Wikidata:WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/University of Washington/Application Profiles/Faculty and Staff

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Bolded properties are considered core if the information is available. All others are optional according to cataloger's judgment and what else is known about the person.
Asterisked (*) properties generally should have at least one reference to justify the statement. Double-asterisked (**) properties generally do not need a reference, but include one if you judge it to be helpful to support the statement you are making.

Property Value Qualifiers if applicable Usage Note
Label Generally the RDA form of preferred name in direct order
Description "observational cosmologist", "ecology professor", "American poet", "Chinese physicist"
Also known as Variant names in direct order
Statements Include at least one reference for most statements. See usage notes below for when references are not needed.
on focus list of Wikimedia Project (P5008) Q98970039 = Wikidata:WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/University of Washington Only for PCC Pilot Project.
instance of (P31) human (Q5) Reference not required
sex or gender (P21) ** Choose from:
male (Q6581097)
female (Q6581072)
intersex (Q1097630)
transgender female (Q1052281)
transgender male (Q2449503)
non-binary (Q48270)
agender (Q505371)
and/or other terms by which they identify
Property is required by Wikidata. Record "unknown" unless you're sure of another value. Generally a reference is not required for binary genders like male and female. Others should probably be supported by references.
date of birth (P569) * if date is approximate:
include qualifier sourcing circumstances (P1480), which used for qualification of the truth or accuracy of a source. Values can include: circa (Q5727902), near (Q21818619), presumably (Q18122778), etc.

if you need to refine a date, use the qualifier refine date (P4241); for example to say someone was born in the fall of 1956, use 1956 as the date of birth and add qualifier refine date (P4241) with value autumn (Q1314)
date of death (P570) * if date is approximate:
include qualifier sourcing circumstances (P1480), which is used for qualification of the truth or accuracy of a source. Values can include: circa (Q5727902), near (Q21818619), presumably (Q18122778), etc.

if you need to refine a date, use the qualifier refine date (P4241); for example to say someone died in the fall of 1956, use 1956 as the date of death and add qualifier refine date (P4241) with value autumn (Q1314)
occupation (P106) ** Values should be occupations/professions.
Generally, for faculty, include both "university teacher" (Q1622272) and "academic" (Q3400985).
Also include other values based on field of work, such as "chemist", "wood chemist", "political scientist", "Indologist", "civil engineer", "medical researcher", "violinist", etc. Replace items that just say "researcher" with more specific occupations. Create new items for occupation if needed.
Consider "professor" to be a title, not an occupation.
field of work (P101) ** The person's discipline or specialty, e.g., "sociology", "marine ecology", "music history", "Canadian studies". Give multiple values if needed. Create new items for field of work if needed.
employer (P108) * University of Washington
University of Washington Bothell
University of Washington Tacoma
and optionally, former and/or subsequent employers
if known:
start time (P580)
end time (P582)
position held (P39) - e.g., "associate professor"
For universities, give the university as a whole rather than a particular school or department. For the department(s) they are in, see academic appointment (P8413)
academic appointment (P8413) * Specific school or department faculty are appointed to. position held (P39)
if known,
start time (P580)
end time (P582)
Not same as affiliation (P1416)
educated at (P69) * For universities, include the university as a whole rather than a specific school or department academic degree (P512) - e.g., Doctor of Philosophy
point in time (P585) - date degree given
or if period of study is known: start time (P580) and end time (P582)
academic major (P812)
doctoral thesis (P1026) - item representing doctoral dissertation (work) if known and item exists for it
doctoral advisor (P184) - if readily available and item exists for them. Create item for advisors of people who got their doctoral degree at UW.
work location (P937) The geographical place where they work or have worked, e.g., "Seattle" if known:
start time (P580)
end time (P582)
official website (P856) language of work or name (P407)
retrieved (P813)
curriculum vitae (P8214) Give URL for the CV language of work or name (P407)
retrieved (P813)
academic degree (P512) * e.g. Doctor of Philosophy; Bachelor of Science; Master of Fine Arts. Can use "doctorate", "master's degree", etc. if the specific name of degree is not known conferred by (P1027)
point in time (P585)
affiliation (P1416) * organization that a person or organization is affiliated with (not necessarily member of or employed by). Items will need to be created for them if they don't already exist. start time (P580)
end time (P582)
position held (P39)
Repeat the property if a person has had different positions within the same affiliation.

