Wikidata:WikiProject Country subdivision/Ghana/L3 (Communities in Ghana)/Northern Region/Yendi Municipal District

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Communities in Ghana/Northern Region/Yendi Municipal District


This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". } { SELECT DISTINCT ?item WHERE { ?item p:P31 ?statement0. ?statement0 (ps:P31/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q486972. ?item p:P131 ?statement1. ?statement1 (ps:P131/(wdt:P131*)) wd:Q972185. } } }
en_label description dag_label ?dagDescription alias/dag District start time coordinate location image locator map image Commons category elevation above sea level shares border with detail map area population population/female population population/male population population/point in time Commons category locator map image official website geoshape different from category for people born here category for people who died here category of associated people authority head of state head of state/start time head of state/end time
Adibo human settlement in Yendi Municipal District, Ghana Adibo Yendi Municipal District
Andoyili a community in Yendi Municipality Andoyili Yendi Municipal District
Baaduli a community in the Yendi Municipal area located in the northern region of Ghana Baaduli Yendi Municipal District
Northern Region
No/unknown value
No/unknown value
Bagbani a community in Yendi Municipality Bagbani Yendi Municipal District
Banchiya No. 1 this community is under Yendi Municipality Banchiya No. 1 Yendi Municipal District
Banchiya No. 2 this community is under Yendi Municipality Banchiya No. 2 Yendi Municipal District
Benagmado a community located in the Yendi Municipal area of the northern region of Ghana Benagmado Benaɣmado Yendi Municipal District No/unknown value No/unknown value
Bichindiyili human settlement in Yendi Municipal District, Ghana Bichindiyili (Bichindo) Yendi Municipal District
Bifaayili this is a community in the Yendi Municipality Bifaayili (Bifaado) Yendi Municipal District
Bonbonaayili a community located in the Yendi Municipal District of the Northern Region of Ghana Bonbonaayili Yendi Municipal District
Northern Region
No/unknown value No/unknown value
Cherefoyili a town located in the Yendi Municipal District of the northern region of Ghana Cherefoyili Yendi Municipal District
Northern Region
No/unknown value No/unknown value
Chidanyili this is a community in the Yendi Municipality Chidanyili (Chidando) Yendi Municipal District
Dagbanjado a town located in the Yendi Municipal of the northern region Dagbanjado Yendi Municipal District No/unknown value No/unknown value
Dazuligbuni this is a community under Yendi Municipality Dazuligbuni Yendi Municipal District
Dipkung a community located in the Yendi Municipal District of the northern region of Ghana Dikpung Yendi Municipal District No/unknown value No/unknown value
Galibang this is a community under Yendi Municipality Galibang Yendi Municipal District
Gani a community located in the Yendi Municipal District of the northern region of Ghana Gani Yendi Municipal District No/unknown value No/unknown value
Gbambaya a community within Yendi Municipal in the Northern Region of Ghana Gbambaya Yendi Municipal District Gbambaya
Gbetobu Gbetobu community is under Yendi Municipality Gbetobu Yendi Municipal District
Gbong a town located in the Yendi Municipal of the Northern region of Ghana Gbong Yendi Municipal District
Northern Region
No/unknown value No/unknown value
Gbungbalaga a town located in the Yendi Municipal District of the Northern Region of Ghana Gbungbalaga Yendi Municipal District
Northern Region
9.368527777777778/-0.0035277777777777772 Yendi 2548 2548 — 1257 2548 — 1291 2548 — 2020
Gundogu a town located in the Yendi Municipal District of the Northen Region of Ghana Gundogu Yendi Municipal District
Northern Region
No/unknown value No/unknown value
Gundowohri this community is under Yendi Municipality Gundowohri Yendi Municipal District
