Wikidata:WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/National Gallery of Art Library/ET Artists at a Glance

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Please click the title above to see the list of the artists created in Wikidata. The list includes about 50% of the artists in the Evans-Tibbs collection (407 out of 806 artists), which have been newly added to Wikidata during this pilot. The information for each artist has been collected from the library's Evans-Tibbs collection and external sources and it will be updated as new data is added into Wikidata.

Evans-Tibbs Artists at a Glance


These analyses are based on the data recorded in Wikidata as of August 2021.

Occupations of Evans-Tibbs Artists
Occupations of Evans-Tibbs Artists

Field of Work by Evans-Tibbs Artists

Evans-Tibbs Artists by Work Location


Click the map to view the list of the artists' work locations and from there, you can go to the interactive map by clicking 'Map' on the left side menu. A map of Evans-Tibbs artists by work location recorded in Wikidata.

Timeline of Date and Place of Birth


Click the timeline below to view the dates and places of birth for the Evans-Tibbs artists recorded in Wikidata. From there, you can go to the interactive timeline by clicking 'Timeline' on the left side menu.
Timeline for date and place of birth for Evans-Tibbs artists.

Sample Items from the Evans-Tibbs Archive

Masters of Color by Theresa Ramey
Masters of Color by Theresa Ramey

14 Washington women artists Ulysses Marshall : recent paintings Fifteen Black artists

The art of collage
The art of collage

Black women visual artists in Washington, D.C. Chronology : Richard Dempsey

Knowledge Graph


This graph shows how the data for Evans-Tibbs Artists are interconnected in Wikidata.

Knowledge Graph for Evans-Tibbs Artists
Knowledge Graph for Evans-Tibbs Artists