Different from member of (P463)
position held (P39) * position held, particularly one that is not brought out somewhere else in the item if known:
start time (P580)
end time (P582)
member of (P463) * organization, musical group, or club to which the subject belongs. Do not use for membership in ethnic or social groups, nor for holding a position such as a member of parliament (use P39 for that). This is a subproperty of affiliation.
ethnic group (P172) * Person's ethnicity Consensus is that a VERY high standard of proof is needed for this to be used. In general this means 1) the subject claims it themselves, or 2) it is widely agreed on by scholars.
sexual orientation (P91) * The sexual orientation of the person. Use IF AND ONLY IF they have stated it themselves, unambiguously, or it has been widely agreed upon by historians after their death.
country of citizenship (P27) ** Do not surmise. If not definitively known, do not include.
place of birth (P19) *
given name (P735) ** Must have an item of the type "given name" (NOT "family name" or "nickname") in Wikidata. If it doesn't exist and you want to include it, you must create one. if multiple given names:
series ordinal (P1545) - position of an item in its parent series (most frequently a 1-based index).
First and middle names are separate values. Can be just an initial if fuller form of name is not known. The middle name(s) or initial(s) may need a reference if they are not included in the label. "stated in" can often be used for this. For example:
stated in: Library of Congress Name Authority File
Library of Congress authority ID: n84175418
family name (P734) Must have an item in Wikidata. If it doesn't exist and you want to include it, you must create one. if multiple surnames:
series ordinal (P1545)
name in native language (P1559) Use when person has name in non-Latin script. Don't guess.
birth name (P1477) * Full name given at birth.
married name (P2562) * Full name after marriage.
pseudonym (P742) *
nickname (P1449) *
preferred pronoun (P6553) * Must be justified by at least one reference.
languages spoken, written, or signed (P1412)
professorship (P803) * Named or endowed professorship held by the person; if used it will have to be set up with its own item
doctoral student (P185) * Create entities for students as they are added if they don't already exist. For reference to support this information, give either:
stated in (P248): WorldCat and OCLC control number (P243): [OCLC number without #]
reference URL (P854): [PDF URL of the thesis, e.g. and retrieved (P813)
student (P802) * For other than doctoral students. For reference to support this information, give either:
stated in (P248): WorldCat and OCLC control number (P243): [OCLC number without #]
reference URL (P854): [PDF URL of the thesis, e.g. and retrieved (P813)
doctoral advisor (P184) * For reference to support this information, if you find it in OCLC you can use:
stated in (P248): WorldCat and OCLC control number (P243): [OCLC number without #]
influenced by (P737) *
residence (P551) * Geographical place where they live or once lived. if known:
start time (P580)
end time (P582)
e-mail address (P968) * if known:
start time (P580)
end time (P582)
format as mailto:[emailaddress]
phone number (P1329) * Only work phone numbers should be recorded. Give in the form +1-XXX-XXX-XXX.
fax number (P2900) * Only work fax numbers should be recorded. Give in the form +1-XXX-XXX-XXX.
described at URL (P973) URLs for faculty/staff pages, "about me" pages, etc. language of work or name (P407)
retrieved (P813)
notable work (P800) Only use if work already has an item; or if work is considered very important, create item for it.
academic thesis (P1026) object has role (P3831):
record either master's thesis (Q1907875) or doctoral thesis doctoral thesis (Q187685)
The thesis must have its own item to be able to use this property. For an example of this property in use, see: Hannah Sipe (Q100700912)
award received (P166) * point in time (P585)
with (P1706) - co-receiver(s) of the award
for work (P1686)
field of work (P101)
award rationale (P6208)
nominated for (P1411) *
Identifiers Identifiers do not need references; they are self-referencing. However, qualifiers may be included if useful, such as to justify variant names.
Library of Congress Authority ID (LCCN) (P244) optionally:
named as (P1810)
alternate names (P4970)
VIAF ID (P214)
ISNI (P213)
FAST ID (P2163)
Union List of Artist Names ID (P245)
Pacific Coast Architecture Database person ID (P5745)
archINFORM person or group ID (P5508)
Academic Tree ID (P2381)
GitHub username (P2037)
Google Scholar Author ID (P1960)
Semantic Scholar Author ID (P4012)
SCOPUS Author ID (P1153)
Loop ID (P2798)
Facebook ID (P2013) optionally: named as (P1810)
Twitter username (P2002) Twitter user numeric ID (P6552) - obtain from or
start time (P580) - obtain from or the person's Twitter page
optionally: named as (P1810)
Instagram username (P2003) optionally: named as (P1810)
LinkedIn personal profile ID (P6634)
ResearchGate contributions ID (P6023)
ResearchGate profile ID (P2038)
SoundCloud ID (P3040)
Vimeo username (P4015)
YouTube channel ID (P2397) named as (P1810)
language of work or name (P407)
number of subscribers (P3744)
start time (P580)
number of viewers/listeners (P5436)
point in time (P585) - today's date
Not same as a user ID, for which there is no property. You can get a channel ID from a user URL. There are websites that convert them, for example: Another simple way is go to the YouTube site from the username URL and click a video of the channel (in its "VIDEOS" tab) and click the channel name on the video. That will take you to the page with its "channel" URL.
MusicBrainz artist ID (P434)
Discogs artist ID (P1953)
CompositionToday composer ID (P8688)
Any other IDs for the person. Full list of person IDs: