Wikidata:WikiProject NZThesisProject/Maintenance tasks

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Maintenance tasks and queries

  • Look for NZ theses that have been added/matched by other editors: Regularly run query based on theses WITH author statement (from thesis dashboard), compare to OpenRefine extract of matched theses. Also shows up some merged items (only ones where Q number has changed). (Cleared 7/7/22 DrThneed) Also can use Sparql query looking for reciprocal author/thesis statements
  • All people should be either an author or advisor of a thesis: Run query from people dashboard for those without an academic thesis statement, include show student/doctoral student. Look for people with no thesis and no students (either add thesis/students or check if NZThesisProject added erroneously). (Cleared 8/7/22 DrThneed) Not useful now that thesis committee member exists as a property
  • Query showing missing reciprocal links for doctoral students/doctoral advisor (Cleared 1 June 2023 DrThneed)
  • Query showing missing reciprocal links for student/student of (Cleared 1 May 2023)
  • Query for people who have an academic thesis with P5008 of NZThesisProject, but the person item is missing P5008 also Cleared 1 May 2023
  • Theses with author and author name string Cleared 1 May 2023
  • Query for thesis authors (not advisors) with a Wikipedia page
  • Query for items that are instance of thesis (not including subclasses) but have description containing the word 'doctoral'
  • Women professors at NZ institutions with their date of appointment and whether they have a Wikipedia page or not
  • Authors missing an educated at statement that matches where the thesis was submitted (note: some results expected due to Lincoln/Canterbury history, NZSM and UNZ, and dual author theses)
  • Authors with three or more theses (check for miscoded doctor or letter of science theses)
  • Authors who are author and supervisor on their own thesis: