Wikidata:WikiProject Japan/Law

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Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: statute (Q820655)
(または subclass of (P279)statute (Q820655))
City Planning Act <instance of> statute-
applies to jurisdictionP1001Itemjurisdiction and jurisdiction: Japan (Q17)City Planning Act <applies to jurisdiction> Japan-
titleP1476Monolingual textoriginal title and title: 法律名。
改名時には修飾子start time (P580)を併用。
City Planning Act <title> 都市計画法 (日本語)-
name in kanaP1814Stringkana, furigana, modern kana usage and historical kana orthography: the reading of a Japanese name in kanaCity Planning Act <name in kana> としけいかくほう-
short nameP1813Monolingual textabbreviation: 法律の略称、通称Act on Providing Comprehensive Support for the Daily Life and Life in Society of Persons with Disabilities <short name> 障害者自立支援法-
legal citation of this textP1031Stringlegal citation: law identifier (Q11555015)
City Planning Act <legal citation of this text> 昭和四十三年法律第百号-
language of work or nameP407Itemlanguage: Japanese (Q5287)City Planning Act <language of work or name> Japanese-
main subjectP921Itemtopic, matter and subject: primary topic of a work (see also P180: depicts)City Planning Act <main subject> statement is subject of
genreP136Itemgenre and by genre: 法令が属する法分野City Planning Act <genre> administrative law-
published inP1433Itempublishing: Official Gazette (Q11452096), Q11555012
修飾子publication date (P577),volume (P478),issue (P433),page(s) (P304)を併用
City Planning Act <published in> Official Gazette-
significant eventP793Itemkey event: adoption (Q2424916), signing (Q50384157), promulgation (Q446780), royal assent (Q1070654)(旧憲法下), coming into force (Q490812), ratification (Q193170)
修飾子point in time (P585)を使用して日付を記入
Bill for a Digital Republic <significant event> adoption-
legislated byP467Itemindicates that an act or bill was passed by a legislature. The value can be a particular session of the legislatureThe Basic Act on Cybersecurity <legislated by> 187th Diet-
inceptionP571Point in timedate of establishment: 制定日(議会での可決成立日)The Basic Act on Cybersecurity <inception> 2014-11-06-
publication dateP577Point in timepublication date: 公布日The Basic Act on Cybersecurity <publication date> 2014-11-12-
dissolved, abolished or demolished dateP576Point in timedate of dissolution, abolition or demolition: 廃止日Team Bath F.C. <dissolved, abolished or demolished date> -
signatoryP1891Itemsignatory: 署名者。
修飾子object of statement has role (P3831)を付けて署名者の役割(官職)を示す(修飾子違反?)
The Basic Act on Cybersecurity <signatory> Shinzō Abe-
repealed byP2568Itemrepeal: 修飾子start time (P580)に日付を記入Savary law <repealed by> ordinance number 2000-549 of June 15, 2000 relative to the legislative part of the education coderepeals
repealsP3148Itemrepeal: 修飾子start time (P580)に日付を記入ordinance number 2000-549 of June 15, 2000 relative to the legislative part of the education code <repeals> Savary lawrepealed by
amended byP2567Item修飾子start time (P580)に日付を記入ordinance number 2000-549 of June 15, 2000 relative to the legislative part of the education code <amended by> Savary law-
followed byP156Itemfollowed by: 廃止後新たに制定された法律Q11626093 <followed by> Act on Substitute Execution by Administrationfollows
has edition or translationP747Itemversion, edition or translation, translated edition and source text: 制定時や改正法などの特定時期の法律の版Pride and Prejudice <has edition or translation> Pride and Prejudiceedition or translation of
full work available at URLP953URLdigital library: URL of a web page containing the full body of this itemL'Odyssée, 'Poésie homérique' <full work available at URL>

