User talk:T.seppelt/Archive 2

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This page is an archive. Please do not modify it. Use the current page, even to continue an old discussion.

Petro Doroshenko

[1]. This is a portrait of Peter ([2]), not Michael ([3])-- 14:01, 13 March 2016 (UTC)

@ File:UKR Michał Doroszenko.jpg is used as picture for Mykhailo Doroshenko (Q2030814) by many Wikipedia articles. I don't know anything about him but it seems that the picture shows him and not Petro Doroshenko (Q373942) -- T.seppelt (talk) 14:13, 13 March 2016 (UTC)
If you look at the source you'll see there 1672 [4] [5]-- 14:32, 13 March 2016 (UTC)

Frederick Richard Simms place of death

This gentleman had two country residences (at Chislehurst and Stoke Poges) and an apartment at 42 Pall Mall London SW1 all most likely very expensive. An editor appears to have become confused and compounded the two addresses to create a third. He died at Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire and Not Stoke Park Chislehurst. Thanks, Eddaido (talk) 02:10, 14 March 2016 (UTC)

Feel free to edit this item. I don't know anything about this case. I am maintaining a tool which performs many edits on behalf of many users. If you have any questions regarding their actions you should contact them directly. Best wishes, T.seppelt (talk) 12:53, 15 March 2016 (UTC)
Thank you but I am completely unable to find an edit tab at the top of the page. (there is one at the top of this page and on help pages) Why might this be? Sorry to be such a nuisance, Eddaido (talk) 04:56, 16 March 2016 (UTC)
I'm afraid, Eddaido, but on Wikidata is everything a bit more complicated. You basically never edit the whole item but labels, descriptions, aliases, claims and sitelinks separately. Check Help:Items as a guide. Contact me if you have more questions. -- T.seppelt (talk) 08:24, 17 March 2016 (UTC)
I've checked those instructions and what I began doing was clicking edit, making the change and then clicking save. My edit changed nothing so that is why I looked for an edit tab at the top. I know I am not always clever enough, maybe I will come back another time. thanks, Eddaido (talk) 09:25, 17 March 2016 (UTC)
The user interface is sometimes pretty slow. You can maybe try Wikidata:Tours. It would be sad if we would loose you as an editor -- T.seppelt (talk) 09:30, 17 March 2016 (UTC)
Thanks for the kind words, I did the tour and guess my initial problem might have been a slow interface, will give it another try later. Thanks, Eddaido (talk) 09:37, 17 March 2016 (UTC)
Okay, see you around later. -- T.seppelt (talk) 09:38, 17 March 2016 (UTC)

Had another try. Is it correct that the save icon is greyed out? Thanks, Eddaido (talk) 01:20, 27 March 2016 (UTC)

@Eddaido: it should become enabled when you edit something. Do you try to edit statements, labels/descriptions/aliases or sitelinks? -T.seppelt (talk) 06:18, 27 March 2016 (UTC)
I try to edit statements. May I email you a grab of the particular screen? Eddaido (talk) 06:26, 27 March 2016 (UTC)
@Eddaido: yes, of course. -- T.seppelt (talk) 15:02, 27 March 2016 (UTC)

KasparBot: Seite geleert

Hi T.seppelt, aus einem unbekannten Grund hat der Bot die Fehlerliste User:KasparBot/GND Type N gelöscht. Gruß --Kolja21 (talk) 19:30, 21 March 2016 (UTC)

Danke fürs Bescheid sagen. Ich habe die Änderung erstmal zurückgesetzt und schau mir das Programm in den nächsten Tagen an. Viele Grüße, — T.seppelt (talk) 14:04, 22 March 2016 (UTC)
Er hat es schon wieder getan ;) [6] Mit der Korrektur eilt es aber nicht, da noch knapp 2.000 Fehlermeldung unbearbeitet sind. --Kolja21 (talk) 11:44, 31 March 2016 (UTC)


Heho, hat der Bot jetzt schon alle Normdaten aus de:wi übertragen, oder legt er nur einen kleinen Zwischenstopp für die Filmportal-IDs ein? Gruß.--Eddgel (talk) 02:59, 2 April 2016 (UTC)

