Wikidata:WikiProject Stanford Libraries/Theses

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An organizing page for the Stanford Libraries Thesis Project. Under active development ...

Project Wikidata dashboards (counting properties):

Relevant SPARQL queries

Bubble chart of thesis subjects:

Graph of student-advisor relationships:

Cross-over with other thesis projects

Other thesis projects on Wikidata include the LSE project and the NZThesisProject.

Other useful links

  • SourceMetaData thesis by institution dashboard - cool to see where theses are from and how many there are!

Things to do:

  • Parse advisor field from metadata spreadsheet in OpenRefine.
  • (DONE) Reconcile advisor names w/WikiData
    • (DONE) Create new humans as needed until all primary advisors exist
  • (DONE) Add advisors to students and vice-versa
  • Reconcile advisor names w/:
    • ORCID
    • VIAF
    • ISNI
    • LCNAF
  • (DONE) Parse subject terms from metadata spreadsheet, start work on reconciling
    • (DONE) Wikidata
  • Work with WikiProject Stanford Libraries experts to parse out Departments
  • Mix-n-match for thesis authors w/ Wikipedia pages
    • Add reference to thesis on author Wikipedia page
  • Parse number of pages from thesis record, add to thesis item page
  • (DONE) Place Stanford Wikidata Project (Q113628913) "on the focus list of" (P5008) on all people and thesis items