, West Africa Wolfgang Hirdes
Donald W. Davis
2002-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Q115173761 Sospeter Muhongo 2002-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Fluid inclusions in the mesozonal gold deposit at Atud mine, Eastern Desert, Egypt Hassan Z Harraz 2002-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geology and correlation of the central Irumide belt B De Waele
B Mapani
2002-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
First evidence of early Birimian (2.21 Ga) volcanic activity in Upper Guinea: the volcanics and associated rocks of the Niani suite Didier Lahondère
Denis Thiéblemont
Monique Tegyey
Catherine Guerrot
Bakari Diabate
2002-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Delineation of shallow groundwater aquifers in the coastal plain sands of Calabar area (Southern Nigeria) using surface resistivity and hydrogeological data A.E Edet
C.S Okereke
2002-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Whiteman Kontri and the enduring allure of modernity among Cameroonian youth Francis B. Nyamnjoh
Ben Page
2002-10-01 African Affairs
Foredeep submarine fans and forebulge deltas: orogenic off-loading in the underfilled Karoo Basin O Catuneanu
P.J Hancox
B Cairncross
B.S Rubidge
2002-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
“The geophysical mapping of Mesozoic dyke swarms in southern Africa and their origin in the disruption of Gondwana” [J. Afr. Earth Sci. 30 (2000) 499–513] J.S. Marsh 2002-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The structure of the crust and upper mantle to depths of 320 km beneath the Kaapvaal craton, from P wave arrivals generated by regional earthquakes and mining-induced tremors C. Wright
M.T.O. Kwadiba
E.M. Kgaswane
R.E. Simon
2002-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sedimentology of the lower Karoo Supergroup fluvial strata in the Tuli Basin, South Africa Emese M. Bordy
Octavian Catuneanu
2002-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Discussion: “Mineralogy and chemistry of bentonite(?) deposits at Minjingu, Lake Manyara, North Tanzania” [M.K.D. Mutakyahwa, vol. 34/3–4, pp. 213–221] Peter D. Kafumu 2002-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Guardians of Empire: The Armed Forces of the Colonial Powers c. 1700–1964. Edited by D<scp>AVID</scp> K<scp>ILLINGRAY</scp> and D<scp>AVID</scp> O<scp>MISSI</scp>. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1999. Pp. x+259. £47.50 (<scp>ISBN</s MYRON ECHENBERG 2002-11 The Journal of African History
Historical Dictionary of Pre-Colonial Africa. By R<scp>OBERT</scp> O. C<scp>OLLINS</scp>. Lanham MD and London: The Scarecrow Press, 2001. Pp. lv+617. £88.65 (<scp>ISBN</scp> 0-8108-3978-4). ROBIN LAW 2002-11 The Journal of African History
WEST INDIANS IN EARLY COLONIAL SIERRA LEONE West Indians in West Africa, 1808–1880: The African Diaspora in Reverse. By N<scp>EMATA</scp> A<scp>MELIA</scp> B<scp>LYDEN</scp>. Rochester NY: University of Rochester Press; Woodbridge, UK: Boydel DAVID KILLINGRAY 2002-11 The Journal of African History
Financing a universal income grant in South Africa Pieter le Roux 2002-12 Social Dynamics
Healing Makes Our Hearts Happy: Spirituality and Cultural Transformation among the Kalahari Ju|'hoansi Chris Low
Richard Katz
Megan Biesele
Verna St. Denis
2002-12 African Studies Review
Cosmopolitan Ethnicity, Entrepreneurship and the Nation: Minority Elites in Botswana Richard Werbner 2002-12 Journal of Southern African Studies
Realizing the Sacred: Power and Meaning in Chinua Achebe's Arrow of God Mark Mathuray 2003 Research in African Literatures
Diego Garcia : enjeux de la présence américaine dans l'océan Indien André ORAISON 2003 Afrique contemporaine
African Merchants, Notables and the Slave Trade at Old Calabar, 1720: Evidence from the National Archives of Scotland Eric J. Graham 2003 History in Africa
Le déclin et la chute de la Kanu David Anderson
Marie-Ange Goux
Hervé Maupeu
2003 Politique africaine
Les impacts sociaux de la crise économique à Nairobi 2003 Politique africaine
Changing population mobility in West Africa : Fulbe pastoralists in central and south Mali 2003 African Affairs
Delimitation of the elastic Ilemi Triangle: pastoral conflicts and official indifference in the horn of Africa Nene Mburu 2003 African Studies Quarterly
Morocco in transition: overcoming the democratic and human rights legacy of King Hassan II Patricia J. Campbell 2003 African Studies Quarterly
On the subject of Kings and Queens: "traditional" African leadership and the Diasporal imagination Al-Yasha Ilhaam Williams 2003 African Studies Quarterly
Trop de soleil tue l'amour et en attendant le vote des betes sauvages: deux extremes, un bilan des transitions democratiques en Afrique Pierre Fandio 2003 African Studies Quarterly
Africanists and responsibility: some reflections Marc Epprecht 2003 African Studies Quarterly
Academic melancholy, romantic cynicism and the road not taken Lisa McNee 2003 African Studies Quarterly
Why I love African studies Mark Epprecht 2003 African Studies Quarterly
Jagged fragments: imperialism, racism, hurt, and honesty Gavin Kitching 2003 African Studies Quarterly
The dualities of contemporary Zimbabwean politics: constitutionalism versus the law of power and the land, 1999-2002 Susan Booysen 2003 African Studies Quarterly
Editor's note Todd Leedy 2003 African Studies Quarterly
Beyond blame? Carole Pearce 2003 African Studies Quarterly
Colonial and post-colonial Latin America David Sheinin 2003 African Studies Quarterly
Eyes wide shut: Africanists and the moral problematics of postcolonial societies Timothy Burke 2003 African Studies Quarterly
2003-01 African Security Review
MOVING FOOD JULIA STEWART 2003-01 African Security Review
AN ACT OF TRANSFORMATION ANTON KATZ 2003-01 African Security Review
TRIAL AND ERROR SIVUYILE S MAQUNGO 2003-01 African Security Review
THE CREATION OF THE ICC MAX DU PLESSIS 2003-01 African Security Review
TERRORISM AND AFRICA STEFAN MAIR 2003-01 African Security Review
2003-01 African Security Review
2003-01 African Security Review
REPORTING BACK, LOOKING FORWARD 2003-01 African Security Review
Sur le danger de nouveaux attentats en Afrique subsaharienne Stefan Mair 2003-01 African Security Review
2003-01 African Security Review
2003-01 African Security Review
DEFENCE TRANSFORMATION 2003-01 African Security Review
2003-01 African Security Review
2003-01 African Security Review
A FALSE DAWN? NJUNGA M MULIKITA 2003-01 African Security Review
MIND THE GAP 2003-01 African Security Review
Housing rights in South Africa: Invasions, evictions, the media, and the courts in the cases of Grootboom, Alexandra, and Bredell Marie Huchzermeyer 2003-01 Urban Forum
Sediment transport, aqueous bedform stability and morphodynamics under unidirectional current: a brief overview Rajat Mazumder 2003-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Current Literature Survey 2003-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Business and politics in São Tomé e Príncipe: from cocoa monoculture to petro‐state Jędrzej George Frynas
Geoffrey Wood
Ricardo M. S. Soares de Oliveira
2003-01-01 African Affairs
Badme and the Ethio-Eritrean border: the challenge of demarcation in the post-war period 2003 Africa: Rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione
Recent developments in African financial markets: Agenda for further research Aryeetey, E. 2003 Journal of African Economies
Integration or exclusion of Fulbe pastoralists in West Africa: A comparative analysis of interethnic relations, state and local policies in Ghana and Côte d'lvoire Tonah, S. 2003 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Assessing the reliability of the 1986 and 1996 Lesotho census data Mba, C.J. 2003 Journal of Social Development in Africa
Alien Strangers in our Midst: The Dreaded Foreign Invasion and “Fortress South Africa” Martin J. Murray 2003-01-01 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Levels of Historical Awareness Emmanuel Yenshu Vubo 2003-01-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
Parsons, Timothy H. – The African Rank-and-File. Social Implications of Colonial Military Service in the King’s African Rifles, 1902-1964 Jean-Hervé Jézéquel 2003-01-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
Parker, John. – Making the Town. Ga State and Society in Early Colonial Accra 2003-01-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
TRENDS AND MARKERS 2003-01 African Security Review
Book Review: En-Gendering India: Woman and Nation in Colonial and Post-colonial Narratives Frank F. Conlon 2003-02 Journal of Asian and African Studies
Expenditure patterns and elasticities of rural households sampled in two communal areas of KwaZulu-Natal Michael C Lyne 2003-03 Development Southern Africa
Gateway to international victory: the diplomacy of the African National Congress in Africa, 1960–1994 Roger Pfister 2003-03 The Journal of Modern African Studies
FARM WORKERS IN POST-COLONIAL ZIMBABWE Working on the Margins: Black Workers, White Farmers in Postcolonial Zimbabwe. By B<scp>LAIR</scp> R<scp>UTHERFORD</scp>. Harare: Weaver Press; London: Zed Press, 2001. Pp. xiv+268. £45; $69.95 (<scp>ISB BRIAN RAFTOPOULOS 2003-03 The Journal of African History
THE STRUGGLE OVER LABOUR IN GERMAN EAST AFRICA Vilimani: Labor Migration and Rural Change in Early Colonial Tanzania. By T<scp>HADDEUS</scp> S<scp>UNSERI</scp>. Oxford: James Currey; Portsmouth NH: Heinemann; Cape Town: David Philip, 2002. Pp THOMAS SPEAR 2003-03 The Journal of African History
ARCHAEOLOGY AND THE HISTORY OF COLONIZATION Archaeology and the Modern World: Colonial Transcripts in South Africa and the Chesapeake. By M<scp>ARTIN</scp> H<scp>ALL</scp>. London: Routledge, 2000. Pp. xi+218. $85 (<scp>ISBN</scp> 0-415-22965 ADRIA LAVIOLETTE 2003-03 The Journal of African History
NEGOTIATING IDENTITIES IN THE PRE-COLONIAL SAHARA Becoming Walata: A History of Saharan Social Formation and Transformation. By T<scp>IMOTHY</scp> C<scp>LEAVELAND</scp>. Portsmouth NH: Heinemann, 2001. Pp. xxiii+232. $67.95 (<scp>ISBN</scp> 0 DAVID GUTELIUS 2003-03 The Journal of African History
The Selfish Altruist: relief work in famine and war by T<scp>ONY</scp> V<scp>AUX</scp> London and Sterling, VA: Earthscan Publications, 2001. Pp. 230. £17.99. DAVID CHANDLER 2003-03 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Sm–Nd isotope evidence for the provenance of the Skoorsteenberg Formation, Karoo Supergroup, South Africa P.O.D Andersson
Å Johansson
R.A Kumpulainen
2003-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Towards a celebratory cultural imagination in an indifferent time Ashraf Jamal 2003-04 African Identities
Introduction: mainstreaming Africa Pal Ahluwalia
Abebe Zegeye
2003-04 African Identities
Water from an Ancient Well: Abdullah Ibrahim as pilgrim and healer Michael Titlestad 2003-04 African Identities
Postcolonial theory on the brink: a critique of Achille Mbembe'sOn the Postcolony Jeremy Weate 2003-04 African Identities
Petrogenesis of the Neoproterozoic Ngondo Plutonic complex (Cameroon, west central Africa): a case of late-collisional ferro-potassic magmatism Gabriel Tagne-Kamga 2003-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Recent sedimentology and ocean dynamics of the Western Nigerian continental shelf and coastline A.E Ihenyen 2003-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Quaternary stratigraphy and its associated fossil fauna and flora of the Holili area, NE Tanzania Peter D. Kafumu
Roland Paepe
2003-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Seed Provision and Agricultural Development: The Institutions of Rural Change William G. Moseley
Robert Tripp
2003-04 African Studies Review
Hydrochemical and isotopic characteristics of groundwater in the Souss Upstream Basin, southwestern Morocco K. Dindane
L. Bouchaou
Y. Hsissou
M. Krimissa
2003-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geological setting and tectonic subdivision of the Neoproterozoic orogenic belt of Tuludimtu, western Ethiopia Alistair Allen
Gebremedhin Tadesse
2003-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Old inherited origin for the present near-bimodal topography of Africa C.Moctar Doucouré 2003-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Reply to Discussion on C.V. Reeves 2003-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Luise White, Speaking with Vampires: Rumor and History in Colonial Africa.Berkeley CA: University of California Press, 2000, 384 pp., US$50.00 (£31.50), ISBN 0 520 21703 9 hard covers, US$19.95 (£12.50), ISBN 0 520 21704 7 paperback. Justin Willis 2003-05 Africa
The Complex Wars of the Congo: Towards a New Analytic Approach Tatiana Carayannis 2003-06 Journal of Asian and African Studies
Food Production and War Supplies: Rhodesia's Beef Industry during the Second World War, 1939-1945 Nhamo Samasuwo 2003-06 Journal of Southern African Studies
BOOK REVIEW: Margaret Laurence.LONG DRUMS AND CANNONS: NIGERIAN DRAMATISTS AND NOVELISTS, 1952-1966. Edmonton: U of Alberta P, 2001. Wendy Griswold 2003-06 Research in African Literatures
Rethinking indigenous media: rituals, ‘talking’ drums and orality as forms of public communication in Uganda Aaron Mushengyezi 2003-06 Journal of African Cultural Studies
Sol Plaatje Reconsidered: Rethinking Plaatje's Attitudes to Class, Nation, Gender, and Empire 1 Peter Limb 2003-07 African Studies
Chiefs, Migrants and North Ndebele Ethnicity in the Context of Surrounding Homeland Politics, 1965-1978* Sekibakiba Peter Lekgoathi 2003-07 African Studies
Species and mobility of phosphorus and nitrogen in a wadi–aquifer relationship T.H. Debieche
J. Mania
J. Mudry
2003-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Distribution patterns of rare-earth elements and uranium in tertiary sedimentary phosphorites of Hahotoé–Kpogamé, Togo Kissao Gnandi
Heinz J. Tobschall
2003-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Supervised classifications of Landsat TM band ratio images and Landsat TM band ratio image with radar for geological interpretations of central Madagascar Jennifer Inzana
Tim Kusky
Gary Higgs
Robert Tucker
2003-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Evolution and alteration in situ of a massive iron duricrust in Central Africa Dieudonné Bitom
Boris Volkoff
Monique Abossolo-Angue
2003-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Long Drums and Cannons: Nigerian Dramatists and Novelists 1952-1966 Titi Adepitan
Margaret Laurence
Nora Foster Stovel
2003 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Long Drums and Cannons: Nigerian Dramatists and Novelists, 1952-1966 (review) Wendy Griswold 2003 Research in African Literatures
Alien Strangers in Our Midst: The Dreaded Foreign Invasion and "Fortress South Africa" Martin J. Murray 2003 Canadian Journal of African Studies
The Empire Strikes Back: Colonial “Discipline” and the Creation of Civil Society in Asante, 1906–1940 William C. Olsen 2003 History in Africa
RESTORING WOMEN TO CENTRE STAGE Women in African Colonial Histories. Edited By J<scp>EAN</scp> A<scp>LLMAN</scp>, S<scp>USAN</scp> G<scp>EIGER</scp> and N<scp>AKANYIKE</scp> M<scp>USISI</scp>. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2002. Pp. SANDRA E. GREENE 2003-07 The Journal of African History
PLAGUE AND POLITICS IN COLONIAL SENEGAL Black Death, White Medicine: Bubonic Plague and the Politics of Public Health in Colonial Senegal, 1914–1945. By M<scp>YRON</scp> E<scp>CHENBERG</scp>. Portsmouth NH, Heinemann; Oxford: James Currey; Ca JAMES F. SEARING 2003-07 The Journal of African History
COASTAL AKAN STATE AND SOCIETY: PRE-COLONIAL APPOLONIA I signori di Appolonia: poteri e formazione dello Stato in Africa occidentale fra xvi e xviii secolo. By P<scp>IERLUIGI</scp> V<scp>ALSECCHI</scp>. Rome: Carocci, 2002. Pp. 345. €19.30, p JOHN K. THORNTON 2003-07 The Journal of African History
CENTRAL AFRICAN CULTURAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO AFRICAN AMERICA Central Africans and Cultural Transformations in the American Diaspora. Edited By L<scp>INDA</scp> M. H<scp>EYWOOD</scp>. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. £45; $64.95 (ISBN JAMES T. CAMPBELL 2003-07 The Journal of African History
Syndepositional dissolution of calcium carbonate in neritic carbonate environments: geological recognition, processes, potential significance Diethard Sanders 2003-07-16 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Women in African Colonial History edited by J<scp>EAN</scp> A<scp>LLMAN</scp>, S<scp>USAN</scp> G<scp>EIGER</scp> and N<scp>AKANYIKE</scp> M<scp>USISI</scp> Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2002. Pp. 352. DOREEN N. LWANGA 2003-08-26 The Journal of Modern African Studies
A History of Africa Esperanza Brizuela-Garcia
J. D. Fage
William Todoroff
Christopher Ehret
2003-09 African Studies Review
A Geographer Reflects on Africa Dan Weiner 2003-09 African Geographical Review
The collection of national household survey data in South Africa (1993-2001): Rendering labour migration invisible 2003-09 Development Southern Africa
An overview of the South African economy in the 1990s Philip Mohr 2003-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The Stals era of monetary policy in South Africa Andrie Schoombee 2003-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Fiscal policy in the 1990s Estian Calitz
Krige Siebrits
2003-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The pace, nature and impact of trade policy in South Africa in the 1990s Rashad Cassim 2003-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Mining in the 1990s Stuart Jones 2003-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Manufacturing during the 1990s Facing up to trade liberalisation Colin Mccarthy 2003-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The freight transport sector in the 1990s Trevor Jones 2003-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The banking sector in the 1990s Stuart Jones 2003-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Insurance in the 1990s A. The long‐term insurance market 1990–2000 Brian C. Benfield
Robert W. Vivian
2003-09 South African Journal of Economic History
B. The short‐term insurance market 1990–2000 Robert W. Vivian 2003-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Government failure and state incapacity the South African public sector in the 1990s Brian Dollery
Jen Snowball
2003-09 South African Journal of Economic History
External trade in the 1990s Stuart Jones 2003-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The South African balance of payments in the 1990s Philip Mohr 2003-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Fire in the Sky: The Destruction of the Orange Free State, 1899-1902 Richard Dale
Owen Coetzer
Stephen Hofstatter
2003-09 African Studies Review
The Hall Handbook of the Anglo-Boer War, 1899-1902 Richard Dale
Darrell Hall
Gilbert Toralge
Martin F. Marix Evans
2003-09 African Studies Review
Agricultural growth multipliers for two communal areas of KwaZulu-Natal Michael C Lyne 2003-09 Development Southern Africa
The closure of coal mines and local development responses in Coal-Rim Cluster, northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Etienne L Nel
Trevor R Hill
Kate C Aitchison
Simphiwe Buthelezi
2003-09 Development Southern Africa
Does Market Liberalisation Jeopardise Export Quality? Cameroonian Cocoa, 1988-2000 E. F. Tollens 2003-09-01 Journal of African Economies
Differential Responses to Disappearing Transitional Pathways: Redefining Possibility among Cameroonian Youths Nantang Jua 2003-09 African Studies Review
'Land of Contrasts' or 'Home we have always known'?: the SAR&H and the Imaginary Geography of White South African Nationhood, 1910-1930* This paper has had an extremely long gestation, and I would like to thank the many people whose comments, i Jeremy Foster 2003-09-24 Journal of Southern African Studies
Reconciled pasts, fragile futures, parallel presents: chronotopes and memory making inIsidingo Muff Andersson 2003-10 African Identities
Self and text inYmagazine Sarah Nuttall 2003-10 African Identities
Aneconomy in an economy of melancholy: embodiment and gendered identity in J.M. Coetzee'sDisgrace Louise Bethlehem 2003-10 African Identities
Between black and white: rethinking coloured identity Pal Ahluwalia
Abebe Zegeye
2003-10 African Identities
The use of reason: exploring the limits of white subjectivity Utz McKnight 2003-10 African Identities
Illuminated Signs: Style and Meaning in the Beadwork of the Xhosa- and Zulu-Speaking Peoples Gary Van Wyk 2003-10 African Arts
Dedication K Ouzegane
J.P Liégeois
J.R Kienast
2003-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Precambrian of Hoggar, Tuareg shield: history and perspective K Ouzegane
J.-P Liegeois
J.R Kienast
2003-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Terrane assembly and geodynamic evolution of central–western Hoggar: a synthesis Renaud Caby 2003-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Interpretation of the aeromagnetic map of Eastern Hoggar (Algeria) using the Euler deconvolution, analytic signal and local wavenumber methods Nasreddine Bournas
Armand Galdeano
Mohamed Hamoudi
Haydar Baker
2003-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
An example of post-collisional mafic magmatism: the gabbro–anorthosite layered complex from the Tin Zebane area (western Hoggar, Algeria) Saı̈da Aı̈t-Djafer
Khadidja Ouzegane
Jean Paul-Liégeois
Jean Robert Kienast
2003-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The “Taourirt” magmatic province, a marker of the closing stage of the Pan-African orogeny in the Tuareg Shield: review of available data and Sr–Nd isotope evidence Abla Azzouni-Sekkal
Jean-Paul Liégeois
Faten Bechiri-Benmerzoug
Safia Belaidi-Zinet
Bernard Bonin
2003-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
FILM, SOCIAL CONTROL AND POPULAR CULTURE Flickering Shadows: Cinema and Identity in Colonial Zimbabwe. By J. M. B<scp>URNS</scp>. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2002. Pp. xxv+278. $28; £23.50, paperback (ISBN 0-89680-224-8). DAVID MAXWELL 2003-11 The Journal of African History
RESPECTABILITY AND THE CULTURE OF COLONIAL SOCIETY Status and Respectability in the Cape Colony 1750–1870: A Tragedy of Manners. By R<scp>OBERT</scp> R<scp>OSS</scp>. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Pp. xiv+203. £35; $54.95 (ISBN GREG CUTHBERTSON 2003-11 The Journal of African History
CONTRASTING APPROACHES TO WRITING INTRODUCTORY TEXTS Medieval Africa, 1250–1800. By R<scp>OLAND</scp> O<scp>LIVER</scp> and A<scp>NTHONY</scp> A<scp>TMORE</scp>. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Pp. viii+251. £40; $59.95 (ISBN 0-5 RONALD R. ATKINSON 2003-11 The Journal of African History
Comment !Ke e: /xarra ke — Multiple origins and multiple meanings of the motto Alan Barnard 2003-12 African Studies
Counting Fathers in South Africa: Issues of Definition, Methodology and Policy Richard Devey 2003-12 Social Dynamics
Service provision for street-based traders in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal: comparing local findings to lessons drawn from Africa and Asia Andrea M Mayrhofer 2003-12 Development Southern Africa
Households and Families in Southern Africa: Introduction to the Special Issue 2003-12 Social Dynamics
Transactional Sex and the Pursuit of Modernity Suzanne Leclerc-Madlala 2003-12 Social Dynamics
What do subsistence farmers know about indigenous crops and organic farming? Preliminary experience in KwaZulu-Natal 2003-12 Development Southern Africa
Remembrance: Susan Kent Sarah Milledge Nelson 2003-12 African Archaeological Review
Remembrance: Dr. Patricia Joan Vinnicombe, 1932–2003 2003-12 African Archaeological Review
Explorations in African Political Thought: Identity, Community, Ethics Tarisayi Andrea Chimuka
Teodros Kiros
2003-12 African Studies Review
Semantic Analysis of Kiswahili Words Using the Self Organizing Map Wanjiku Ng'ang'a 2003-12-31 Nordic Journal of African Studies
Rosine Soglo, famille et entreprise politique Émile A. Tozo 2004 Politique africaine
Reimaging Gender and African Tradition? Ousmane Sembene's Xala revisited Aaron Mushengyezi 2004 Africa Today
Were There Large States in the Coastal Regions of Southeast Africa Before the Rise of the Zulu Kingdom? 2004 History in Africa
Os primeiros anos de Francisco Félix de Souza na Costa dos Escravos Alberto Costa e Silva 2004 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
La Guerre Anglo-Boer de 1899 a travers le prisme feminin: recits de voyage en Afrique du Sud au tournant du XIXeme siecle Ludmilla Ommundsen 2004 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
Role of human rights movements during the democratic process in Togo Takuo Iwata 2004 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
Les arts et techniques Bantu: le cas des Orungu M. Pierre Ayamine-Anguilet 2004 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
Gestures of compensation : post-apartheid monuments and memorials Sabine Marschall 2004 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
La stèle éthiopienne de Rome : objet d'un conflit de mémoires Éloi Ficquet 2004 Cahiers d'études africaines
Truth, justice, and reconciliation in Africa: issues and cases Lyn Graybill
Kimberly Lanegran
2004 African Studies Quarterly
Searching for answers: Sierra Leone's Truth & Reconciliation Commission Beth K. Dougherty 2004 African Studies Quarterly
Reconciling South Africa or South Africans? Cautionary notes from the TRC Tristan Anne Borer 2004 African Studies Quarterly
Establishing the truth about the apartheid past: historians and the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission Jacobus A. Du Pisani
Kwang-Su Kim
2004 African Studies Quarterly
The cultural identity of Africa and the global tasks of Africana studies Kwasi Konadu 2004 African Studies Quarterly
Women's movements, customary law, and land rights in Africa: the case of Uganda Aili Mari Tripp 2004 African Studies Quarterly
The languages of childhood: the discursive construction of childhood and colonial policy in French West Africa Lisa McNee 2004 African Studies Quarterly
Scottish Missionaries and African Healers: Perceptions and Relations in The Livingstonia Mission, 1875-1930 2004 Journal of Religion in Africa
Web-based communication: the need for more valuable on-line information 2004-01 Communicatio
FOOD AID MARTIN R RUPIYA 2004-01 African Security Review
THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT Mpume Nyandu 2004-01 African Security Review
2004-01 African Security Review
GUNS AND BUTTER DAN HENK 2004-01 African Security Review
2004-01 African Security Review
SADC AND HUMAN SECURITY THOKO KAIME 2004-01 African Security Review
HOW HAVE THEY SURVIVED? 2004-01 African Security Review
NEW TERRORISM ERIC E OTENYO 2004-01 African Security Review
2004-01 African Security Review
2004-01 African Security Review
THE AFRICA CLEARING HOUSE 2004-01 African Security Review
THE HORN OF HOPE IQBAL JHAZBHAY 2004-01 African Security Review
PEACE IN SUDAN RICHARD CORNWELL 2004-01 African Security Review
2004-01 African Security Review
ARMANDO GUEBUZA MARCELLO MOSSE 2004-01 African Security Review
Issues and trends in teacher education in international perspective S. G. Pretorius 2004-01 Africa Education Review
‘Metaphors of leadership, metaphors of hope …’: Life stories of black women leaders in South Africa Thidziambi Phendla 2004-01 Africa Education Review
Diaries and Despatches: The Life and Writing of Henry Francis Fynn (1803–61) and Henry Francis Fynn Junior (1846–1915) Julie Pridmore 2004-01 African Historical Review
Computer-aided authoring of assessment instruments: An activity-theoretical approach Mohammad Santally
Alain Senteni
2004-01 Africa Education Review
The use of assessment in the development of higher-order thinking skills Geesje van den Berg 2004-01 Africa Education Review
Guidelines for investigations and forensic report-writing by independent educational psychologists in custody disputes Deirdré Krüger 2004-01 Africa Education Review
The relation between perceptual development (as part of school readiness) and school success of Grade I learners Erna van Zyl 2004-01 Africa Education Review
Empowering school-based management through decentralised financial control R. N. Marishane
R. J. Botha
2004-01 Africa Education Review
Problems of, and support for, beginner educators G. M. Steyn 2004-01 Africa Education Review
‘Multicultural’ science in South Africa's National Curriculum Statement Lesley le Grange 2004-01 Africa Education Review
Trusteeship and Black Land Ownership in the Transvaal During the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Johan Bergh
Harvey M. Feinberg
2004-01 African Historical Review
An Afrikaner History For All Times? Hermann Giliomee'sThe Afrikaners: Biography of a People J.P. Brits 2004-01 African Historical Review
Teacher Education in, and for, a new Africa B. W. Richter
J. L. van der Walt
A. Visser
2004-01 Africa Education Review
Negotiating Identity in Contested Space: African Christians, White Missionaries and the Boer Conquest of the Blouberg in Late Nineteenth-Century Transvaal Lize Kriel 2004-01 African Historical Review
African(a) philosophy of education and deliberative university teaching Yusef Waghid 2004-01 Africa Education Review
Rand Water and the Transition to a Multiracial Democratic South Africa 1989–94 Johann W.N. Tempelhoff 2004-01 African Historical Review
Peasant and Proletarian: A history of the African Peoples' Democratic Union of Southern Africa Robin Kayser
Mohamed Adhikari
2004-01 African Historical Review
Freedom and Unfreedom in Rural Development: Julius Nyerere, Ujamaa Vijijini, and Villagization Leander Schneider 2004-01 Canadian Journal of African Studies
‘Munition Factories … Turning Out a Constant Supply of Living Material’: White South African Elite Boys' Schools and the First World War John Lambert 2004-01 South African Historical Journal
A restatement of the Mesozoic Atlasic Rifting (Morocco) Edgard Laville
Alain Pique
Mostafa Amrhar
Mohammed Charroud
2004-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Ubendian basement and its late Mesoproterozoic and early Neoproterozoic structural and metamorphic overprint in northeastern Zambia S Vrána
V Kachlı́k
A Kröner
D Marheine
A.V Seifert
V Žáček
J Babůrek
2004-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Structure and emplacement model for late-orogenic Paleoproterozoic granitoids: the Tenkodogo–Yamba elongate pluton (Eastern Burkina Faso) Séta Naba
Martin Lompo
Pierre Debat
Jean Luc Bouchez
Didier Béziat
2004-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sedimentary response to tectonism in the Campanian–Maastrichtian succession, Anambra Basin, Southeastern Nigeria G.C. Obi
C.O. Okogbue
2004-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Literature Survey 2004-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The roles of primary kimberlitic and secondary Dwyka glacial sources in the development of alluvial and marine diamond deposits in Southern Africa J.M. Moore
A.E. Moore
2004-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Some features of the 1993 Bada earthquake swarm of southeastern Eritrea Ghebrebrhan Ogubazghi
Woldai Ghebreab
Jens Havskov
2004-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tensional fissures and crustal extension rates in the northern part of the Main Ethiopian Rift F.M. Williams
M.A.J. Williams
F. Aumento
2004-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Pan-African skarn deposits related to banded iron formation, Um Nar area, central Eastern Desert, Egypt Galal H El Habaak 2004-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Current Lit survey 2004-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
“Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika” David B. Coplan 2004-01-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
Du mythe de l’isolat kabyle Nedjma Abdelfettah Lalmi 2004-01-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
From Warriors to Urban Dwellers Uoldelul Chelati Dirar 2004-01-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
Comprendre les réparations Kwame Anthony Appiah 2004-01-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
The back without which there is no front Anyidoho, K. 2004 Africa Today
Chilver, E. M. & Röschenthaler, Ute (eds). – Cameroon’s Tycoon. Max Esser’s Expedition and its Consequences Yvette Monga 2004-01-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
Cameroon's Tycoon: Max Esser's expedition and its consequences, edited by E. M. Chilver and Ute Roschentaler. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2001. xx + 204 pp.  47.00 (hardback) IBSN 1-57181-988-6.  17.00 (paperback) ISBN 1-57181-310-1. * Swed B. Page 2004-01-01 African Affairs
The Colonial Contest for the Nigerian Region 1884-1900: A history of German participation, by Olayemi Akinwumi. Hamburg: LIT Verlag, Geschichte Band 43, 2002. 122 pp.  17.90 (paperback). ISBN 3-8258-6197-x (paperback). A. H. M. Kirk-Greene 2004-01-01 African Affairs
TRENDS AND MARKERS 2004-01 African Security Review
Retroarc foreland systems––evolution through time 2004-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geometry, structure and emplacement of mafic dykes in the Red Sea Hills, Sudan Mohamed Babiker
Agust Gudmundsson
2004-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Current literature survey 2004-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Kinematic evolution of the Morondava rift basin of SW Madagascar––from wrench tectonics to normal extension H. Schandelmeier
F. Bremer
H.-G. Holl
2004-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Titanite and apatite fission track analyses on basement rocks of central-southern Madagascar: constraints on exhumation and denudation rates along the eastern rift shoulder of the Morondava basin B. Emmel
J. Jacobs
T. Razakamanana
2004-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Dusi (Garba Tula) sapphire deposit, Central Kenya––a unique Pan-African corundum-bearing monzonite C Simonet
J.L Paquette
C Pin
B Lasnier
E Fritsch
2004-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Currect literature survey 2004-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Civil society and democratization: the Cameroonian experience Oben Timothy Mbuagbo
Celestina Neh
2004-03-01 Journal of Social Development in Africa
Societies after Slavery: A Select Annotated Bibliography of Printed Sources on Cuba, Brazil, British Colonial Africa, South Africa, and the British West Indies. Edited by R<scp>EBECCA</scp> J. S<scp>COTT</scp>, T<scp>HOMAS</scp> C. H<scp>OLT< MARCIA WRIGHT 2004-03 The Journal of African History
Bibliography of Imperial, Colonial, and Commonwealth History since 1600. Edited by A<scp>NDREW</scp> P<scp>ORTER</scp>. London: Oxford University Press for the Royal Historical Society, 2002. Pp. xx+1060. £85 (ISBN 0-19-924991-1). DAVID HENIGE 2004-03 The Journal of African History
MINERS' STRUGGLES IN COLONIAL NIGERIA ‘We Were All Slaves’: African Miners, Culture and Resistance at the Enugu Government Colliery. By C<scp>AROLYN</scp> A. B<scp>ROWN</scp> (Social History of Africa Series). Oxford: James Currey; Portsmouth BILL FREUND 2004-03 The Journal of African History
AFRICAN PERCEPTIONS OF RAILROAD WORK Industrial Labor in the Colonial World: Workers of the Chemin de Fer Dakar-Niger, 1881–1963. By J<scp>AMES</scp> A. J<scp>ONES</scp>. Portsmouth NH: Heinemann, 2002. Pp. xxiii+154. $59.95 (ISBN 0-325-07089 MONICA M. VAN BEUSEKOM 2004-03 The Journal of African History
NUTRITIONAL RESEARCH IN COLONIAL MALAWI Feeding Families: African Realities and British Ideas of Nutrition and Development in Early Colonial Africa. By C<scp>YNTHIA</scp> B<scp>RANTLEY</scp>. Westwood CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2002. Pp. MEGAN VAUGHAN 2004-03 The Journal of African History
COLONIAL EDUCATION AND AFRICAN SELF-EMPOWERMENT Colonial Lessons: Africans' Education in Southern Rhodesia, 1918–1940. By C<scp>AROL</scp> S<scp>UMMERS</scp>. Oxford: James Currey; Portsmouth NH: Heinemann; Cape Town: David Philip, 2002. Pp. MATTHEW ENGELKE 2004-03 The Journal of African History
AFRICAN MIDDLE-CLASS STRATEGIES IN COLONIAL ZIMBABWE The Rise of an African Middle Class: Colonial Zimbabwe, 1898–1965. By M<scp>ICHAEL</scp> O. W<scp>EST</scp>. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2002. Pp. xv+324. $49.95 (ISBN 0-253-3408 ALLISON K. SHUTT 2004-03 The Journal of African History
ECONOMIC AND MILITARY SOURCES OF ROYAL POWER IN BUGANDA Political Power in Pre-Colonial Buganda: Economy, Society and Warfare in the Nineteenth Century. By R<scp>ICHARD</scp> J. R<scp>EID</scp>. Oxford: James Currey; Kampala: Fountain Publish RONALD R. ATKINSON 2004-03 The Journal of African History
HISTORICIZING SACRIFICIAL AND INITIATORY SYSTEMS IN ETHIOPIA Initiating Change in Highland Ethiopia: Causes and Consequences of Cultural Transformation. By D<scp>ENA</scp> F<scp>REEMAN</scp>. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. x ULRICH BRAUKÄMPER 2004-03 The Journal of African History
Women of Erecha Meskerem Assegued 2004-04 African Identities
Childhood, space and belonging: Shimmer Chinodya'sDew in the Morning Robert Muponde 2004-04 African Identities
Gold potential of the Mpanda Mineral Field, SW Tanzania: evaluation based on geological, lead isotopic and aeromagnetic data Henrik Stendal
Robert Frei
Sospeter Muhongo
Thorkild M Rasmussen
Saidi Mnali
Faustin Petro
E Brian Temu
2004-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Paleostress analysis of the Cretaceous rocks in the eastern margin of the Dead Sea transform, Jordan Abdullah A. Diabat
Mohammad Atallah
Mustafa R. Salih
2004-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The timing and isotopic character of regional hydrothermal alteration and associated epigenetic mineralization in the western sector of the Kaapvaal Craton (South Africa) Michael J Duane
F.Johan Kruger
Audrey M Turner
Hannah T Whitelaw
Henk Coetzee
Balt T Verhagen
2004-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
New geochemical data from the Nigerian sector of the Chad basin: implications on hydrocarbon prospectivity N.G Obaje
H Wehner
H Hamza
G Scheeder
2004-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Current literature survey 2004-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Protection from crime: what is on offer for Africans? Bruce Baker 2004-05 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
The nature and early history of airborne dust from North Africa; in particular the Lake Chad basin R.D. Evans
I.F. Jefferson
R. Kumar
K. O’Hara-Dhand
I.J. Smalley
2004-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Literature 2004-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Nubian Swell Allison K. Thurmond
Mohamed G. Abdelsalam
Kent C. Nielsen
Mamdouh M. Abdeen
Emily Hinz
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Preface Nasser Ennih
Jean-Paul Liégeois
Bob Thomas
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
List of reviewers 2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Archean evolution of the Leo Rise and its Eburnean reworking Denis Thiéblemont
Jean Christian Goujou
Emmanuel Egal
Alain Cocherie
Claude Delor
Jean Michel Lafon
C. Mark Fanning
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Reaction textures in Proterozoic calcsilicates from northern Guinea: a record of the fluid evolution C. Lerouge
J.L. Feybesse
C. Guerrot
M. Billa
S. Diaby
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The early Proterozoic sedimentary record in the Blouberg area, Limpopo Province, South Africa; implications for the timing of the Limpopo orogenic event P.G. Eriksson
R. Van Der Merwe
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The timing of mantle and crustal events in South Namibia, as defined by SHRIMP-dating of zircon domains from a garnet peridotite xenolith of the Gibeon Kimberlite Province Anthi Liati
Leander Franz
Dieter Gebauer
C. Mark Fanning
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry of metavolcanics from the Neoproterozoic Tuludimtu orogenic belt, western Ethiopia Gebremedhin Tadesse
Alistair Allen
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry of high-pressure granulites from the Pan-African Dahomeyide orogen, West Africa: constraints on the origin and composition of the lower crust Kodjopa Attoh
Jennifer Morgan
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Palaeoproterozoic in western Anti-Atlas (Morocco): a clarification P. Barbey
F. Oberli
J.-P. Burg
H. Nachit
J. Pons
M. Meier
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The volcano-sedimentary Boukaïs inlier (south-western Algeria): evidence for lithospheric thinning during the Late Neoproterozoic Abdelmadjid Seddiki
Nacera Remaci-Benaouda
Jean-Yves Cottin
Bertrand N. Moine
René-Pierre Ménot
Chantal Perrache
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Is the Cambrian basin of the Western High Atlas (Morocco) related either to a subduction zone or a major shear zone? A. El Archi
M. El Houicha
A. Jouhari
M. Bouabdelli
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Climatic and tectonic control of Ordovician sedimentation in the western and central High Atlas (Morocco) Choukri Chacrone
Naïma Hamoumi
Ahmed Attou
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Sinemurian carbonate mud-mounds from central High Atlas (Morocco): stratigraphy, geometry, sedimentology and geodynamic patterns Driss Chafiki
Joseph Canérot
Abdellatif Souhel
Khadija El Hariri
Kamal Taj Eddine
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Describing Ammonite shape using Fourier analysis Khadija El Hariri
Ali Bachnou
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Decompression reactions and P–T conditions in high-pressure granulites from Casares-Los Reales units of the Betic-Rif belt (S Spain and N Morocco) Faouziya Haissen
Antonio Garcia-Casco
Rafael Torres-Roldan
Abdelmouhsine Aghzer
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Seismic stratigraphy and cenozoic evolution of the mesetan moroccan atlantic continental shelf Pascal Le Roy
Mohamed Sahabi
Salim Lahsini
Khalid Mehdi
Bendehhou Zourarah
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Selloum Basin: new element of the Middle Liassic paleogeography in the southern Middle Atlas (Morocco) H. El Arabi
J. Canérot
B. Ouahhabi
A. Charrière
S. Kerchaoui
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Soil physics: a Moroccan perspective Sabah Lahlou
Mohamed Ouadia
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Paleo-gossans within the lateritic iron crust: example of the nickeliferous prospect of Bonga, Burkina Faso Thomas Lavaud
Didier Beziat
Alain Blot
Pierre Debat
Martin Lompo
Francois Martin
Mariam Ouangrawa
Francis Tollon
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geo-environmental risk in the upper valley of the Oued Sebou (Fès, Central Morocco): a preliminary approach J. De Waele
F. Di Gregorio
M. El Wartiti
D. Fadli
R. Follesa
A. Marini
M.T. Melis
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Urban waste landfill planning and karstic groundwater resources in developing countries: the example of Lusaka (Zambia) J. De Waele
I.A. Nyambe
A. Di Gregorio
F. Di Gregorio
S. Simasiku
R. Follesa
S. Nkemba
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Morphological evolution and spatio-temporal variability of the longshore drift system in the bay of Tangier (Morocco) Rachid E.L. Bouzidi
Mustapha Labraimi
Bendahhou Zourarah
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Modeling hydrodynamics in the Ebrié Lagoon (Côte d’Ivoire) I. Brenon
S. Mondé
N. Pouvreau
J.C. Maurin
2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Storms and tsunamis: evidence of event sedimentation in the Late Jurassic Tendaguru Beds of southeastern Tanzania Robert Bussert 2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
WANMORPH Visual Basic program: a tool for modelling, morphological quantification and comparison of closed contours of moderate complexity. Application in palaeontology Ali Bachnou 2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Literature 2004-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Undoing the united front?: Coloured soldiers in Rhodesia1 1939–1980 J K Seirlis 2004-07 African Studies
“You have to change and you don't know how!”: Contesting what it means to be a man in a rural area of South Africa Tina Sideris 2004-07 African Studies
Governing empire: colonial memoirs and the history of HM overseas civil service A. Jackson 2004-07-01 African Affairs
Rulers, Scholars, and Invaders: A Select Bibliography of the Songhay Empire Brent Singleton 2004 History in Africa
Medidating Mythology, Mollifying Women: Achebe's Anhills of the Savannah Isidore Diala 2004 Ufahamu
The Feedback Phenomenon in the Cameroonian Press,1990-1993 Christiane Dika Nsangue Akwa 2004 Africa Today
Power, Politics and Culture: Interviews with Edward W Said (review) Derek Hook 2004 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Initiating Change in Highland Ethiopia: Causes and Consequences of Cultural Transformation Laura Hammond
Dena Freeman
2004 International Journal of African Historical Studies
AT THE END OF COLONIAL RULE Africa, <scp>IV</scp>: The End of Colonial Rule: Nationalism and Decolonization. Edited by T<scp>OYIN</scp> F<scp>ALOLA</scp>. Durham NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2002. Pp. xxvi+541. No price given (ISBN 0-8 JOANNA LEWIS 2004-07 The Journal of African History
CHRISTIANITY IN COLONIAL KENYA The Life of Charles Muhoro Kareri. By C<scp>HARLES</scp> M<scp>UHORO</scp> K<scp>ARERI</scp>. Edited with an Introduction by D<scp>EREK</scp> R. P<scp>ETERSON</scp>. Translated by J<scp>OSEPH</scp> K<scp>ARIUKI< W. O. MALOBA 2004-07 The Journal of African History
INDIGENOUS AGENCY IN ‘TOP-DOWN’ DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Negotiating Development: African Farmers and Colonial Experts at the Office du Niger, 1920–1960. By M<scp>ONICA</scp><scp>VAN</scp> B<scp>EUSEKOM</scp>. Portsmouth NH: Heinemann; Oxford: Ja THOMAS J. BASSETT 2004-07 The Journal of African History
INTERACTIONS OF COLONIAL AND INDIGENOUS IDIOMS OF POWER The Culture of Power in Southern Africa: Essays on State Formation and the Political Imagination. Edited by C<scp>LIFTON</scp> C. C<scp>RAIS</scp>. Portsmouth NH: Heinemann, 2003. Pp. 21 JENNIFER ROBINSON 2004-07 The Journal of African History
Making Ethnic Elites: Ritual Poetics in a Cameroonian Lycée Clare A. Ignatowski 2004-08 Africa
Modifications in South African exchange rate policies 1998–2001 Roger Gidlow 2004-09 South African Journal of Economic History
All those racial capitalists sampie Terreblanche'sa history of inequality in South Africa, 1652–2002 Henry Kenney 2004-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The wood from the trees:Ex libri ad historiam pertinentes cognoscere W. Duncan Reekie 2004-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Central bank independence before and after the democratisation of South Africa G.M. Wessels 2004-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Unveiling South Africa's nuclear past Verne Harris
Sello Hatang
2004-09 Journal of Southern African Studies
U-Pb zircon age of the upper Palapye group (Botswana) and regional implications R.B.M. Mapeo
L.V. Ramokate
R.A. Armstrong
A.B. Kampunzu
2004-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Use of termite mounds in geochemical exploration in North Ethiopia Fassil Kebede 2004-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Feedback Phenomenon in the Cameroonian Press, 1990-1993 Christiane Dika Nsangue Akwa 2004-09 Africa Today
Dena Freeman. Initiating Change in Highland Ethiopia: Causes and Consequences of Cultural Transformation. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002. x + 180 pp. Maps. Photographs. Figures. Bibliography. Index. $55.00. Cloth. John Wood 2004-09 African Studies Review
Age of magnetization of Mesoproterozoic rocks from the Natal sector of the Namaqua-Natal belt, South Africa S.T. Johnston
R.J. Thomas
2004-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Q115258458 P. Eriksson
H.A.B. Kampunzu
S. Felix Toteu
2004-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Pan-African high-K calc-alkaline peraluminous Elat granite from southern Israel: geology, geochemistry and petrogenesis M. Eyal
B.A. Litvinovsky
Y. Katzir
A.N. Zanvilevich
2004-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Beside the West: postcolonial women writers, the nation, and the globalised world Elleke Boehmer 2004-11 African Identities
Continental riffs: praisesingers in transnational contexts Paulla A. Ebron 2004-11 African Identities
Making space: Kingston's Dancehall culture and its philosophy of ‘boundarylessness’1 Sonjah Stanley Niaah 2004-11 African Identities
Transcending racial/cultural spaces: the power of the woman in Yusuf Dawood'sThe Price of LivingandWater Under the Bridge Godwin W. Siundu 2004-11 African Identities
Pan‐Africanism as a resource: the W. E. B. DuBois Memorial Centre for Pan‐African Culture in Ghana1 Katharina Schramm 2004-11 African Identities
Cultural Transformation and Human Rights in Africa edited by A<scp>BDULLAHI</scp> A. A<scp>N</scp>-N<scp>A</scp>'<scp>IM</scp> London: Zed Books, 2002. Pp. 269, US$25.00 (pbk.). ABDOULAYE SAINE 2004-11-03 The Journal of Modern African Studies
AFRICAN COLONIES IN ITALIAN POLITICAL CULTURE A Place in the Sun: Africa in Italian Colonial Culture from Post-Unification to the Present. Edited by P<scp>ATRIZIA</scp> P<scp>ALUMBO</scp>. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003. Pp. 3 STEFANO BONI 2004-11 The Journal of African History
DISCOURSES OF RACE AND CLASS IN BRITAIN AND SOUTH AFRICA Bringing the Empire Home: Race, Class, and Gender in Britain and Colonial South Africa. By Z<scp>INE</scp> M<scp>AGUBANE</scp>. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003. Pp. 222. $18; ROBERT ROSS 2004-11 The Journal of African History
Dena Freeman, Initiating Change in Highland Ethiopia: causes and consequences of cultural transformation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (hard covers £40.00, US$60.00, ISBN 0 521 81854 0). 2002, 180 pp. Jon Abbink 2004-11 Africa
Racial Disparities in Health and Wealth: The Effects of Slavery and past Discrimination Darrell J. Gaskin
Alvin E. Headen
Shelley I. White-Means
2004-12 The Review of Black Political Economy
Vigilantism or alternative citizenship? The rise ofMapogo a Mathamaga Barbara Oomen 2004-12 African Studies
Congo in Cartoons: 102 Paintings by Tshibumba Eileen Moyer 2004-12 African Arts
South Africa from North America: Exporting Identities through Art Victoria L. Rovine 2004-12 African Arts
Introduction Sandra Klopper
Michael Godby
2004-12 African Arts
In memoriam: Henri Kampunzu (1952–2004) Sospeter Muhongo
Jean-Paul Liegeois
Steve McCourt
Sadrack Felix Toteu
Estella Atekwana
Patrick G. Eriksson
Marek Wendorff
2004-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry and petrogenesis of volcanic rocks of the Neoarchaean Sukumaland Greenstone Belt, northwestern Tanzania S. Manya 2004-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Africa's Exodus: Capital Flight and the Brain Drain as Portfolio Decisions P. Collier 2004-12-01 Journal of African Economies
Freeman, Dena. — Initiating Change in Highland Ethiopia : The Causes and Consequences of Cultural Transformation Sabine Planel 2004-12-20 Cahiers d'études africaines
Bound to Africa: the Mandinka Legacy in the New World Matt Schaffer 2005 History in Africa
Son-Jara: The Mande Epic (review) 2005 Research in African Literatures
Rough seas for South African seafarers in the merchant navy: the global is the local Shaun Ruggunan 2005 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Facing dilemmas : former Fulbe slaves in modern Mali L. Pelckmans 2005 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Taking American race relations on the road ... to Africa Rebecca Gearhart 2005 African Studies Quarterly
Neither peace nor justice: political violence and the peasantry in Northern Uganda, 1986-1998 Adam Branch 2005 African Studies Quarterly
Raízes históricas da homossexualidade no Atlântico lusófono negro Luiz Mott 2005 Afro-Ásia
WEST AFRICA ALHAJI M S BAH 2005-01 African Security Review
2005-01 African Security Review
2005-01 African Security Review
“A PLACE TO CALL HOME?” MARIAM JOOMA 2005-01 African Security Review
IN TRANSIT? MARIAM BIBI JOOMA 2005-01 African Security Review
DRC UPDATE JIM TERRIE 2005-01 African Security Review
2005-01 African Security Review
2005-01 African Security Review
2005-01 African Security Review
ASSET RECOVERY DANIEL SCHER 2005-01 African Security Review
TOGO: OR NOT TO GO? RICHARD CORNWELL 2005-01 African Security Review
SADC AND TERRORISM MICHAEL RIFER 2005-01 African Security Review
2005-01 African Security Review
The education exodus: The flight from township schools Vuyisile Msila 2005-01 Africa Education Review
Conflict, Diamonds and the Political Economy of Instability in Africa Sumanth G. Reddy
Doug Henry
Joseph R. Oppong
2005-01 African Geographical Review
Reflecting on National Geographic Magazine and Academic Geography: The September 2005 Special Issue on Africa William G. Moseley 2005-01 African Geographical Review
Environment and Habitat Management in Pan-African Development Discourses and Strategies: A Critical Historical Overview Tadesse Kidane-Miriam 2005-01 African Geographical Review
The making of modern Namibia: A tale of anthropological ineptitude? Robert J. Gordon 2005-01 African Historical Review
Medical history and Afrikaner society in the boer republics at the end of the nineteenth century Elizabeth van Heyningen 2005-01 African Historical Review
Masculinities in the African National Congress-led liberation movement: The underground period Raymond Suttner 2005-01 African Historical Review
Implementing professional development in invitational education G. M. Steyn 2005-01 Africa Education Review
The development and application of progressive education in the Netherlands and some implications for South Africa C. Meier 2005-01 Africa Education Review
Unemployment in South Africa on the rise: Are schools and universities to blame? Ntombizolile C. G. Vakalisa 2005-01 Africa Education Review
Three years of a literacy development project in South Africa: An outcomes evaluation D. Donald
J. Condy
2005-01 Africa Education Review
Africa's ‘brain gain’: Whose shibboleth? E.S. Atieno Odhiambo 2005-01 African Historical Review
Why teach critical thinking? Louis S. Jeevanantham 2005-01 Africa Education Review
Vanished evaporites and carbonate formation in the Neoarchaean Kogelbeen and Gamohaan formations of the Campbellrand Subgroup, South Africa Anna Gandin
David T. Wright
Victor Melezhik
2005-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Penetration of surface-evaporated brines into the Proterozoic basement and deposition of Co and Ag at Bou Azzer (Morocco): Evidence from fluid inclusions Samira Essarraj
Marie-Christine Boiron
Michel Cathelineau
David A. Banks
Mohamed Benharref
2005-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Fluid compositions and local fluid buffering during the retrograde metamorphism of Al-bearing dolomitic calc-silicate granulites in the Limpopo Central Zone, southern Africa Yasunari Kaneko
Takashi Miyano
Toshiaki Tsunogae
2005-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Lithofacies, palynofacies, and sequence stratigraphy of Palaeogene strata in Southeastern Nigeria Francisca E. Oboh-Ikuenobe
Chuks G. Obi
Carlos A. Jaramillo
2005-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Gravity field and isostatic state of Ethiopia and adjacent areas G. Woldetinsae
H.-J. Götze
2005-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The impact of macroeconomic risk on asset prices in Ghana, 1997-2002 Twerefou, D.K.
Nimo, M.K.
