Wikidata:WikiProject Maps/Historical map properties

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The initial work is based on the Map template in Wikimedia Commons, and the idea is to add relevant additional properties that Wikidata has to offer, and create missing ones.

Basic properties FRBR: Work


These properties describe the work object. Sometimes it may be useful to separate the work object from the copy object, especially if there are several copies of the same work in various institutions. Not all copies are inherently notable, one should focus on the work object first, and define copies only if they are notable in their own right. Properties for a copy of the work are described in later section. In most cases all properties can be combined in one item.

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: Map template value "type"
The type of map is stored as the instance of (P31) value. The current map subtypes in Wikidata are listed in
Badminton Estate Map Volume 3 <instance of> estate map-
titleP1476Monolingual textoriginal title and title: Map template value "title"Nature <title> Nature-
subtitleP1680Monolingual textsubtitle: for works, when the title is followed by a subtitleLes Rougon-Macquart <subtitle> Histoire naturelle et sociale d'une famille sous le Second Empire-
inceptionP571Point in timedate of establishment: Creation date of a map original, different from the time depicted or print/reprint date. Use publication date (P577) for print date.Society of Jesus <inception> -
language of work or nameP407Itemlanguage: language associated with this creative work (such as books, shows, songs, broadcasts or websites) or a name (for persons use "native language" (P103) and "languages spoken, written or signed" (P1412))Autobiografia di Alice Toklas (translation) <language of work or name> Italian-
imageP18Commons media fileillustration and image: image of relevant illustration of the subject; if available, also use more specific properties (sample: coat of arms image, locator map, flag image, signature image, logo image, collage image)Piri Reis map <image> Piri reis harita.jpg-


Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
creatorP170Itemcreator, author, visual artist and software developer: maker of this creative work or other object (where no more specific property exists)
Map template value "author" as Wikidata ID. Creator template value "Wikidata".
The Potato Eaters <creator> Vincent van Goghnotable work
possible creatorP1779Itemcreator: for a creative work with considerable uncertainty about the authorRampin Rider <possible creator> Rampin Master-


Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
object of statement has roleP3831Itemrole: Examples:
engraver (Q329439)
illustrator (Q644687)
surveyor (Q294126)
Addresses and travel map of Helsinki from 1876 <creator> C. H. Nummelin
<object of statement has role> cartographer

Date depicted

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
date depictedP2913Point in timedepicting object: date represented in a work (for narrative works use P2408)
Map template value "map date".
Addresses and travel map of Helsinki from 1876 <date depicted> 1876-
set in periodP2408Itemhistorical period: historical, contemporary, or future period, year, century or day the work or genre is set in or event featured in the story of the workAddresses and travel map of Helsinki from 1876 <set in period> Grand Principality of Finland-

Qualifiers to use

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
start timeP580Point in timestart time: time an entity begins to exist or a statement starts being validAddresses and travel map of Helsinki from 1876 <date depicted> 1876
<start time> 1875
end timeP582Point in timeend time: moment when an entity ceases to exist or a statement stops being validAddresses and travel map of Helsinki from 1876 <date depicted> 1876
<end time> 1878
earliest dateP1319Point in timeearliest date at which an event could have happened. Use as qualifier for other date propertiesAddresses and travel map of Helsinki from 1876 <date depicted> 1876
<earliest date> 1875
latest dateP1326Point in timeunknown: latest possible time that something could have occurred. Use as qualifier for other date propertiesAddresses and travel map of Helsinki from 1876 <date depicted> 1876
<latest date> 1878
  • Further fuzziness can be defined using the date property's precision.

Subject matter

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
based onP144Itembased on: Use to define the work the map is based onA <based on> Αderivative work


Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
depictsP180Itemdepicting object: entity visually depicted in an image, literarily described in a work, or otherwise incorporated into an audiovisual or other medium; see also P921, 'main subject'
Map template values: "location", first reconciled to Wikidata, "wikidata location". Lists of direct links to Wikidata have also been used.
Addresses and travel map of Helsinki from 1876 <depicts> Helsinkidepicted by
valid in periodP1264Itemtime period when a statement is validAddresses and travel map of Helsinki from 1876 <depicts> Helsinki
<valid in period> Grand Principality of Finland
coordinate locationP625Geographic coordinatesgeographic coordinates: geocoordinates of the subject. For Earth, please note that only WGS84 coordinating system is supported at the moment
Point/centroid. Given or calculated from the bounding box.
Mount Everest <coordinate location> 27° 59′ 17.00″ N 86° 55′ 31.00″ E-
spatial reference systemP3037Itemspatial reference system: frame of reference used to produce a mapBasic Map 1961 No 2034 06 <spatial reference system> KKJ3-
scaleP1752Quantityscale: proportional ratio of a linear dimension of a model, map, etc, to the same feature of the original - 1:n. Use 1 for lifesize
Proportional ratio of a linear dimension of a model, map, etc, to the same feature of the original - 1:n. Use 1 for lifesize, positive numbers for smaller than lifesize, negative numbers for larger. Map scale with value-unit pairs (such as 1 verst to an inch) has be converted into ratio to 1. Map template value "scale".
Scale model of Pont-Lévêque-MnM 7 MM 94 <scale> 75-
OpenStreetMap zoom levelP6592Stringzoom level and OpenStreetMap: raster zoom level (or vector zoom +1) that would be requested for a 512×512-pixel OSM map that could contain the boundaries of this item
Map template value "zoom"
world map <OpenStreetMap zoom level> 0-

Bounding box

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
coordinates of northernmost pointP1332Geographic coordinatescoordinate of northernmost point: northernmost point of a location. For an administrative entity this includes offshore islands
Map template stores 1, 2 or 4 values for "latitude" and "longitude". These values can be derived from those:
  • 4 values: Latitude and longitude of four corners of the map. Corners have to be in the counter-clockwise order starting with lower left corner, so they are in lower left, lower right, upper right and upper left corner order.
  • 2 values: Latitude and longitude of each edge of the map. Parameter "latitude" will store South/North latitudes of lower/upper edge and parameter "longitude" will store West/East longitudes of left/right edge
  • 1 value: Latitude and longitude of map center.
England <coordinates of northernmost point> 55° 48′ 00.00″ N 2° 00′ 60.00″ W-
coordinates of southernmost pointP1333Geographic coordinatessouthernmost point of a place. For administrative entities this includes offshore islandsRhône <coordinates of southernmost point> 45° 27′ 14.40″ N 4° 45′ 37.60″ E-
coordinates of easternmost pointP1334Geographic coordinateseasternmost point of a locationFinland <coordinates of easternmost point> 62° 53′ 31.00″ N 31° 35′ 03.00″ E-
coordinates of westernmost pointP1335Geographic coordinateswesternmost point of a locationFinland <coordinates of westernmost point> 60° 17′ 13.00″ N 19° 08′ 07.00″ E-


Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
has part(s)P527Itemhas part, consist of and meronymy: part of this subject; inverse property of "part of" (P361). See also "has parts of the class" (P2670).
Parts, like legend, compass rose etc. Can have location data attached.
United States Congress <has part(s)> United States Senate and United States House of Representativespart of

Copyright, licensing and rights (of the work)


Map publication FRBR: Manifestation


A publication requires a separate item with the following properties. The properties can be used also on a published map directly.

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
publisherP123Itempublishing company and publisher: organization or person responsible for publishing books, periodicals, printed music, podcasts, games or software
Map template value "publisher"
Oxford English Dictionary <publisher> Oxford University Press-
place of publicationP291Itemplace of publication and place of first publication: geographical place of publication of the edition (use 1st edition when referring to works)
Map template value "publication place"
Le petit prince <place of publication> New York City-
language of work or nameP407Itemlanguage: language associated with this creative work (such as books, shows, songs, broadcasts or websites) or a name (for persons use "native language" (P103) and "languages spoken, written or signed" (P1412))Autobiografia di Alice Toklas (translation) <language of work or name> Italian-
printed byP872Itemprinting: organization or person who printed the creative work (if different from "publisher")
Map template value "printer"
Gutenberg Bible <printed by> Johannes Gutenberg-
edition numberP393Stringversion number: number of an edition (first, second, ... as 1, 2, ...) or event10th edition of Systema Naturae <edition number> 10-
edition or translation ofP629Itemversion, edition or translation: is an edition or translation of this entityPride and Prejudice <edition or translation of> Pride and Prejudicehas edition or translation
publication dateP577Point in timepublication date: date or point in time when a work was first published or released
Map template value "print date"
The standardisation of mineral group hierarchies: application to recent nomenclature proposals <publication date> -
copyright licenseP275Itemcopyright license: license under which this copyrighted work is releasedInkscape <copyright license> GNU General Public License, version 2.0-
published inP1433Itempublishing: Use to define the publication the map was published in.To a Creole Lady <published in> Les Fleurs du mal-
volumeP478Stringvolume: volume of a book or music release in a collection/series or a published collection of journal issues in a serial publicationPrincipia Mathematica II <volume> 2-

