User:Marjan Tomki SI/Links subage

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Links on WP I need often. I intend to remove, or move elsewhere, what I'll get memorised and use tested.


Questions & Answers[edit]

What I asked and answers I got, or what someone else asked and got answers that were also usefull for me.

Constraints preventing entering data[edit]

Problem was I didn't know where to find description of procedure (both how it manifests when you cant publish, both correct proc).

Constraint violations[edit]

Other WM projects[edit]

They both are in WP, even when I call from WD and only wrote en (for english version), which is unexpected, because on Wikisource page the following is found:
For linking to or citing Wikisource, see Wikipedia:Wikisource. 
and the contents are different. I intend to check if this is random or systematic (with other articles too), and see on from there.


  • Talk:Q622416 - Autodescription — motorboat (Q622416): Includes Classification of the class motorboat (Q622416), which if expanded, seems to show well the intended structure of WD; when I find time, this should be compared to similar with other item descriptions on WD, and see what (if anything) it means for data entering, constraints etc.; see there for problems already detected.

Why this subpage[edit]

Some of links on WD (or in WikiMedia in general) are shown "as sofware thinks is needed"; when out of that context one should remember link's url if one would want to peruse contents. This is the place where I intend to "remember" such links. They might be usefull for somebody else that starts with this (if somebody asks: "How did you learn that?" I can send her/him here), or - maybe - also used later to improve materials and learning curve for other newbies.

At this time, it was so with a questionaire about me as user and editor of WD, which was shown to me at login and which I dismissed to continue and finish task at hand, and I was interested and intended to complete it later, but did not find it again yet.
I tried to log out and log in again, and looked in alerts and notices, with no success. I expect SW marked somewhere it has shown that to me and probably decides only not to show it to me again - hopefully, only not again today, so I'll try again tomorow.