Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Top creators by number of identifiers

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This is an overview of the top creators by number Wikipedia identifiers of the sum of all paintings. See Top creators overview for different rankings.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item (CONCAT("[[Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Creator/",?name, "|list]]") AS ?listlink) ?idcount ?sitelinks ?paintingcount WHERE { ?item wdt:P106 wd:Q1028181 . ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . ?item wikibase:identifiers ?idcount . ?item wikibase:sitelinks ?sitelinks . { # To filter out the painting dictators SELECT ?item (COUNT(?item) as ?paintingcount) WHERE { ?painting wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . ?painting wdt:P170 ?item . } GROUP BY ?item HAVING (?paintingcount > 5) } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . ?item rdfs:label ?name . } } ORDER BY DESC(?idcount ) LIMIT 500
image creator Number of identfiers Number of painting items on Wikidata list of items
Leonardo da Vinci 362 45 list
Pablo Picasso 325 818 list
Michelangelo 310 41 list
Albrecht Dürer 286 150 list
Vincent van Gogh 279 889 list
Rabindranath Tagore 276 108 list
Salvador Dalí 269 1063 list
August Strindberg 262 17 list
William Blake 262 98 list
Rembrandt 259 766 list
Peter Paul Rubens 259 2026 list
Andy Warhol 259 362 list
Le Corbusier 257 11 list
Raphael 255 290 list
Francisco Goya 238 529 list
Gustave Doré 237 111 list
Henri Matisse 236 601 list
Marc Chagall 231 282 list
Claude Monet 230 1143 list
Anthony van Dyck 226 1671 list
John Ruskin 226 21 list
Eugène Delacroix 225 479 list
Marcel Duchamp 223 56 list
Wassily Kandinsky 221 422 list
Paul Cézanne 221 695 list
Diego Velázquez 218 203 list
Paul Gauguin 215 497 list
Pierre-Auguste Renoir 214 1199 list
Edgar Degas 214 391 list
Max Ernst 214 170 list
Paul Klee 213 322 list
Oskar Kokoschka 212 156 list
Édouard Manet 211 358 list
Joan Miró 210 280 list
J. M. W. Turner 210 566 list
William Hogarth 208 201 list
Edvard Munch 207 1798 list
Man Ray 207 41 list
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 207 259 list
Giorgio Vasari 207 85 list
William Morris 207 7 list
Hans Holbein the Younger 203 183 list
Giorgio de Chirico 202 165 list
Fernand Léger 202 278 list
René Magritte 201 263 list
Caravaggio 201 110 list
Honoré Daumier 201 184 list
Sandro Botticelli 200 180 list
Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 195 1111 list
Jean Arp 194 26 list
Georges Braque 192 330 list
Dante Gabriel Rossetti 192 117 list
Gustav Klimt 190 124 list
Nicolas Poussin 190 236 list
George Grosz 189 66 list
Lucas Cranach the Elder 189 957 list
Salvator Rosa 187 226 list
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 185 255 list
Gustave Courbet 184 694 list
El Greco 183 605 list
Pierre Bonnard 183 665 list
Jacques-Louis David 183 155 list
Edward Lear 183 58 list
Alberto Giacometti 183 53 list
Francis Picabia 183 107 list
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 183 329 list
Frida Kahlo 180 32 list
Antonio da Correggio 180 152 list
Camille Pissarro 180 728 list
Alphonse Mucha 180 57 list