2005 African Development Review
Stemming the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa: Are our HIV/AIDS campaigns failing us? Piet Swanepoel 2005-01 Communicatio
TRENDS AND MARKERS CHANDRÉ GOULD 2005-01 African Security Review
Controls to hydrothermal gold mineralization in the Witwatersberg Goldfield; situated in the floor to the south of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa A.M. Killick
R. Scheepers
2005-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Platinum-group element (PGE) deposits and occurrences: Mineralization styles, genetic concepts, and exploration criteria W.D. Maier 2005-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geology and geochemistry of the Neoproterozoic Tuludimtu Ophiolite suite, western Ethiopia Gebremedhin Tadesse
Alistair Allen
2005-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry, provenance, and tectonic setting of Neoproterozoic metavolcanic and metasedimentary units, Werri area, Northern Ethiopia K. Sifeta
B.P. Roser
J.-I. Kimura
2005-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Monzer Makhous, Yu I. Galushkin. Basin Analysis and Modeling of the Burial, Thermal and Maturation Histories in Sedimentary Basins, Editions Technip, Paris, 2005 Patrick G. Eriksson 2005-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The value of flower tourism on the Bokkeveld Plateau – a botanical hotspot Jane Turpie
Alison Joubert 1
2005-02-24 Development Southern Africa
South African gold sales policies during the 1980s Roger Gidlow 2005-03 South African Journal of Economic History
The world paper famine and the South African press 1938–1955 Adrian Hadland 2005-03 South African Journal of Economic History
South African consumer price inflation in a historical and global context T.M. Mokoena
L. Rangasamy
J.A. Swanepoel
F.J. Visser
2005-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Lessons fromAffirmative action around the world Stuart Jones 2005-03 South African Journal of Economic History
The challenges facing empirical estimation of household food (in)security in South Africa 2005-03 Development Southern Africa
SPACE, POWER AND HEALING IN EQUATORIAL AFRICA Colonial Rule and Crisis in Equatorial Africa: Southern Gabon ca. 1850–1940. C<scp>HRISTOPHER</scp> G<scp>RAY</scp>. Rochester NY: University of Rochester Press, 2002. Pp. xxii+275. $65 (ISBN 1-58 FLORENCE BERNAULT 2005-03 The Journal of African History
The dynamics of discontent: containing desire and aggression in Coetzee'sDisgrace Mike Kissack
Michael Titlestad
2005-04 African Identities
Fictional depictions of land resistance in southern Africa Maurice Taonezvi Vambe 2005-04 African Identities
Identity construction in the Guinean Rivers of Cape Verde1 Carlos Lopes 2005-04 African Identities
The Evolving Party System in Taiwan, 1995-2004 Ching-hsin Yu 2005-04 Journal of Asian and African Studies
Some general advice for writing a scientific paper Pat Eriksson
Octavian Catuneanu
2005-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Discussion of “Geological setting and tectonic subdivision of the Neoproterozoic Orogenic Belt of Tuludimtu, Western Ethiopia” [Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 329–343] Tadesse Alemu 2005-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Reply to Discussion of “Geological setting and tectonic subdivision of the Neoproterozoic Orogenic Belt of Tuludimtu, Western Ethiopia” [A. Allen, G. Tadesse, Journal of African Earth Sciences 36 (2003) 329–343] Alistair Allen
Gebremedhin Tadesse
2005-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
History, the Nation-State, and Alternative Narratives: An Example from Colonial Douala Lynn Schler 2005-04 African Studies Review
Die nuwe Amerikaanse ryk Pieter Kapp 2005-05-01 Historia (Historical Association of South Africa)
Editorial 2005-06 Journal of Southern African Studies
Fault population investigation and estimating magnitude of extension in Guma Graben, Central Afar, Ethiopia 2005-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A lithofacies terrain model for the Blantyre Region: Implications for the interpretation of palaeosavanna depositional systems and for environmental geology and economic geology in southern Malawi H.G. Dill
R.-R. Ludwig
A. Kathewera
J. Mwenelupembe
2005-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Nigerian manganese-rich iron-formations and their host rocks—from sedimentation to metamorphism Arno Mücke 2005-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Making memory: Stories fromStaffridermagazine and “testing” the popular imagination Irikidzayi Manase 2005-07 African Studies
Provenance ages of the Neoproterozoic Katanga Supergroup (Central African Copperbelt), with implications for basin evolution S. Master
C. Rainaud
R.A. Armstrong
L.J. Robb
2005-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Introduction: African imaginaries and transnational spaces Liz Gunner 2005-07 African Studies
The Globe in the Text1: Towards a Transnational History of the Book Isabel Hofmeyr 2005-07 African Studies
A MAJOR STUDY OF A NEGLECTED RESISTANCE WAR West African Challenge to Empire: Culture and History in the Volta-Bani Anticolonial War. By MAHIR SAUL and PATRICK ROYER. Oxford: James Currey Publishers; Athens OH: Ohio University Press, 2001. Pp. xiii+4 MYRON ECHENBERG 2005-07 The Journal of African History
Geochronology of the Nchanga Granite, and constraints on the maximum age of the Katanga Supergroup, Zambian Copperbelt R.A. Armstrong
S. Master
L.J. Robb
2005-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A fluid mixing model for copper mineralization at Konkola North, Zambian Copperbelt S.J. Sutton
J.B. Maynard
2005-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemical characterisation, provenance, source and depositional environment of ‘Roches Argilo-Talqueuses’ (RAT) and Mines Subgroups sedimentary rocks in the Neoproterozoic Katangan Belt (Congo): Lithostratigraphic implications A.B. Kampunzu
J.L.H. Cailteux
B. Moine
H.N.B.T. Loris
2005-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Genesis of sediment-hosted stratiform copper–cobalt deposits, central African Copperbelt J.L.H. Cailteux
A.B. Kampunzu
C. Lerouge
A.K. Kaputo
J.P. Milesi
2005-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The nature of early basinal fluids in the Zambian Copperbelt: A case study from the Chambishi deposit L.N. Greyling
L.J. Robb
S. Master
M.C. Boiron
Y. Yao
2005-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sulphur isotope constraints on formation conditions of the Luiswishi ore deposit, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) C. Lerouge
J. Cailteux
A.B. Kampunzu
J.P. Milesi
C. Fléhoc
2005-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Monazite U–Pb dating and 40Ar–39Ar thermochronology of metamorphic events in the Central African Copperbelt during the Pan-African Lufilian Orogeny C. Rainaud
S. Master
R.A. Armstrong
L.J. Robb
2005-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Recent advances in the geology and mineralization of the Central African Copperbelt Laurence Robb
Jacques Cailteux
Sally Sutton
2005-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Dedication Laurence Robb
Jacques Cailteux
Sally Sutton
2005-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Writing in Crisis: Ethics and History in Gordimer, Ndebele and Coetzee (review) Derek Attridge 2005 Research in African Literatures
Shembeism and the Rainbow Nation: Shembe Religion and Cultural Change in Durban, South Africa Dallas L. Browne 2005 Ufahamu
NATIONHOOD, POWER AND HISTORY: UNFINISHED BUSINESS AND THE LONGUE DURÉE IN UGANDA Governing Uganda: British Colonial Rule and its Legacy. By G<scp>ARDNER</scp> T<scp>HOMPSON</scp>. Kampala: Fountain Publishers, 2003. Pp. x+366. £22.95, RICHARD REID 2005-07 The Journal of African History
Reviews 2005-09 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
The Apocalyptic Interlude: Revealing Death in Kinshasa 2005-09 African Studies Review
The collapse of the rand in 2001 and the effectiveness of exchange controls in South Africa Roger Gidlow 2005-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The role of new technology in the South African textile industry's quest for survival in the 1990s Rachel Jafta 2005-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The role of American mining technology and American mining engineers in the Witwatersrand gold mining industry 1890–1910 Elaine Katz 2005-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The management of South Africa's water resources with particular reference to the period 1956–1998 Mampiti Matete
Juliana Rwelamira
2005-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The changing popularity of economics at South African universities 1991–1999 R.P. Viljoen 2005-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Yorùbá oral literature: a source of indigenous education for children Akíntúndé Akínyemí 2005-09-07 Journal of African Cultural Studies
BOOK REVIEW: Stefan Helgesson.WRITING IN CRISIS: ETHICS AND HISTORY IN GORDIMER, NDEBELE AND COETZEEScottsville: U of KwaZulu P, 2004. Derek Attridge 2005-09 Research in African Literatures
The Karoo basins of south-central Africa O. Catuneanu
H. Wopfner
B. Cairncross
B.S. Rubidge
R.M.H. Smith
P.J. Hancox
2005-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The East African rift system Jean Chorowicz 2005-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Phanerozoic evolution of plants on the African plate P.M. Burgoyne
J.M. Anderson
B.D. Schrire
2005-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Beyond the Other? A postcolonial critique of the failed state thesis Jonathan Hill 2005-10 African Identities
Memory, diaspora and spiced bodies in motion: Berni Searle's art1 Pumla Dineo Gqola 2005-10 African Identities
The reach and impact of Child Support Grants: evidence from KwaZulu-Natal Anne Case
Frances Lund
2005-10 Development Southern Africa
The geodynamic setting of the Phanerozoic basins of Africa R. Guiraud 2005-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Moroccan Hercynides Christian Hoepffner
Abderahmane Soulaimani
Alain Piqué
2005-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Phanerozoic geological evolution of Northern and Central Africa: An overview R. Guiraud
W. Bosworth
J. Thierry
A. Delplanque
2005-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Paleozoic basins in West Africa and the Mauritanide thrust belt Michel Villeneuve 2005-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Phanerozoic geological evolution of the Equatorial Atlantic domain Christophe Basile
Jean Mascle
René Guiraud
2005-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
South Atlantic continental margins of Africa: A comparison of the tectonic vs climate interplay on the evolution of equatorial west Africa and SW Africa margins Michel Séranne
Zahie Anka
2005-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mesozoic–Cenozoic history of the Congo Basin Pierre Giresse 2005-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Mesozoic–Cenozoic interior sag basins of Central Africa: The Late-Cretaceous–Cenozoic Kalahari and Okavango basins I.G. Haddon
T.S. McCarthy
2005-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Phanerozoic evolution of Africa Octavian Catuneanu
René Guiraud
Pat Eriksson
Bob Thomas
Russell Shone
Roger Key
2005-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Nile Perch in Lake Victoria: Local Responses and Adaptations 2005-11 Africa
HISTORICAL EXPLORATION OF ISLAMIC SCHOLARSHIP AND EDUCATION The Transmission of Learning in Islamic Africa. Edited by SCOTT S. REESE. Leiden: Brill, 2004. Pp. xiv+307. €95/$136 (ISBN 90-04-13779-3) JAY SPAULDING 2005-11 The Journal of African History
SLAVERY AND HUMAN SACRIFICE IN YORUBALAND: ONDO, c. 1870–94 OLATUNJI OJO 2005-11 The Journal of African History
Structural evolution and tectonic context of the Mfongosi Group, Natal thrust front, Tugela terrane, South Africa I.J. Basson
M.K. Watkeys
D. Phillips
2005-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Reworking of Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic crust in the Mozambique belt of central Tanzania as documented by SHRIMP zircon geochronology Holger Sommer
Alfred Kröner
Sospeter Muhongo
2005-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
2D Seismic interpretation of strike-slip faulting, salt tectonics, and Cretaceous unconformities, Atlas Mountains, central Tunisia Taher Zouaghi
Mourad Bédir
Mohamed Hédi Inoubli
2005-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
‘There is no Stranger to Marriage Here!’: Muslim Women and Divorce in Rural Zanzibar Erin Stiles 2005-11 Africa
Debates 2005-12 Review of African Political Economy
Missionary schools, student uprisings in Lebowa and the Sekhukhuneland students' revolts, 1983–1986 Sello Mathabatha 2005-12 African Studies
Linguistic research for literary empowerment of Khoesaan languages of Namibia1 W.H.G. Haacke 2005-12 African Studies
VaJudha (African Jews) in Harare: Expressing contested identities in tight spaces 2005-12 African Studies
From low-conflict polity to democratic civil peace: Explaining Zambian exceptionalism Peter J. Burnell 2005-12 African Studies
Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrikaand the Liberation of the Spirit of South Africa1 David B. Coplan 2005-12 African Studies
Narratives of New Brighton: Representations of the Port Elizabeth township in official discourse, cultural memory, and public history Gary Baines 2005-12 African Studies
African National Anthems: ‘Beat the drums, the red Lion has roared’1 Igor Cusack 2005-12 Journal of African Cultural Studies
Metamorphic evolution of the Maud Belt: P–T–t path for high-grade gneisses in Gjelsvikfjella, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica Avinash Bisnath
Hartwig E. Frimmel
2005-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
New U–Pb SHRIMP zircon age for the Schurwedraai alkali granite: Implications for pre-impact development of the Vredefort Dome and extent of Bushveld magmatism, South Africa I.T. Graham
S.A. De Waal
R.A. Armstrong
2005-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Origin of fibrous clays in Tunisian Paleogene continental deposits Noureddine Zaaboub
Saadi Abdeljaouad
Alberto López-Galindo
2005-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The role of Pan-African structures in intraplate seismicity near the termination of the Romanche fracture zone, West Africa Kodjopa Attoh
Larry Brown
Joel Haenlein
2005-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Autunian age constrained by fold tests for paleomagnetic data from the Mezarif and Abadla basins (Algeria) N. Merabet
B. Henry
A. Kherroubi
S. Maouche
2005-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Participatory multi-criteria decision analysis: a new tool for integrated development planning Leanne Scott 2005-12 Development Southern Africa
The Concept of Honour and the Persistence of Servility in the Western Soudan Martin A. Klein 2005-12-19 Cahiers d'études africaines
Types of Forced Labour and Slavery-like Abuse Occurring in Africa Today Mike Dottridge 2005-12-19 Cahiers d'études africaines
Issues in comparative Kebi-Benue (Adamawa) Stefan Elders 2006 Africana Linguistica
Verbal system and diathesis derivations in Seereer Souleymane Faye 2006 Africana Linguistica
Beyond the Apartheid Workplace -- Studies in Transition (review) Shaun Ruggunan 2006 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Les Rites initiatiques des Dii de l'Adamaoua (review) 2006 Africa
Effectiveness of maize cob powder in controlling weevils in stored maize grain C.T. Gadzirayi
E. Mutandwa
T.J. Chikuvire
2006 African Studies Quarterly
Markets and Morality: American Relations with Tanzania Tony Waters 2006 African Studies Quarterly
The political economy of oil in equatorial Guinea Brendan McSherry 2006 African Studies Quarterly
Labor exchange systems in Japan and DR Congo: similarities and differences Tatsuro Suehara 2006 African Studies Quarterly
Moral economy as emotional interaction: food sharing and reciprocity in highland Ethiopia Keiichiro Matsumura 2006 African Studies Quarterly
From beer to money: labor exchange and commercialization in eastern Uganda Soichiro Shiraishi 2006 African Studies Quarterly
Introduction and overview to the special issue on Africa's moral and affective economy Goran Hyden 2006 African Studies Quarterly
Denying History in Colonial Kenya: the Anthropology and Archeology of G.W.B. Huntingford and L.S.B. Leakey J.E.G. Sutton 2006 History in Africa
A conceptual framework of corporate online communication: A marketing public relations (MPR) perspective 2006-01 Communicatio
Anticipating a new and fragile democracy in Central Africa Thierry Vircoulon 2006-01 African Security Review
Reducing firearm deaths and injuries Guy Lamb
Douglas Tuttle
2006-01 African Security Review
African perspectives on the international terrorism discourse Peter Gastrow
Annette Hübschle
2006-01 African Security Review
Terrorism in West Africa: Real, emerging or imagined threats? Cyril I Obi 2006-01 African Security Review
The Somali Conflict: Root causes, obstacles, and peace-building strategies Afyare Abdi Elmi
Abdullahi Barise
2006-01 African Security Review
What we know about HIV and AIDS in the armed forces in Southern Africa Martin Rupiya 2006-01 African Security Review
The African Mission in Sudan: Darfur dilemmas Seth Appiah-Mensah 2006-01 African Security Review
Contextualising the proliferation of small arms and light weapons in Nigeria's Niger Delta: Local and global intersections Godwin Onuoha 2006-01 African Security Review
Terrorism, counter-terrorism and norms in Africa Samuel M Makinda 2006-01 African Security Review
The T-word: Conceptualising terrorism Annette Hübschle 2006-01 African Security Review
From fieldwork to facts to firearms control: Research and advocacy towards stricter firearm control legislation in South Africa Maylene Shung King
Paula Proudlock
Lori Michelson
2006-01 African Security Review
Globalisation and international terrorism Mwesiga Baregu 2006-01 African Security Review
The failure of the UN Review Conference and implications for global efforts to prevent small arms violence Guy Lamb 2006-01 African Security Review
US counter-terrorism policies in Africa are counter to development Robert Tynes 2006-01 African Security Review
Africa, root causes and the ‘war on terror’ Jakkie Cilliers 2006-01 African Security Review
Africa in 2006: The humanitarian hangover? Mariam Jooma 2006-01 African Security Review
Justice empowered or justice hampered: The International Criminal Court in Darfur Cécile Aptel Williamson 2006-01 African Security Review
Sudan: The crisis of cohesion? Mariam Bibi Jooma 2006-01 African Security Review
Challenges for defence planners in Africa: Ensuring appropriate, adequate, accountable and affordable armed forces Len Le Roux 2006-01 African Security Review
Defence Transformation in South Africa: Sharing the experience with the Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo Roland de Vries 2006-01 African Security Review
A Pan-African army: The evolution of an idea and its eventual realisation in the African Standby Force Benedikt Franke 2006-01 African Security Review
In Memoriam Sarah Meek Jakkie Cilliers 2006-01 African Security Review
Counter-terrorism in the Horn of Africa: New security frontiers, old Strategies Peter Kagwanja 2006-01 African Security Review
Assessing the role of the African Union in preventing and combating terrorism in Africa Martin Ewi
Kwesi Aning
2006-01 African Security Review
Wars in the ‘borderlands’ Richard Cornwell 2006-01 African Security Review
Parliamentary oversight of public expenditure management: A focus on the security services Len Le Roux 2006-01 African Security Review
A Muslim by any other name Mariam Bibi Jooma 2006-01 African Security Review
Professor Kwadwo Konadu-Agyemang: 1955–2007 2006-01 African Geographical Review
The politics of science and imperialism Pieter Fourie 2006-01 African Historical Review
Oom Schalk's Boer War: Herman Charles Bosman, Afrikaner outsider, writes a wider war Greg Cuthbertson 2006-01 African Historical Review
History on the hill: Aspects of scholarship and scholarly life at the Unisa History Department, 1968–2000 Albert Grundlingh 2006-01 African Historical Review
A biography of a grandfather Antony Copley 2006-01 African Historical Review
A New Day for African Geography William G. Moseley
Ian Yeboah
2006-01 African Geographical Review
Choosing respectability: The social mix of Cape Town between 1795 and 1840 Pawel Stempowski 2006-01 African Historical Review
Numerical computations of 1303 tsunamigenic propagation towards Alexandria, Egyptian Coast A.Z. Hamouda 2006-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A palaeomagnetic study of the lower part of the Palaeoproterozoic Waterberg Group, South Africa L.P. Maré
P.G. Eriksson
L. Améglio
2006-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Crustal evolution and metamorphism in east-central Eritrea, south-east Arabian-Nubian Shield U.B. Andersson
W. Ghebreab
M. Teklay
2006-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Description of soft-sediment deformation structures in the Cretaceous Bima Sandstone from the Yola Arm, Upper Benue Trough, Northeastern Nigeria N.K. Samaila
M.B. Abubakar
E.F.C. Dike
N.G. Obaje
2006-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A proposed drainage evolution model for Central Africa—Did the Congo flow east? Jacek Stankiewicz 2006-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Ribats and the Development of Plantations in the Sokoto Caliphate: A Case Study of Fanisau Mohammed Bashir Salau 2006-01-01 African Economic History
Evidence of recent faulting in the Rukwa rift (West Tanzania) based on radar interferometric DEMs François Kervyn
Samwel Ayub
Rugaibuhamu Kajara
Elikunda Kanza
Brian Temu
2006-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Spectral analysis of ASTER data covering part of the Neoproterozoic Allaqi-Heiani suture, Southern Egypt Fang Qiu
Mohamed Abdelsalam
Pathik Thakkar
2006-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tracing along-strike structural continuity in the Neoproterozoic Allaqi-Heiani Suture, southern Egypt using principal component analysis (PCA), fast Fourier transform (FFT), and redundant wavelet transform (RWT) of ASTER data Dianwei Ren
Mohamed G. Abdelsalam
2006-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Use of radar data to delineate palaeodrainage leading to the Kufra Oasis in the eastern Sahara C.A. Robinson
F. El-Baz
T.S.M. Al-Saud
S.B. Jeon
2006-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
James Fairhead and Melissa Leach. Science, Society and Power: Environmental Knowledge and Policy in West Africa and the Caribbean. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. xi + 272 pp. Photographs. Tables. Maps. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $70.0 William Moseley
Erika Jermé
2006-02-05 African Studies Review
The Trompsburg Complex, South Africa: A preliminary three dimensional model L.P. Maré
J. Cole
2006-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry of the Neoproterozoic metabasic rocks from the Negele area, southern Ethiopia: Tectonomagmatic implications Tadesse Yihunie
Mamoru Adachi
Koshi Yamamoto
2006-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Africa–Madagascar connection and mammalian migrations Philip D. Rabinowitz
Stephen Woods
2006-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The structure of a Mesozoic basin beneath the Lake Tana area, Ethiopia, revealed by magnetotelluric imaging Sophie Hautot
Kathryn Whaler
Workneh Gebru
Mohammednur Desissa
2006-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Middle Devonian (Givetian) coral-stromatoporoid reefs in West Sahara (Morocco) Jobst Wendt
Bernd Kaufmann
2006-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
LES ‘ÉVOLUÉS’ ET LA CHANGE DANS L'AFRIQUE OCCIDENTALE FRANÇAISE Colonial Ambivalence, Cultural Authenticity, and the Limitations of Mimicry in French-Ruled West Africa, 1914–1956. By J<scp>AMES</scp> E. G<scp>ENOVA</scp>. New York: Peter Lang MAMADOU DIOUF 2006-03 The Journal of African History
THE ENDURANCE OF THE DHOW (AND OF SLAVE TRADING) Dhows and the Colonial Economy of Zanzibar, 1860–1970. By E<scp>RIK</scp> G<scp>ILBERT</scp>. Oxford: James Currey; Zanzibar: Gallery Publications; Nairobi: E.A.E.P; Athens OH: Ohio University W. G. CLARENCE-SMITH 2006-03 The Journal of African History
Tectonic significance of Late Neoproterozoic granites from the Tibesti massif in southern Libya inferred from Sr and Nd isotopes and U–Pb zircon data Ismail B. Suayah
Jonathan S. Miller
Brent V. Miller
Tovah M. Bayer
John J.W. Rogers
2006-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Subjectivity, Politics and Neoliberalism in Post-apartheid Cape Town Peter van Heusden
Rebecca Pointer
2006-04 Journal of Asian and African Studies
Amilcar Cabral and the Liberation of Guinea‐Bissau: context, challenges and lessons for effective African leadership Peter Karibe Mendy 2006-04 African Identities
Amílcar Cabral's legacy in view of the challenges of contemporary ethics Carlos Lopes 2006-04 African Identities
Challenges to state building in Africa Georges Nzongola‐Ntalaja 2006-04 African Identities
Manifestations of nationhood in the writings of Amilcar Cabral Alexis Wick 2006-04 African Identities
Articulating Cabral's regionalist and pan‐Africanist visions John Fobanjong 2006-04 African Identities
Visions of Apes, Reflections on Change: Telling Tales of Great Apes in Equatorial Africa Stephanie Rupp 2006-04 African Studies Review
Evolution of the Mayo Kebbi region as revealed by zircon dating: An early (ca. 740Ma) Pan-African magmatic arc in southwestern Chad Joseph Penaye
Alfred Kröner
Sadrack F. Toteu
Jean-Claude Doumnang
2006-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Single zircon ages of migmatitic gneisses and granulites in the Obudu Plateau: Timing of granulite-facies metamorphism in southeastern Nigeria Barth N. Ekwueme
Alfred Kröner
2006-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Neoproterozoic crustal evolution in Southern Chad: Pan-African ocean basin closing, arc accretion and late- to post-orogenic granitic intrusion A. Pouclet
M. Vidal
J.-C. Doumnang
J.-P. Vicat
R. Tchameni
2006-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
An overview of the geology and major ore deposits of Central Africa: Explanatory note for the 1:4,000,000 map “Geology and major ore deposits of Central Africa” J.P. Milesi
S.F. Toteu
Y. Deschamps
J.L. Feybesse
C. Lerouge
A. Cocherie
J. Penaye
R. Tchameni
G. Moloto-A-Kenguemba
H.A.B. Kampunzu
N. Nicol
E. Duguey
J.M. Leistel
M. Saint-Martin
F. Ralay
C. Heinry
V. Bouchot
J.C. Doumnang Mbaigane
V. Kanda Kula
F. Chene
J. Monthel
P. Boutin
J. Cailteux
2006-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Precambrian of Central Africa: Summary and perspectives S.F. Toteu
W.R. Van Schmus
J. Penaye
2006-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Precambrian of Central Africa S.F. Toteu
W.R. Van Schmus
J. Penaye
2006-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A Bibliography of African Art. Compiled by L. J. P. Gaskin. London: International African Institute, 1965. Pp. x, 120. 50s. - African and Oceanic Art. Parts One and Two. The Collection of Helena Rubinstein. New York: Parke-Bernet Galleries (a G. I. Jones 2006-04-18 Africa
Classical African Sculpture. By Margaret Trowell. London: Faber & Faber, 1954. Pp. 103 + lxviii, plates. 30s. - Bush Negro Art. By P. J. C. Dark. London: Tiranti, 1954. Pp. 66, diagrams, plates. 8s. 6d. - West African Art. E G. I. Jones 2006-04-18 Africa
Ecology and Culture of the Pastoral Tuareg: with particular reference to the Tuareg of Ahaggar and Ayr. By Johannes Nicolaisen. The National Museum of Copenhagen. Ethnographical Series. IX. 1963. Pp. 548. Figures and plates 298. No price. - Structur P. T. W. Baxter 2006-04-18 Africa
Lunda: bei Bauern und Jägern in Inner-Angola. Von Hermann Baumann. Ergebnisse der Angola-Expedition des Museums für Völkerkunde, Berlin. 249 S. 92 Tafeln u. zahl. Illustrationen. 1935. Berlin: Würfel Verlag. RM. 50. D. Westermann 2006-04-18 Africa
A Linguistic Bibliography of East Africa. Compiled by W. H. Whiteley and A. E. Gutkind. East African Swahili Committee and East African Institute of Social Research (Kampala). Revised Edition, 1958. (Loose-leaf format.) - Chi-Jomvu and Ki-Ngare, sub Lyndon Harries 2006-04-18 Africa
Savanna and Forest in Western Nigeria W. B. Morgan
R. P. Moss
2006-04-18 Africa
A Comparative Study in Shona Phonetics. By Clement M. Doke. Published with the aid of a grant from the Carnegie Corporation through the Research Grant Board, Union of South Africa. 8vo. viii + 298 pp. Johannesburg, 1931. H. Jensen 2006-04-18 Africa
Paul Richards, Indigenous Agricultural Revolution: ecology and food production in West Africa. London: Hutchinson Education, 1985, 192 pp., £12.95 hardback, £6.50 paperback, 0 09 161320 5 hardback, 0 09 161321 3 paperback. Polly Hill 2006-04-18 Africa
Letters on West Africa and the Slave Trade: Paul Erdmann Isert's Journey to Guinea and the Caribbean Islands in Columbia (1788) Harvey M. Feinberg
Selena Axelrod Winsnes
2006-04-18 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Collapsed States: The Disintegration and Restoration of Legitimate Authority Jeremy Grest
I. William Zartman
2006-04-19 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Pastoralists of the West African Savanna Joye L. Bowman
Mahdi Adamu
A. H. M. Kirk-Greene
2006-04-19 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Small change: individual farm work and collective life in a western Nigerian savanna town, 1969–88 Jane I. Guyer 2006-04-19 Africa
Migration in West Africa: a savanna village prespective David A. Cleveland 2006-04-19 Africa
Arnold Bamert, Africa, Tribal Art of Forest and Savanna, London, Thames and Hudson1980. - Robert Brain, Art and Society in Africa, London and New York, Longman1980. 304 pp. - Gert Chesi, The Last Africans, trans. Sonja Bahn and Ingrid Vogrin, Perlin Michelle Gilbert 2006-04-19 Africa
Mahdi Adamu and A. H. M. Kirk-Greene (eds.), Pastoralists of the West African Savanna, International African Seminars, New Series, No. 2, Manchester: Manchester University Press for the International African Institute, 1986, 391 pp., £35, ISBN 0 719 Kevin Waldie 2006-04-19 Africa
Pastoralists of the West African Savanna Jean-Pierre Raison
Mahdi Adamu
A. H. M. Kirk-Greene
T. Dietz
2006-04-25 Canadian Journal of African Studies
A Review of Research on Rural Themes in Francophone West Africa John W. Sommer 2006-04-25 Canadian Journal of African Studies
The Python Killer: Stories of Nzema Life Louise de la Gorgendière
Vinigi L. Grottanelli
Louise de la Gorgendiere
2006-04-25 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Learning by Performing Arts: From Indigenous to Endogenous Cultural Development James Forsythe
Kees Epskamp
2006-04-25 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Development Policies for Africa in the 1970s G. K. Helleiner 2006-04-25 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Metamorphism and gold mineralization of the Kenticha–Katawicha area: Adola belt, southern Ethiopia Lulu Tsige 2006-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Preliminary seismicity and focal mechanisms in the southern Gulf of Suez: August 1994 through December 1997 H.M. Hussein
I. Marzouk
A.R. Moustafa
N. Hurukawa
2006-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
End Cretaceous to recent polyphased compressive tectonics along the “Môle Constantinois” and foreland (NE Algeria) Ramdane Marmi
René Guiraud
2006-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
National Security Study Memorandum 39 and the Future of United States Policy toward Southern Africa Edgar Lockwood 2006-05-07 Issue: A Journal of Opinion
National Parks in Africa: A Note on a Problem of Indigenization Jonathan S. Crush 2006-05-08 African Studies Review
Kenneth Onwuka Dike,Trade and Politics, and the Restoration of the African in History Ebere Nwaubani 2006-05-08 History in Africa
The Role of Languages of Minority Groups for Literacy and Education in Africa Julia R. Van Dyken 2006-05-08 African Studies Review
Indigenous Mathematics of Africa Frank Swetz
Claudia Zaslansky
2006-05-08 African Studies Review
With All Deliberate Delay: National Security Action Memorandum 295 and U. S. Policy toward South West Africa William Minter 2006-05-08 African Studies Review
Aesthetics and Rituals of the Opha Ceremony among the Urhobo People John Tokpabere Agberia 2006-06 Journal of Asian and African Studies
Educators‘ perceptions of an in-service training programme N. Nkopodi 2006-06 Africa Education Review
Understanding occupational stress among educators: an overview G. M. Steyn
G. D. Kamper
2006-06 Africa Education Review
Institutionalising corporate citizenship: the case of Barloworld and its ‘Employee Value Creation’ process Claudia Appels
Lisette Van Duin
2006-06 Development Southern Africa
The JSE socially responsible investment index and the state of sustainability reporting in South Africa Dan Sonnenberg 2006-06 Development Southern Africa
Beliefs and attitudes about assessment of a sample of student teachers in South Africa Saloshna Vandeyar
Roy Killen
2006-06 Africa Education Review
The nature and incidence of barriers to learning among Grade Three learners in Tshwane Shirley J Kokot 2006-06 Africa Education Review
‘From OBE to C2005 to RNCS’: Are we still on track? Thabo Pudi 2006-06 Africa Education Review
Readings in Gender in Africa edited by Andrea Cornwall Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press and Oxford: James Currey, 2005. Pp. vii+247, US$24.95 (pbk.) 2006-06 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Autonomy &Intifadah: New Horizons in Western Saharan Nationalism Jacob Mundy 2006-06 Review of African Political Economy
Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic gneisses reworked during a Neoproterozoic (Pan-African) high-grade event in the Mozambique belt of East Africa: Structural relationships and zircon ages from the Kidatu area, central Tanzania M. Vogt
A. Kröner
U. Poller
H. Sommer
S. Muhongo
M.T.D. Wingate
2006-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
New radiometric age of volcanic rocks in the central Eritrean plateau (from Asmara to Adi Quala): Considerations on stratigraphy and correlations B. Zanettin
G. Bellieni
E. Justin Visentin
2006-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The dogger reef horizons of the Moroccan Central High Atlas: New data on their development Abdellah Ait Addi 2006-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Q115273344 Patrick G. Eriksson
Sospeter M. Muhongo
2006-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Ilorin Lantana Beads Ann O'Hear 2006-06-21 African Arts
The Future of African Art in Parisian Public Museums Peter Mark 2006-06-21 African Arts
Introduction: Festschrift for Bill Freund David Moore 2006-07 African Studies
The layers of social capital Pablo Idahosa
Bob Shenton
2006-07 African Studies
The works of Bill Freund 2006-07 African Studies
Studying development/development studies Henry Bernstein 2006-07 African Studies
Life histories of race and space in the making of Wentworth and Merebank, South Durban Sharad Chari 2006-07 African Studies
Ion microprobe zircon U–Pb dating of the late Archaean metavolcanics and associated granites of the Musoma-Mara Greenstone Belt, Northeast Tanzania: Implications for the geological evolution of the Tanzania Craton Shukrani Manya
Katsura Kobayashi
Makenya A.H. Maboko
Eizo Nakamura
2006-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Hiding from the state — searching for a nation: Writing the history of colonial Tanganyika John R. Campbell 2006-07-01 African Affairs
J. M. Coetzee and the Ethics of Reading: Literature in the Event (review) Lucy Graham 2006 Research in African Literatures
Cued Speeches: the Emergence ofShaurias Colonial Praxis in German East Africa, 1850–1903 Michael Pesek 2006 History in Africa
Missionary Knowledge and the State in Colonial Nigeria: On How G. T. Basden became an Expert Dmitri van den Bersselaar 2006 History in Africa
Acknowledging Knowledge: Dissemination and Reception of Expertise in Colonial Africa Dmitri van den Bersselaar 2006 History in Africa
Dilemmas of Culture in African Schools: Youth, Nationalism, and the Transformation of Knowledge (review) Katharina. Schramm 2006 Africa Today
CASSAVA: Nigeria 2006-07 Africa Research Bulletin
MEDICINE MURDERS AND COLONIAL RULE: THE LESOTHO CASE Medicine Murder in Colonial Lesotho. By C<scp>OLIN</scp> M<scp>URRAY</scp> and P<scp>ETER</scp> S<scp>ANDERS</scp>. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005. Pp. xvi+493. £50 (ISBN 0-748 MARC EPPRECHT 2006-07 The Journal of African History
WILD ANIMALS AND POLITICAL CONFLICT IN COLONIAL KENYA Black Poachers, White Hunters: A Social History of Hunting in Colonial Kenya. By E<scp>DWARD</scp> I. S<scp>TEINHART</scp>. Oxford: James Currey, 2006. Pp. viii+248. £50 (ISBN 0-85255-961- DEREK R. PETERSON 2006-07 The Journal of African History
The Python Killer: Stories of Nzema Life Vinigi L. Grottanelli 2006-07-30 Journal of Religion in Africa
Jean-Claude Muller, Les Rites initiatiques des Dìì de l'Adamaoua. Nanterre: Société d'ethnologie (pb €22.50 – 2 901161 52 9). 2002, 129 pp 2006-08 Africa
Book Review: Tired of Weeping: Mother Love, Child Death, and Poverty in Guinea-Bissau Aribidesi A. Usman 2006-08 Journal of Asian and African Studies
Stratigraphy of the Koobi Fora Formation (Pliocene and Pleistocene) in the Ileret region of northern Kenya Patrick N. Gathogo
Francis H. Brown
2006-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Impact of rehabilitation of Assiut barrage, Nile River, on groundwater rise in urban areas Mohamed A. Dawoud
Nahed E. El Arabi
Ahmed R. Khater
Jan van Wonderen
2006-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Hydrogeological investigation in Santiago Island (Cabo Verde) using magnetotellurics and VLF methods Fernando A. Monteiro Santos
Eugénio P. Almeida
Mota Gomes
António Pina
2006-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tectonic architecture through Landsat-7 ETM+/SRTM DEM-derived lineaments and relationship to the hydrogeologic setting in Siwa region, NW Egypt Alaa Masoud
Katsuaki Koike
2006-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Stratigraphy and evolution of the trachy-rhyolitic volcanism of the Senafe area (Eastern Eritrean Plateau) B. Zanettin
G. Bellieni
E. Justin Visentin
2006-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The seismic hazard assessment of the Dead Sea rift, Jordan Abdallah S. Al-Zoubi
Z.S.H. Abu-Hamatteh
Amrat Abdealkaderer
2006-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Comment on “The Moroccan Hercynides” by Hoepffner et al. (Journal of African Earth Sciences, vol. 43, pp. 144–165) Martin Roddaz
Jean-Claude Soula
Mohamed Ben Abbou
Stéphane Brusset
Pierre Debat
Ahmed Ntarmouchant
Youssef Driouch
Didier Béziat
2006-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Reply to the Comment on “The Moroccan Hercynides” by Roddaz M., Soula J.-C., Ben Abbou M., Brusset S., Debat P., Ntarmouchant A., Driouch Y., Béziat D Christian Hoepffner
Abderahmane Soulaimani
Alain Piqué
2006-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Alan MacDonald, Jeff Davies, Roger Calow, John Chilton. Developing Groundwater: A Guide for Rural Water Supply, ITDG Publishing, Warwickshire, 2005 K.T. Witthueser 2006-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Baka and the Magic of the State: Between Autochthony and Citizenship Alec Leonhardt 2006-09 African Studies Review
The second decade: The South African Journal of Economic History 1996 to 2005 Jon Inggs 2006-09 South African Journal of Economic History
What causes successful late development?Insights from history Christoph Buccheim 2006-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Capital flows, capital control regulations and foreign exchange policies in South Africa G.N. Farrell
K.R. Todani
2006-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The exchange control amnesty and the repatriation of foreign capital 2003–2005 Roger Gidlow 2006-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Datatec: A shooting star in the IT firmament 1989–2000 Stuart Jones 2006-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Keukentafeleconomics and the history of British Imperialism 2006-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Evolution of the Namaqua-Natal Belt, southern Africa – A geochronological and isotope geochemical review B.M. Eglington 2006-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mesoproterozoic orogenic belts in southern and central Africa Steve McCourt
Roger Key
2006-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Debt: Back In The Red 2006-09 Africa Research Bulletin
Mesoproterozoic intraplate magmatism in the Kalahari Craton: A review R.E. Hanson
R.E. Harmer
T.G. Blenkinsop
D.S. Bullen
W.A. Gose
R.P. Hall
A.B. Kampunzu
R.M. Key
J. Mukwakwami
H. Munyanyiwa
J.A. Pancake
E.K. Seidel
S.E. Ward
2006-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Mesoproterozoic Kibaride belt (Katanga, SE D.R. Congo) J.W. Kokonyangi
A.B. Kampunzu
R. Armstrong
M. Yoshida
T. Okudaira
M. Arima
D.A. Ngulube
2006-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geology and evolution of the Natal belt, South Africa S. McCourt
R.A. Armstrong
R.J. Thomas
2006-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Macroeconomic Shocks, Human Capital and Productive Efficiency: Evidence from West African Rice Farmers Shane M. Sherlund
Akinwumi A. Adesina
2006-09-01 Journal of African Economies
Saudi Arabia Andrzej Kapiszewski 2006-10 Journal of Asian and African Studies
On the Postcolony: a brief response to critics Achille Mbembe 2006-10 African Identities
From Afrikaner to African: whiteness and the politics of translation in Antjie Krog'sA Change of Tongue1 Helene Strauss 2006-10 African Identities
Belief in guns and warlords: freeing Karamojong identity from Africanist theory Ben Knighton∗ 2006-10 African Identities
A postcolonial text and the agency of theory 2006-10 African Identities
AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK: Debt Relief 2006-10 Africa Research Bulletin
MALAWI: Debt Write-Off 2006-10 Africa Research Bulletin
Editorial Patrick G. Eriksson
Sospeter M. Muhongo
Octavian Catuneanu
2006-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Integration of geological, hydrochemical and geophysical methods for prospecting thermal water resources: The case of the Hmeïma region (Central–Western Tunisia) N. Inoubli
M. Gouasmia
M. Gasmi
A. Mhamdi
H. Ben Dhia
2006-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Provenance and chemostratigraphy of the Neoproterozoic West Congolian Group in the Democratic Republic of Congo Hartwig E. Frimmel
Luc Tack
Miguel S. Basei
Allen P. Nutman
Ariel Boven
2006-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mineralogical, crystallographic and morphological characteristics of natural kaolins from the Ivory Coast (West Africa) J. Sei
F. Morato
G. Kra
S. Staunton
H. Quiquampoix
J.C. Jumas
J. Olivier-Fourcade
2006-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Fossil fuel energy resources of Ethiopia: Oil shale deposits Ahmed Wolela 2006-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Professor Emeritus Albert Adu Boahen (1932–2006) 2006-11 The Journal of African History
The Atlantic Slave Trade. By JOHANNES POSTMA. Westport CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2003. Paperback, Gainesville FL: University Press of Florida, 2005. Pp. xxii+177. $24.5 (ISBN 0-8130-2906-6) 2006-11 The Journal of African History
Significance of ODP results on deepwater hydrocarbon exploration – Eastern equatorial Atlantic region Barry Jay Katz 2006-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The relationships between tectonics and sedimentation in the Late Cretaceous series of the eastern Atlasic Domain (Algeria) Missoum Herkat
René Guiraud
2006-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Lineament characterization and their tectonic significance using Landsat TM data and field studies in the central highlands of Eritrea Semere Solomon
Woldai Ghebreab
2006-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
THE INTERPRETATION OF TEXTS IN COLONIAL KENYA Creative Writing: Translation, Bookkeeping, and the Work of Imagination in Colonial Kenya. By D<scp>EREK</scp> R. P<scp>ETERSON</scp>. Portsmouth: Heinemann Books, 2004. Pp. xiii +289. No price gi WUNYABARI O. MALOBA 2006-11 The Journal of African History
CIVIL DISPUTES AND SOCIAL LIFE IN THE FRENCH SOUDAN Litigants and Households: African Disputes and Colonial Courts in the French Soudan, 1895–1912. By R<scp>ICHARD</scp> R<scp>OBERTS</scp>. Portsmouth NH: Heinemann, 2005. Pp. xii+309. No pric JOHN H. HANSON 2006-11 The Journal of African History
Cultural Primordialism and the Post-Structuralist Imaginaire: Plus ÇA Change… Kate Meagher 2006-11 Africa
Cati Coe, Dilemma of Culture in African Schools: youth, nationalism and the transformation of knowledge. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press (pb $20.00 – 0 226 11131 8). 2005, 241pp. George J. Sefa Dei 2006-11 Africa
Klaar Gesnap As Kleurling:1 The Attempted Making and Remaking of the Griqua People Linda Waldman 2006-12 African Studies
Inventing Africa in the Twentieth Century: Cultural Imagination, Politics and Transnationalism inDrumMagazine Tom Odhiambo 2006-12 African Studies
The 2005 Annual Ruth First Memorial Lecture, University of the Witwatersrand: Experiencing AIDS Henk Rossouw 2006-12 African Studies
‘Ties that Bind’: A Transactional Approach to Social Capital Philippe Burger 2006-12 Social Dynamics
MALAWI: Paris Club Cancels Debt 2006-12 Africa Research Bulletin
Pan-African tectonic evolution and glacial events registered in Neoproterozoic to Cambrian cratonic and foreland basins of West Africa Max Deynoux
Pascal Affaton
Roland Trompette
Michel Villeneuve
2006-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Lithogenic concentrations of trace metals in soils and saprolites over crystalline basement rocks: A case study from SW Nigeria Moshood N. Tijani
Olugbenga A. Okunlola
Akinlolu F. Abimbola
2006-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Multiphase origin of the Cu–Co ore deposits in the western part of the Lufilian fold-and-thrust belt, Katanga (Democratic Republic of Congo) S. Dewaele
Ph. Muchez
J. Vets
M. Fernandez-Alonzo
L. Tack
2006-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Joking for Peace Social Organization, Tradition, and Change in Gambian Conflict Management Mark Davidheiser 2006-12-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
Joking for Peace. Social Organization, Tradition, and Change in Gambian Conflict Management Mark Davidheiser 2006-12-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
BOOK REVIEW: Derek Attridge. J. M. COETZEE AND THE ETHICS OF READING: LITERATURE IN THE EVENT. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2005. Lucy Graham 2006-12 Research in African Literatures
Lowell J. Satre. Chocolate on Trial: Slavery, Politics and the Ethics of Business. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2005. xii + 308 pp. Photographs. Bibliography. Index. $24.95. Paper. Catherine Higgs 2006-12 African Studies Review
Gender Inequalities and Economic Efficiency: New Evidence from Cassava-based Farm Holdings in Rural South-western Nigeria Awoyemi Taiwo Timothy
Adetola I. Adeoti
2006-12 African Development Review
Beverly Carolease Grier. Invisible Hands: Child Labor and the State in Colonial Zimbabwe. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann. Social History of Africa series. 219 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $29.95. Paper. Penelope M. Roach 2006-12 African Studies Review
Derek R. Peterson. Creative Writing: Translation, Bookkeeping, and the Work of Imagination in Colonial Kenya. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann, 2004. Social History of Africa Series, xiii + 289 pp. Maps. Photographs. Bibliography. Index. $63.95. Cloth. $ Michelle Moyd 2006-12 African Studies Review
Edward I. Steinhart. Black Poachers, White Hunters: A History of Hunting in Colonial Kenya. Oxford, James Currey/Athens: Ohio University Press, 2006. East African Studies series, viii + 248 pp. Photographs. Bibliography. Index. $49.95. Cloth. $26.95 2006-12 African Studies Review
BOOK REVIEW: Coe, Cati. DILEMMAS OF CULTURE IN AFRICAN SCHOOLS: YOUTH, NATIONALISM, AND THE TRANSFORMATION OF KNOWLEDGE. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2005. Katharina Schramm 2006-12 Africa Today
Historiography of Selected Works on Cecil John Rhodes (1853–1902) Richard A. McFarlane 2007 History in Africa
The Komenda Wars, 1694–1700: a Revised Narrative Robin Law 2007 History in Africa
Explaining the role of the morphological continuum in Bantu spirantisation Laura J. Downing 2007 Africana Linguistica
What Came First, the Nation or the State? Political Process in the Comoro Islands Iain. Walker 2007 Africa
Kinship and Contract in Somali Politics 2007 Africa
Conflitos da dinastia Guterres através da sua cronologia Fernando Campos 2007 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
The elephant shooting: colonial law and indirect rule in Kaoko, northwestern Namibia, in the 1920s and 1930s L. Rizzo 2007 The Journal of African History
Competing regionalisms in Africa and the continent's emerging security architecture Benedikt F. Franke 2007 African Studies Quarterly
The ash heap of history: reflections on historical research in Southern Africa Robert Edgar 2007 African Studies Quarterly
Contesting liberal legality: informal legal cultures in post-apartheid South Africa's privatizing seafood fishery Ken Salo 2007 African Studies Quarterly
Patrolling the resource transfer frontier: economic rights and the South African Constitutional Court's contributions to international justice Henry J., III Richardson 2007 African Studies Quarterly
Invisible resurrection: the recreation of a communist party in South Africa in the 1950's Sheridan Johns 2007 African Studies Quarterly
"Mannenberg": notes on the making of an icon and anthem [1] John Edwin Mason 2007 African Studies Quarterly
South African land reform and the global development industry Thackwray Driver 2007 African Studies Quarterly
Citizenship, ‘Civilisation’ and the Creation of South Africa's Immorality Act, 1927 Jeremy Martens 2007-01 South African Historical Journal
Challenges and Prospects for Peace in the Great Lakes Region of Africa Wafula Okumu 2007-01 African Security Review
Whose justice? Contextualising Angola's reintegration process Inge Ruigrok 2007-01 African Security Review
Conflict circuit breakers in the Great Lakes Region of Africa William Church
Marco Jowell
2007-01 African Security Review
African Soccer and Brain Drain: Potential Developmental Impacts Ian Yeboah 2007-01 African Geographical Review
The World Trade Organization's Doha Round and Cotton: Continued Peripheral Status or a “Historical Breakthrough” for African Farmers? Samuel T. Ledermann
William G. Moseley
2007-01 African Geographical Review
The War on Terror in a Haze of Dust: Potholes and Pitfalls on the Saharan Front Baz Lecocq
Paul Schrijver
2007-01 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
Caste, Class and Race: Continuities and Discontinuities across Indian and South African Schools 2007-01 South African Historical Journal
Seismic stratigraphy, tectonics and depositional history in the Halk el Menzel region, NE Tunisia Kawthar Sebei
Mohamed Hédi Inoubli
Haïfa Boussiga
Said Tlig
Rabah Alouani
Mustapha Boujamaoui
2007-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Adapting existing experience with aquifer vulnerability and groundwater protection for Africa N.S. Robins
P.J. Chilton
J.E. Cobbing
2007-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Oulad Ouaslam Variscan granitic pluton (Jebilets Massif, Southwestern Moroccan Meseta): A forcibly emplaced laccolithic intrusion characterized by its magnetic and magmatic fabrics M.H. Boummane
Ph. Olivier
2007-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Postconflict Development: Meeting new challenges, edited by Gerd Junne and Willemijn Verkoren. London: Lynne Reiner, 2004. vii + 371 pp. £19.95 (paperback). ISBN 1-588826-303-7 (paperback) 2007-01-01 African Affairs
The Nationalistic Music of I.D. Riverson Andoh, T.E. 2007 Legon Journal of the Humanities
Corporate governance and shareholder value maximization: An African perspective Kyereboah-Coleman, A 2007 African Development Review
Auto-Referential Affective Construction: An Aspect of the Syntax of Inalienable Possessions in Swahili Dzahene-Quarshie, J. 2007 Legon Journal of the Humanities
Market participation and rural poverty in Ghana in the era of globalization Oduro, A.D.
Osei-Akoto, I.
2007 African Development Review
The 'Relevant' university: The ghanaian experience Dovlo, E. 2007 Social Dynamics
Black Poachers, White Hunters: A social history of hunting in colonial Kenya, by Edward I. Steinhart. Oxford: James Currey, 2006. 248 pp. £50.00 (hardback), £16.95 (paperback). ISBN 0-85255-961-5 (hardback), ISBN 0-85255-960-7 (paperback). Lotte Hughes 2007-01-01 African Affairs
South Africa: BEE Compliance 2007-01-03 Africa Research Bulletin
Youth Festivals and Museums: The Cultural Politics of Public Memory in Postcolonial Mali Mary Jo Arnoldi 2007-01-05 Africa Today
Interventionist participatory methodology and experiences of involving stakeholders in providing and vetting information on growing up and sexual maturation O Shumba
D Chakuchichi
2007-01-05 Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research
African Cultures, Visual Arts and the Museum: Sights/Sites of Creativity and Conflict (review) Leora Maltz 2007-01-09 Research in African Literatures
Oruku Tindi Tindi : Museums and the Pseudo-Aesthethics of Primitivism Moyosore B. (Moyosore Benjamin) Okediji 2007-01-09 Research in African Literatures
Feminism and the Question of "Woman" in Assia Djebar's Vaste est la prison Jane Hiddleston 2007-01-09 Research in African Literatures
UNFCCC: Climate Conference, Nairobi 2007-01 Africa Research Bulletin
Language Shift, Cultural Change and Identity Retention: Indian South Africans in the 1960s and Beyond Rajend Mesthrie 2007-01 South African Historical Journal
African Shea Butter: A Feminized Subsidy from Nature 2007-02 Africa
Secular changes recorded in mineralization of African crust T. Mabidi
C. Thiart
M.J. de Wit
2007-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Ion probe dating of the Achab Gneiss, a young basement to the Central Bushmanland Ore District? David H. Cornell
Åsa Pettersson
2007-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Child Work and Schooling: The Role of Household Asset Profiles and Poverty in Rural Ethiopia J. Cockburn
B. Dostie
2007-02-01 Journal of African Economies
The Python and the Crying Tree: Interpreting Tales of Environmental and Colonial Power in the Transkei Jacob Tropp 2007-02-02 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Museums and Archaeology in West Africa, and: Museums and the Community in West Africa (review) Rogier Michiel Alphons Bedaux 2007-02-07 Research in African Literatures
Imagining Insiders: Africa and the Question of Belonging (review) M. Elisabeth Mudimbe-boyi 2007-02-07 Research in African Literatures
Les cinemas d'Afrique noire: le regard en question (review) Jonathan Haynes 2007-02-07 Research in African Literatures
The Women of Kalabougou (Mali) Janet Goldner 2007-03 African Arts
Primitive Accumulation, Enclavity, Rural Marginalisation & Articulation 2007-03 Review of African Political Economy
Urban Working Class Credit Usage and Over-Indebtedness in South Africa* Ingrid Hurwitz
John Luiz
2007-03 Journal of Southern African Studies
Why Look East? Zimbabwean Foreign Policy and China Jeremy Youde 2007-03 Africa Today
CAPE VERDE: Climate Observatory 2007-03 Africa Research Bulletin
Germany's Colonial Pasts. Edited by E<scp>RIC</scp> A<scp>MES</scp>, M<scp>ARCIA</scp> K<scp>LOTZ</scp> and L<scp>ORA</scp> W<scp>ILDENTHAL</scp>. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 2005. Pp. xxi+255. $45 (<scp>ISBN</scp> 0-803 REINHART KÖSSLER 2007-03 The Journal of African History
THE COLONIAL SOCIETY IN FRENCH WEST AFRICA IN TRANSITION French Colonialism Unmasked: The Vichy Years in French West Africa. By R<scp>UTH</scp> G<scp>INIO</scp>. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 2006. Pp. xviii+243. £40 (<scp CATHERINE COQUERY-VIDROVITCH 2007-03 The Journal of African History
BOOK REVIEW: Bay, Edna G. WIVES OF THE LEOPARD: GENDER, POLITICS AND CULTURE IN THE KINGDOM OF DAHOMEY. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1998. Jeanne Maddox Toungara 2007-03-16 Africa Today
BOOK REVIEW: Coord. and ed. Debbie Landman.A SELECT INDEX TO SOUTH AFRICAN LITERATURE IN ENGLISH. Grahamstown: National English Literary Museum, 1996. Nancy J. Schmidt 2007-03-16 Research in African Literatures
BOOK REVIEW: ed. Claude Daniel Ardouin.MUSEUMS AND ARCHAEOLOGY IN WEST AFRICA. Washington, DC: The Smithsonian Institution P, in association with The African International Institute, 1997. and ed. Claude Daniel Ardouin and Emmanuel Arinze. Rogier M.A. Bedaux 2007-03-16 Research in African Literatures
Youth Festivals and Museums: The Cultural Politics of Public Memory in Postcolonial Mali Mary Jo Arnoldi 2007-03-16 Africa Today
The Ghost of Leopold II: The Belgian Royal Museum of Central Africa and Its Dusty Colonialist Exhibition Jean Muteba Rahier 2007-03-16 Research in African Literatures
Oruku Tindi Tindi: Museums and the Pseudo-Aesthetics of Primitivism Moyo Okediji 2007-03-16 Research in African Literatures
BOOK REVIEW: Pogrund, Benjamin. WAR OF WORDS: MEMOIR OF A SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNALIST. New York: Seven Stories Press. 2000. John Gartley 2007-03-16 Africa Today
Feminism and the Question of ?Woman? in Assia Djebar'sVaste est la prison Jane Hiddleston 2007-03-16 Research in African Literatures
The Problem with English Literature: Canonicity, Citizenship, and the Idea of Africa A. O. Amoko 2007-03-16 Research in African Literatures
The Question of a National Literature for Nigeria Joanna Sullivan 2007-03-16 Research in African Literatures
BOOK REVIEW: Olivier Barlet.LES CIN�MAS D'AFRIQUE NOIRE: LE REGARD EN QUESTION. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1996. Jonathan Haynes 2007-03-16 Research in African Literatures
BOOK REVIEW: Mineke Schipper.IMAGINING INSIDERS: AFRICA AND THE QUESTION OF BELONGING. London: Cassell, 1999. Elisabeth Mudimbe-Boyi 2007-03-16 Research in African Literatures
The Idea of Democracy in African Tales Joseph Dong'Aroga 2007-03-16 Research in African Literatures
Notes on theorizing black diaspora from Africa1 Maurice Taonezvi Vambe
Abebe Zegeye
2007-04 African Identities
Rethinking ethical issues in African media Tendai Chari 2007-04 African Identities
Disabled systems and disabling social actions in South Africa Ari Sitas 2007-04 African Identities
Corruption, migration and the Zimbabwean nation: John Eppel'sHatchings Marcel Khombe Mangwanda 2007-04 African Identities
Epilogue: ‘Seeing Like a State’ in Africa – High Modernism, Legibility and Community Peter Geschiere 2007-04 African Studies
Managing Distance Thomas Cousins 2007-04 Journal of Asian and African Studies
Is It Ethical to Study Africa? Preliminary Thoughts on Scholarship and Freedom Amina Mama 2007-04 African Studies Review
LIBERIA: US Cancels Debt 2007-04 Africa Research Bulletin
ZAMBIA: Vulture Fund Debt Case 2007-04 Africa Research Bulletin
Current Literature Survey 2007-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Divining the Past: The Linguistic Reconstruction of 'African' Roots in Diasporic Ritual Registers and Songs 2007-04-01 Journal of Religion in Africa
INVESTMENT CLIMATE FACILITY: Ready For First Project 2007-04 Africa Research Bulletin
Seismic sequence stratigraphy and platform to basin reservoir structuring of Lower Cretaceous deposits in the Sidi Aïch-Majoura region (Central Tunisia) Hajer Azaïez
Mourad Bédir
Dorra Tanfous
Mohamed Soussi
2007-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tectonics of the Western Mediterranean and North Africa, G. Moratti, A. Chalouan (Eds.), Geological Society, London (2006) Martin Rigby 2007-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
École, langues, cultures et développement Géraldine André 2007-05-31 Cahiers d'études africaines
Steinhart, Edward I. – Black Poachers, White Hunters. A Social History of Hunting in Colonial Kenya Yvan Droz 2007-05-31 Cahiers d'études africaines
Coe, Cati. – Dilemmas of Culture in African Schools. Youth, Nationalism, and The Transformation of Knowledge Nathalie BONINI 2007-05-31 Cahiers d'études africaines
‘Fair Trade’ with Africa Michael Barratt Brown 2007-06 Review of African Political Economy
Africa's Maritime Dimension: Unlocking and Securing the Potential of its Seas—Interventions and Opportunities Frank C van Rooyen 2007-06 African Security Review
Human security in Africa Cheryl Hendricks 2007-06 African Security Review
2007: The Return to the Traditional Security Paradigm? Mariam B Jooma 2007-06 African Security Review
African Union promotion of human security in Africa Thomas Kwasi Tieku 2007-06 African Security Review
Human Security and the State in Africa Ian S Spears 2007-06 African Security Review
School-based management: stakeholder participation and the impact of stakeholder values Rj (Nico) Botha 2007-06 Africa Education Review
The development of values as affective traits in learners Gs Kotzé 2007-06 Africa Education Review
Towards a leadership model for the effective management of Further Education and Training colleges Mjs Mohlokoane
Ia Coetzer
2007-06 Africa Education Review
The school cluster system as an innovation: Perceptions of Zimbabwean teachers and school heads Vitallis Chikoko 2007-06 Africa Education Review
The Department of Literature and the Department of English: Transforming Aspects of ‘English Studies’ in South Africa Christopher Thurman 2007-06 Social Dynamics
Looking for Die Besten Boeren: The Normalisation of Afrikaner Settlement in German South West Africa, 1884–1914* Robbie Aitken 2007-06 Journal of Southern African Studies
Global encounters: ‘Barbie’ in Nigerian Agbogho-mmuo mask context Chinyere G. Okafor 2007-06 Journal of African Cultural Studies
UGANDA: Private Sector Debt 2007-06 Africa Research Bulletin
Central African Republic: Paris Club Debt Deal 2007-06 Africa Research Bulletin
LIBERIA: Unpayable Debt 2007-06 Africa Research Bulletin
An integrated geophysical study of the northern Kenya rift Nicolas O. Mariita
G. Randy Keller
2007-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Shallow seismic refraction and magnetic studies at Lake Ngami, The Okavango Delta, Northwest Botswana K. Laletsang
M.P. Modisi
E.M. Shemang
L. Moffat
O.R. Moagi
2007-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Quaternary faulting and volcanism in the Main Ethiopian Rift B. Abebe
V. Acocella
T. Korme
D. Ayalew
2007-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Early structural development of the Okavango rift zone, NW Botswana B.D. Kinabo
E.A. Atekwana
J.P. Hogan
M.P. Modisi
D.D. Wheaton
A.B. Kampunzu
2007-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Emplacement mechanisms for Continental Flood Basalts and implications for plume activity during incipient continental breakup Genene Mulugeta
Bekele Abebe
Tesfaye Korme
Dimitrios Sokoutis
2007-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry of East African Rift basalts: An overview Tanya Furman 2007-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Petrogenesis of silicic peralkaline rocks in the Ethiopian rift: Geochemical evidence and volcanological implications A. Peccerillo
C. Donati
A.P. Santo
A. Orlando
G. Yirgu
D. Ayalew
2007-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Water management problems in the Ethiopian rift: Challenges for development Tenalem Ayenew 2007-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Integrated approach to the study of geohazards with application in southern Afar Laike M. Asfaw 2007-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
In memoriam: Henri Kampunzu (1952–2004) Atalay Ayele 2007-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Preface Atalay Ayele
Mohamed G. Abdelsalam
Gezahegn Yirgu
2007-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Colonial Fictions: Memory and History in Yvonne Vera's Imagination Paul Zeleza 2007-06 Research in African Literatures
Changes in performance styles: a case study ofMuheme, a musical tradition of the Wagogo of Dodoma, Tanzania Kedmon Mapana 2007-06 Journal of African Cultural Studies
Considering the Legacy of Radical/Social History in South Africa1 This paper was prepared for the Unisa Department of History's Sixtieth Anniversary Commemoration Series, 1946–2006 and was presented on 6 September 2006 Cynthia Kros 2007-07 African Historical Review
Experiencing Identities: Making and Remaking African Communities Richard Reid
Uoldelul Chelati Dirar
2007-07 Journal of Eastern African Studies
The Rise and Fall of Mogadishu's Islamic Courts Cedric Barnes
Harun Hassan
2007-07 Journal of Eastern African Studies
Tectonic styles in the Marrakesh High Atlas (Morocco): The role of heritage and mechanical stratigraphy Yves Missenard
Zouhair Taki
Dominique Frizon de Lamotte
Mohamed Benammi
Mohamad Hafid
Pascale Leturmy
Michel Sébrier
2007-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Akoko-Ikale: A Revision of Colonial Historiography on the Construction of Ethnic Identity in Southeastern Yorubaland Olukoya Ogen 2007 History in Africa
Removing the Blinders and Adjusting the View: A Case Study from Early Colonial Sierra Leone Daniel R. Magaziner 2007 History in Africa
Autour d'un livre 2007 Politique africaine
The constraints and institutional challenges facing industrial policy in South Africa: a way forward David E. Kaplan 2007 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
The colour of success: a qualitative study of affirmative action attitudes of black academics in South Africa Kevin. Durrheim
Merridy. Boettiger
Zaynab. Essack
Silvia. Maarschalk
Chitra. Ranchod
2007 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
About T. A. Barringer, the compiler 2007 Africa
Religion and transformation in South Africa? Institutional and discursive change in a charismatic congregation Gladys. Ganiel 2007 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Globalization & academic ethics 2007-07-08 Review of African Political Economy
A BALANCED ASSESSMENT OF CATHOLIC MISSIONARY ENTERPRISE - Cross and Flag in Africa: The ‘White Fathers’ during the Colonial Scramble (1892–1914). By Aylward Shorter. Maryknoll NY: Orbis Books, 2006. Pp. xxxv+294. $25, paperback (<scp>isbn</scp>15707 ANDREW PORTER 2007-07 The Journal of African History
Clientelism and Ethiopia's post-1991 decentralisation Paulos Chanie 2007-07-16 The Journal of Modern African Studies
The chimera of redistribution in post-apartheid South Africa: ‘Black Economic Empowerment’ (BEE) in industrial fisheries Stefano Ponte
Lance van Sittert
2007-07-18 African Affairs
The city beyond the border: the urban worlds of Duiker, Mpe and Vera Meg Samuelson 2007-08 African Identities
Transforming urban landscapes: soccer fields as sites of urban sociability in the agglomeration of Dakar Susann Baller 2007-08 African Identities
Imperial legacies and postcolonial predicaments: an introduction Fassil Demissie 2007-08 African Identities
Narrating the African city from the diaspora: Lagos as a trope in Ben Okri and Chika Unigwe's short stories Ayo Kehinde 2007-08 African Identities
Cinema and the edgy city: Johannesburg, carjacking, and the postmetropolis Martin J. Murray 2007-08 African Identities
ISLAMIC BANKING: Sharia Compliant Products Demanded 2007-08 Africa Research Bulletin
Lithostratigraphy of the Kalahari Group in northeastern Namibia Heike Wanke
Ansgar Wanke
2007-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Conflict prevention and early warning mechanisms in West Africa: A critical assessment of progress Issaka K Souaré 2007-09 African Security Review
The pitfalls of action and inaction: Civilian protection in MONUC's peacekeeping operations Joshua Marks 2007-09 African Security Review
The responsibility to protect, as enshrined in article 4 of the Constitutive Act of the African Union Tim Murithi 2007-09 African Security Review
Security alerts and their impacts on Africa Wafula Okumu 2007-09 African Security Review
Conflict prevention and the responsibility to protect in Africa Kenneth Mpyisi
Tim Murithi
2007-09 African Security Review
Greasing the wheels of reconciliation in the great Lakes region Joseph Yav Katshung 2007-09 African Security Review
Historical duty or pragmatic interest? Notes on EU and AU security issues Norbert Tóth 2007-09 African Security Review
Trust companies and boards of executors versus banks aspects of the battle for corporate trusteeship and trust business in South Africa up to 1940 Anton Ehlers 2007-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Foreign joint‐stock companies operating in Portuguese colonies on the eve of the First World War 2007-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Economic historiography in the Netherlands 1960–2000 Leo Noordegraaf 2007-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Economic History in Turkey: Advent, present condition and prospects Eyup Ozveren 2007-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Possible eastward tectonic transport and northward gravitational tectonic collapse in the Arabian–Nubian shield of western Ethiopia Tadesse Yihunie
Fekadu Hailu
2007-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Black Poachers, White Hunters: A Social History of Hunting in Colonial Kenya, Edward L. Steinhart Thomas P. Ofcansky 2007-09 Africa Today
Biografie in die pryslied: die bydrae van Antjie Krog naas twee Xhosa pryssangers J Van Niekerk 2007-09-27 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Pseudoskirroceras, a remarkable but poorly known Early Pliensbachian Tethyan ammonite genus: New data from the High Atlas (Morocco) Soumia Sarih
Jean-Louis Dommergues
Khadija El Hariri
Jean-Pierre Garcia
Amelie Quiquerez
2007-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Briefing: US Africa Command: Next Step or Next Stumble? S. McFate 2007-10-04 African Affairs
Arab Identity and Ideology in Sudan: The Politics of Language, Ethnicity, and Race H. J. Sharkey 2007-10-04 African Affairs
Food Familiarity and Novelty in a Condition of Socio-economic Transformation in North-Central Ethiopia Abbebe Kifleyesus 2007-10-10 Journal of Eastern African Studies
The KwaZulu-Natal Income Dynamics Study (KIDS) third wave: methods, first findings and an agenda for future research Julian D May
Jorge Agüero
Ian M Timæus
2007-10-22 Development Southern Africa
(Mis)Understanding Nelson Mandela Raymond Suttner 2007-11 African Historical Review
Perspectives on a zero-tolerance approach to discipline: towards maintaining a nurturing and secure school environment R. Mestry
K.C. Moloi
A.N Mahomed
2007-11 Africa Education Review
Educators’ perceptions and observations of learner-on-learner violence and violence-related behaviour C. de Wet 2007-11 Africa Education Review
Language-in-education policy in South Africa: The challenge of sign language T.G. Reagan 2007-11 Africa Education Review
Bringing down the fence through school-community partnership: a case for the Community Education Forum framework T. Bhengu 2007-11 Africa Education Review
A 'little England' in Chishanga: The fate of a British Empire leprosarium at Ngomahuru, 1925-1946 Gerald Chikozho Mazarire 2007-11 African Historical Review
Teaching and learning through multiple intelligences in the outcomes-based education classroom F.E. Gouws 2007-11 Africa Education Review
The availability, suitability and use of instructional materials in integrated science classrooms in Zimbabwean schools D. Zhou
M.M. Botha
2007-11 Africa Education Review
The implications of the out-of-field phenomenon for effective teaching, quality education and school management G.M. Steyn
E. du Plessis
2007-11 Africa Education Review
Sedimentation, depositional environment and diagenesis of Eocene biosiliceous deposits in Gafsa basin (southern Tunisia) Mohsen Henchiri 2007-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
[A study on the general public understanding and utilization of Korean traditional medicine.] Yi GM
Kim YK
2007-11-01 The Journal of African History
Quests for Health and Contests for Meaning: African Church Leaders and Scottish Missionaries in the Early Twentieth Century Presbyterian Church in Northern Malawi 2007-11-28 Journal of Southern African Studies
Friends and Interests: China's Distinctive Links with Africa Barry Sautman
Yan Hairong
2007-12 African Studies Review
Nollywood in Lagos, Lagos in Nollywood Films Jonathan Haynes 2007-12 Africa Today
Western Sahara: What can we expect from the Manhasset Talks? Issaka K Souaré 2007-12 African Security Review
Private military/security companies and human security in Africa Deane-Peter Baker
Sabelo Gumedze
2007-12 African Security Review
Oh Big Brother, where art thou? On the Internet, of course…The use of intrusive methods of investigation by state intelligence services Lauren Hutton 2007-12 African Security Review
Darfur and the impact of protest fever Mariam Bibi Jooma 2007-12 African Security Review
Private security contractors and international humanitarian law—a skirmish for recognition in international armed conflicts Shannon Bosch 2007-12 African Security Review
Filling the Void: Contractors as peacemakers in Africa Derek Wright
Jennifer C Brooke
2007-12 African Security Review
Towards the revision of the 1977 Organisation of African Unity/African Union Convention on the Elimination of Mercenarism in Africa Sabelo Gumedze 2007-12 African Security Review
The First Globalisation and Transnational Labour Activism in Southern Africa: White Labourism, the IWW, and the ICU, 1904–1934 Lucien Van Der Walt 2007-12 African Studies
Towards a Gendered and Raced Socialist Internationalism: Dora Montefiore Encounters South Africa (1912–14) Karen Hunt 2007-12 African Studies
A tribute to Ousmane Sembène Fassil Demissie 2007-12 African Identities
Towards a Concrete East African Trade Union Federation: History, Prospects and Constraints George M Gona 2007-12 African Studies
Rethinking Worlds of Labour: Southern African Labour History in International Context Philip Bonner
Jonathan Hyslop
Lucien Van Der Walt
2007-12 African Studies
Labour History: The Old, the New and the Global Marcel Van Der Linden 2007-12 African Studies
The informalization of urbanity Sanya Osha 2007-12 African Identities
Out of Time: The National Union of Metalworker's Pursuit of Power: 1989–1995 Kally Forrest 2007-12 African Studies
Ursula Trüper.The Invisible Woman: Zara Schmelen, African Mission Assistant at the Cape and in Namaland Heike Becker 2007-12 Social Dynamics
L'accès aux ressources végétales et leur valorisation : un programme de multi-partenariats en Bolivie Vanessa Nuzzo 2007-12-14 Afrique contemporaine
Roberts, Richard. – Litigants and Households. African Dispute and Colonial Courts in the French Soudan, 1895-1912. Social History of Africa Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch 2007-12-15 Cahiers d'études africaines
Bonny Ibhawoh. Imperialism and Human Rights: Colonial Discourses of Rights and Liberties in African History. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2007. xvi + 226 pp. Photographs. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $60.00. Cloth. Chima J. Korieh 2007-12 African Studies Review
“The Option of the Judicial Path” Rachel Jean-Baptiste 2007-12-15 Cahiers d'études africaines
REPUBLIC OF CONGO: Debt Cancellation 2007-12-21 Africa Research Bulletin
LIBERIA: Debt Relief Pledged 2007-12-21 Africa Research Bulletin
UNDP: Climate Threat to Sub-Saharan Africa 2007-12-21 Africa Research Bulletin
South Africa: The End of Apartheid & the Emergence of the ‘BEE Elite’ Bill Freund 2007-12-31 Review of African Political Economy
Uundaji wa Istilahi za Kiswahili Kileksikografia na Athari zake S. S. Sewangi 2007-12-31 Nordic Journal of African Studies
Élus, miliciens et prophètes 2008 Politique africaine
Autour d'un livre 2008 Politique africaine
Trade Unions and Democracy: Cosatu workers’ political attitudes in South Africa (review) Shaun Ruggunan 2008 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
An interest in intervention: a moral argument for Darfur Christy Mawdsley 2008 African Studies Quarterly
Comparative perspectives on the rehabilitation of ex-slaves and former child soldiers with special reference to Sudan Randall Fegley 2008 African Studies Quarterly
The 5th Francophonie Sports and Arts Festival: Niamey, Niger hosts a global community Scott M. Youngstedt 2008 African Studies Quarterly
Who ruled by the spear? Rethinking the form of governance in the Ndebele state Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni 2008 African Studies Quarterly
Colonialism within colonialism: the Hausa-Caliphate imaginary and the British colonial administration of the Nigerian Middle Belt Moses Ochonu 2008 African Studies Quarterly
Le marché et la diffusion des innovations institutionnelles Marcel Fafchamps 2008 Afrique contemporaine
Cartographical Quandaries: the Limits of Knowledge Production in Burton's and Speke's Search for the Source of the Nile Adrian S. Wisnicki 2008-01 History in Africa
Islamic incursions into West Africa: Sembene's ‘Ceddo’ and Condé'sSegu Robert H. McCormick, Jr 2008-01 African and Black Diaspora
Trafficking in pain: genealogies of witnessing slavery in Francesco Bartolozzi and concluding with Lalla Essaydi Hershini Bhana Young 2008-01 African and Black Diaspora
Navigating the African diaspora through film: interview with Euzhan Palcy Fassil Demissie 2008-01 African and Black Diaspora
Desilencing diasporic memory/ies in knowledge production on Highlife Markus Coester 2008-01 African and Black Diaspora
Cultural associations, clothing and food as markers of cultural identity in testimonies of Cameroonian forced migrants in Johannesburg Ernest Pineteh 2008-01 African and Black Diaspora
Sentiment and cosmopolitanism in Olaudah Equiano'sNarrative Christine Levecq 2008-01 African and Black Diaspora
The continuing salience of race: Discrimination and diversity in South Africa 2008-01 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
A micropalaeontological fraud that affected the JAES Bruno Granier
Monique Feist
Patrick G. Eriksson
Sospeter M. Muhongo
2008-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Microstructures in the Cretaceous Bima Sandstone, Upper Benue Trough, N.E. Nigeria: Implication for hydrocarbon migration N.K. Samaila
E.F.C. Dike
N.G. Obaje
2008-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Boubacar Diakite
2008-01-01 Journal of West African Languages
The Pan-African Goombay Drum-Dance: Its Ramifications and Development in Ghana Collins, J. 2008 Legon Journal of the Humanities
Returning to the “Motherland”, Illusions and Realities: A Study of Aidoo’s The Dilemma of a Ghost and Onwueme’s Legacies / The Missing Face Asiedu, A.M. 2008 Legon Journal of the Humanities
How does foreign direct investment affect the export decisions of firms in Ghana? Abor, J.
Adjasi, C.K.D.
Hayford, M.
