Wikidata:WikiProject Museums/Catalogs

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Art guides: instance of (P31) -> art catalog (Q47114558) or collection catalog (Q5146094) or guide book (Q223638) or museum catalogue (Q63161834)
Guides reflect highlights at a moment in time, where collections may be public museums (current and defunct), or private museums (current and defunct)

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?museum (CONCAT("[[Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Catalog/",?name, "|list]]") AS ?listlink) WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 ?guide. ?item wdt:P921 ?museum. ?museum wdt:P31 wd:Q207694. VALUES ?guide { wd:Q47114558 wd:Q5146094 wd:Q223638 wd:Q63161834 } . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . ?item rdfs:label ?name . } }
image instance of label description list main subject inception publication date author OCLC control number
guide book
art catalog
The Metropolitan Museum of Art guide visitor guide book with list of artists indexed in the museum handbook list Metropolitan Museum of Art 1972 Philippe De Montebello 30026021
guide book The Currier Gallery of Art handbook of the collection museum guide by Michael Komanecky list Currier Museum of Art 1990 605914839
art catalog
guide book
de Young Selected Works 2005 visitor's guide to newly reopened Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco list Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco 2005 493851224
art catalog
collection catalog
A descriptive and historical catalogue of the collection of pictures and sculpture at Apsley House, London catalogue of paintings in the Wellington Museum Apsley House; collection captured from Joseph Bonaparte, at Victoria, Spain, in 1813 list Apsley House 1901 Apsley House 1042982255
collection catalog
art catalog
A Concise Catalogue of the European Paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art catalogue raisonné of paintings in the European painting division of the Metropolitn Museum of Art in 1954 list Metropolitan Museum of Art 1954
collection catalog
art catalog
Dutch Paintings in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Volume I and II catalogue raisonné of exhibition "The age of Rembrandt: Dutch paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art" 2007-2008 list Dutch art
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Age of Rembrandt: Dutch Paintings in The Metropolitan Museum of Art
2007 Walter Liedtke 1008250645
collection catalog
art catalog
120 paintings from the Rijksmuseum tourist guide of 120 painting highlights sold separately, but accompanying full text catalog of paintings on show, with illustrations. Published from c. 1950-c. 1990, a few paintings were switched out over the years list Rijksmuseum 1948
David Röell 1089401
art catalog
collection catalog
120 Famous Paintings from the Kaiser Friedrich-Museum in Berlin catalog with 120 photos of paintings on tour in the Rijksmuseum during the exhibition 17 June - 17 September 1950 list Bode Museum 1950 David Röell
Josua Bruyn
Johanna Laetitia Cleveringa
art catalog
museum catalogue
collection catalog
Paintings in the Cleveland Museum of Art in 1945 illustrated catalog of paintings published with support from Elisabeth Severance Prentiss list painting
Cleveland Museum of Art
1945 Elisabeth Severance Prentiss
version, edition or translation
collection catalog
Fyns Kunstmuseum collection catalog of Funen's Art Museum list Funen's Art Museum 2011 Anne Christiansen
art catalog
collection catalog
Catalog of the paintings on show at the Rijksmuseum in 1956 paperback catalog of paintings sold separately, but published with album of 120 photos by the Rijksmuseum, 274 pages list Rijksmuseum 1956 David Röell 64776468
academic journal article
art catalog
collection catalog
