Wikidata:WikiProject WLM/Mapping tables/am (hy)/preview

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{'notes': '', 'gov_doc_id': '8', 'changed': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 29, 12, 5, 56), 'date': '20 դ. սկիզբ', 'municipality': 'Գյումրի', 'lat': None, 'image': '', 'height': '', 'prov_iso': 'AM-SH', 'description': 'Բնակելի տուն', 'lon': None, 'address': 'Ռուսթավելու փող. 111', 'monument_article': '', 'commonscat': 'Cultural heritage monuments in Gyumri, Shirak', 'source': '//Գյումրիի_պատմության_և_մշակույթի_անշարժ_հուշարձանների_ցանկ_(Շիրակի_մարզ)&oldid=5391741', 'importance': 'Տ', 'id': '8.1/4.695', 'registrant_url': ''}


  • hy: Բնակելի տուն


  • en: cultural heritage monument of Armenia



Possible item:

Property Value Qualifiers References
Cultural Heritage Armenia ID (P3170) 8.1/4.695
described at URL (P973) : ""
{"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
country (P17) Armenia (Q399) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
heritage designation (P1435) cultural heritage monument in Armenia (Q26884649) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
P969 (P969) Ռուսթավելու փող. 111 {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
instance of (P31) cultural property (Q2065736) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) Gyumri (Q199500) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}

{'notes': '', 'gov_doc_id': '37965', 'changed': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 29, 12, 5, 26), 'date': '12-13 դդ.', 'municipality': 'Չկալով', 'lat': None, 'image': '', 'height': '', 'prov_iso': 'AM-LO', 'description': 'Խաչքար', 'lon': None, 'address': '', 'monument_article': '', 'commonscat': 'Cultural heritage monuments in Chkalov, Lori', 'source': '//Չկալովի_պատմության_և_մշակույթի_անշարժ_հուշարձանների_ցանկ_(Լոռու_մարզ)&oldid=2261558', 'importance': 'Հ', 'id': '7.89/1.2', 'registrant_url': ''}


  • hy: Խաչքար


  • en: cultural heritage monument of Armenia



Possible item:

Property Value Qualifiers References
Cultural Heritage Armenia ID (P3170) 7.89/1.2
described at URL (P973) : ""
{"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
instance of (P31) cultural property (Q2065736) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) Lori Region (Q200350) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
country (P17) Armenia (Q399) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
heritage designation (P1435) cultural heritage monument in Armenia (Q26884649) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}

{'notes': '', 'gov_doc_id': '11757', 'changed': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 29, 12, 8, 10), 'date': '15 դ.', 'municipality': 'Արզական', 'lat': None, 'image': '', 'height': '', 'prov_iso': 'AM-KT', 'description': 'Խաչքար', 'lon': None, 'address': '', 'monument_article': '', 'commonscat': 'Cultural heritage monuments in Arzakan, Kotayk', 'source': '//Արզականի_պատմության_և_մշակույթի_անշարժ_հուշարձանների_ցանկ_(Կոտայքի_մարզ)&oldid=2818873', 'importance': 'Հ', 'id': '6.15/3.17', 'registrant_url': ''}


  • hy: Խաչքար


  • en: cultural heritage monument of Armenia



Possible item:

Property Value Qualifiers References
Cultural Heritage Armenia ID (P3170) 6.15/3.17
described at URL (P973) : ""
{"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
instance of (P31) cultural property (Q2065736) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) Arzakan (Q2670437) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
country (P17) Armenia (Q399) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
heritage designation (P1435) cultural heritage monument in Armenia (Q26884649) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}

{'notes': '', 'gov_doc_id': '8', 'changed': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 29, 12, 7, 2), 'date': '13 դ.', 'municipality': 'Հառիճ', 'lat': None, 'image': '', 'height': '', 'prov_iso': 'AM-SH', 'description': 'Խաչքար', 'lon': None, 'address': '', 'monument_article': '', 'commonscat': 'Cultural heritage monuments in Harich, Shirak', 'source': '//Հառիճի_պատմության_և_մշակույթի_անշարժ_հուշարձանների_ցանկ_(Շիրակի_մարզ)&oldid=2267920', 'importance': 'Հ', 'id': '8.63/20.1.2', 'registrant_url': ''}


