Wikidata talk:WikiProject Philosophy

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Modelling of philosophical ideas and theories


How should we model philosophical ideas/positions/theories and their relationships? There is philosophical theory (Q5389993) to mark those kinds of entities via instance of (P31) or subclass of (P279). subclass of (P279) would have the advantage of being in line with other approaches towards modelling abstract entities (like religions). If we use subclass of (P279) we could model the relationship between related philosophical positions using subclass relationships (e.g. subjective idealism (Q247218) being a subclass of idealism (Q33442)).

Other questions:

  1. How would one model contrasting philosophical positions (like idealism (Q33442) and philosophical realism (Q735590))? opposite of (P461) comes to mind but this seems actually to be quite simplistic.
  2. How to express the relationship between a philosophical idea and the disciplin it is relevant in? facet of (P1269) (example: idealism (Q33442) facet of (P1269) metaphysics (Q35277))?
  3. How to express the relationship between philosophers and their philosophical positions? field of work (P101)? movement (P135)?
  4. How to express the relationship between a philosophical position and ideas this philosophical position rejects/agrees with (e.g. subjective idealism (Q247218) <rejects> materialism (Q7081))?

Any thoughts or ideas? -Valentina.Anitnelav (talk) 10:28, 2 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Critical of property


I think that Property:P461 is insufficient to express relations of critique in philosophy and related areas. Many theories and movements that are defined by a critique of a others theories and movements do not claim a total opposition to it, but mostly a critical reelaboration. A more subtle property could be proposed for such relations, maybe something like 'critical of'. JoaquimCebuano (talk) 01:07, 2 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]