Wikidata:Properties for deletion/P2353

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statistical unit (P2353): (delete | history | links | entity usage | logs | discussion)

I propose deleting statistical unit (P2353) since its current use differs greatly from the original idea, both of which could be better modelled through other existing properties.

Most of the P2353 statements are to my understanding essensially duplicates of instance of (P31), except only for telling that the item is an instance of some sort of statistical unit. For example, on one of the example items of the property, Bni Gmil (Q1942317) has a statement statistical unit (P2353)rural commune of Morocco (Q17318027) meanwhile P31 has the exactly same value. On the second example item, Orchard Ridge (Q23137124), there is a statement statistical unit (P2353)Neighborhood Statistical Area of Baltimore (Q111902602) but P31 doesn't have that value, even though it clearly should. The property is currently stated on 246 items, of which 173 are located in Baltimore, United States.

If I understood correctly, the original purpose of P2353 presented in the property proposal was to model what kind of units populate a dataset or database. I can find only 13 items where P2353 is used this way, all of which originate in France, for example ASPIC (Q101086386) and Fichier des personnes décédées (Q80900474). In my opinion these cases could be better modelled through existing properties has part(s) (P527) or has part(s) of the class (P2670) as is done in most items about databases. —Samoasambia 20:04, 13 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]

I've suggested to create the property because I needed to describe datasets or database. The idea is that some datasets describe countries, some datasets describe organization, etc. See Q3509449#P2353 for a good example.
The most precise description would be "the subject describes entities of this class". Until I find another property matching this definition, I'm not in favour of the deletion of P2353. PAC2 (talk) 22:02, 15 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]