  • hy: Խաչքար


  • en: cultural heritage monument of Armenia



Possible item:

Property Value Qualifiers References
Cultural Heritage Armenia ID (P3170) 8.63/20.1.2
described at URL (P973) : ""
{"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
instance of (P31) cultural property (Q2065736) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) Harich (Q683124) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
country (P17) Armenia (Q399) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
heritage designation (P1435) cultural heritage monument in Armenia (Q26884649) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}

{'notes': 'նախկինում` բնակելի տուն', 'gov_doc_id': '36406', 'changed': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 29, 12, 9, 5), 'date': '19 դ. վերջ', 'municipality': 'Գորիս', 'lat': None, 'image': '', 'height': '', 'prov_iso': 'AM-SU', 'description': 'Ուսուցչի տուն', 'lon': None, 'address': 'Գուսան Աշոտի փ. 32', 'monument_article': '', 'commonscat': 'Cultural heritage monuments in Goris, Syunik', 'source': '//Գորիսի_պատմության_և_մշակույթի_անշարժ_հուշարձանների_ցանկ_(Սյունիքի_մարզ)&oldid=3631462', 'importance': 'Տ', 'id': '9.3/157', 'registrant_url': ''}


  • hy: Ուսուցչի տուն


  • en: cultural heritage monument of Armenia



Possible item:

Property Value Qualifiers References
Cultural Heritage Armenia ID (P3170) 9.3/157
described at URL (P973) : ""
{"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
country (P17) Armenia (Q399) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
heritage designation (P1435) cultural heritage monument in Armenia (Q26884649) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
P969 (P969) Գուսան Աշոտի փ. 32 {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
instance of (P31) cultural property (Q2065736) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) Goris (Q319735) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}

{'notes': 'հս մատուռից հվ-ամ, պատվանդանին', 'gov_doc_id': '37837', 'changed': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 29, 12, 3, 38), 'date': '13 դ.', 'municipality': 'Նորատուս', 'lat': None, 'image': '', 'height': '', 'prov_iso': 'AM-GR', 'description': 'Խաչքար', 'lon': None, 'address': '', 'monument_article': '', 'commonscat': 'Cultural heritage monuments in Noraduz, Gegharkunik', 'source': '//Նորատուսի_պատմության_և_մշակույթի_անշարժ_հուշարձանների_ցանկ_(Գեղարքունիքի_մարզ)&oldid=5156744', 'importance': 'Հ', 'id': '5.71/4.94', 'registrant_url': ''}


  • hy: Խաչքար


  • en: cultural heritage monument of Armenia



Possible item:

Property Value Qualifiers References
Cultural Heritage Armenia ID (P3170) 5.71/4.94
described at URL (P973) : ""
{"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
instance of (P31) cultural property (Q2065736) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) Noratus (Q1528182) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
country (P17) Armenia (Q399) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
heritage designation (P1435) cultural heritage monument in Armenia (Q26884649) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}

{'notes': 'կանգնեցված է բետոնե պատվանդանի վրա', 'gov_doc_id': '13320', 'changed': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 29, 12, 12, 40), 'date': '12-13 դդ.', 'municipality': 'Սևքար', 'lat': None, 'image': '', 'height': '', 'prov_iso': 'AM-TV', 'description': 'Խաչքար Թևավոր', 'lon': None, 'address': 'գյուղից 1.5 կմ հս-ամ, «Դարպաս» գյուղատեղի տանող ճանապարհին', 'monument_article': '', 'commonscat': 'Cultural heritage monuments in Sevkar, Tavush', 'source': '//Սևքարի_պատմության_և_մշակույթի_անշարժ_հուշարձանների_ցանկ_(Տավուշի_մարզ)&oldid=2168760', 'importance': 'Հ', 'id': '10.58/10', 'registrant_url': ''}


  • hy: Խաչքար Թևավոր


  • en: cultural heritage monument of Armenia



Possible item:

Property Value Qualifiers References
Cultural Heritage Armenia ID (P3170) 10.58/10
described at URL (P973) : ""
{"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
country (P17) Armenia (Q399) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
heritage designation (P1435) cultural heritage monument in Armenia (Q26884649) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
P969 (P969) գյուղից 1.5 կմ հս-ամ, «Դարպաս» գյուղատեղի տանող ճանապարհին {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
instance of (P31) cultural property (Q2065736) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) Sevkar (Q69277) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}

{'notes': '', 'gov_doc_id': '13320', 'changed': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 29, 12, 12, 20), 'date': '13-17 դդ.', 'municipality': 'Կիրանց', 'lat': None, 'image': '', 'height': '', 'prov_iso': 'AM-TV', 'description': 'Գերեզմանոց', 'lon': None, 'address': 'գյուղատեղիի հս-ամ եզրին', 'monument_article': '', 'commonscat': 'Cultural heritage monuments in Kirants, Tavush', 'source': '//Կիրանցի_պատմության_և_մշակույթի_անշարժ_հուշարձանների_ցանկ_(Տավուշի_մարզ)&oldid=2267998', 'importance': 'Հ', 'id': '10.39/1.1', 'registrant_url': ''}


  • hy: Գերեզմանոց


  • en: cultural heritage monument of Armenia



Possible item:

Property Value Qualifiers References
Cultural Heritage Armenia ID (P3170) 10.39/1.1
described at URL (P973) : ""
{"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
directions (P2795) (hy) գյուղատեղիի հս-ամ եզրին {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
country (P17) Armenia (Q399) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
heritage designation (P1435) cultural heritage monument in Armenia (Q26884649) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
instance of (P31) cultural property (Q2065736) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) Kirants (Q69469) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}

{'notes': 'ավերված', 'gov_doc_id': '36406', 'changed': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 29, 12, 10, 37), 'date': 'ուշ միջնադար', 'municipality': 'Վերիշեն', 'lat': None, 'image': '', 'height': '', 'prov_iso': 'AM-SU', 'description': 'Գյուղատեղի', 'lon': None, 'address': 'գյուղից 6.5 կմ հս, «Սանդի գյոլ» վայրում', 'monument_article': '', 'commonscat': 'Cultural heritage monuments in Verishen, Syunik', 'source': '//Վերիշենի_պատմության_և_մշակույթի_անշարժ_հուշարձանների_ցանկ_(Սյունիքի_մարզ)&oldid=4137480', 'importance': 'Հ', 'id': '9.96/6', 'registrant_url': ''}


  • hy: Գյուղատեղի


  • en: cultural heritage monument of Armenia



Possible item:

Property Value Qualifiers References
Cultural Heritage Armenia ID (P3170) 9.96/6
described at URL (P973) : ""
{"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
country (P17) Armenia (Q399) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
heritage designation (P1435) cultural heritage monument in Armenia (Q26884649) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
P969 (P969) գյուղից 6.5 կմ հս, «Սանդի գյոլ» վայրում {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
instance of (P31) cultural property (Q2065736) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) Verishen (Q2095757) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}

{'notes': '', 'gov_doc_id': '37837', 'changed': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 29, 12, 3, 33), 'date': '12 դ.', 'municipality': 'Ներքին Գետաշեն', 'lat': None, 'image': '', 'height': '', 'prov_iso': 'AM-GR', 'description': 'Խաչքար', 'lon': None, 'address': '', 'monument_article': '', 'commonscat': 'Cultural heritage monuments in Nerkin Getashen, Gegharkunik', 'source': '//Ներքին_Գետաշենի_պատմության_և_մշակույթի_անշարժ_հուշարձանների_ցանկ_(Գեղարքունիքի_մարզ)&oldid=4135356', 'importance': 'Հ', 'id': '5.66/1.91', 'registrant_url': ''}


  • hy: Խաչքար


  • en: cultural heritage monument of Armenia



Possible item:

Property Value Qualifiers References
Cultural Heritage Armenia ID (P3170) 5.66/1.91
described at URL (P973) : ""
{"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
instance of (P31) cultural property (Q2065736) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) Nerkin Getashen (Q2670399) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
country (P17) Armenia (Q399) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}
heritage designation (P1435) cultural heritage monument in Armenia (Q26884649) {"reference_url": {"prop": "P854", "value": ""}, "source": {"prop": "P248", "value": "Q28563569"}, "published": {"prop": "P577", "value": {"month": 10, "year": 2017, "day": 29}}}