Довідка:Одномовні текстові значення

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This page is a translated version of the page Help:Monolingual text languages and the translation is 32% complete.

Список кодів мов Вікімедіа, доступних для одномовних текстових значень, фіксований. Його може змінити лише команда розробників.

Спеціальні мовні коди

На додаток до мовних кодів, що описують фактичні мови, доступні чотири спеціальні мовні коди:

  • und: For content whose language is not yet determined (undetermined)
  • mis: For content whose language is known, but has no language code (uncoded languages). We also use it for content whose language has a language code that is not yet available on Wikidata.org.
  • mul: For content in multiple languages (multiple languages), meaning either content that is the same in more than one language, or content that contains more than one language, so a reader would need to know all of them to understand it.
  • zxx: For content that is not linguistic (no linguistic content, not applicable)

See the #Lists below for current uses.

Якщо код мови відсутній

Може статися так, що вам потрібен мовний код, який ще не підтримується. У такому випадку виконайте наступні дії:

  • Use mis as language code in the statement, reference or qualifier where you need the unsupported language code
  • If possible, add a qualifier language of work or name (P407) with the item for the language; create an item for the language, if none already exists
  • If possible, add a reference for the correct language to the statement
  • Request the language code if it fulfills the requirements for a new language code (see below)

Додавання коду мови

The preferred way to request a language code to be added for monolingual text values is by opening a new ticket in Phabricator. Add the following information:

  • The language code (examples: lkt, sr-cyrl)
  • Language name in the language itself or English (examples: Lakota, Serbian in Cyrillic)
  • The used script, if not obvious (example: Cyrillic)
  • Where and when the language was or is used (example: In use by the Lakota people in North America)
  • The Wikidata item id (example: Q33537)

Make sure you link to the item where you want to use the language code (see previous section). If you didn't already add a reference to the statement, add it to the Phabricator ticket.

If you don't want to or can't use Phabricator, add your request to Wikidata:Report a technical problem.

Request language code on Phabricator

Вимоги до нового коду мови

Примітка: Це робота в процесі, а не готова програма

Новий мовний код, ймовірно, повинен відповідати наступним вимогам:

  • It has to be valid IETF language tag. If no tag is available, an attempt to register the tag can be made.
  • It has to be required for an actual use-case on Wikidata (other than native label (P1705) on item for the language itself)

A language code does not have to fulfill the requirements of the language proposal policy for new Wikis. Specifically:

  • The language doesn't need an active community or amount of usage
  • The language code doesn't need to denote a unique language (For example, we have nn and nb, but also no, which is a macrolanguage covering both)

In general, if you need a language code to correctly model real-world data, it should be accepted as long as it's a valid language code.

Використання всередині запитів SPARQL

BIND (LANG(?label) AS ?language)
  ?s ?label "The Rolling Stones"@en .
  ?s ?p ?o
Try it!
?spouse rdfs:label ?spouse_label .
FILTER (LANG(?spouse_label) = "en").

Adding with Quickstatements

  • Monolingual text prefix text in "double quotes" with the language and a colon, e.g. en:"Some text"
    Example: Q1214098 TAB P1476 TAB pl:"Krzyżacy"
    Meaning: add to The Knights of the Cross (Q1214098)title (P1476)"Krzyżacy" (Polish)


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