Hayford, M
2008 African Development Review
“The Lost Province”: Neglect and Governance in Colonial Ogoja John Manton 2008-01 History in Africa
Undoing and reconstructing African identities: a cultural approach Emmanuel Yewah 2008-02 African Identities
Strangers and sojourners: who were Miss V and Miss W? David Limond 2008-02 African Identities
The African in America: race and the politics of Diaspora Utz McKnight 2008-02 African Identities
Imagined South Africa† Kenneth Parker 2008-02 African Identities
CL-imaging and ion microprobe dating of single zircons from a high-grade rock from the Central Zone, Limpopo Belt, South Africa: Evidence for a single metamorphic event at ∼2.0Ga H. Mouri
G. Brandl
S. de Waal
M. Guiraud
2008-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
LIBERIA: ADB Clears Debt 2008-02 Africa Research Bulletin
Feldspar concentrations in lower Cambrian limestones of the Moroccan Atlas: Pyroclastic vs authigenic processes J. Javier Álvaro
Blanca Bauluz
2008-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Intrusive rocks and tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Mako Paleoproterozoic belt (Eastern Senegal, West Africa) Mamadou Gueye
Papa Malick Ngom
Mouhamadane Diène
Yaouba Thiam
Siegfried Siegesmund
Klaus Wemmer
Sabine Pawlig
2008-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A review of the pressure–temperature–time evolution of the Limpopo Belt: Constraints for a tectonic model M. Rigby
H. Mouri
G. Brandl
2008-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Variscan Tamlalt–Menhouhou gold deposit, Eastern High-Atlas, Morocco Ewan Pelleter
Alain Cheilletz
Dominique Gasquet
Abdellah Mouttaqi
Mohammed Annich
Abdelkhalek El Hakour
Gilbert Féraud
2008-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Investigations of ore deposits within the West African Craton and surrounding areas Tahar Aïfa 2008-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Scaling up support for children in HIV-affected families by involving early childhood development workers: community views from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Jane D Kvalsvig 2008-02-11 Development Southern Africa
‘Just Deserts’: Race, Class and Distributive Justice in Post-Apartheid South Africa 2008-02-20 Journal of Southern African Studies
Financial modelling of municipal services in South African towns Bee Thompson
Ian Palmer
Rolfe Eberhard
2008-02-27 Development Southern Africa
History & Identity in the Construction of China's Africa Policy Chris Alden
Cristina Alves
2008-03 Review of African Political Economy
Only a Folie de Grandeur? Understanding French policy in Africa Berouk Mesfin 2008-03 African Security Review
China's ventures in Africa Kwesi Aning
Delphine Lecoutre
2008-03 African Security Review
Africa in the world Deane Peter Baker 2008-03 African Security Review
Temne Twins (Tà-bàri) Should Share Everything: Do You Mean Everything? Frederick John Lamp 2008-03 African Arts
THE GAMBIA: Paris Club Debt Write-Off 2008-03 Africa Research Bulletin
GUINEA: Restructuring Debt Deal 2008-03 Africa Research Bulletin
GUINEA BISSAU: Debt Relief 2008-03 Africa Research Bulletin
Peter Lewis Shinnie 1915–2007 Nicholas David 2008-03-11 African Archaeological Review
Aawambo Kingdoms, History and Cultural Change: Perspectives from Northern Namibia, Lovisa T. Nampala and Vilho Shigwedha Kate M. Schroeder 2008-03 Africa Today
The Black Female Body as a ‘Consumer and a Consumable’ in CurrentDrumandTrue LoveMagazines in South Africa1 Tom Odhiambo 2008-04 African Studies
A Self-Defining Universe? Case Studies from the ‘Special Hearings: Women’ of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission Barbara Russell 2008-04 African Studies
A new editorial vision for the JAES Patrick G. Eriksson
Sospeter M. Muhongo
2008-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Crustal age domains in the Kibaran belt of SW-Uganda: Combined zircon geochronology and Sm–Nd isotopic investigation Robert Buchwaldt
Theofilos Toulkeridis
Wolfgang Todt
Elias K. Ucakuwun
2008-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Toarcian–Bathonian succession of the Antsiranana Basin (NW Madagascar): Facies analysis and tectono-sedimentary history in the development of the East Africa-Madagascar conjugate margins Mauro Papini
Marco Benvenuti
2008-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
La violence de l’imaginaire des enfants-sorciers* 2008-04-07 Cahiers d'études africaines
GROTTANELLI, Vinigi L., The Python Killer: Stories of Nzema Life, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1988, 223 pp., $24.95, 0 226 31005 2008-04-07 Journal of Religion in Africa
Everyone has the Right to Education - Y. G.-M. Lulat. A History of African Higher Education from Antiquity to the Present: A Critical Synthesis. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2005. xii + 624 pp. Bibliography. Index. $129.95. Cloth. - Cati Coe. Dilemmas Joel Samoff 2008-04 African Studies Review
AFRICAN DEBT: "Vulture Funds" Threat 2008-05 Africa Research Bulletin
Charophytes, indicators for low salinity phases in North African sebkhet Ingeborg Soulié-Märsche 2008-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Current literature survey 2008-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Ethics and AIDS in Africa: the challenge to our thinking edited by A. A. van Niekerk and L. M. Kopelman Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, 2006. Pp. 222, £43.00 JEREMY YOUDE 2008-05-14 The Journal of Modern African Studies
EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY: Budget 2008–09 2008-05 Africa Research Bulletin
Vilho Shigwedha and Lovisa Nampala, Aawambo Kingdoms, History and Cultural Change: perspectives from Namibia. Basel: P. Schlettwein Publishing Company (pb €45.00–978 39081 9316 6). 2006, 300 pp. Märta Salokoski 2008-05 Africa
Challenges in understanding terrorism in Africa: A human security perspective Anneli Botha 2008-06 African Security Review
‘At the entrance to science, as at the entrance to hell’: Historical Priorities for South Africa in an Age of Deconstruction Jeff Peires 2008-06 African Historical Review
From Narratives of Miscegenation to Post-Modernist Re-Imagining: Toward a Historiography of Coloured Identity in South Africa Mohamed Adhikari 2008-06 African Historical Review
Teachers’ perceptions of and attitudes towards performance appraisal in Zimbabwean schools SG Pretorius
VC Ngwenya
2008-06 Africa Education Review
Frontiers of Disease: Human Desire and Environmental Realities in the Rearing Of Horses in Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century South Africa Karen Brown 2008-06 African Historical Review
Isothermal decompression history in the “Western Granulite” terrain, central Tanzania: Evidence from reaction textures and trapped fluids in metapelites Holger Sommer
Alfred Kröner
Sospeter Muhongo
2008-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A new high-resolution gravimetric geoid for South Spain and the Gibraltar Strait area: SOSGIS V. Corchete
M. Chourak
D. Khattach
E.H. Benaïm
2008-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sport for all in postcolony: Is there a place for indigenous games in physical education curriculum and research in Africa Jimoh Shehu 2008-06-20 Africa Education Review
Surviving Unemployment Without State Support: Unemployment and Household Formation in South Africa S. Klasen 2008-06-23 Journal of African Economies
Sonic diaspora, vibrations, and rhythm: thinking through the sounding of the Jamaican dancehall session Julian Henriques 2008-07 African and Black Diaspora
Rethinking diasporicity: embodiment, emotion, and the displaced origin Bibi Bakare-Yusuf 2008-07 African and Black Diaspora
Identities in a ‘fragmegrated’ world: black cyber-communities and the French integration system 2008-07 African and Black Diaspora
‘Colonizin’ in reverse Kenneth Parker 2008-07 African and Black Diaspora
Fault kinematics and tectonic stress in the seismically active Manyara–Dodoma Rift segment in Central Tanzania – Implications for the East African Rift Athanas S. Macheyeki
Damien Delvaux
Abdulkarim Mruma
2008-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Fossil beaches as evidence for significant uplift of Tenerife, Canary Islands J. Kröchert
H. Maurer
E. Buchner
2008-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Women's Organizations and Democracy in South Africa: contesting authority (review) Lisa. Brown 2008 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Are practices of local participation sidelining the institutional participatory channels?: Reflections from Johannesburg Claire Bénit-Gbaffou 2008 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
BRITISH POLICIES TOWARDS FEMALE CIRCUMCISION IN SUDAN - Civilizing Women: British Crusades in Colonial Sudan. By Janice Boddy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007. Pp. xxvii+402. $65 (<scp>isbn</scp>0-691-12304-7); $24.95, paperback (<scp>is HEATHER J. SHARKEY 2008-07 The Journal of African History
ACADEMIC ANTHROPOLOGY AND COLONIAL RULE - Ordering Africa. Anthropology, European Imperialism, and the Politics of Knowledge. Edited by Helen Tilley with Robert J. Gordon. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007. Pp. xiv+390. £60; $84.95 (<scp HENRIKA KUKLICK 2008-07 The Journal of African History
The Xhosa Cattle-Killing and Post-Apartheid South Africa: Sindiwe Magona's Mother to Mother and Zakes Mda's The Heart of Redness Renée Schatteman 2008-07-18 African Studies
Cry Havoc!: Thoughts on the Deconstruction of Mhlakaza Jeff Peires 2008-07-18 African Studies
The Cattle-Killing as Propaganda: Leon Schauder's Nonquassi (1939)1 Sheila Boniface Davies 2008-07-18 African Studies
The Problem of Metaphor: Tropic Logic in Cattle-Killing Prophecies and their Afterlives Jennifer Wenzel 2008-07-18 African Studies
South Africa's democracy: from celebration to crisis Greg Cuthbertson 2008-08 African Identities
Changing nationalist politics in African fiction Maurice Taonezvi Vambe 2008-08 African Identities
A note on the use of animals for remapping victimhood in J.M. Coetzee'sDisgrace Noam Gal 2008-08 African Identities
Editorial 2008-08 Africa
Sedimentary dynamics and extensional structuring related to early Cretaceous rifting of Neocomian and Barremian deposits of the interior basin of Gabon M. Mbina Mounguengui
J. Lang
M. Guiraud
2008-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Gravity anomaly patterns in the south-central Zimbabwe Archaean craton and their geological interpretation R.T. Ranganai
K.A. Whaler
C.J. Ebinger
2008-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Democracy and Elections in Africa by Staffan I. Lindberg Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006. Pp. xiii+227. £36.50 (hb), £16.50 (pb) MATTHIAS BASEDAU 2008-08-18 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Nationalism, gender and sexuality in the autobiographical writing of two Afrikaner women Louise Viljoen 2008-09 Social Dynamics
Senegal's democracy: Has Wade lost his edge? David Zounmenou 2008-09 African Security Review
Understanding Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Laurence Caromba
Hussein Solomon
2008-09 African Security Review
Explaining ship traffic fluctuations at the early Cape settlement 1652–1793 Willem H. Boshoff
Johan Fourie
2008-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Foreign banks, exchange controls and the future of the four pillars bank policy in South Africa Roger Gidlow 2008-09 South African Journal of Economic History
EU enlargement and the future evolution of European banking Thabo M. Mokoena 2008-09 South African Journal of Economic History
A late twentieth century guide to Africa's twenty‐first century problems: A comparative analysis with Latin America, South Asia and East Asia 2008-09 South African Journal of Economic History
The contribution of entrepreneurs to the emergence of manufacturing in South Africa before 1948 Stefan Schirmer 2008-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Emerging issues in smallholder organic production and marketing in South Africa Joyce Thamaga-Chitja 2008-09 Development Southern Africa
The Carnegie Commission and the Backlash against Welfare State-Building in South Africa, 1931–1937 2008-09 Journal of Southern African Studies
Behind Every Man: D.F. Malan and the Women in his Life, 1874–1959 Lindie Korf 2008-09 South African Historical Journal
Democracy and Elections in Africa, Staffan I. Lindberg Shadrack Wanjala Nasong'o 2008-09 Africa Today
Child poverty in Africa Meredeth Turshen 2008-09 Review of African Political Economy
Sedimentation of the Triassic–Jurassic Adigrat Sandstone Formation, Blue Nile (Abay) Basin, Ethiopia A. Wolela 2008-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Electric fabric of Cretaceous clastic rocks in Abu Gharadig basin, Western Desert, Egypt Bassem S. Nabawy
Tarek Y.M. ElHariri
2008-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Q115276454 Santanu Banerjee 2008-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Is the Multiracial Congregation an Answer to the Problem of Race? Comparative Perspectives from South Africa and the USA 2008-09-01 Journal of Religion in Africa
EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY (EAC): Budget Approved 2008-09 Africa Research Bulletin
Hydrothermal macroscopic Fe-sepiolite from Oujda Mounts (Middle Atlas, Eastern Morocco) Enrique Arranz
Marceliano Lago
Joaquín Bastida
Carlos Galé
Jesús Soriano
Teresa Ubide
2008-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Spectral P-wave magnitudes, magnitude spectra and other source parameters for the 1990 southern Sudan and the 2005 Lake Tanganyika earthquakes Hesham Hussein Mohamed Moussa 2008-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Hydrogeological framework and occurrence of groundwater in the Ethiopian aquifers Tenalem Ayenew
Molla Demlie
Stefan Wohnlich
2008-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Peraluminous rocks of Bou-Azzer region (Morocco): Geology and firing transformations M. Hajjaji
A. Belkabir
S.H. Berrada
2008-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Museum Frictions: Public Culture/Global Transformations ed. by Ivan Karp, Corinne A. Kratz, Lynn Szwaja, and Tomas Ybarra-Frausto, with Gustavo Buntinx and Barbara Kirschenblatt-Gimblett. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2006. 602 pages, 70 2008-10-16 African Arts
Servicing Modernity: White Women Shop Workers on the Rand and Changing Gendered Respectabilities, 1940s–1970s1 Bridget Kenny 2008-10-28 African Studies
Post-Apartheid ‘Tribalism’? Land, Ethnicity and Discourses on San Subversion in West Caprivi, Namibia1 Julie J. Taylor 2008-10-28 African Studies
The /Xam Narratives: Whose Myths? Michael Wessels 2008-10-28 African Studies
Reflections on improving teacher performance R.H. Nengwekhulu 2008-11 Africa Education Review
Student teachers’ understanding of multicultural education in public schools P. Marais
C. Meier
2008-11 Africa Education Review
The EPRDFvis‐à‐visEthiopia's development challenges Melakou Tegegn 2008-11 African Identities
A new discourse on ‘gender’ in Ethiopia1 Indrawatie Biseswar 2008-11 African Identities
The challenges of university teaching and learning in the era of managerialism M. Letseka 2008-11 Africa Education Review
Gender in Primary and Secondary Education: a handbook for policymakers and other stakeholdersby Ramya Subrahmanian, London: Commonwealth Secretariat, 2007 I.M. Ntshoe 2008-11 Africa Education Review
Reaching teachers? Curriculum challenges for distance teacher education in South Africa T. Welch 2008-11 Africa Education Review
Who is Amhara? Mackonen Michael 2008-11 African Identities
‘African Sex is Dangerous!’ Renegotiating ‘Ritual Sex’ in Contemporary Masaka District Stella Nyanzi
Justine Nassimbwa
Vincent Kayizzi
Strivan Kabanda
2008-11 Africa
Cenomanian rocks in the Sinai Peninsula, Northeast Egypt: Facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy H.A. Wanas 2008-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry of the Neoarchaean mafic volcanic rocks of the Geita area, NW Tanzania: Implications for stratigraphical relationships in the Sukumaland greenstone belt Shukrani Manya
Makenya A.H. Maboko
2008-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
‘Child Poverty in Africa’ 2008-11-11 Review of African Political Economy
African Images: essays in African iconology edited by Daniel F. Mccall and Edna G. Bay New York and London, Africana Publishing Company for the African Studies Center, Boston University, 1975. pp. xiii + 326 with 96 plates. $29.50. Solomon O. Iyasere 2008-11-11 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Beyond the Green Revolution: the ecology and politics of global agricultural development by Kenneth A. Dahlberg New York and London, Plenum Press, 1979 Pp. xiii + 256. $17.95. - Seeds of Famine: ecological destruction and the development dilemma in Nicole Ball 2008-11-11 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Towards an Indigenous Church by Bolaji Idowu London and Ibadan, Oxford University Press, 1965. Pp. 68. 5s. - Christianity and African Education edited by R. Pierce Beaver Grand Rapids, Michigan, Eerdmans, 1966. Pp. 233. $2.65. William H. Crane 2008-11-11 The Journal of Modern African Studies
The U.N. Secretary-General and the Maintenance of Peace by Leon Gordenker New York and London, Columbia University Press, 1967. Pp. xx+336.76s. - The United Nations and United States Security Policy by Ruth B. Russell Washington D.C., The Brookings Yashpal Tandon 2008-11-11 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Economic Policies Towards Less Developed Countries by Harry G. Johnson London, Allen and Unwin, 1967. Pp. xvi+279. 30s. - The Less Developed Countries in World Trade by M. Z. Cutajar and Alison Franks London, Overseas Development Institute, 1967. Pp Dennis A. Lury 2008-11-11 The Journal of Modern African Studies
The Kissinger Study of Southern Africa: National Security Study Memorandum 39 (Secret) edited by Mohamed A. El-Khawas and Barry Cohen Westport, Conn., Lawrence Hill & Company, 1976. pp. 189. $6.95. $3.95 paperback. £6.00. London, Rex Collings, 1 John Seiler 2008-11-11 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Problems of Foreign Aid: a conference reportLondon and Nairobi, Oxford University Press for the Institute of Public Administration, Dar es Salaam, 1965. Pp. iv+289. 15s. - Aid in Uganda—programmes and policies by Ralph Clark with Tom Soper and Peter Isebill V. Gruhn 2008-11-11 The Journal of Modern African Studies
The Development of Nigerian Foreign Policy by Claude S. Phillips Jr Evanston, Northwestern University Press, 1964. Pp. xii + 154. $5.95. Douglas G. Anglin 2008-11-11 The Journal of Modern African Studies
The State of the State: institutional transformation, capacity, and political change in South Africa by Louis A. Picard Johannesburg: Wits University Press, 2005. Pp. 390. R180 (pb). TOM LODGE 2008-11-11 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Edward I. Steinhart, Black Poachers, White Hunters: a social history of hunting in colonial Kenya. Oxford: James Currey/Nairobi: East African Educational Press/Athens OH: Ohio University Press (pb £16.95 – 978 0 8525 5960 4). 2006, 248 pp. Lawrence Dritsas 2008-11 Africa
A REASSEMENT OF VIOLENCE IN NINETEENTH-CENTURY EASTERN AFRICA - War in Pre-Colonial Eastern Africa. By Richard Reid. Oxford: James Currey Publishers, 2007. Pp. xvi+256. £55 (<scp>isbn</scp>978-184701-605-8); £16.95, paperback (<scp>isbn</scp>978-184 NEIL KODESH 2008-11 The Journal of African History
AN ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE ZAMBIAN COPPERBELT - Copper Empire: Mining and the Colonial State in Northern Rhodesia, c. 1930–64. By Lawrence J. Butler. Houndsmill, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Pp. xii+425. £60 (<scp>isbn</scp>978-0-230-55526 JAN-BART GEWALD 2008-11 The Journal of African History
MISSIONS AND COLONIAL RULE - Missions, States and European Expansion in Africa. Edited by Chima J. Korieh and Raphael Chijioke Njoku. New York and London: Routledge, 2007. Pp. xi+302. No price given (<scp>isbn</scp>0-415-95559-9). FRIEDER LUDWIG 2008-11 The Journal of African History
Zimbabwe's 2008 elections and their implications for Africa Simon Badza 2008-12 African Security Review
Angola's legislative elections: Time to deliver on peace dividends Paula Cristina Roque 2008-12 African Security Review
Spies for hire and information peddlers: A new threat to security in Africa? Lauren Hutton 2008-12 African Security Review
The conundrum of conditions for intervention under article 4(h) of the African Union Act Dan Kuwali 2008-12 African Security Review
Vis pacem…? Richard Cornwell 2008-12 African Security Review
Complementarity and Africa: The promises and problems of international criminal justice Max du Plessis 2008-12 African Security Review
Stabilising the Eastern DRC Henri Boshoff 2008-12 African Security Review
Nuclear Africa: Weapons, power and proliferation Gavin Cawthra
Bjoern Moeller
2008-12 African Security Review
Review Symposium Johannes Fabian
Peter Geschiere
Gerrie ter Haar
Misty L. Bastian
2008-12 African Studies Review
Ethics and the Enterprise of Studying Africa Horace Campbell 2008-12 African Studies Review
About the compiler 2008-12 Africa Bibliography
LIVERPOOL'S INVOLVEMENT IN THE SLAVE TRADE - Liverpool and the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Edited by David Richardson, Suzanne Schwarz and Anthony Tibbles. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press/National Museums Liverpool/Historic Society of Lancashir LAURENCE WESTGAPH 2008-12-22 The Journal of African History
Corporate power, society and the environment: A case study of ArcelorMittal South Africa Andries Bezuidenhout
Jacklyn Cock
2009 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
A Note on the Liberian Archives Myles Osborne 2009 History in Africa
France's conflict resolution strategy in Cote d'Ivoire and its ethical implications Maja Bovcon 2009 African Studies Quarterly
Alternative electoral systems and the 2005 Ethiopian parliamentary election John Ishiyama 2009 African Studies Quarterly
Richard Wright and African francophone intellectuals: a reassessment of the 1956 Congress of Black Writers in Paris Babacar M'Baye 2009-01 African and Black Diaspora
Examining Claims for Information and Communication Technology-Led Development in Africa Kefa M. Otiso
William G. Moseley
2009-01 African Geographical Review
Frommiragetoimage: Africa on film in the metropolis, 1955–1975 Dominic Thomas 2009-01 African and Black Diaspora
African diaspora and the metropolis: an introduction Fassil Demissie 2009-01 African and Black Diaspora
Over the Fence: The Militarization of the Senegalese-Spanish Sea Border Luna Vives 2009-01 African Geographical Review
Aimé Césaire 1913–2008 2009-01 African and Black Diaspora
‘In my Senegalese quality and as a compatriot’: Senegalese students in the metropolis and the language of affinity, 1880–1890 Kelly Duke Bryant 2009-01 African and Black Diaspora
Pulling the coat: postcolonial performativity in Black British women's drama Kanika Batra 2009-01 African and Black Diaspora
Sam Selvon'sThe Lonely Londonersand the structure of Black metropolitan life Mpalive-Hangson Msiska 2009-01 African and Black Diaspora
African Americans and U.S. Politics: The Gradual Progress of Black Women in Political Representation Amadu Jacky Kaba
Deborah E. Ward
2009-01 The Review of Black Political Economy
SOUTH AFRICA: Consumer Debt Report 2009-01 Africa Research Bulletin
Anglogold Ashanti: $1bn Debt Deal 2009-01 Africa Research Bulletin
Sediment geochemistry and tectonic setting: Application of discrimination diagrams to early stages of intracontinental rift evolution, with examples from the Okavango and Southern Tanganyika rift basins P. Huntsman-Mapila
J.-J. Tiercelin
M. Benoit
S. Ringrose
S. Diskin
J. Cotten
C. Hémond
2009-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Ethiopian Second Republic and the fragile 'social contract' 2009 Africa Spectrum
Chieftaincy, diaspora, and development: The institution of Nk⊃suohene in Ghana Bob-Milliar, G.M. 2009 African Affairs
Rejected Ballots and Democratic Consolidation in Ghana’s Fourth Republic Gyampo, R.E. 2009 African Research Review
Presidential Debates and Electoral Fortunes of Political Parties in Ghana’s 2008 Elections Gyampo, R.E. 2009 Politikon : South African Journal of Political Studies
Globalization of an African Language: Truth or Fiction? Dzahene-Quarshie, J. 2009 Legon Journal of the Humanities
The Phonology-Syntax Interface in Avikam Ahoua, F. 2009 Legon Journal of the Humanities
Corruption and the Body Politic in Post-Colonial Ghana: A Re-reading of Amu Djoleto’s Money Galore in the era of ‘Zero tolerance for Corruption’ in Ghana Adjei, M. 2009 Legon Journal of the Humanities
Subjects, Agents, or Collectives? The Discourse of Youth and Philosophy Bello-Kano, I. 2009 Legon Journal of the Humanities
Relationship between Religion and Science Gyekye, K. 2009 Legon Journal of the Humanities
CASSAVA: Republic of Congo 2009-01 Africa Research Bulletin
Emancipation Through History - Women in Africa: Studies in Social and Economic Change. Edited by Nancy J. Hafkin and Edna G. Bay. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1976. Pp. x + 306. $15.00. Deborah Gaitskell 2009-01-22 The Journal of African History
Myths of the Savanna C. C. Wrigley 2009-01-22 The Journal of African History
Isert in English - Letters on West Africa and the Slave Trade: Paul Erdmann Isert's Journey to Guinea and the Caribbean Islands in Columbia (1788). Translated and edited by Selena Axelrod Winsnes. (Fontes Historiae Africanae, Series Varia, VI J. D. Fage 2009-01-22 The Journal of African History
‘In this land we love with pain’: a reading of Toyin Adewale's poetry Sule E. Egya 2009-02 African Identities
Zee Edgell: novelist as historian/activist (re)imagining nation Julie E. Moody‐Freeman 2009-02 African Identities
Haunted: the symbolism of the noose Temitope Oriola
Charles Adeyanju
2009-02 African Identities
Framing Divination: A Mande Divination Expert and The Occult Economy 2009-02 Africa
Racial profiling asdressage: a social control regime! Laura J. Khoury 2009-02 African Identities
A new trek, but the same old rhetoric: a review essay of Johann van Rooyen'sThe new great trek: the story of South Africa's white exodus Scott M. Schönfeldt‐Aultman 2009-02 African Identities
Neoproterozoic and Hercynian metamorphic events in the Central Mauritanides: Implications for the geodynamic evolution of West Africa R. Caby
J.R. Kienast
2009-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
REPUBLIC OF CONGO: Debt Cancellation Deal 2009-02 Africa Research Bulletin
Book Review G. Mohan 2009-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Die dag toe ek my hare losgemaak het J Van Niekerk 2009-02-06 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Win the match and vote for me: the politicisation of Ghana's Accra Hearts of Oak and Kumasi Asante Kotoko football clubs Kevin S. Fridy
Victor Brobbey
2009-02-18 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Africa Writes Back: The African Writers Series and the Launch of African Literatureby James Currey Stephen Gray 2009-03 Research in African Literatures
Negotiated peace for extortion: the case of Walikale territory in eastern DR Congo Nicholas Garrett
Sylvia Sergiou
Koen Vlassenroot
2009-03 Journal of Eastern African Studies
Apartheid Reparations and the Contestation of Corporate Power in Africa Khadija Sharife 2009-03 Review of African Political Economy
SADCBRIG intervention in SADC member states: Reasons to doubt Deane-Peter Baker
Sadiki Maeresera
2009-03 African Security Review
Developing indicators for evaluating the national implementation of regional law on arms in Africa Denise Garcia 2009-03 African Security Review
Peacekeeping and peace enforcement in Africa: The potential contribution of a UN Emergency Peace Service Annie Herro
Wendy Lambourne
David Penklis
2009-03 African Security Review
AMIS in Darfur: Africa's litmus test in peacekeeping and political mediation Allan Vic Mansaray 2009-03 African Security Review
Dealing with the fast-changing environment in the eastern DRC Henri Boshoff 2009-03 African Security Review
The use of force in UN peacekeeping: The experience of MONUC Jim Terrie 2009-03 African Security Review
African peacekeeping and the private sector Chris Taylor 2009-03 African Security Review
Use of public and private health services in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Lucia Knight
Pranitha Maharaj
2009-03 Development Southern Africa
Caregivers' sacrifices: the opportunity costs of adult morbidity and mortality for female pensioners in rural South Africa Catherine Ogunmefun 2009-03 Development Southern Africa
Transforming foreign policy the boycott of South African trade by the Finnish Transport Workers’ Union 1985–1992 Tapio Bergholm 2009-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Local effort and global connections the role of international linkages in the evolution of technological capabilities at SASOL Tracy Bromfield
Helena Barnard
2009-03 South African Journal of Economic History
The historical role of foreign equity portfolio capital in South Africa Roger Gidlow 2009-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Savings for life to build the economy for the people the emergence of Afrikaner corporate conglomerates in South Africa 1918–2000 2009-03 South African Journal of Economic History
The struggle forin situupgrading of informal settlements: a reflection on cases in Gauteng Marie Huchzermeyer 2009-03 Development Southern Africa
Editor’s Note Adria LaViolette 2009-03 African Archaeological Review
A combined polarizing microscope, XRD, SEM, and specific gravity study of the petrified woods of volcanic origin from the Çamlıdere-Çeltikçi-Güdül fossil forest, in Ankara, Turkey Murat Hatipoğlu
Necdet Türk
2009-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Reshaping Cities, Rebuilding Nations: The Role of National Urban Policies 2009-03-05 Urban Forum
The Making of a Woman Anthropologist: Monica Hunter at Girton College, Cambridge, 1927–1930 Andrew Bank 2009-03-28 African Studies
The Limits of Law in the Mandated Territories: Becoming Manamba and the Struggles of Sisal Plantation Workers in Tanganyika Hanan Sabea 2009-03-28 African Studies
Introduction: Labour Crossings in Eastern and Southern Africa Peter Alexander
Philip Bonner
Jonathan Hyslop
Lucien van der Walt
2009-03-28 African Studies
Democracy's Shadows: Sexual Rights and Gender Politics in the Rape Trial of Jacob Zuma 2009-03-28 African Studies
Risk, Knowledge and Health in Africa: Introduction to the Symposium Olu Ajakaiye
Ravi Kanbur
David E. Sahn
Stephen D. Younger
2009-04 African Development Review
David Pratten. The Man-Leopard Murders: History and Society in Colonial Nigeria. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2007. xii + 425 pp. Photographs. Maps. References. Figures. Notes. Index. $49.95. Cloth. Katherine Luongo 2009-04 African Studies Review
Peter M. Lewis. Growing Apart: Oil, Politics and Economic Change in Indonesia and Nigeria. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2007. Interests, Identities, and Institutions in Comparative Politics series, xi + 345 pp. Tables. Figures. Notes Cyril I. Obi 2009-04 African Studies Review
Cognition's warp: African films on near-future risk 2009-05 African Identities
Brave black worlds: black superheroes as science fiction ciphers Adilifu Nama 2009-05 African Identities
But that's just mad! Reading the utopian impulse inDark princessandBlack empire Amor Kohli 2009-05 African Identities
Arboreal dialogics: an ecocritical exploration of Octavia Butler'sDawn Andrew Plisner 2009-05 African Identities
Terrans, extraterrestrials, warriors and the last (wo)man standing Sandra Jackson 2009-05 African Identities
Organic fantasy Nnedi Okorafor 2009-05 African Identities
The genre of science fiction and the black imagination Sandra Jackson
Julie Moody-Freeman
2009-05 African Identities
Côte d’Ivoire: Debt Relief 2009-05 Africa Research Bulletin
Moganite and quartz inclusions in the nano-structured Anatolian fire opals from Turkey Murat Hatipoğlu 2009-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Edna G. Bay. Asen, Ancestors and Vodun: Tracing Change in African Art. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2008. xiv + 186 pp. Photographs. Maps. Figures. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $40.00. Cloth. Susan Kart 2009-05-03 African Studies Review
The Environmental and Social History of African Sacred Groves: A Tanzanian Case Study Michael J. Sheridan 2009-05-03 African Studies Review
The story of a tragedy: how people in Haut-Katanga interpret the post-colonial history of Congo Benjamin Rubbers 2009-05-12 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Our Dream Deferred: The poor in South Africa, by Abebe Zegeye and Julia Maxted S. Butcher 2009-05-14 African Affairs
Healing The Scar? Idealizing Britain in Africa, 1997-2007 J. Gallagher 2009-05-18 African Affairs
People-to-people peacemaking and peacebuilding: A review of the work of the New Sudan Council of Churches Titus Agwanda
Geoff Harris
2009-06 African Security Review
Peacebuilding: Imperialism's new disguise? Constanze Schellhaas
Annette Seegers
2009-06 African Security Review
Arms restraint and regional international law making: The case of the Economic Community of West African States Denise Garcia 2009-06 African Security Review
Elections calendar 2009 2009-06 African Security Review
Schooling subjectivities across the post-apartheid city Aslam Fataar 2009-06 Africa Education Review
Teacher training through distance education: IICBA's experience Awol Endris Adem 2009-06 Africa Education Review
The perceptions of first-year undergraduate Malawian students of the essay writing process Chimwemwe Kalikokha
Frank Smedley
2009-06 Africa Education Review
Clustering schools to improve teacher professional development: Lessons learnt from a Zimbabwean case study Alette Delport
Jeriphanos Makaye
2009-06 Africa Education Review
Empowerment of women students through educational achievement: A narrative enquiry E.M. Lemmer 2009-06 Africa Education Review
Information and advocacy: Forgotten components in the strategies for achieving inclusive education in South Africa? 2009-06 Africa Education Review
Economic decline and gentrification in a small town: the business sector in Aberdeen, Eastern Cape Doreen Atkinson 2009-06 Development Southern Africa
Seychelles: Debt Cancellation 2009-06 Africa Research Bulletin
Devonian stratigraphy and depositional environments in the southern Illizi Basin (Algerian Sahara) Jobst Wendt
Bernd Kaufmann
Zdzislaw Belka
2009-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
SHRIMP U–Pb zircon age for the Segwagwa–Masoke Igneous Complex of southeastern Botswana and implications for the deformation history of the Achaean to Proterozoic Transvaal Supergroup of southern Africa R.B.M. Mapeo
M.T.D. Wingate
2009-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Collaboration in open and distance learning: The realities of policy implementation in the Africa region E. Nonyongo 2009-06 Africa Education Review
De quelques dynamiques contemporaines en anthropologie du tourisme francophone 2009-06-20 Cahiers d'études africaines
Using Vocal and Silent Reading Approaches for the Enhancement of Effective Teaching and Learning of Reading Skills in English Language GB Inyang 2009-06-23 African Research Review
Museums in postcolonial Europe: an introduction Dominic Thomas 2009-07 African and Black Diaspora
Object/subject migration: the National Centre of the History of Immigration Dominic Thomas 2009-07 African and Black Diaspora
Colonial museums in a postcolonial Europe 2009-07 African and Black Diaspora
Metropolitan Concern, Colonial State Policy and the Embargo on Cultivation of Coffee by Africans in Colonial Kenya: the Example of Bungoma District, 1930–1960 Nicholas E. Makana 2009 History in Africa
Ambiguities of Colonial Law: the Case of Muhammadu Aminu, Former Political Agent and Chief Alkali of Kano Philip Atsu Afeadie 2009 History in Africa
Job Stress, Job Dissatisfaction and Stress Related Illnesses Among South African Educators O Shisana
K Zuma
B Van Wyk
N Zungu-Dirwayi
2009-07-07 Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research
Theatre, Life Skills and Participatory Learning N Chivandikwa
R Makumbirofa
2009-07-07 Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research
LITTLE NEWS ON MAU MAU - Rethinking the Mau Mau in Colonial Kenya. By S. M. Shamsul Alam. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Pp. xiii+249. £42.50/$74.95, hardback (<scp>isbn</scp>978-1-4039-8374-9). MYLES OSBORNE 2009-07 The Journal of African History
HOW EMPIRE AND IMPERIAL CULTURE WERE CREATED IN EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA - Fabrication of Empire: The British and the Uganda Kingdoms, 1890–1902. By D.A. Low. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Pp. xix+361. £60, hardback (<scp>isbn</scp RICHARD REID 2009-07 The Journal of African History
Living Within and Beyond Johannesburg: Exclusion, Religion, and Emerging Forms of Being Loren B. Landau 2009-08 African Studies
David Webster: An Activist Anthropologist Twenty Years On1 Deborah James 2009-08 African Studies
Rethinking labour in Africa, past and present Lynn Schler
Louise Bethlehem
Galia Sabar
2009-08 African Identities
The Global Portability of Pneumatic Christianity: Comparing African and Latin American Pentecostalisms Manuel A. Vásquez 2009-08 African Studies
A Path to Integration: Senegalese Tijanis in Cape Town1 Susana Molins Lliteras 2009-08 African Studies
Of Lizards, Misfortune and Deliverance: Pentecostal Soteriology in the Life of a Migrant Caroline Jeannerat 2009-08 African Studies
Migration for ‘white man's work’: an empirical rebuttal to Marxist theory Isaie Dougnon 2009-08 African Identities
Conflicting P–T paths within the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt: A consequence of different thermobarometric methods? M.J. Rigby 2009-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Structural and stress analysis based on fault-slip data in the Amman area, Jordan Abdullah A. Diabat 2009-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY: Budget 2009/2010 2009-08 Africa Research Bulletin
Save Darfur: A Movement and its Discontents D. Lanz 2009-08-18 African Affairs
Financial disclosure in three African countries: All bark and little bite Rosemary Vickerman 2009-09 African Security Review
To patrol is to control: Ensuring situational awareness in Africa's maritime exclusive economic zones O S Ibrahim 2009-09 African Security Review
Coups d'état in Africa between 1958 and 2008 David Zounmenou 2009-09 African Security Review
The battle for Mogadishu: Revealing Somalia's fluid loyalties and identities Paula Cristina Roque 2009-09 African Security Review
Maritime security and international law in Africa John Gibosn 2009-09 African Security Review
Whose security? Understanding the Niger Delta crisis as a clash of two security conceptions 2009-09 African Security Review
Maritime piracy in Africa: The humanitarian dimension Donna Nincic 2009-09 African Security Review
South African trust companies and boards of executors and the 1942 Bank Act: From self‐regulating ‘financial aristocrats’ to statutorily controlled deposit‐receiving institutions Anton Ehlers 2009-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Prudential regulation, its international background and the performance of the banks a critical review of the South African environment since 1970 Evan Gilbert
Estian Calitz
Stan du Plessis
2009-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Access to formal financial services for South Africa's poor developments since 1990 Andrie Schoombee 2009-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Concentration and competition: The changing landscape of the banking sector in South Africa 1970–2007 2009-09 South African Journal of Economic History
Sociological perspectives on organic agriculture: from pioneer to policy 2009-09 Development Southern Africa
Tsotsitaal, global culture and local style: identity and recontextualisation in twenty‐first century South African townships Ellen Hurst 2009-09 Social Dynamics
Source-area controls on the composition of beach and fluvial sands on the southern side of the Gibraltar Strait and Western Alboran Sea (Flysch Basin, Internal and External, Domains, Northern Rif Chain) M.N. Zaghloul
H. Reddad
S. Critelli
2009-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Impact of vertical structure on water mass circulation in a tropical lagoon (Ebrié, Ivory Coast) Isabelle Brenon
Olivier Audouin
Nicolas Pouvreau
Jean-Christophe Maurin
2009-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tidal sediment transport versus freshwater flood events in the Konkouré Estuary, Republic of Guinea Sylvain Capo
Isabelle Brenon
Aldo Sottolichio
Patrice Castaing
Patrick Le Goulven
2009-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Comparison between numerical and analytical solution of solute transport models Alaa El-Sadek 2009-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Africa and the Credit Crunch: From Crisis to Opportunity? C. Cramer
D. Johnston
C. Oya
2009-09-14 African Affairs
Participatory spaces and the Alexandra Vukuzenzele Crisis Committee (AVCC): reshaping government plans Luke Sinwell 2009-09 Social Dynamics
Self-efficacy and the recognition of prior learning Neville Rudman
Paul Webb
2009-10 Africa Education Review
Anticipated developments: East Africa's private universities and privatisation of public universities in the global context Ishmael I. Munene 2009-10 Africa Education Review
Institutional mergers and access: The case of North-West University Reitumetse Obakeng Mabokela
Monica A. Evans
2009-10 Africa Education Review
Implementing gender issues in ICT N.A. Flipsen
Th.P. van der Weide
2009-10 Africa Education Review
Lesotho's highly credentialed teachers: Emergent forms of teacher social becoming Suzanne Miric 2009-10 Africa Education Review
Russell Black (1930–2009) Jean-Paul Liégeois
Aberra Mogessie
Metasebia Demissie
Peter Bowden
Bernard Bonin
2009-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Groundwater exploitation and hydraulic parameter estimation for a Quaternary aquifer in Dar-es-Salaam Tanzania Ibrahimu Chikira Mjemah
Marc Van Camp
Kristine Walraevens
2009-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Recent glacial recession and its impact on alpine riverflow in the Rwenzori Mountains of Uganda Richard G. Taylor
Lucinda Mileham
Callist Tindimugaya
Leo Mwebembezi
2009-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Boundaries of the West African Craton, N. Ennih, J.-P. Liégeois (Eds.). Geological Society, London (2008), 536 pp., Special Publication 297, Hardbound, US $ 200.00, ISBN: 978-1-86239-215-9 Martin J. Rigby 2009-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
West Gondwana: Pre-Cenozoic Correlations Across the South Atlantic Region, R.J. Pankhurst, R.A.J. Trouw, B.B. de Brito Neves, M.J. de Wit. Geological Society Special Publications, No. 294 2009-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Current literature survey 2009-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Books Noted 2009-10-25 Journal of African Archaeology
Lucie Cousturier: les tirailleurs sénégalais et la question coloniale, ed. Roger Little Thorsten Schüller 2009-10-28 Research in African Literatures
Moving Africa away from the global knowledge periphery: a case study of AJOL Susan Murray 2009-11 Africa Bibliography
Recovering the tongue: memorializing grieved women through spirit possession and ritual in Zimbabwean literature Hazel Tafadzwa Ngoshi 2009-11 African Identities
Explaining the Congo Wars Lars Huening 2009-11 African Historical Review
Being in the minority is my circumstance, not my identity Danné E. Davis 2009-11 African Identities
The Zuma Era – Its Historical Context and the Future Raymond Suttner 2009-11 African Historical Review
Teachers' understanding of a Kenyan identity as a basis for their teaching strategies Maropeng Modiba
Angela Odhiambo
2009-11 African Identities
‘Confusion, Heaven and Honour’: Being Chinese in South Africa Karen L. Harris 2009-11 African Historical Review
2009-11 The Journal of African History
About the compiler 2009-11 Africa Bibliography
The Standard of Dying: Race, Indigence, and the Disposal of the Dead Body in Johannesburg, 1886–1960 Garrey Dennie 2009-11-25 African Studies
Notes for a Guide to the Ossuary Louise Green
Noëleen Murray
2009-11-25 African Studies
The Life of the Corpse: Framing Reflections and Questions Deborah Posel
Pamila Gupta
2009-11-25 African Studies
The Farm, the River and the Picnic Spot: Topographies of Terror1 Nicky Rousseau 2009-11-28 African Studies
Queering Apartheid: The National Party's 1987 ‘Gay Rights’ Election Campaign in Hillbrow Daniel Conway 2009-12 Journal of Southern African Studies
Chinua Achebe and the Uptakes of African Slaveries 2009-12 Research in African Literatures
Circulation and Slavery's Atlantic Locations (review ofAfrica and Trans-Atlantic Memories: Literary and Aesthetic Manifestations of Diaspora and History, ed. Naana Opoku-Agyemang, Paul E. Lovejoy, and David V. Trotman) 2009-12 Research in African Literatures
Comment on “Intrusive rocks and tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Mako Paleoproterozoic belt (Eastern Senegal, West Africa)” by Gueye et al. [J. Afr. Earth Sci. 50 (2008) 88–110] Edmond Dioh
Didier Béziat
Pierre Debat
2009-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tusks and trinkets: An overview of illicit ivory trafficking in Africa Anita Gossmann 2009-12 African Security Review
Mass Atrocity Response Operations: an annotated planning framework Michael C Pryce 2009-12 African Security Review
Madagascar's political crisis: What options for the mediation process? David Zounmenou 2009-12 African Security Review
The impact of clawback clauses on human and peoples' rights in Africa Sandhiya Singh 2009-12 African Security Review
Prosecution politics: Recalibrating the role of prosecution within the anticorruption agency agenda S Chartey Quarcoo 2009-12 African Security Review
Understanding the West African cyber crime process Andrews Atta-Asamoah 2009-12 African Security Review
Editorial: Organised criminal business on the rise in Africa Annette Hübschle 2009-12 African Security Review
Exchange Rate Volatility and Trade: An Empirical Investigation from Cross-country Comparison Ilhan Ozturk
Huseyin Kalyoncu
2009-12 African Development Review
The Rise and Fall of the Weberian Analysis of Class in South Africa between 1949 and the Early 1970s** 2009-12 Journal of Southern African Studies
Derrida, Africa, and the Middle East. Christopher Wise Node Smith 2009-12 Africa Today
Structural setting of Neoproterozoic mineralization, Asmara district, Eritrea Woldai Ghebreab
Reinhard O. Greiling
Semere Solomon
2009-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Rock weathering on the eastern mountains of southern Africa: Review and insights from case studies P.D. Sumner
K.J. Hall
J.L. van Rooy
K.I. Meiklejohn
2009-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Cretaceous crustal thinning in North Africa: Implications for magmatic and thermal events in the Eastern Tunisian margin and the Pelagic Sea H. Mattoussi Kort
D. Gasquet
M. Ikenne
N. Laridhi Ouazaa
2009-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Reply to comments on “Intrusive rocks and tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Mako Paleoproterozoic belt (Eastern Senegal, West Africa)” Mamadou Gueye
Papa Malick Ngom
Mouhamadane Diène
Yaouba Thiam
Siegfried Siegesmund
Klaus Wemmer
Sabine Pawlig
2009-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Biological V. Social Definitions of Race: Implications for Modern Biomedical Research Joseph L. Graves 2009-12-02 The Review of Black Political Economy
Les communautés locales face aux grands projets d'aménagement des zones humides côtières en Afrique de l'Est Stéphanie Duvail
Jean-Luc Paul
2010 Politique africaine
Breaking with township gangsterism: the struggle for place and voice Doria Daniels
Quinton Adams
2010 African Studies Quarterly
Is war contagious? the transnationalization of conflict in Darfur Jennifer L. De Maio 2010 African Studies Quarterly
Decentralization and conflict in Uganda: governance adrift Terrell G. Manyak
Isaac Wasswa Katono
2010 African Studies Quarterly
Informality and casualization as challenges to South Africa's industrial unionism: manufacturing workers in the East Rand/Ekurhuleni region in the 1990s Franco Barchiesi
Akanmu G. Adebayo
2010 African Studies Quarterly
Employment relationships and organizing strategies in the informal construction sector Jill Wells
Arthur Jason
2010 African Studies Quarterly
Gender fictions and gender tensions involving "traditional" asante market women Gracia Clark 2010 African Studies Quarterly
Informalization from above, informalization from below: the options for organization Jan Theron 2010 African Studies Quarterly
Changing youth dynamics in Lusaka's informal economy in the context of economic liberalization Karen Tranberg Hansen 2010 African Studies Quarterly
Between exit and voice: informality and the spaces of popular agency Ilda Lindell 2010 African Studies Quarterly
Musical Inculturation, Theological Transformation, and the Construction of Black Nationalism in Early South African Choral Music Tradition Okigbo 2010 Africa Today
Can ‘Baby Bonds’ Eliminate the Racial Wealth Gap in Putative Post-Racial America? Darrick Hamilton
William Darity
2010-01 The Review of Black Political Economy
Family dynamics in transnational African migration to Europe: an introduction Reinhilde Sotiria König
Marina de Regt
2010-01 African and Black Diaspora
Mama blessing Annelou Ypeij 2010-01 African and Black Diaspora
Gender relations and female autonomy among Senegalese migrants in Spain: three cases from Tenerife Eva Evers Rosander 2010-01 African and Black Diaspora
En route to Europe: the perilous journey of African migrants across the Sahara desert Alfredo Bini 2010-01 African and Black Diaspora
INFORMATION ABOUT THE African Geographical Review 2010-01 African Geographical Review
Gossip and social control across the seas: targeting gender, resource inequalities and support in Cape Verdean transnational families Heike Drotbohm 2010-01 African and Black Diaspora
The 5th Biennial Race, Ethnicity and Place Conference 2010-01 African Geographical Review
Diagenetic evolution of the Ansian–Pliensbachian Adigrat Sandstone, Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia A. Wolela 2010-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Faction fights, student protests, and rebellion: the politics of beer-drinks and bad food in the Transkei, South Africa, 1955-63. Sean Redding 2010-01-01 African Studies Review
Spirits and social reconstruction after mass violence: rethinking transitional justice Erin Baines 2010-01-01 African Affairs
International migration, "domestic struggles" and status aspiration among nurses in South Africa Elizabeth Hull 2010-01-01 Journal of Southern African Studies
Pressed flowers: notions of indigenous and alien vegetation in South Africa's Western Cape, c. 1902-1945. 2010-01-01 Journal of Southern African Studies
Religion and Development from Below: Independent Christianity in South Africa 2010-01-01 Journal of Religion in Africa
Hiplife, cultural agency and the youth counter-public in the Ghanaian public sphere 2010-01-01 Journal of Asian and African Studies
Family values, land sales and agricultural commodification in South-Eastern Ghana Amanor, K.S. 2010 Africa
The Lunsi (Drummers) Of Dagbon: Tradition And Change Abdallah, Z.Z. 2010 Contemporary Journal of African Studies
Resilient and Resourceful? Bejoy K. Thomas
Gerard de Groot
Arie de Ruijter
2010-01-21 Journal of Asian and African Studies
The Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammadu Maccido (1926–2006) Jean Boyd 2010-02 Africa
Afrikaner nationalism, print culture and the ‘capacity to aspire’: the imaginative powers of popular fiction for young readers Irma du Plessis 2010-02 African Identities
The Crossing: the invention of tradition among San descendents of the Drakensberg, KwaZulu–Natal, South Africa Michael D. Francis 2010-02 African Identities
Haven or hell? Discordant representations of Johannesburg in testimonies of Cameroonian forced migrants Ernest Pineteh 2010-02 African Identities
Issues of identity in the censuses of anglophone Africa A.J. Christopher 2010-02 African Identities
Hidden Spaces and Urban Health: Exploring the Tactics of Rural Migrants Navigating the City of Gold Joanna Vearey 2010-02 Urban Forum
Current Literature Survey 2010-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
One Zambia, Many Histories: towards a history of post-colonial Zambia by Jan-Bart Gewald, Marja Hinfelaar and Giacomo Macola Leiden and Boston, MA: Brill, 2008. Pp. xii+304, US$62.00 (hbk). JAN KEES VAN DONGE 2010-02-03 The Journal of Modern African Studies
SOUTH AFRICA: BEE Developments 2010-02-09 Africa Research Bulletin
Loving the alien? Citizenship, law, and the future in South Africa's demonic society L. B. Landau 2010-02-17 African Affairs
Oil, land and conflict: the decline of Misseriyya pastoralism in Sudan1 Sara Pantuliano 2010-03 Review of African Political Economy
Interrogating the seriousness of African leaders: Discrepancies in adhering to international and continental initiatives Issaka K Souaré 2010-03 African Security Review
Dimensions of the Darfur crisis and its consequences: An Arab perspective Hamdy A Hassan 2010-03 African Security Review
Saviours and survivors: Darfur, politics, and the war on terror Sadiki Koko 2010-03 African Security Review
The African Union's mandating authority and processes for deploying an ASF mission Solomon A Dersso 2010-03 African Security Review
African election calendar 2010 2010-03 African Security Review
Challenges for a return to civilian rule in Guinea Sadiki Koko 2010-03 African Security Review
Conflict management for peacekeepers and peacebuilders Deane-Peter Baker 2010-03 African Security Review
Message from the Executive Director Jakkie Cilliers 2010-03 African Security Review
Whose Voices? Politics and Methodology in the Study of Political Organisation and Protest in the Final Phase of the ‘Struggle’ in South Africa 2010-03 South African Historical Journal
Quantifying 3D post-accretionary tectonic strain in the Arabian–Nubian Shield: Superimposition of the Oko Shear Zone on the Nakasib Suture, Red Sea Hills, Sudan Mohamed G. Abdelsalam 2010-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mobile phones: the new talking drums of everyday Africa Vincent Tickner 2010-03 Review of African Political Economy
CASSAVA: Tanzania-Uganda 2010-03 Africa Research Bulletin
A PARTICULAR PLACE IN AN EXPANDING IMPERIAL SYSTEM - Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa (An Exploration of Frontiers, 1725–1830). By Laura J. Mitchell. Gutenberg-e/Columbia University Press, 2009. Pp. xv+252. $60, ha MEREDITH MCKITTRICK 2010-03 The Journal of African History
DIASPORA INTELLECTUALS AND THE END OF COLONIAL RULE - Ending British Rule in Africa: Writers in a Common Cause. By Carol Polsgrove. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2009. Pp. xviii+186. £60, hardback (<scp>isbn</scp>978-0-7190-7767-8). LESLIE JAMES 2010-03 The Journal of African History
CULTURAL DIFFERENCE AND CHANGING TRADITIONS OF MEANING IN AFRICAN ART - African Art and the Colonial Encounter: Inventing a Global Commodity. By Sidney Littlefield Kasfir. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2007. Pp. 408. £18.99/$27.95, pape PETER PROBST 2010-03 The Journal of African History
A COSMOPOLITAN RED SEA CITIZENRY - Red Sea Citizens: Cosmopolitan Society and Cultural Change in Massawa. By Jonathan Miran. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2009. Pp. xvi+380. £58/$75, hardback (<scp>isbn</scp>978-0-253-35312-2); £18.99/$ LIDWIEN KAPTEIJNS 2010-03 The Journal of African History
The state of the state: institutional transformation, capacity and political change in South Africa Mala Mustapha 2010-03 Review of African Political Economy
Keynote Address to the ‘Life after Thirty’ Colloquium Philip Bonner 2010-03-30 African Studies
Who Killed Dulcie September1? Maggie Davey 2010-03-30 African Studies
Introduction: ‘Life after Thirty’ – A Critical Celebration Arianna Lissoni
Noor Nieftagodien
Shireen Ally
2010-03-30 African Studies
The Avenging Spirit: Mapping an Ambivalent Spirituality in Zimbabwean Literature in English Anias Mutekwa 2010-03-30 African Studies
Social History and the Wits History Workshop1 Deborah Posel 2010-03-30 African Studies
The Root of the Matter: Scenes from an ANC Branch Jacob Dlamini 2010-03-30 African Studies
The Place of ‘The Local’ in History Workshop's Local History Noor Nieftagodien 2010-03-30 African Studies
Geochronological data on the Rabat–Tiflet granitoids: Their bearing on the tectonics of the Moroccan Variscides A. Tahiri
P. Montero
H. El Hadi
D. Martínez Poyatos
A. Azor
F. Bea
J.F. Simancas
2010-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO: Paris Club Restructures Debt 2010-04 Africa Research Bulletin
Miocene karsts and associated Fe–Zn-rich minerals in Aïn Khamouda (Central Tunisia) Delphine Bruyère
Thierry De Putter
Sophie Decrée
Christian Dupuis
Yves Fuchs
Fakher Jamoussi
Alain Perruchot
François Arbey
2010-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Stratigraphy, sedimentology and structure of the Numidian Flysch thrust belt in northern Tunisia Riahi Sami
Mohamed Soussi
Boukhalfa Kamel
Ben Ismail Lattrache Kmar
Dorrik Stow
Khomsi Sami
Bedir Mourad
2010-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Pillow form morphology of selected Neoproterozoic metavolcanics in the Egyptian Central Eastern Desert and their implications E.S. Farahat
M.M. El Mahallawi
G. Hoinkes
A.Y. Abdel Aal
2010-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The “seven-coloured earth” of Chamarel, Mauritius H.C. Sheth
C.P. Johnson
C.D. Ollier
2010-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Whose Accolades? An Alternative Perspective on Motivations for Hosting the Olympics 2010-04-01 Urban Forum
Language status and covert prestige in the code switching practices of Mathematics, Science and Biology teachers C Van der Walt
DR Mabule
2010-04-19 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Salience and silence: representation of the Zimbabwean crisis in the local press Tendai Chari 2010-05 African Identities
‘June 2008, verse 27’: the church and the 2008 Zimbabwean political crisis Lovemore Togarasei 2010-05 African Identities
Where is my home? Rethinking person, family, ethnicity and home under increased transnational migration by Zimbabweans Thabisani Ndlovu 2010-05 African Identities
Beyond the construction of crises: the voice of an ordinary Zimbabwean Abebe Zegeye 2010-05 African Identities
Problems of correlation of South African and South American tetrapod faunas across the Permian–Triassic boundary Sean P. Modesto
Jennifer Botha-Brink
2010-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mineralogy and fluid inclusions study of carbonate-hosted Mississippi valley-type Ain Allega Pb–Zn–Sr–Ba ore deposit, Northern Tunisia R. Abidi
N. Slim-Shimi
A. Somarin
M. Henchiri
2010-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Purposeful naming: The case of beer halls named during both the colonial Rhodesia era and present day Zimbabwe S Nyota
N Mapara
DE Mutasa
2010-05-07 Journal of Social Development in Africa
Introduction: African Development in an Urban World: Beyond the Tipping Point Jo Beall
Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis
Ravi Kanbur
2010-05-29 Urban Forum
Continuing Conversations at the Frontier M. Mulaudzi
M.H. Schoeman
S. Chirikure
2010-06 South African Historical Journal
The African Union and regional organisations in Africa: communities of insecurity Laurie Nathan 2010-06 African Security Review
The Niger Delta conflict: trends and prospects Paul Omoyefa 2010-06 African Security Review
Sudan elections: inaugurating the last unified political order? Paula Cristina Roque 2010-06 African Security Review
A response to my critics Benedikt Franke 2010-06 African Security Review
Proliferation in Africa: present and future implications Bart R Smedts 2010-06 African Security Review
The Great Lakes of confusion Nir Kalron 2010-06 African Security Review
Viewing the Past: African History on Film Nicholas Southey 2010-06 African Historical Review
Regulating private Vocational Education and Training (VET) in South Africa: The national development imperative Simon McGrath
Salim Akojee
2010-06 Africa Education Review
A customised Total Quality Management Framework for schools Seake H. Rampa 2010-06 Africa Education Review
Imagining the shaping of reflective deliberative education leaders: The devil is in the detail Sarie J. Berkhout
Jan Heystek
Vusi S. Mncube
2010-06 Africa Education Review
Metamorphosis in distance learning: Setting new trends in special needs education by addressing existing curriculum challenges Liesel Ebersöhn
Kesh Mohangi
Jill Fresen
Ruth Mampane
Hermien Olivier
Sonja Coetzee
2010-06 Africa Education Review
Kevin Kotzé
2010-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Latika Chaudhary
Metin Coşgel
Jean-Luc Demonsant
Johan Fourie
Ewout Frankema
Giampaolo Garzarelli
John Luiz
Martine Mariotti
Se Yan
2010-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Daan Marks
2010-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Inside Zimbabwe's Roadside Currency Trade: The ‘World Bank’ of Bulawayo Showers Mawowa
Alois Matongo
2010-06 Journal of Southern African Studies
Sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic analysis of Carboniferous deposits in western Libya: Recording the sedimentary response of the northern Gondwana margin to climate and sea-level changes Sebastian Fröhlich
Laurent Petitpierre
Paul Grech
2010-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Upper Campanian suspected silicified seismite related to the Syrian Arc tectonic system in the Middle East Zeev Lewy 2010-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Active fault segments as potential earthquake sources: Inferences from integrated geophysical mapping of the Magadi fault system, southern Kenya Rift Z.N. Kuria
T. Woldai
J.O. Barongo
2010-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Addressing the Gender Pay Gap in Ethiopia: How Crucial is the Quest for Education Parity? A. Kolev
P. S. Robles
2010-06-10 Journal of African Economies
Comedy of power, power of comedy: strategic transformations in African cinemas1 Alexie Tcheuyap 2010-06 Journal of African Cultural Studies
2010-07 The Journal of African History
Resources and border disputes in Eastern Africa Wafula Okumu 2010-07 Journal of Eastern African Studies
African and Black Diaspora 2010-07 African and Black Diaspora
Dancing to the beat of the diaspora: musical exchanges between Africa and its diasporas 2010-07 African and Black Diaspora
‘I wanted a Communist philosophy, but I wanted us to have a chance to organize our people’: the diasporic radicalism of Queen Mother Audley Moore and the origins of black power Erik S. McDuffie 2010-07 African and Black Diaspora
A new generation of Ethiopianists: the Universal Ethiopian Students Association andThe African: Journal of African Affairs, 1937–1948 Hillina Seife 2010-07 African and Black Diaspora
On the occurrence of gold mineralizations in southeastern Ivory Coast E. Kadio
Y. Coulibaly
M.E. Allialy
A.N. Kouamelan
K.B.K. Pothin
2010-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Zircon and titanite age evidence for coeval granitization and migmatization of the early Middle and early Late Proterozoic Saharan Metacraton; example from the central North Sudan basement C.K. Shang
M. Satir
G. Morteani
H. Taubald
2010-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mineralogical characteristics of unusual “Anatolian” diaspore (zultanite) crystals from the İlbirdağı diasporite deposit, Turkey Murat Hatipoğlu
Cahit Helvacı
Steven C. Chamberlain
Hakkı Babalık
2010-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
“May It Please Your Honor”: Letters of Petition as Historical Evidence in an African Colonial Context Chima J. Korieh 2010 History in Africa
“A Naughty Child with a Pen”: Gahadzikwa Albert Chaza as an African Policeman and Author in Colonial Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) 1936–1963 Tim Stapleton 2010 History in Africa
MOZAMBIQUE: Bad Debt Declines 2010-07-08 Africa Research Bulletin
CASSAVA: East Africa 2010-07-08 Africa Research Bulletin
COLONIAL TROOPS IN THE GERMAN COLONIES - Askari und Fitafita: ‘Farbige’ Söldner in den deutschen Kolonien (Askari and Fitafita: ‘Colored’ Mercenaries in the German Colonies). By Thomas Morlang. Berlin: Christoph Links Verlag, 2008. Pp. 204. €24.90, THADDEUS SUNSERI 2010-07 The Journal of African History
NAMING, COLONIAL VIOLENCE, AND VILLAGE MEMORIES IN THE CONGO - Naming Colonialism: History and Collective Memory in the Congo, 1870–1960. By Osumaka Likaka. Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2009. Pp. xii+220. £23.95/$26.95, paperback CH. DIDIER GONDOLA 2010-07 The Journal of African History
COLONIAL COERCION AND EXPLOITATION IN NORTHERN NIGERIA - Colonial Meltdown: Northern Nigeria in the Great Depression. By Moses E. Ochonu. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2009. Pp. xii+217. £48.95/$55, hardback (ISBN 978-0-8214-1889-5); £22.50/$24 JUDITH BYFIELD 2010-07 The Journal of African History
AFRICAN INTERMEDIARIES IN EARLY COLONIAL NIGERIA - Brokering Colonial Rule: Political Agents in Northern Nigeria, 1886–1914. By Philip Afeadi. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag, 2008. Pp. 184. £45, paperback (ISBN 978-3-63907-094-1). RICHARD ROBERTS 2010-07 The Journal of African History
Reading the Rocks and Reviewing Red Herrings Peter Delius
Maria Schoeman
2010-07-27 African Studies
FYI Workshop: Some Comparative Comments William Beinart 2010-07-27 African Studies
Historians, Archaeologists and the Legacy of the Discredited Short Iron-Age Chronology 2010-07-27 African Studies
Putting Bokoni on the Historian's Map John Wright 2010-07-27 African Studies
The Role of NGOs in Canada and the USA in the Transformation of the Socio-Cultural Structures in Africa C Quist-Adade
A Van Wyk
2010-07-29 Africa Development
Negotiating identities in guerrilla war names in the Zimbabwean war of liberation Charles Pfukwa
Lawrie Barnes
2010-08 African Identities
Africa's conflictual mimesis Bernard Nchindila 2010-08 African Identities
Legitimate practice constructs a contemporary Muslim identity in South Africa: the case of theTablīgh Jamatin Johannesburg Zahraa McDonald 2010-08 African Identities
Do ‘Africans’ exist? Genealogies and paradoxes of African identities and the discourses of nativism and xenophobia Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni 2010-08 African Identities
Paleoproterozoic structural evolution of the Man-Leo Shield (West Africa). Key structures for vertical to transcurrent tectonics Martin Lompo 2010-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Petrogenesis of the eastern part of the Al Haruj basalts (Libya) Vladica Cvetković
Marinko Toljić
Naji A. Ammar
Ljupko Rundić
Khalid B. Trish
2010-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Lower Cryogenian calc-alkaline mafic rocks of the Western Anti-Atlas (Morocco): An example of orogenic-like magmatism in an extensional setting El Hassan El Aouli
Dominique Gasquet
Alain Cheilletz
2010-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Unions and the Gender Wage Gap in South Africa D. Casale
D. Posel
2010-08-03 Journal of African Economies
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO: Lifeline Debt Relief 2010-08-03 Africa Research Bulletin
CASSAVA: Nigeria 2010-08-03 Africa Research Bulletin
Trends and markers 2010-08-21 African Security Review
TRENDS AND MARKERS 2010-08-21 African Security Review
Classroom Teacher’s Adherence to Philosophy and Ethics of Home Economics for Sustainable Development in Anambra State Nigeria BA Ukpore
J Obunadike
2010-08-23 African Research Review
South Africa's threat environment: a guide for the National Planning Commission Deane-Peter Baker 2010-09 African Security Review
Operationalising the SADC Mutual Defence Pact: prospects and constraints Sadiki Maeresera 2010-09 African Security Review
The Nile crisis comes to the boil 2010-09 African Security Review
A ‘transparent gold’ rush? Nir Kalron 2010-09 African Security Review
Human security in pastoralist areas of Eastern Africa Leandro Oduor Ogola 2010-09 African Security Review
Relief workers in African conflict zones: neutrals, targets or unlawful participants? Shannon Bosch 2010-09 African Security Review
Towards African ‘club governance’? 2010-09 African Security Review
Geochemical constraints on the origin of some intrusive igneous rocks from the Lower Benue rift, Southeastern Nigeria S.C. Obiora
S.N. Charan
2010-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Main structural lineaments of north-eastern Morocco derived from gravity and aeromagnetic data Radia El Gout
Driss Khattach
Mohammed-Rachid Houari
Olivier Kaufmann
Hicham Aqil
2010-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
High-resolution sequence stratigraphy of Upper Triassic succession (Carnian–Rhaetian) of the Zarzaitine outcrops (Algeria): A model of fluvio-lacustrine deposits Sylvie Bourquin
Rémi Eschard
Brahim Hamouche
2010-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Stratigraphy of the Hameima and lower Fahdene Formations in the Tadjerouine area (Northern Tunisia) Abir Chihaoui
Etienne Jaillard
Jean-Louis Latil
Ihsen Zghal
Anne-Sophie Susperregui
Jamel Touir
Jamel Ouali
2010-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
CURRENT LITERATURE SURVEY 2010-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
FINANCE/MARKETS: GUINEA BISSAU: Paris Club Debt Relief 2010-09-01 Africa Research Bulletin
Michael Barnett and Thomas G. Weiss, eds. Humanitarianism in Question: Politics, Power, Ethics. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2008. xii + 303 pp. Abbreviations. Figures. Tables. Contributors. Notes. Index. $55.00. Cloth. $19.95. Beth Elise Whitaker 2010-09 African Studies Review
Andrew E. Barnes. Making Headway. The Introduction of Western Civilization in Colonial Northern Nigeria. Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester Press, 2009. Rochester Studies in African History and the Diaspora, xii + 330 pp. Maps. Graphs. Abbrevi Risto Marjomaa 2010-09 African Studies Review
Becoming Zimbabwe: A history from the pre-colonial period to 2008 Miles Larmer 2010-09 Review of African Political Economy
David Baronov. The African Transformation of Western Medicine and the Dynamics of Global Cultural Exchange. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2008. ix + 248 pp. References. Index. $54.50. Cloth. Michael W. Tuck 2010-09 African Studies Review
‘The One That Got Away’: Zoë Wicomb in the Archives Carli Coetzee 2010-09-24 Journal of Southern African Studies
The Archive, the Spectral, and Narrative Responsibility in Zoë Wicomb's Playing in the Light Andrew van der Vlies 2010-09-24 Journal of Southern African Studies
The Niger Delta Region and the Woman’s Predicament: A Study of Kaine Agary’s Yellow- Yellow ED Simon 2010-09-29 African Research Review
Living with Oil: Towards an Ethics of the Environment in the Niger Delta SA Ekanem
BJ Ejue
PB Amimi
RA Adalikwu
2010-09-29 African Research Review
Teaching practicum supervisors' identity and student assessment on the practicum: An assorted mind-set? Proscovia Ssentamu-Namubiru 2010-10 Africa Education Review
Adapt or die: The views of Unisa student teachers on teaching practice at schools Elize C. Du Plessis
Petro Marais
Alena Van Schalkwyk
Fransa Weeks
2010-10 Africa Education Review
The effectiveness of a course for helping educators cope with the demands of the IQMS I. Kok
A. Rabe
P. Swarts
C. van der Vyver
J. L. van der Walt
2010-10 Africa Education Review
Pleistocene calcretes from eastern Tunisia: The stratigraphy, the microstructure and the environmental significance Wissem Gallala
Mohamed Essghaïer Gaied
Elhoucine Essefi
Mabrouk Montacer
2010-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Timing of early to mid-cretaceous tectonic phases along North Africa: New insights from the Jeffara escarpment (Libya–Tunisia) S. Bodin
L. Petitpierre
J. Wood
I. Elkanouni
J. Redfern
2010-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Determination of the earthquake source parameters at Tushka area and its surroundings, Aswan, South Egypt Haggag H. Mohamed
Gaber H. Hassib
2010-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The high-resolution gravimetric geoid of Italy: ITG2009 V. Corchete 2010-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Radiometric ages of monazite from the Kwabonambi and Sibaya Formations (Maputaland Group) of northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa and the provenance implications J.N. Dunlevey
R.B. August
2010-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Comment on “Pillow form morphology of selected Neoproterozoic meta-volcanics in the Egyptian Central Eastern Desert and their implications” by E.S. Farahat, M.M. El Mahallawi, G. Hoinkes, A.Y. Abdel Aal, C.A. Hauzenberger [Journal of African Eart Gaafar El Bahariya 2010-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Reply to G.A. El Bahariya’s Comments on: “Pillow form morphology of selected Neoproterozoic metavolcanics in the Egyptian Central Eastern Desert and their implications” [Journal of African Earth Sciences 57 (2010) 163–168] E.S. Farahat
M.M. El Mahallawi
G. Hoinkes
A.Y. Abdel Aal
2010-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Economic Mineralisation, K.L. Shrivastava (Ed.). Scientific Publishers, India (2009). 545p., Special Publication 50, HardBound, ISBN: 978-81-7233-572-4 Philani K. Mavimbela 2010-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Differential Nutritional Responses across Various Income Sources Among East African Pastoralists: Intrahousehold Effects, Missing Markets and Mental Accounting K. M. Villa
D. R. Just
2010-10-21 Journal of African Economies
Books Noted 2010-10-25 Journal of African Archaeology
Can Katanga's mining sector drive growth and development in the DRC? Nicholas Garrett
Marie Lintzer
2010-11 Journal of Eastern African Studies
AN UNSATISYING EDITION OF AN AFRICAN EPIC The Epic of Kelefaa Saane. By Sirifo Camara. Edited and translated by Sana Camara. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2010. Pp. xxxiv+185. £22.99/$34.95 hardback (ISBN 978-0-253-35463-1) 2010-11 The Journal of African History
Bearing witness to trauma: narrative structure and perspective inMurambi, the book of bones Karin Samuel 2010-11 African Identities
Interview with Boubacar Boris Diop Véronique Tadjo 2010-11 African Identities
REPUBLIC OF CONGO: Debt Reduction Deal 2010-11 Africa Research Bulletin
Environmental health impacts of dispersed mineralisation in South Africa T.C. Davies
H.R. Mundalamo
2010-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
An overview of the transboundary aquifers in East Africa Tamiru Alemayehu Abiye 2010-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
‘Africa Alive Corridors’: Forging a new future for the people of Africa by the people of Africa Sadrack Felix Toteu
John Malcolm Anderson
2010-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
In Memory of Michael Richard Ronald Talbot (1943–2009) Jean-Jacques Tiercelin 2010-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Preface Eduardo F.J. de Mulder 2010-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sub-Saharan Growth Surprises: Being Heterogeneous, Inland and Close to the Equator Does not Slow Growth Within Africa M. M. Cinyabuguma
L. Putterman
2010-11-10 Journal of African Economies
The Xhosaimbongias trickster Jeff Opland
Patrick McAllister
2010-11-15 Journal of African Cultural Studies
BRITISH FEMALE MISSIONARIES IN AFRICA AND THEIR IMPACT ON PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENTS IN BRITAIN - The Communion of Women: Missions and Gender in Colonial Africa and the British Metropole. By Elizabeth E. Prevost. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. Pp SILKE STRICKRODT 2010-11 The Journal of African History
About the compiler 2010-11 Africa Bibliography
Boundaries, Borders and Borderland Constructions: Chinese in Contemporary South Africa and the Region Yoon Jung Park 2010-11-19 African Studies
Introduction: Identity, Citizenship and Power in South Africa Yoon Jung Park 2010-11-19 African Studies
‘We Would Have No Name’: The Porosity of Locational and Racial Identities Amongst the ‘Coloured Communities’ of Stellenbosch, c. 1890–1960s Chet JP Fransch 2010-11-19 African Studies
Subaltern Sexiness: From a Politics of Representation to a Politics of Difference Prishani Naidoo 2010-11-19 African Studies
Between the Push and the Shove: Everyday Struggles and the Re-making of Durban Ashwin Desai 2010-11-19 African Studies
Towards a History of Mass Violence in the Etat Indépendant du Congo, 1885–1908 Aldwin Roes 2010-12 South African Historical Journal
SASO's Reluctant Embrace of Public Forms of Protest, 1968–1972 Julian Brown 2010-12 South African Historical Journal
What the Nigeriencoup d'étatmeans to the world Franklin Charles Graham 2010-12 Review of African Political Economy
Benjamin Farrington: Cape Town and the Shaping of a Public Intellectual John Atkinson 2010-12 South African Historical Journal
The 1959 Nyasaland State of Emergency in Old Karonga District Owen J.M. Kalinga 2010-12 Journal of Southern African Studies
Postcolonial Cosmopolitan Music in Dar es Salaam: Dr. Remmy Ongala and the Traveling Sounds 2010-12 African Studies Review
The future of international criminal justice: civil society, complementarity and the case of South Africa Max du Plessis 2010-12 African Security Review
Cooperating for peace and security or competing for legitimacy in Africa? The case of the African Union in Darfur Edward Ansah Akuffo 2010-12 African Security Review
The 3 Rs: the issue in Mogadishu Dan Kuwali 2010-12 African Security Review
Zimbabwe's post-colonial antinomies as the ‘northern problem’: policy projections Brilliant Mhlanga 2010-12 African Security Review
A decade of kidnappings and terrorism in West Africa and the Trans-Sahel region Martin Ewi 2010-12 African Security Review
Securing South Africa: a guide for the National Planning Commission Deane-Peter Baker 2010-12 African Security Review
All's well that ends postponed: the adoption of a definition of the crime of aggression at the Rome Statute Review Conference in Kampala André Stemmet 2010-12 African Security Review
From promise to practice: towards universal jurisdiction to deter the commission of mass atrocities in Africa Dan Kuwali 2010-12 African Security Review
THE CAUSAL HISTORY OF AFRICA: A RESPONSE TO HOPKINS James Fenske 2010-12 South African Journal of Economic History
Book Reviews Andrew Cohen
Thula Simpson
Aldwin Roes
Annabelle Wienand
Chris Saunders
2010-12 South African Historical Journal
Active Volcanism and Continental Rifting in Africa (AVCOR): Introduction to the Special Issue Gerald G.J. ERNST
Nicolas d’Oreye
François Kervyn
Gezahegn Yirgu
Cindy Ebinger
Dario Tedesco
Nicolas M. Pagliuca
François Lukaya
2010-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Crustal structure beneath two seismic broadband stations revealed from teleseismic P-wave receiver function analysis in the Virunga volcanic area, Western Rift Valley of Africa Georges Mavonga Tuluka 2010-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Kinematic model for Tenerife Island (Canary Islands, Spain): Geodynamic interpretation in the Nubian plate context M. Berrocoso
J. Carmona
A. Fernández-Ros
A. Pérez-Peña
R. Ortiz
A. García
2010-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tectonic control over active volcanism at a range of scales: Case of the Rungwe Volcanic Province, SW Tanzania; and hazard implications Karen Fontijn
Damien Delvaux
Gerald G.J. Ernst
Matthieu Kervyn
Evelyne Mbede
Patric Jacobs
2010-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
FAO Report: ‘Climate Smart’ 2010-12 Africa Research Bulletin
Moses E. Ochonu. Colonial Meltdown: Northern Nigeria in the Great Depression. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2009. New African History Series, xii + 217 pp. List of Illustrations. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $55.00. Cloth. $24.95. Paper. Olufemi Vaughan 2010-12 African Studies Review
Chima J. Korieh and Philomina Okeke-Ihejirika, eds. Gendering Global Transformations: Gender, Culture, Race and Identity. New York: Routledge, 2009. ix + 291 pp. Notes. Bibliography. About the Contributors. Index. $95.00. Cloth. Mojúbàolú Olúfúnké Okome 2010-12 African Studies Review
THE GAMBIA: Heavy Debt Burden 2010-12-22 Africa Research Bulletin
DR CONGO: Debt Reduction 2010-12-22 Africa Research Bulletin
Hisbah and Sharia Law Enforcement in Metropolitan Kano Olaniyi 2011 Africa Today
Making History in Africa: David Henige and the Quest for Method in African History Michel R. Doortmont 2011 History in Africa
Indecent Theology, Trans-theology, and the Transgendered Madonna in Chris Abani's The Virgin of Flames Stobie 2011 Research in African Literatures
Defying a Myth: A Gay Sub-Culture in Contemporary South Africa 2011 Nordic Journal of African Studies
The Intimacy of Belonging: Literacy and the Experience of Sunjata in Mali 2011 History in Africa
Pourquoi un marché informel du médicament dans les pays francophones d'Afrique ? 2011 Politique africaine
The changing faces of urban civic organisation 2011 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Chappati Complaints and Biriani Cravings: The Aesthetics of Food in Colonial Zanzibari Institutions 2011 Journal of Eastern African Studies
Towards concert in Africa: seeking progress and power through cohesion and unity Sigfrido Burgos Caceres 2011 African Studies Quarterly
The (mal) function of "it" in Ifeanyi Menkiti's normative account of person Bernard Matolino 2011 African Studies Quarterly
Sierra Leone's 2007 elections: monumental and more of the same Kevin S. Fridy
Fredline A.O. M'Cormack-Hale
2011 African Studies Quarterly
Oil extraction and the potential for domestic instability in Uganda Jacob Kathman
Megan Shannon
2011 African Studies Quarterly
Nigeria's Fourth Republic and the challenge of a faltering democratization Dhikru Adewale Yagboyaju 2011 African Studies Quarterly
Personal rule in Africa: the case of Eritrea Petros B. Ogbazghi 2011 African Studies Quarterly
Debunking the myth of the "good" coup d'etat in Africa Andrew C. Miller 2011 African Studies Quarterly
“At the Receiving End of Severe Misunderstanding”: Dambudzo Marechera's Representations of Authorship Toivanen 2011 Research in African Literatures
Neo African-Americans: discourse on blackness Shiera S. el-Malik 2011-01 African and Black Diaspora
Victims of Discourse: Mobilizing Narratives of Fear and Insecurity in Post-Conflict South Sudan—The Case of Jonglei State Ann Laudati 2011-01 African Geographical Review
The point of entanglement: modernism, Diaspora, and Toni Morrison'sLove Houston A. Baker 2011-01 African and Black Diaspora
Liverpool: The capital of a Black Atlantic? Daniel McNeil 2011-01 African and Black Diaspora
Why Africa's Cities Matter Garth Myers 2011-01 African Geographical Review
Characterization and facies analysis of the hydrovolcanic deposits of Montaña Pelada tuff ring: Tenerife, Canary Islands J. Carmona
C. Romero
J. Dóniz
A. García
2011-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Statistical categorization geochemical modeling of groundwater in Ain Azel plain (Algeria) Lazhar Belkhiri
Abderrahmane Boudoukha
Lotfi Mouni
Toufik Baouz
2011-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
SHRIMP dating of titanite from metasyenites in the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt, South Africa M.J. Rigby
R.A. Armstrong
2011-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Towards "a different kind of beauty": responses to coal-based pollution in the Witbank coalfield between 1903 and 1948. Michal Singer 2011-01-01 Journal of Southern African Studies
"The last thing that tells our story": the Roodepoort West Cemetery, 1958-2008. Michelle Hay 2011-01-01 Journal of Southern African Studies
Decentralization, democratization, and health: the Philippine experiment Irene V Langran 2011-01-01 Journal of Asian and African Studies
Rights to food with a human face in the global south. Aminur Rahim 2011-01-01 Journal of Asian and African Studies
Whores, men, and other misfits: undoing ‘feminization’ in the armed forces in the DRC. Maria Eriksson Baaz 2011-01-01 African Affairs
Te Nygeyng Gbengbeng!' ('We are holding the Umbrella very tight!'): Explaining the popularity of the NDC in the upper west region of Ghana Bob-Milliar, G.M. 2011 Africa
Saving Ghana from Its Oil: A Critical Assessment of Preparations so Far Made Gyampo, R.E. 2011 Africa Today
The First One Hundred Days of Oil Production in Ghana Gyampo, R.E. 2011 African Research Review
Locative Constructions and Positional Verbs in Logba Dorvlo, K. 2011 Legon Journal of the Humanities
Reflexive Pronouns in Dagbani Issah, S.A. 2011 Legon Journal of the Humanities
Orality in Osundare’s Poetry:‘WH-ASK’ and ‘NP-WH-LET’ Constructions Dare, S. 2011 Legon Journal of the Humanities
Attitudes of Educated Yoruba Bilinguals to Codeswitching Akande, A.T.