@Eddgel: das Programm läuft auf jeden Fall nicht mehr. Ich werde überprüfen, ob es einen Fehler gab, oder ob es wirklich fertig ist. Ich könnte mir auch vorstellen, regelmäßig zum Beispiel monatlich Normdaten aus der deutschsprachigen Wikipedia zu importieren. – T.seppelt (talk) 13:55, 5 April 2016 (UTC)
Das klingt super. Wäre schön wenn das so eingerichtet werden könnte. Gruß.--Eddgel (talk) 21:57, 6 April 2016 (UTC)


Du weisst, dass Filmportal ID (P2639) für die Filme als solche spendiert wurde, nicht für die Personen? Es ist nur so dass eine IP sofort danach das Beispiel Rainer Werner Fassbinder (Q44426) hineingefummelt hat. Interesssanterweise funktioniert die Verlinkung sogar, sie wird zielseitig aufgelöst zu Sauber ist anders, finde ich, in vergleichbaren Fällen wäre eine separate Property beantragt worden. -- Gymel (talk) 08:28, 2 April 2016 (UTC)

Wie ich kürzlich gelernt habe, ist es bei den Filmportal-IDs egal ob eine Person oder ein Film gemeint ist. Da all die IDs unterschiedlich sind, und somit ein spezielles Objekt bezeichnen. Sei es nun ein Film oder eine Person. Die Angabrn "Film" und "Person" sind also obsolet. Vielleicht hilft das ja weiter?--Eddgel (talk) 12:42, 2 April 2016 (UTC)
@Eddgel: Gymel hat ein property proposal für eine spezielle Personeneigenschaft erstellt. Diskutieren wir das besser dort weiter. Ich habe den Bot erstmal angehalten. -- T.seppelt (talk) 12:44, 2 April 2016 (UTC)

Moin T.seppelt! Sind wir jetzt durch mit den Filmportal-IDs? Könnte man als letzten Schritt vll. noch die GND importieren, wo sie noch fehlt und wo eine Filmportal-ID angegeben ist? Hier sind übrigens noch ein paar fehlende "importiert aus". Queryzo (talk) 08:05, 3 May 2016 (UTC)

Moin Queryzo, ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob das Programm wirklich durchgelaufen ist. Ich habe es sicherheitshalber nochmal gestartet. Danach kümmere mich um die anderen Sachen. Wie ich die GNDs importieren kann, ist mir nicht ganz klar. Das Filmportal bietet keine Dumps an, oder? Viele Grüße, -- T.seppelt (talk) 08:42, 3 May 2016 (UTC)
Glaube nicht, ich dachte, einfach umgekehrt: Gehe durch alle Filmportal-IDs ohne GND und schaue, ob sich im GND-Dump die Filmportal-ID irgendwo findet. LG Queryzo (talk) 08:47, 3 May 2016 (UTC)
Soo gut ist diese Zuordnung aber nicht, obwohl wir die Daten ja erst zu Gesicht bekommen haben, nachdem das Filmportal sich mit der GND in Beziehung gesetzt hat. Sprich: Es gab da durchaus Fälle, wo sich das Filmportal an einen anhand der Lebensdaten offensichtlich nicht zutreffenden GND-Satz gehängt hat [7]. Was wiederum hier nur auffallen konnte, weil eine andere GND-Nummer schon hinterlegt war. -- Gymel (talk) 11:02, 3 May 2016 (UTC)
Ich lade gerade einen Dump runter und arbeite dann an dem Programm (erstmal bloß zur Analyse). Fehler festzustellen, wäre ja nicht schlecht. Sehen wir mal, was herauskommt. -- T.seppelt (talk) 19:37, 3 May 2016 (UTC)


Very nice tool! I think it would be a good idea to add "imported from English Wikipedia" as a reference when adding new properties. MSGJ (talk) 19:21, 4 April 2016 (UTC)

For example on Eugenio, Count of Villafranca (Q1089695) I added this manually. As this is already a place of death claim, it would help someone later on to track down the discrepancy if the source of the two values is evident. Thanks MSGJ (talk) 19:24, 4 April 2016 (UTC)
@MSGJ: thank you for your feedback. I'm planning since a couple of weeks an update connected to referencing. There should be a method to provide URLs which are added as references to the claims which are created. Since "imported from" is not really a reference and mostly generated by bots I would prefer to use real references as described above. In this special case you mentioned "imported from" is indeed useful. I think it is rather an exception than something usual. Warm regards, – T.seppelt (talk) 14:02, 5 April 2016 (UTC)