Buying Pictures for New York: The Founding Purchase of 1871 catalog of the 1871 purchase of paintings for the young Metropolitan Museum of Art, by Katherine Baetjer, article for 2004 Metropolitan Museum Journal list William T. Blodgett
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Catalogue of the pictures in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
2004 Katharine Baetjer
art catalog
collection catalog
Catalogue of the pictures in the Metropolitan Museum of Art 1872 catalog of the Metropolitan Art, the first catalog listing the 1871 initial museum purchase list Metropolitan Museum of Art 1872 Metropolitan Museum of Art 895134220
art catalog
collection catalog
Seventeenth-century Dutch and Flemish paintings art catalog raisonné, part of a complete catalog of the North Carolina Museum of Art, by Dennis P. Weller list Dutch Golden Age painting
Flemish painting
North Carolina Museum of Art
2009 Dennis P. Weller 495344720
collection catalog
art catalog
Catalog of the painting collection of the Alte Pinakothek in Munich 1904 art catalog list Alte Pinakothek 1904 12861419
art catalog
collection catalog
Beschreibendes Verzeichnis der Gemälde im Kaiser Friedrich-Museum catalog of the Kaiser Friedrich-Museum (now Bode museum) in Berlin 1921 list painting
Gemäldegalerie, Berlin
1921 Wilhelm von Bode 1041672906
art catalog
museum catalogue
collection catalog
Die Gemäldegalerie des Kaiser-Friedrich-Museums, vollständiger beschreibender Katalog, mit Abbildungen sämtlicher Gemälde catalog of paintings in the Berlin gallery in 1909, by Hans Posse list painting
Gemäldegalerie, Berlin
1909 Hans Posse
art catalog
museum catalogue
collection catalog
Catalogus der schilderijen, miniaturen, pastels, omlijste teekeningen, enz. in het Rijks-Museum te Amsterdam (1908) Dutch version of 1908 list Rijksmuseum 1908 Barthold van Riemsdijk 913258845
art catalog
collection catalog
Verzeichniss der Gemälde, Gypse und Bronzen in der Grossherzoglichen Sammlung zu Oldenburg art catalog of the Augusteum, 1890 list Augusteum 1890 908270712
literary work
art catalog
The Passionate eye : impressionist and other master paintings from the collection of Emil G. Bührle, Zurich art catalogue list Emil Georg Bührle
Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection
1990 Emil Georg Bührle
Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection
National Gallery of Art
art catalog The Holdings of the Emil Bührle Collection: Illustrated List of All 633 Purchases art catalogue list Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection 2021 Lukas Gloor
collection catalog
art catalog
museum catalogue
version, edition or translation
Catalogue des tableaux du "Rijks-Museum" (à Amsterdam) catalog of the paintings of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam 1885 list Rijksmuseum 1885 Abraham Bredius
art catalog
collection catalog
Catalogue des peintures et sculptures exposées dans les galeries du Musée Fabre de la ville de Montpellier, 1904 1904 museum guide for musée Fabre by Georges d'Albenas list Fabre museum 1904 Fabre museum 1041673336
art catalog
collection catalog
Catalogue des peintures et sculptures exposées dans les galeries du Musée Fabre de la ville de Montpellier, 1890 collection catalog of musée Fabre by Ernest Michel list Fabre museum 1890 Fabre museum 896623072
art catalog
collection catalog
Notice des tableaux et autres objets d'art exposés au Musée Fabre de Montpellier, 1830 collection catalog of musée Fabre by A. Ricard list Fabre museum 1830 Fabre museum
François-Xavier Fabre
art catalog
collection catalog
Notice des tableaux et objets d'art exposés au Musée Fabre de la ville de Montpellier, 1839 collection catalog of musée Fabre list Fabre museum 1839 Fabre museum
François-Xavier Fabre
collection catalog Beschreibendes Verzeichnis der Gemälde im Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Königliche Museen zu Berlin list Bode Museum