Akinwale, O.T.
2011 Legon Journal of the Humanities
Language Policy, Language Choice and Language Use in the Tanzanian Parliament Dzahene-Quarshie, J. 2011 Legon Journal of the Humanities
Marking Transgressive Spaces and Bodies: A Review of Contemporary Ghanaian Poetry Adika, P.K. 2011 Legon Journal of the Humanities
Moments of Disparate Peaks: Race-Gender Wage Gaps among Mature Persons, 1965–2007 Patrick L. Mason 2011-01 The Review of Black Political Economy
Place-making, participative archaeologies and Mursi megaliths: some implications for aspects of pre- and proto-history in the Horn of Africa Timothy Clack
Marcus Brittain
2011-02 Journal of Eastern African Studies
A critical rhetoric analysis of Ojukwu'sAhiara Declaration Victor S. Alumona 2011-02 African Identities
A content analysis of oral narratives exploring factors which impact on, and contribute to, the mental ill health of the Ethiopian diaspora in London, UK David Palmer 2011-02 African Identities
GUINEA BISSAU: Major Debt Relief 2011-02 Africa Research Bulletin
A magnetic and gravity investigation of the Liberia Basin, West Africa S. Morris Cooper
Tianyou Liu
2011-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Influence of pre-existing fabrics on fault kinematics and rift geometry of interacting segments: Analogue models based on the Albertine Rift (Uganda), Western Branch-East African Rift System K. Aanyu
D. Koehn
2011-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Paleostress reconstructions of Jabal Hafit structures, Southeast of Al Ain City, United Arab Emirates (UAE) Usama F. Zaineldeen 2011-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
AFRICOM and US Africa policy: ‘pentagonising’ foreign policy or providing a model for joint approaches? Stefan Gänzle 2011-03 African Security Review
Democracy index for Africa, 2010 Sylvie Loua 2011-03 African Security Review
Africa and the UN Security Council, 1945–2010: a critical appraisal Issaka K Souaré 2011-03 African Security Review
Don't stop with Joint Forces Command … cut AFRICOM too Adam Cobb 2011-03 African Security Review
Civilian protection and the image of the ‘total spoiler’: reflections on MONUC support to Kimia II Daniel H Levine 2011-03 African Security Review
North and South Sudan: a divorcing couple who need each other Emmanuel Kisiangani 2011-03 African Security Review
Moving beyond the technical: facing up to peacebuilding's inherent contradictions Cedric de Coning 2011-03 African Security Review
Transactional distance theory and total quality management in open and distance learning R. F. Aluko
J. Hendrikz
W. J. Fraser
2011-03 Africa Education Review
Globalisation: The role of new information and communication technologies in distance education E. N. Ivala 2011-03 Africa Education Review
Training psychology students to think critically: Revisiting psychology as science A. Kagee 2011-03 Africa Education Review
Surface texture analysis of southern Tuli Basin sediments: Implications for Limpopo Valley geoarchaeological contexts Joel C. Le Baron
Stefan W. Grab
2011-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Oxygen, carbon and sulphur isotope studies in the Keban Pb–Zn deposits, eastern Turkey: An approach on the origin of hydrothermal fluids Leyla Kalender 2011-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
CASSAVA: Nigeria 2011-03 Africa Research Bulletin
‘We are Running for a Living': Work, Leisure and Speculative Accumulation in an Underground Numbers Lottery in Johannesburg Detlev Krige 2011-03-22 African Studies
The Vilakazi Prize 2011-03-22 African Studies
Chief Albert Luthuli's Conceptualisation of Civilisation Scott Everett Couper 2011-03-22 African Studies
2010 Annual Ruth First Memorial Lecture, University of the Witwatersrand: Making the Invisible Visible: A Story of the Central Methodist Church Christa L. Kuljian 2011-03-22 African Studies
The Ghost of Theal: Representation of the Khoe-San in SA School History Books Michael Besten 2011-03-22 African Studies
Review Essay: European Scholarship Examining Greater Cape Town's Muslim Community Muhammed Haron 2011-03-22 African Studies
2010 Annual Ruth First Memorial Lecture, University of the Witwatersrand: Voices from the Margin Crystal Orderson 2011-03-22 African Studies
The 2010 coup d'etat in Niger: A praetorian regulation of politics? V. Baudais
G. Chauzal
2011-03-25 African Affairs
Ichnotaxonomy of the Laetoli trackways: The earliest hominin footprints D.J. Meldrum
Martin G. Lockley
Charles Musiba
2011-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Trace fossils and depositional environments in the Hawaz Formation, Middle Ordovician, western Libya Jordi M. de Gibert
Emilio Ramos
Mariano Marzo
2011-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A situational analysis for the implementation of the National School Health Policy in KwaZulu-Natal Yoliswa Shasha
Siyabonga Dlamini
Colleen Aldous-Mycock
2011-04-29 Development Southern Africa
Marginalising women in politics: Recent trends in KwaZulu-Natal 2011-04-29 Development Southern Africa
‘He uses my body’: female traditional healers, male ancestors and transgender in South Africa Cheryl Stobie 2011-05 African Identities
African art as a source of knowledge Abebe Zegeye 2011-05 African Identities
Imagined communities Simon Njami 2011-05 African Identities
The scars of dissipation: memory, catharsis and the search for the aesthetic Jimmy Ogonga 2011-05 African Identities
Comfortable contradictions: South Africa, Africa and the marketplace Bettina Malcomess 2011-05 African Identities
Garveyism in Cleveland, Ohio and the history of the diasporic Midwest, 1920–1975 Erik S. McDuffie 2011-05 African Identities
The Bouznika Cambrian barite deposit (Morocco), an early mineralization on the Iapetus margin Michel Jébrak
Mohamed el Wartiti
Eric Marcoux
Mohamed Zaharoui
2011-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A comparative analysis of the distribution, composition and geochemistry of surface sediments in the Linthipe and Songwe River Deltas of Lake Malawi Michael B. Dolozi
Leonard S.N. Kalindekafe
Cosmo Ngongondo
Zuze Dulanya
2011-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Late Eburnean deformation in the Kolia-Boboti sedimentary basin, Kédougou-Kéniéba Inlier, Sénégal Moussa Dabo
Tahar Aïfa
2011-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Age of ferroan A-type post-tectonic granitoids of the southern part of the Keimoes Suite, Northern Cape Province, South Africa Russell Bailie
Jens Gutzmer
H.M. Rajesh
Richard Armstrong
2011-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Al(Fe,Ti,Si)-mobility and secondary mineralization implications: A case study of the karst unconformity diasporite-type bauxite horizons in Milas (Muğla), Turkey Murat Hatipoğlu 2011-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sediment transport and turbidite architecture in the submarine Dakar Canyon off Senegal, NW-Africa Roberto Pierau
Rüdiger Henrich
Inga Preiß-Daimler
Sebastian Krastel
Jacob Geersen
2011-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Carried by a mystic wind : B.W. Andrzejewski on the Somali passion for poetry and language : introduction Ruth Finnegan 2011-06 Journal of African Cultural Studies
Land grabbing in Southern Africa: the many faces of the investor rush Ruth Hall 2011-06 Review of African Political Economy
Seven commentaries, three debates and one book: the author's response Séverine Autesserre 2011-06 African Security Review
A commentary on Séverine Autesserre'sThe trouble with the Congo Zachariah Mampilly 2011-06 African Security Review
Narrowed focus: readingThe trouble with the Congoby Séverine Autesserre Stephen Jackson 2011-06 African Security Review
The trouble with Ituri Dan Fahey 2011-06 African Security Review
Whither civil society? Local peacebuilding and the international community Laura E Seay 2011-06 African Security Review
The trouble with the local in the Congo: the challenges of multi-level peacebuilding initiatives Geoffroy Matagne 2011-06 African Security Review
The trouble with the Congo: a précis Séverine Autesserre 2011-06 African Security Review
Our work here is done: European Union peacekeeping in Africa Per Martin Norheim-Martinsen 2011-06 African Security Review
A review of Séverine Autesserre'sThe trouble with the Congo Michael J Kavanagh 2011-06 African Security Review
From local-level violence to international relations theory: a journey throughThe trouble with the Congo Michael Nest 2011-06 African Security Review
Labour Market Restructuring and South Africa's Rural Homeland Communitiesin the 1980s Murray Leibbrandt 2011-06 South African Journal of Economic History
South African Living Standards in Global Perspective, 1835–1910 Pim de Zwart 2011-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Historical Roots of Inequality in South Africa Francis Wilson 2011-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Andrea Saayman
2011-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Vishnu Padayachee
2011-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Shaun de Jager
2011-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Gerald Epstein
2011-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Vishnu Padayachee
2011-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Adèle Breytenbach
2011-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Rescuing the Rebels from Ruin: Afrikaner Nationalism and the Political Economy of the Helpmekaar (Mutual Aid) Movement and its £100 Fund, 1915–1917 Anton Ehlers 2011-06 South African Journal of Economic History
A new gravimetric geoid model for Sudan using the KTH method Ahmed Abdalla
Derek Fairhead
2011-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Characterizing a complex aquifer system using geophysics, hydrodynamics and geochemistry: A new distribution of Miocene aquifers in the Zéramdine and Mahdia–Jébéniana blocks (east-central Tunisia) Fethi Lachaal
Mourad Bédir
Jamila Tarhouni
Ayadi Ben Gacha
Christian Leduc
2011-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mineralogical and geochemical features of the wollastonite deposit of Azegour, haut-atlas (Morocco) S.H. Berrada
M. Hajjaji
A. Belkabir
2011-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon compositions in the Neoproterozoic of South Gabon (Schisto-Calcaire Subgroup, Nyanga Basin): Are cap carbonates and lithoherms recording a particular destabilization event after the Marinoan glaciation? Alain Préat
Jean-Pierre Prian
Denis Thiéblemont
Rolf Mabicka Obame
Franck Delpomdor
2011-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Explaining the Divorce Phenomenon among Indigenes of the Ilorin Emirate in Kwara State, Nigeria D.S. Adekeye
B. Salawu
2011-06-01 The Nigerian journal of sociology and anthropology : journal of the
Changing Planning Law in Africa: An Introduction to the Issue Vanessa Watson 2011-06-03 Urban Forum
On-Farm Evaluation of the Use of Cassava Root Meal as a Partial Substitute for Maize in Broiler Diets in Anambra State AN Eze 2011-06-21 African Research Review
Biblical Theories of the History of Prophetism in Old Testament: An Ethical Monotheistic Approach PE Nmah
LK Nwadialor
2011-06-22 African Research Review
Sales Target and Ethical Behaviour of Marketing Executives in the Nigerian Banking Industry CO Akenbor
S Imade
2011-06-22 African Research Review
Cool greenstone drips and the role of partial convective overturn in Barberton greenstone belt evolution Martin J. Van Kranendonk 2011-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Upper mantle structure of the Saharan Metacraton Mohamed G. Abdelsalam
Stephen S. Gao
2011-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Black Europe and the African Diaspora Sandra Jackson 2011-07 African and Black Diaspora
The Black European Women's Council: ‘thinking oneself into the New Europe’ Cassandra Ellerbe-Dueck 2011-07 African and Black Diaspora
Adaptation, evaluation and inclusion R. Basson 2011-07 Africa Education Review
Enhancing school HIV and AIDS strategic plan through expanded stakeholder involvement V.Y. Mgomezulu
A.G. Kruger
2011-07 Africa Education Review
‘LADIES A YOUR TIME NOW!’Erotic politics, lovers' rock and resistance in the UK Lisa Amanda Palmer 2011-07 African and Black Diaspora
Reinventing Africa in La Goutte-d'Or, Paris: photographic essay Fassil Demissie 2011-07 African and Black Diaspora
Between African-American and European: Kenny Clarke's musical migrations Rashida K. Braggs 2011-07 African and Black Diaspora
Tyrone Grainger and the dilemma of blackness in London Anita Harris 2011-07 African and Black Diaspora
The role of cognition in teaching and learning: A case study S. Blignaut 2011-07 Africa Education Review
The potential skills contribution of international students to South Africa N. Aloyo
A. Wentzel
2011-07 Africa Education Review
The toxic mix: What's wrong with South Africa's schools and how to fix it, by 2011-07 Africa Education Review
Conceptualizing racialized black political activity within European spaces: a political opportunities approach William Ackah 2011-07 African and Black Diaspora
A sequence stratigraphic framework for a narrow, current-swept continental shelf: The Durban Bight, central KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Andrew Green
G. Luke Garlick
2011-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Fluoride enrichment mechanism and geospatial distribution in the volcanic aquifers of the Middle Awash basin, Northern Main Ethiopian Rift Wakgari Furi
Moumtaz Razack
Tamiru Alemayehu Abiye
Tenalem Ayenew
Dagnachew Legesse
2011-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Assessment of integrated electrical resistivity data on complex aquifer structures in NE Nuba Mountains – Sudan N.E. Mohamed
U. Yaramanci
K.M. Kheiralla
M.Y. Abdelgalil
2011-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Crustal structure beneath Kottamiya broadband station, northern Egypt, from analysis of teleseismic receiver functions Mohamed K. Salah 2011-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Thomas Deltombe, Manuel Domergue et Jacob Tatsitsa, Kamerun ! Une guerre cachée aux origines de la Françafrique (1948-1971) Jean-Pierre Bat 2011 Afrique contemporaine
Fieldwork, Orality, Text: Ethnographic and Historical Fields of Knowledge in Colonial and Postcolonial Gabon John M. Cinnamon 2011 History in Africa
Remembering Korle Bu Hospital: Biomedical Heritage and Colonial Nostalgia in theGolden Jubilee Souvenir Jonathan Roberts 2011 History in Africa
State Building in the Niger Basin in the Common Era and Beyond, 1000–Mid 1800s: The Case of Yorubaland EC Ejiogu 2011-07-13 Journal of Asian and African Studies
ONE OF AFRICA'S MOST INFLUENTIAL COLONIAL OFFICIALS - White Chief, Black Lords: Shepstone and the Colonial State in Natal, South Africa, 1845–1878. By Thomas V. Mcclendon. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2010. Pp. xiv+177. £40/$75, har NORMAN ETHERINGTON 2011-07 The Journal of African History
BRINGING THE VISUAL TURN TO ALGIERS - Walls of Algiers. Narratives of the City through Text and Image. Edited by Zeynep Çelik, Julia Clancy-Smith, and Frances Terpak. Seattle, WA/Los Angeles, CA: University of Washington Press and the Getty Research JAMES MCDOUGALL 2011-07 The Journal of African History
POPULATION MOVEMENTS IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY MEDITERRANEANS - Mediterraneans: North Africa and Europe in an Age of Migration, c.1800–1900. By Julia Clancy-Smith. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2011. Pp. xv+445. $49.95, hardback (ISB OSAMA W. ABI MERSHED 2011-07 The Journal of African History
Monumental Histories: Commemorating Mau Mau with the Statue of Dedan Kimathi Annie E. Coombes 2011-08 African Studies
International sporting events in South Africa, identity re-alignment, and Schneider's EVENT X Brenda Spencer 2011-08 African Identities
‘The ball is round’: ways with soccer Robert Muponde
Abebe Zegeye
2011-08 African Identities
The 2010 FIFA World Cup as a commercial platform in print advertising Marthinus Conradie 2011-08 African Identities
Playing from the terraces: notes on expressions of football fandom in South Africa Antony Kaminju
Thabisani Ndlovu
2011-08 African Identities
Beyond Trauma: New Perspectives on the Politics of Memory in East and Southern Africa Heike Becker 2011-08 African Studies
Using HySpex SWIR-320m hyperspectral data for the identification and mapping of minerals in hand specimens of carbonate rocks from the Ankloute Formation (Agadir Basin, Western Morocco) Rachid Baissa
Kamal Labbassi
Patrick Launeau
Anne Gaudin
Brahim Ouajhain
2011-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Analysis of Cretaceous (Aptian) strata in central Tunisia, using 2D seismic data and well logs Taher Zouaghi
Issam Ferhi
Mourad Bédir
Mohamed Ben Youssef
Mohamed Gasmi
Mohamed Hédi Inoubli
2011-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Application of lithogeochemistry to exploration for Ni–Cu sulfide deposits in the Kabanga area, NW Tanzania Athanas S. Macheyeki 2011-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Late Triassic–early Jurassic block tilting along E–W faults, in southern Tunisia: New interpretation of the Tebaga of Medenine Camille Raulin
Dominique Frizon de Lamotte
Samir Bouaziz
Sami Khomsi
Nicolas Mouchot
Geoffrey Ruiz
François Guillocheau
2011-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Demographic and Economic Changes in Small Towns in South Africa’s Karoo: Looking from the Inside Out Etienne Nel
B. Taylor
T. Hill
D. Atkinson
2011-08-17 Urban Forum
Neoliberal threats to North Africa 2011-09 Review of African Political Economy
Crime and firm characteristics in South Africa Busani Moyo 2011-09 African Security Review
Securitising piracy Francois Vreÿ 2011-09 African Security Review
Punishment of international crimes in failed states James Tsabora 2011-09 African Security Review
South Sudan and the pitfalls of power Kisiangani Emmanuel 2011-09 African Security Review
Managing Nigeria's Niger Delta crisis under democratic rule Saka Luqman 2011-09 African Security Review
A critique of Paul Collier's ‘greed and grievance’ thesis of civil war Roland Bensted 2011-09 African Security Review
KENYA: “Dirty Debt” 2011-09 Africa Research Bulletin
Geology and hydrothermal resources in the northern Lake Abaya area (Ethiopia) Tadiwos Chernet 2011-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Rise of Independent African Churches, 1890-1930: An Ethical-genesis of Nigerian Nationalism PE Nmah 2011-09-02 African Research Review
Holy Johnson's Patriotism:An Ethical Challenge to Nigerians PE Nmah
LK Nwadialor
2011-09-02 African Research Review
Jonathan Miran. Red Sea Citizens: Cosmopolitan Society and Cultural Change in Massawa. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2009. 400 pp. Note on Language. Maps. Photos. Glossary. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $75.00. Cloth. $27.95. Paper. Matthew S. Hopper 2011-09 African Studies Review
Late Cryogenian–Ediacaran history of the Arabian–Nubian Shield: A review of depositional, plutonic, structural, and tectonic events in the closing stages of the northern East African Orogen P.R. Johnson
A. Andresen
A.R. Fowler
H. Fritz
W. Ghebreab
R.J. Stern
2011-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Paleoecological significance of newly discovered trace fossils near the Gedaref town, eastern Sudan Ali A.M. Eisawi
Ibrahim A.A. Babikir
Khalaf Allah O. Salih
2011-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Genesis and geometry of tilted blocks in the Theban Hills, near Luxor (Upper Egypt) Christian Dupuis
Marie-Pierre Aubry
Chris King
Robert W.O’B. Knox
Mostafa Youssef
Wael Fathi Galal
Marc Roche
2011-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
“Crisylida Capital”: Hatching Informal Township Property Markets to Benefit Low-Income Residents in Johannesburg, South Africa Ashley Gunter
Lukas Scheepers
2011-10-18 Urban Forum
Books Noted 2011-10-25 Journal of African Archaeology
Civil society and security sector oversight Janine Rauch 2011-11 African Security Review
Thank-you to our peer reviewers for 2011 2011-11 African Security Review
Benefits of buccaneering Lisa Otto 2011-11 African Security Review
More than political tools Mutuma Ruteere 2011-11 African Security Review
The police in war David H Bayley 2011-11 African Security Review
Peacebuilding and rule of law in Africa Sarah Ancas 2011-11 African Security Review
Security beyond the state Frederick P Roth 2011-11 African Security Review
Southern African Historical Society Conference: ‘The Past and Its Possibilities: Perspectives of Southern Africa'23rdBiennial Conference, University of KwaZulu- Natal, Durban, 27-29 June 2011 Rachel Sandwell 2011-11 African Historical Review
Post-refugee African Australians' perceptions about being and becoming Australian: language, discourse and participation Finex Ndhlovu 2011-11 African Identities
Resistance through re-narration: Fanon on de-constructing racialized subjectivities Cynthia R. Nielsen 2011-11 African Identities
Sara Baartman and the Hottentot Venus. A Ghost Story and a Biography Ulrike Kistner 2011-11 African Historical Review
A response to ‘Retrieving Biko’ Ross Truscott
Jacqueline Marx
2011-11 African Identities
Shigey, mijn Vlam (Shigey, My Flame) Christine Matzke 2011-11 African Identities
Re-imagining and re-writing the legend of Queen Pokou Dina Ligaga 2011-11 African Identities
William Chapman: Reminiscences Fj Nöthling 2011-11 African Historical Review
Breeds of Empire: The ‘Invention’ of the Horse in Southeast Asia and Southern Africa 1500-1950 Stephanie Vandenbergh 2011-11 African Historical Review
The Cultural Politics of Female Sexuality in South Africa Rachel Johnson 2011-11 African Historical Review
Educator-on-educator workplace bullying: A phenomenological study N.C. de Wet 2011-11 Africa Education Review
On the Town and Underworld in South Africa: Representations of Urban Africans in ‘Black Films’, 1974–1990 Gairoonisa Paleker 2011-11 African Historical Review
The managerial role of the principal in promoting teacher professionalism in selected Eastern Cape schools R.J. Botha 2011-11 Africa Education Review
Marthinus Theunis Steyn: Regsman, Staatsman en Volksman André Wessels 2011-11 African Historical Review
Radelose Rebellie? Dinamika van die 1914–1915 Afrikanerrebellie F.J. Nöthling 2011-11 African Historical Review
Spaces of inclusion and exclusion: the dynamics of Cameroonian associations in Johannesburg, South Africa Ernest Angu Pineteh 2011-11 African Identities
Indirect Rule in South Africa: Tradition, Modernity, and the Costuming of Political Power Thula Simpson 2011-11 African Historical Review
History of education at the University of South Africa (UNISA): 1961 – present A. Lewis
J. Seroto
2011-11 Africa Education Review
The Cambridge History of South Africa, Volume 1, From Early Times to 1885 Thula Simpson 2011-11 African Historical Review
Micro-Raman spectroscopy of gem-quality chrysoprase from the Biga–Çanakkale region of Turkey Murat Hatipoğlu
Ufuk Ören
Yaşar Kibici
2011-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Lattice-particle simulation of stress patterns in a Rwenzori-type rift transfer zone Till Sachau
Daniel Koehn
Cees Passchier
2011-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Life and Death of Dr Abu Baker ‘Hurley’ Asvat, 23 February 1943 to 27 January 1989 Jon Soske 2011-12 African Studies
Rethinking South Africa's Transition: From Transformative to Mainstream Approaches to Participatory Development Luke Sinwell 2011-12 African Studies
Main Machinery: The ANC's Armed Underground in Johannesburg During the 1976 Soweto Uprising Thula Simpson 2011-12 African Studies
Making the Modern: Contestations overMuziki wa Dansiin Tanganyika, ca. 1945–1961 Maria Suriano 2011-12 African Studies
Rethinking State-Building in the Horn of Africa: Challenges of Striking a Balance between Traditional and Modern Institutions Redie Bereketeab 2011-12 African Studies
The Globalisation of South African Conglomerates, 1990–2009 2011-12 South African Journal of Economic History
Causes and Confusions in African History A.G. Hopkins 2011-12 South African Journal of Economic History
A Clash of Disciplines? Economists and Historians Approaching the African Past Morten Jerven 2011-12 South African Journal of Economic History
The Causal History of Africa: Replies to Jerven and Hopkins James Fenske 2011-12 South African Journal of Economic History
Questioning resistance in post-apartheid South Africa: a response to Luke Sinwell Carin Runciman 2011-12 Review of African Political Economy
Neural network-based model for landslide susceptibility and soil longitudinal profile analyses: Two case studies F. Farrokhzad
A. Barari
A.J. Choobbasti
L.B. Ibsen
2011-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Structural influence on the evolution of the pre-Eonile drainage system of southern Egypt: Insights from magnetotelluric and gravity data Jeff Roden
Mohamed G. Abdelsalam
Estella Atekwana
Gad El-Qady
Elhamy Aly Tarabees
2011-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Whose Liberation? A Partly-Forgotten Left Critique of ANC Strategy and Its Contemporary Implications Steven Friedman 2011-12-06 Journal of Asian and African Studies
Money and power: the great predators in the political economy of development David Moore 2011-12 Review of African Political Economy
Worms, Frogs, Crabs, and the Eye of God: Mpondo and Hlubi Perceptions of White Malevolence and Surveillance Susan I. Blackbeard 2011-12 South African Historical Journal
CASSAVA: East Africa 2011-12-19 Africa Research Bulletin
Pour une cartographie du discours des acteurs internationaux sur la gratuité des soins Émilie Robert 2012 Afrique contemporaine
Étudier les politiques publiques et les politiques de santé en Afrique de l'Ouest Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan 2012 Afrique contemporaine
Race and Sex across the French Atlantic: The Color of Black in Literary, Philosophical, and Theater Discourse , by Frieda Ekotto Curto 2012 Research in African Literatures
Ongoing Transitions – Editors' Introduction Michel R. Doortmont
John H. Hanson
Dmitri van den Bersselaar
2012 History in Africa
Race classification at the University of KwaZulu-Natal: purposes, sites and practices Shaun Ruggunan
Gerhard Maré
2012 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Of classifications and sub-classifications: A response to Stone and Erasmus, and de Vos 2012 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Looking backward, looking forward: race, corrective measures and the South African Constitutional Court Pierre de Vos 2012 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Viriato da Cruz: um intelectual angolano do séc. XX. A memória que se faz necessária Carlos Serrano 2012 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
Relatione del Reame di Congo: fonte para o estudo do contato do português com as línguas do grupo banto Margarida Maria Taddoni Petter 2012 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
A diversidade de itinerários terapêuticos da população da Ilha de Moçambique - O popular, o folk e o profissional Ana Luísa Patrão
José Vasconcelos-Raposo
2012 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
Text and inter-textuality in contemporary Yorùbá literary works Arinpe Adejumo 2012 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
The modern seduction of race: whither social constructionism? 2012 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Participatory assessment of development initiatives and of European aid to Africa L. Qju 2012 African Studies
Sons of the soil and conquerors who came on foot: the historical evolution of a West African border region 2012 African Studies Quarterly
The challenges of transnational human trafficking in West Africa Wilfried Relwende Sawadogo 2012 African Studies Quarterly
The transformation of the US-based Liberian diaspora from hard power to soft power agents Osman Antwi-Boateng 2012 African Studies Quarterly
Hip hop as social commentary in Accra and Dar es Salaam Msia Kibona Clark 2012 African Studies Quarterly
Frontiers of Violence in North-East Africa: Geneaologies of Conflict since 1800. Zones of Violence series by Richard Reid [Review] JOHN W. HARBESON 2012 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Learning from the New Deal Philip Harvey 2012-01 The Review of Black Political Economy
Global Circuits of Blackness: Interrogating the African Diaspora Amy B. Wolfson 2012-01 African and Black Diaspora
Comparison and connection in the study of Afro-Latin America Mark Anderson 2012-01 African and Black Diaspora
FILM REVIEW Fassil Demissie 2012-01 African and Black Diaspora
‘Political changüí’: race, political culture, and black civic activism in the early Cuban republic Melina Pappademos 2012-01 African and Black Diaspora
Africans, Afro-Brazilians and Afro-Portuguese in the Iberian Inquisition in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries Vanicléia Silva Santos 2012-01 African and Black Diaspora
An analysis of the role of the study of the African Diaspora within the field of Atlantic history Nathaniel Millett 2012-01 African and Black Diaspora
Patterns and origin of igneous activity around the Tanzanian craton S.F. Foley
K. Link
J.V. Tiberindwa
E. Barifaijo
2012-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Crisp clustering of airborne geophysical data from the Alto Ligonha pegmatite field, northeastern Mozambique, to predict zones of increased rare earth element potential Detlef G. Eberle
Elias X.F. Daudi
Elônio A. Muiuane
Peter Nyabeze
Alfredo M. Pontavida
2012-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
New insight on paleoriver development in the Nile basin of the eastern Sahara Mohamed Abdelkareem
Eman Ghoneim
Farouk El-Baz
Mohamed Askalany
2012-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
African female immigration to the United States and its policy implications Kevin J A Thomas
Ikubolajeh Logan
2012-01-01 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Towards an Integrated Formal Model of Fundamental Frequency in Overall Downtrends D. Reid
F. Ahoua
Reid, D.
Ahoua, F.
2012 Legon Journal of the Humanities
‘Back-to-Africa’, ‘Double Consciousness’ and the African Diaspora: Confronting the Myth and the Reality in Ghanaian Fiction M. Adjei
Adjei, M.
2012 Legon Journal of the Humanities
The Concept of African Pianism E. Boamah
Boamah, E.
2012 Legon Journal of the Humanities
Vowel Raising in Akan Reduplication K. Adomako
Adomako, K.
2012 Legon Journal of the Humanities
An investigation into first year elective science and integrated science students’ understanding of length in measurement at Kadjebi Asato Senior High School (KASEC) Kumassah, E.K. 2012 South African Historical Journal
Industrialisation for structural transformation in Africa: Appropriate roles for the state Aryeetey, E.
Moyo, N.
2012 Journal of African Economies
War and Absurdity: Reading Manifestations of Trauma in Uwem Akpan’s “Luxurious Hearses” Okolocha, H.O. 2012 Legon Journal of the Humanities
Problems with Wiredu’s Empiricalism Ajei, M.O. 2012 Legon Journal of the Humanities
A Grammar of Newspaper Editorial Language: The Complex Sentence Wiredu, J.F. 2012 Legon Journal of the Humanities
HOW CHOLERA BECAME AN AFRICAN DISEASE - Africa in the Time of Cholera: A History of Pandemics from 1817 to the Present. By Myron Echenberg. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Pp. xvi+208. $85.00, hardback (<scp>isbn</scp>978-1-107-00149-7); JAMES L. A. WEBB 2012-01-10 The Journal of African History
Non-metropolitan Growth Potential of Western Cape Municipalities Ronnie Donaldson
Adriaan van Niekerk
Danie du Plessis
Manfred Spocter
2012-01-13 Urban Forum
Stratigraphic update of the Cenozoic Sub-Numidian formations of the Tunisian Tell (North Africa): Tectonic/sedimentary evolution and correlations along the Maghrebian Chain Habib Belayouni
Manuel Martín Martín
2012-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Art of resistance: negation, Ojaide and the remaking of the Niger delta Uzoechi Nwagbara 2012-02 African Identities
Emerging writing from four African countries: genres and Englishes, beyond the postcolonial E. Dawson 2012-02 African Identities
Liberation struggle, memory and freedom in Mongane Serote'sFreedom Lament and Song Senayon S. Olaoluwa 2012-02 African Identities
At the crossroads: culture and cultural identity in the novels of Achebe Neena Gandhi 2012-02 African Identities
“They forget what they came for”: Uganda's army in Sudan 2012-02 Journal of Eastern African Studies
The age and correlation of the Postmasburg Group, southern Africa: Constraints from detrital zircon grains J.M. Moore
S. Polteau
R.A. Armstrong
H. Tsikos
2012-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Gem-quality Turkish purple jade: Geological and mineralogical characteristics Murat Hatipoğlu
Yasemin Başevirgen
Steven C. Chamberlain
2012-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Carnivora from the Kanapoi hominin site, northern Kenya Fredrick Kyalo Manthi 2012-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Dangerous tales: Dominant narratives on the Congo and their unintended consequences S. Autesserre 2012-02-09 African Affairs
Review: "Jonkvrou" (Jean-Claude van Rijckeghem en Pat van Beirs) J Van Niekerk 2012-02-09 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Environment and Object: Recent African Art. Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art gallery, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York, February 5–July 31, 2011 Philip M. Peek 2012-02-09 African Arts
UN CLIMATE CONFERENCE: Durban Platform 2012-02 Africa Research Bulletin
The Exhaustion of Internal Remedies in Administrative Law: A Comparative Analysis of the South African and the Cameroonian Requirements and Procedure C. J. Tchawouo Mbiada 2012-02 African Journal of International and Comparative Law
Productivity Assessment of African Seaports 2012-03 African Development Review
Coaching and mentoring for capacity development Kristoffer N Tarp
Frederik F Rosén
2012-03 African Security Review
On unconstitutional changes of government Mehari Taddele Maru 2012-03 African Security Review
Perspectives on 2011 2012-03 African Security Review
Eight steps to improve counter-terrorism measures in South Africa Hussein Solomon 2012-03 African Security Review
What to expect from regional integration in Africa Ole Thonke
Adam Spliid
2012-03 African Security Review
How gaining knowledge and awareness of ego strength will assist teachers in understanding learners better L. A. Sanday
M. A. Venter
2012-03 Africa Education Review
School desegregation trends in Gauteng Province C. E. N. Amsterdam
M. Nkomo
E. Weber
2012-03 Africa Education Review
What counts as inclusion? E. Walton
N. Nel
2012-03 Africa Education Review
Challenges experienced by school managers in the Nkangala District, Mpumalanga, regarding the provision of long term leadership E. J. van Niekerk 2012-03 Africa Education Review
The gospel according to Banerjee and Duflo Nicholas Spaull 2012-03 Development Southern Africa
Zulu Masculinities, Warrior Culture and Stick Fighting: Reassessing Male Violence and Virtue in South Africa Benedict Carton
Robert Morrell
2012-03 Journal of Southern African Studies
Nationalism and pan-Africanism: decisive moments in Nyerere's intellectual and political thought Issa G. Shivji 2012-03 Review of African Political Economy
The fiscal cost of child grants in the context of high adult mortality in South Africa: A simulation to 2015 Hayley McEwen 2012-03 Development Southern Africa
Comment on “New insight on paleoriver development in the Nile basin of the eastern Sahara” by Mohamed Abdelkareem, EmanGhoneim, Farouk El-Baz, MohamedAskalany Steve Drury
Tsehaie Woldai
2012-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
BEYOND COLONIAL SCIENCE IN BRITISH-AFRICA - Africa as a Living Laboratory: Empire, Development, and the Problem of Scientific Knowledge, 1870–1950. By Helen Tilley. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2011. Pp. 496. $29, paperback (<scp>isbn</scp>978 DANIEL SPEICH CHASSÉ 2012-03 The Journal of African History
A swamp full of dollars: pipelines and paramilitaries in Nigeria's oil frontier Usman A. Tar 2012-03 Review of African Political Economy
Participatory Learning and Student Empowerment in the Classroom CC Obadiegwu 2012-03-19 African Research Review
Language Matters: The Role of Linguistic Identity in the Establishment of the Lusophone African Community in Macau Adams Bodomo
Roberval Teixeira-E-Silva
2012-04 African Studies
Metamorphic Thought: TheWorksof Frantz Fanon Achille Mbembe 2012-04 African Studies
The Ballot Vote as Embedded Ritual: A Radical Critique of Liberal-Democratic Approaches to Media and Elections in Africa Wendy Willems 2012-04 African Studies
2011 Annual Ruth First Memorial Lecture, University of the Witwatersrand: Looking an International Relations Gift Horse in the Mouth: SA's Response to the Libyan Crisis Eusebius McKaiser 2012-04 African Studies
Collapsed States: The disintegration and restoration of legitimate authority P. WOODWARD 2012-04-18 African Affairs
Making love possible: cell phones and intimate relationships Grace Khunou 2012-05 African Identities
Pliz cal me: a fictional essay on cellffairs in cellfares Robert Muponde 2012-05 African Identities
Embracing the mobile phone technology: its social and linguistic impact with special reference to Zimbabwean Ndebele Dion Nkomo
Langa Khumalo
2012-05 African Identities
Namibia: Debt Statistics 2012-05 Africa Research Bulletin
Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the late Archaean high-K granites in the southern Musoma-Mara Greenstone Belt: Their influence in evolution of Archaean Tanzania Craton Elisante Elisaimon Mshiu
Makenya A.H. Maboko
2012-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemical evolution of groundwater in an alluvial aquifer: Case of El Eulma aquifer, East Algeria Lazhar Belkhiri
Lotfi Mouni
Abderrahmane Boudoukha
2012-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Global Status of Economic History Joerg Baten
Julia Muschallik
2012-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Zimbabwe's clogged political drain and open diamond pipe Khadija Sharife 2012-06 Review of African Political Economy
Advocates for change Lisa Otto 2012-06 African Security Review
Africa's toy soldiers, non-state armed groups, and ‘voluntary’ recruitment Shannon Bosch
Juanita Easthorpe
2012-06 African Security Review
The Peace and Security Council of the African Union Margaret Gichanga 2012-06 African Security Review
The right place at the right time, or the right person in the right place? John Siko 2012-06 African Security Review
The ‘African COP’ Lisa Otto 2012-06 African Security Review
The importance of everyday encounters: young scholars reflect on fieldwork in Africa Caroline Faria
Ryan Z. Good
2012-06 African Geographical Review
Footing it, or why I walk Léonie S. Newhouse 2012-06 African Geographical Review
The ‘Cabbage and the Goat’: Xenophobic Violence in South Africa Thiven Reddy 2012-06 African Historical Review
Young Mandela Thula Simpson 2012-06 African Historical Review
The Origins of Non-Racialism: White Opposition to Apartheid in the 1950s Thula Simpson 2012-06 African Historical Review
African Wars: A Defense Intelligence Perspective Ackson Kanduza 2012-06 African Historical Review
Urban thermals and rural oils – a tale of contemporary Africa 2012-06 African Geographical Review
On the Politics of Exclusion and their Transcendence (a commentary) Loren B. Landau 2012-06 African Historical Review
Kalonga Gawa Undi X: A Biography of an African Chief and Nationalist Ackson Kanduza 2012-06 African Historical Review
Nairobi today: the paradox of a fragmented city Tamar Mott Forrest 2012-06 African Geographical Review
Finding that ‘eureka’ moment: the importance of keeping detailed field notes Benjamin D. Neimark 2012-06 African Geographical Review
Nelson Mandela: Conversations with Myself Thula Simpson 2012-06 African Historical Review
Remembering Dani Wadada Nabudere 2012-06 Review of African Political Economy
Political Power and Institutional Change: Lessons from the Middle East Şevket Pamuk 2012-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Contemporary Development and Economic History: How do we Know what Matters? 2012-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Economic History Matters Nicholas Crafts 2012-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Demography, Disease, and Development: An Evolutionary Approach Robert A. McGuire 2012-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Predicting the Next Panic: The Pioneering Economic Forecasters and their Legacies Walter A. Friedman 2012-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Culture and the Historical Process Nathan Nunn 2012-06 South African Journal of Economic History
The Roots of Development Johan Fourie 2012-06 South African Journal of Economic History
The Needham Puzzle Reconsidered: The Protection of Industrial and Commercial Property Rights Qiang Chen 2012-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Membership Size and Cooperative Performance: Evidence from Ghanaian Cocoa Producers' Societies, 1930–36 Chiara Cazzuffi
Alexander Moradi
2012-06 South African Journal of Economic History
The Future of South African Economic History Johan Fourie
Stefan Schirmer
2012-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Inheriting the Future: Intergenerational Persistence of Educational Status in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Justine Burns
Malcolm Keswell
2012-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Pan-Africanism: The Cape Town Case Chris Saunders 2012-06 Journal of Asian and African Studies
Becoming UWC: Reflections, Pathways and Unmaking Apartheid’s Legacy 2012-06 Social Dynamics
The impact of gold mining on the Witwatersrand on the rivers and karst system of Gauteng and North West Province, South Africa J.F. Durand 2012-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Red Sea – New insights from recent geophysical studies and the connection to the Dead Sea fault Michael Lazar
Zvi Ben-Avraham
Zvi Garfunkel
2012-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Modelling the density contrast and depth of the Moho discontinuity by seismic and gravimetric–isostatic methods with an application to Africa Mohammad Bagherbandi
Lars E. Sjöberg
2012-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Experiences and ethics of mindful reciprocity while conducting research in Sub-Saharan Africa Amber L. Pearson
Sarah B. Paige
2012-06 African Geographical Review
Engaging religious leaders: South African Muslim women’s experiences in matters pertaining to divorce initiatives Nina Hoel 2012-06 Social Dynamics
Africa in the Time of Cholera: A History of the Pandemics from 1817 to the Present Kylie van Zyl 2012-06-18 South African Historical Journal
Dystopian dreams from South Africa: Lauren Beukes's Moxyland and Zoo City Cheryl Stobie 2012-06-21 African Identities
Old perceptions and new identities in Heidedal ‘I am the names you call me and the names that are no longer known’ Piet A. Erasmus 2012-06-21 African Identities
LIBYA: Open for Business 2012-06-22 Africa Research Bulletin
EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY: Budget Estimates 2012-06-22 Africa Research Bulletin
Sustaining change in a learning organization K. Steenekamp
G. Botha
K. C. Moloi
2012-07 Africa Education Review
Thejogo de capoeiraand the fallacy of ‘creole’ cultural forms T.J. Desch Obi 2012-07 African and Black Diaspora
Student teachers’ opinion of the pastoral role module in a Postgraduate Certificate in Education programme S. Schoeman 2012-07 Africa Education Review
Barriers experienced by male office management students in a traditionally nonmale environment: a comparative study E. Ferreira
S. van Antwerpen
2012-07 Africa Education Review
Educators’ understanding of the mediation role in the classroom D. P. Ngidi 2012-07 Africa Education Review
Afro-Brazilian poetry: a laboratory of identity Cyril Vettorato 2012-07 African and Black Diaspora
A Bença: The Blessings of the Bando de Teatro Olodum Cheryl Sterling 2012-07 African and Black Diaspora
Determination of the source rocks for the diatexites from the Edough Massif, Annaba, NE Algeria Soraya Hadj Zobir
Beate Mocek
2012-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Morpho-tectonic analysis of the Tekeze River and the Blue Nile drainage systems on the Northwestern Plateau, Ethiopia Elamin H. Ismail
Mohamed G. Abdelsalam
2012-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Microstructural finite strain analysis and 40Ar/39Ar evidence for the origin of the Mizil gneiss dome, eastern Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia Ahmad M. Al-Saleh
Osama M.K. Kassem
2012-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
No Land! No House! No Vote! Voices from Symphony Way Hannah Soong 2012-07-02 African Identities
Autour d'un livre 2012 Politique africaine
The Jeremy Newman Papers: A New Historical Source for Colonial Kenya and the Kamba Myles Osborne 2012 History in Africa
The Politics of Land and Urban Space in Colonial Accra Naaborko Sackeyfio 2012 History in Africa
Researching Colonial Childhoods: Images and Representations of Children in Nigerian Newspaper Press, 1925–1950 Saheed Aderinto 2012 History in Africa
Race and race thinking: reflections in theory and practice for researchers in South Africa and beyond Kira Erwin 2012 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
ORAL TRADITION, MASCULINITY, AND STATECRAFT IN KANKAN (GUINEA) - Our New Husbands Are Here: Households, Gender, and Politics in a West African State from the Slave Trade to Colonial Rule. By Emily Lynn Osborn. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2011 JAN JANSEN 2012-07 The Journal of African History
Educational Policies—Minus a Few Realities?—during the Condominium - Educational Development in the Sudan, 1898–1956. By Mohamed Omer Beshir. Oxford Studies in African Affairs, 1969. Pp. 274. 55s. Lilian Sanderson 2012-07-26 The Journal of African History
RICHARD J. REID, Frontiers of Violence in North-East Africa: genealogies of violence since 1800. Oxford: Oxford University Press (hb £65–978 0 199 21188 3). 2011, 312 pp JUSTIN WILLIS 2012-07-27 Africa
CHIMA J. KORIEH, The Land Has Changed: history, society and gender in colonial eastern Nigeria. Calgary: University of Calgary Press (pb £33.50 – 978 1 55238 268 4). 2010, 370 pp. WALE ADEBANWI 2012-07-27 Africa
Trusting Neighbours or Strangers in a Racially Divided Society: Insights from Survey Data in South Africa D. Posel
T. Hinks
2012-07-31 Journal of African Economies
The cosmopolitan tradition and fissures in segregationist town planning in Nairobi, 1915–23 Godwin Rapando Murunga 2012-08 Journal of Eastern African Studies
Post-prison Nelson Mandela: A ‘made-in-America hero’ Francis Lukhele 2012-08 Canadian Journal of African Studies
The Discovery of Suicide in Eastern and Southern Africa Megan Vaughan 2012-08 African Studies
‘It's not right!’: Death as Gendered Experience in Contemporary South Africa Mieke deGelder 2012-08 African Studies
Topping Up: Life Amidst Hardship and Death on the Copperbelt Patience Mususa 2012-08 African Studies
Mengistu's ‘Red Terror’ Melakou Tegegn 2012-08 African Identities
Accidents Have No Cure! Road Death as Industrial Catastrophe in Eastern Africa Mark Lamont 2012-08 African Studies
Death in Slow Motion: Funerals, Ritual Practice and Road Danger in South Africa Rebekah Lee 2012-08 African Studies
Introduction: Themes in the Study of Death and Loss in Africa Rebekah Lee
Megan Vaughan
2012-08 African Studies
Facies pattern of the Sidi Aïch Formation: Reconstruction of Barremian paleogeography of Central North Africa Tahar Aloui
Prabir Dasgupta
Fredj Chaabani
2012-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Resisting the Restoration: response to Premesh Lalu John Higgins 2012-08-02 Social Dynamics
‘Nsumwinu’: meaning and role in the structural composition of melodies in the urban music of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Kazadi wa Mukuna 2012-08-25 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
Resensie: "Alfabet van die voëls" J Van Niekerk 2012-08-28 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
The Determinants of Health Care Utilisation in Rural Senegal A. Lepine
A. Le Nestour
2012-08-28 Journal of African Economies
An inconvenient youth Hamadziripi Tamukamoyo 2012-09 African Security Review
Conflict diamonds ‘alive and well’ Aleksi Ylönen 2012-09 African Security Review
The adequacy of the African Peace and Security Architecture to deal with serious democratic deficits Solomon A Dersso 2012-09 African Security Review
Political and democratic trends in Africa Kisiangani Emmanuel 2012-09 African Security Review
Financial Liberalization and Foreign Bank Entry on the Domestic Banking Performance in MENA Countries M. Kabir Hassan
Benito Sanchez
Geoffrey M. Ngene
Ali Ashraf
2012-09 African Development Review
Structural and hydrogeological features of a Lias carbonate aquifer in the Triffa Plain, NE Morocco J. Sardinha
J.F. Carneiro
Y. Zarhloule
A. Barkaoui
A. Correia
M. Boughriba
A. Rimi
B. El Houadi
2012-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Rwenzori Mountains of western Uganda – Aspects on the evolution of their remarkable morphology within the Albertine Rift F.U. Bauer
M. Karl
U.A. Glasmacher
B. Nagudi
A. Schumann
L. Mroszewski
2012-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Paleolimnology of a coastal lake on the Southern Cape coast of South Africa: Sediment geochemistry and diatom distribution N. Gordon
F. García-Rodríguez
J.B. Adams
2012-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Between Mosque and Palace Mark Dike DeLancey 2012-10-05 Cahiers d'études africaines
Comprehensiveness and the Challenges of Harmonization of Study and Research Programs in the CSET within ODL Context: Chemists’ Perspective M. J. Mphahlele
F. Tafesse
2012-11 Africa Education Review
Claiming indigeneity through the school curriculum, with specific reference to technology education M. T. Gumbo 2012-11 Africa Education Review
The Basutoland Congress Party in Exile: 1974–1986 2012-11 African Historical Review
A model to predict educators’ attitudes towards technology and thus technology adoption D. W. Govender 2012-11 Africa Education Review
An integrated project aimed at improving student success A. van Zyl
P. Blaauw
2012-11 Africa Education Review
Fighting for Britain: African Soldiers in the Second World War Bill Nasson 2012-11 African Historical Review
The Unlikely Secret Agent Thula Simpson 2012-11 African Historical Review
Niklaas van Rensburg: Die Siener F.J. Nöthling 2012-11 African Historical Review
Reading Revolution: Shakespeare on Robben Island Martin Orkin 2012-11 African Historical Review
Maintaining academic integrity among East African university students T. S. Mwamwenda 2012-11 Africa Education Review
100 Years of Struggle: Mandela's ANC Matthew Graham 2012-11 African Historical Review
Red in the Rainbow: The Life and Times of Fred and Sarah Carneson Thula Simpson 2012-11 African Historical Review
EVALATING THE ROOTS OF VIOLENCE - Frontiers of Violence in North-East Africa: Genealogies of Conflict since 1800. By Richard J. Reid. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. Pp xii + 310. $99, hardback (ISBN 978-0-19-921188-3) 2012-11 The Journal of African History
High resolution facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy of the Siluro-Devonian succession of Al Kufrah basin (SE Libya) Laurent Gindre
Daniel Le Heron
Hans Morten Bjørnseth
2012-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Can ancient shelf sand ridges be mistaken for Gilbert-type deltas? Examples from the Vryheid Formation, Ecca Group, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Andrew N. Green
Alan M. Smith
2012-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Lower Jurassic sediments from the Rhar Roubane Mountains (Western Algeria): Stratigraphic precisions and synsedimentary block-faulting Abbas Marok
Matías Reolid
2012-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
What do we know about health service utilisation in South Africa? Olufunke A Alaba
Di McIntyre
2012-11-05 Development Southern Africa
Valuing human resources: Key to the success of a national health insurance system Laetitia C Rispel
Peter Barron
2012-11-05 Development Southern Africa
Seychelles: Loan to Boost Business Climate 2012-11 Africa Research Bulletin
FROM WOMAN'S WAR TO MASS MOVEMENT - The Women's War of 1929: Gender and Violence in Colonial Nigeria. By Marc Matera, Misty L. Bastian and Susan Kingsley Kent. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. Pp. xiv + 278. £55, hardback (ISBN 978-0230-30295-2). TOYIN FALOLA 2012-11 The Journal of African History
NATIONALISM AND MEDICAL DISCOURSE - Gender and the Making of Modern Medicine in Colonial Egypt. By Hibba Abugideiri. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate, 2010. Pp. xiii + 268. $119.95, hardback (ISBN 978-0-7546-6720-9). JANICE BODDY 2012-11 The Journal of African History
SOCIAL IMAGINATION AND YOUTH IN CAIRO - Connected in Cairo: Growing up Cosmopolitan in the Modern Middle East. By Mark Allen Peterson. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2011. Pp. xvii + 263. $24.95, paperback (ISBN: 978-0-253 ANOUK DE KONING 2012-11 The Journal of African History
A New Generation of Gustav Prellers? The Fragmente/FAK/Vrye Afrikaan Movement, 1998–2008 Mariana Kriel 2012-11-23 African Studies
Between Recognition and Resentment: An Afrikaner Trade Union's Brand of Post-Nationalism Jacob R. Boersema 2012-11-23 African Studies
Introduction: The Paradox of Post-Apartheid ‘Afrikaner’ Identity: Deployments of Ethnicity and Neo-Liberalism Thomas M. Blaser 2012-11-23 African Studies
Creolisation and Purity: Afrikaans Language Politics in Post-Apartheid Times C. S. van der Waal 2012-11-23 African Studies
Buying Naboth's Vineyard: The Challenges of Land Transfer Under the 1936 Native Trust and Land Act Michelle Hay 2012-11-23 African Studies
Victims of the Rhodesian Immigration Policy: Polish Refugees from the Second World War Baxter Tavuyanago
Tasara Muguti
James Hlongwana
2012-12 Journal of Southern African Studies
The Local Politics of Ethiopia's Green Revolution in South Wollo Teferi Abate Adem 2012-12 African Studies Review
Regional integration and nuclear energy in Africa Mwita Chacha 2012-12 African Security Review
From citizen to refugee Timothy Walker 2012-12 African Security Review
Rewiring regional security in a fragmented world Refiloe Joala 2012-12 African Security Review
Youth violence Irene Ndungu 2012-12 African Security Review
Understanding field assessment of pre-service teachers on school practicum T.D.T. Sedumedi
F.J. Mundalamo
2012-12 Africa Education Review
Curriculum management: “Driving the school management team frantic” M.W. Lumadi 2012-12 Africa Education Review
Brand Aid: shopping well to save the world Kathleen Guillozet 2012-12 African Geographical Review
Using mixed methods to visualize the water-health nexus: identifying problems, searching for solutions Morgan Levison
Susan Elliott
Diana Karanja
2012-12 African Geographical Review
Cape Town after apartheid: crime and governance in the divided city John Western 2012-12 African Geographical Review
Quality Education for Social Development in Africa L. M. Kaino 2012-12 Africa Education Review
Re-imagining initial multiracial teacher education (IMTE) model through the ODL philosophy: A critical qualitative meta-synthesis study J. Nyoni 2012-12 Africa Education Review
Quality education in Africa: Introducing philosophy for children to promote open-mindedness A. P. Ndofirepi 2012-12 Africa Education Review
OUTPUT PER HEAD IN PRE-INDEPENDENCE AFRICA: QUANTITATIVE CONJECTURES Leandro Prados de la Escosura 2012-12 South African Journal of Economic History
Cheng-chung Lai
2012-12 South African Journal of Economic History
W.J. Pienaar
2012-12 South African Journal of Economic History
Development ethics: means of the means? Trevor Parfitt 2012-12 Review of African Political Economy
Cosmopolitan cocoa farmers: refashioning Africa in Divine Chocolate advertisements Kristy Leissle 2012-12 Journal of African Cultural Studies
Les défis de l'intervention Inge Wagemakers
Jean-Nicolas Bach
2013 Politique africaine
Dance of Life: The Novels of Zakes Mda in Post-Apartheid South Africa by Gail Fincham Goyal 2013 Research in African Literatures
Umpiring federalism in Africa: institutional mosaic and innovations Adem Kassie Abebe 2013 African Studies Quarterly
Alternative production and consumption relations?: fair trade, the state, and cooperatives in the global South Michelle Williams 2013-01 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
Holocene lacustrine fluctuations and deep CO2 degassing in the northeastern Lake Langano Basin (Main Ethiopian Rift) 2013-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Representation and black womanhood: the legacy of Sarah Baartman Robin Mitchell 2013-01 African and Black Diaspora
Something torn and new: an African renaissance Danielle Faye Tran 2013-01 African and Black Diaspora
Diasporan subjectivity and the dynamics of empowerment in Buchi Emecheta'sHead Above Water Delphine Fongang 2013-01 African and Black Diaspora
Review of writing the black revolutionary diva: women's subjectivity and the decolonizing text Sandra Jackson 2013-01 African and Black Diaspora
Concentrations and forms of heavy metals around two ore processing sites in Katanga, Democratic Republic of Congo F. Mees
M.N.N. Masalehdani
T. De Putter
C. D’Hollander
E. Van Biezen
B.B. Mujinya
J.L. Potdevin
E. Van Ranst
2013-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Enrichment of uranium in the uppermost Al-Hisa Phosphorite Formation, Eshidiyya basin, southern Jordan Abdulkader M. Abed
Rushdi M. Sadaqah
2013-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Influence of igneous intrusions on thermal maturity of Late Cretaceous shales in the Tuma well, Chad Basin, NE Nigeria Babatunde Alalade
Richard V. Tyson
2013-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Land Tenure System: Women’s Access to Land in a Cosmopolitan Context EST Quansah 2013-01-21 OGIRISI: a New Journal of African Studies
Determinants of Black Women's Labour Force Participation in Post-Apartheid South Africa M. Ntuli 2013-01-22 Journal of African Economies
Tackling child poverty in South Africa: Implications of ubuntu for the system of social grants Adam Whitworth
Kate Wilkinson
2013-01-30 Development Southern Africa
The Mali crisis Pal Ahluwalia 2013-02 African Identities
Ethnicity or tribalism? The discursive construction of Zimbabwean national identity Brilliant Mhlanga 2013-02 African Identities
Silurian magmatism in eastern Senegal and its significance for the Paleozoic evolution of NW-Gondwana Thomas Fullgraf
Papa Moussa Ndiaye
Olivier Blein
François Buscail
Didier Lahondère
Joël Le Métour
Sergey Sergeev
Monique Tegyey
2013-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mineralogy, geochemistry and geotectonic significance of mantle peridotites with high-Cr chromitites in the Neyriz ophiolite from the outer Zagros ophiolite belts, Iran Mohammad Ali Rajabzadeh
Teimoor Nazari Dehkordi
Şemsettin Caran
2013-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Hydrogeochemical investigation of surface and groundwater composition in an irrigated land in Central Tunisia Intissar Farid
Kamel Zouari
Kamel Abid
Mohamed Ayachi
2013-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Island Thresholds Contemporary Art from the Caribbean E. Carmen Ramos 2013-02-05 African Arts
CASSAVA: General 2013-02 Africa Research Bulletin
The trouble with the Congo: local violence and the failure of international peacebuilding Jason K. Stearns 2013-03 Review of African Political Economy
Shale gas in South Africa Charles H. Warren 2013-03 African Security Review
A retrospective look at peace and security in Africa in 2012 Solomon A. Dersso 2013-03 African Security Review
Africa's Moment Timothy Walker 2013-03 African Security Review
Peer reviewer acknowledgement 2013-03 African Security Review
Editorial Morris Szeftel 2013-03 Journal of Southern African Studies
U–Pb LA-ICP-MS detrital zircon ages from the Cambrian of Al Qarqaf Arch, central-western Libya: Provenance of the West Gondwanan sand sea at the dawn of the early Palaeozoic Muftah Mahmud Altumi
Olaf Elicki
Ulf Linnemann
Mandy Hofmann
Anja Sagawe
Andreas Gärtner
2013-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemical variables as plausible aetiological cofactors in the incidence of some common environmental diseases in Africa T.C. Davies 2013-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Quantifying erosion using 137Cs and 210Pb in cultivated soils in three Mediterranean watershed: Synthesis study from El Hachef, Raouz and Nakhla (North West Morocco) Brahim Damnati
Sanaa Ibrahimi
Olivier Radakovitch
2013-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Water leakage investigation of micro-dam reservoirs in Mesozoic sedimentary sequences in Northern Ethiopia Gebremedhin Berhane
Kristine Martens
Nawal Al Farrah
Kristine Walraevens
2013-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
CASSAVA: Nigeria 2013-03 Africa Research Bulletin
Ch. Didier Gondola
Guillaume Lachenal
William H. Schneider
2013-03 The Journal of African History
TheAfrican StudiesB.W. Vilakazi Prize 2012 2013-04 African Studies
Movements, protests and a massacre in South Africa Shauna Mottiar 2013-04 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
The Nature of Opposition in Kwasi Wiredu's Democracy by Consensus Bernard Matolino 2013-04 African Studies
Proverbs and Euphemisms as Discourse Strategies in Joe Ushie's Poetry Romanus Aboh 2013-04 African Studies
A Presumed Equality: The Relationship Between State and Citizens in Post-Apartheid South Africa Julian Brown
Stuart Wilson
2013-04 African Studies
The (In)Commodities of Laissez-faire Integration: Trade and Mobility in a Cross-border Market Amy Niang 2013-04 African Studies
Cross-border Languages in Southern African Economic and Political Integration Finex Ndhlovu 2013-04 African Studies
Book Review: Researching Violence in Africa: Ethical and Methodological Challenges Oluwaseun Bamidele 2013-04 Africa Spectrum
TWO DOCUMENTARY FILMS - Eléonore Yaméogo, dir. Paris My Paradise. Original Title: Paris mon paradis. 2011. French, with English subtitles. 67 mins. Burkina Faso: Overlap Film (Erwann, Greec’h Roman Da Costa). No price reported. - Kim Longinot Frieda Ekotto 2013-04 African Studies Review
Through the other looking glass: kaleidoscope aesthetics and the optics of black leadership Erica R. Edwards 2013-05 African Identities
Strategic orientalism: racial capitalism and the problem of ‘Asianness’ Wendy Cheng 2013-05 African Identities
Emancipatory social inquiry: democratic anarchism and the Robinsonian method† H.L.T. Quan 2013-05 African Identities
Cedric J. Robinson and racial capitalism: Africana liberation resistance structures and black internationalism in the twenty-first century Darryl C. Thomas 2013-05 African Identities
The Subprime and the beautiful 2013-05 African Identities
Neogene tectonic evolution of the Gulf of Hammamet area, Northeast Tunisia offshore Ghada Ben Brahim
Noureddine Brahim
Faiçal Turki
2013-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Quartz c-axis evidence for deformation characteristics in the Sanandaj–Sirjan metamorphic belt, Iran Babak Samani 2013-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Gender Wage Gap in Post-Apartheid South Africa: A Re-examination H. Bhorat
S. Goga
2013-05-16 Journal of African Economies
CEWARN's new strategy framework Rania Hassan 2013-06 African Security Review
Maritime security in West Africa Timothy Walker 2013-06 African Security Review
Reconsidering peace in the Horn of Africa Cara Marie Wagner 2013-06 African Security Review
Lessons from the death of a Tunisian salesman Nana Bemma Nti 2013-06 African Security Review
Warning whom, for which response? Sadiki Koko 2013-06 African Security Review
The state of conflict early warning in Africa Issaka K. Souaré 2013-06 African Security Review
The Intergovernmental Authority on Development's Conflict Early Warning and Response Mechanism Phillip Apuuli Kasaija 2013-06 African Security Review
Perceptions and implications of no-fee school policy: School-based management perspectives M. N. Naong 2013-06 Africa Education Review
Amy Biehl and the ANC: A Scholar-Activist in South Africa, 1992—93 Steven Gish 2013-06 African Historical Review
Lords of All They Surveyed? The Royal Engineers, Surveying, Mapping and Development in South Africa's Eastern Cape Denver A. Webb 2013-06 African Historical Review
Empowerment and accountability in implementing a ‘No-Fee School’ policy: A challenge for School Governing Bodies R. N. Marishane 2013-06 Africa Education Review
Settlement, protracted displacement, and repatriation at Mayukwayukwa in western Zambia Angela G. Subulwa 2013-06 African Geographical Review
My Life: General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck (translated by James Pierce) Anne Samson 2013-06 African Historical Review
The ANC Youth League: A Jacana Pocket History Steve Phatlane 2013-06 African Historical Review
London Recruits: The Secret War against Apartheid Ackson M. Kanduza 2013-06 African Historical Review
Encyclopedia of South Africa Raymond Suttner 2013-06 African Historical Review
A reconsideration of what and who is middle class in South Africa 2013-06 Development Southern Africa
Corrigendum 2013-06 Development Southern Africa
What is a dysfunctional school? M. M. Bergman 2013-06 Africa Education Review
Umhlaba1913–2013 Bongi Dhlomo-Mautloa
Pam Warne
Paul Weinberg
2013-06 Social Dynamics
Sophia Du Plessis
Ada Jansen
2013-06 South African Journal of Economic History
THE RISE AND FALL OF SERFDOM IN CHINA: A THEORY OF INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE Guo-ping He 2013-06 South African Journal of Economic History
Hydrogeochemical investigation of groundwater in Jericho area in the Jordan Valley, West Bank, Palestine Ammar Da’as
Kristine Walraevens
2013-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Remnants of Miocene fluvial sediments in the Negev Desert, Israel, and the Jordanian Plateau: Evidence for an extensive subsiding basin in the northwestern margins of the Arabian plate Ezra Zilberman
Ran Calvo
2013-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Age and dynamics of the Namib Sand Sea: A review of chronological evidence and possible landscape development models A.E.C. Stone 2013-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Ukukipita (Cohabiting): Socio-Cultural Constraints in Urban Zulu Society Stephanie Rudwick 2013-06-09 Journal of Asian and African Studies
Comparative urban food geographies in Blantyre and Gaborone Liam Riley
Alexander Legwegoh
2013-06-18 African Geographical Review
What is in a Flag? The Swastika and Togoland Nationalism W. K. Yayoh 2013-06-26 Contemporary Journal of African Studies
One state, many Origins: Peopling of the Akuapem State, A Re-examination E. Ayesu
Ayesu, E.
