Wikidata talk:WikiCite/Wikidata lists/Items about Zika virus or fever

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Common short names[edit]

select ?short_author (count(?paper) as ?count) where {
  { ?paper wdt:P921 wd:Q202864 . } UNION { ?paper wdt:P921 wd:Q8071861 . }
  ?paper wdt:P2093 ?short_author .
group by ?short_author
order by desc(?count)
Try it!

cf. User:Fnielsen/Autolists/OpenfMRI#Queries

Common short names that match author names[edit]

I think it would be useful to have a query that matches common short names as above to the labels (or perhaps even aliases) of instances of humans, perhaps limited to those who have actually been an author (via author (P50)), ideally on an instance of a scientific paper. I tried to build that query but did not get it to work, even though a simpler query that does part of it does work. A test case (not Zika-related) could be George Davey Smith (Q21003878), which should pop up along with the currently 35 papers that have "George Davey Smith" in a author name string (P2093) statement. Can anyone get this to work? Thanks! --Daniel Mietchen (talk) 23:13, 30 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]