Gemäldegalerie, Berlin
collection catalog
version, edition or translation
Beschreibendes Verzeichnis der Gemälde im Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum list Gemäldegalerie, Berlin 1891
collection catalog Meisterwerke in Berlin list Gemäldegalerie, Berlin Colin Eisler
collection catalog Führer durch die Galerie der Kunsthalle zu Hamburg (1): Die neueren Meister list Hamburger Kunsthalle 1924 Gustav Pauli
collection catalog
art catalog
museum catalogue
Catalogus der schilderijen pastels–miniaturen–aquarellen tentoongesteld in het Rijksmuseum te Amsterdam (1934) list Rijksmuseum 1934
collection catalog
art catalog
Gemäldegalerie Berlin-Dahlem, ehemals Kaiser Friedrich-Museum list Gemäldegalerie, Berlin 1964 Edwin Redslob
collection catalog
printed book
La pinacoteca comunale di Ancona (1979) catalogue of the 'Francesco Podesti' picture gallery in Ancona edited by Giuseppe Marchini list Pinacoteca civica "Francesco Podesti" 1979
Pinacoteca civica "Francesco Podesti" 634783843
art catalog
museum catalogue
collection catalog
Catalogus der schilderijen, miniaturen, pastels, omlijste teekeningen, enz. in het Rijks-Museum te Amsterdam (1903) first museum catalog by Bart. van Riemsdijk 1903 (several reprints and updates followed) list Rijksmuseum 1903 Barthold van Riemsdijk 55188978
art catalog
museum catalogue
collection catalog
Catalogus van het Rijks-museum van schilderijen Dutch catalog by Abraham Bredius 1885 list Rijksmuseum 1885 Abraham Bredius 557840981
collection catalog Inventory of the Objects in the Art Division of the Museum at South Kensington Vol. I catalog of the Museum at South Kensington, later Victoria and Albert Museum 1852-1867 list Victoria and Albert Museum 1868
collection catalog
version, edition or translation
La Galleria di Palazzo Cini. Dipinti, sculture, oggetti d'arte monographic volume dedicated to the Palazzo Cini Gallery published in 2016 list Palazzo Cini Gallery 2016 Palazzo Cini Gallery
art catalog
collection catalog
Ausführliche und gründliche Specification derer vortrefflichen und unschätzbaren Gemählden welche in der Galerie der Churfürstl. Residenz zu Düsseldorff 1719 catalog of the Electoral Gallery in Dusseldorf, by J.G. Karsch list Electoral Gallery Dusseldorf 1719 Gerhard Joseph Karsch
Jan Frans van Douven
art catalog
collection catalog
La Galerie électorale, de Dusseldorff 1781 catalog of art in the Electoral Gallery of Dusseldorf, by Nicolas de Pigage list Electoral Gallery Dusseldorf 1781 Nicolas de Pigage 312814514
collection catalog
art catalog
Catalogue of paintings in the museum of Grenoble, 1893 list Museum of Grenoble 1866
collection catalog National museum in Warsaw. Galleries and Study Collections list National Museum in Warsaw 2006 Dorota Folga-Januszewska
art catalog
collection catalog
Flemish painting of the 17th-18th century collection catalog by Anna Dobrzycka list National Museum in Poznań 1967 Anna Dobrzycka 64972487
art catalog
collection catalog
De Giotto à Goya. Peintures italiennes et espagnoles du musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 2017 catalogue of Italian and Spanish paintings in the Musée des Beaux-Arts of Strasbourg, France list Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 2017-06
art catalog
collection catalog
Collection du Musée des Beaux-Arts. Peinture flamande et hollandaise. XVe - XVIIIe siècle 2009 catalog of Flemish and Dutch paintings (15th to 18th century) of the Musée des Beaux-Arts of Strasbourg, France list Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg 2009-02
version, edition or translation
collection catalog
European Tapestries in the Art Institute of Chicago 2008 first edition of book edited by Koenraad Brosens list Art Institute of Chicago
2008 Koenraad Brosens
collection catalog Dutch paintings of the 17th-century list National Gallery of Art Arthur K. Wheelock Jr.