Contemporary Journal of African Studies
Philosophical Thinking and the Concept of Security in the Contemporary African Society R. O. Badru
T. R. E. Eegunlusi
A. O. Adewunmi
2013-06-26 Contemporary Journal of African Studies
African Lion Cities: Deflating the MDG success of East Asian Tigers to a Worldwide Success Story of Dense Urban Areas with Greater Capacity A. Krauss 2013-06-26 Contemporary Journal of African Studies
Labour and underdevelopment? Migration, dispossession and accumulation in West Africa and Europe Hannah Cross 2013-06-26 Review of African Political Economy
Colonial Ambition, Common Sense Thinking, and the Making of Takoradi Harbor, Gold Coast Nate Plageman 2013-06-28 History in Africa
‘Saving the Congo’: transnational social fields and politics of home in the Congolese diaspora David Garbin
Marie Godin
2013-07 African and Black Diaspora
What if diasporas didn't think about development?: a critical approach of the international discourse on migration and development Hugo Bréant 2013-07 African and Black Diaspora
‘Voting with their feet’: Senegalese youth, clandestine boat migration, and the gendered politics of protest Jayne O. Ifekwunigwe 2013-07 African and Black Diaspora
AFRICA - BRAZIL: Debt Cancellation 2013-07 Africa Research Bulletin
Locating suitable mangrove plantation sites along the Saudi Arabia Red Sea Coast Hesham Abd-El Monsef
Ayman S.H. Aguib
Scot E. Smith
2013-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Hydro-geochemical and isotopic composition of groundwater, with emphasis on sources of salinity, in the aquifer system in Northwestern Tunisia Younes Hamed
Ferid Dhahri
2013-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Women's War of 1929: a history of anti-colonial resistance in eastern Nigeria by Toyin Falola and Adam Paddock Chima J. Korieh 2013 Africa
THE LANDSCAPE OF RESEARCH ON AFRICA - Landscape, Environment and Technology in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa. Edited by Toyin Falola and Emily Brownell. New York: Routledge, 2012. Pp. xii+342. $125, hardback (<scp>isbn</scp>978-0-415-89593-4). GREGORY H. MADDOX 2013-07 The Journal of African History
INDIGENOUS MISSIONARIES - Prophetic Identities: Indigenous Missionaries on British Colonial Frontiers, 1850–75. By Tolly Bradford. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2012. Pp. xvi+217. $94, hardback (<scp>isbn</scp>978-0-77482-279-4); ROBERT J. HOULE 2013-07 The Journal of African History
AN ITINERARY THROUGH THE COCOA CONTROVERSY - Chocolate Islands: Cocoa, Slavery, and Colonial Africa. By Catherine Higgs. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2012. Pp. xv+230. $26.95, hardback (<scp>isbn</scp>978-0-8214-2006-5). ERIC ALLINA 2013-07 The Journal of African History
Colonial Politics and Precolonial History: Everyday Knowledge, Genre, and Truth in a Yoruba Town 2013-07-24 History in Africa
Introduction: Agents of Change? Staging and Governing Diasporas and the African State Simon Turner
Nauja Kleist
2013-08 African Studies
Transnational Networks and Regional Solidarity: The Case of the Central African Federation, 1953–1963 Zoë Groves 2013-08 African Studies
Decolonising the ‘epistemic decolonial turn’ in women's fiction: Tsitsi Dangarembga'sShe No Longer Weeps(1987) and Federico Garcia Lorca'sDona Rosita the Spinister(2008) Maurice Taonezvi Vambe
Khatija Khan
2013-08 African Identities
The paradox of Kenyan politics Pal Ahluwalia 2013-08 African Identities
Staging the Rwandan Diaspora: The Politics of Performance Simon Turner 2013-08 African Studies
Fire activity in North West Africa during the last 30,000 cal years BP inferred from a charcoal record from Lake Ifrah (Middle atlas–Morocco): Climatic implications Hanane Reddad
Issam Etabaai
Ali Rhoujjati
Maurice Taieb
Florian Thevenon
Brahim Damnati
2013-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
TANZANIA: External Debt Up 2013-08 Africa Research Bulletin
Human exposure to lead and other potentially harmful elements associated with galena mining at New Zurak, central Nigeria U.A. Lar
C.S. Ngozi-Chika
E.C. Ashano
2013-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Gemmological and mineralogical investigations and genesis of the kammererite from the Keşiş (Erzincan) and Kop (Erzurum) mountains Murat Hatipoğlu
Melis Buşra Oğuzer
H. Baki Buzlu
2013-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
On the occurrence of gold mineralization in the Pala Neoproterozoic formations, South-Western Chad Rigobert Tchameni
Jean Claude Doumnang
Marambaye Deudibaye
Yannick Branquet
2013-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Environment and Object: Recent African Art. edited by Lisa Aronson and John S. Weber, Saratoga Springs, NY: The Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery at Skidmore College, 2012. 152 pages, 73 color photographs, 2 color maps, 4 col Kimberli Gant 2013-08-01 African Arts
HEALTH AND DISEASE Vinh-Kim Nguyen. The Republic of Therapy: Triage and Sovereignty in West Africa’s Time of AIDS. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2010. xi + 238 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $79.95. Cloth. $22.95. Paper 2013-08-08 African Studies Review
CHILD SOLDIERS - Christine Ryan. The Children of War: Child Soldiers as Victims and Participants in the Sudan Civil War. New York: I. B. Tauris & Co. Ltd, 2012. viii + 320 pp. Figures. Annexes. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $95.00. Cloth. - Danny Joanne Corbin 2013-08-13 African Studies Review
TOYIN FALOLA and ADAM PADDOCK, The Women's War of 1929: a history of anti-colonial resistance in eastern Nigeria. Durham NC: Carolina Academic Press (hb $90 – 978 1 59460 931 2). 2011, 936 pp. CHIMA J. KORIEH 2013-08 Africa
Pepetela's proposal: desire and anarchy inThe Return of the Water Spirit Grant Hamilton 2013-08-19 African Identities
Resensie: Vuilspel J Van Niekerk 2013-08-28 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Steve Biko as existentialist communicator Johann de Wet 2013-09 Communicatio
Using ETM+ and ASTER sensors to identify iron occurrences in the Esfordi 1:100,000 mapping sheet of Central Iran Behnam Sadeghi
Masoumeh Khalajmasoumi
Peyman Afzal
Parviz Moarefvand
Amir Bijan Yasrebi
Andy Wetherelt
Patrick Foster
Afshar Ziazarifi
2013-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
African transnational threat to Turkey Behsat Ekici 2013-09 African Security Review
Neo-conservation Nir Kalron 2013-09 African Security Review
Synopsis ofCommunity of insecurity: SADC's struggle for peace and security in southern Africa Laurie Nathan 2013-09 African Security Review
When will the long nightmare come to an end? Cyprian Muchemwa
Emmaculate Tsitsi Ngwerume
Mediel Hove
2013-09 African Security Review
Piracy, state capacity and root causes Nikolaos Biziouras 2013-09 African Security Review
The National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad factor in the Mali crisis David Zounmenou 2013-09 African Security Review
A commentary on Laurie Nathan'sCommunity of insecurity Gwinyayi Dzinesa 2013-09 African Security Review
How should the peace and security performance of SADC be evaluated? Laurie Nathan 2013-09 African Security Review
From the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region-led negotiation to the Intervention Brigade Naomi Kok 2013-09 African Security Review
Fault lines in maritime security Kamal-Deen Ali
Martin Tsamenyi
2013-09 African Security Review
Crisis in the Horn of Africa: Politics, piracy and the threat of terror Naomi Kok 2013-09 African Security Review
Making sense of the Southern African Development Community Elling N. Tjønneland 2013-09 African Security Review
Promoting children's public participation in policy-making through achievement-oriented education Calvin Gwandure
Thokozile Mayekiso
2013-09 Africa Education Review
Deducing transmissivity from specific capacity in the heterogeneous upper aquifer system of Jifarah Plain, NW-Libya Nawal Al Farrah
Marc Van Camp
Kristine Walraevens
2013-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Albian tectonic “crisis” in Central Tunisia: Nature and chronology of the deformations Etienne Jaillard
Thierry Dumont
Jamel Ouali
Jean-Pierre Bouillin
Abir Chihaoui
Jean-Louis Latil
Hubert Arnaud
Annie Arnaud-Vanneau
Ihsen Zghal
2013-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Recharge flux to the Nubian Sandstone aquifer and its impact on the present development in southwest Egypt M.H. Masoud
M. Schneider
M.M. El Osta
2013-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
International news as a reflection of cosmopolitan ideology: Coverage of the Ivorian crisis by CNN and the BBC Henry Mensah 2013-09-01 Communicatio
In Search of Africans’ Histories - Editors’ Introduction John H. Hanson
Michel R. Doortmont
Dmitri van den Bersselaar
2013-09-13 History in Africa
Alaafin Sango, “Oba kò so”: A Historiographical Note with Psychological Perspectives Focusing on Suicide 1 Muideen Owolabi Bakare 2013-09-13 History in Africa
Cameroonian Youths and the Protest of February 2008 Julius A. Amin 2013-09-16 Cahiers d'études africaines
KENYA: Total Public Debt at Historical High 2013-10 Africa Research Bulletin
TANZANIA: Debt Burden 2013-10 Africa Research Bulletin
Geochemical monitoring of clays for diagenetic evolution of the Paleozoic–Lower Mesozoic sequence in the northern Arabian plate: Hazro and Amanos regions, Southeastern Turkey Ömer Bozkaya
Hüseyin Yalçın
2013-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry and U–Pb zircon dating of the high-K calc-alkaline basaltic andesitic lavas from the Buanji Group, south-western Tanzania Shukrani Manya 2013-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Investigation of hydrogeochemical processes in groundwater resources located in the vicinity of a mine process water dam M. Gomo
D. Vermeulen
2013-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Orogen styles in the East African Orogen: A review of the Neoproterozoic to Cambrian tectonic evolution H Fritz
M Abdelsalam
A R Fowler
W Ghebreab
P R Johnson
T M Kusky
P Macey
S Muhongo
R J Stern
2013-10-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
First, There Was A Country; Then There Wasn’t: Reflections on Achebe’s New Book Biodun Jeyifo 2013-10-20 Journal of Asian and African Studies
Lozikeyi Dlodlo Queen of the Ndebele: ‘A Very Dangerous and Intriguing Woman’ Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni 2013-10-31 South African Historical Journal
The case for Azawad Douglas Livermore 2013-11 African Security Review
Comparative analysis of Arab Spring determinants Kanayo Ogujiuba
Ufiem Maurice Ogbonnaya
Terfa Williams Abraham
2013-11 African Security Review
No war, no peace Oarhe Osumah 2013-11 African Security Review
China and Africa: a century of engagement Hamadziripi Tamukamoyo 2013-11 African Security Review
The International Conference on the Great Lakes Region Naomi Kok 2013-11 African Security Review
The Founders: The Origins of the ANC and the Struggle for Democracy in South Africa Edwin Etieyibo 2013-11 African Historical Review
Mandela's Legacy Pal Ahluwalia 2013-11 African Identities
Freetown Bond: a life under two flags Mauricia John 2013-11 African Identities
Die Rebellie, 1914-1915 FJ Nöthling 2013-11 African Historical Review
Debating Some Past and Present Research Frameworks and Methodologies in History on Places and their Peoples in South Africa Elize S. van Eeden 2013-11 African Historical Review
Southern African Liberation Struggles: New Local, Regional and Global Perspectives Ackson M. Kanduza 2013-11 African Historical Review
Here & Boere: Die Kolonie aan die Kaap onder die Van der Stels, 1679 – 1712 FJ Nöthling 2013-11 African Historical Review
Reimagined rural–urban landscapes and Zimbabwean cultural identities in Zimunya's country dawns and city lights 2013-11 African Identities
The Life and Times of Ngamiland: The Story of Maun 2013-11 African Historical Review
’African Churches Willing to Pay Their Own Bills’: The Role of Money in the Formation of Ethiopian-type Churches with Particular Reference to the Mzimba Secession Graham A. Duncan 2013-11 African Historical Review
Sedimentary facies and diagenetic features of the Early Cretaceous Fahliyan Formation in the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt, Iran Mohammad Sahraeyan
Mohammad Bahrami
Mohammad Hooshmand
Shahid Ghazi
Ali Ismail Al-Juboury
2013-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Investigation of groundwater resources in the Komadugu Yobe Valley (Lake Chad Basin, Niger) using MRS and TDEM methods M. Descloitres
K. Chalikakis
A. Legchenko
A.M. Moussa
P. Genthon
G. Favreau
M. Le Coz
M. Boucher
M. Oï
2013-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Ann H Kelly
Ruth J Prince
2013-11-01 Africa
Palaver on a trip to Goteborg Wumi Raji 2013-11-18 African and Black Diaspora
Kate Roll
2013-11-20 African Studies Review
Wyatt Don. The Blacks of Premodern China. Philadelphia: The University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010. Encounters With Asia series. 198 pp. Maps. Photographs. Illustrations. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $65.00. Cloth Adams Bodomo 2013-11-20 African Studies Review
Excerpts from Vitsvit Athena Farrokhzad 2013-11-29 African and Black Diaspora
Robert Mugabe's 2013 Presidential Election Campaign Blessing-Miles Tendi 2013-12 Journal of Southern African Studies
The Krakatau Eruption in 1883: Its Implications for the Spatial Distribution of Population in Java Aloysius Gunadi Brata
Piet Rietveld
Henri L.F. de Groot
Wouter Zant
2013-12 South African Journal of Economic History
Micro and small enterprises and employment creation: A case study of manufacturing micro and small enterprises in South Africa Christine Bischoff 2013-12 Development Southern Africa
Online forums uniting physical and cultural landscapes as method to enhance international conservation research ties Melanie Jonas 2013-12 African Geographical Review
Uncovering African agency: Angola’s management of Chinese credit lines Pádraig Carmody 2013-12 African Geographical Review
Assessing the teaching efficacy beliefs of teacher trainees: A comparison of two institutions of Higher Learning in South Africa Sheila N. Matoti
Karen E. Junqueira
Ronald J. Odora
2013-12 Africa Education Review
Teacher perceptions of their ethical responsibility: the balancing of rights Adré le Roux
Nalize Marais
2013-12 Africa Education Review
The Banyamulenge of South Kivu: The ‘Nationality Question’ Anthony Court 2013-12 African Studies
Approaching Johannesburg Michael Titlestad 2013-12 African Studies
Non-monetary dimensions of well-being: A comment 2013-12 Development Southern Africa
Borders of Mutuality, Frontiers of Resistance: Paternalism and Working Identities of Farm Labourers in the Sundays River Valley, South Africa Teresa Connor 2013-12 African Studies
Who, Where, and When were the Cape Gentry? Gavin Williams 2013-12 South African Journal of Economic History
Erratum to “Sedimentary dynamics and extensional structuring related to Early Cretaceous rifting of Neocomian and Barremian deposits of the interior basin of Gabon” [J. African Earth Sci. 51 (5) (2008) 239–256] M. Mbina Mounguengui
J. Lang
M. Guiraud
2013-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the 595Ma shoshonitic Qunai monzogabbro, Jordan Hind Ghanem
Ghaleb H. Jarrar
2013-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Rehabilitation prioritization of abandoned mines and its application to Nyala Magnesite Mine Sphiwe Emmanuel Mhlongo
Francis Amponsah-Dacosta
Nndweleni Fredrick Mphephu
2013-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Combating Islamist radicalisation in South Africa Hussein Solomon 2013-12-13 African Security Review
Relative Profitability of Cassava‐based Mixed Cropping Systems among Various Production Scale Operators in Ogun and Oyo States Southwest Nigeria A. E. Obayelu
C. A. Afolami
M. U. Agbonlahor
2013-12 African Development Review
‘The art of neoliberalism’: accumulation, institutional change and social order since the end of apartheid Nicolas Pons-Vignon
Aurelia Segatti
2013-12 Review of African Political Economy
Using blogs as a means of enhancing reflective Teaching Practice in open distance learning ecologies Micheal M. van Wyk 2013-12-16 Africa Education Review
Funding Teaching Practice in two East African universities: Its influence on the behaviour and practices of a supervisor Alice Merab Kagoda
Joviter Katabaro
2013-12-16 Africa Education Review
Meta-teaching: Meaning and Strategy Xiaoduan Chen 2013-12-16 Africa Education Review
Geopolitical drivers of foreign investment in African land and water resources Antoinette G. Sebastian 2013-12-16 African Identities
Accountability in teacher education: Positioning pre-service teachers as evaluators of their performance Lungi Sosibo 2013-12-16 Africa Education Review
A comparative study of pre-service teachers' teaching efficacy beliefs before and after work-integrated learning: Part two K.E. Junqueira
S.N. Matoti
2013-12-16 Africa Education Review
Quality assurance: Adapting SERVQUAL to measure the perceived quality of pre-service teachers' Teaching Practice experience Henry Oliver
Jeremy Koeberg
2013-12-16 Africa Education Review
Towards a theoretical framework for the use of ICT strategies for teaching practicum supervision P.L. Mabunda 2013-12-16 Africa Education Review
Self-assessed well-being and economic rank in South Africa 2013-12-17 Development Southern Africa
Getting ahead or falling behind: Findings from the second wave of the National Income Dynamics Study Murray Leibbrandt
Reza Daniels
2013-12-17 Development Southern Africa
Winners and losers: South African labour-market dynamics between 2008 and 2010 Paul Cichello
Murray Leibbrandt
2013-12-17 Development Southern Africa
Serge Daniel.Les Mafias du Mali. Trafics et terrorisme au Sahel André Bourgeot 2014 Afrique contemporaine
Violência e alteridade no romance mauriciano: o caso de Pagli, de Ananda Devi Nazir Can 2014 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
Incorporating Medical Research Into the History of Medicine in East Africa 2014 International Journal of African Historical Studies
Realising the Dream: unlearning the logic of race in the South African school by Crain Soudien Mark Hunter 2014 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
‘The life and times of Neville Alexander’ 2014 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Migrant Forms: African Parade's New Literary Geographies Stephanie Bosch Santana 2014 Research in African Literatures
Provenance of the Oligocene–Miocene Zivah Formation, NW Iran, assessed using heavy mineral assemblage and detrital clinopyroxene and detrital apatite analyses Mahdi Jafarzadeh
Reza Moussavi Harami
Henrik Friis
Abdolhossein Amini
2014-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Soft sediment deformation structures in the Maastrichtian Ajali Formation Western Flank of Anambra Basin, Southern Nigeria Solomon Ojo Olabode 2014-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tectonic history of basins sited along the western section of the North Anatolian Fault System, Turkey Gülcan Sarp
Şule Gürboğa
Vedat Toprak
Şebnem Düzgün
2014-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Bi’r Tawilah deposit, central western Saudi Arabia: Supergene enrichment of a Pan-African epithermal gold mineralization Adel A. Surour
Hesham M. Harbi
Ahmed H. Ahmed
2014-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Religion and politics in Africa : the future of "the secular" 2014 Africa Spectrum
The Quantitative Cape: A Review of the New Historiography of the Dutch Cape Colony Johan Fourie 2014-01-02 South African Historical Journal
Re-covered: Wangechi Mutu, Kenyatta A.C. Hinkle, and the postcolonial potentiality of black women in colonial(ist) photographs Kanitra Fletcher 2014-01-02 Social Dynamics
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Is there space in between? Religion and armed conflict in African states Oluwaseun Bamidele 2014-01-02 African Security Review
Africa Watch Emmanuel Kisiangani
Naomi Kok
Gwinyayi Dzinesa
Sipiwe Sangqu
2014-01-02 African Security Review
Peer Reviewer Acknowledgement 2014-01-02 African Security Review
Cosmopolitan Africa, c. 1700–1875 Emmanuel K. Botlhale 2014-01-02 African Historical Review
Land grab in new garb: Chinese special economic zones in Africa Honita Cowaloosur 2014-01-02 African Identities
TheAfrican Studies2013 BW Vilakazi Prize 2014-01-02 African Studies
Commemorating and forgetting: challenges for the New South Africa Melissa Levin 2014-01-02 African Geographical Review
Fixity, the discourse of efficiency, and enclosure in the Sahelian land ‘reserve’ Erin Kitchell 2014-01-02 African Identities
A Shared History: The ALP, the ANC and the Australian Anti-Apartheid Movement Alfred Tembo 2014-01-02 African Historical Review
‘No Prime Minister Could Want a Better Leader of the Opposition’: Sir De Villiers Graaff, the United Party and the Apartheid State, 1956–1977 F.A. Mouton 2014-01-02 African Historical Review
Dams and the Dilemmas of Development Andrew Cohen 2014-01-02 African Historical Review
South Africa's Suspended Revolution: Hopes and Prospects Steve Lebelo 2014-01-02 African Historical Review
Trafficking in Slavery's Wake. Law and the Experience of Women and Children in Africa Ivo Mhike 2014-01-02 African Historical Review
The perceptions of educators on the involvement of teacher unions during the filling of promotional posts Thulani Zengele
Izaak Coetzer
2014-01-02 Africa Education Review
Chinese Products, Social Mobility and Material Modernity in Bougouni, a Small but Fast-Growing Administrative Town of Southwest Mali 2014-01-02 African Studies
uKhahlamba, Exploring the History of the uKhahlamba Mountains Noel Ndumeya 2014-01-02 African Historical Review
Refracting African and Black diaspora through the Nordic region Lena Sawyer
Ylva Habel
2014-01-02 African and Black Diaspora
The Equality of Believers: Protestant Missionaries and the Racial Politics of South Africa Part Themba Mgadla 2014-01-02 African Historical Review
Ekurhuleni: The Making of an Urban Region Timashe Nyamunda 2014-01-02 African Historical Review
The Americans Are Coming! Dreams of African American Liberation in Segregationist South Africa Edwin Etieyibo 2014-01-02 African Historical Review
Some Critical Reflections On Open Distance Learning, With Particular Reference To Work-Integrated Learning G.D. Kamper
E.C. du Plessis
2014-01-02 Africa Education Review
The Internationalization of Economic History: A Puzzle Johan Fourie
Leigh Gardner
2014-01-02 South African Journal of Economic History
The Rise and Fall of Indian Economic History 1920–2013 Tirthankar Roy 2014-01-02 South African Journal of Economic History
Postcolonial archival fever and the musical archiving of African identity in selected paintings by Elias Jengo 2014-01-10 Journal of African Cultural Studies
Choosing between the UN and OECD Tax Policy Models: An African Case Study Veronika Daurer 2014-02 African Journal of International and Comparative Law
Depositional morphotypes and implications of the Quaternary travertine and tufa deposits from along Gafsa Fault: Jebel El Mida, southwestern Tunisia Mohsen Henchiri 2014-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Finite strain analysis in the Seydan anticline using ammonoid spiral shells, Zagros, Iran Babak Samani
Ali Faghih
2014-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Light and Power for a Multiracial Nation: The Kariba Dam Scheme in the Central African Federation, by Julia Tischler Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Pp. xii + 383. $92 (hbk) MARGARET MIELKE 2014-02-04 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Naija boy remix: Afroexploitation and the new media creative economies of cosmopolitan African youth Krystal Strong
Shaun Ossei-Owusu
2014-02-05 Journal of African Cultural Studies
Building apartheid: on architecture and order in imperial Cape Town Calvin Masilela 2014-02-06 African Geographical Review
“A Little Book of Logic” – Reconstructing Colonial Arts of Suasion at Government College, Umuahia Terri Ochiagha 2014-02-21 History in Africa
The Emergence of Islamic Liberation Theology in South Africa Matthew Palombo 2014-02-25 Journal of Religion in Africa
Review of engineering, hydrogeological and vadose zone hydrological aspects of the Lanseria Gneiss, Goudplaats-Hout River Gneiss and Nelspruit Suite Granite (South Africa) Matthys A. Dippenaar
J. Louis van Rooy
2014-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
LAND TITLES AND POLITICAL ENTITLEMENT. Land, Mobility, and Belonging in West Africa. By Lentz. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2013. Pp. xii + 331. $85, hardback (isbn 978-0-253-00953-1); $30, paperback (isbn 978-0-253-00957-9) 2014-03 The Journal of African History
Nafissatou Dia Diouf's critical look at a "Senegal in the Midst of Transformation" Molly Krueger Enz 2014-03 African Studies Quarterly
"These walls belong to everybody" The graffiti art movement in Dakar Leslie W. Rabine 2014-03 African Studies Quarterly
The New Type of Senegalese under construction: Fadel Barro and Aliou Sane on Yenamarrisme after Wade Sarah Nelson 2014-03 African Studies Quarterly
The rise of a new Senegalese cultural philosophy? Devin Bryson 2014-03 African Studies Quarterly
De-centering theatrical heritage: forum theater in contemporary Senegal Brian Quinn 2014-03 African Studies Quarterly
Nature and evolution of Neoproterozoic ocean-continent transition: Evidence from the passive margin of the West African craton in NE Mali Caby Renaud 2014-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Composition, provenance and source weathering of Mesozoic sandstones from Western-Central Mediterranean Alpine Chains F. Perri 2014-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Cathodoluminescence investigations on quartz cement in the sandstones of Khabour Formation from Iraqi Kurdistan Region, Northern Iraq Muhamed F. Omer
Henrik Friis
2014-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Characterization of brines and evaporites of Lake Katwe, Uganda Hillary Kasedde
John Baptist Kirabira
Matthäus U. Bäbler
Anders Tilliander
Stefan Jonsson
2014-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
CÔTE D'IVOIRE: ICI Forum 2014 2014-03-11 Africa Research Bulletin
RAPTOR POETICS - A Dance of Assassins: Performing Early Colonial Hegemony in the Congo. By Allen F. Roberts. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2013. Pp. xi + 311. $85, hardback (<scp>isbn</scp>978-0-253-00743-8); $30, paperback (<scp>isbn</ DAVID GORDON 2014-03 The Journal of African History
A SOUTH AFRICAN REVIVAL - Making African Christianity: Africans Reimagining their Faith in Colonial South Africa. By Robert J. Houle. Bethlehem, PA: Lehigh University Press, 2011. Pp. xlii + 311. $80, hardback (<scp>isbn</scp>9781611460810). DAVID J. MAXWELL 2014-03 The Journal of African History
Explaining the design of the Rwandan decentralization: elite vulnerability and the territorial repartition of power 2014-03-18 Journal of Eastern African Studies
Preservation of rodent bones from El Harhoura 2 cave (Morocco, Neolithic – Middle Palaeolithic): Microstructure, mineralogy, crystallinity and composition Bastien Farre
Pierre Massard
Julius Nouet
Yannicke Dauphin
2014-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Hydrogeochemical characteristics of a flooded underground coal mine groundwater system M. Gomo
D. Vermeulen
2014-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Gravity models of the Bushveld Complex – Have we come full circle? Janine Cole
Susan J. Webb
2014-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The shadow of Nelson Mandela, 1918–2013 Bill Freund 2014-04-03 Review of African Political Economy
Through the looking-glass: Exploring the wonderland of ‘other’ female portrayals in advertising 2014-04-03 Communicatio
Unemployed youth: ‘time bombs’ or engines for growth? Scott Burnett 2014-04-03 African Security Review
The African Capacity for Immediate Response to Crisis: conceptual breakthrough or anti-imperialist phantom? Romain Esmenjaud 2014-04-03 African Security Review
Homophobic legislation and its impact on human security Keletso Makofane
Jack Beck
Micah Lubensky
2014-04-03 African Security Review
Experiences in the dissemination and utilisation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) research findings from three southern African Universities Luckson M. Kaino
David Mtetwa
Choshi Kasanda
2014-04-03 Africa Education Review
Digital divide in the utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in counsellor education in Nigerian Universities Mfon Eyo 2014-04-03 Africa Education Review
Exploring the use of Technology textbooks in medium- and well-resourced school contexts in South Africa M.S. Ramaligela
E. Gaigher
A. Hattingh
2014-04-03 Africa Education Review
Corporal punishment and the pain provoked by the community of enquiry pedagogy in the university classroom Karin Murris 2014-04-03 Africa Education Review
We get you: combining proximisation and the coordinated management of meaning approach to analyse legitimisation in a text on HIV and AIDS Thinus Conradie 2014-04-03 African Identities
Tuesdays with an Open and Distance Learning mentor Abrie Michau
Willa Louw
2014-04-03 Africa Education Review
Nelson Mandela and the politics of South Africa's unfinished liberation 2014-04-03 Review of African Political Economy
I took an allegiance to secrecy: complexities of conducting ethnographic research at home 2014-04-09 Africa
Institutions and Policy Change: The Development of the Child Support Grant in South Africa Leon Amos Schreiber 2014-04-14 Politikon : South African Journal of Political Studies
‘Black letters’: problems and issues in the research, dissemination and reception of literature by Afro-Argentines and on Afro-Argentines Norberto Pablo Cirio
Dulcinea Tomás Cámara
2014-04-23 African and Black Diaspora
Afro-Porteñosat the end of the nineteenth century: discussing the nation Lea Geler 2014-04-23 African and Black Diaspora
The experience of private investment in the South African water sector: The Mbombela Concession Sugen Chetty
John M Luiz
2014-04-23 Development Southern Africa
Africa’s health challenges Ben Wisner 2014-04-28 African Geographical Review
Journeys ofCandombe Federalby Martín Boneo. Their contribution to the social imaginary on Afro-Argentines María de Lourdes Ghidoli 2014-04-28 African and Black Diaspora
Geophysical characteristics of Aswa shear, Nagasongola discontinuity and ring dyke complex in Uganda Tapio Ruotoistenmäki 2014-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The social realities of technology transfer: smallholder farmers’ encounter with a new rice variety Daniel Bornstein 2014-05-02 African Geographical Review
Rustenburg's Fractured Recruitment Regime: Who Benefits? Kally Forrest 2014-05-04 African Studies
New African Suburbanisation? Exploring the Growth of the Northern Corridor of eThekwini/KwaDakuza Alison Todes 2014-05-04 African Studies
Moving towards Curriculum Intellectualisingin the Context of Divergent Notions of African Scholarship Inbanathan Naicker
Pholoho Morojele
Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan
Daisy Pillay
Vitallis Chikoko
2014-05-04 African Studies
Struggle History and Self-Help: The Parallel Lives of Nelson Mandela in Conventional and Figurative Biography Steve Davis 2014-05-04 African Studies
On slaves and beer: the first images of the South Sea Company slave market in Buenos Aires Daniel Schavelzon 2014-05-15 African and Black Diaspora
An Invitation to Work – Editors’ Introduction John H. Hanson
Michel R. Doortmont
Dmitri van den Bersselaar
2014-06 History in Africa
An assessment of the ‘democratic’ coup theory Jonathan M. Powell 2014-06-24 African Security Review
Political transition to democracy Obert Hodzi 2014-06-24 African Security Review
Seismic stratigraphy of the Messinian Nile Delta coastal plain: Recognition of the fluvial Regressive Systems Tract and its potential for hydrocarbon exploration John D. Pigott
Mohamed I. Abdel-Fattah
2014-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Physiographic discontinuity along the Levant-Margin hinge-belt of the Arabian Plate (Late Cenomanian, northern Israel) Ran Frank
Binyamin Buchbinder
Chaim Benjamini
2014-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Groundwater quality assessment of the shallow aquifers west of the Nile Delta (Egypt) using multivariate statistical and geostatistical techniques Alaa A. Masoud 2014-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tonal melodies in the Kifuliiru verbal system Karen Van Otterloo 2014 Africana Linguistica
Bakweri tone melodies Michael R. Marlo
David Arnold Odden
2014 Africana Linguistica
Kuria tone melodies Michael R. Marlo
Leonard Chacha Mwita
Mary Paster
2014 Africana Linguistica
Tonal melodies in the Lulamogi verb Larry M. Hyman 2014 Africana Linguistica
Luyia tone melodies Kristopher J. Ebarb
Christopher R. Green
Michael R. Marlo
2014 Africana Linguistica
Cilungu tone melodies: a descriptive and comparative study Lee Bickmore 2014 Africana Linguistica
The BRICs and Emerging Economies in Comparative Perspective: political economy, liberalisation and institutional change ed. by Uwe Becker Vishnu Padayachee 2014 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Civil society and peacebuilding during Zimbabwe's government of national unity, 2009–2013 Cornelias Ncube 2014-07-03 African Security Review
The African Peace and Security Architecture and its partners Malte Brosig 2014-07-03 African Security Review
Understanding the ‘failure’ of the Séléka rebellion 2014-07-03 African Security Review
From adversity to prosperity Sakiemi Idoniboye-Obu
Ayo Whetho
2014-07-03 African Security Review
African nations as proxies in covert cyber operations Jan Kallberg
Steven Rowlen
2014-07-03 African Security Review
Nationalism and National Projects in Southern Africa: New Critical Reflections Clement Masakure 2014-07-03 African Historical Review
‘The Rebellion From Below’ and the Origins of Early Zionist Christianity Barry Morton 2014-07-03 African Historical Review
The mitigating effect of work-integrated learning on graduate employment in South Africa P. Jonck 2014-07-03 Africa Education Review
Lover of his People. A biography of Sol Plaatje Genevieve Klein 2014-07-03 African Historical Review
Visions of Freedom: Havana, Washington, Pretoria, and the Struggle for Southern Africa, 1976–1991 Thula Simpson 2014-07-03 African Historical Review
The Independence of Rhodesia in Salazar's Strategy for Southern Africa Luís Fernando Machado Barroso 2014-07-03 African Historical Review
The implementation and development of science process skills in the natural sciences: A case study of teachers' perceptions Johannes Ambross
Les Meiring
Sylvan Blignaut
2014-07-03 Africa Education Review
Liberation Movements in Power: Party and State in Southern Africa Clement Masakure 2014-07-03 African Historical Review
Examining the invisible loop: Tutors in large scale teacher development programmes Sarah Bansilal 2014-07-03 Africa Education Review
Govan Mbeki: A Jacana Pocket Biography Steve Lebelo 2014-07-03 African Historical Review
Deconstructing Profitability under Apartheid: 1960–1989 2014-07-03 South African Journal of Economic History
An Economic Model of the Apartheid State Anton D. Lowenberg 2014-07-03 South African Journal of Economic History
If neither capitalism nor communism, then what? DF Malan and the National Party's economic rhetoric, 1895–1954 2014-07-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Policy, practice and perception: Reconsidering the efficacy and meaning of statutory job reservation in South Africa, 1956–1979 Martine Mariotti
Danelle van Zyl-Hermann
2014-07-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Some stepping stones in the economic modelling of apartheid Mats Lundahl 2014-07-03 South African Journal of Economic History
The African Middle Class in South Africa 1910–1994 Roger Southall 2014-07-03 South African Journal of Economic History
The Exchange Control System under Apartheid Roy Havemann 2014-07-03 South African Journal of Economic History
The Spatial Persistence of Population and Wealth During Apartheid: Comparing the 1911 and 2011 Censuses Waldo Krugell 2014-07-03 South African Journal of Economic History
The economics of apartheid: An introduction Martine Mariotti
Johan Fourie
2014-07-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Exorcising the demons within: xenophobia, violence and statecraft in contemporary South Africa Francis B. Nyamnjoh 2014-07-03 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
Welcoming refugees in the rainbow nation: contemporary attitudes towards refugees in South Africa Steven Lawrence Gordon 2014-07-07 African Geographical Review
Restoration of natural capital: Mobilising private sector investment Leandri van der Elst 2014-07-14 Development Southern Africa
‘I Was Not Born With a Hunger to Be Free’. Nelson Mandela’s Early Journeys towards Political Awareness Raymond S Suttner 2014-07-16 Journal of Asian and African Studies
Susan Parnell and Edgar Pieterse (eds): Africa’s Urban Revolution Ruth T. Massey 2014-07-30 Urban Forum
Postgraduate supervision: E-mail as an alternative Toy White
Elsabe Coetzee
2014-08 Africa Education Review
Going beyond Kirkpatrick's Training Evaluation Model: The role of workplace factors in distance learning transfer F.R. Aluko
O.K. Shonubi
2014-08 Africa Education Review
Recent warming trends inferred from borehole temperature data in Figuig area (Eastern Morocco) Lalla Amina Ouzzaouit
Alae Bakraoui
Nouredine Benalioulhaj
Julio Carneiro
Antonio Correia
Abdelhakim Jilali
Abdelkrim Rimi
Yassine Zarhloule
2014-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Brittle tectonics within the Jurassic formations of the Ouarsenis culminating area, northwestern Algeria Tahar Aïfa
Mansour Zaagane
2014-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The role of inherited structures in the evolution of the Meknassy Basin, Central Tunisia, based on geological–geophysical transects Taoufik Haji
Taher Zouaghi
Noureddine Boukadi
2014-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Provenance analysis and thermo-dynamic studies of multi-type Holocene duricrusts (1700 BC) in the Sua Salt Pan, NE Botswana Harald G. Dill
R. Dohrmann
S. Kaufhold
A. Techmer
2014-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Estimation of geohydraulic parameters from fractured shales and sandstone aquifers of Abi (Nigeria) using electrical resistivity and hydrogeologic measurements Ebong D. Ebong
Anthony E. Akpan
Anthony A. Onwuegbuche
2014-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The stratigraphy and formation history of fossil- and artefact-bearing sediments in the Milner Hall, Sterkfontein Cave, South Africa: New interpretations and implications for palaeoanthropology and archaeology Dominic Stratford
Stefan Grab
Travis Rayne Pickering
2014-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A paleogeographic model for the sandstone members of the Imo Shale, south-eastern Nigeria O.C. Ekwenye
G.J. Nichols
M. Collinson
C.S. Nwajide
G.C. Obi
2014-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Interpreting the green economy: Emerging discourses and their considerations for the Global South Kristy Faccer
Anton Nahman
Michelle Audouin
2014-08-05 Development Southern Africa
Ethiopian foreign policy and the Ogaden War: the shift from “containment” to “destabilization,” 1977–1991 Belete Belachew Yihun 2014-08-13 Journal of Eastern African Studies
Climate Investment Funds (CIF) 2014-08 Africa Research Bulletin
Quality lies in the eyes of the beholder: A mismatch between student evaluation and peer observation of teaching Salochana Hassan
Wouter Wium
2014-08-18 Africa Education Review
FRAMING A CONTINENT: ISSUES AND CONTEXTS IN POSTCOLONIAL AFRICAN FILM - Nigel Eltringham, ed. Framing Africa: Portrayals of a Continent in Contemporary Mainstream Cinema. New York: Berghahn Books, 2013. vi +181 pp. Notes on Contributors. Index. $70. Valérie K. Orlando 2014-08-18 African Studies Review
Sakawa Rituals and Cyberfraud in Ghanaian Popular Video Movies Joseph Oduro-Frimpong 2014-08-18 African Studies Review
Should I stay or should I go? Incorporating a commitment to fieldwork throughout an academic career Kristal Jones
Matthew A. Schnurr
Edward R. Carr
William G. Moseley
2014-08-21 African Geographical Review
Snapshots of student-teachers' experiences of DVDs in a learner support programme in a developing ODL context Illasha Kok
A. Seugnet Blignaut
2014-08-28 Africa Education Review
Intraplate deformation of the Al Qarqaf Arch and the southern sector of the Ghadames Basin (SW Libya) Stefano Carruba
Marco Rinaldi
Ilenia Bresciani
Giuseppe Bertozzi
2014-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
To be or not to be: rethinking the possible repercussions of Somaliland's international statehood recognition Nikola Pijovic 2014-09 African Studies Quarterly
Progress in understanding the geothermal sedimentary basins in northeastern Morocco A.E. Barkaoui
Y. Zarhloule
M. Verdoya
V. Pasquale
H. Lahrach
2014-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Significant shortening by pressure solution creep in the Dwyka diamictite, Cape Fold Belt, South Africa Åke Fagereng 2014-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Electrical resistivity tomography, VES and magnetic surveys for dam site characterization, Wukro, Northern Ethiopia Tigistu Haile
Solomun Atsbaha
2014-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Neogene tectonics and fault-related folds in the Gulf of Hammamet area, Tunisian offshore Ghada Ben Brahim
Riadh Ahmadi
Noureddine Brahim
Faiçal Turki
2014-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tectonic wedging, back-thrusting and basin development in the frontal parts of the Mesoproterozoic Karagwe-Ankole belt in NW Tanzania C. Koegelenberg
A.F.M. Kisters
2014-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Occurrence of dendritic agate from Dereyalak village (Eskişehir) – NW of Turkey and its relationship to sepiolite nodules in the region Ayten Çalık
Uğur Arzoğulları
2014-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Relationships between deformation and magmatism in the Pan-African Kandi Shear Zone: Microstructural and AMS studies of Ediacaran granitoid intrusions in central Bénin (West Africa) L. Adissin Glodji
J. Bascou
S. Yessoufou
R.-P. Ménot
A. Villaros
2014-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Marine benthic invertebrates of the upper Jurassic Tuwaiq Mountain Limestone, Khashm Al-Qaddiyah, central Saudi Arabia Abdelbaset S. El-Sorogy
Khaled M. Al-Kahtany
Hesham M. El-Asmar
2014-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Magnetostratigraphy of the Fossil-Rich Shungura Formation, southwest Ethiopia Tesfaye Kidane
Francis H. Brown
Casey Kidney
2014-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Prospection of Portland cement raw material: A case study in the Marmara region of Turkey A.M. Özgüner 2014-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
2.9–1.9Ga paleoalterations of Archean granitic basement of the Franceville basin (Gabon) Idalina Moubiya Mouélé
Patrick Dudoignon
Abderrazak El Albani
Alain Meunier
Philippe Boulvais
François Gauthier-Lafaye
Jean-Louis Paquette
Hervé Martin
Michel Cuney
2014-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Aqaba-Levant transform-related faults in the Gulf of Suez rift: The Durba–Araba fault, Sinai Peninsula, Egypt Mamdouh M. Abdeen
Ashraf S. Abdelmaksoud
2014-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Environmental factors of urinary stones mineralogy, Khouzestan Province, Iran Alireza Zarasvandi
E.J.M. Carranza
Majid Heidari
Esmaeil Mousapour
2014-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Trading coups for civil war Jonathan M. Powell 2014-09-02 African Security Review
Labour, Lodging and Linkages: Migrant Women's Experience in South Africa Laura Phillips
Deborah James
2014-09-02 African Studies
Credit Apartheid, Migrants, Mines and Money Deborah James
Dinah Rajak
2014-09-02 African Studies
A Century of Migrancy from Mpondoland William Beinart 2014-09-02 African Studies
From Homeboy Networks to Broader Ethnic Affiliations: Migrants from Zebediela and Shifting Identities on the Rand, 1930s–1970s Sekibakiba Peter Lekgoathi 2014-09-02 African Studies
Review: Oor jou afdrukke. Met waardering vir Cas Vos se teologies-poëtiese bydrae H Ohlhoff 2014-09-04 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Africa and the 2015 NPT Review Conference Jo-Ansie van Wyk 2014-09-11 African Security Review
From control to parasitism Komlan Agbedahin 2014-09-15 African Security Review
Inequities in under-five child nutritional status in South Africa: What progress has been made? Julian May
Ian M Timæus
2014-09-15 Development Southern Africa
CASSAVA: Nigeria 2014-09 Africa Research Bulletin
Rebel movements in the DRC Theo Neethling 2014-09-16 African Security Review
THE RECREATION OF MODERN AND AFRICAN ART AT ACHIMOTA SCHOOL IN THE GOLD COAST (1927–52) Rhoda Woets 2014-09-22 The Journal of African History
COLONIAL MESSINESS IN A RACIALIZED CITYSCAPE - TAIFA: Making Nation and Race in Urban Tanzania. By James R. Brennan. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2012. Pp. xi + 292. $32.95, paperback (ISBN 978-0-8214-2001-0). ANDREW IVASKA 2014-09-22 The Journal of African History
Explaining the (il)legality of Uganda's intervention in the current South Sudan conflict Kasaija Phillip Apuuli 2014-09-23 African Security Review
Neoproterozoic–Cambrian stratigraphic framework of the Anti-Atlas and Ouzellagh promontory (High Atlas), Morocco J. Javier Álvaro
Fouad Benziane
Robert Thomas
Abdelaziz Yazidi
2014-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Late Ediacaran–Cambrian structures and their reactivation during the Variscan and Alpine cycles in the Anti-Atlas (Morocco) A. Soulaimani
A. Michard
H. Ouanaimi
L. Baidder
Y. Raddi
O. Saddiqi
E.C. Rjimati
2014-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Nelson Mandela's masculinities Raymond Suttner 2014-10-02 African Identities
A crucial link: local peace committees and national peacebuilding Sipiwe Sangqu 2014-10-02 African Security Review
The elephant in the room Peter Fabricius 2014-10-02 African Security Review
Interruptive discourses: Léopold Senghor,African Emotionand the poetry of politics Shiera S. el-Malik 2014-10-02 African Identities
The struggle continues towards a genuine and lasting emancipation: South Africa in the past 20 years Sifiso Mxolisi Ndlovu 2014-10-02 African Identities
Theory from the South: or, how Euro-America is evolving towards Africa Sam Wilkins 2014-10-02 African Identities
Twenty years of democracy and the politics of reproduction in South Africa Nolwazi Mkhwanazi 2014-10-02 African Identities
Thabo Mbeki and South Africa's African identity: a review of 20 years of South Africa's Africa policy Candice Moore 2014-10-02 African Identities
Violent communication is not alien toubuntu: Nothing human is alien to Africans Colin Chasi 2014-10-02 Communicatio
Performing spiritual healing in the here and now: botánicas and holistic health care Angela Castañeda 2014-10-13 African and Black Diaspora
‘The challenges of living here and there’: conflicting narratives of intermarriage between Cameroonian migrants and South Africans in Johannesburg Ernest A. Pineteh 2014-10-13 African and Black Diaspora
Memories of migration: tracing the past through movement in film Sissy Helff 2014-10-17 African and Black Diaspora
Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere's philosophy, contribution, and legacies Ogenga Otunnu 2014-10-17 African Identities
FRANÇOISE DUMAS-CHAMPION,Le mariage des cultures à l’île de la Réunion.Paris:Éditions Karthala (pb €26 –978 2 81110 002 5).2008, 307 pp 2014-10-22 Africa
Assessing the human health risk for aluminium, zinc and lead in outdoor dusts collected in recreational sites used by children at an industrial area in the western part of the Bassin Minier de Provence, France A.P. Reis
Y. Noack
S. Robert
A.C. Dias
E. Ferreira da Silva
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Will to Integrate: South Africa's Responses to Regional Migration from the SADC Region Christopher Changwe Nshimbi
Lorenzo Fioramonti
2014-11 African Development Review
The East Africa Oligocene intertrappean beds: Regional distribution, depositional environments and Afro/Arabian mammal dispersals Ernesto Abbate
Piero Bruni
Marco Peter Ferretti
Cyrille Delmer
Marinella Ada Laurenzi
Miruts Hagos
Omar Bedri
Mario Sagri
Yosief Libsekal
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Arabian–Nubian Precambrian basement geology – Progress and developments: Introduction to the issue in honour of Samir El-Gaby A.R. Fowler
R.O. Greiling
M.M. Abdeen
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Samir El-Gaby (1934–2012) Mohamed ElSharkawi
Ibrahim Khalaf
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Late Neoproterozoic metamorphic assemblages along the Pan-African Hamisana Shear Zone, southeastern Egypt: Metamorphism, geochemistry and petrogenesis Mohamed W. Ali-Bik
Mohamed F. Sadek
Doris Sadek Ghabrial
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Neoproterozoic structural evolution of the NE-trending Ad-Damm Shear Zone, Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia Zakaria Hamimi
El-Sawy K. El-Sawy
Abdelhamid El-Fakharani
Mohamed Matsah
Abdulrahman Shujoon
Mohamed K. El-Shafei
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Polyphase deformation history and strain analyses of the post-amalgamation depositional basins in the Arabian–Nubian Shield: Evidence from Fatima, Ablah and Hammamat Basins Zakaria Hamimi
Abdelhamid El-Fakharani
Mamdouh M. Abdeen
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Field and ASTER imagery data for the setting of gold mineralization in Western Allaqi–Heiani belt, Egypt: A case study from the Haimur deposit Basem Zoheir
Ashraf Emam
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Opaque mineralogy and resource potential of placer gold in the stream sediments between Duba and Al Wajh, Red Sea coast, northwestern Saudi Arabia Asaad M.B. Moufti 2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Editorial: Special Volume of the 24th Colloquium of African Geology Hassan Helmy
Jean-Paul Liegeois
Lopo Vasconcelos
Tsehaie Woldai
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Transition from alkaline to calc-alkaline volcanism during evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Francevillian basin of eastern Gabon (Western Central Africa) Denis Thiéblemont
Pascal Bouton
Alain Préat
Jean-Christian Goujou
Monique Tegyey
Francis Weber
Michel Ebang Obiang
Jean Louis Joron
Michel Treuil
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochronology and tectonic evolution of the Hohewarte Complex, central Namibia: New insights in Paleoproterozoic to Early Neoproterozoic crustal accretion processes Benjamin Mapani
David Cornell
Valby van Schijndel
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The geology of the northern tip of the Arabian–Nubian Shield M. Beyth
Y. Eyal
Z. Garfunkel
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Improved Moscovian part of the Gondwana APWP for paleocontinental reconstructions, obtained from a first paleomagnetic pole, age-constrained by a fold test, from In Ezzane area in the Murzuq basin (Algeria, stable Africa) M. Amenna
M.E.M. Derder
B. Henry
B. Bayou
S. Maouche
H. Bouabdallah
A. Ouabadi
M. Ayache
M. Beddiaf
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Paleomagnetic dating of continental geological formations: Strong diachronism evidenced in the Saharan platform and geodynamical implications B. Henry
M.E.M. Derder
M. Amenna
S. Maouche
B. Bayou
A. Ouabadi
H. Bouabdallah
M. Beddiaf
M. Ayache
R. Bestandji
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Gravimetric evidences of active faults and underground structure of the Cheliff seismogenic basin (Algeria) A. Abtout
H. Boukerbout
B. Bouyahiaoui
D. Gibert
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The occurrence of a complete continental rift type of volcanic rocks suite along the Yerer–Tullu Wellel Volcano Tectonic Lineament, Central Ethiopia Tsegaye Abebe Adhana 2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Depositional environments during the Late Palaeozoic ice age (LPIA) in northern Ethiopia, NE Africa Robert Bussert 2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Permian and Triassic microfloral assemblages from the Blue Nile Basin, central Ethiopia Enkurie L. Dawit 2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sedimentological and geochemical characterization of the Cretaceous strata of Calabar Flank, southeastern Nigeria O.A. Boboye
E.E. Okon
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Evaluation of bio-molecular signatures and hydrocarbon potential of upper Cretaceous shale, NE Nigeria Olugbenga A. Boboye
Uche A. Nzegwu
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Stratigraphy and reservoir quality of the turbidite deposits, western sag, Bohai bay, China P.R Oluwatosin J. Rotimi
Bankole D. Ako
Wang Zhenli
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Diagenetic contrast of sandstones in hydrocarbon prospective Mesozoic rift basins (Ethiopia, UK, USA) A. Wolela 2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geo-engineering evaluation of Termaber basalt rock mass for crushed stone aggregate and building stone from Central Ethiopia Tesfaye Asresahagne Engidasew
Giulio Barbieri
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Slope stability susceptibility evaluation parameter (SSEP) rating scheme – An approach for landslide hazard zonation Tarun Kumar Raghuvanshi
Jemal Ibrahim
Dereje Ayalew
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Conceptual modelling of groundwater–surface water interactions in the Lake Sibayi Catchment, Eastern South Africa Jannie Weitz
Molla Demlie
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Application of high resolution aeromagnetic data for basement topography mapping of Siluko and environs, southwestern Nigeria Olawale O. Osinowo
Adesoji O. Akanji
Abel I. Olayinka
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Predictive mapping of prospectivity for orogenic gold in Uganda Sarah Herbert
Tsehaie Woldai
Emmanuel John M. Carranza
Frank J.A. van Ruitenbeek
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Environmental impact of elemental concentration and distribution in waters, soils and plants along the Lokoja–Abuja pipeline routes of Bida Basin, northwestern Nigeria Olugbenga A. Boboye
Iyior O. Abumere
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geoscience outreach in Africa, 2007–2013 Eduardo F.J. De Mulder
Wolfgang Eder
Aberra Mogessie
Enas A.E. Ahmed
Pauline Y.D. Da Costa
Ibouraïma Yabi
Eliud Mathu
Sospeter Muhongo
Sierd A.P.L. Cloetingh
2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Current Literature Survey 2014-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Psycho-Organizational Factors in Employee Acceptance of Organizational Change in the Federal Civil Service Catherine Chovwen 2014-11-01 The Nigerian journal of sociology and anthropology : journal of the
Networks of violence and becoming: youth and the politics of patronage in Nigeria's oil-rich Delta 2014-11-10 The Journal of Modern African Studies
The Igala traditional religious belief system: Between monotheism and polytheism IA Negedu 2014-11-10 OGIRISI: a New Journal of African Studies
UN CLIMATE SUMMIT: Halting Global Warming? 2014-11 Africa Research Bulletin
EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY: Climate Smart Agriculture 2014-11 Africa Research Bulletin
The Eritrean diaspora and its impact on regime stability: Responses to UN sanctions N. Hirt 2014-11-20 African Affairs
Andrew Banks and Leslie Banks, eds. Inside African Anthropology: Monica Wilson and Her Interpreters. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013. xiv + 354 pp. Photographs. Bibliography. List of Contributors, Index. $95.00. Cloth Owen J. M. Kalinga 2014-12 African Studies Review
Paleozoic oil/gas shale reservoirs in southern Tunisia: An overview Mohamed Soua 2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The politics of local communities and the state in Africa Parakh Hoon
Lauren M. MacLean
2014-12 African Studies Quarterly
Financial performance of local government in Limpopo Province, 2010-2012 Majuta Judas Mamogale 2014-12 African Studies Quarterly
MT3DMSP – A parallelized version of the MT3DMS code Ramadan Abdelaziz
Hai Ha Le
2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Grenvillian Namaqua-Natal fold belt adjacent to the Kaapvaal Craton: 1. Distribution of Mesoproterozoic collisional terranes deduced from results of regional surveys and selected profiles in the western and southern parts of the fold belt W.P. Colliston
A.E. Schoch
J. Cole
2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Carbonate platform-margins and reefs distribution using 2-D seismic analysis, Central Tunisia Makrem Harzali
Habib Troudi
Kamel Ben Boubaker
Jamel Ouali
2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Crystalline basement aquifers of Ethiopia: Their genesis, classification and aquifer properties Gaddissa Deyassa
Seifu Kebede
Tenalem Ayenew
Tesfaye Kidane
2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
High resolution cathodoluminescence spectroscopy of carbonate cementation in Khurmala Formation (Paleocene–L. Eocene) from Iraqi Kurdistan Region, Northern Iraq Muhamed F. Omer
Dilshad Omer
Bahroz Gh. Zebari
2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mineralogical and geochemical signatures of clays associated with rhyodacites in the Nefza area (northern Tunisia) D. Sghaier
F. Chaabani
D. Proust
Ph. Vieillard
2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemical prospecting for Cu mineralization in an arid terrain-central Iran Ahmad Reza Mokhtari
Parisa Roshani Rodsari
Moslem Fatehi
Shahed Shahrestani
Peyman Pournik
2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Morphotectonics of Kid drainage basin, Southeastern Sinai: A landscape evolution coeval to Gulf of Aqaba – Dead Sea rifting Ahmed Shalaby
Mohamed Shawky
2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Testing the controls on the seismic sequence stratigraphy of the Eocene–Oligocene boundary in Southern Iran with a Wheeler diagram derived from outcrops, seismic and well logs data Amin Chehri
Christopher Kendall
Nader Kohansal Ghadimvand
Latif Samadi
2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Late glacial-Holocene shelf evolution of the Sea of Marmara west of Istanbul Hatice Karakilcik
Ulvi Can Unlugenc
Mahmut Okyar
2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry of the Palaeoproterozoic gabbros and granodiorites of the Saza area in the Lupa Goldfield, southwestern Tanzania Shukrani Manya 2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Miocene benthic foraminifera from Nosy Makamby and Amparafaka, Mahajanga Basin, northwestern Madagascar Tolotra N. Ramihangihajason
Tsiory H. Andrianavalona
Rachel Razafimbelo
Lydia Rahantarisoa
Jason R. Ali
Karen E. Samonds
2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Use of geochemical, isotopic, and age tracer data to develop models of groundwater flow: A case study of Gafsa mining basin-Southern Tunisia Younes Hamed
Riadh Ahmadi
Abdeslam Demdoum
Salem Bouri
Imed Gargouri
Hamed Ben Dhia
Samir Al-Gamal
Rabah Laouar
Abedjabar Choura
2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Provenance of the heavy mineral-enriched alluvial deposits at the west coast of the Red Sea. Implications for evolution of Arabian–Nubian crust Munazzam Ali Mahar
Tarek M.M. Ibrahim
Philip C. Goodell
2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Volcanotectonic evolution of central Jordan: Evidence from the Shihan Volcano Khalil M. Ibrahim
Basem K. Moh’d
Ahmad I. Masri
Masdouq M. Al-Taj
Salem M. Musleh
Khitam A. Alzughoul
2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Structurally controlled seismic anisotropy above small earthquakes in crustal rocks beneath the Rwenzori region, Albertine Rift, Uganda A.G. Batte
G. Rümpker
M. Lindenfeld
A. Schumann
2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Facies analysis and diagenetic features of the Aptian Dariyan Formation in Zagros Fold–Thrust Belt, SW Iran Arash Shaabanpour Haghighi
Mohammad Sahraeyan
2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Application of support vector machines and relevance vector machines in predicting uniaxial compressive strength of volcanic rocks Nurcihan Ceryan 2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Water footprints as an indicator for the equitable utilization of shared water resources Osama M. Sallam 2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Archaean greenstone belts and associated granitic rocks – A review Carl R. Anhaeusser 2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Comment on “Impact structures in Africa: A review” by Reimold and Koeberl [J. Afr. Earth Sci. 93 (2014) 57–175] R.D. Acevedo
J. Rabassa
H. Corbella
M.J. Orgeira
J.F. Ponce
O. Martínez
M. González-Guillot
M. Rocca
I. Subías
2014-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Did primary healthcare user fee abolition matter? Reconsidering South Africa's experience Anna S Brink
Steven F Koch
2014-12-03 Development Southern Africa
Violence, the occult and the everyday: a Radio Zulu drama of the 1980s 2014-12-06 Social Dynamics
Africa: geographies of change Barry Riddell 2014-12-09 African Geographical Review
Translation and transformation: travel and intra-national encounter in the Yoruba novel Rebecca Jones 2014-12-10 Journal of African Cultural Studies
African political thought of the twentieth century: a reengagement Shiera S. el-Malik
Branwen Gruffydd Jones
2014-12-11 African Identities
“This is What Makes Sirigu Unique”: Authenticating Canvas and Wall Paintings in (Inter)national Circuits of Value and Meaning Rhoda Woets 2014-12 African Arts
Julia Ivanova, director. Family Portrait in Black and White. 2011. 85 minutes. In Ukrainian and English, with English subtitles. Canada. Interfilm Productions. $24.99. Manouchka Kelly Labouba 2014-12 African Studies Review
Drawing maps: history and geography in contemporary black British art Monique Kerman 2014-12-22 African and Black Diaspora
Liberalism interruptus: Leo Kuper and the Durban school of oppositional empirical sociology of the 1950s and 1960s Geoff Waters 2015 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Women of the Civil Rights Movement Jane Duran 2015 Philosophia Africana
Les juristes en Afrique : entre trajectoires d’État, sillons d’empire et mondialisation 2015 Politique africaine
A historiografia sobre a 'conversão' nas colônias portuguesas na África e a trajetória de Jesse Chiula Chipenda Iracema Dulley 2015 África : revista do Centro de Estudos Africanos
Les juristes, le politique et la fabrique de la légalité postcoloniale. Un cas d’étude zambien Jeremy Gould
Hélène Charton
2015 Politique africaine
The northern Egyptian continental margin Gad Mohamed 2015-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Metamorphic modifications of the Muremera mafic–ultramafic intrusions, eastern Burundi, and their effect on chromite compositions David M. Evans 2015-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Cu–Mn–Fe alloys and Mn-rich amphiboles in ancient copper slags from the Jabal Samran area, Saudi Arabia: With synopsis on chemistry of Fe–Mn(III) oxyhydroxides in alteration zones Adel A. Surour 2015-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The influence of the geological origin on soil volume change through collapse settlement George Brink
J. Louis van Rooy
2015-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Integrated provenance analysis of Zakeen (Devonian) and Faraghan (early Permian) sandstones in the Zagros belt, SW Iran Yousef Zoleikhaei
Abdolhossein Amini
S. Mohammad Zamanzadeh
2015-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Heavy metals of Santiago Island (Cape Verde) top soils: Estimated Background Value maps and environmental risk assessment M.M.S. Cabral Pinto
E. Ferreira da Silva
M.M.V.G. Silva
P. Melo-Gonçalves
2015-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geologic history of the Neogene “Qena Lake” developed during the evolution of the Nile Valley: A sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical approach Emad R. Philobbos
Mahmoud A. Essa
Mustafa M. Ismail
2015-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
History of the development of the East African Rift System: A series of interpreted maps through time Duncan Macgregor 2015-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Field and petrochemical studies of pegmatites in parts of Lokoja, Central Nigeria J.I. Omada
M.S. Kolawole
A.N. Odoma
2015-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Late Devonian conodonts and event stratigraphy in northwestern Algerian Sahara Abdessamed Mahboubi
Yury Gatovsky
2015-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Structural control of fluvial drainage in the western domain of the Cape Fold Belt, South Africa Munyaradzi Manjoro 2015-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The paleoecology of the Upper Laetolil Beds, Laetoli Tanzania: A review and synthesis Denise F. Su
Terry Harrison
2015-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Wide spread zeolitization of the Neogene – Quaternary volcanic tuff in Jordan Hani N. Khoury
Khalil M. Ibrahim
Reyad A. Al Dwairi
Domingo G. Torrente
2015-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Kiliji, An Unrecorded Spiritual Language of Eastern Ghana Brindle, J.