Hi. I realize Wikinews topic category linking can be confusing. Wikinews topic categories correspond to Wikipedia articles, not to Wikipedia categories. (It's in the "Interproject links" section of Wikidata:Wikinews/Development.) --Pi zero (talk) 01:13, 24 May 2016 (UTC)

Thank you for dropping a link to the policy. I'll stop moving links. Warm regards, --T.seppelt (talk) 10:30, 24 May 2016 (UTC)

Category vs. Article items

Hi, I think my bad edit on Commons trip you here. Sorry. --Jarekt (talk) 19:03, 27 May 2016 (UTC)

Thanks for letting me know. I have to investigate what actually happened. –T.seppelt (talk) 19:52, 27 May 2016 (UTC)

Q18097436 and a mistaken LCCN and viaf

Hello, item Anat Baron (Q18097436) is about an Israeli high court judge. There is another Anat Baron who directed Beer Wars (Q4879961) and has no article I could locate (see also disambig Q20996395). For some reason User:KasparBot added the VIAF ID (P214) and Library of Congress authority ID (P244) of the director to the Judges page. Please see what caused this mistake. Thanks, DGtal (talk) 13:22, 15 June 2016 (UTC)

@DGtal: the authority control information came from Wikimedia Commons. It should be fine now. Have a nice day, -- T.seppelt (talk) 15:17, 22 June 2016 (UTC)

Deprecated rank

I just saw Special:Diff/351574378. "Deprecated" is intended for statements which are now known to be incorrect, e.g. "the Earth is flat" was never true even though people believed it was. That's not the case here: the currency of the Vatican may have changed, but "the currency of the Vatican until 2002 was the Vatican lira" is still a true statement today. Instead, we're supposed to mark the current (best) value as "preferred". There's more information on Help:Ranking.

It does often get misused, so you probably will see other people marking things like this as deprecated. I'm thinking about making a Phabricator ticket asking for it to be made more intuitive somehow (clearer wording, maybe more ranks), I'll let you know if I do. :)

- Nikki (talk) 14:46, 27 June 2016 (UTC)

@Nikki: thank you for telling me more about this. Actually I was never sure how to use ranks properly. The English word deprecated is somehow more meaningful than the German missbilligend. An UI improvement could make this clearer I think. I would support such a proposal. Warm regards, --T.seppelt (talk) 14:50, 27 June 2016 (UTC)

Your data on UK-EU Membership Opinion Polling

Dear Mr. Seppelt, I'm not sure if this is a channel which I can use to contact you but here goes:

I am a teacher of introductory statistics here in California, USA and I found your data in Wikipedia ( quite interesting. Are your methods of gathering the data and putting together that chart published anywhere? I would like to consider using it in my classes as an example of the kind/amount of variation observed in public opinion polls. In particular I am most interested in

  1. I assume that the individual points are results of individual polls carried out at the time where each point is plotted. Is that right?
  2. How were the continuous lines obtained? Linear regression using a polynomial model? Some other method?
  3. What is the meaning of the shadow regions around each line.
  4. What are the sample sizes? Are they always about 1000 as in polls in the US? Or do they vary a lot?
  5. Most important: Can I get a copy of any of your publication(s) discussing these results?

Thank you for the help. I am always looking for interesting, real data to show/discuss with my students.

David Laffie Dept. of Mathematics University of the Pacific Stockton, CA  – The preceding unsigned comment was added by Davidlaffie (talk • contribs) at 18:47, 27. Jun. 2016‎ (UTC).

