Wikidata:WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/UC Davis

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A PCC WikiProject for the UC Davis Library to leverage Wikidata content.

Aim & Scope


The UC Davis Library is a participant in the PCC Wikidata Pilot Project. The library plans to make the pilot project a conduit to train librarians and staff on the use of wikidata in general. Our specific tasks relate to augmenting our Digital Collections, specifically adding wikidata identifiers for digital content creators, subject matter, and location.



The UC Davis Library maintains the recent UC Davis Digital Collections. The collections are maintained in a Linked Data Platform, and provide access to the collections and objects via metadata.

The metadata allows for linked data identifiers for specific components of descriptions; including data creators, subjects, and locations. Where appropriate, the collections in include pointers to both the Library of Congress Name Authority File and the Faceted Application of Subject Terminology. When objects do not exist in these controlled terms, there is no standard methodology for adding additional information.









Training materials


Wikidata Professional Development Training Modules
Wikidata Educational Resources


  1. Creators from UC Davis Digital Collections - Data model
  2. UC Davis Organizations
  3. UC Davis faculty and researchers
  4. California geographic names from Eastman's Original Collections
  5. California dams from Department of Irrigation Photographs Collection
  6. Wikidata entry for each UC Davis digital collection

Example Properties



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