collection catalog
art catalog
Catalogue of the collection: Herzogliches Museum zu Gotha 1890 collection catalog of the Herzogliches Museum list painting
Herzogliches Museum Gotha
1890 Carl Aldenhoven 25647678
collection catalog
art catalog
Die grossherzogliche Gemälde-Galerie zu Schwerin art catalog by Wilhelm von Bode in 1891 list Staatliches Museum Schwerin 1891 Wilhelm von Bode 40162031
art catalog
translated edition
version, edition or translation
bilingual book
The Hirschsprung Collection of Works by Danish Artists book with catalogue of works from the Danish art gallery list works in the Hirschsprung Collection
Hirschsprung Collection
2009 488647035
collection catalog Beschrijving der schilderijen van het Rijksmuseum te Amsterdam, met historische aanteekeningen en facsimile's der naamteekens catalog Rijksmuseum 1880 list Rijksmuseum 1880
museum catalogue Masterpieces of the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo catalogue of the National Museum of Western Art list National Museum of Western Art 2009
art catalog
exhibition catalogue
Masterpieces of French painting from the Bührle collection : from Ingres to Picasso catalog of paintings (1961) list Emil Georg Bührle
Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection
1961 Douglas Cooper
Emil Georg Bührle
Arts Council of Great Britain
collection catalog Verzeichniss der Königlich Sächsischen Gemälde-Galerie zu Dresden, Bände 1-2 list Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister 1835 Johann Friedrich Matthai
collection catalog Catalogue Des Tableaux De La Galerie Electorale A Dresde list Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister 1765 Johann Anton Riedel
art catalog Galerie_du_Musée_Napoléon 10 volume set of catalogs of the Louvre by Antoine Michel Filhol (continued after his death by his widow) 1804-1814 list Louvre Museum 1814 Antoine Michel Filhol 920902345
art catalog Catalogo della Regia pinacoteca di Torino 1899 catalog of the Sabauda Gallery list Galleria Sabauda 1899 752748160
art catalog Spanish Painting (from the XVIth to the XVIIIth Century) at the National Museum of Fine Arts 2003 work list National Museum of Fine Arts
Spanish painting
María Cristina Serventi
art exhibition
exhibition catalogue
art catalog
L'Age d'Or hollandais de Rembrandt à Vermeer avec les trésors du Rijksmuseum list golden age
Johannes Vermeer
scholarly article
art catalog
“Conterfettlein klein […] von miniature, von dem vleissigen Engellender”: British Renaissance Portraits in the Münzkabinett scholarly article published 18 July 2016 [[Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Catalog/“Conterfettlein klein […] von miniature, von dem vleissigen Engellender”: British Renaissance Portraits in the Münzkabinett|list]] English Renaissance
Kunsthistorisches Museum
portrait miniature
2016-07-18 Mark Evans
art exhibition
exhibition catalogue
art catalog
Dürer-Zeit: Die Geschichte der Dürer-Sammlung in der Kunsthalle Bremen list Albrecht Dürer
Kunsthalle Bremen
Rainer Schoch 794942939
museum catalogue Museo Stefano Bardini. Guida alla visita del museo list Museo Bardini 2011 Antonella Nesi
museum catalogue Altdeutsche und altniederländische Malerei Alte Pinakothek list Alte Pinakothek
Altniederländische Malerei
2006 Martin Schawe
museum catalogue The Guggenheim Museum, Justin K. Thannhauser Collection museum catalogue 1978 list Justin K. Thannhauser
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
1978 950240728
museum catalogue Ganja-Gazakh carpets 2002 museum catalog list Ganja-Kazakh group
Azerbaijan Carpet Museum
museum catalogue Biografien der Bilder:Provenienzen Im Museum Berggruen museum catalogue (2018-2019) list provenance
Berggruen Museum
2018 1086234540
museum catalogue Malarstwo francuskie, niderlandzkie, włoskie do 1600: katalog zbiorów, Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie catalog of the National Museum in Warsaw list National Museum in Warsaw 2017
museum catalogue Beschrijving der schilderijen op 's Rijks Museum te Amsterdam (1858) catalog of the Rijksmuseum 1858 list Rijksmuseum
End of automatically generated list.