Series / Part of series / Map sheets

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
part of the seriesP179Itemsequence, series of creative works, event sequence, book series, painting series and video game series: series which contains the subject
Map template values "set" and "Wikidata set".
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe <part of the series> The Chronicles of Narnia-


Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
followsP155Itemfollows: immediately prior item in a series of which the subject is a part, preferably use as qualifier of P179 [if the subject has replaced the preceding item, e.g. political offices, use "replaces" (P1365)]Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back <follows> Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hopefollowed by
followed byP156Itemfollowed by: immediately following item in a series of which the subject is a part, preferably use as qualifier of P179 [if the subject has been replaced, e.g. political offices, use "replaced by" (P1366)]March <followed by> Aprilfollows
series ordinalP1545Stringordinal number: The map sheet number in a map series. An containing publication is defined differently.
Map template value "sheet"
A <series ordinal> 1-

Map copy, archival object FRBR: Item

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
locationP276Itemphysical location: location of the object, structure or event. In the case of an administrative entity as containing item use P131. For statistical entities use P8138. In the case of a geographic entity use P706. Use P7153 for locations associated with the objectMona Lisa <location> Louvre Museumcontains
collectionP195Itemcollection and library collection: art, museum, archival, or bibliographic collection the subject is part of
Map template value "institution"
Addresses and travel map of Helsinki from 1876 <collection> Helsinki City Archives-
inventory numberP217Stringaccession number: identifier for a physical object or a set of physical objects in a collection
Map template value "accession number"
Addresses and travel map of Helsinki from 1876 <collection> Helsinki City Archives
<inventory number> 865/39
exemplar ofP1574Itemindividual copy of a work: property for manuscripts, autographs, incunabula, distinct printed copiesIsaiah scroll <exemplar of> Isaiah-
inscriptionP1684Monolingual textinscription and epigraph: inscriptions, markings and signatures on an object
Map template value "inscriptions"
Shugborough inscription <inscription> O U O S V A V V-
fabrication methodP2079Itemmanufacturing process, production, process and building method: method, process or technique used to grow, cook, weave, build, assemble, manufacture the item
Map template vale "medium" includes this
silk <fabrication method> sericulture-
made from materialP186Itemmaterial: material the subject or the object is made of or derived from (do not confuse with P10672 which is used for processes)
Map template value "medium" includes this
chocolate <made from material> cocoa bean-
colorP462Itemcolor: color of subjectcharcoal <color> black-
heightP2048Quantityheight, human height and body length: vertical length of an entity
Map template value "dimensions" includes this
Eiffel Tower <height> 324 metre-
widthP2049Quantitywidth and road width: width of an object
Map template value "dimensions" includes this
Mona Lisa <width> 53 centimetre-


Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
applies to partP518Itempart, aspect, or form of the item to which the claim appliesPiri Reis map <made from material> parchment
<applies to part> painting support

Object history

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
commissioned byP88Itemcommissioner: person or organization that commissioned this workArc de Triomphe <commissioned by> Napoleon-
owned byP127Itemproprietor, property and owned by: owner of the subjectChoupette <owned by> Karl Lagerfeldowner of
location of creationP1071ItemUse place of publication (P291) for place of publication.Mona Lisa <location of creation> Florence-
significant eventP793Itemkey event: significant or notable events associated with the subjectDennewitz <significant event> Battle of Dennewitz-
exhibition historyP608Itemexhibition: exhibitions where the item is or was displayedThe Virgin and Child with Saint Anne <exhibition history> Saint Anne, Leonardo da Vinci’s ultimate masterpiece-

Catalogues, aggregators, authority control

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
catalog codeP528Stringcatalogue: catalog name of an object, use with qualifier P972The Night Watch <catalog code> 2016-
catalogP972Itemcatalogue: catalog for the item, or, as a qualifier of P528 – catalog for which the 'catalog code' is validThe Night Watch <catalog> Catalog of the paintings on show at the Rijksmuseum in 1956-
described at URLP973URLInternet research: item is described at the following URLMona Lisa <described at URL>
ISBN-13P212External identifieridentifier for a book (edition), thirteen digitLa Fraternité de l'Anneau <ISBN-13> 978-2-26-702700-6-
Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) (bibliographic)P1144External identifierrecord number for entries in the LoC bibliographic catalog (for authority records use P244)Treasure Island <Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) (bibliographic)> 11025047-
  • IIIF manifest URL (P6108)
  • Warper data - json, csv, lod, Commons data?
  • Scan resolution
  • A map and the containing publication are bundled in the Map template. They should be detached in order to avoid clutter.