Gupelgu a community located in the Yendi Municipal District of the Northern region of Ghana Gupelgu Yendi Municipal District
Northern Region
No/unknown value No/unknown value
Kpaamang this is a community in the Yendi Municipality Kpaamang Yendi Municipal District
Kpabia a town in Northern Region Kpabiya Yendi Municipal District
Mion District[1]
9.2595149/-0.2375807 193
3174[2] 3174 — 1609 3174 — 1565 3174 — 2010 tribal chief
Kpachali A town located in the Yendi Municipal of the Northern Region of Ghana Kpachali Yendi Municipal District No/unknown value No/unknown value
Kpalgagbini a town located in the Yendi Munipal District of the Northern Region of Ghana Kpalgagbini Yendi Municipal District
Northern Region
No/unknown value No/unknown value
Kpaliwubli this community is under Yendi Municipality Kpaliwubli Yendi Municipal District
Kpatia a community in Yendi municipality Kpatia Yendi Municipal District
Kuga human settlement in Yendi Municipal District, Northern Region, Ghana Kuga Yendi Municipal District
Kulkpanga a town located in the Yendi Municipal District of the Northen region of Ghana Kulphanga Yendi Municipal District
Kuni human settlement in Yendi Municipal District, Ghana Kuni Yendi Municipal District
Limpua a community in Yendi municipality Limpua Yendi Municipal District
Madina human settlement in Yendi Municipal District, Ghana Madina Yendi Municipal District
Malzeri A community in Yendi Municipality Malzeri Yendi Municipal District
Naalogu A community in Yendi Municipality Naalogu Yendi Municipal District
Nakpachei a community in the Yendi Municipal District, Northern Region, Ghana Nakpachei Yendi Municipal District 9.282398575695495/0.018281875521365357 2961 2961 — 1472 2961 — 1489 2961 — 2020
Naloguba a community in Yendi Municipality Naloguba Yendi Municipal District
Nankpani No 2 a community is in Yendi district Nankpani No 2 Yendi Municipal District
Nyoling A community in Yendi District Nyoling Yendi Municipal District
Pion settlement in Ghana Pion Yendi Municipal District
Pion human settlement in Yendi Municipal District, Ghana Pion Yendi Municipal District
Piong a settlement in Ghana Piong Yendi Municipal District
Sagmamba this is a community under Yendi Municipality Sagmamba Yendi Municipal District
Sagnaa This community is under Yendi Municipality Sagnaa Yendi Municipal District
Sakpeigu a community in Yendi Municipal District,Northern Region,Ghana. Sakpeigu Sakpegu Yendi Municipal District 9.5491/-0.0249
Sankuni this is a community under Yendi Municipality Sankuni Yendi Municipal District
Sunsong a settlement in Ghana Sunsong Yendi Municipal District
Sunsong human settlement in Yendi Municipal District, Ghana Sunsong Yendi Municipal District
Sunsungbung a community in Yendi Municipality Sunsungbung Yendi Municipal District
Tion a settlement in Ghana Tion Yendi Municipal District
Tusani a community within Yendi Municipal District in the Northern Region of Ghana Tusani Yendi Municipal District 9.53911/-0.02464
Yashagu a community in Yendi Municipality Yashagu Yendi Municipal District
Yendi human settlement in Ghana Naya Yendi Yendi Municipal District 9.4319444444444/-0.0041666666666667
Yendi 155 51339 51339 — 26035 51339 — 25304 51339 — 2020 Yendi
Yendi human settlement in Yendi Municipal District, Ghana Yendi Yeni, Naya Yendi Municipal District
Yimahegu A community in Yendi municipality Yimahegu Yendi Municipal District
Zagbang A community in Yendi municipality Zagbang Yendi Municipal District
Zagbang A community in Yendi Municipality Zagbaŋ Yendi Municipal District
Zakoli a community in Yendi municipality Zakoli Yendi Municipal District
Zaŋ human settlement in Yendi Municipal District, Ghana Zaŋ Yendi Municipal District
Zohe a specific area in Yendi Municipal Zohe Yendi Municipal District
Zohi a community in Yendi Municipal District,Northern Region,Ghana. Zohi Zɔhi fɔŋ Yendi Municipal District
Zugu human settlement in Yendi Municipal District, Ghana Zugu Yendi Municipal District

∑ 64 items.

End of automatically generated list.