Francis Bacon 180 123 list
Amedeo Modigliani 179 272 list
Angelica Kauffmann 178 224 list
Jusepe de Ribera 178 275 list
Kurt Schwitters 178 41 list
James McNeill Whistler 178 312 list
Jean Dubuffet 177 203 list
Johannes Vermeer 176 37 list
Jan van Eyck 176 54 list
David Hockney 176 79 list
Gian Lorenzo Bernini 176 27 list
Guido Reni 175 347 list
László Moholy-Nagy 175 52 list
Joshua Reynolds 174 850 list
Claude Lorrain 173 251 list
Katsushika Hokusai 172 117 list
Raoul Dufy 172 294 list
Edward Burne-Jones 171 229 list
Guercino 171 224 list
Wilhelm Busch 171 46 list
Piet Mondrian 171 821 list
François Boucher 171 420 list
Jacopo Tintoretto 170 393 list
Pietro da Cortona 170 80 list
Josef Albers 170 251 list
Titian 169 446 list
James Ensor 168 155 list
Charles Le Brun 167 143 list
Félix Vallotton 167 410 list
Aristide Maillol 167 16 list
Andrea Mantegna 166 108 list
Paolo Veronese 166 348 list
Beatrix Potter 166 22 list
Giulio Romano 166 62 list
Utagawa Hiroshige 166 21 list
Pieter Brueghel the Elder 165 83 list
John Constable 165 549 list
Thomas Gainsborough 165 639 list
Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun 164 241 list
Roy Lichtenstein 164 113 list
Canaletto 164 455 list
Giotto 163 50 list
Jacques Callot 163 9 list
Henry Fuseli 162 85 list
Hieronymus Bosch 162 105 list
Kazimir Malevich 162 131 list
Jean-François Millet 161 260 list
Alexander Calder 161 23 list
Max Jacob 161 6 list
Jackson Pollock 160 220 list
Frans Hals 160 304 list
Jean-Antoine Watteau 160 153 list
John Singer Sargent 159 577 list
Georges Rouault 159 197 list
Robert Rauschenberg 159 79 list
Théodore Géricault 159 191 list
Andrea del Sarto 158 132 list
Odilon Redon 158 312 list
André Derain 158 344 list
Antoni Tàpies 158 90 list
Fra Angelico 157 178 list
Maurice Utrillo 157 238 list
Jean-Honoré Fragonard 157 248 list
Joseph Beuys 157 114 list
Lyonel Feininger 157 129 list
Egon Schiele 156 115 list
Jacob Jordaens 156 573 list
Paul Signac 156 195 list
Gino Severini 156 58 list
Giovanni Bellini 155 178 list
Georges Seurat 155 149 list
Walter Crane 155 34 list
Lawrence Alma-Tadema 154 187 list
Henri Rousseau 154 150 list
Théophile Steinlen 154 43 list
Federico Barocci 153 89 list
Henry van de Velde 153 11 list
Jasper Johns 153 62 list
Max Liebermann 153 159 list
Louise Bourgeois 153 7 list
Mark Rothko 153 330 list
Parmigianino 152 85 list
Georgia O'Keeffe 152 187 list
Natalia Goncharova 152 53 list
Giorgio Morandi 152 55 list
Niki de Saint Phalle 152 7 list
Bronzino 151 124 list
Domenichino 151 110 list
Lucio Fontana 151 59 list
Maurice Denis 150 295 list
Julian Schnabel 150 41 list
Édouard Vuillard 150 528 list
Victor Vasarely 150 221 list
Gerhard Richter 150 194 list
John James Audubon 150 18 list
Jan Brueghel the Elder 149 522 list
Robert Delaunay 149 205 list
Emil Nolde 149 144 list
Anton Raphael Mengs 148 175 list
David Teniers the Younger 148 1362 list
Frans Masereel 148 9 list
Max Beckmann 148 287 list
Mary Cassatt 148 111 list
Annibale Carracci 147 253 list
Berthe Morisot 147 161 list
Christo 147 6 list
Piero della Francesca 146 41 list
Thomas Lawrence 146 561 list
Renato Guttuso 146 24 list
Luca Giordano 145 412 list
Samuel Butler 145 37 list
Friedensreich Hundertwasser 145 7 list
John Everett Millais 145 210 list
Keith Haring 145 36 list
Rogier van der Weyden 144 90 list
Richard Serra 144 9 list
Karel Appel 144 151 list
Hendrik Goltzius 144 78 list
Fra Bartolomeo 143 48 list
Anders Zorn 143 296 list
Samuel Finley Breese Morse 143 66 list
Caspar David Friedrich 143 192 list
Sonia Delaunay 143 30 list
Barbara Hepworth 143 41 list
Giovanni Battista Piazzetta 143 73 list
Antoine Bourdelle 143 7 list
Augustus John 143 362 list
Willem de Kooning 143 118 list
Taras Shevchenko 143 82 list
El Lissitzky 143 18 list
Otto Dix 143 80 list
Adalbert Stifter 143 12 list
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo 143 331 list
Marino Marini 143 19 list
Carl Gustav Carus 142 78 list
Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier 142 169 list
Arnold Böcklin 142 127 list
Max Beerbohm 142 25 list
E. E. Cummings 142 8 list
Rosa Bonheur 141 300 list
Félicien Rops 141 33 list
Lovis Corinth 141 612 list
Adolph von Menzel 141 145 list
František Kupka 141 98 list
Sol LeWitt 141 49 list
Alfred Sisley 141 470 list
Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin 140 207 list
Fernando Botero 140 22 list
Massimo d'Azeglio 140 8 list
Edward Steichen 140 16 list
Karl Friedrich Schinkel 140 27 list
Pierre Soulages 140 71 list
Paul Delaroche 139 106 list
Horace Vernet 139 171 list
Giorgione 138 58 list
Charles-François Daubigny 138 479 list
Ben Nicholson 138 214 list
François Gérard 138 180 list
Hans Bellmer 137 6 list
Balthus 137 41 list
Maurice de Vlaminck 137 290 list
Tsuguharu Foujita 137 42 list
Joseph Vernet 137 325 list
Pompeo Batoni 137 200 list
Franz Marc 136 213 list
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner 136 260 list
Eugène Fromentin 136 78 list
Henri Fantin-Latour 136 433 list
Jacques Lipchitz 136 10 list
Andrea del Verrocchio 136 14 list
Ben Shahn 136 38 list
Ferdinand Hodler 135 165 list
Simon Vouet 135 186 list
Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo 135 126 list
Roberto Matta 135 76 list
Hans Memling 135 202 list
Rosalba Carriera 135 137 list
Benjamin West 135 292 list
Louis Daguerre 135 9 list
Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha 135 8 list
Umberto Boccioni 135 41 list
Hans Baldung Grien 135 107 list
Jan Steen 135 478 list
Philippe de Champaigne 134 207 list
Frank Stella 134 124 list
Lucian Freud 134 70 list
Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki 134 20 list
Jean-Léon Gérôme 133 262 list
Jean-Baptiste Greuze 133 299 list
Marie Laurencin 133 121 list
André Masson 133 97 list
Wyndham Lewis 133 45 list
Pinturicchio 132 45 list
Masaccio 132 34 list
Pontormo 132 81 list
Hyacinthe Rigaud 132 268 list
Abraham Bosse 132 6 list
Carlo Maratta 132 123 list
Frank Brangwyn 132 262 list
Juan Gris 132 165 list
Anselm Kiefer 132 131 list
Gustave Moreau 132 360 list
Francisco de Zurbarán 131 319 list
Bernard Buffet 131 42 list
Derek Jarman 131 13 list
Jean-Louis Forain 131 120 list
Yves Tanguy 131 83 list
Eugène Louis Boudin 130 666 list
Pierre Puvis de Chavannes 130 147 list
Adriaen van Ostade 130 495 list
Lorenzo Lotto 130 177 list
Jean-Michel Basquiat 130 58 list
Filippo Lippi 130 87 list
Winslow Homer 129 206 list
Godfrey Kneller 128 848 list
Max Klinger 128 22 list
Giacomo Balla 128 26 list
Damien Hirst 128 19 list
William-Adolphe Bouguereau 128 291 list
Frederic Leighton 128 240 list
Domenico Ghirlandaio 128 70 list
Edward Hopper 128 298 list
Alexandre Benois 127 6 list
Gerrit Dou 127 313 list
Gerard van Honthorst 127 305 list
Agostino Carracci 127 48 list
Albrecht Altdorfer 127 57 list
Peter Lely 127 632 list
Bernardo Bellotto 127 240 list
Carlo Carrà 127 15 list
Kees van Dongen 127 159 list
Vittore Carpaccio 126 74 list
Léon Bakst 126 19 list
Asger Jorn 126 77 list
Ellsworth Kelly 126 131 list
Roger Fry 126 124 list
Francesco Albani 126 108 list
Oskar Schlemmer 126 45 list
Jean-Étienne Liotard 126 67 list
Pisanello 126 11 list
Andrew Wyeth 126 88 list
Ludovico Carracci 126 64 list
Graham Sutherland 126 143 list
Hans Hartung 126 45 list
Theo van Doesburg 126 183 list
Paul Delvaux 126 56 list
Johann Friedrich Overbeck 126 28 list
Ilya Repin 126 272 list
George Frederic Watts 126 542 list
Nicholas Roerich 125 29 list
Antoine-Jean Gros 125 100 list
Charles Rennie Mackintosh 125 6 list
George Catlin 125 981 list
Jenny Holzer 125 19 list
Giovanni Segantini 125 35 list
Stradanus 125 41 list
Francesco Solimena 125 141 list
Georg Baselitz 125 112 list
Paolo Uccello 125 34 list
Giuseppe Arcimboldo 124 34 list
Lorenzo Ghiberti 124 6 list
Jacob van Ruisdael 124 609 list
Ed Ruscha 124 86 list
Jacopo Bassano 124 177 list
Albert Marquet 124 353 list
Lucas van Leyden 123 75 list
Pietro Longhi 123 101 list
Ludwig Richter 123 44 list
Wifredo Lam 123 29 list
Jean Lurçat 123 43 list
Pierre-Paul Prud'hon 123 150 list
Alexander Rodchenko 123 8 list
Jan van Goyen 123 743 list
Andrea Pozzo 123 16 list
Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz 123 182 list
Cy Twombly 123 87 list
Chaïm Soutine 123 180 list
Willi Baumeister 123 52 list
Leonora Carrington 122 20 list
Leonor Fini 122 12 list
Marie Bashkirtseva 122 18 list
George Romney 122 495 list
Yannis Kounellis 122 13 list
Maerten de Vos 122 108 list
Banksy 122 11 list
Paul-Albert Besnard 122 83 list
Daniel Buren 122 36 list
Karel van Mander the Elder 122 32 list
Giuseppe Maria Crespi 122 97 list
Maria Helena Vieira da Silva 121 56 list
Hubert Robert 121 440 list
Joachim von Sandrart the Elder 121 80 list
Philips Wouwerman 121 670 list
Paris Bordone 121 93 list
James Tissot 121 156 list
Suzanne Valadon 121 82 list
Richard Hamilton 121 31 list
Robert Motherwell 121 137 list
Gaspard Dughet 121 226 list
Nicolaes Pieterszoon Berchem 121 422 list
Artemisia Gentileschi 120 102 list
Francesco Guardi 120 399 list
Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson 120 100 list
Pierre Alechinsky 120 54 list
Eugène Carrière 120 255 list
André Lhote 120 95 list
Johannes Itten 120 6 list
Filippino Lippi 120 77 list
Théodore Rousseau 120 295 list
Alexej von Jawlensky 120 218 list
Franz von Lenbach 120 521 list
Walter Sickert 120 373 list
William Holman Hunt 119 72 list
Federico Zuccari 119 27 list
Sophie Taeuber-Arp 119 11 list
David Roberts 119 145 list
Stanisław Wyspiański 119 23 list
Constantin Meunier 119 73 list
Jeff Koons 119 6 list
Yves Klein 119 24 list
Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld 119 18 list
Simone Martini 118 39 list
Jacques Villon 118 87 list