@Davidlaffie: Dear Mr. Laffie,
I apologize for the late replay. First of all thank you very much for contacting me and for the feedback to the graph. I hope I can help. In general the graph is generated using an R-script which is published at commons:File:UK EU referendum polling.svg. The data was harvested from en:Opinion polling for the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum and is available as CSV file at commons:User:T.seppelt/UK EU referendum polling.csv. I'll try to answer your question one by one:
  1. Yes, that's right.
  2. The continuous lines are generated using the geom_smooth method with standard parameters. See [8].
  3. The shadow regions represent 95 % significance levels of the line.
  4. You can find the sample sizes at commons:User:T.seppelt/UK EU referendum polling.csv and en:Opinion polling for the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum. They differ and weren't considered while generating the graph.
  5. I didn't publish any discussions of the results. They were written by Wikipedia contributors in various articles related to en:Opinion polling for the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum (not only in English but in many different languages).
I hope I could help you. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
In general Wikipedia needs high quality graphs. In case your students are interested in working on real data they could consider publishing them here.
Have a nice day,
T.seppelt (talk) 08:17, 9 July 2016 (UTC)

Population graph on huwiki

Hi again :) You left IRC a few minutes before I could respond. Is hu:Sablon:Népességdiagram what you're looking for, e.g. on hu:Melilla#N.C3.A9pess.C3.A9g? I found that by searching the template and module namespaces for "P1082". - Nikki (talk) 19:41, 27 June 2016 (UTC)

@Nikki: thank you :) that's it. I added it to w:hu:Åland. -- T.seppelt (talk) 08:46, 28 June 2016 (UTC)

Incorrect emergency phone numbers in Poland

Your bot KasparBot recently added 986 as the police phone number in Poland: [9]. As a Pole living in Poland I can assure you it is not the right number (997 would be, see also this article in Polish: pl:Numery alarmowe). According to your source ( page 14) it is the "municipal police" number, which in Poland is not a police at all (it's the straż gminna / straż miejska, literally "town/city watch"). A similar mistake may have been made for other countries and other phone numbers. Please correct it or undo your edits. Matma Rex (talk) 18:28, 8 July 2016 (UTC)

@Matma Rex: thank you for letting me know. I was expecting mistakes in the data set and still when it comes to coverage and average quality this source is great. I'll have a look at other possible mistakes. I think there are several options for this case: (1) set the has use (P366) qualifier to municipal police (Q1758690). (2) remove the statements. (3) set the rank of the other statements to PREFERED. What do you think reflects the reality most precisely? --T.seppelt (talk) 20:36, 8 July 2016 (UTC)
Setting P366 to Q1758690 for rows mentioning "municipal police" sounds right to me. Matma Rex (talk) 21:51, 8 July 2016 (UTC)
I checked the data set. Only Poland (Q36) has a municipal police. I changed the has use (P366): Special:Diff/355890153 -- T.seppelt (talk) 07:42, 9 July 2016 (UTC)

Migrating Persondata to Wikidata

Hi, I've recently been trying to work my way through the conflicts that arose when Kasparbot migrated Persondata to Wikidata ([10]), but I've noticed it's quite slow, with rejecting and importing taking both at least 5 seconds. I understand it takes some time when actual edits need to be made (however, is the Wikidata API really that slow?), but I feel like there should be room for improvement, at least when rejecting data. Can you tell me why it's so slow? If there's improvements to be made, I'd be happy to look at it myself (I'm assuming the code is open source) if you can point me in the general direction. Thanks! Rchard2scout (talk) 22:38, 10 August 2016 (UTC)

@Rchard2scout: Thank you for contacting me. We had several discussion about the rather slow interface before. I have to admit that my programming skills are just not sufficient to solve this problem. I published the code now on GitHub, see especially [11]. Any input would be great. Thank you, -- T.seppelt (talk) 16:00, 18 August 2016 (UTC)

de:Vorlage:LdiF in references

Hi. I reverted several edits of your bot which added LdiF ID (P3107) (which is for films only) to several perwons and organisations. Please note that the template in dewiki where you got this information from is frequently used in references where it does not necessarily link to the subject of the article itself. (Occasionally, it's also used in the "Weblinks" section to link some special work of a person, but we can probably ignore those cases and assume that in weblinks sections, the LdiF link will be one to exactly the subject of the article. However, if possible, you could respect the constraints of the property and don't add the statement to persons etc.) Thank you. --YMS (talk) 12:18, 3 September 2016 (UTC)

