Wikidata:WikiProject Indian History
The goal of this project is to ensure the completeness of Indian History during the historic period (500BCE to modern times) in Wikidata. Our initial focus will be to cover the middle period (approximately 200CE to 1700CE). WikiData already has items for Dynasties and rulers, however it is hard to find all dynasties and rulers who have ruled parts of or all of the Indian subcontinent. We would be creating statements for dynasty and ruler items and also connect them up appropriately (currently the dynasties are not always connected to the rulers of that dynasty) so that they can be found by querying WikiData with a simple query like:
- SELECT ?dynasty ?dynastyLabel ?start ?end
?dynasty wdt:P31 wd:Q164950; #instances of dynasty wdt:P17 wd:Q668. #with country India OPTIONAL {?dynasty wdt:P580 ?start. } OPTIONAL {?dynasty wdt:P582 ?end. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
- }
Info You can use the AutoEdit tool to quickly add label and description on WikiProject Indian History in many languages.
[edit]Main items
[edit]Other items
[edit]- ...
[edit]Main properties
[edit]- country
- capital
- father
- child
- instance of
- subclass of
Other properties
[edit]- ...
[edit]Main queries
[edit]- SELECT ?dynasty ?dynastyLabel ?start ?end
?dynasty wdt:P31 wd:Q164950; #instances of dynasty wdt:P17 wd:Q668. #with country India OPTIONAL {?dynasty wdt:P580 ?start. } OPTIONAL {?dynasty wdt:P582 ?end. } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
Other queries
[edit]- ...
[edit]Balaji Rathakrishnan (Rabalaji69)