Sebastiano del Piombo 118 84 list
Barnett Newman 118 64 list
Wols 118 11 list
Zao Wou-Ki 118 41 list
Erich Heckel 118 115 list
Alexander Archipenko 118 7 list
Antonio Tempesta 118 18 list
André Dunoyer de Segonzac 118 41 list
Carl Larsson 118 111 list
Jozef Israëls 118 297 list
Otto van Veen 118 83 list
Albert Gleizes 118 75 list
Mikhail Larionov 117 20 list
Wolf Vostell 117 18 list
Paula Modersohn-Becker 117 81 list
Bridget Riley 117 67 list
Émile Bernard 117 134 list
Arman 117 8 list
John Singleton Copley 117 271 list
Hans von Aachen 117 84 list
Wilhelm von Kaulbach 117 57 list
Francesco Clemente 117 39 list
Il Sodoma 116 64 list
Julio González 116 36 list
Meret Oppenheim 116 9 list
Gerard ter Borch 116 323 list
Yayoi Kusama 116 10 list
Giovanni Boldini 116 120 list
Vanessa Bell 116 156 list
Palma il Giovane 116 117 list
Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux 116 57 list
Howard Pyle 116 120 list
Cigoli 116 34 list
Roland Penrose 116 15 list
Heinrich Aldegrever 115 10 list
Helen Frankenthaler 115 79 list
Frederic Edwin Church 115 159 list
Francesco Francia 115 76 list
Giovanni Paolo Panini 115 230 list
Mattia Preti 115 87 list
Quinten Metsys 115 168 list
Philipp Otto Runge 115 17 list
Lawrence Weiner 115 13 list
Paul Nash 115 110 list
August Macke 114 132 list
Eva Hesse 114 10 list
Pierre Mignard I 114 172 list
Jean-Marc Nattier 114 203 list
A. R. Penck 114 68 list
Maurice Quentin de La Tour 114 40 list
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff 114 109 list
Francesco Salviati 114 55 list
Antonello da Messina 113 47 list
Ary Scheffer 113 279 list
Abraham Bloemaert 113 174 list
Dorothea Tanning 113 23 list
Daniel Spoerri 113 9 list
Anselm Feuerbach 113 105 list
Jan Toorop 113 120 list
Adam Elsheimer 113 72 list
Carlo Dolci 113 109 list
Johan Christian Dahl 113 563 list
Giovanni Battista Gaulli 113 43 list
Luca Signorelli 112 83 list
Paulus Potter 112 135 list
Norman Rockwell 112 67 list
Józef Ignacy Kraszewski 112 6 list
Alexander Roslin 112 139 list
Richard Parkes Bonington 112 157 list
Max Pechstein 112 97 list
Max Slevogt 112 114 list
Jim Dine 111 84 list
Maarten van Heemskerck 111 157 list
Benozzo Gozzoli 111 46 list
Nicolas de Largillière 111 265 list
Sigmar Polke 111 105 list
Martin Schongauer 111 17 list
Arshile Gorky 111 68 list
George Bellows 111 129 list
Baldassare Peruzzi 111 6 list
Sam Francis 111 74 list
Jacques-Émile Blanche 111 169 list
Palma Vecchio 110 97 list
Joseph Wright of Derby 110 262 list
Masolino da Panicale 110 16 list
Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione 110 55 list
Gilbert Stuart 110 378 list
Hans Holbein the Elder 110 89 list
Jan Lievens 110 152 list
Saul Steinberg 110 6 list
Gerard de Lairesse 110 216 list
Hannah Höch 110 27 list
Gabriele Münter 110 51 list
Jules Pascin 110 146 list
Richard Long 110 9 list
Amédée Ozenfant 110 28 list
Johan Jongkind 110 178 list
Giovanni Baglione 110 22 list
Ford Madox Brown 109 103 list
Edwin Landseer 109 234 list
Kitagawa Utamaro 109 11 list
R.B. Kitaj 109 71 list
Hermann Nitsch 109 39 list
Alessandro Magnasco 109 170 list
Jesús Rafael Soto 109 14 list
Georges de La Tour 109 54 list
Luca Cambiaso 109 27 list
End of automatically generated list.