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Wikidata:WikiProjet Physique

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This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:WikiProject Physics and the translation is 100% complete.

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Remplissage des infobox et données

Boîte d'information Isotope

Template:Infobox isotope (Q8946766) - 38 transclusions sur Wikipédia en anglais. Le reste des données doit être rassemblé à partir des autres sources. Les éléments de plusieurs nucléides doivent être créés.

Parameter Infobox Status Property Data type Qualificateurs Commentaires
element symbol symbol ✓ Done element symbol (P246) String - -
atomic number Z ✓ Done atomic number (P1086) Number (not available yet) - P1086 Z (en:atomic number) not a parameter in the infobox
mass mass ✓ Done mass (P2067) Number (not available yet) - -
neutron number num_neutrons ✓ Done neutron number (P1148) Number (not available yet) - -
Nombre de protons num_protons Same as mass_number but double check - Number (not available yet) - mass number = number of protons + number of neutrons (A = N + Z)
natural abundance abundance ✓ Done natural abundance (P2374) Number (not available yet) Where was the isotopic ratio measured (water, air, meteorite, ...) -
half-life halflife ✓ Done half-life (P2114) Quantity Which decay system We could also use decay constant (one of the two can be calculated)
Incertitude sur la demi-vie error_halflife Waiting for datatype - Number (not available yet) - Can we attach measurement errors to the measurement? How will number datatype look like?
decays to decay_product ✓ Done decays to (P816) Item decay mode (P817)
symbole de décroissance (?) decay_symbol ? - ? - Handle this client side?
masse de décroissance (?) decay_mass ? - ? - Can be calculated client side?
decay mode decay_mode1 ✓ Done decay mode (P817) Item Qualifier of decays to (P816)
- decay_halflife1 - - - - use same property as Half-Life
Intensité de décroissance decay_intensity1 waiting for datatype - Number (not available yet) -
Énergie de décroissance decay_energy1 waiting for datatype - Number (not available yet) -
Décroit depuis (père) parent  Not done - Item - Don't really need a symmetrical property
Symbole du père parent_symbol  Not done - - - Can be queried.
Masse du père parent_mass  Not done - - - Can be queried.
Décroissance du père parent_decay  Not done - - -

Can be queried.

spin quantum number spin ✓ Done spin quantum number (P1122) ? - -
mass excess excess_energy ✓ Done mass excess (P2160) Quantity - -
binding energy binding_energy ✓ Done binding energy (P2154) Quantity - -
Isotope de -  Not done - Item - not in Infobox, can be queried from atomic number, but this would be a simple double check

Infobox Particule

Template:Infobox particle (Q6484397) - 47 transclusions sur Wikipédia en anglais

Parameter Infobox Status Property Data type Qualificateurs Commentaires
- num_types Number (not available yet)
- classification Item
- composition ? what about elementary particles?
- statistics ? Item obtain from spin? what about anyons, plectons...
- group Item
Génération de la matière generation Number (not available yet)
interaction interaction ✓ Done interaction (P517) Item
antiparticle antiparticle ✓ Done antiparticle (P2152) Item
- status
? theorized ? discoverer or inventor (P61)? Item use same property as discovered?
? discovered ? discoverer or inventor (P61)? Item use same property as theorized?
notation symbol ✓ Done notation (P913) Item
- mass ✓ Done mass (P2067) Quantity
half-life mean_lifetime ✓ Done half-life (P2114) Quantity
décroit vers decay_particle ✓ Done decays to (P816) Item
electric charge electric_charge ✓ Done electric charge (P2200) Quantity
- charge_radius Review of Particle Physics (Q56810046) gives mean square charge radius
Magnetic radius - Given in Review of Particle Physics (Q56810046)
- electric_dipole_moment ✓ Done electric dipole moment (P2201) Quantity
- electric_polarisability Given in Review of Particle Physics (Q56810046)
Magnetic moment magnetic moment ✓ Done magnetic moment (P2069) Quantity
- magnetic_polarisability Given in Review of Particle Physics (Q56810046)
- colour_charge
- spin ✓ Done spin quantum number (P1122) Number (not available yet)
- num_spin_states
- lepton_number
- baryon_number
- strangeness
- charm
- bottomness
- topness
- isospin
- weak_isospin
- weak_isospin_3
- hypercharge
- weak_hypercharge
- chirality
- B-L
- X_charge
- parity ✓ Done parity quantum number (P1123) Number (not available yet)
- g_parity
- c_parity ✓ Done charge conjugation quantum number (P7527) Number (not available yet)
- r_parity
- condensed_symmetries
- decay width ✓ Done decay width (P2223) Quantity
- gyromagnetic ratio ✓ Done gyromagnetic ratio (P2222) Quantity

Non trié :

Infobox Grandeur physique

Template:Infobox physical quantity (Q8761512) - 26 transclusions sur Wikipédia en anglais

Infobox Isotope stable

Template:Infobox stable isotope (Q6822887) - 6 transclusions sur Wikipédia en anglais

Should be subset of Infobox isotope

Infobox Unité

Template:Infobox unit (Q6376448) - 37 transclusions sur Wikipédia en anglais

Parameter Infobox Status Property Data type Qualificateurs Commentaires
measured physical quantity quantity measured physical quantity (P111) ✓ Done Item
- standard  Not done redundant with instance of SI-derived-unit
named after namedafter named after (P138) ✓ Done Item
l'unité est units1,inunits1... Number (not available yet) in units of alternatively create property "unit in SI units"

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