Dakubu, M.E.K.
Kambon, O.
2015 Journal of West African Languages
Margaret Levyns and the Decline of Ecological Liberalism in the Southwest Cape, 1890–1975 Brett M. Bennett 2015-01-02 South African Historical Journal
La Belle Africaine: The Sudanese Giraffe who went to France Heather J. Sharkey 2015-01-02 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Black Consciousness's Lost Leader: Abraham Tiro, the University of the North, and the Seeds of South Africa's Student Movement in the 1970s 2015-01-02 Journal of Southern African Studies
The Philosopher and His Poor: ThePoor-Blackas Object for Political Desire in South Africa 2015-01-02 Politikon : South African Journal of Political Studies
African peacekeepers in Africa Nikolas Emmanuel 2015-01-02 African Security Review
Trans-border ethnic solidarity and citizenship conflicts in some West and Central African states Emmanuel Ikechi Onah 2015-01-02 African Security Review
A legal analysis of how the International Committee of the Red Cross's interpretation of the revolving door phenomenon applies in the case of Africa's child soldiers Shannon Bosch 2015-01-02 African Security Review
An overview of conflict in Africa in 2014 Shirley de Villiers 2015-01-02 African Security Review
Interrogating the technocratic (neoliberal) agenda for agricultural development and hunger alleviation in Africa William Moseley
Matthew Schnurr
2015-01-02 African Geographical Review
Sophiatown Natasha Erlank
Karie L Morgan
2015-01-02 African Studies
Migrant Women of Johannesburg: Life in an In-between City Alfred Tembo 2015-01-02 African Historical Review
“Divining” the city: rhythm, amalgamation and knotting as forms of “urbanity” 2015-01-02 Social Dynamics
Re-thinking agricultural development in South Africa: Black commercial farmers in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries Stefan Schirmer 2015-01-02 African Historical Review
Rethinking institutional orders in Sudan Studies: the case of land access in Kordofan, Blue Nile and Darfur Sandra Calkins
Enrico Ille
Siri Lamoureaux
Richard Rottenburg
2015-01-02 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Spatial Justice and the Western Areas of Johannesburg Thomas Patrick Chapman 2015-01-02 African Studies
Remembering democracy: anticolonial evocations and invocations of a disappearing norm Siba N. Grovogui 2015-01-02 African Identities
‘What Would They do if you Greeted?’ The Potentiality of Greetings in the New South Africa Karie L. Morgan 2015-01-02 African Studies
Establishing insurance markets in settler economies. a comparison of Australian and South Africa insurance markets, 1820-1910 Monica Keneley 2015-01-02 African Historical Review
Rovincer Najjuma
2015-01-02 Africa Education Review
Routes to Sophiatown Natasha Erlank 2015-01-02 African Studies
TheAfrican Studies2014 BW Vilakazi Prize 2015-01-02 African Studies
Youdi Schipper
2015-01-02 Africa Education Review
Forged in Battle: The Birth and Growth of 32 Battalion from Former Enemies and Terrorists into Decorated Soldiers André Wessels 2015-01-02 African Historical Review
A School of Struggle: Durban's Medical School and the Education of Black Doctors in South Africa Walima T. Kalusa 2015-01-02 African Historical Review
Slow growth, supply shocks and structural change: The GDP of the Cape Colony in the late nineteenth century Lorraine Greyling 2015-01-02 South African Journal of Economic History
The Internationalization of Economic History: Perspectives from the African Frontier Erik Green
Pius Nyambara
2015-01-02 South African Journal of Economic History
African Economic History in Africa Gareth Austin 2015-01-02 South African Journal of Economic History
Labour-Intensive Industrialization in Global History: A Review Essay 2015-01-02 South African Journal of Economic History
Another civil war in South Sudan: the failure of Guerrilla Government? Øystein H. Rolandsen 2015-01-02 Journal of Eastern African Studies
Setting the scene of the crime: the colonial archive, history, and racialisation of the 1924 revolution in Anglo-Egyptian Sudan Elena Vezzadini 2015-01-02 Canadian Journal of African Studies
New names, translational subjectivities: (Dis)location and (Re)naming in NoViolet Bulawayo'sWe Need New Names Polo Belina Moji 2015-01-06 Journal of African Cultural Studies
Characteristics of marine CSEM responses in complex geologic terrain of Niger Delta Oil province: Insight from 2.5D finite element forward modeling Adetayo F. Folorunso
Yuguo Li
Ying Liu
2015-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mineralogical, chemical composition and distribution of rare earth elements in clay-rich sediments from Southeastern Nigeria A.N. Odoma
N.G. Obaje
J.I. Omada
S.O. Idakwo
J. Erbacher
2015-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mineralogy, geochemistry and genesis of the modern sediments of Seyfe Lake, Kırşehir, central Anatolia, Turkey Nergis Önalgil
Selahattin Kadir
Tacit Külah
Muhsin Eren
Ali Gürel
2015-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Power, patronage, and gatekeeper politics in South Africa 2015-02-03 African Affairs
The representation of voluntourism in search engines: The case of South Africa 2015-02-13 Development Southern Africa
Reviving the Remains of Colonization – The Belgian Colonial Archives in Brussels Bérengère Piret 2015-02-18 History in Africa
Afrikaners is Plesierig!VoëlvryMusic, Anti-apartheid Identities and Rockey Street Nightclubs in Yeoville (Johannesburg), 1980s–90s Maria Suriano
Clara Lewis
2015-02-23 African Studies
The Art of Becoming a Minority: Afrikaner Re-politicisation and Afrikaans Political Ethnicity Yehonatan Alsheh
Florian Elliker
2015-02-25 African Studies
Textural and geochemical studies of detrital Fe–Ti oxides and test of their validity in provenance determination, a case study from Central Iran Abdolhossein Amini
Joseph Michael Anketell
2015-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Corrigendum to “Facies analysis and diagenetic features of the Aptian Dariyan Formation in Zagros Fold–Thrust Belt, SW Iran” [J. Afr. Earth Sci. 100 (2014) 598–613] Arash Shaabanpour Haghighi
Mohammad Sahraeyan
2015-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Christ Army Church and Socio-Cultural Changes in Khana Local Government of Ogoniland LB Saale 2015-03-05 African Research Review
Gastropods from the Campanian–Maastrichtian Aruma Formation, Central Saudi Arabia Mohamed Gameil
Abdelbaset S. El-Sorogy
2015-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
One title, two languages : investigating the trend of publishing adult non-fiction titles in English and Afrikaans during 2010-2014 in the South African trade market Jana Klingenberg
Samantha Buitendach
2015-04 Communicatio
Review essay: Making South Africa’s Muslims creatively visible M Haron 2015-04-02 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
From combat to non-combat action Chris M.A. Kwaja 2015-04-02 African Security Review
‘A nigger in the new England’: ‘Sus’, the Brixton riot, and citizenship Nicole M. Jackson 2015-04-02 African and Black Diaspora
Remembering my whiteness/imagining my African-ness Antoinette D'amant 2015-04-02 African Identities
The morality of private war Lisa Otto 2015-04-03 African Security Review
Is South Africa's 20 years of democracy in crisis? Examining the impact of unrest incidents in local protests in the post-apartheid South Africa Mbekezeli C. Mkhize 2015-04-03 African Security Review
Cultivating responsibility and humanity in public schools through democratic citizenship education Yusef Waghid 2015-04-03 Africa Education Review
Teacher educators’ professional journeys: pedagogical and systemic issues affecting role perceptions Martin Braund 2015-04-03 Africa Education Review
Reflective journaling: a tool for teacher professional development Lorna M. Dreyer 2015-04-03 Africa Education Review
SomaliDhaqanphilosophies and the power of African ancestral wisdom Ahmed Ali Ilmi 2015-04-03 African Identities
Barriers associated with the use of English in the teaching of technology in grade 9 at some schools in Eastern Cape Province Moses Makgato 2015-04-03 Africa Education Review
The birth of university affiliated early childhood centres of excellence: investing in children, families and communities Soezin Krog
Norma Nel
2015-04-03 Africa Education Review
Five funerals, no weddings, a couple of birthdays: Terry Ranger, his contemporaries, and the end of Zimbabwean nationalism – 24 October 2013–3 January 2015 David Moore 2015-04-03 Review of African Political Economy
After the Berlin Wall: hip-hop and the politics of German reunification Sonya Donaldson 2015-04-07 African and Black Diaspora
Transcultural affinity: thoughts on the emergent cosmopolitan imagination in South Africa Chielozona Eze 2015-04-08 Journal of African Cultural Studies
In the absence of integration: working in and against Nation in Erna Brodber'sLouisiana Shaundra Myers 2015-04-09 African and Black Diaspora
Chicago, Garveyism, and the history of the diasporic Midwest Erik S. McDuffie 2015-04-09 African and Black Diaspora
The imperfect longing: Sam Selvon'sThe Lonely Londonersand the dance of doubt Alicia E. Ellis 2015-04-15 African and Black Diaspora
Black Seminoles: the maroons of Florida Nubia Kai 2015-04-15 African and Black Diaspora
AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK: Climate Smart Initiatives 2015-04 Africa Research Bulletin
Gandhi, Carpenter, Schreiner and the Crisis of Modern Civilisation at the Turn of the 20th Century John Hilton 2015-05-04 African Studies
Performing History and Constructing ‘Culture’: Ronnie Govender's1949and the Romanticism of Historical Memory Neilesh Bose 2015-05-04 African Studies
Zulu bridewealth (ilobolo) and womanhood in South Africa Stephanie Rudwick 2015-05-04 Social Dynamics
David and two Goliaths: the prophetic church as civil society in South Africa Deborah Simpson 2015-05-04 Canadian Journal of African Studies
Towards a New Study of the So-Called Tārīkh al-fattāsh Mohamed Shahid Mathee 2015-05-29 History in Africa
A poisonous thorn in our hearts: Sudan and South Sudan's bitter and incomplete divorce Robert Mason 2015-05-29 African Affairs
Application of Fourier and wavelet approaches for identification of geochemical anomalies Hossein Shahi
Reza Ghavami
Abolghasem Kamkar Rouhani
Hooshang Asadi Haroni
2015-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
"We Wear the Mask": Kongo Folk Art and Ritual in South Carolina Jason Young 2015-06 African Studies Quarterly
Science and Spirit in Postcolonial North Kongo Health and Healing John M. Janzen 2015-06 African Studies Quarterly
Introduction: Kongo Atlantic Dialogues Robin Poynor
Susan Cooksey
Carlee Forbes
2015-06 African Studies Quarterly
Black Brotherhoods in North America: Afro-Iberian and West Central African Influences Jeroen Dewulf 2015-06 African Studies Quarterly
COLONIAL INDIGENEITY - Indigenous Knowledge and the Environment in Africa and North America. Edited by David M. Gordon and Shepard Krech III. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2012. Pp. vii + 335. $59.95, hardcover (ISBN 978-0-8214-1996-0). KAIRN A. KLIEMAN 2015-06-12 The Journal of African History
ALTERNATIVE LITERACIES - Written Culture in a Colonial Context: Africa and the Americas 1500–1900. Edited by Adrien Delmas and Nigel Penn. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill, 2012. Pp. xxxii + 379. $103, paperback (ISBN 978-90-04-22389-9). DEREK R. PETERSON 2015-06-12 The Journal of African History
2015-06-12 The Journal of African History
Africa Climate Resilient Infrastructure Summit 2015-06 Africa Research Bulletin
Applying the weapon of theory: comparing the philosophy of Julius Kambarage Nyerere and Kwame Nkrumah Tomáš František Žák 2015-06-25 Journal of African Cultural Studies
The Nazareth Baptist Church as Subordinationist Christianity Joel E Tishken 2015-06-29 African Studies
West African Spatial Patterns of Economic Activities: Combining the ‘Spatial Factor’ and ‘Mobile Space’ Approaches Allen M Howard
Denis Retaillé
2015-06-29 African Studies
The word order in Swahili adnominal constructions with locative demonstratives Eva-Marie Bloom Ström 2015-06-30 Nordic Journal of African Studies
Canyon-confined pockmarks on the western Niger Delta slope Uzochukwu Benjamin 2015-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A Response to WITS &amp; an Update on a Push for Change in Higher Academia in South Africa William H Worger
Neo Lekgotla Laga Ramoupi
2015 Ufahamu
World of Letters: reading communities and cultural debates in early apartheid South Africa by Corinne Sandwith Rachel Matteau Matsha 2015 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
UNAMID: an African solution to a complex case of geopolitical dynamics 2015-07-03 African Security Review
Terrorism, insurgency, kidnapping, and security in Africa's energy sector Lord Aikins Adusei 2015-07-03 African Security Review
The ties that bind Shawn Russell 2015-07-03 African Security Review
From stopping to preventing atrocities Dan Kuwali 2015-07-03 African Security Review
The management of security incidents by private security Doraval Govender 2015-07-03 African Security Review
A theory of war economies Sybert Liebenberg
Richard Haines
Geoff Harris
2015-07-03 African Security Review
Pedagogical shift in the twenty-first century: Preparing teachers to teach with new technologies Agnes Chigona 2015-07-03 Africa Education Review
The migratory dimension of Scottish Presbyterianism in Southern Africa Graham A. Duncan 2015-07-03 African Historical Review
The South Africa Reader: History, culture, politics Raymond Suttner 2015-07-03 African Historical Review
Baragwanath Hospital, Soweto: A history of medical care 1941-1990 Clement Masakure 2015-07-03 African Historical Review
Winelands, wealth and work: Transformations in the Dwars River Valley, Stellenbosch Noel Ndumeya 2015-07-03 African Historical Review
Lecturers’ perceptions: The value of assessment rubrics for informing teaching practice and curriculum review and development S. Bharuthram 2015-07-03 Africa Education Review
Chemistry post-graduate student training from an open distance learning perspective M.J. Mphahlele
F. Tafesse
2015-07-03 Africa Education Review
Specular and syncretic border intellectuals: Ali Mazrui and Cherry Getzel Pal Ahluwalia 2015-07-03 African Identities
A long way home: Migrant worker worlds, 1800-2014 Anusa Daimon 2015-07-03 African Historical Review
Remaking the ANC: Party change in South Africa and the Global South Abraham Mlombo 2015-07-03 African Historical Review
‘We have finished them’: Ritual killing and war-doctoring in Kwazulu-Natal during the 1980s and 1990s Mxolisi R. Mchunu 2015-07-03 African Historical Review
Language anxiety caused by the single mode of instruction in multilingual classrooms: The case of African language learners S. Madonsela 2015-07-03 Africa Education Review
Mothering the ‘nation’: The public life of isie ‘Ouma’ Smuts, 1899-1945 Suryakanthie Chetty 2015-07-03 African Historical Review
Stories Behind African Names: A Case Study Of The Setswana Names Of The North West University, Mafikeng Campus’ Students M. Ledibane 2015-07-03 Africa Education Review
Potential for Diversification? The Role of the Formal Sector in Bechuanaland Protectorate's Economy, 1900–65 Jutta Bolt
Ellen Hillbom
2015-07-03 South African Journal of Economic History
‘The Great Divergence’ Revisited: The Case of Bengal in Early Modern Times Indrajit Ray 2015-07-03 South African Journal of Economic History
The Transatlantic Slave Trade and Social Stratification on the Gold Coast Klas Rönnbäck 2015-07-03 South African Journal of Economic History
Sounding the masses: sonic collectivity and the politics of noise in Earl Lovelace'sSalt Edward R. Piñuelas 2015-07-13 African and Black Diaspora
CHAD: Improving the Business Climate 2015-07 Africa Research Bulletin
The New Puerto Rican Bomba Movement Bárbara I. Abadía-Rexach 2015-07-16 African and Black Diaspora
Swiss Missionaries in South Africa Paul Jenkins 2015-07-20 African Studies
The Routledge Handbook on Cities of the Global South—Edited by Susan Parnell and Sophie Oldfield Ruth T Massey 2015-07-24 Urban Forum
Taking it higher: the spirituality of sensuality in funk performance Matthew Valnes 2015-08-10 African and Black Diaspora
‘She's lost control again’: representations of (dis)ability in contemporary performances ofSpoek MathamboandDie Antwoord Hershini Bhana Young 2015-08-12 African and Black Diaspora
‘My Name did Float Along the Road’: Naming Practices and |Xam Bushman Identities in the 19th-century Karoo (South Africa) Mark McGranaghan 2015-08-25 African Studies
Lithofacies, architectural elements and tectonic provenance of the siliciclastic rocks of the Lower Permian Dorud Formation in the Alborz Mountain Range, Northern Iran Mojtaba Javidan
Hosseinali Mokhtarpour
Mohammad Sahraeyan
Hojatollah Kheyrandish
2015-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
To cut and run: donor approaches to male circumcision in Southern Africa Krista Johnson 2015-09 African Studies Quarterly
My name will not be lost: cosmopolitan temporality and reclaimed history in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's "the headstrong historian" David Mikailu
Brendan Wattenberg
2015-09 African Studies Quarterly
Negotiating Love and Marriage in Contemporary Senegal: A Good Man Is Hard to Find Ellen E. Foley 2015-09 African Studies Review
Queering Discourses of Coming Out in South Africa Tracey Lee McCormick 2015-09-02 African Studies
Mothers in Cameroonian Prisons: Pregnancy, Childbearing and Caring for Young Children Helen Namondo Linonge-Fontebo
Marlize Rabe
2015-09-02 African Studies
The place of Urhobo folklore in Tanure Ojaide’s poetry EE Ojaruega 2015-09-11 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Somewhere else: social connection and dislocation of Ethiopian migrants in Johannesburg Tanya Zack
Yordanos Seifu Estifanos
2015-09-11 African and Black Diaspora
‘No place like home': experiences of an Ethiopian migrant in the host country and as a returnee to the homeland Adamnesh Atnafu
Margaret E. Adamek
2015-09-11 African and Black Diaspora
Historisiteit en historiese fiksie —’n repliek F Pretorius 2015-09-11 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Die historisiteit van resente Afrikaanse historiese fiksie oor die Anglo-Boereoorlog F Pretorius 2015-09-11 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Freakifying history: remixing royalty Lia T. Bascomb 2015-09-12 African and Black Diaspora
Die pad byster J Van Niekerk 2015-09-14 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Die vrou wat alleen bly J Van Niekerk 2015-09-14 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Determinants of diaspora policy engagement of Ethiopians in the Netherlands Katie Kuschminder
Melissa Siegel
2015-09-15 African and Black Diaspora
Black gay Paris: from invisibilization to the difficult alliance of Black and gay politics Damien Trawalé
Christian Poiret
2015-09-15 African and Black Diaspora
Ethiopian female labor migration to the Gulf states: the case of Kuwait Faiz Omar Mohammad Jamie
Anwar Hassan Tsega
2015-09-22 African and Black Diaspora
Engaging in a transatlantic dialogue on race in France: an interview with Tyler Stovall Audrey Célestine
Sarah Fila-Bakabadio
2015-09-22 African and Black Diaspora
The BUMIDOM in Paris and its suburbs: contradictions in a state migration policy, 1960s–1970s Sylvain Pattieu 2015-09-23 African and Black Diaspora
Expressing and contesting minoritization in ‘minor mode’: online conversations of Black youth of West African descent in the Paris region Lila Belkacem 2015-09-23 African and Black Diaspora
Afro-Brazilians’ life experiences in Paris ethno-racial† identification and social recognition: new positioning, new negotiation Lenita Perrier 2015-09-23 African and Black Diaspora
Queens’ diaspora Jasmine Elizabeth Johnson 2015-09-25 African and Black Diaspora
Seeing Paris in total darkness: the aesthetics of opacity in Nicolas Klotz's and Élisabeth Perceval‘sLa Blessure Beth Hinderliter 2015-10 African and Black Diaspora
Women combatants and the liberation movements in South Africa Siphokazi Magadla 2015-10-02 African Security Review
Women, peace and security in Africa Cheryl Hendricks 2015-10-02 African Security Review
The convergence and divergence of three pillars of influence in gender and security 'Funmi Olonisakin
Cheryl Hendricks
2015-10-02 African Security Review
‘Cross-identification’: identity games and the performance of South Africanness by Ndebele-speaking migrants in Johannesburg Gugulethu Siziba 2015-10-02 African Identities
Spectacles of illegality: mapping Ethiopia’s show trials Awol Allo
Beza Tesfaye
2015-10-02 African Identities
University as regional development agent: a counterfactual analysis of an African university Samuel N. Fongwa
Gerald Wangenge-Ouma
2015-10-02 Africa Education Review
A reconnaissance study as asine qua non factorfor status quo change among senior phase technology teachers Tomé Awshar Mapotse 2015-10-02 Africa Education Review
Involvement of heads of departments in strategic planning in schools in the Pinetown District Phumlani E. Myende
Thamsanqa Bhengu
2015-10-02 Africa Education Review
A critical reading of Blood Diamond (2006) in the context of transnationalism Uchenna Onuzulike 2015-10-02 African Identities
Trafficking of Ethiopian women to Europe – making choices, taking risks, and implications Anne Kubai 2015-10-16 African and Black Diaspora
Women, marketplaces and exchange partners amongst the Marakwet of northwest Kenya Grace Pollard
Matthew I.J. Davies
Henrietta L. Moore
2015-10-23 Journal of Eastern African Studies
Multi-phase inversion tectonics related to the Hendijan–Nowrooz–Khafji Fault activity, Zagros Mountains, SW Iran Sadjad Kazem Shiroodi
Mohammad Ghafoori
Ali Faghih
Mostafa Ghanadian
Gholamreza Lashkaripour
Naser Hafezi Moghadas
2015-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geo-mechanical modeling and selection of suitable layer for hydraulic fracturing operation in an oil reservoir (south west of Iran) Hoda Darvish
Morteza Nouri-Taleghani
Amin Shokrollahi
Afshin Tatar
2015-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geological setting, emplacement mechanism and igneous evolution of the Atchiza mafic-ultramafic layered suite in north-west Mozambique Daniel Luis Ibraimo
Rune B. Larsen
2015-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Oligo-Miocene reservoir sequence characterization and structuring in the Sisseb El Alem–Kalaa Kebira regions (Northeastern Tunisia) Faten Houatmia
Sami Khomsi
Mourad Bédir
2015-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
‘Mundele, it is because of you’ History, Identity and the Meaning of Democracy in the Congo Meike J. De Goede 2015-11-04 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Trade unions, the state and ‘casino capitalism’ in South Africa's clothing industry 2015-11-05 Review of African Political Economy
Cosmopolitanism with African roots. Afropolitanism's ambivalent mobilities Susanne Gehrmann 2015-11-11 Journal of African Cultural Studies
ABOSEDE A. GEORGE , Making Modern Girls: a history of girlhood, labor, and social development in colonial Lagos. Athens OH: Ohio University Press (hb US$80 – 978 0 8214 2115 4). 2014, 311 pp. TEMILOLA ALANAMU 2015-11 Africa
Assessment of heavy metal contamination in intertidal gastropod and bivalve shells from central Arabian Gulf coastline, Saudi Arabia Abdelbaset S. El-Sorogy
Mohamed Youssef
2015-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Of weevils and gamatox: titles, names and nicknames in ZANU PF succession politics Oliver Nyambi 2015-11-20 African Identities
Mythicized selves: constructions of political self-identities in Joshua Nkomo’sThe Story of My Life(1984) and Edgar Zivanai Tekere’sA Lifetime of Struggle(2007) Tasiyana Dzikai Javangwe 2015-11-20 African Identities
Abosede A. George. Making Modern Girls: A History of Girlhood, Labor, and Social Development in Colonial Lagos. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2014. x + 301 pp. List of Illustrations. Acknowledgments. Notes. Selected Bibliography. Index. $80.00 Clot Dior Konaté 2015-11-23 African Studies Review
Africans are not black: why the use of the term ‘black’ for Africans should be abandoned Kwesi Tsri 2015-11-27 African Identities
Ambivalence of representation: African crises, migration and citizenship in NoViolet Bulawayo’sWe Need New Names Isaac Ndlovu 2015-11-27 African Identities
100 years of research on the West African Craton Mark W. Jessell
Jean-Paul Liégeois
2015-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Yatela gold deposit: 2 billion years in the making I.R. Matsheka
Q. Masurel
D. Bosch
R. Caby
P. Monié
2015-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Review of the Senegalo-Malian shear zone system – Timing, kinematics and implications for possible Au mineralisation styles M. Diene
T. Fullgraf
F. Diatta
M. Gueye
P.M. Ndiaye
2015-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
An updated map of West African mafic dykes Julien Santoul
Vaclav Metelka
John Miller
2015-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Visible and infrared properties of unaltered to weathered rocks from Precambrian granite-greenstone terrains of the West African Craton Václav Metelka
Lenka Baratoux
Mark W. Jessell
Séta Naba
2015-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The southern and central parts of the “Souttoufide” belt, Northwest Africa Michel Villeneuve
Andreas Gärtner
Nasrrddine Youbi
Abdelkrim El Archi
Elodie Vernhet
Ech-Cherki Rjimati
Ulf Linnemann
Hervé Bellon
Axel Gerdes
Omar Guillou
Michel Corsini
Jean-Louis Paquette
2015-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Age of elegance: an Italianate sobrado on the Gold Coast Courtnay Micots 2015-12 African Studies Quarterly
Father of the nation: Ghanaian nationalism, internationalism and the political iconography of Kwame Nkrumah, 1957-2010 Harcourt Fuller 2015-12 African Studies Quarterly
At issue: the "Muslims in Ethiopia complex" and Muslim identity: the trilogy of discourse, policy, and identity Mukerrem Miftah 2015-12 African Studies Quarterly
Geochemical evolution of micas and Sn-, Nb-, Ta- mineralization associated with the rare metal pegmatite in Angwan Doka, central Nigeria Juliet U. Akoh
Paul O. Ogunleye
Aliyu A. Ibrahim
2015-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Pliocene–Quaternary basalts from the Harrat Tufail, western Saudi Arabia: Recycling of ancient oceanic slabs and generation of alkaline intra-plate magma Rami A. Bakhsh 2015-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Surface sediment dynamics along the Tunisian coast at Skhira (Gulf of Gabès, south-eastern Tunisia) Mouldi Brahim
Atoui Abdelfattah
Chérif Sammari
Lotfi Aleya
2015-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Groundwater salinization survey of the Upper Cretaceous-Miocene Complexe terminal aquifer in the Sabaa Biar area of southwestern Tunisia Abdelkader Mhamdi
Ferid Dhahri
Mouez Gouasmia
Lahmadi Moumni
Soussi Mohamed
2015-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Effect of the specimen length on ultrasonic P-wave velocity in some volcanic rocks and limestones Kadir Karaman
Ayberk Kaya
Ayhan Kesimal
2015-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Microstratigraphy and interpretation of the karst sedimentary fillings associated to the Aptian–Albian unconformity in Jebel Semmama (central Tunisia) Jamel Touir
Hajer Haj Ali
Faouzi Mahjoubi
Jamel Ouali
2015-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geological setting and timing of the cassiterite vein type mineralization of the Kalima area (Maniema, Democratic Republic of Congo) S. Dewaele
Ph Muchez
R. Burgess
A. Boyce
2015-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The potential of high heat generating granites as EGS source to generate power and reduce CO 2 emissions, western Arabian shield, Saudi Arabia D. Chandrasekharam
A. Lashin
N. Al Arifi
A. Al Bassam
M. El Alfy
P.G. Ranjith
C. Varun
H.K. Singh
2015-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A Neogene calcareous nannofossil biozonation scheme for the deep offshore Niger Delta Lawrence Suyi Fadiya
Babajide Moshood Salami
2015-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Origin of fluorite mineralizations in the Nuba Mountains, Sudan and their rare earth element geochemistry Ibrahim Ismail
Hassan Baioumy
Hegen Ouyang
Hesham Mossa
Hisham Fouad Aly
2015-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Hydro-geophysical interpretation of fractured and karstified limestones reservoirs: A case study from Amdoun region (NW Tunisia) using electrical resistivity tomography, digital elevation model (DEM) and hydro-geochemical approaches Belgacem Redhaounia
Hasan Aktarakçi
Batobo Ountsche Ilondo
Hakim Gabtni
Sami Khomsi
Mourad Bédir
2015-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
3D structural cartography based on magnetic and gravity data inversion – Case of South-West Algeria Hichem Boubekri
Mohamed Hamoudi
Abderrahmane Bendaoud
Ivan Priezzhev
Karim Allek
2015-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Effective use of mixed methods in African livelihoods research Courtney M. Gallaher
Antoinette M.G.A. WinklerPrins
2015-12-08 African Geographical Review
Family Systems and the Historical Roots of Global Gaps in Democracy Selin Dilli 2015-12-11 South African Journal of Economic History
Limitations and Ambiguities of Colonialism in Guinea-Bissau. Examining the Creole and “Civilized” Space in Colonial Society Christoph Kohl 2015-12-11 History in Africa
Climate Financing 2015-12 Africa Research Bulletin
Black lesbian (non)representation in ‘gay’ media in Cape Town: constructing a globalized white, male, affluent, gay consumer Finn Reygan 2015-12-30 African Identities
Setting the level of a national minimum wage: What can South Africa learn from other countries’ experiences? 2016 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Ghana’s macroeconomic crisis : causes, consequences and policy responses / Stephen D. Younger Stephen D. Younger 2016 Ghanaian journal of economics
The Yatela gold deposit in Mali, West Africa: The final product of a long-lived history of hydrothermal alteration and weathering Quentin Masurel
John Miller
Kim A.A. Hein
Eric Hanssen
Nicolas Thébaud
Stanislav Ulrich
Jean Kaisin
Samuel Tessougue
2016-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Detrital zircon geochronology by LA-ICP-MS of the Neoarchean Manjeri Formation in the Archean Zimbabwe craton– the disappearance of Eoarchean crust by 2.7 Ga? Hikaru Sawada
Shigenori Maruyama
Shuhei Sakata
Takafumi Hirata
2016-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Chemostratigraphy of the Silurian Qusaiba Member, Eastern Saudi Arabia Neil W. Craigie 2016-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochronological constraints on the evolution of El Hierro (Canary Islands) Laura Becerril
Teresa Ubide
Masafumi Sudo
Joan Martí
Inés Galindo
Carlos Galé
Jose María Morales
Jorge Yepes
Marceliano Lago
2016-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Sr-isotopic stratigraphy of the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa Mpho Mangwegape
Frederick Roelofse
Timothy Mock
2016-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Discovery of Jurassic ammonite-bearing series in Jebel Bou Hedma (South-Central Tunisian Atlas): Implications for stratigraphic correlations and paleogeographic reconstruction Néjib Bahrouni
Yassine Houla
Mohamed Soussi
Mabrouk Boughdiri
Walid Ben Ali
Ahmed Nasri
Samir Bouaziz
2016-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mobile communication privacy management in romantic relationships: a dialectical approach Mthobeli Ngcongo 2016-01-02 Communicatio
Local specificities, global resonances: contesting representations of violence in African films Muchativugwa Hove 2016-01-02 Communicatio
Securitising humanitarian assistance and post-conflict reconstruction in Africa: A critical review of South Africa's new defence policy Savo Heleta 2016-01-02 African Security Review
Western drones and African security Ralph Rotte 2016-01-02 African Security Review
The challenge of stability and security in West Africa Margaryta Yakovenko 2016-01-02 African Security Review
Exploring differences between self-regulated learning strategies of high and low achievers in open distance learning Bernadette Geduld 2016-01-02 Africa Education Review
Compiling an evidence-based improvement plan for the support of distance-education students at a southern African university Bothephana Makhakhane
Annette C. Wilkinson
Charity N. Ndeya-Ndereya
2016-01-02 Africa Education Review
Eden’s exiles: one soldier’s fight for paradise André Wessels 2016-01-02 African Historical Review
Land, chiefs, mining: South Africa's North West Province since 1840 2016-01-02 African Historical Review
The road to democracy in South Africa, volume 6 [1990–1996], parts 1 and 2 Raymond Suttner 2016-01-02 African Historical Review
Die Dorslandtrek, 1874–1881 F.J. Nöthling 2016-01-02 African Historical Review
One community’s journey to lobby for water in an environment of privatized water: is Usoma too poor for the pro-poor program? Elijah Bisung
Diana M. Karanja
Bernard Abudho
Yonah Oguna
Nicholas Mwaura
Paul Ego
Corinne J. Schuster-Wallace
Susan J. Elliott
2016-01-02 African Geographical Review
‘The Musical Thread’: Neo Muyanga on Opera and South Africa Donato Somma
Neo Muyanga
2016-01-02 African Studies
The walking Qur'an: islamic education, embodied knowledge, and history in West Africa Muhammed Haron 2016-01-02 African Historical Review
Leo Fouché and history at Wits University, 1934–1942 Bruce Murray 2016-01-02 African Historical Review
Principals’ perceptions and experiences of the role parents play in school governing bodies in rural areas Cycil Hartell
Hanlie Dippenaar
Themba Dladla
2016-01-02 Africa Education Review
Selling apartheid: South Africa‘s global propaganda war 2016-01-02 African Historical Review
Iron fist from the sea: South Africa's seaborne raiders, 1978–1988 Alex Mouton 2016-01-02 African Historical Review
Embodied Discordance: Vernacular Idioms inWinnie: The Opera Innocentia Jabulisile Mhlambi 2016-01-02 African Studies
Internationalisation at Stellenbosch University during the international academic boycott of the apartheid era (1948–1994) Stefanie Baumert
Jan Botha
2016-01-02 African Historical Review
‘Just Say the Words’: An Operatic Rendering of Winnie Donato Somma 2016-01-02 African Studies
South Africa in Transition – Introduction Jason Robinson
Jonny Steinberg
2016-01-02 Journal of Southern African Studies
The Interplay of Family Systems, Social Networks and Fertility in Europe Cohorts Born Between 1920 and 1960 Bastian Mönkediek
Hilde A.J. Bras
2016-01-02 South African Journal of Economic History
Mind The Gap! The Influence of Family Systems on The Gender Education Gap in Developing Countries, 1950–2005 Lotte van der Vleuten 2016-01-02 South African Journal of Economic History
Testing Todd and Matching Murdock: Global Data on Historical Family Characteristics Auke Rijpma
Sarah G. Carmichael
2016-01-02 South African Journal of Economic History
Women, Work and the Family: Is Southeast Asia Different? Anne Booth 2016-01-02 South African Journal of Economic History
Special Issue: The State, The Citizen and Power Rory Pilossof
Sandra Swart
2016-01-02 South African Historical Journal
Lonrho and the Limits of Corporate Power in Africa, c. 1961–1973 2016-01-02 South African Historical Journal
ZANU (PF)'s Manipulation of the ‘Alien’ Vote in Zimbabwean Elections: 1980–2013 Anusa Daimon 2016-01-02 South African Historical Journal
Enacting and stabilising the nature of colonial history through hunting in the South African Highveld André Goodrich 2016-01-02 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
Animals, prey, and enemies: hunting and killing in an African counter-insurgency Luise White 2016-01-02 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
History, migration and identity in contemporary Zimbabwean biography as reflected in Peter Orner and Annie Holmes’ (2010)Hope Deferred: Narratives of Zimbabwean Lives Terrence Musanga
Irikidzayi Manase
2016-01-08 African Identities
Briefing: Burkina Faso's reversal on genetically modified cotton and the implications for Africa Brian Dowd-Uribe
Matthew A. Schnurr
2016-01-19 African Affairs
Highlights of the UN Climate Accord 2016-01-27 Africa Research Bulletin
A mineralogical investigation of the Late Permian Doba gabbro, southern Chad: Constraints on the parental magma conditions and composition J. Gregory Shellnutt
Tung-Yi Lee
Chih-Cheng Yang
Shin-Tai Hu
Jong-Chang Wu
Yoshiyuki Iizuka
2016-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Interpretation of high resolution aeromagnetic data for lineaments study and occurrence of Banded Iron Formation in Ogbomoso area, Southwestern Nigeria Michael Adeyinka Oladunjoye
Abel Idowu Olayinka
Mustapha Alaba
Moruffdeen Adedapo Adabanija
2016-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Application of solar quiet day (Sq) current in determining mantle electrical-depth conductivity structure – A review Francisca N. Okeke
Daniel N. Obiora
2016-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Salt geometry influence on present-day stress orientations in the Nile Delta: Insights from numerical modeling Andreas Eckert
Weicheng Zhang
2016-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Stratigraphy and evolution of emerged Pleistocene reefs at the Red Sea coast of Sudan Basher Hamed
Robert Bussert
Wilhelm Dominik
2016-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Scheelite geochemical signatures by LA-ICP-MS and potential for rare earth elements from Hutti Gold Mines and fingerprinting ore deposits P.V.S. Raju
Craig J.R. Hart
P. Sangurmath
2016-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Prospectivity modeling of porphyry-Cu deposits by identification and integration of efficient mono-elemental geochemical signatures Mohammad Parsa
Abbas Maghsoudi
Mahyar Yousefi
Martiya Sadeghi
2016-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Beyond GDP: Towards a Green Economy Index Anton Nahman
Brian K. Mahumani
Willem J. de Lange
2016-02-08 Development Southern Africa
THE END OF APARTHEID AND THE DECLINE OF THE SMALL TRADER - Traders and Trade in Colonial Ovamboland: Elite Formation and the Politics of Consumption under Indirect Rule and Apartheid, 1925–90. By Gregor Dobler. Basel, Germany: Basler Afrika Bibliogr MEREDITH MCKITTRICK 2016-02-12 The Journal of African History
IMPLICATIONS OF THE INVASION OF ETHIOPIA - Collision of Empires: Italy's Invasion of Ethiopia and its International Impact. Edited by G. Bruce Strang. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate Publising, 2013. Pp. xii + 385. £70, hardback (ISBN 978-1-4094-3 JACOB WIEBEL 2016-02-12 The Journal of African History
Impact of global initiatives on drinking water access in Africa Daniel Sambu 2016-02-25 African Geographical Review
Pentecostalism, Political Masculinity and Citizenship 2016-02-27 Journal of Religion in Africa
New evidence of effusive and explosive volcanism in the Lower Carboniferous formations of the Moroccan Central Hercynian Massif: Geochemical data and geodynamic significance A. Ntarmouchant
H. Smaili
T. Bento dos Santos
M. Dahire
K. Sabri
M.L. Ribeiro
Y. Driouch
R. Santos
R. Calvo
2016-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Discovery of a Devonian mafic magmatism on the western border of the Murzuq basin (Saharan metacraton): Paleomagnetic dating and geodynamical implications M.E.M. Derder
S. Maouche
J.P. Liégeois
M. Amenna
A. Ouabadi
H. Bellon
B. Bayou
R. Bestandji
O. Nouar
H. Bouabdallah
M. Ayache
M. Beddiaf
2016-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Water vendors in Niamey: considering the economic and symbolic nature of water Scott M. Youngstedt
Sara Beth Keough
Cheiffou Idrissa
2016-03 African Studies Quarterly
University-based music training and current south African musical praxis: notes and tones Madimabe Geoff Mapaya 2016-03 African Studies Quarterly
Tectonic and structural setting of the northeastern central Gulf of Suez area using aeromagnetic data Hesham Shaker Zahra
Adel Mokhles Nakhla
2016-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Impacts of pore- and petro-fabrics, mineral composition and diagenetic history on the bulk thermal conductivity of sandstones Bassem S. Nabawy
Yves Géraud
2016-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian-Campanian) lithostratigraphy on the Saharan platform, Dahar Plateau, southern Tunisia Amna Khila
Mohamed Ouaja
Fouad Zargouni
2016-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The interpretation of magnetic anomalies by 3D inversion: A case study from Central Iran M. Tavakoli
A. Nejati Kalateh
S. Ghomi
2016-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Origin of hydrous alkali feldspar-silica intergrowth in spherulites from intra-plate A2-type rhyolites at the Jabal Shama, Saudi Arabia Adel A. Surour
Said A. El-Nisr
Rami A. Bakhsh
2016-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Characterization of the Qishn sandstone reservoir, Masila Basin–Yemen, using an integrated petrophysical and seismic structural approach Aref Lashin
Ebrahim Bin Marta
Mohamed Khamis
2016-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Satellite imagery and airborne geophysics for geologic mapping of the Edembo area, Eastern Hoggar (Algerian Sahara) Takfarinas Lamri
Safouane Djemaï
Mohamed Hamoudi
Basem Zoheir
Abderrahmane Bendaoud
Khadidja Ouzegane
Massinissa Amara
2016-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry and U-Pb zircon geochronology of the pegmatites in Ede area, southwestern Nigeria: A newly discovered oldest Pan African rock in southwestern Nigeria A. Adetunji
V.O. Olarewaju
O.O. Ocan
V.Y. Ganev
L. Macheva
2016-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Major, trace and REE geochemistry of recent sediments from lower Catumbela River (Angola) M. Manuela Vinha G. Silva
Marina M.S. Cabral Pinto
Paula Cristina S. Carvalho
2016-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Gravimetry contributions to the study of the complex western Haouz aquifer (Morocco): Structural and hydrogeological implications Ibtissam Chouikri
Abdennabi el Mandour
Mohammed Jaffal
Paul Baudron
José-Luis García-Aróstegui
Ahmed Manar
Albert Casas
2016-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The 3-D strain patterns in Turkey using geodetic velocity fields from the RTK-CORS (TR) network Hakan Senol Kutoglu
Mustafa Toker
Cetin Mekik
2016-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A History of Trade in Colonial Namibia Reinhart Kössler 2016-03-03 Journal of Southern African Studies
Living across worlds and oceans – an introduction Fassil Demissie 2016-03-09 African and Black Diaspora
The Lure of Katanga Copper: Tanganyika Concessions Limited and the Anatomy of Mining and Mine Exploration 1899–1906 Timo Särkkä 2016-03-11 South African Historical Journal
Charity and terror in eighteenth-century Jamaica: The Kingston Hospital and Asylum for Deserted ‘Negroes’ Rana Hogarth 2016-03-21 African and Black Diaspora
The Abuja bombings: Boko Haram's reaction to President Buhari's actions Freedom C. Onuoha
Temilola A. George
2016-03-24 African Security Review
Pairwise Combinations of Swahili Applicative with other Verb Extensions Deo S. Ngonyani 2016-03-31 Nordic Journal of African Studies
Torque exerted on the side of crustal blocks controls the kinematics of Ethiopian Rift Tesfaye Kidane
Marco Cuffaro
2016-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
RETRACTED: Sapphirine and fluid inclusions in Tel Thanoun mantle xenoliths, Syria Ahmad Bilal 2016-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Resistivity soundings and VLF profiles for siting groundwater wells in a fractured basement aquifer in the Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia A.I. Ammar
S.E. Kruse
2016-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Groundwater hydrogeochemical characteristics in rehabilitated coalmine spoils M. Gomo
E. Masemola
2016-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The origin of the mineralizing fluids in different type mineralizations associated with the Upper Cretaceous Elazig Magmatic Complex, Turkey; an isotopic approach Muharrem Akgul 2016-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Petrogenesis of adakite and high-Nb basalt association in the SW of Sabzevar Zone, NE of Iran: Evidence for slab melt–mantle interaction Seyed Ali Mazhari 2016-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Heavy metals and health risk assessment of arable soils and food crops around Pb–Zn mining localities in Enyigba, southeastern Nigeria Smart C. Obiora
Anthony Chukwu
Theophilus C. Davies
2016-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Experimental studies on the physico-mechanical properties of jet-grout columns in sandy and silty soils Muge K. Akin 2016-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Paleoproterozoic Singo granite in south-central Uganda revealed as a nested igneous ring complex using geophysical data Mohamed G. Abdelsalam
Andrew B. Katumwehe
Estella A. Atekwana
Alan K. Le Pera
Mercy Achang
2016-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Assessing surface sediment dynamics along the north-west coast of Marsa Dhouiba (Tunisia, southern Mediterranean) Nouha Khiari
Abdelfattah Atoui
Mouldi Brahim
Chérif Sammari
Abdelkrim Charef
Lotfi Aleya
2016-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A “chaos” of Phanerozoic eustatic curves 2016-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Gravity constraints on the underground structural framework and associated volcanism of the Maghrebian allochthonous domain: The Sejnene Numidian flysch, Tunisian Tell Mohamed Atawa
Taher Zouaghi
Ali Souei
2016-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Chatham House and Africa c1920–1960: The Limitations of the Curtis Vision James Cotton 2016-04-02 South African Historical Journal
Spies, stonework, and thesuuq: Somali nationalism and the narrative politics of pro-Harakat Al Shabaab Al Mujaahidiinonline propaganda 2016-04-02 Journal of Eastern African Studies
Boko Haram's attacks and the people's response: A ‘fourth pillar’ of the responsibility to protect? Vesselin Popovski 2016-04-02 African Security Review
The fate of hostages: Nigeria's conflict theatres in comparative perspective Samuel Oyewole 2016-04-02 African Security Review
Resistance in the classroom – from dysfunctional to functional: A future necessary skill? Susanne Jacobs
Nicola Taryn Richardson
2016-04-02 Africa Education Review
The dearth of international Baccalaureate schools across Africa Tristan Bunnell 2016-04-02 Africa Education Review
The strategy to align road safety education to the Further Education and Training band curriculum Lianne Malan
Gerda van Dijk
David Fourie
2016-04-02 Africa Education Review
An alternative to democratic exclusion? The case for participatory local budgeting in South Africa Carolyn Bassett 2016-04-02 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
GENERAL: Bee Power 2016-04-03 Africa Research Bulletin
Framing homosexual identities in Cameroonian literature Frieda Ekotto 2016-04-11 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
‘Anthropological mutilation’ and the reordering of Cameroonian literature Cilas Kemedjio 2016-04-11 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
The edge of the periphery: situating the ≠Khomani San of the Southern Kalahari in the political economy of Southern Africa Suzanne Francis
Michael Francis
Adeoye Akinola
2016-04-14 African Identities
CASSAVA: Nigeria 2016-04 Africa Research Bulletin
Book Review: Youth at the Crossroads: Discourses on Socio-Cultural Change in Post-War Northern Uganda Mareike Schomerus 2016-04 Africa Spectrum
Mentoring, masculinity and reparation in Mgqolozana’s A Man Who is Not a Man Gugu Hlongwane
Khondlo Mtshali
2016-04-27 African Identities
‘Where do we belong?’ Identity and autochthony discourse among Rwandophones Congolese Furaha Umutoni Alida 2016-04-27 African Identities
A large scale investigation into changes in coal quality caused by dolerite dykes in Secunda, South Africa-implications for the use of proximate analysis on a working mine John P. Bussio
James R. Roberts
2016-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
O, Sr and Nd isotopic constraints on Cenozoic granitoids of Northwestern Anatolia, Turkey: Enrichment by subduction zone fluids Yeşim Yücel-Öztürk 2016-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Ostracoda assemblage of the Eocene-Oligocene transition in northwestern Thrace: Kırklareli–Edirne area (northwestern Turkey) Ümit Şafak
Manolya Güldürek
2016-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Guidelines for sinkhole and subsidence rehabilitation based on generic geological models of a dolomite environment on the East Rand, South Africa Ilse Kleinhans
J. Louis Van Rooy
2016-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Discrimination of inland and coastal dunes in Eastern Saudi Arabia desert system: An approach from particle size and textural parameter variations Ardiansyah Koeshidayatullah
Septriandi Asmaidi Chan
Majed Al-Ghamdi
Tariq Akif
Khalid Al-Ramadan
2016-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Short-Wavelength Infrared (SWIR) spectroscopy of low-grade metamorphic volcanic rocks of the Pilbara Craton Mohammad S. Abweny
Boudewijn de Smeth
Tsehaie Woldai
Freek D. van der Meer
Thomas Cudahy
Tanja Zegers
Jan-Kees Blom
Barbara Thuss
2016-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Organic geochemical characterisation of shallow marine Cretaceous formations from Yola Sub-basin, Northern Benue Trough, NE Nigeria Babangida M. Sarki Yandoka
Wan Hasiah Abdullah
M.B. Abubakar
Mohammed Hail Hakimi
Aliyu Jauro
Adebanji Kayode Adegoke
2016-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Chemostratigraphy of glaciomarine sediments in the Sarah Formation, northwest Saudi Arabia Neil W. Craigie
Andrew J. Rees
2016-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Age, tectonic evolution and origin of the Aswa Shear Zone in Uganda: Activation of an oblique ramp during convergence in the East African Orogen K. Saalmann
I. Mänttäri
C. Nyakecho
E. Isabirye
2016-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Investigation of mud density and weighting materials effect on drilling fluid filter cake properties and formation damage K.A. Fattah
A. Lashin
2016-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Basin geodynamics and sequence stratigraphy of Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic deposits of Southern Tunisia Cédric Carpentier
Suhail Hadouth
Samir Bouaziz
Bernard Lathuilière
Jean-Loup Rubino
2016-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Care arrangements, disability and family contingencies in Solomon Islands: a comparative example Alexandra Gartrell
Megan Jennaway
Judith Fangalasu’u
Simon Dolaiano
2016-05-03 Social Dynamics
Literary Prizes, Writers’ Organisations and Canon Formation in Africa Doseline Kiguru 2016-05-03 African Studies
A Vagabond on the Road: The Pressure of Genre in Nadifa Mohamed’sBlack Mamba Boy Tina Steiner 2016-05-03 African Studies
‘Abagyenda bareeba.Those who Travel, See’: Home, Migration and the Maternal Bond in Doreen Baingana’sTropical Fish Lynda Gichanda Spencer 2016-05-03 African Studies
Regional Income Distribution in Mexico: New Long-Term Evidence, 1895–2010 José Aguilar-Retureta 2016-05-04 South African Journal of Economic History
Auto-Graphics: Works by Victor Ekpuk Ukara: Ritual Cloth of the Ekpe Secret Society Hood Museum of Art Dartmouth College April 28–August 2, 2015 Philip M. Peek 2016-05-04 African Arts
Visuality and Representation in Traditional Igbo Uli Body and Mud Wall Paintings Samuel Onwuakpa 2016-05-10 African Research Review
A categorisation and evaluation of rhino management policies Douglas J. Crookes 2016-05-20 Development Southern Africa
The Politics of the Production and Reception of Sources – Editors’ Introduction Dmitri van den Bersselaar
Michel R. Doortmont
John H. Hanson
2016-05-23 History in Africa
Insurance of Politically Motivated Risks Including Terrorism: The Case of South Africa Albert Mushai
Agata MacGregor
2016-05-23 South African Journal of Economic History
‘Responsibility to protect’ and the African Union: Assessing the AU’s capacity to respond to regional complex humanitarian and political emergencies 2016-05-24 African Security Review
Quaternary alluvial deposits of Wadi Gaza in the middle of the Gaza Strip (Palestine): Facies, granulometric characteristics, and their paleoflow direction Khalid Fathi Ubeid 2016-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Excavatability and the effect of weathering degree on the excavatability of rock masses: An example from Eastern Turkey Zulfu Gurocak
Erkut Yalcin
2016-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Susceptibility mapping of shallow landslides using kernel-based Gaussian process, support vector machines and logistic regression Ismail Colkesen
Emrehan Kutlug Sahin
Taskin Kavzoglu
2016-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Road failure caused by landslide in north Ethiopia: A case study from Dedebit – Adi-Remets road segment Shimeles Fisseha
Getnet Mewa
2016-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Stratigraphy of the Neogene Sahabi units in the Sirt Basin, northeast Libya M.H. El-Shawaihdi
P.S. Mozley
N.T. Boaz
F. Salloum
P. Pavlakis
A. Muftah
M. Triantaphyllou
2016-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Iridium contents in the Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary clays in relation to the K/T boundary, North Jordan Iyad Ahmed Abboud 2016-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Neogene-Quaternary evolution of the Tefenni basin on the Fethiye-Burdur fault zone, SW Anatolia-Turkey Rahmi Aksoy
Süleyman Aksarı
2016-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Carbon and oxygen isotope variations of the Middle–Late Triassic Al Aziziyah Formation, northwest Libya Mohamed S.H. Moustafa
Michael C. Pope
Ethan L. Grossman
Ibrahim Y. Mriheel
2016-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sedimentology, diagenesis, clay mineralogy and sequential analysis model of Upper Paleocene evaporite-carbonate ramp succession from Tamerza area (Gafsa Basin: Southern Tunisia) Abdel Majid Messadi
Besma Mardassi
Jamel Abdennaceur Ouali
Jamel Touir
2016-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geology and potential hydrocarbon play system of Lower Karoo Group in the Maamba Coalfield Basin, southern Zambia Cryton Phiri
Pujun Wang
Imasiku Anayawa Nyambe
2016-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Trace fossil assemblages in the tide-dominated estuarine system: Ameki Group, south-eastern Nigeria O.C. Ekwenye
G. Nichols
C.O. Okogbue
A.W. Mode
2016-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Hydrocarbon potential evaluation of the source rocks from the Abu Gabra Formation in the Sufyan Sag, Muglad Basin, Sudan Jinqi Qiao
Luofu Liu
Fuli An
Fei Xiao
Ying Wang
Kangjun Wu
Yuanyuan Zhao
2016-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Further comment to “Reply to Comment on impact structures in Africa: A review (Short Note)” by Reimold and Koeberl [J. Afr. Earth Sci. 100 (2014) 757–758] R.D. Acevedo
J. Rabassa
M. Rocca
M. González-Guillot
O. Martínez
I. Subías
H. Corbella
M.J. Orgeira
J.F. Ponce
2016-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Comments on the paper of Bodin et al. (2010). Journal of African Earth Sciences, 58, pp. 489–506 Saïd Tlig 2016-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
African communalism and globalization Emmanuel E. Etta
Dimgba Dimgba Esowe
Offiong O. Asukwo
2016-06-06 African Research Review
Religion and Migration: Cases for a Global Material Ethics 2016-06-07 African Studies
Paradoxical Splits: Race and Journalists’ Identity in Post-apartheid South Africa Glenda Daniels 2016-06-07 African Studies
Time Discounting and Credit Market Access in a Large-Scale Cash Transfer Programme Sudhanshu Handa
Bruno Martorano
2016-06-09 Journal of African Economies
A REGIONAL WAR OF COLONIAL ANNEXATION - The Horns of the Beast: The Swakop River Campaign and World War I in South-West Africa 1914–15. By James Stejskal. Solihull, England: Helion & Co., 2014. Pp. ix + 140. £16.95, paperback (ISBN 978-1-909982- BILL NASSON 2016-06-09 The Journal of African History
NOT QUITE AFRICAN BUT NO LONGER LEBANESE - Interlopers of Empire: The Lebanese Diaspora in Colonial French West Africa. By Andrew Arsan. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. Pp. xviii + 341. $50, hardback (ISBN 978-0-19-933338-7). GIJSBERT OONK 2016-06-09 The Journal of African History
From global goals to regional strategies: towards an African approach to SDGs Giovanni Valensisi
Stephen Karingi
2016-06-10 African Geographical Review
Re-estimating gender differences in income in South Africa: The implications of equivalence scales Erofili Grapsa 2016-06-13 Development Southern Africa
A Comparative Reading of Elleke Boehmer’s Nile Baby and Richard Hoskins’ The Boy in the River: Different Attitudes Towards the Possibility of Cultural ‘Mixedness’ Eva Hunter 2016-06-15 African Studies
Masks on the Move: Defying Genres, Styles, and Traditions in the Cameroonian Grassfields Silvia Forni 2016-06 African Arts
Security activities of external actors in Africa Margaryta Yakovenko 2016-06-16 African Security Review
Gender equality as a means to women empowerment? Consensus, challenges and prospects for post-2015 development agenda in Africa Francis Onditi
Josephine Odera
2016-06-16 African Geographical Review
Media, Race and Capital: A Decolonial Analysis of Representation of Miners’ Strikes in South Africa Sarah Chiumbu 2016-06-20 African Studies
Fostering nonviolent elections in Africa through conflict-sensitive reportage of elections Joseph Olusegun Adebayo 2016-06-21 African Security Review
Ebenezer Obey and the rhetoric of contradiction Adebayo Mosobalaje 2016-06-29 African Identities
Teatro Asmara: understanding Eritrean drama through a study of the national theatre Jane Plastow 2016-06-29 Journal of African Cultural Studies
Mind the gap? Civil society policy engagement and the pursuit of gender justice: critical discourse analysis of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in Africa 2003–2015 Paul Chaney 2016-06-30 Review of African Political Economy
Delineation of geochemical anomalies based on stream sediment data utilizing fractal modeling and staged factor analysis Peyman Afzal
Misagh Mirzaei
Mahyar Yousefi
Ahmad Adib
Masoumeh Khalajmasoumi
Afshar Zia Zarifi
Patrick Foster
Amir Bijan Yasrebi
2016-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Role of tectonic inheritance in the instauration of Tunisian Atlassic fold-and-thrust belt: Case of Bouhedma – Boudouaou structures Mohamed Abdelhamid Ghanmi
Mohamed Ghanmi
Sabri Aridhi
Mohamed Sadok Ben Salem
Fouad Zargouni
2016-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sedimentology of granite boulder conglomerates and associated clastics in the onshore section of the late Mesozoic Pletmos Basin (Western Cape, South Africa) Emese M. Bordy
Travis America
2016-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Subsurface structure of Teboursouk and El Krib plains (dome zone, northern Tunisia) by gravity analysis Balti Hadhemi
Hachani Fatma
Kadri Ali
Gasmi Mohamed
2016-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A new approach to rock brittleness and its usability at prediction of drillability M. Kemal Özfırat
Hayati Yenice
Ferhan Şimşir
Olgay Yaralı
2016-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Subsurface structure and stratigraphy of the northwest end of the Turkana Basin, Northern Kenya Rift, as revealed by magnetotellurics and gravity joint inversion Yassine Abdelfettah
Jean-Jacques Tiercelin
Pascal Tarits
Sophie Hautot
Marcia Maia
Peter Thuo
2016-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Structural pattern of the Saïss basin and Tabular Middle Atlas in northern Morocco: Hydrological implications O. Dauteuil
F. Moreau
K. Qarqori
2016-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Integrated application of gravity and seismic methods for determining the dip angle of a fault plane: Case of Mahjouba fault (Central Tunisian Atlas Province, North Africa) H. Gabtni
O. Hajji
C. Jallouli
2016-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A review of the use of lateritic soils in the construction/development of sustainable housing in Africa: A geological perspective C.A. Oyelami
J.L. Van Rooy
2016-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Metre-scale cyclicity in Middle Eocene platform carbonates in northern Egypt: Implications for facies development and sequence stratigraphy Mohamed Tawfik
Abdelbaset El-Sorogy
Mahmoud Moussa
2016-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Lesotho’s 2015 elections in the context of an ongoing security vacuum Mafa M Sejanamane 2016-07-02 African Security Review
Slagtersnek en sy mense F. J. Nöthling 2016-07-02 African Historical Review
Interviews with Neville Alexander: The power of languages against the language of power Peter Mwikisa 2016-07-02 African Historical Review
Swanesang: die einde van die Kompanjiestyd aan die Kaap, 1771–1795 F. J. Nöthling 2016-07-02 African Historical Review
The Arabs and the scramble for Africa Muhammed Haron 2016-07-02 African Historical Review
Reverend James Macdonald Auld and the disintegration of traditional leadership in Xhosaland Jongikhaya Mvenene 2016-07-02 African Historical Review
The Post-Development Cautionary Note for Africa: Will the Free Sudan from Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting do Things Differently? Tamsin Bradley 2016-07-02 African Identities
South Africa’s ‘Border War’: contested narratives and conflicting memories André Wessels 2016-07-02 African Historical Review
The politics of universalising health care in South Africa: history, policy, and institutions Robert van Niekerk 2016 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Cultural boycotts as tools for social change: Lessons from South Africa Jane Duncan 2016 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Cosmopolitan Conversation and Challenge in Teju Cole’s <em>Open City</em> Bernard Ayo Oniwe 2016 Ufahamu
La dynamique des masques en Afrique occidentale/Dynamics of Masks in West Africa edited by Anne-Marie Bouttiaux Tervuren: Royal Museum for Central Africa, 2013. Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 176. 213 pp., 77 color ill., map, Javier López Piñón 2016-07-20 African Arts
Seismic responses and controlling factors of Miocene deepwater gravity-flow deposits in Block A, Lower Congo Basin Linlin Wang
Zhenqi Wang
Shui Yu
Ngong Roger Ngia
2016-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
New (U-Th)/He titanite data from a complex orogen–passive margin system: A case study from northern Mozambique Friederike U. Bauer
Joachim Jacobs
Benjamin U. Emmel
Matthijs C. van Soest
2016-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Maturation history modeling of Sufyan Depression, northwest Muglad Basin, Sudan Ying Wang
Luofu Liu
Fuli An
Hongmei Wang
Xiongqi Pang
2016-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry of tholeiitic to alkaline lavas from the east of Lake Van (Turkey): Implications for a late Cretaceous mature supra-subduction zone environment Yavuz Özdemir 2016-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geological and geophysical characteristics of massive sulphide deposits: A case study of the Lirhanda massive sulphide deposit of Western Kenya E. Dindi
J.B.J. Maneno
2016-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
New insights into the structure of Om Ali-Thelepte basin, central Tunisia, inferred from gravity data: Hydrogeological implications Mongi Harchi
Hakim Gabtni
Hatem El Mejri
Lassaad Dassi
Abdallah Ben Mammou
2016-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Estimation of engineering properties of selected tuffs by using grain/matrix ratio Mustafa Korkanç
Burak Solak
2016-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemical properties of soils surrounding the Deliklitaş Au deposit, Turkey Güllü Kirat
Nasuh Aydin
2016-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Bajocian-Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) sea-level changes in northeastern Egypt: Synthesis and further implications Emad S. Sallam 2016-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Evaluation of groundwater chemistry and its impact on drinking and irrigation water quality in the eastern part of the Central Arabian graben and trough system, Saudi Arabia Faisal K. Zaidi
Saad Mogren
Manoj Mukhopadhyay
Elkhedr Ibrahim
2016-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Quantitative textural investigation of trachyandesites of Damavand volcano (N Iran): Insights into the magmatic processes Mohsen Zadsaleh
Hamed Pourkhorsandi
2016-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Investigating fault propagation and segment linkage using throw distribution analysis within the Agbada formation of Ewan and Oloye fields, northwestern Niger delta Abimbola Adewole Durogbitan 2016-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Expression of Concern Damien Delvaux 2016-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
‘Fit to play’: Labour market behaviour in a cohort of public-sector antiretroviral treatment patients Frederik Le Roux Booysen
Jean-Pierre Geldenhuys
2016-08-03 Development Southern Africa
Bodybuilding as identity in South Africa Rosabelle Boswell 2016-08-05 African Identities
A Systemic Appraisal of Nigeria's Vessel-Source Compensation Regimes for Spill Victims Rachael Eben 2016-08 African Journal of International and Comparative Law
Local Politics of Xenophobia Caitlin Blaser Mapitsa 2016-08-24 Journal of Asian and African Studies
RETRACTED: Rift-related active fault-system and a direction of maximum horizontal stress in the Cairo-Suez district, northeastern Egypt: A new approach from EMR-Technique and Cerescope data Wael Hagag
Hennes Obermeyer
2016-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Hydrochemical investigations for delineating salt-water intrusion into the coastal aquifer of Maharlou Lake, Iran Reza Jahanshahi
Mohammad Zare
2016-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Hydrogeochemical and isotopic characteristics of Kavak (Seydişehir-Konya) geothermal field, Turkey Ayla Bozdağ 2016-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Moho depth derived from gravity and magnetic data in the Southern Atlas Flexure (Algeria) O. Meliani
A. Bourmatte
M. Hamoudi
H. Haddoum
Y. Quesnel
2016-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mapping global vulnerability index in mining sectors: A case study Moulares-Redayef aquifer system, southwestern Tunisia Nadia Khelif
Ikram Jmal
Salem Bouri
2016-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies of the Mesloula Pb-Zn-Ba ore deposit, NE Algeria: Characteristics and origin of the mineralizing fluids Rabah Laouar
Sihem Salmi-Laouar
Lounis Sami
Adrian J. Boyce
Omar Kolli
Abdelhak Boutaleb
Anthony E. Fallick
2016-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Hydrologic interconnection between the volcanic aquifer and springs, Lake Tana basin on the Upper Blue Nile Fenta Nigate
Marc Van Camp
Seifu Kebede
Kristine Walraevens
2016-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Surface sediment dynamics along the shore of Hammamet Gulf (Tunisia, southern Mediterranean) Abdelfattah Atoui
Mouldi Brahim
Chérif Sammari
Lotfi Aleya
2016-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Thanetian transgressive-regressive sequences based on foraminiferal paleobathymetry at Gebel Matulla, west-central Sinai, Egypt Sherif Farouk
Zaineb Elamri
Abdelbaset El-Sorogy
2016-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Cenozoic volcanism in the Kivu rift: Assessment of the tectonic setting, geochemistry, and geochronology of the volcanic activity in the South-Kivu and Virunga regions A. Pouclet
H. Bellon
K. Bram
2016-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Lithostratigraphic description, sedimentological characteristics and depositional environments of rocks penetrated by Illela borehole, Sokoto Basin, NW Nigeria: A connection between Gulf of Guinea Basins A. Toyin
O.A. Adekeye
R.B. Bale
Z.J. Sanni
O.A. Jimoh
2016-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tunisian gypsums: Characteristics and use in cement Salah Mahmoudi
Ali Bennour
Youssef Chalwati
Khouloud Souidi
Manel Thabet
Ezzedine Srasra
Fouad Zargouni
2016-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Determination of the mineral stability field of evolving groundwater in the Lake Bosumtwi impact crater and surrounding areas Yvonne Sena Akosua Loh
Sandow Mark Yidana
Millicent Obeng Addai
2016-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Structural interpretation of the Steenkampskraal monazite deposit, Western Cape, South Africa I.J. Basson
J.A. Muntingh
B.C. Jellicoe
C.J. Anthonissen
2016-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The use of jointing to infer deformation episodes and relative ages of minor Cretaceous intrusives in the western part of Ikom – Mamfe basin, southeastern Nigeria Michael I. Oden
Charles I. Umagu
Efosa Udinmwen
2016-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Relationship between fracturing and porogenesis in a carbonate reservoir: Example from the Middle Turonian Bireno Member in Jebel M’rhila, Central Tunisia Hajer Haj Ali
Hanen Belghithi
Jamel Abdennaceur Ouali
Jamel Touir
2016-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Seeking exposure: conversions of scientific knowledge in an African city P Wenzel Geissler 2016-09-01 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Izikhothane youth phenomenon: the Janus face of contemporary culture in South Africa K. Mchunu 2016-09-02 African Identities
‘Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God’ diaspora, memory, and historiography from the margin in The Moor’s Account by Laila Lalami Abdellah Elboubekri 2016-09-03 African and Black Diaspora
Daughters of the Motherland and (Wo)men of the World. Global Mobility in Shishang (Trends/Cosmopolitan), 1993–2008 Adina Zemanek 2016-09-18 Archiv Orientalni
Improving physical protection systems to prevent residential burglaries Doraval Govender 2016-09-29 African Security Review
Crime in rank and file: Azania People’s Liberation Army combatants in South Africa Godfrey Maringira 2016-10 African Security Review
AFRICOM: hard or soft power initiative? Oluwaseun Tella 2016-10 African Security Review
How does state security limit the right to protest? State response to popular participation in South Africa Andrea Royeppen 2016-10 African Security Review
Challenges in the Integration of Multimedia by History Teachers in the North West Province of South Africa Susanna Jacoba Bester 2016-10 Africa Education Review
Towards Responsible Massification: Some Pointers for Supporting Lecturers Ruth M Albertyn
Pauline Machika
Christel Troskie-de Bruin
2016-10 Africa Education Review
Editorialboard 2016-10 African Identities
The 2016 Zambian Elections: Democracy on the Brink Pal Ahluwalia 2016-10 African Identities
The ‘ballot and the brick’: protest, voting and non-voting in post-apartheid South Africa Carin Runciman 2016-10 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
Contributions to global earth sciences integration. A special issue on the 3rd Young Earth Scientists Congress Carlos Cónsole-Gonella
Sandow Mark Yidana
2016-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Groundwater recharge processes in the Nasia sub-catchment of the White Volta Basin: Analysis of porewater characteristics in the unsaturated zone Millicent Obeng Addai
Larry-Pax Chegbeleh
Dickson Adomako
2016-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Renewable energy scenario in India: Opportunities and challenges Souvik Sen
Sourav Ganguly
Ayanangshu Das
Joyjeet Sen
Sourav Dey
2016-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Non-intrusive hydro-geophysical characterization of the unsaturated zone of South India-A case study Tanvi Arora
Alexandre Boisson
Shakeel Ahmed
2016-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Peri-urban agriculture in Southern Africa: miracle or mirage? Cristina D’Alessandro
Kobena T. Hanson
George Kararach
African Geographical Review
Politics of predation: food distribution and women N Alliyu
I.A. Adedeji
2016-10-05 African Research Review
FORESTS: IUCN 2016-10 Africa Research Bulletin
CASSAVA: Côte d'Ivoire 2016-10 Africa Research Bulletin
The Effect of South Africa’s Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations Policies on Accountability in Provincial Governments – An Empirical Case Study C. J. Hendriks 2016-10-19 Politikon : South African Journal of Political Studies
NO LONGER AT EASE. Accented Futures: Language Activism and the Ending of Apartheid. By Carli Coetzee. Johannesburg: Wits University Press, 2013. Pp. xvi + 182. $34.95/R290, paperback (ISBN 978-186814740-3) 2016-11 The Journal of African History
Timing and conditions of regional metamorphism and crustal shearing in the granulite facies basement of south Namibia: Implications for the crustal evolution of the Namaqualand metamorphic basement in the Mesoproterozoic Julia Bial
Steffen Büttner
Peter Appel
2016-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
RETRACTED: Effect of joint spacing and joint dip on the stress distribution around tunnels using different numerical methods Nooraddin Nikadat
Mohammad Fatehi Marji
Reza Rahmannejad
Alireza Yarahmadi Bafghi
2016-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The relationship between weathering and welding degree of pyroclastic rocks in the Kilistra ancient city, Konya (Central Anatolia, Turkey) Ali Bozdağ
A. Ferat Bayram
İsmail İnce
Kürşad Asan
2016-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Extension of the Archaean Madibe-Kraaipan granite-greenstone terrane in southeast Botswana: Constraints from gravity and magnetic data Calistus D. Ramotoroko
Rubeni T. Ranganai
Peter Nyabeze
2016-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Evidences of “Lago-Mare” episode around the Messinian-Pliocene boundary in eastern Tunisia (central Mediterranean) Mouna Frigui
Mohamed Ben Youssef
Mohamed Ouaja
2016-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sedimentological reservoir characteristics of the Paleocene fluvial/lacustrine Yabus Sandstone, Melut Basin, Sudan M.I. Mahgoub
E. Padmanabhan
O.M. Abdullatif
2016-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Electrical and well log study of the Plio-Quaternary deposits of the southern part of the Rharb Basin, northern Morocco Mohamed E.l Bouhaddioui
Abdelaziz Mridekh
Malika Kili
Bouabid E.L Mansouri
EL Houssine E.L Gasmi
Bouchaib Magrane
2016-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Overview of micro-dam reservoirs (MDR) in Tigray (northern Ethiopia): Challenges and benefits Gebremedhin Berhane
Tesfamichael Gebreyohannes
Kristine Martens
Kristine Walraevens
2016-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geological and geomechanical properties of the carbonate rocks at the eastern Black Sea Region (NE Turkey) Hakan Ersoy
Bülent Yalçinalp
Mehmet Arslan
Ali Erden Babacan
Gözde Çetiner
2016-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Evolution of the siliciclastic-carbonate shelf system of the northern Kenyan coastal belt in response to Late Pleistocene-Holocene relative sea level changes Giovanni Accordi
Federico Carbone
2016-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Iron mineralization and associated skarn development around southern contact of the Eğrigöz pluton (northern Menderes Massif-Turkey) Okşan Gökçen Uğurcan
Tolga Oyman
2016-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A reappraisal of the stratigraphy and chronology of Early Pliocene palaeontological sites from Lanzarote Island containing fossil terrestrial animals Alejandro Lomoschitz
Antonio Sánchez Marco
María José Huertas
Juan F. Betancort
Arnau Isern
Elena Sanz
Joaquín Meco
2016-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Evaluation of local site effect in the western side of the Suez Canal area by applying H/V and MASW techniques Emad K. Mohamed
M.M.F. Shokry
Awad Hassoup
A.M.A. Helal
2016-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Terrorized places and spaces: the geographical dimension of African terrorism Justin E. Agheyisi 2016-12 African Geographical Review
Corrigendum to “The 3-D strain patterns in Turkey using geodetic velocity fields from the RTK-CORS (TR) network” [J. African Earth Sci. 115 (2016) 246–270] Hakan Senol Kutoglu
Mustafa Toker
Cetin Mekik
2016-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
China-Democratic Republic of Congo relations: from a beneficial to a developmental cooperation Claude Kabemba 2016-12 African Studies Quarterly
The dragon shapes its image: a study of Chinese media influence strategies in Africa Michael Leslie 2016-12 African Studies Quarterly
Sino-optimism in Africa Seifudein Adem 2016-12 African Studies Quarterly
Does Chinese employment benefit Africans? Investigating Chinese enterprises and their operations in Africa Tang Xiaoyang 2016-12 African Studies Quarterly
Chinese traders in Kampala: status, challenges, and impact on Ugandan society Ward Warmerdam
Meine Pieter van Dijk
2016-12 African Studies Quarterly
China's peace and security strategies in Africa: building capacity is building peace? Lina Benabdallah 2016-12 African Studies Quarterly
China and South Sudan's civil war, 2013-2015 Daniel Large 2016-12 African Studies Quarterly
China-Africa relations: political and economic engagement and media strategies Agnes Ngoma Leslie 2016-12 African Studies Quarterly
Zambia and China: workers' protest, civil society and the role of opposition politics in elevating state engagement Agnes Ngoma Leslie 2016-12 African Studies Quarterly
KENYA: More Growth, More Debt 2016-12 Africa Research Bulletin
Groundwater vulnerability mapping of Qatar aquifers Husam Musa Baalousha 2016-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemical investigation and statistical analysis on rare earth elements in Lakehsiyah deposit, Bafq district Elham Rahimi
Abbas Maghsoudi
Ardeshir Hezarkhani
2016-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Examining the relation between rock mass cuttability index and rock drilling properties Mustafa E. Yetkin
M. Kemal Özfırat
Hayati Yenice
Ferhan Şimşir
Bayram Kahraman
2016-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Water resources management strategies and its implications on hydrodynamic and hydrochemical changes of costal groundwater: Case of Grombalia shallow aquifer, NE Tunisia Fethi Lachaal
Anis Chekirbane
Sameh Chargui
Haykel Sellami
Maki Tsujimura
Hmida Hezzi
Jelassi Faycel
Ammar Mlayah
2016-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The effect of heating on mineral composition and grain size distribution of flux calcined porcelanites from the Gafsa-Metlaoui basin, southwestern Tunisia Raja Saidi
Ali Tlili
Fakher Jamoussi
2016-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Determination and adjustment of drying parameters of Tunisian ceramic bodies Salah Mahmoudi
Ali Bennour
Ezzeddine Srasra
Fouad Zargouni
2016-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Tectono-stratigraphic reconstruction of the Keban metamorphites based on new fossil findings, Eastern Turkey Ali Kaya 2016-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Estimation of dune migration rates north Riyadh City, KSA, using SPOT 4 panchromatic images M. Al-Mutiry
E.A. Hermas
K.A. Al-Ghamdi
H. Al-Awaji
2016-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Spatial and temporal variation of groundwater quality and its suitability for irrigation and drinking purpose using GIS and WQI in an urban fringe M. Dhanasekarapandian
S. Chandran
D. Saranya Devi
V. Kumar
2016-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Stratigraphical and sedimentary characters of Late Cretaceous formations outcropping in central and southern Tunisia, Tethyan southern margin J. Jaballah
M.H. Negra
2016-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Quantitative analysis of fractured carbonate reservoir and hydrodynamic implications: Case study of Horchane-Braga basin (central Tunisia) Yahya Moumni
Mohamed Haythem Msaddek
Asma Chermiti
Ismail Chenini
Eric Mercier
Mahmoud Dlala
2016-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Morphodynamic changes as an impact of human intervention at the Ras El-Bar-Damietta Harbor coast, NW Damietta Promontory, Nile Delta, Egypt Hesham M. El-Asmar
Maysa M.N. Taha
Abdelbaset S. El-Sorogy
2016-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Meiofauna, microflora and geochemical properties of the late quaternary (Holocene) core sediments in the Gulf of Izmir (Eastern Aegean Sea, Turkey) Zeki Ü. Yümün
Engin Meriç
Niyazi Avşar
Atike Nazik
İpek F. Barut
Baki Yokeş
Enis K. Sagular
Ayşegül Yildiz
Mustafa Eryilmaz
Erol Kam
Asiye Başsari
Bora Sonuvar
Feyza Dinçer
Kubilay Baykal
Seyhan Kaya
2016-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Radiolarian biochronology of upper Anisian to upper Ladinian (Middle Triassic) blocks and tectonic slices of volcano-sedimentary successions in the Mersin Mélange, southern Turkey: New insights for the evolution of Neotethys U. Kagan Tekin
Yavuz Bedi
Cengiz Okuyucu
M. Cemal Göncüoglu
Kaan Sayit
2016-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Genesis, maturity and weathering of some Upper Cretaceous Egyptian glauconites: Mineralogical and geochemical implications Mahmoud A. Essa
Ezzat A. Ahmed
Hans Kurzweil
2016-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Numerical modeling techniques for flood analysis Mohd Talha Anees
K. Abdullah
M.N.M. Nawawi
Nik Norulaini Nik Ab Rahman
Abd. Rahni Mt. Piah
Nor Azazi Zakaria
M.I. Syakir
A.K. Mohd. Omar
2016-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Determination of acid forming potential of massive sulfide minerals and the tailings situated in lead/zinc mining district of Balya (NW Turkey) E. Ender Çelebi
M. Salim Öncel
2016-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Comparison of input parameters regarding rock mass in analytical solution and numerical modelling N.E. Yasitli 2016-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
High precision analysis modeling by backward elimination with attitude on interaction effects on Au (Ag)-polymetallic mineralization of Glojeh, Iran F. Darabi-Golestan
A. Hezarkhani
2016-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Making refuge: Somali Bantu refugees and Lewiston, Maine Jay Ramasubramanyam 2016-12-08 African and Black Diaspora
Long-Term Dynamics of the State in Francophone West Africa: Fiscal Capacity Pathways 1850–2010 Jens Andersson 2016-12-15 South African Journal of Economic History
Drums, Dance, Dreams, and Remittance: Transnational Interconnections in Ivorian Immigrant Mask Performance in the USA Daniel B. Reed 2016-12 African Arts
UN CLIMATE TALKS: COP 22 (Marrakech) 2016-12 Africa Research Bulletin
Free burgher women in the eighteenth century and the quest for status Liza-Mari Oberholzer 2017 Historia (Historical Association of South Africa)
Côte d’Ivoire, le retour de l’éléphant ? 2017 Afrique contemporaine
Le caillou a-t-il été retiré du soulier de la République ? Ousmane Zina 2017 Afrique contemporaine
Zakaria Koné et les transformations des chasseurs dozos en Côte d’Ivoire Nicolas Médevielle 2017 Afrique contemporaine
Le destin de Yacou le Chinois Frédéric Le Marcis 2017 Afrique contemporaine
La politique par le bas-fond Richard Banégas 2017 Afrique contemporaine
Yopougon, ensemble mais pas trop Hannah Schilling 2017 Afrique contemporaine
Manger pour soi-même en zone forestière ivoirienne Léo Montaz 2017 Afrique contemporaine
Une histoire politique du Tonkpi dans l’Ouest ivoirien Jeremy Allouche
Hyacinthe Digbeugby Bley
2017 Afrique contemporaine
La Cellule 39 en Côte d’Ivoire Kamina Diallo 2017 Afrique contemporaine
Bouna, une instabilité permanente ? Jeremy Speight 2017 Afrique contemporaine
L’énergie en Afrique : les faits et les chiffres. Introduction Roberto Cantoni
Marta Musso
2017 Afrique contemporaine
Une persistance de l’Empire britannique en Afrique postcoloniale ? Jonathan Kuiken 2017 Afrique contemporaine
L’énergie solaire thermodynamique en Afrique Frédéric Caille 2017 Afrique contemporaine
Peut-on faire une histoire nucléaire du Maroc ? Matthew Adamson 2017 Afrique contemporaine
La véranda, le climatiseur et la centrale électrique Michael Degani 2017 Afrique contemporaine
Évolutions, révolutions et inerties dans l’énergie Stéphane His
Christian de Gromard
2017 Afrique contemporaine
L’électrification complète de l’Afrique d’ici 2030 est-elle possible ? Charles Debeugny
Christian de Gromard
Grégoire Jacquot
2017 Afrique contemporaine
Options technologiques et modèles d’organisation de l’électrification rurale en Afrique Pierre Jacquemot
Marie-Noëlle Reboulet
2017 Afrique contemporaine
Quel avenir pour le charbon minéral en Afrique ? Jean-Marie Martin-Amouroux 2017 Afrique contemporaine
Le bois, énergie de première nécessité en Afrique Gérard Madon 2017 Afrique contemporaine
De la biomasse à la bioéconomie, une stratégie énergétique pour l’Afrique ? Roland Louvel
Christian de Gromard
2017 Afrique contemporaine
Ethnicity as a Hindrance for Understanding Ethiopian History: An Argument Against an Ethnic Late Nineteenth Century Brian J. Yates 2017 History in Africa
Bridging the Archival-Ethnographic Divide: Gender, Kinship, and Seniority in the Study of Yoruba Masquerade John Thabiti Willis 2017 History in Africa
Expanding the Archival Horizon: American Archives for Researching Postcolonial Rwandan History Aya Tsuruta 2017 History in Africa
Women's Legal Agency and Property in the Court Records of Late Nineteenth-Century Brava Lidwien Kapteijns
Alessandra Vianello
2017 History in Africa
Integrating aeromagnetic and Landsat™ 8 data into subsurface structural mapping of Precambrian basement complex M.N.M. Nawawi
Khiruddin B. Abdullah
2017-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
South Africa's Economic Transformation since 1994: What Influence has the National Democratic Revolution (NDR) Had? S. J. Mosala
J. C. M. Venter
E. G. Bain
2017-01 The Review of Black Political Economy
Precambrian plate tectonic setting of Africa from multidimensional discrimination diagrams Sanjeet K. Verma 2017-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Object-based 3D geomodel with multiple constraints for early Pliocene fan delta in the south of Lake Albert Basin, Uganda Xu Wei
Fang Lei
Zhang Xinye
Wang Pengfei
Yang Xiaoli
Yang Xipu
Liu Jun
2017-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
New Approach For Prediction Groundwater Depletion Mahmoud Moustafa 2017-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Diagnosis of the heating effect on the electrical resistivity of Ouargla (Algeria) dunes sand using XRD patterns and FTIR spectra Mohammed Laïd Mechri
Smaïl Chihi
Naouia Mahdadi
Samiha Beddiaf
2017-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Multilayered aquifer modeling in the coastal sedimentary basin of Togo M.D.T. Gnazou
B.E. Sabi
J.L. Lavalade
J. Schwartz
W. Akakpo
A. Tozo
2017-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Provenance of the Walash-Naopurdan back-arc–arc clastic sequences in the Iraqi Zagros Suture Zone Sarmad A. Ali
Rajaa S. Sleabi
Mohammad J.A. Talabani
Brian G. Jones
2017-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
New insights into the stratigraphic, paleogeographic and tectonic evolution and petroleum potential of Kerkennah Islands, Eastern Tunisia Maroua Elfessi 2017-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Effect of kaolinite as a key factor controlling the petrophysical properties of the Nubia sandstone in central Eastern Desert, Egypt Mohamed A. Kassab
Mohamed F. Abu Hashish
Bassem S. Nabawy
Osama M. Elnaggar
2017-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Structural controls on channel-related seismic facies distribution in the toe-thrust of deepwater Niger Delta Byami A. Jolly
Okwudiri A. Anyiam
Tuviere Omeru
2017-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Biostratigraphical study around the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary in Central Tunisia zonal schemes and correlation Kamel Maalaoui
Fouad Zargouni
2017-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Characterization of the Late Barremian in north central Tunisia: Is it a prelude to the oceanic anoxic event 1a? Houda Khaled
Fredj Chaabani
Frederic Boulvain
Moez Mansoura
2017-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Petrogenesis of polygenic marbles, Baqi-Abad region, Yazd, central Iran Farimah Ayati
Mohammad Ali Mackizadeh
2017-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Current literature survey 2017-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Competitive Swimming and Racial Disparities in Drowning. Samuel L Myers
Ana M Cuesta
Yufeng Lai
2017-01-01 The Review of Black Political Economy
The Production of Black Ph.D.'s in Economics at Harvard University, 1905-1955. Samuel L Myers 2017-01-01 The Review of Black Political Economy
Economic Expansion and Environmental Sustainability Nexus in Ghana Aboagye, S. 2017 African Development Review
Effect of Adoption of Irrigation on Rice Yield in the Municipality of Malanville, Benin Nonvide, G.M.A. 2017 African Development Review
Rape reporting in post-conflict Côte d'Ivoire: Accessing justice and ending impunity Medie, P.A. 2017 African Affairs
Landfill externalities and property values dilemma–emerging insights from three Ghanaian cities Oteng-Ababio, M.
Owusu-Sekyere, E.
Amoah, S.T.
2017 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
Input Policies and Crop Diversification: Evidence from the Collines Region in Benin Adjimoti, G.O.
Kwadzo, G.T.-M.
Sarpong, D.B.
Onumah, E.E.
2017 African Development Review
Business and peace in the Niger Delta: what we know and what we need to know Uwafiokun Idemudia 2017-01-02 African Security Review
Place–time correlation of robbery incidents in metropolitan Lagos: a Mantel index analysis Adewumi Israel Badiora
Jenny Jacky Ntamark
2017-01-02 African Security Review
Black hawks rising Omar S. Mahmood 2017-01-02 African Security Review
Beyond the state: reconceptualising African security in the 21st century 2017-01-02 African Security Review
Walking a tightrope: the International Criminal Court and conflict prevention in Africa Linus Nnabuike Malu 2017-01-02 African Security Review
Leaving a sinking ship? School principals in flight, Lessons and Possible Solutions Vuyisile Msila 2017-01-02 Africa Education Review
Increasing employability by implementing a Work-Integrated Learning partnership model in South Africa – A student perspective Susanne Taylor
Cookie M. Govender
2017-01-02 Africa Education Review
Conceptualisations of fatherhood and socio-contextual dynamics influencing father involvement in informal settlements in Durban, South Africa Andrew Gibbs
Pinky Mahlangu
2017-01-02 Social Dynamics
Solidarity Road: The Story of a Trade Union in the Ending of Apartheid Victor M. Gwande 2017-01-02 African Historical Review
The Idea of a Good and Bad Gemeinschaft in William Bloke Modisane’s Autobiography, Blame Me on History Lucky Mathebe 2017-01-02 African Historical Review
Manners Make a Nation: Racial Etiquette in Southern Rhodesia, 1910–1963 Clement Masakure 2017-01-02 African Historical Review
Multiple-Choice Questions and Written Questions matched according to levels of cognitive ability in an applied course: Evidence and practical implications Josue Mbonigaba
Saidou B. Oumar
2017-01-02 Africa Education Review
Narratives in Anecdotes, Memory and Interlocutors: An Early Engagement with Neville Alexander’s Story Na-iem Dollie 2017-01-02 African Historical Review
The African Studies 2015 BW Vilakazi Prize 2017-01-02 African Studies
Verwoerd: Só Onthou Ons Hom F. J. Nöthling 2017-01-02 African Historical Review
Kenyan Secondary Teachers’ and Principals’ Perspectives and Strategies on Teaching and Learning with Large Classes Sophia M. Ndethiu
Joanna O. Masingila
Marguerite K. Miheso-O’Connor
David W. Khatete
Katie L. Heath
2017-01-02 Africa Education Review
“You focus, I’m talking”: A CHAT analysis of mobile dictionary use in an advanced EFL class 2017-01-02 Africa Education Review
Justice, silence, complexity: Recent forays into the reconstitution of apartheid experience Timothy Wright 2017-01-02 African Studies
Secrets, lies and redemption 2017-01-02 African Studies
Human Capital in Republican and New China: Regional and Long-Term Trends Bas van Leeuwen
Jieli van Leeuwen-Li
2017-01-02 South African Journal of Economic History
South Africa and the African Union's peace and security architecture: old responsiblities and new challenges 2017-01-11 Brazilian Journal of African Studies
UN CLIMATE TALKS: Marrakech Meeting Continues 2017-01 Africa Research Bulletin
Mozambique - Hidden Debt Scandal 2017-01-25 Africa Research Bulletin
Jeggan C. Senghor , The Very Reverend J. C. Faye: his life and times. A biography. Bloomington IN: Author House Publishers (hb US$31.99 – 978 1 49186 953 6; pb US$23.95 – 978 1 49186 954 3; e-book US$3.99 – 978 1 49186 981 9). 2014, 380 pp Hassoum Ceesay 2017-01-27 Africa
LAKE CHAD PICNIC PATRICK NESS 2017-01-31 African Affairs
Kingdoms of the Savanna J. P. Murray 2017-01-31 African Affairs
The State and Epidemics in Africa 2017-01-31 African Affairs
Indigenous Kikuyu Education Neil MCGlashan 2017-01-31 African Affairs
The Best of Both Worlds: a challenge on development policies in Africa RICHARD SYMONDS 2017-01-31 African Affairs
Educational Policy and Political Development in Africa E. R. J. HUSSEY 2017-01-31 African Affairs
Examination of the kinematic structures in İzmir (Western Anatolia) with repeated GPS observations (2009, 2010 and 2011) Ayça Çırmık
Oya Pamukçu
Muzaffer Kahveci
Müjgan Şalk
2017-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Assessing groundwater vulnerability in the Kinshasa region, DR Congo, using a calibrated DRASTIC model Antoine Mfumu Kihumba
Marnik Vanclooster
Jean Ndembo Longo
2017-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Contrasting terrace systems of the lower Moulouya river as indicator of crustal deformation in NE Morocco Gilles Rixhon
Melanie Bartz
Meriam El Ouahabi
Nina Szemkus
Helmut Brückner
2017-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Seismogenesis and earthquake triggering during the 2010–2011 Rigan (Iran) earthquake sequence Hiwa Mohammadi
Thomas J. Bayliss
Esmaeil Nekouei Ghachkanlu
2017-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Shear wave prediction using committee fuzzy model constrained by lithofacies, Zagros basin, SW Iran Sadjad Kazem Shiroodi
Mohammad Ghafoori
Hamid Reza Ansari
Golamreza Lashkaripour
Mostafa Ghanadian
2017-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geophysical characterization of saltwater intrusion in a coastal aquifer: The case of Martil-Alila plain (North Morocco) Mahjoub Himi
Josefiina Tapias
Sara Benabdelouahab
Adil Salhi
Luis Rivero
Mohamed Elgettafi
Abdenabi El Mandour
Jamal Stitou
Albert Casas
2017-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Chemostratigraphic and sedimentologic evolution of Wajid Group (Wajid Sandstone): An outcrop analog study from the Cambrian to Permian, SW Saudi Arabia Mohamed A. Yassin
Osman M. Abdullatif
2017-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Current literature survey 2017-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Monetary Adjustment and Policy Compatibility in a controlled Open Economy Stephen A. O'Connell 2017-02-03 Journal of African Economies
STYLING ACCUMULATION. De la Signare à la Diriyanké sénégalaise: trajectoires féminines et visions partagées. By Aissata Kane Lo. Dakar: L'Harmattan Sénégal, 2014. Pp. 290. No price given (ISBN 9782336352473) PHILIP J. HAVIK 2017-02-08 The Journal of African History
(22) Development of National Interest in the Intra-African Foreign Policies of the New Nations of North and West Africa I. William Zartman 2017-02-14 African Studies Review
Kerio Valley, 1973–2013: A case study of Kenyan smallholder agriculture Wilhelm Östberg 2017-02-15 African Studies
Antinomies of African aesthetics and the impulses of aesthetic relativism: reading p’Bitek, Abiodun and Agawu 2017-02-20 African Identities
Xenophobic violence in South Africa: mirroring economic and political development failures in Africa Darlington Mutanda 2017-02-21 African Identities
A History of Resistance in Colonial Nyasaland Derek R. Peterson 2017-02-22 Journal of Southern African Studies
Re-presenting the precolonial past: identity and history in Musaemura Zimunya’s Thought-Tracks Rangarirai Alfred Musvoto 2017-02-28 African Identities
Dakar 66: Chronicles of a Pan-African Festival Musée du Quai Branly, Paris February 16–May 15, 2016 David Murphy 2017-03 African Arts
Urban Health in Johannesburg: Migration, Exclusion and Inequality Jo Vearey 2017-03 Urban Forum
Giving Birth in a Foreign Land: Exploring the Maternal Healthcare Experiences of Zimbabwean Migrant Women Living in Johannesburg, South Africa Tackson Makandwa
Jo Vearey
2017-03 Urban Forum
A c. 1710 Ma mafic sill emplaced into a quartzite and calcareous series from Ighrem, Anti-Atlas – Morocco: Evidence that the Taghdout passive margin sedimentary group is nearly 1 Ga older than previously thought Moha Ikenne
Ulf Söderlund
Christian Pin
El Hassan El Aouli
Ahmid Hafid
2017-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Three objections to Gyekye's functionalist conception of development Emmanuel Ifeanyi Ani 2017-03 African Studies Quarterly
Introduction to Geodynamics of North Africa Moha Ikenne
Mustapha Souhassou
Shoji Arai
2017-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Ternary feldspar thermometry of Paleoproterozoic granulites from In-Ouzzal terrane (Western Hoggar, southern Algeria) A. Benbatta
A. Bendaoud
Z. Adjerid
K. Lacène
K. Ouzegane
2017-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Determining age of Pan African metamorphism using Sm-Nd garnet-whole rock geochronology and phase equilibria modeling in the Tasriwine ophiolite, Sirwa, Anti-Atlas Morocco Jeremy D. Inglis
Kevin Hefferan
Scott D. Samson
Hassan Admou
Ali Saquaque
2017-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Controls on gold deposits in Hoggar, Tuareg Shield (Southern Algeria) Djamal-Eddine Aissa
Christian Marignac
2017-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mapping and discriminating the Pan-African granitoids in the Hoggar (southern Algeria) using Landsat 7 ETM+ data and airborne geophysics Siham Zerrouk
Abderrahmane Bendaoud
Mohamed Hamoudi
Jean Paul Liégeois
Hichem Boubekri
Riad Ben El Khaznadji
2017-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Isotopic and geochemical constraints on lead and fluid sources of the PbZnAg mineralization in the polymetallic Tighza-Jbel Aouam district (central Morocco), and relationships with the geodynamic context Magali Rossi
Dominique Gasquet
Alain Cheilletz
Leïla Tarrieu
Hassan Bounajma
Tristan Mantoy
Laurie Reisberg
Etienne Deloule
Philippe Boulvais
Pete Burnard
2017-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Neogene felsic volcanic rocks in the Hoggar province: Volcanology, geochemistry and age of the Azrou trachyte-phonolite association (Algerian Sahara) Riad Ben El Khaznadji
Abla Azzouni-Sekkal
Amel Benhallou
Jean-Paul Liégeois
Bernard Bonin
2017-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Trek (Winnie Rust) Lenelle Foster 2017-03-03 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Challenging ignorance: why reproductive rights matter so much in Africa Tamsin Bradley 2017-03-06 African Identities
Autocracy, migration, and the Gambia's ‘unprecedented’ 2016 election Niklas Hultin
Baba Jallow
Assan Sarr
2017-03-13 African Affairs
Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, director. Youssou N’Dour: I Bring What I Love. 2008. Arabic, English, French, and Wolof with English subtitles. 102 minutes, plus six special features. United States. Groovy Griot Film, in association with 57th & Irvin Kenneth Wilburn 2017-03-13 African Studies Review
Museums as Tools for Understanding Slavery and its Legacies in South Africa Samuel North 2017-03-21 South African Historical Journal
’n Lyf onthou (Riette Rust) Henning Pieterse 2017-03-22 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Introduction to the special issue: GIS-based mineral potential targeting Mahyar Yousefi
Vesa Nykänen
2017-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Multifractal interpolation and spectrum–area fractal modeling of stream sediment geochemical data: Implications for mapping exploration targets Mohammad Parsa
Abbas Maghsoudi
Mahyar Yousefi
Emmanuel John M. Carranza
2017-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Dilution correction equation revisited: The impact of stream slope, relief ratio and area size of basin on geochemical anomalies Shahed Shahrestani
Ahmad Reza Mokhtari
2017-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Application of fractal-wavelet analysis for separation of geochemical anomalies Peyman Afzal
Kamyar Ahmadi
Kambiz Rahbar
2017-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The use of decision tree induction and artificial neural networks for recognizing the geochemical distribution patterns of LREE in the Choghart deposit, Central Iran S. Zaremotlagh
A. Hezarkhani
2017-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Union score and fuzzy logic mineral prospectivity mapping using discretized and continuous spatial evidence values Mahyar Yousefi
Emmanuel John M. Carranza
2017-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
SOM guided fuzzy logic prospectivity model for gold in the Häme Belt, southwestern Finland Hanna Leväniemi
Helena Hulkki
Markku Tiainen
2017-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Application of fuzzy logic and fuzzy AHP to mineral prospectivity mapping of porphyry and hydrothermal vein copper deposits in the Dananhu-Tousuquan island arc, Xinjiang, NW China Nannan Zhang
Kefa Zhou
Xishihui Du
2017-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Application of support vector machines for copper potential mapping in Kerman region, Iran Mahdi Shabankareh
Ardeshir Hezarkhani
2017-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A deposit scale mineral prospectivity analysis: A comparison of various knowledge-driven approaches for porphyry copper targeting in Seridune, Iran Maysam Abedi
Seyed Bagher Mostafavi Kashani
Gholam-Hossain Norouzi
Mahyar Yousefi
2017-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Data integration modeling applied to drill hole planning through semi-supervised learning: A case study from the Dalli Cu-Au porphyry deposit in the central Iran Moslem Fatehi
Hooshang H. Asadi
2017-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
GIS prospectivity mapping and 3D modeling validation for potential uranium deposit targets in Shangnan district, China Jiayu Xie
Gongwen Wang
Yazhou Sha
Jiajun Liu
Botao Wen
Ming Nie
Shuai Zhang
2017-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Pugach, Sara. — Africa in Translation: A History of Colonial Linguistics in Germany and Beyond, 1814-1945 Clélia Coret 2017-04-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
Peace and the security sector in Sudan, 2002–11 Alex de Waal 2017-04-03 African Security Review
AMISOM: charting a new course for African Union peace missions Dawit Yohannes Wondemagegnehu
Daniel Gebreegziabher Kebede
2017-04-03 African Security Review
Peace missions and the security sector in Africa Mulugeta Gebrehiwot Berhe
Alex de Waal
2017-04-03 African Security Review
Transition from war to peace: the Ethiopian disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration experience Mulugeta Gebrehiwot Berhe 2017-04-03 African Security Review
Parents' Attitudes about the Tasks of Preschool Teachers in the Preparation of Children for the Teaching of Initial Writing Emina Kopas-Vukašinović
Jelena Stevanović
Vladimir Stanojević
2017-04-03 Africa Education Review
The transnational hybridisation of Mozambican nature Rozenn N. Diallo
Estienne Rodary
2017-04-03 African Studies
Movements (Excerpt from Residues) Juan Orrantia 2017-04-03 African Studies
Use of the ePortfolio by Adults in the Tunisian Continuous Education Context Hedia Mhiri Sellami 2017-04-03 Africa Education Review
Personal and Contextual Influences on Township School Learners’ Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning Bernadette Geduld 2017-04-03 Africa Education Review
Choosing a University: Important Attributes Used by Access Students in South Africa Yvette Aungamuthu
Debbie Vigar-Ellis
2017-04-03 Africa Education Review
Virtual Teaching Dispositions in an Open Distance Learning Environment: Origins, Measurement and Impact Nico Martins
Leona M. Ungerer
2017-04-03 Africa Education Review
Normative media theory in the digital media landscape: frommedia ethicstoethical communication Pieter J. Fourie 2017-04-03 Communicatio
Teacher self-efficacy according to Turkish Cypriot science teachers Cemil Olmez
Serap Ozbas
2017-04-05 Africa Education Review
Ethical behaviours of student teachers’ mentors in forced same-gender and cross-gender matches in a Malawian Initial Primary Teacher Education programme: implications for mentor selection and development Alnord L. D. Mwanza
George Moyo
Cosmas Maphosa
2017-04-17 Africa Education Review
The communicative significance of Ngə̂mbà personal names Eyo Mensah
Solange Mekamgoum
2017-04-27 African Identities
Overcoming the ‘daily bludgeoning by apartheid’: black South African women writers, agency, and space Barbara Boswell 2017-04-27 African Identities
Indigeneship, bureaucratic discretion, and institutional change in Northern Nigeria David Ehrhardt 2017-04-27 African Affairs
The structural elements and tectonics of the Lake Van basin (Eastern Anatolia) from multi-channel seismic reflection profiles A.M.Celal Sengor
Filiz Demirel Schluter
Emin Demirbag
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Irrigated land expansion since 1985 in Southern Tunisia Yolanda Cantón
Mohamed Moussa
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mozambique - High Government Debt 2017-05 Africa Research Bulletin
Paleoproterozoic plume-related basaltic rocks in the Mana gold district in western Burkina Faso, West Africa: Implications for exploration and the source of gold in orogenic deposits Jérôme Augustin
Damien Gaboury
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Middle-Upper Triassic and Middle Jurassic tetrapod track assemblages of southern Tunisia, Sahara Platform Grzegorz Niedźwiedzki
Mohamed Soussi
Kamel Boukhalfa
Gerard D. Gierliński
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Provenance and geochemical behavior of fluorine in the soils of an endemic fluorosis belt, central Iran Reza Dehbandi
Farid Moore
Behnam Keshavarzi
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geological and geophysical investigation of water leakage from two micro-dam reservoirs: Implications for future site selection, northern Ethiopia Gebremedhin Berhane
Mogos Amare
Tesfamichael Gebreyohannes
Kristine Walraevens
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Characterization of geochemical alteration halo associated with gold mineralization at the Buzwagi mine, northern Tanzania Shukrani Manya 2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Facies analysis, diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy of the carbonate-evaporite succession of the Upper Jurassic Surmeh Formation: Impacts on reservoir quality (Salman Oil Field, Persian Gulf, Iran) Maryam Beigi
Arman Jafarian
Mohammad Javanbakht
H.A. Wanas
Frank Mattern
Amin Tabatabaei
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Magmatic evolution of the Jbel Boho alkaline complex in the Bou Azzer inlier (Anti-Atlas/Morocco) and its relation to REE mineralization Rachid Benaouda
Astrid Holzheid
Volker Schenk
Lakhlifi Badra
Aomar Ennaciri
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
High-resolution numerical modelling of the barotropic tides in the Gulf of Gabes, eastern Mediterranean Sea (Tunisia) Achref Othmani
Béchir Béjaoui
Cristèle Chevalier
Dalila Elhmaidi
Jean-Luc Devenon
Lotfi Aleya
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The sedimentary organic matter from a Lake Ichkeul core (far northern Tunisia): Rock-Eval and biomarker approach Hassène Affouri
Olfa Sahraoui
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geological and technological characterization of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous clay deposits (Jebel Ammar, northeastern Tunisia) for ceramic industry Moufida Ben M'barek-Jemaï
Ali Sdiri
Imed Ben Salah
Lassaad Ben Aissa
Samir Bouaziz
Joelle Duplay
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry of the Palaeoproterozoic volcanic and associated potassic granitic rocks of the Ngualla area of the Ubendian Belt, SW Tanzania Tulibako Tulibonywa
Shukrani Manya
Peter Torssander
Makenya A.H. Maboko
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The elusive snowball earth: U-Pb zircon ages from the upper diamictite of the Gifberg Group, South Africa Thanusha Naidoo
Udo Zimmermann
Jeff Vervoort
Jenny Tait
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Triassic salt sheets of Mezzouna, Central Tunisia: New comments on Late Cretaceous halokinesis and geodynamic evolution of the northern African margin Ferid Dhahri
Noureddine Boukadi
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Role of N-S strike-slip faulting in structuring of north-eastern Tunisia; geodynamic implications Aymen Arfaoui
Abdelkader Soumaya
Noureddine Ben Ayed
Damien Delvaux
Mohamed Ghanmi
Ali Kadri
Fouad Zargouni
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
40 Ar/ 39 Ar geochronology, elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope geochemistry of the Neogene bimodal volcanism in the Yükselen area, NW Konya (Central Anatolia, Turkey) Gülin Gençoğlu Korkmaz
Kürşad Asan
Hüseyin Kurt
Ganerød Morgan
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Changes in carbonate sedimentation and faunal assemblages in the Tunisian carbonate platform around the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary Jamel Touir
Chefia Mechi
Hajer Haj Ali
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A multi disciplinary overview of factors controlling on meiofauna assemblages around Maden and Alibey islands in Ayvalik (Balikesir, Eastern Aegean Sea) Engin Meriç
Niyazi Avsar
Atike Nazik
Baki Yokes
Ipek F. Barut
Fikret Suner
Erol Sarı
Mustafa Eryılmaz
Fulya Yucesoy-Eryılmaz
Özcan Dora
Erol Kam
Feyza Dinçer
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geophysical and hydrogeological investigation to study groundwater occurrences in the Taref Formation, south Mut area – Dakhla Oasis - Egypt Hussein Hosni Mahmoud
Saad Younes Ghoubachi
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Phosphoric acid purification through different raw and activated clay materials (Southern Tunisia) Wafa Trabelsi
Ali Tlili
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The use of index tests to determine the mechanical properties of crushed aggregates from Precambrian basement complex rocks, Ado-Ekiti, SW Nigeria Lekan Olatayo Afolagboye
Abel Ojo Talabi
Charles Adebayo Oyelami
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Oligocene carbonate platform of the Zagros Basin, SW Iran: An assessment of highly-complex geological heritage 2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Consideration of geological aspects and geochemical parameters of fluids in Bushdi geothermal field, south of mount Sabalan, NW Iran Rahim Masoumi
Ali Asghar Calagari
Kamal Siahcheshm
Soheil Porkhial
Thomas Pichler
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Reconstructing the Holocene depositional environments along the northern coast of Sfax (Tunisia): Mineralogical and sedimentological approaches Ali Lamourou
Jamel Touir
Nathalie Fagel
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A review of the geomorphotectonic evolution of the south Malawi rift Zuze Dulanya 2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Uranium from Africa – An overview on past and current mining activities: Re-appraising associated risks and chances in a global context Frank Winde
Doug Brugge
Andreas Nidecker
Urs Ruegg
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Evidence of a Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (Zn Pb Cu Ag) district within the Tiébélé Birimian (Paleoproterozoic) Greenstone Belts, Southern Burkina Faso (West – Africa) Hermann Ilboudo
Martin Lompo
Urbain Wenmenga
Salif Napon
Seta Naba
Papa Malick Ngom
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Devonian to Early Carboniferous magmatic alkaline activity in the Tafilalt Province, Eastearn Morocco: An Eovariscan episode in the Gondwana margin, north of the West African Craton André Pouclet
Hassan El Hadi
Jacques-Marie Bardintzeff
Mohammed Benharref
Abdelilah Fekkak
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geophysical demonstration of the absence of correlation between lineaments and hydrogeologically usefull fractures: Case study of the Sanon hard rock aquifer (central northern Burkina Faso) Donissongou Dimitri Soro
Mahamadou Koïta
Chabi Angelbert Biaou
Eli Outoumbe
Jean-Michel Vouillamoz
Hamma Yacouba
Roger Guérin
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Provenance and tectonic setting of the Neoproterozoic clastic rocks hosting the Banana Zone Cu-Ag mineralisation, northwest Botswana Tebogo Kelepile
Thierry Bineli Betsi
Fulvio Franchi
Elisha Shemang
Cheo Emmanuel Suh
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Erosion-tectonics feedbacks in shaping the landscape: An example from the Mekele Outlier (Tigray, Ethiopia) Andrea Sembroni
Paola Molin
Francesco Dramis
Claudio Faccenna
Bekele Abebe
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Analyzing the effect of transmissivity uncertainty on the reliability of a model of the northwestern Sahara aquifer system Mounira Zammouri
Luis Ribeiro
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The structural evolution of the Dialé-Daléma basin, Kédougou-Kéniéba Inlier, eastern Senegal Famara Diatta
Papa Moussa Ndiaye
Mahamadane Diène
Prince Ofori Amponsah
Jérôme Ganne
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Subsurface Permian reef complexes of southern Tunisia: Shelf carbonate setting and paleogeographic implications Adel Zaafouri
Sofiene Haddad
Beya Mannaî-Tayech
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Darzi-Vali bauxite deposit, West-Azarbaidjan Province, Iran: Critical metals distribution and parental affinities Maryam Khosravi
Ali Abedini
Samad Alipour
Giovanni Mongelli
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Petrogenesis of Soheyle- Pakuh and Golshekanan granitoid based on mineral chemistry of ferromagnesian minerals (north of Nain), Iran Mahin Mansouri Esfahani
Mahmoud Khalili
Mohammad Bakhshi
2017-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Twice-hyphenated: transnational identity among second-generation Ethiopian-American professionals in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area Kassahun Kebede 2017-05-02 African and Black Diaspora
Taxation in the Congo Free State, an exceptional case? (1885–1908) Bas De Roo 2017-05-04 South African Journal of Economic History
The British mosquito eradication campaign in colonial Lagos, 1902-1950 Jimoh Mufutau Oluwasegun 2017-05-04 Canadian Journal of African Studies
South Africa’s foreign policy aspirations and the National Development Plan (NDP 2030): the role of soft power 2017-05-15 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
A History of Childhood in the Cape Colony Sacha Hepburn 2017-05-23 Journal of Southern African Studies
Hydrocarbon source potential of the Tanezzuft Formation, Murzuq Basin, south-west Libya: An organic geochemical approach S.Y. El Beialy
T.A. Anwari
D.J. Batten
2017-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Production of silica gel from Tunisian sands and its adsorptive properties K. Lazaar
R.C. Pullar
J.A. Labrincha
F. Rocha
F. Jamoussi
2017-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Public spending on agriculture and poverty in Eastern Cape province, South Africa Simbarashe Ndhleve
Ajuruchukwu Obi
M.D.V. Nakin
2017-06 African Studies Quarterly
The "terrible loneliness": loneliness and worry in settler women's memoirs from east and South-Central Africa, 1890 1939 Julia Wells 2017-06 African Studies Quarterly
Organization and representation of informal workers in Sao Tome and Principe: state agency and sectoral informal alternatives Cristina Udelsmann Rodrigues
Magdalena Bialoborska
2017-06 African Studies Quarterly
Permian-Early Triassic tectonics and stratigraphy of the Karoo Supergroup in northwestern Mozambique Marcos Müller Bicca
Ruy Paulo Philipp
Andrea Ritter Jelinek
João Marcelo Medina Ketzer
Claiton Marlon dos Santos Scherer
Daúd Liace Jamal
Adriano Domingos dos Reis
2017-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Source, tectonic setting, and facies distribution of the Silurian Sharawra Formation, the Old Qusaiba village, central Saudi Arabia Muhammad Asif Abbas
Michael A. Kaminski
A. Umran Dogan
2017-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Petroleum system elements within the Late Cretaceous and Early Paleogene sediments of Nigeria's inland basins: An integrated sequence stratigraphic approach Chidozie Izuchukwu Princeton Dim
K. Mosto Onuoha
Chukwudike Gabriel Okeugo
Bertram Maduka Ozumba
2017-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The charophytes-rich Barremian-Albian record in Jebel Ksaïra (Central Tunisia) Amal Salmouna
Isabelle Cojan
Jamel Touir
2017-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Facies development of the Middle Miocene reefal limestone in northwest Saudi Arabia Khaled M. Al-Kahtany 2017-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry of the Topuk Pluton associated with the Kozbudaklar W-skarn deposit (Western Anatolia, Turkey): Implication for crystallization conditions Ayşe Orhan
Mehmet Demirbilek
Halim Mutlu
2017-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Spatiotemporal sedimentological and petrophysical characterization of El Gueria reservoir (Ypresian) in sFAX and Gulf of Gabes Basins (SE-Tunisia) Kassabi Nadhem
Njahi Zahra
Béatriz Ménendez
Jeddi Salwa
Touir Jamel
2017-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Simulation of the mulltizones clastic reservoir: A case study of Upper Qishn Clastic Member, Masila Basin–Yemen Mohamed Khamis
Ebrahim Bin Marta
Ali Al Natifi
Khaled Abdel Fattah
Aref Lashin
2017-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Natural Gamma Radiation in Rocks from Kerri-Kerri Formation, Northeastern Nigeria Y.D. Bachama
A.L. Ahmed
K.M. Lawal
A.S. Arabi
2017-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The “Anglophone crisis”: A tale of the Cameroonian postcolony Hans De Marie Heungoup 2017-06-14 African Affairs
Can security vetting be extended to include the detection of financial misconduct? Stephan Kühn
Annamart Nieman
2017-06-19 African Security Review
Slipping through the net: everyday agency of youth and the politics of amnesty in Nigeria’s Niger Delta (2009–2015) 2017-06-19 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
Kinetic responses to global terrorism: Lessons from Africa Mark Malan 2017-06-20 African Security Review
On the Structural Transformation of Rural Africa Luc Christiaensen
Megan Sheahan
Abebe Shimeles
2017-06-23 Journal of African Economies
The Palaeoproterozoic (∼2.06 Ga) Rooiberg Group, South Africa: Dominated by extremely high-grade lava-like and rheomorphic ignimbrites? New observations and lithofacies analysis Nils Lenhardt
Samson M. Masango
Olutola O. Jolayemi
Sukanya Z. Lenhardt
Gert-Jan Peeters
Patrick G. Eriksson
2017-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The estimation of uniaxial compressive strength conversion factor of trona and interbeds from point load tests and numerical modeling H. Ozturk
M. Altinpinar
2017-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Establishment of a lithostratigraphic column in the Béli area (Northeastern Burkina Faso, West Africa) based on the occurrence of a glacial triad and a molassic sequences in Neoproterozoic sedimentary formations. Implications for the Pan-African oro Mariette Y.W. Miningou
Pascal Affaton
Jean-Dominique Meunier
Alain Blot
Alain Georges Nebie
2017-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Analysis of hydrogeochemical facies in groundwater of upper part of Cross River Basin, southeastern Nigeria Ukpai N. Stephen
Okogbue O. Celestine
Onwuka O. Solomon
2017-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Porosity and reservoir potentiality of the Cherahil Formation limestone (middle-upper Eocene) in the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia) Zahra Njahi
Nadhem Kassabi
Jamel Touir
2017-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Effects of radionuclides on the recent foraminifera from the clastic sediments of the Çanakkale Strait-Turkey Zeki Ünal Yümün
Erol Kam
2017-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Evolution of the northern Albertine Rift reflected in the provenance of synrift sediments (Nkondo-Kaiso area, Uganda) Sandra Schneider
Jens Hornung
Matthias Hinderer
2017-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Current Literature Survey 2017-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The rhetoric and practice of the international responsibility to prevent mass atrocities: Reflections on South Africa’s peacebuilding role in South Sudan (2005–2013) Fritz Nganje 2017-07-03 African Security Review
Thabo Mbeki: Understanding a Philosopher of Liberation William Mpofu 2017-07-03 African Historical Review
As the Crow Flies: My Bushman Experience with 31 Battalion André Wessels 2017-07-03 African Historical Review
Being and belonging as Deaf South Africans: Multiple identities in SASL poetry Ruth Morgan
Michiko Kaneko
2017-07-03 African Studies
Legacy Underplayed or Ignored? Tsietsi Mashinini: The Forgotten Warrior of South Africa's Liberation Struggle Kealeboga J. Maphunye 2017-07-03 African Historical Review
Will the 2017 Kenyan Elections Challenge Orthodoxy? Pal Ahluwalia 2017-07-03 African Identities
Ethiopian female domestic labour migration to the Middle East: patterns, trends, and drivers Girmachew Adugna Zewdu 2017-07-05 African and Black Diaspora
An analysis of Grade 11 learners’ levels of understanding of functions in terms of APOS theory Tinoda Chimhande
Ana Naidoo
Gerrit Stols
2017-07-07 Africa Education Review
The subjective well-being of first-year tertiary students during an induction programme Shingairai Chigeza
Johannes H. de Kock
Vera Roos
Marie P. Wissing
2017-07-07 Africa Education Review
African Union - Support for UN Climate Deal 2017-07 Africa Research Bulletin
Seasonal Hunger in the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast, 1900-40 Paul Shaffer 2017-07-18 South African Journal of Economic History
Melissa Graboyes. The Experiment Must Continue: Medical Research and Ethics in East Africa, 1940–2014. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2015. xxviii + 307 pp. Contents. Illustrations. Preface. Acknowledgments. Abbreviations. Notes. Bibliography. Index Nancy Rose Hunt 2017-07-18 African Studies Review
Routes, locations, and social imaginary: a comparative study of the on-going production of geographies in Somali forced migration Marnie Shaffer
Giulia Ferrato
Zaheera Jinnah
African Geographical Review
Self-directed learning characteristics: making learning personal, empowering and successful Charlene du Toit-Brits
Chris-Mari van Zyl
2017-07-26 Africa Education Review
Sedimentology of the Shangoluwe breccias and timing of the Cu mineralisation (Katanga Supergroup, D. R. of Congo) Pascal Mambwe
Louis Kipata
Mumba Chabu
Philippe Muchez
Toto Lubala
Michel Jébrak
Damien Delvaux
2017-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mineralogical and geochemical features of the alteration processes of magmatic ores in the Beni Bousera ultramafic massif (north Morocco) Zaineb Hajjar
Fernando Gervilla
Abderrahim Essaifi
Amina Wafik
2017-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Thermal and chemical variations of the Nigerian Benue trough lead-zinc-barite-fluorite deposits Ibukun Emmanuel Ogundipe 2017-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Upper Jurassic Stanleyville Group of the eastern Congo Basin: An example of perennial lacustrine system Alexis Caillaud
Christian Blanpied
Damien Delvaux
2017-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Discrimination between mineralized and unmineralized alteration zones using primary geochemical haloes in the Darreh-Zar porphyry copper deposit in Kerman, southeastern Iran A. Parsapoor
M. Khalili
M. Maghami
2017-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Subsurface mapping of Rustenburg Layered Suite (RLS), Bushveld Complex, South Africa: Inferred structural features using borehole data and spatial analysis O.A. Bamisaiye
P.G. Eriksson
J.L. Van Rooy
H.M. Brynard
S. Foya
A.Y. Billay
V. Nxumalo
2017-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Current literature survey 2017-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Copper, Trade and Polities: Exchange Networks in Southern Central Africa in the 2nd Millennium CE Nicolas Nikis
Alexandre Livingstone Smith
2017-08-03 Journal of Southern African Studies
Development Policies for Africa in the 1970s G. K. Helleiner 2017-08-09 Canadian Journal of African Studies
What we should have learnt from Mandela Colin Chasi 2017-08-25 African Studies
Experiences of a hidden population: life stories of refugees in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal Elizabeth Bollaert
Brij Maharaj
African Geographical Review
South African trends in medical aid coverage and stated healthcare-seeking preferences: 2004–14 Kehinde Omotoso
Steven F. Koch
2017-08-29 Development Southern Africa
Plastic form and the extro- and emergent versions of Christopher Mlalazi’sRunning with Mother 2017-08-30 Journal of African Cultural Studies
Optimization of a nonlinear model for predicting the ground vibration using the combinational particle swarm optimization-genetic algorithm Hossein Samareh
Seyed Hassan Khoshrou
Kourosh Shahriar
Mohammad Mehdi Ebadzadeh
Mohammad Eslami
2017-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
MOZAMBIQUE: Public Debt Rises 2017-09 Africa Research Bulletin
Erratum to: Back to the Grindstone? The Archaeological Potential of Grinding-Stone Studies in Africa with Reference to Contemporary Grinding Practices in Marakwet, Northwest Kenya Anna C. Shoemaker
Matthew I. J. Davies
Henrietta L. Moore
2017-09 African Archaeological Review
Outstanding diversity of heritage features in large geological bodies: The Gachsaran Formation in southwest Iran 2017-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
An integrated approach of analytical network process and fuzzy based spatial decision making systems applied to landslide risk mapping Hassan Abedi Gheshlaghi
Bakhtiar Feizizadeh
2017-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The determination of interseismic, coseismic and postseismic deformations caused by the Gökçeada-Samothraki earthquake (2014, Mw: 6.9) based on GNSS data Ibrahim Tiryakioglu
Cemal Ozer Yigit
Hakan Yavasoglu
Mehmet Halis Saka
Reha Metin Alkan
2017-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
2D resistivity imaging and magnetic survey for characterization of thermal springs: A case study of Gergedi thermal springs in the northwest of Wonji, Main Ethiopian Rift, Ethiopia Yahya Ali Abdulkadir
Tigistu Haile Eritro
2017-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Fractures system within Qusaiba shale outcrop and its relationship to the lithological properties, Qasim area, Central Saudi Arabia Mohamed I.M. Ibrahim
Mustafa M. Hariri
Osman M. Abdullatif
Mohammad H. Makkawi
Hussam Elzain
2017-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Litho-structural analysis of eastern part of Ilesha schist belt, Southwestern Nigeria Babatunde Joseph Fagbohun 2017-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Current literature survey 2017-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Bond notes, borrowing, and heading for bust: Zimbabwe’s persistent crisis Roger Jonathan Southall 2017-09-02 Canadian Journal of African Studies
150 Years of Economic Progress for African American Men: Measuring Outcomes and Sizing Up Roadblocks Marianne H Wanamaker 2017-09-02 South African Journal of Economic History
Kenyan women in androcentric political culture: from Julia Auma Ojiambo to Affirmative Action Marciana Nafula Were 2017-09-02 Social Dynamics
Niemand op Rietvlei nie: ter nagedagtenis aan Karel Schoeman Andries Bezuidenhout 2017-09-04 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Die Bram Fischer Wals (Harry Kalmer) Jacomien Van Niekerk 2017-09-04 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Politics of African Peace Support Operation Architecture: What next post-2015 African Standby Force? Francis Onditi
Pontian G. Okoth
2017-09-15 African Studies
The African Studies 2016 BW Vilakazi Prize 2017-09-15 African Studies
Revamping Nigerian Economy through Cassava Production Victor Abhiele, Okosun
Joy Aihie-Ezomo
2017-09-15 African Research Review
Revolution without evolution: The ‘Way’ of change in Ayi Kwei Armah's Two Thousand Seasons Amar Guendouzi 2017-09-18 African Studies
Disrupting a learning environment for promotion of geometry teaching Zingiswa Jojo 2017-09-19 Africa Education Review
Making Accounting Tutorials Enjoyable Karen Bargate 2017-09-22 Africa Education Review
Building new capital cities in Africa: Lessons for new satellite towns in developing countries Petra Leisenring Doan 2017-09-26 African Studies
Long-term monitoring of SO 2 quiescent degassing from Nyiragongo’s lava lake S. Arellano
M. Yalire
B. Galle
N. Bobrowski
A. Dingwell
M. Johansson
P. Norman
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Revalidation of the genus Chiloguembelitria Hofker: Implications for the evolution of early Danian planktonic foraminifera 2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Ostracod provincialism and migration as a response to movements of Earth's plates: Cretaceous-Paleogene ostracods of West Africa, North Africa and the Middle East Ashraf M.T. Elewa 2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Heavy metals concentration and availability of different soils in Sabzevar area, NE of Iran Seyed Ali Mazhari
Reza Sharifiyan Attar
Faezeh Haghighi
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Petrochemistry of Khunrang intrusive complex, southeast of Kerman, Iran: Implications for magmatic evolution of Sanandaj-Sirjan zone in the Mesozoic time Soudeh Sedighian
Sara Dargahi
Mohsen Arvin
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Structural evolution of Cenozoic basins in northeastern Tunisia, in response to sinistral strike-slip movement on the El Alia-Teboursouk Fault Hamida Bejaoui
Tahar Aïfa
Fetheddine Melki
Fouad Zargouni
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Spatial and temporal variability of groundwater recharge in Geba basin, Northern Ethiopia Alemu Yenehun
Kristine Walraevens
Okke Batelaan
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Assessment of hydrogeochemistry and environmental isotopes of surface and groundwaters in the Kütahya Plain, Turkey Berihu Abadi Berhe
Uğur Erdem Dokuz
Mehmet Çelik
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Annual safe groundwater yield in a semiarid basin using combination of water balance equation and water table fluctuation Abolfazl Rezaei
Zargham Mohammadi
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Recharge sources and hydro geochemical evaluations of Na2SO4 deposits in the Acıgöl Lake (Denizli, Turkey) Mustafa Kuşcu
Şehnaz Şener
Ebru Başpınar Tuncay
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Combined application of vertical electrical sounding and 2D electrical resistivity imaging for geothermal groundwater characterization: Hammam Sayala hot spring case study (NW Tunisia) Achref Chabaane
Belgacem Redhaounia
Hakim Gabtni
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Hydrothermal barite mineralization at Chenarvardeh deposit, Markazi Province, Iran: Evidences from REE geochemistry and fluid inclusions Farhad Ehya
Shaghayegh Moalaye Mazraei
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Determination of the relationship between major fault and zinc mineralization using fractal modeling in the Behabad fault zone, central Iran Ahmad Adib
Peyman Afzal
Shapour Mirzaei Ilani
Farhang Aliyari
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Dynamics of sediments along with their core properties in the Monastir-Bekalta coastline (Tunisia, Central Mediterranean) Nouha Khiari
Abdelfattah Atoui
Nadia Khalil
Abdelkrim Charef
Lotfi Aleya
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics of Upper Cretaceous (calc-alkaline) and Miocene (alkaline) volcanic rocks: Elazığ, Eastern Taurides, Turkey Sevcan Kürüm
Özge Tanyıldızı
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The occurrence and origin of celestite in the Abolfares region, Iran: Implications for Sr-mineralization in Zagros fold belt (ZFB) Houshang Pourkaseb
Alireza Zarasvandi
Mohsen Rezaei
Reyhaneh Mahdavi
Fatemeh Ghanavati
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Numerical analysis of underground space and pillar design in metalliferous mine T. Mallı
M.E. Yetkin
M.K. Özfırat
B. Kahraman
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Investigation of intact rock geomechanical parameters' effects on commercial blocks’ productivity within stone reserves: A case history of some quarries in Isfahan, Iran Reza Yarahmadi
Raheb Bagherpour
Morteza Tabaei
Luis M.O. Sousa
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A contribution of airborne magnetic, gamma ray spectrometric data in understanding the structure of the Central Jebilet Hercynian massif and implications for mining Lhou Maacha
Mohammed Jaffal
Abdelmajid Jarni
Azzouz Kchikach
El Mostafa Mouguina
Mohamed Zouhair
Aomar Ennaciri
Omar Saddiqi
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Late Holocene swampy forest of Loango Bay (Congo). Sedimentary environments and organic matter deposition Dieudonné Malounguila-Nganga
Pierre Giresse
Mohammed Boussafir
Timothée Miyouna
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
New observations of planktonic foraminifera from the Burdigalian-Langhian deposits (Kilisecik Formation) of Kahramanmaraş/Turkey Güldemin Darbaş
Murat Gül
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Bioerosion and encrustation: Evidences from the Middle ‒ Upper Jurassic of central Saudi Arabia Magdy El-Hedeny
Ahmed El-Sabbagh
Saleh Al Farraj
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Assessing the reactivation potential of pre-existing fractures in the southern Karoo, South Africa: Evaluating the potential for sustainable exploration across its Critical Zone Taufeeq Dhansay
Payman Navabpour
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Modeling of Micro Deval abrasion loss based on some rock properties Mehmet Capik
Ali Osman Yilmaz
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A comparison study on detection of key geochemical variables and factors through three different types of factor analysis Zohre Hoseinzade
Ahmad Reza Mokhtari
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A study in cost analysis of aggregate production as depending on drilling and blasting design Niyazi Bilim
Arif Çelik
Bilgehan Kekeç
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Fracture mapping of lineaments and recognizing their tectonic significance using SPOT-5 satellite data: A case study from the Bajestan area, Lut Block, east of Iran Reyhaneh Ahmadirouhani
Behnam Rahimi
Mohammad Hassan Karimpour
Azadeh Malekzadeh Shafaroudi
Sadegh Afshar Najafi
Amin Beiranvand Pour
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Model uncertainty of various settlement estimation methods in shallow tunnels excavation; case study: Qom subway tunnel Amir Khademian
Hamed Abdollahipour
Raheb Bagherpour
Lohrasb Faramarzi
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Soft-sediment deformation related to syntectonic intraformational unconformity in the early Palaeocene alluvial-fan deposits of Kuşcular Formation in the Elazığ sector of Tauride foreland, eastern Turkey Calibe Koç Taşgın 2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The nummulithoclast event within the Lower Eocene in the Southern Tethyan margin: Mechanisms involved, analogy with the filament event and climate implication (Kairouan, Central Tunisia) Besma Mardassi 2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Keimoes Suite redefined: The geochronological and geochemical characteristics of the ferroan granites of the eastern Namaqua Sector, Mesoproterozoic Namaqua-Natal Metamorphic Province, southern Africa Russell Bailie
Paul Hugh Macey
Sedzani Nethenzheni
Dirk Frei
Petrus le Roux
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Reply to discussion by M. C. Alçiçek et al. on “Neogene-Quaternary evolution of the Tefenni basin on the Fethiye-Burdur fault zone, SW Anatolia-Turkey”, Journal of African Earth Sciences, 118, 137–148, by R. Aksoy and S. Aksarı Rahmi Aksoy
Süleyman Aksarı
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Discussion on Ubeid, K.A., 2016. Quaternary alluvial deposits of Wadi Gaza in the middle of the Gaza Strip (Palestine): Facies, granulometric characteristics, and their paleoflow direction. JAES 118: 274–283 Joel Roskin 2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Editorial JAES AVCOR-Special Issue François Kervyn
Nicolas d'Oreye
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Volcano-tectonic deformation in the Kivu Region, Central Africa: Results from six years of continuous GNSS observations of the Kivu Geodetic Network (KivuGNet) Halldor Geirsson
Nicolas d'Oreye
Niche Mashagiro
Muhindo Syauswa
Gilles Celli
Benjamin Kadufu
Benoît Smets
François Kervyn
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Seismic hazard assessment of the Kivu rift segment based on a new seismotectonic zonation model (western branch, East African Rift system) Damien Delvaux
Jean-Luc Mulumba
Mwene Ntabwoba Stanislas Sebagenzi
Silvanos Fiama Bondo
