Wikidata:WikiProject Govdirectory/Armenia

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The focus country for week 27 is Armenia.
What can you help with?
  • Find sources about public organizations like lists and registers.
  • Improve the existing items, in particular, add official website, social media and other contact methods and check that they don't contain false or outdated information.
  • Create queries that can retrieve well-defined subsets like all ministries, courts, counties etc.
  • Create new items for any missing organizations.
  • Country: Armenia (Q399)
  • Legislature: National Assembly of Armenia
  • Executive: Government of Armenia
  • Highest judicial authority: Constitutional Court of Armenia
  • First level administrative units: Aragatsotn Province, Ararat Province, Armavir Province, Gegharkunik Province, Kotayk Province, Lori Region, Shirak Province, Syunik Province, Tavush Province, Vayots Dzor Province and Yerevan
  • Maintained by WikiProject: WikiProject Armenia

    • Official external identifiers:

    Useful links:

    State level agencies


    Government agencies

    • Query for all Government agencies of Armenia (should be 11)[1]



    First level administrative unit agencies

    Agencies at this level are provinces and use
    ⟨ province ⟩ instance of (P31) View with SQID ⟨ Province of Armenia (Q514860)  View with Reasonator View with SQID ⟩
    which make them easy to identify and query for.

    Second level administrative unit agencies

    • Query for all second level administrative unit agencies (should be X)



    State level agencies


    Wikidata:WikiProject Govdirectory/Armenia/Coverage of state level agencies

    First level agencies


    First level agencies subpage (go to the subpage before trying to update the table or use any inspection links as the page is transcluded)

    all entities | count | all groupings | without grouping property | below threshold (10) | Querying about Province of Armenia (Q514860)  View with Reasonator View with SQIDGrouping by instance of (P31)
    Top groupings (Minimum 10 items) Top Properties (used at least 0 times per grouping)
    Name Count inception (P571) email address (P968) phone number (P1329) citizen's initiatives URL (P9732) head of government (P6) official website (P856) X username (P2002) Instagram username (P2003) YouTube channel ID (P2397) Facebook username (P2013) LinkedIn company or organization ID (P4264)
    Province of Armenia (Q514860) 10 100.0% (10) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 20.0% (2) 🔍 100.0% (10) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
    No grouping 0 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍
    Totals (all items) 10 100.0% (10) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 20.0% (2) 🔍 100.0% (10) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍 0% (0) 🔍

    Second level agencies


    Wikidata:WikiProject Govdirectory/Armenia/Coverage of second level agencies

