Wikidata talk:Development/Termbox/Feedback loop - reading termbox on mobile

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  • When testing the prototype, how did it go? Did anything good, wrong or unexpected happen?

The link is broken. Therefore nothing was available for testing.



Nice improvement but I found difficult to understand that the two parts opened a different menu (languages and filters)

  • when opening the languages part, to save you need to confirm on the blue button, this would be clearer adding a confirmation icon (a tick?) on the side of the text "Remember selected languages".
  • The filter menu icon could act as a close button when the languages menu is opened (hide it while showing a red button?)

--Sabas88 (talk) 11:39, 20 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Other remarks

  • I'm not sure to understand the research process to test that feature. Have you interviewed mobile users first? Are 3 checkboxes to hide/view something and a not-that-good search engine something mobile users ask for first? Or is getting that information the purpose of that feedback loop? If so, the real intent is missing on the project page. Trizek (talk) 16:54, 21 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
  • I would have also appreciated to know who is in charge of that development. That information is missing from the feedback page. Trizek (talk) 16:54, 21 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]
  • ...


  • When testing the prototype, how did it go? Did anything good, wrong or unexpected happen?
    • I've defined languages I speak and I can contribute to on my user page. I expect to have those languages preselected and shown by default as is now on desktop view. I guess you have a prototype limitation on that.
    • I would prefer to have the choice to hide all termboxes if I need to edit the page after.
    • Confirming languages is not useful: if you thick a box, that should be kept as preference. I've skipped the blue button the first time (used the menu button) and it is working. Is it a bug or a feature (I would prefer the latter :p)
    • If my language preferences are not used, can I reorganize the languages I've selected?
  • What did you experience when using the language selection?
    • First thought: "Is it working?" I've struggled to understand the selection system, while it is not similar to the common one used on all wikis mobile interface. The language selector on mobile works well, is a ready-to-use option, more effective. That global selector allows me to search for a language in Latin script (like yours), using languages variants and original scripting (yours don't: type "ܬܒܝܠ", you will never get that language) and shortcuts (yours don't: I typed "zh" for Chinese and got "Zhuang, which is "za"). I think that's a prototype limitation, and highly expect not to be a product limitation. Don't forget that homogeneity across the wikis should be a golden rule. Reusing tested features and design helps avoiding people getting lost, spares time to developers and saves donors money.
    • How do I know if a language is already defined, or not defined?
  • What did you experience when using the filters?
    • You mean the thick boxes that allow me to show/hide the different elements? I see those as useless, sorry. I would prefer to have a selector to show/hide all termboxes if I don't need those. Get terms, descriptions and synonyms should come as a whole.
  • In your daily reading and editing of Wikidata, what do you use the termbox for?
    • To define terms, while it is limited to that for now. I use the Wikipedia website to do that, while it is something I can do while reading the encyclopedia.
    • I have an expectation to contribute more through mobile to Wikidata. Surprisingly, I would never do that on plain-text content on a wiki but I think that fits Wikidata. I would be happy to have a way to add "also known as" elements to terms. Your prototype disturbs me a bit, because simple things like keeping the language I need away from my edits is not what I expect, but editing is pushed back to milestone 2. That's confusing.



Good improvements. I hope in future not only terms but also statements can be edited in the mobile view.

  • unexpected behavior: English terms show up at the top of he page. By clicking "In other languages" again the English terms show up a second time. I would expect that "In other languages" does not include the default language.
  • the option to hide certain types of terms (label, description, alias) is for my personal use unnecessary
  • Who defines the list of selectable languages? There is for example community consensus that "German (formal address)" should not be used for terms but it shows up in the list of languages.

--Pasleim (talk) 09:19, 22 June 2018 (UTC)[reply]



Hello all,

This first feedback round is now over. First of all, I want to thank you for the time you spent trying the prototype! The UX team and me gathered the content on this page with other user tests that we did during this period (both with experienced and non-experienced users), and here is a summary of the main remarks and notes.

  • you wonder about the usefulness of alias/term/description filtering
  • you wonder about language appearing two times (English appears in normal view, and in the list again)
  • you have trouble finding and closing the language settings view
  • the impossibility to navigate back was also mentioned
  • the clarity of the outcomes has to be questioned, since several of you expected some features that are not included in the prototype (change UI language, reorder the list)
  • the difference between the interface of the prototype and the existing standards of the WMF products
  • the search feature seems appreciated in general

Does that make sense for you? If you feel like we forgot something important, or misunderstood something, please let me know.

The next steps for us now is to integrate the information into the next version of the prototype. Based on your feedback, we will dig more into some topics, and decide if we want to improve, add or remove some of the features during the next iteration. After that, we will move on to developing this improved version of the termbox, and later work on the milestone 2, which will allow users to edit the labels, descriptions and aliases.

I'll keep you informed through the Wikidata:Development/Termbox page that I'll keep updated with the next steps. If you have any question, let me know. Cheers, Lea Lacroix (WMDE) (talk) 12:21, 3 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]