François Kervyn
Hans-Balder Havenith
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Multi-component gas emission measurements of the active lava lake of Nyiragongo, DR Congo N. Bobrowski
G.B. Giuffrida
M. Yalire
P. Lübcke
S. Arellano
C. Balagizi
S. Calabrese
B. Galle
D. Tedesco
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Gas piston activity of the Nyiragongo lava lake: First insights from a Stereographic Time-Lapse Camera system Benoît Smets
Nicolas d'Oreye
Matthieu Kervyn
François Kervyn
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Spatial variation of volcanic rock geochemistry in the Virunga Volcanic Province: Statistical analysis of an integrated database Florian Barette
Sam Poppe
Benoît Smets
Mhammed Benbakkar
Matthieu Kervyn
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Stratigraphic framework and lake level history of Lake Kivu, East African Rift Douglas A. Wood
Christopher A. Scholz
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Landslide characteristics and spatial distribution in the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda Liesbet Jacobs
Olivier Dewitte
Jean Poesen
Jan Maes
Kewan Mertens
John Sekajugo
Matthieu Kervyn
2017-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The saga of the 2017 Kenyan elections: can they really be free and fair? Pal Ahluwalia 2017-10-02 African Identities
Neoliberal moral economy: capitalism, socio-cultural change and fraud in Uganda Stefano Ponte 2017-10-02 Review of African Political Economy
Social Positioning of Older Persons in Rural South Africa: Change or Stability? Sangeetha Madhavan
Enid Schatz
F Xavier Gómes-Olivé
Mark Collinson
2017-10-04 Journal of Southern African Studies
Mueda Massacre: The Musical Archive Paolo Israel 2017-10-20 Journal of Southern African Studies
Marriage, Customs and Contestation in South Africa Pnina Werbner 2017-10-20 Journal of Southern African Studies
Wages of male and female domestic workers in the Cossack Hetmanate: Poltava, 1765 to 1769 Tymofii Brik 2017-10-25 South African Journal of Economic History
Rethinking African Indigenous Ritual Festivals, Interrogating the Concept of African Ritual Drama Morufu Bukola Omigbule 2017-11 African Studies Quarterly
Echoes of Secession: The Hero, the Rebel, and the Rhetoric of Might in Nigerian Civil War Pictorial Propaganda Etiido Effiong Inyang 2017-11 African Studies Quarterly
TANZANIA - BRAZIL: Debt Cancelled 2017-11 Africa Research Bulletin
GUINEA BISSAU: Exim Bank Debt Reduction 2017-11 Africa Research Bulletin
Geochemical characteristics and reservoir continuity of Silurian Acacus in Ghadames Basin, Southern Tunisia S. Mahmoudi
A. Belhaj Mohamed
M. Saidi
F. Rezgui
2017-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Palaeogeographical peculiarities of the Pabdeh Formation (Paleogene) in Iran: New evidence of global diversity-determined geological heritage Jan K. Nielsen
Alena A. Ponedelnik
2017-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
An innovative technique for estimating water saturation from capillary pressure in clastic reservoirs Lukumon Adeoti
Elijah Adebowale Ayolabi
Logan James
2017-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Stratigraphic and structural revision of the Upper Mesozoic succession of the Dadès valley, eastern Ouarzazate Basin (Morocco) Marco Benvenuti
Giovanna Moratti
Ahmed Algouti
2017-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Lead isotope evolution across the Neoproterozoic boundary between craton and juvenile crust, Bayuda Desert, Sudan David Evuk
Friedrich Lucassen
Gerhard Franz
2017-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mineral composition and geochemistry of the Upper Cretaceous siliciclastics (Nubia Group), Aswan District, south Egypt: Implications for provenance and weathering Abdallah M. Hassan 2017-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Aquifer prospect and vulnerability of Upper Maastrichtian sandstones: Case of Ajali and Nsukka formations in the Northern Enugu Province, southeastern Nigeria Stephen N. Ukpai
Hilary N. Ezeh
James O. Igwe
2017-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
New SIMS U-Pb age on zircon from the Epembe carbonatite dyke, NW Namibia: Implications for Mesoproterozoic evolution of carbonatites at the southern margin of the Congo Craton Shaamu Jeremia Simon
Chongtao Wei
Rainer Ellmies
Hao Yang
Landry Soh Tamehe
2017-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
REEs geochemical characteristics of lower Cambrian phosphatic rocks in the Gorgan-Rasht Zone, northern Iran: Implications for diagenetic effects and depositional conditions Ali Abedini
Ali Asghar Calagari
2017-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Whole rock and spinel compositions of serpentinized peridotites from the Divriği-Sivas region, eastern Turkey: Implications for their tectonic setting Taner Ünlü
Sinan Akıska
Ece Varol
Ceyda Öztürk
Halim Mutlu
2017-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Upper Albian to Lower Turonian deposits and associated breccias along the Dahar cuestas (southeastern Tunisia): Origin and depositional environments Mabrouk Krimi
Mohamed Ouaja
Fouad Zargouni
2017-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy of the Eocene successions, east Beni Suef area, eastern Desert, Egypt Shaban G. Saber
Yasser F. Salama
2017-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mineralogical and physico-chemical characterization of Mbodiene palygorskite for pharmaceutical applications Rokhaya Sylla Gueye
Catherine A. Davy
Frédéric Cazaux
Augustin Ndiaye
Mouhamadou Bassir Diop
Frédéric Skoczylas
Alassane Wele
2017-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Environmental impacts: Weathering factors, mechanism and forms affected the stone decaying in Petra M.A. El-Gohary 2017-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Albian salt-tectonics in Central Tunisia: Evidences for an Atlantic-type passive margin Etienne Jaillard
Jean-Pierre Bouillin
Jamel Ouali
Thierry Dumont
Jean-Louis Latil
Abir Chihaoui
2017-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Understanding students’ perceptions and challenges of Computer-Based Assessments: a case of UKZN Victor Temitayo Faniran
Nurudeen A. Ajayi
2017-11-03 Africa Education Review
Slavery food, soul food, salvation food: veganism and identity in the African Hebrew Israelite Community Nir Avieli
Fran Markowitz
2017-11-06 African and Black Diaspora
Sing, eat, pray: transmission of tradition in Lemba communities in Southern Africa Magdel le Roux 2017-11-06 African and Black Diaspora
‘For you were strangers’: Jewish ritual, black musics, and commemorative politics in Tel Aviv’s Refugee Seder Sarah Hankins 2017-11-06 African and Black Diaspora
The extroverted African novel and literary publishing in the twenty-first century 2017-11-09 Journal of African Cultural Studies
The Ethiopian Orthodox Church in the Holy Land 2017-11-10 African and Black Diaspora
Clearing tables, dancefloors, and record stacks: an afterword John L. Jackson 2017-11-12 African and Black Diaspora
The extroverted African novel and literary publishing in the twenty-first century 2017-11-29 Journal of African Cultural Studies
Quaternary history of the Kiseiba Oasis region, southern Egypt Ted A. Maxwell
Kathleen Nicoll
Andrew K. Johnston
Ali Kilani
2017-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Biography of Professor M. El-Bahay Issawi Mamdouh M. Abdeen 2017-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Anatomy of a mountain: The Thebes Limestone Formation (Lower Eocene) at Gebel Gurnah, Luxor, Nile Valley, Upper Egypt Christopher King
Christian Dupuis
Marie-Pierre Aubry
Robert O.’B. Knox
Wael Fathi Galal
Jean-Marc Baele
2017-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Constraints from Mesozoic siliciclastic cover rocks and satellite image analysis on the slip history of regional E-W faults in the southeast Western Desert, Egypt Barbara J. Tewksbury
Charlotte J. Mehrtens
Steven A. Gohlke
Elhamy A. Tarabees
John P. Hogan
2017-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Present-day stress fields of the Gulf of Suez (Egypt) based on exploratory well data: Non-uniform regional extension and its relation to inherited structures and local plate motion William Bosworth
Scott Durocher
2017-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Inverted topographic features, now submerged beneath the water of Lake Nasser, document a morphostratigraphic sequence of high-amplitude late-Pleistocene climate oscillation in Egyptian Nubia Abdallah S. Zaki 2017-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Paleospring tufa deposition in the Kurkur Oasis region and implications for tributary integration with the River Nile in southern Egypt Kathleen Nicoll
Emad S. Sallam
2017-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Influence of structures on drainage patterns in the Tushka region, SW Egypt C.A. Robinson
H. El-Kaliouby
E. Ghoneim
2017-12 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Lignes de force et traits de fuite d’un père fondateur Eloi Ficquet
Benoit Hazard
2017-12-01 Cahiers d'études africaines
What’s in a Word? Historicising the Term ‘Caffre’ in European Discourses about Southern Africa between 1500 and 1800 Jochen S. Arndt 2017-12-04
Journal of Southern African Studies
AFRICA FINANCE CORPORATION: Green Climate Fund Agreement 2017-12 Africa Research Bulletin
Applying the Science of Learning to the Learning of Science: Newton’s Second Law of Motion Miriam Lemmer 2017-12-20 Africa Education Review
Kenneth John McCracken, 1938–2017 Megan Vaughan 2017-12-20 Journal of Southern African Studies
Becoming and Coming Undone on the Streets of Dar es Salaam Danya Fast
Eileen Moyer
2018 Africa Today
Keeping Up: The Corporatization of Nollywood's Economy and Paradigms for Studying African Screen Media Jonathan Haynes 2018 Africa Today
Good-Bye, Book—Welcome, App? Some Observations on the Current Dynamics of Publishing Swahili Novels Lutz Diegner 2018 Africa Today
Preview for Spirits and Ancestors: Representations of Ghanaian School Life in Audiovisual and Electronic Media Tobias Robert Klein 2018 Africa Today
Video Poetry as Re-Creation and Remediation of Oral Performance in the Work of Kgafela oa Magogodi and Chirikure Chirikure Ricarda de Haas 2018 Africa Today
Child and youth protagonists in Habila’s Measuring Time and Dangor’s Bitter Fruit Aghogho Akpome 2018 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Belonging in Thuis and 7de Laan : a critical whiteness studies perspective Hannelie Marx Knoetze 2018 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Experimenting with a new tragic model : Elechi Amadi’s Isiburu Omeh Obasi Ngwoke 2018 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
“We are his children” : de Landmanfamilie als erfgenaam van Adamastor Laura Engels 2018 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Redreaming ways of seeing : Ben Okri’s intuitive creativity Rosemary Gray 2018 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Negotiating womanhood : the bird metaphor in Southern African folklore and rites of passage Jean-Marie Dederen
Jennifer Mokakabye
2018 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Abjection in Dambudzo Marechera’s The House of Hunger Christopher Wayne
Bridget Grogan
2018 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
Land of cemetery : funereal images in the poetry of Musa Idris Okpanachi Uchechukwu Peter Umezurike 2018 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde
L’Afrique sur la voie de l’industrialisation ? Mihoub Mezouaghi
Karim El Aynaoui
2018 Afrique contemporaine
L’industrialisation en Afrique en question Pierre Jacquemot 2018 Afrique contemporaine
La mutation de l’économie éthiopienne Jean-Raphaël Chaponnière 2018 Afrique contemporaine
Au Maroc, l’épreuve politique d’une industrialisation importée Alain Piveteau 2018 Afrique contemporaine
Maurice, l’industrialisation inclusive Arthur Silve 2018 Afrique contemporaine
Industrialisation de l’Algérie : l’obstacle des droits de propriété Fatiha Talahite 2018 Afrique contemporaine
L’Afrique entre industrialisation et désindustrialisation Michaël Goujon 2018 Afrique contemporaine
Obstacles à la création d’emplois décents et politiques de l’emploi en Afrique de l’Ouest Fatou Gueye
Ahmadou Aly Mbaye
2018 Afrique contemporaine
Vers une industrialisation verte vertueuse ? Pierre Jacquemot 2018 Afrique contemporaine
De l’industrialisation à l’émergence ? Kako Nubukpo 2018 Afrique contemporaine
Réglementation de l’industrie bancaire et exclusion financière dans la Communauté économique et monétaire de l’Afrique centrale Désiré Avom
Amadou Bobbo
2018 Afrique contemporaine
Macroeconomic Consequences of Commodity Price Fluctuations in African Economies Chuku Chuku
Anthony Simpasa
Jacob Oduor
2018 African Development Review
Armed Conflicts and Intra-regional Trade Flows: The Cases of ECOWAS and COMESA Abel E. Ezeoha
Chinwe Okoyeuzu
Ama A. Udu
Joseph Edeh
2018 African Development Review
Entrepreneurial Success in Africa: How Relevant Are Foreign Direct Investment and Financial Development? Jonathan Munemo 2018 African Development Review
Wages and Labour Productivity in African Manufacturing Joseph Mawejje
Ibrahim Mike Okumu
2018 African Development Review
The Long-run Effects of Political Regimes and Economic Openness on Energy Intensity Philip Kofi Adom 2018 African Development Review
L'entourage influence-t-il le comportement informel des entreprises au Cameroun? Ariel Herbert Fambeu 2018 African Development Review
Measuring Technical Efficiency and Productivity Change in the Nigerian Banking Sector: A Comparison of Non-parametric and Parametric Techniques Eze Simpson Osuagwu
Wakeel Atanda Isola
Isaac Chii Nwaogwugwu
2018 African Development Review
Colonialismo tardio e política de povoamento: o colonato do Sábiè e a expropriação de terras dos camponeses africanos, 1956-1974 Eleusio Viegas Filipe 2018 Afro-Ásia
O culto dos mortos da nobre nação de Benguela na experiência devocional do Rosário dos Homens Pretos São João del-Rei, MG (1793-1850) Leonara Delfino 2018 Afro-Ásia
État documentaire et identification mathématique : la dimension théorique du gouvernement biométrique africain Keith Breckenridge
Hélène Baillot
Raphaël Botiveau
2018 Politique africaine
Introduction: Ethnic Formation with Other-Than-Human Beings David L. Schoenbrun
Jennifer L. Johnson
2018 History in Africa
Ethnic Formation with Other-Than-Human Beings: Island Shrine Practice in Uganda's Long Eighteenth Century David L. Schoenbrun 2018 History in Africa
Crafting Early African Histories with Jan Vansina David L. Schoenbrun 2018 History in Africa
The Challenge of Studying Inflation in Precolonial Africa Klas Rönnbäck 2018 History in Africa
Local Intellectuals: Lacito Okech and the Production of Knowledge in Colonial Acholiland Patrick W. Otim 2018 History in Africa
Words and Things and 'The Kuba Miracle' Colleen E. Kriger 2018 History in Africa
Nabuzaana Omunozzi w'Eddagala: Hearing Kiganda Ecology in the Music of Kusamira Ritual Healing Repertories Peter J. Hoesing 2018 History in Africa
The Challenge of Studying Inflation in Precolonial Africa by Klas Rönnbäck - A Response Toby Green 2018 History in Africa
Political Activism and Other Life Forms in Colonial Buganda Jonathon L. Earle 2018 History in Africa
Compelling Vansina: Contributions to Early African History Kathryn M. De Luna 2018 History in Africa
Motion with Caution: Jan Vansina and the Last Two Thousand Years of the Southern African Past 2018 History in Africa
LEBLANC (Marie Nathalie) et GOSSELIN (Louis Audet) (dir.), Faith and Charity : Religion and Humanitarian Assistance in West Africa, Londres, Pluto Press, 2016, 224 pages 2018 Politique africaine
From Nation to Network: Blog and Facebook Fiction from Southern Africa Stephanie Bosch Santana 2018 Research in African Literatures
Structural analysis and implicit 3D modelling of Jwaneng Mine: Insights into deformation of the Transvaal Supergroup in SE Botswana P.K. Creus
I.J. Basson
B. Stoch
O. Mogorosi
K. Gabanakgosi
F. Ramsden
P. Gaegopolwe
2018-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Estimation of static parameters based on dynamical and physical properties in limestone rocks Mohammad Ghafoori
Ahmad Rastegarnia
Gholam Reza Lashkaripour
2018-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Basin characterization and determination of hydraulic connectivity of mega basins using integrated methods: (The case of Baro-Akobo and mega watershed beyond) Taye Alemayehu
Tesfaye Kebede
Lanbo Liu
2018-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
GIS-based groundwater vulnerability modelling: A case study of the Witbank, Ermelo and Highveld Coalfields in South Africa E. Sakala
F. Fourie
M. Gomo
H. Coetzee
2018-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
A contribution of gravity and seismic data in understanding the geometry of the Zouaraa - Ouchtata dune (NW Tunisia): Hydrogeological implications M. Djebbi
H. Gabtni
2018-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Gulfs of Suez and Aqaba: New insights from recent satellite-marine potential field data Khalid A. Almalki
Syed A. Mahmud
2018-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Origin of a Tertiary oil from El Mahafir wildcat & geochemical correlation to some Muglad source rocks, Muglad basin, Sudan Omer.I.M. Fadul Abul Gebbayin
Ningning Zhong
Gulfan Ali Ibrahim
Mohamed Ali Alzain
2018-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Two hundred years of palaeontological discovery: Review of research on the Early to Middle Devonian Bokkeveld Group (Cape Supergroup) of South Africa C.R. Penn-Clarke
B.S. Rubidge
Z.A. Jinnah
2018-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Nonlinear inversion of resistivity sounding data for 1-D earth models using the Neighbourhood Algorithm A.O. Ojo
Jun Xie
M.O. Olorunfemi
2018-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Physicochemical and mineralogical characterization of Musina mine copper and New Union gold mine tailings: Implications for fabrication of beneficial geopolymeric construction materials M.W. Gitari
S.A. Akinyemi
R. Thobakgale
P.C. Ngoejana
L. Ramugondo
M. Matidza
S.E. Mhlongo
F.A. Dacosta
N. Nemapate
2018-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Chemical and mineralogical characterization of highly and less reactive coal from Northern Natal and Venda-Pafuri coalfields in South Africa M.O. Kataka
A.R. Matiane
B.D.O. Odhiambo
2018-01 Journal of African Earth Sciences
International chiefs': Chieftaincy, rituals and the reproduction of transborder Ewe ethnic communities on the Ghana-Togo boundary Adotey, E. 2018 Africa
10,000 miners, 10,000 votes: Politics and mining in Ghana Ntewusu, S.A. 2018 Africa
Neo-mercantilism as development ideology: A conceptual approach to rethink the space economy in Africa Donald Chiuba Okeke
Juanee Cilliers
Carel Schoeman
2018-01-02 African Studies
Textual migration in Ebenezer Obey’s juju music Adebayo Mosobalaje 2018-01-02 African Studies
Suspending the ‘lack’ through art: African and western epistemological and artistic intersections (Mia Couto, Wole Soyinka, Léopold Senghor, Gaston Bachelard and Mark Epstein) Irene Marques 2018-01-02 African Studies
Vassanji’s disquiet with history in A Place Within Godwin Siundu 2018-01-02 Journal of African Cultural Studies
Shifting marginalities in Ham Mukasa and Sir Apolo Kagwa’s Uganda’s Katikiro in England Danson Sylvester Kahyana 2018-01-02 Journal of African Cultural Studies
From the margins to the mainstream: making and remaking an alternative music economy in Dar es Salaam David Kerr 2018-01-02 Journal of African Cultural Studies
Voicing marginality: disability in Leila Aboulela's Lyrics Alley Ken Junior Lipenga 2018-01-02 Journal of African Cultural Studies
Rethinking class and culture in Africa: between E. P. Thompson and Pierre Bourdieu Pnina Werbner 2018-01-02 Review of African Political Economy
Again on the revolutionary subject: problematising class and subalternity in Gramsci on Tahrir Roberto Roccu 2018-01-02 Review of African Political Economy
Critical interventions in debates on the Arab revolutions: centring class Sara Salem 2018-01-02 Review of African Political Economy
Rejoinder: reading Tahrir in Gramsci Brecht De Smet 2018-01-02 Review of African Political Economy
Afro-euphoria: is Ghana’s economy an exception to the growth paradox? Isaac Abotebuno Akolgo 2018-01-02 Review of African Political Economy
Capitalism in Africa: mutating capitalist relations and social formations Horman Chitonge 2018-01-02 Review of African Political Economy
‘Impending Ruin’ or ‘Remarkable Wealth’? The Role of Private Credit Markets in the 18th-Century Cape Colony Johan Fourie
Christie Swanepoel
2018-01-02 Journal of Southern African Studies
Why Work? Do We Understand What Motivates Work-Related Decisions in South Africa? 2018-01-02 Journal of Southern African Studies
How Good People Become Absurd: J.P. van S. Bruwer, the Making of Namibian Grand Apartheid and the Decline of Volkekunde Robert Gordon 2018-01-02 Journal of Southern African Studies
The Bantu Authorities System: Removals in Mthunzini District during Apartheid Veronica Nosipho Ehrenreich-Risner 2018-01-02 Journal of Southern African Studies
Nelson Mandela and the Genesis of the ANC’s Armed Struggle: Notes on Method Thula Simpson 2018-01-02 Journal of Southern African Studies
Vella Pillay: Revolutionary Activism and Economic Policy Analysis Vishnu Padayachee
John Sender
2018-01-02 Journal of Southern African Studies
Merging Radical and Liberal Traditions: The Constitution Committee and the Development of Democratic Thought in the African National Congress, 1986–1990 Heidi Brooks 2018-01-02 Journal of Southern African Studies
Founding father presidencies and their continuing legacies Pal Ahluwalia 2018-01-02 African Identities
When Identity and Leadership Intersect: The Experiences of Six Female Principals in South Africa Nuraan Davids 2018-01-02 Africa Education Review
Politics and policies: Determinants of South Africa's monetary policy problems in the 1980s Jannie Rossouw 2018-01-02 South African Journal of Economic History
Staple Trade, Real Wages, and Living Standards in Singapore, 1870–1939 Keen Meng Choy
Ichiro Sugimoto
2018-01-02 South African Journal of Economic History
Ancestral Characteristics of Modern Populations Paola Giuliano
Nathan Nunn
2018-01-02 South African Journal of Economic History
Resources are not everything, and what is a household? A critique of common approaches to analyzing livelihoods Klaus Geiselhart 2018-01-02 African Geographical Review
New quantitative data on Omphalocyclus from the Maastrichtian in Northern Iraq Qahtan A.M. Al Nuaimy 2018-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Precambrian-Cambrian provenance of Matinde Formation, Karoo Supergroup, northwestern Mozambique, constrained from detrital zircon U-Pb age and Lu-Hf isotope data Marcos Müller Bicca
Andrea Ritter Jelinek
Ruy Paulo Philipp
Cristiano de Carvalho Lana
Ana Ramalho Alkmim
2018-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
African Students in China: Research, Reality, and Reflection Li Anshan 2018-02 African Studies Quarterly
Transient: A Descriptive Concept for Understanding Africans in Guangzhou Dong Niu 2018-02 African Studies Quarterly
Introduction: China-Africa Relations: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives on African "Migrants" in China Agnes Ngoma Leslie 2018-02 African Studies Quarterly
From Pioneers to Professionals: African Brokers in a Maturing Chinese Marketplace Heidi Ostbo Haugen 2018-02 African Studies Quarterly
The Bridge is not Burning Down: Transformation and Resilience within China's African Diaspora Communities Adams Bodomo 2018-02 African Studies Quarterly
Characteristics and geological significance of Re-Os isotopic system of evaporites in Mboukoumassi deposit, the Republic of Congo Xianfu Zhao
Zongqi Wang
Chenglin Liu
Chao Li
Pengcheng Jiao
Yanjun Zhao
Fan Zhang
2018-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Plio-quaternary deposits in the Eastern Rharb (Nw Morocco): Electrosequential characterization Imane Al Mazini
Abdelaziz Mridekh
Malika Kili
Bouâbid El Mansouri
Mohamed El Bouhaddioui
Bouchaib Magrane
2018-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Lithological discrimination of accretionary complex (Sivas, northern Turkey) using novel hybrid color composites and field data Mutlu Özkan
Ömer Faruk Çelik
Aziz Özyavaş
2018-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Burial and thermal history simulation of the Abu Rudeis-Sidri oil field, Gulf of Suez-Egypt: A 1D basin modeling study Ahmed Awadalla
Omar A. Hegab
Mohammed A. Ahmed
Saad Hassan
2018-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Middle Miocene benthic foraminifera from the Al Khums area, northwestern Libya Sherif M. El Baz
Ahmed Al Furjany
2018-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Assessment of brittleness and empirical correlations between physical and mechanical parameters of the Asmari limestone in Khersan 2 dam site, in southwest of Iran Gholam Reza Lashkaripour
Ahmad Rastegarnia
Mohammad Ghafoori
2018-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Alteration mineralogy, mineral chemistry and stable isotope geochemistry of the Eocene pillow lavas from the Trabzon area, NE Turkey Emel Abdioğlu Yazar 2018-02 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Moving Targets: The ‘Canned’ Hunting of Captive-Bred Lions in South Africa Richard A. Schroeder 2018-02-12 African Studies Review
KENYA: Consecutive Droughts Spell Disaster and Hunger 2018-02 Africa Research Bulletin
Introduction Urban kinship: the micro-politics of proximity and relatedness in African cities Jesper Bjarnesen
Mats Utas
2018-03 Africa
Hydrogeological framework and geometry modeling via joint gravity and borehole parameters, the Nadhour-Sisseb-El Alem basin (central-eastern Tunisia) Ali Souei
Mohamed Atawa
Taher Zouaghi
2018-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Hydrochemical and isotopic characterization of groundwater in the Ghis-Nekor plain (northern Morocco) D. Chafouq
A. El Mandour
M. Elgettafi
M. Himi
I. Chouikri
A. Casas
2018-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry and tectonic setting of the Golabad granitoid complex (SW Nain, Iran) Mahin Mansouri Esfahani
Mahmoud Khalili
Zahra Alaminia
2018-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Study of Zn-Pb ore tailings and their potential in cement technology J. Nouairi
W. Hajjaji
C.S. Costa
L. Senff
C. Patinha
E. Ferreira da Silva
J.A. Labrincha
F. Rocha
M. Medhioub
2018-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemical modeling of orogenic gold deposit using PCANN hybrid method in the Alut, Kurdistan province, Iran Mohammadjafar Mohammadzadeh
Aynur Nasseri
2018-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geophysical investigation using gravity data in Kinigi geothermal field, northwest Rwanda Jean d’Amour Uwiduhaye
Hideki Mizunaga
Hakim Saibi
2018-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Combining satellite image data and field observations to characterize fresh-water carbonates in Kurkur Oasis, Southern Egypt Ahmed Gaber
Fikry Khalaf
Mohamed Bastawisy
2018-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Recent Niger Delta shoreline response to Niger River hydrology: Conflict between forces of Nature and Humans Olusegun A. Dada
Guangxue Li
Lulu Qiao
Yinusa Ayodele Asiwaju-Bello
Adeleye Yekini Biodun Anifowose
2018-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The assumed Aalenian stage-long eustatic lowstand did not exist: A review of the fresh evidence from Africa and other continents Emad S. Sallam 2018-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The hydrogeochemical and isotopic investigations of the two-layered Shiraz aquifer in the northwest of Maharlou saline lake, south of Iran Mehdi Tajabadi
Mohammad Zare
Manouchehr Chitsazan
2018-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Petrogenesis of Alta'ameem meteorite (Iraq) inferred from major, trace, REE and PGE+Au content Yawooz A. Kettanah
Sabah A. Ismail
2018-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The elemental geochemistry of Lower Triassic shallow-marine carbonates from central Saudi Arabia: Implications for redox conditions in the immediate aftermath of the latest Permian mass extinction Hassan A. Eltom
Osman M. Abdullatif
Lamidi O. Babalola
2018-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Resistivity imaging of Aluto-Langano geothermal field using 3-D magnetotelluric inversion Biruk Abera Cherkose
Hideki Mizunaga
2018-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Timing of volcanism and initiation of rifting in the Omo-Turkana depression, southwest Ethiopia: Evidence from paleomagnetism Asfaw Erbello
Tesfaye Kidane
2018-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemical, Sr-Nd isotopic investigations and U-Pb zircon chronology of the Takht granodiorite, west Iran: Evidence for post-collisional magmatism in the northern part of the Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic assemblage Seyyed Nematollah Haghighi Bardineh
Reza Zarei Sahamieh
Hassan Zamanian
Ahmad Ahmadi Khalaji
2018-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Depositional architecture and sequence stratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic Hanifa Formation, central Saudi Arabia Abdelbaset El-Sorogy
Sattam Almadani
Mohamed Tawfik
2018-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
An integrated approach to evaluate the Aji-Chai potash resources in Iran using potential field data Maysam Abedi 2018-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geometric-kinematic characteristics of the main faults in the W-SW of the Lut Block (SE Iran) Ahmad Rashidi Boshrabadi
Mohamad Mahdi Khatib
Mohamad Raeesi
Seyed Morteza Mousavi
Yahya Djamour
2018-03 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Exploring the Interface Between Formal and Informal Real Estate Markets in Facilitating Legally Binding Transactions in Zambian Cities Ephraim Kabunda Munshifwa
Lilias Makashini-Masiba
Chali Chileshe
2018-03-01 Urban Forum
Job-Employed Resident Imbalance and Travel Time in Gauteng: Exploring the Determinants of Longer Travel Time Hermanus Stephanus Geyer
Rakutwane Solly Alex Molayi
2018-03-01 Urban Forum
The “Bigger Picture”: How the 2010 FIFA World Cup and the 2014 World Design Capital Events Conditioned Cape Town’s Urban Transformation Christian Ernsten 2018-03-01 Urban Forum
Monnaie unique et intégration par le marché en Afrique: le cas de la CEEAC et de la CEDEAO Dieudonné Mignamissi 2018-03-01 African Development Review
Volatilité de l'inflation, gouvernance et investissements directs étrangers entrants en Afrique sub-saharienne Amadou Bobbo 2018-03-01 African Development Review
An Empirical Analysis of Health Shocks and Informal Risk Sharing Networks Andinet Woldemichael
Shiferaw Gurmu
2018-03-01 African Development Review
Moral Radicals: Afrikaners and their Grassroots Ecumenism After Apartheid 2018-03-04 Journal of Southern African Studies
Botswana’s Ecumenical Funerals in the Making Richard Werbner 2018-03-04 Journal of Southern African Studies
Practising Ecumenism Through Boundary Work and Meta-Coding Thomas G. Kirsch 2018-03-04 Journal of Southern African Studies
Child Monetary Poverty and Multidimensional Deprivations: Why They Differ Paola Ballón
John Cockburn
Sylvain Dessy
Setou Diarra
2018-03-12 Journal of African Economies
Using Technology to Enhance Pedagogies in Rural Geography Primary Classroom in the Twenty-First Century Alan Felix
Janet Condy
Agnes Chigona
2018-03-14 Africa Education Review
Le rôle des associations antillaises et du Parti communiste français dans la reconnaissance de l’esclavage comme crime contre l’humanité Johann Michel 2018-03-15 Cahiers d'études africaines
Le patrimoine contre la révolution : conflits de représentations du Sahara occidental Claire Cécile Mitatre 2018-03-15 Cahiers d'études africaines
Les chasseurs d’éléphants, les adumu (bourreaux) et le roi des Ndényé à la fin du XIXe siècle (Côte d’Ivoire) Claude-Hélène Perrot 2018-03-15 Cahiers d'études africaines
La gouvernance des crises économiques en Côte d’Ivoire : cas de la crise commerciale de 1927-1935 Jean-Baptiste Seka 2018-03-15 Cahiers d'études africaines
Les lavages du quai des esclaves du Valongo : agencements rituels et patrimoine dans le vieux port de Rio de Janeiro Jérôme Souty 2018-03-15 Cahiers d'études africaines
Creation of an exportable culture: a cosmopolitan West Indian case Maica Gugolati 2018-03-22 African and Black Diaspora
Stuart Hall: diasporic Caribbeanness and discourses of ethnocultural belonging H. Adlai Murdoch 2018-03-22 African and Black Diaspora
Wartime speculation: property markets and institutional change in eastern Congo's urban centers David Peyton 2018-03-22 Journal of Eastern African Studies
Existentialists abroad: West Indian students and racial identity in British universities James Cantres 2018-03-23 African and Black Diaspora
Decoding the diaspora of Stuart Hall, historicity, performativity, and performance of a concept Christine Chivallon 2018-03-27 African and Black Diaspora
Geological heritage diversity in the Faiyum Oasis (Egypt): A comprehensive assessment Emad S. Sallam
Esraa E. Fathy
Alena A. Ponedelnik
Natalia N. Yashalova
2018-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Democratic Ruptures and Electoral Outcomes in Africa: Ghana's 2016 Election 2018-04 Africa Spectrum
Retraction notice to “Rift-related active fault-system and a direction of maximum horizontal stress in the Cairo-Suez district, northeastern Egypt: A new approach from EMR-Technique and Cerescope data” Wael Hagag
Hennes Obermeyer
2018-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The White Nile as a source for Nile sediments: Assessment using U-Pb geochronology of detrital rutile and monazite Yaron Be'eri-Shlevin
Dov Avigad
Axel Gerdes
2018-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Modern sedimentary facies, depositional environments, and major controlling processes on an arid siliciclastic coast, Al qahmah, SE Red Sea, Saudi Arabia Abdullah I. Nabhan
Wan Yang
2018-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Assessment of streambed sediment contamination by heavy metals: The case of the Gabes Catchment, South-eastern Tunisia Noura Dahri
Abdelfattah Atoui
Manel Ellouze
Habib Abida
2018-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Integrated electromagnetic (EM) and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) geophysical studies of environmental impact of Awotan dumpsite in Ibadan, southwestern Nigeria Olawale Olakunle Osinowo
Michael Oluseyi Falufosi
Eniola Oluwatosin Omiyale
2018-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Origin of the megabreccias in the Katanga Copperbelt (D.R.Congo) Jacques L.H. Cailteux
Philippe Muchez
Jana De Cuyper
Stijn Dewaele
Thierry De Putter
2018-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Controls on Mississippi Valley-Type Zn-Pb mineralization in Behabad district, Central Iran: Constraints from spatial and numerical analyses Mohammad Parsa
Abbas Maghsoudi
2018-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Intrusion-Related Gold Deposits: New insights from gravity and hydrothermal integrated 3D modeling applied to the Tighza gold mineralization (Central Morocco) Khalifa Eldursi
Yannick Branquet
Laurent Guillou-Frottier
Guillaume Martelet
Philippe Calcagno
2018-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Monitoring and assessment of the groundwater quality in wadi Al-Arish downstream area, North Sinai (Egypt) Alaa A. Masoud
Ebtesam A. Meswara
Mohamed M. El Bouraie
Samir Z. Kamh
2018-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Implications of horsts and grabens on the development of canyons and seismicity on the west africa coast Peter S. Ola
Solomon O. Olabode
2018-04 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Explaining African participation in international courts Peter Brett
Line Engbo Gissel
2018-04-01 African Affairs
Afropolitanism, celebrity politics, and iconic imaginations of North–South relations Lene Bull Christiansen 2018-04-01 African Affairs
From “Boy-Government” and “Student-Government” to “Learner-Government”: The Best of Both Worlds? Thokozani Mathebula 2018-04-03 Africa Education Review
Peer-Facilitated Learning: Students’ Experiences Nosisana Mkonto 2018-04-03 Africa Education Review
Development of Graduates’ Attributes in Chemistry within an Open Distance Learning (ODL) Environment: Unisa’s Experience Fikru Tafesse
Malose J. Mphahlele
2018-04-03 Africa Education Review
The Impact of University of Zululand Structural and Cultural Contexts on Postgraduate Supervision Practice (2011–2016) 2018-04-03 Africa Education Review
‘Our songs were our stones’: song and struggle in the treatment action campaign Gavin Robert Walker 2018-04-03 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
The Southern African unipolarity Luis L. Schenoni 2018-04-03 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
Navigating ‘taxation’ on the Congo River: the interplay of legitimation and ‘officialisation’ Maria Eriksson Baaz
Ola Olsson
2018-04-03 Review of African Political Economy
Nyasa Leaders, Christianity and African Internationalism in 1920s Johannesburg Henry Dee 2018-04-03 South African Historical Journal
Against the empire: the Black Panthers in Congo, insurgent cosmopolitanism and the fluidity of revolutions Sarah Fila-Bakabadio 2018-04-03 African Identities
Global revolutionary currents, the Vietnamese revolution, and the origins of the American War Pierre Asselin 2018-04-03 African Identities
Grassroots cosmopolitics: critical notes on a ‘cosmopolitan Africa’ Thomas Fouquet 2018-04-03 African Identities
Transfers of knowledge, multiple identities. The example of students from the FEANF (Fédération des étudiants d’Afrique Noire en France) Françoise Blum 2018-04-03 African Identities
Theoretical Perspectives: Towards a Zambian Political Economy of Communication Basil N. Hamusokwe 2018-04-03 Communicatio
Firestorm Response: Managing Brand Reputation during an nWOM Firestorm by Responding to Online Complaints Individually or as a Cluster James Lappeman
Mukund Patel
Raeshaan Appalraju
2018-04-03 Communicatio
Employees’ Acceptance of E-Newsletters for Organisational Information Transfer Carly Prinsloo 2018-04-03 Communicatio
Exploring the Symbolic Frames of HIV/AIDS-Related Stigma: From Powerlessness to Transformative Empowerment Cyril Latzoo 2018-04-03 Communicatio
Cultural rights and constitutional change Mark Lamont 2018-04-03 African Studies
Poor Performance at TVET Colleges: Conceptualising a Distributed Instructional Leadership Approach as a Solution Jo W. Badenhorst
Rachere S. Radile
2018-04-11 Africa Education Review
Stuart Hall and Jamaica Diane Austin-Broos 2018-04-11 African and Black Diaspora
“Vernacularising Modernity?” Rural–Urban Migration and Cultural Transformation in the Northern Mandara Mountains Melchisedek Chétima 2018-04 Africa Spectrum
Stuart Hall on television 2018-04-20 African and Black Diaspora
Democracy and political entrepreneurs in Africa Nina Wilén 2018-04-20 African Studies
« C’est Dieu qui nous a voulus ici... » Maïté Maskens 2018-04-23 Cahiers d'études africaines
A sampling study on rock properties affecting drilling rate index (DRI) Hayati Yenice
Mehmet V. Özdoğan
M. Kemal Özfırat
2018-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Neogene palaeochannel deposits in Sudan – Remnants of a trans-Saharan river system? Robert Bussert
Ali A.M. Eisawi
Basher Hamed
Ibrahim A.A. Babikir
2018-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Late Neogene foraminifera from the northern Namibian continental shelf and the transition to the Benguela Upwelling System Eugene W. Bergh
John S. Compton
Peter Frenzel
2018-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mapping potential zones for groundwater recharge and its evaluation in arid environments using a GIS approach: Case study of North Gafsa Basin (Central Tunisia) Naziha Mokadem
Emna Boughariou
Matías Mudarra
Fatma Ben Brahim
Bartolome Andreo
Younes Hamed
Salem Bouri
2018-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemical constraints on the petrogenesis of the pyroclastic rocks in Abakaliki basin (Lower Benue Rift), Southeastern Nigeria Anthony Chukwu
Smart C. Obiora
2018-05 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sheng: the expanding domains of an urban youth vernacular Chege Githiora 2018-05-04 Journal of African Cultural Studies
Contemporary conversations: is English an African language? John Mugane 2018-05-04 Journal of African Cultural Studies
The politics of translation: notes towards an African language policy 2018-05-04 Journal of African Cultural Studies
English is an African language – Ka Dupe! [for and against Ngũgĩ] Biodun Jeyifo 2018-05-04 Journal of African Cultural Studies
The great English heist in African studies John Mugane 2018-05-04 Journal of African Cultural Studies
History, trauma and remembering in Kivu Ruhorahoza’s Grey Matter (2011) Piotr Cieplak 2018-05-04 Journal of African Cultural Studies
Mythical hero or tragic failure? An interrogation of the Jomo Kenyatta ‘black people’s Moses’ mystique in two Kenyan patriographies Gĩchingiri Ndĩgĩrĩgĩ 2018-05-04 Journal of African Cultural Studies
A new black pantheon: Kwezi as an epic of African postmodernity Timothy Wright 2018-05-04 Journal of African Cultural Studies
Redistribution with African Characteristics 2018-05-04 Politikon : South African Journal of Political Studies
The Hot, the Cold and the Lukewarm: Exploring the Depth and Determinants of Public Closeness to the African National Congress Steven Lawrence Gordon
Jarè Struwig
Benjamin Roberts
2018-05-04 Politikon : South African Journal of Political Studies
Personhood and Rights in an African Tradition Motsamai Molefe 2018-05-04 Politikon : South African Journal of Political Studies
Tutuist Ubuntu and Just War Colin Tinei Chasi 2018-05-04 Politikon : South African Journal of Political Studies
Public Policies and Institutions Influencing South Africa’s Outward Foreign Direct Investment 2018-05-04 Politikon : South African Journal of Political Studies
Reading Authors of the Enlightenment at the Cape of Good Hope from the late 1780s to the mid 1830s Archie L. Dick 2018-05-04 Journal of Southern African Studies
‘The Black House’, or How the Zulus Became Jews Hlonipha Mokoena 2018-05-04 Journal of Southern African Studies
‘To See Us As We See Ourselves’: John Tengo Jabavu and the Politics of the Black Periodical Khwezi Mkhize 2018-05-04 Journal of Southern African Studies
Miriam Tlali and Ravan Press: Politics and Power in Literary Publishing during the Apartheid Period 2018-05-04 Journal of Southern African Studies
Setting Transvaal Scenes in German Type: Missionary Carl Hoffmann’s Book Designs, c.1900–1930 Lize Kriel 2018-05-04 Journal of Southern African Studies
A Question of Power: Bessie Head and her Publishers Caroline Davis 2018-05-04 Journal of Southern African Studies
Minding Their Own Business: Penguin in Southern Africa Alistair McCleery 2018-05-04 Journal of Southern African Studies
The Social Structure of the Real Estate Market in Old Warsaw in the Years 1427–1527 Piotr Łozowski 2018-05-04 South African Journal of Economic History
Realising rights within the Israeli asylum regime: a case study among Eritrean refugees in Tel Aviv Tanja R. Müller 2018-05-04 African Geographical Review
Neoliberal Moral Economy: Capitalism, Socio-Cultural Change and Fraud in Uganda by Jörg Wiegratz London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2016. Pp. x + 375. £90·00 (hbk). £29·95 (pbk). £29·99 (e-pub). Jonathan Fisher 2018-05-11 The Journal of Modern African Studies
Practical and Critical Issues in Open Distance Learning Folake R. Aluko 2018-05-24 Africa Education Review
SOMALIA: Debt Relief Possible 2018-06 Africa Research Bulletin
ZAMBIA: Debt Fears 2018-06 Africa Research Bulletin
Retraction notice to “Sapphirine and fluid inclusions in Tel Thanoun mantle xenoliths, Syria” [J. Afr. Earth Sci. 116 (2015) 105–113] Ahmad Bilal 2018-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Syn-collisional I-type Esenköy Pluton (Eastern Anatolia-Turkey): An indication for collision between Arabian and Eurasian plates Mustafa Açlan
Yusuf Altun
2018-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Preliminary source rock evaluation and hydrocarbon generation potential of the early Cretaceous subsurface shales from Shabwah sub-basin in the Sabatayn Basin, Western Yemen Adel M. Al-Matary
Mohammed Hail Hakimi
Sadam Al Sofi
Yousif A. Al-Nehmi
Mohammed Ail Al-haj
Yousif A. Al-Hmdani
Ahmed A. Al-Sarhi
2018-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Sedimentologic and reservoir characteristics under a tectono-sequence stratigraphic framework: A case study from the Early Cretaceous, upper Abu Gabra sandstones, Sufyan Sub-basin, Muglad Basin, Sudan Mohamed A. Yassin
Mustafa M. Hariri
Osman M. Abdullatif
M. Makkawi
G. Bertotti
Michael A. Kaminski
2018-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemical characteristics of The Emet (Espey-Hisarcik) borate deposits, Kütahya, Turkey İ. Koçak
Ş. Koç
2018-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Synthesis of instrumentally and historically recorded earthquakes and studying their spatial statistical relationship (A case study: Dasht-e-Biaz, Eastern Iran) Mohammad Jalali
Hamidreza Ramazi
2018-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Vs30 mapping at selected sites within the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area Grace Nortey
Thomas K. Armah
Paulina Amponsah
2018-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Silurian deltaic progradation, Tassili n’Ajjer plateau, south-eastern Algeria: Sedimentology, ichnology and sequence stratigraphy Hocine Djouder
Sebastian Lüning
Anne-Christine Da Silva
Hussein Abdallah
Frédéric Boulvain
2018-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Magnetic mineralogy and rock magnetic properties of silicate and carbonatite rocks from Oldoinyo Lengai volcano (Tanzania) H.B. Mattsson
A. Balashova
B.S.G. Almqvist
S.A. Bosshard-Stadlin
D. Weidendorfer
2018-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Impact of dams and climate on the evolution of the sediment loads to the sea by the Mejerda River (Golf of Tunis) using a paleo-hydrological approach Fatma Kotti
Laurent Dezileau
Gil Mahé
Hamadi Habaieb
Sihem Benabdallah
Malik Bentkaya
Roget Calvez
Claudine Dieulin
2018-06 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Participation of Informal Settlers in Participatory Land Use Planning Project in Pursuit of Tenure Security Method J. Gwaleba
Fahria Masum
2018-06-01 Urban Forum
A Management Concept for Driving Sustainability in Marginalised Communities in South Africa Luke Boyle
Kathy Michell
2018-06-01 Urban Forum
Technology Transfer and National Efficiency: Does Absorptive Capacity Matter? Michael Danquah
Bazoumana Ouattara
Peter Quartey
Danquah, M.
Ouattara, B.
Quartey, P.
African Development Review
Blackwell Publishing
Principles and practice of monitoring and evaluation : a paraphernalia for effective development Itai Kabonga 2018-06-01 Africanus
Managing and imagining migrant communities Caitlin Blaser Mapitsa 2018-06-01 Africanus
New Accents on the Social: Thinking on South Africa’s History at UWC 2018-06-05 South African Historical Journal
Des femmes « évoluées » pour une nouvelle Nation (Côte d’Ivoire, 1964) Louise Barré 2018-06-12 Cahiers d'études africaines
Photographies de Samori Touré : de la carte postale coloniale aux pochettes de vinyles : le devenir d’une icône Elara Bertho 2018-06-12 Cahiers d'études africaines
Countering political narratives through Nairaland Meme pictures Deborah N. Dike 2018-06-12 Cahiers d'études africaines
The dynamics of context reflections on the changing meanings of Sam Nzima’s 16 June 1976 Photograph Feizel Mamdoo 2018-06-12 Cahiers d'études africaines
Searching for the Origin(al) : on the photographic portrait of the Mouride Sufi Saint Amadou Bamba Giulia Paoletti 2018-06-12 Cahiers d'études africaines
Performing the historical moment: Nadia Seboussi’s hidad Sheila Petty 2018-06-12 Cahiers d'études africaines
Des photographies de Vazaha en révolte : une autre facette de l’insurrection de mars 1947 à Madagascar Helihanta Rajaonarison 2018-06-12 Cahiers d'études africaines
Exhuming apartheid: photography, disappearance and return Kylie Thomas 2018-06-12 Cahiers d'études africaines
Sur quelques images de chefs baoulé : la photographie en guerre (Côte d’Ivoire, 1893-1910) Fabio Viti 2018-06-12 Cahiers d'études africaines
A Reaffirmation of Rigorous Scholarly Integrity 2018-06-22 African Studies Review
What's missing? Reflections on the debate on middle class(es) in Africa Roger Southall 2018-06-22 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
African immigrants as tourists? The temporary home visits of transnational migrants in South Africa Sabine Marschall 2018-06-22 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Should race matter in our society? A 'Born Free' perspective Lungelo Mbatha 2018-06-22 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Containing the crisis: what the ANC conference did – and did not do Steven Friedman 2018-06-22 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
RETRACTED: Hydrogeochemistry and strontium isotopes from the Continental Intercalaire and Complex Terminal aquifers in southern Tunisia Khadija Atoui
Samir Kamel
2018-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The origin and geochemical characteristics of rutile in eluvial and fluvial-alluvial placers and quartz veins of the Menderes Massif from the Neoproterozoic Pan-African Belt, Western Turkey Mustafa Kuşcu
Oya Cengiz
Kayhan Işık
E.Kübra Gül
2018-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
U-Pb detrital zircon dates and provenance data from the Beaufort Group (Karoo Supergroup) reflect sedimentary recycling and air-fall tuff deposition in the Permo-Triassic Karoo foreland basin Pia A. Viglietti
Dirk Frei
Bruce S. Rubidge
Roger M.H. Smith
2018-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Coupled geophysical characterization of shallow fluvio-clastic sediments in Agwagune, southeastern Nigeria Anthony E. Akpan
Stephen E. Ekwok
Ebong D. Ebong
Anthony M. George
Emeka E. Okwueze
2018-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Lokoundje alluvial clays from the Kribi deposits, Cameroonian Atlantic coast: Implications for their origin and depositional environment Paul-Désiré Ndjigui
Vincent Laurent Onana
Elisé Sababa
Elie Constantin Bayiga
2018-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
3D geological modeling for complex aquifer system conception and groundwater storage assessment: Case of Sisseb El Alem Nadhour Saouaf basin, northeastern Tunisia Mohamed Hamdi
Mohamed Faouzi Zagrarni
Najib Djamai
Hamza Jerbi
Kalifa Goita
Jamila Tarhouni
2018-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Evidence from detrital chrome spinel chemistry for a Paleo-Tethyan intra-oceanic island-arc provenance recorded in Triassic sandstones of the Nakhlak Group, Central Iran Seyyedeh Halimeh Hashemi Azizi
Payman Rezaee
Mahdi Jafarzadeh
Guido Meinhold
Seyyed Reza Moussavi Harami
Mehdi Masoodi
2018-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Importance of numerical analyses for determining support systems in tunneling: A comparative study from the trabzon-gumushane tunnel, Turkey Mustafa Kanik
Zulfu Gurocak
2018-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Hydrogeological characterization of flow system in a karstic aquifer, Seymareh dam, Iran Ahmad Behrouj Peely
Zargham Mohammadi
Ezzatollah Raeisi
Khashayar Solgi
Mohammad J. Mosavi
Majid Kamali
2018-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Storm and tide influenced depositional architecture of the Pliocene–Pleistocene Chad Formation, Chad Basin (Bornu Sub–basin) NE Nigeria: A mixed fluvial, deltaic, shoreface and lacustrine complex Bukar Shettima
Aji Maina Kyari
Mallam Musa Aji
Fatimoh Dupe Adams
2018-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Monitoring subterraneous water regime at the new Ain Shams university campus in Al-Obour city (northeast of Cairo–Egypt) using both azimuthal very low frequency–electromagnetic and DC–resistivity sounding techniques Karam S.I. Farag
Mohamed H. Abd El-Aal
Hassan K.F. Garamoon
2018-07 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The politics of narrative: Methodological reflections on analysing voices of the marginalized in Africa Gediminas Lesutis 2018-07-01 African Affairs
Humanitarianism as buffer: Displacement, aid and the politics of belonging in Abyei, Sudan/South Sudan Bram J. Jansen 2018-07-01 African Affairs
New media, performative violence, and state reconstruction in Mogadishu 2018-07-01 African Affairs
Power, conflict and natural resources: The Mozambican crisis revisited José Jaime Macuane
Lars Buur
Celso Marcos Monjane
2018-07-01 African Affairs
Genres of protest in post-apartheid South Africa: Revisiting audience contributions to political speeches E. Dimitris Kitis
Dmitri Jegels
2018-07-02 African Studies
From farmers to straw men: George Grey and the Mfengu crisis of 1854 Benjamin Hurwitz 2018-07-03 African Studies
Differential interpretations in the discourse of ‘people’s power’: Unveiling intellectual heritage and normative democratic thought Heidi Brooks 2018-07-03 African Studies
“Ambiguous citizens”: Kenyan Somalis and the question of belonging Tabea Scharrer 2018-07-03 Journal of Eastern African Studies
The social construction of the legitimacy of Christian healing in Abidjan Coulibaly Navigue Félicien
Jacquineau Azetsop
2018-07-03 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
Trump's tariff impact on Africa and the ambiguous role of African agency Dirk Kohnert 2018-07-03 Review of African Political Economy
The Rwandan agrarian and land sector modernisation: confronting macro performance with lived experiences on the ground Giuseppe Cioffo
Neil Dawson
Sam Desiere
Chris Huggins
Margot Leegwater
Jude Murison
Aymar Nyenyezi Bisoka
Johanna Treidl
Julie Van Damme
2018-07-03 Review of African Political Economy
(Middle-) Class analysis in Africa: does it work? Roger Southall 2018-07-03 Review of African Political Economy
From terrorism to talakawa: explaining party turnover in Nigeria's 2015 elections A. Carl LeVan
Matthew T. Page
Yoonbin Ha
2018-07-03 Review of African Political Economy
The Black Panther and the monkey chant Sudip Sen 2018-07-03 African Identities
Of witch doctors, traditional weapons and traditional medicine: decolonial meditations on the role of the media after the Marikana massacre, South Africa Nokuthula Hlabangane 2018-07-03 African Identities
Characterisation of unconventional exor-anthroponyms in sport: the spectacle and aesthetics of player nicknames in Zimbabwean soccer Oliver Nyambi 2018-07-03 African Identities
Cultural appropriation and (mis)translation in Petina Gappah’s ‘Washington’s wife decides enough is enough’ Tendai Mangena 2018-07-03 African Identities
A semiotic reading of ‘munhu wese kuna amai’ in Zimbabwean political discursive realities Umali Saidi 2018-07-03 African Identities
The worm in the apple: wretched bonds in J. M. Coetzee’s Disgrace Hossein Keramatfar
Maryam Beyad
2018-07-03 African Identities
Revisiting modes of enslavement: the role of raiding, kidnapping and wars in the European slave trade France Nkokomane Ntloedibe 2018-07-03 African Identities
The Interface between Western and Indigenous Signs in Zanu-PF Advertisements for July 2013 Elections Albert Chibuwe 2018-07-03 Communicatio
Utilising an Ubuntu-Centred Communication Management Framework to Analyse CSR Messages on SNSS Hilke Steenkamp
Ronél Rensburg
2018-07-03 Communicatio
Postfeminism and the South African Context through the Prism of a Bloodsoaked Imagination Beschara Karam 2018-07-03 Communicatio
Not Built in a Day: The Evolving Landscape of the Botshabelo Mission Station, South Africa, 1865–2015 2018-07-04 Journal of Southern African Studies
Platberg on the Caledon Bastaards: Raiders and Traders or Pious Converts of the Wesleyan Missionary Society? Shelona Klatzow 2018-07-04 Journal of Southern African Studies
Among the Headless Hordes: Missionaries, Outlaws and Logics of Landscape in the Wittebergen Native Reserve, c. 1850–1871 Rachel King 2018-07-04 Journal of Southern African Studies
The Seeds of Perpetual Instability: The Case of Mogalakwena Local Municipality in South Africa Mosa Phadi
Joel Pearson
Thomas Lesaffre
2018-07-04 Journal of Southern African Studies
Soweto’s Female Comrades: Gender, Youth and Violence in South Africa’s Township Uprisings, 1984–1990 Emily Bridger 2018-07-04 Journal of Southern African Studies
Sport, Thatcher and Apartheid Politics: The Zola Budd Affair Matthew P. Llewellyn
Toby C. Rider
2018-07-04 Journal of Southern African Studies
Julia Dahr, dir. Thank You for the Rain. 2017. 90 min. English and Kamba, with English subtitles. London. Banyak Films. €15. Alexander Fyfe 2018-07-04 African Studies Review
Stephen Chan and Julia Gallagher, Why Mugabe Won: the 2013 elections in Zimbabwe and their aftermath. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (hb £75 – 978 1 107 11716 7). 2017, 203 pp. Ngonidzashe Munemo 2018-07-17 Africa
Time dependence of noise characteristics in continuous GPS observations from East Africa Yelebe Birhanu
Simon Williams
Rebecca Bendick
Shimeles Fisseha
2018-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Emplacement of silica veins at a brittle shear zone in the Ahar region, NW Iran: Insights from structural analysis, analogue and numerical modeling Mahdi Behyari
Hossein Hormozi Moghadam
2018-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Association of platinum-group elements with chromitite within the Merensky reef, Western Limb, Bushveld Complex: Results of a high resolution mineralogical and geochemical study Justine Magson
Marian Tredoux
Frederick Roelofse
2018-08 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Settlement of Labour Disputes under Cameroonian Labour Law Fonja Julius Achu 2018-08 African Journal of International and Comparative Law
Modern Houses, Conspicuous Consumption, and Elite–Villager Interfaces in the Mandara Highlands 2018-08-23 Journal of Asian and African Studies
Lago Albano, the “anti-Nyos-type” lake: The past as a key for the future Dmitri Rouwet
Giovanni Chiodini
Cecilia Ciuccarelli
Alberto Comastri
2018-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
New insights on sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy and palaeogeographic reconstruction of the Tortonian-Early Messinian Kechabta series in Kechabta Foreland Basin (Northern Tunisia) Narjess El Euch-El Koundi
Serge Ferry
Mohamed Ouaja
Fouad Zargouni
2018-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
An integrated approach for identification and characterization of palaeo-exposure surfaces in the upper Sarvak Formation of Abadan Plain, SW Iran Ali Assadi
Javad Honarmand
Seyed Ali Moallemi
Iraj Abdollahie-Fard
2018-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Dynamic analysis of rock slopes using the distinct element method: A case study at the right abutment of the Upper Gotvand Dam, Iran Mohsen Sharifi Broojerdi
Mahmoud Behnia
Mousa Hazrati Aghchai
2018-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
The Catumbela delta (SW Angola). Processes determining a history of changing asymmetry P.A. Dinis
J. Huvi
P.M. Callapez
2018-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemical composition of fluvial sediments in the Milo River basin (Guinea): is there any impact of artisanal mining and of a big African city, Kankan? M.A. Sow
V. Payre-Suc
F. Julien
M. Camara
D. Baque
A. Probst
K. Sidibe
J.L. Probst
2018-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Chemostratigraphy of the Unayzah Group, eastern Saudi Arabia Neil W. Craigie 2018-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Significance of carbon, nitrogen and their isotopic changes in a Permian-Triassic non-marine boundary section at Carlton Heights (Karoo Basin), South Africa Michael E. Brookfield
Alan G. Stebbins
Michael R. Rampino
Robyn E. Hannigan
2018-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geoheritage of the Neyriz ophiolite-related radiolarite sequence (Cretaceous; southwest Iran): First report and evaluation in regional and global contexts 2018-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
An integrated quantitative approach for determination of net reservoir cutoffs: A case study of Q oil field, Lake Albert, Uganda Wei Xu
Xinye Zhang
Fanjie Shang
Lei Fang
Jun Liu
Xipu Yang
2018-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Assessment of blast-induced vibration using various estimation models Tugce Ongen
Dogan Karakus
Gurcan Konak
Ahmet Hakan Onur
2018-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Relationships between structural lineaments and Cenozoic volcanism, Tibesti swell, Saharan metacraton Collin Nkono
Jean-Paul Liégeois
Daniel Demaiffe
2018-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Characterization of the Permo-Triassic upper Khuff reservoir, central Saudi Arabia: An integrated core plugs, petro-fabrics and mercury injection analysis Aref Lashin
Abdulrahman A. AlQuraishi
Khalid AlKhidir
Mostafa M. Kinawy
Abdulla Al Jawder
2018-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemical evaluation of soil, surface water and groundwater around the Tongon gold mining area, northern Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa Aboubakar Sako
Sanata Semdé
Urbain Wenmenga
2018-09 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Service Provision and Prosperity in Urban Communities in the Greater Cairo Region Aboulfetouh Saad Shalaby
Mohiedeen Saad Shalaby
2018-09-01 Urban Forum
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of Nigeria’s Rapid Urban Transition Kyle Farrell 2018-09-01 Urban Forum
Innovative Food Procurement Strategies of Women Living in Khayelitsha, Cape Town Robyn Bowden
Etai Even-Zahav
Candice Kelly
2018-09-01 Urban Forum
Unaccented beat: positional politics and the enigma of visibility in The Stuart Hall Project Hager Weslati 2018-09-02 African and Black Diaspora
Government paper: the negotiated production and life of state documents S. J. Cooper-Knock
Olly Owen
2018-09-02 Canadian Journal of African Studies
State writing, subversion and citizenship in Southern Rhodesia’s state of emergency, 1959–1960 Jocelyn Alexander 2018-09-02 Canadian Journal of African Studies
African Nationalism, Municipal Beer Outlets and Shebeens in Salisbury, Rhodesia, 1960s–1980 Nathaniel Chimhete 2018-09-03 Journal of Southern African Studies
Not Just Nelson’s Wife: Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, Violence and Radicalism in South Africa 2018-09-03 Journal of Southern African Studies
Police Militarisation and the ‘War on Crime’ in South Africa Guy Lamb 2018-09-03 Journal of Southern African Studies
Understanding Zimbabwe's Surprising 2013 Election Nicole Beardsworth 2018-09-03 Journal of Southern African Studies
Science-women: arcane knowledge and African spirituality in independent African-American cinema of the 1990s 2018-09-12 African and Black Diaspora
Touched by Biko Vuyisile Msila 2018-09-20 Africa Education Review
A very Zimbabwean coup: November 13–24, 2017 David Moore 2018-09-20 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Who should stand up? Dilemmas and contradictions in post-apartheid local governance and planning: Hloniphile Y. Simelane 2018-09-20 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Lived experience, active citizenry and South African intellectual history: reflections on a colloquium on 'The intellectual heritage and inherited values of the Eastern Cape' André Odendaal 2018-09-20 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
Archie Mafeje: a note on the three clusters of his work Bongani Nyoka 2018-09-20 Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa
La radicalisation aide-t-elle à mieux penser ? Roland Marchal
Zekeria Ould Ahmed Salem
2018-09-24 Politique africaine
La cité cultuelle tchadienne au miroir de la lutte anti-terroriste ou les enjeux de pouvoir d’une labellisation religieuse subversive Clémentine Racine
Mustapha Ali Mahamat
2018-09-24 Politique africaine
Une lecture de la radicalisation djihadiste en Somalie Roland Marchal 2018-09-24 Politique africaine
Musiciens rebelles ou musiciens pour la paix ? Orchestrer le Mali à travers les performances musicales du conflit Marta Amico 2018-09-24 Politique africaine
N’oubliez jamais que vous parlez à un avocat. État, justice et économie de l’intermédiation judiciaire à Cotonou Sophie Andreetta 2018-09-24 Politique africaine
Auriferous shear zones in the central Allaqi-Heiani belt: Orogenic gold in post-accretionary structures, SE Egypt Basem Zoheir
Ashraf Emam
Maher El-Amawy
2018-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
ZAMBIA: Spiralling Debt 2018-10 Africa Research Bulletin
Neoproterozoic formation and evolution of Eastern Desert continental crust – The importance of the infrastructure-superstructure transition Robert J. Stern 2018-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Geochemistry and origin of alkaline granites at Wadi Umm Adawi-Yahmid area, south Sinai- Egypt N.I. Abd El Ghaffar
A.A. Ramadan
2018-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Garnierite-bearing serpentinite from the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt: A signature of paleo-weathering in the Arabian Nubian Shield? Mohamed M. Hamdy
Hamed Gamal El Dien
Mohamed A. Abd El-Wahed
Tomoaki Morishita
2018-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Hydrothermal evolution of granitoid-hosted gold mineralization in gidami area: An example for orogenic-gold deposits in Egypt Mohamed Abd El Monsef
Marek Slobodník
Ibrahim A. Salem
2018-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Continental intraplate volcanism in the Sinai subplate: The Oligo-Miocene basalts of the Gulf of Suez rift Mohammed Z. El-Bialy
Ibrahim H. Khalifa
Mohamed M. Omar
2018-10 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Analysing the Presentation of the 1976 Soweto Uprising in Grade 9 History Textbooks Johannes Seroto 2018-10-02 Africa Education Review
Can Teachers’ Reflections on Digital and Curriculum Resources Generate Lessons? Simon B. Khoza 2018-10-02 Africa Education Review
Measuring Students’ Learning using a Value Added Approach Otu Larbi-Siaw 2018-10-02 Africa Education Review
Diagnosing neopatrimonialism: an interview with Thandika Mkandawire Nimi Hoffmann 2018-10-02 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
Lessons of the Northern War on African corruption William G. Martin 2018-10-02 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
Primordialism vs. instrumentalism in Somali society: is an alternative needed? Mohamed Husein Gaas 2018-10-02 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
The Zuma moment: between tender-based capitalists and radical economic transformation Ashwin Desai 2018-10-02 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
When are experiments corrupt? 2018-10-02 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
Neopatrimonialism and corruption: towards a new common sense Firoz Khan 2018-10-02 Journal of Contemporary African Studies
‘A War of Man Against Locust’! Locust Invasions and Anti-locust Campaigns in Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, 1918–1940s Peter Uledi
Godfrey Hove
2018-10-02 South African Historical Journal
The Wizards of Salem: South African Historians, Truth-telling and Historical Justice Robert Ross 2018-10-02 South African Historical Journal
An Overview of Cultural Capital in Blouvlei Francois Cleophas 2018-10-02 South African Historical Journal
Introduction: Re-Imagining Cities in Africa Till Förster 2018-10-10 Social Dynamics
Julia Gallagher. Zimbabwe’s International Relations: Fantasy, Reality and the Making of the State. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. xiv + 184 pp. Online ISBN: 9781316869529 Timothy Scarnecchia 2018-10-29 African Studies Review
AFRICA - CHINA: Debt Concerns 2018-10-31 Africa Research Bulletin
New tephrostratigraphic data from Lake Emakat (northern Tanzania): Implications for the eruptive history of the Oldoinyo Lengai volcano Anna Balashova
Hannes B. Mattsson
Ann M. Hirt
2018-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Intensification of the polymetallic vein exploration by multivariate analysis and staged LINEST function at Glojeh deposit, NW Iran Farshad Darabi-Golestan
Ardeshir Hezarkhani
2018-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Heavy metals and nitrate to validate groundwater sensibility assessment based on DRASTIC models and GIS: Case of the upper Niger and the Bani basin in Mali Aboubacar Modibo Sidibe
Lin Xueyu
2018-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Stress transfer, aftershocks distribution and InSAR analysis of the 2005 Dahuieh earthquake, SE Iran Camellia Yazdanfar
Majid Nemati
Maryam Agh Ataby
Mahasa Roustaei
Faramarz Nilfouroushan
2018-11 Journal of African Earth Sciences
Variations in terrigenous input into the eastern Equatorial Atlantic over 120ka: Implications on Atlantic ITCZ migration Akintoye E. Akinnigbagbe
Xiqiu Han
Weijia Fan
Yong Tang
Adedayo O. Adeleye<b