Thanks for letting me know. I'll check all my edits. --T.seppelt (talk) 14:31, 3 September 2016 (UTC)
✓ Done I think I checked all of them. Sorry for creating this mess. @Queryzo: because s/he was involved before. -- T.seppelt (talk) 15:42, 3 September 2016 (UTC)
thank you for checking, but it was necessary to import all id. now we have to proove all of them via constraint violations, we're on it... Queryzo (talk) 16:05, 3 September 2016 (UTC)


Danke für die Soureh-IDs. Können wir das gleiche nochmal für die elCinema film ID (P3135)-IDs machen? Siehe z.B. ar:إجازة_بالعافية_(فيلم). Queryzo (talk) 12:06, 26 November 2016 (UTC)

@Queryzo: Ich bin dabei. Siehe [12]. -- T.seppelt (talk) 14:34, 26 November 2016 (UTC)


Und dieser hier noch: uk:Пригоди козака Енея (мультфільм) mit Kinopoisk film ID (P2603). Queryzo (talk) 16:10, 26 November 2016 (UTC)

So viele sind das gar nicht.-- T.seppelt (talk) 17:10, 26 November 2016 (UTC)

How to import KasperBot into Chinese Wikipedia

Chinese Wikipedia has decided to remove Persondata from all biographical articles. Could I import KasperBot into Chinese Wikipedia? How to do it? Thank you.--Dabao qian (talk) 01:58, 4 December 2016 (UTC)

@Dabao qian: I can run KasparBot on zhwiki. Can you give me a link to the requests of approval page? And another question: Did you decide to delete the dataset or do you want to import it manually to Wikidata (which I would not recommend since this process is for enwiki incredibly slow)? Best, -- T.seppelt (talk) 08:29, 4 December 2016 (UTC)
Reply: See w:zh:WP:BRFA. My idea is that if the corresponding English article exists, delete the dataset directly, otherwise import it manually to Wikidata. --Dabao qian (talk) 08:56, 4 December 2016 (UTC)
@Dabao qian: Ok. I'll post a request. On zhwiki are only 41 articles without links to enwiki and with Template:Persondata (Q5153934) [13]. Maybe we can check them manually. -- T.seppelt (talk) 09:26, 4 December 2016 (UTC)
And I'm not allowed to create Wikipedia:机器人/申请/KasparBot/2 because I'm not autoconfirmed. -- T.seppelt (talk) 09:28, 4 December 2016 (UTC)
Reply: So how to do next? --Dabao qian (talk) 09:46, 4 December 2016 (UTC)
@Dabao qian: could you create this page with this content? I'll sign it then.
 | Purpose         = delete {{tl|Persondata}}
 | Reldis          = [[:d:User talk:T.seppelt#How to import KasperBot into Chinese Wikipedia]]
 | Software        = Java, [ own framework], []
 | Edit period     = once
 | Pages           = 5000
 | bots            = yes
 | Bot on WP       = yes

-- T.seppelt (talk) 10:16, 4 December 2016 (UTC) ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Reply: The RfC on Chinese Wikipedia is at w:zh:Wikipedia talk:个人资讯. --Dabao qian (talk) 12:28, 4 December 2016 (UTC)
Okay thanks. I eitherway need an BRFA. I posted a permission request (at zh:维基百科:權限申請/申請確認用戶權) now and wait for its confirmation. -- T.seppelt (talk) 19:47, 4 December 2016 (UTC)

✓ Task Approved on zhwiki--Shizhao (talk) 09:16, 4 February 2017 (UTC)

Genauere Daten in der Persondata Challenge

Hallo T.seppelt, was spricht dagegen, solche Challenges rauszuschmeißen: [14]? Queryzo (talk) 15:45, 10 December 2016 (UTC)

@Queryzo: Ich habe das Gefühl, dass es darüber eine Diskussion gab und man sich dagegen ausgesprochen hat, weil manchmal die genaueren Angaben falsch sind. Ich finde das gerade nicht, ich dachte das wäre irgendwo auf meinen Benutzer-Diskussion auf enwiki gewesen. In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass die Migration unglaublich langsam vonstatten geht, wäre ich aber auch fürs Rausschmeißen. -- T.seppelt (talk) 17:22, 10 December 2016 (UTC)
Eben! Queryzo (talk) 17:24, 10 December 2016 (UTC)
en:Wikipedia talk:Persondata/Archive 9#Challenges with more precise dates on Wikidata. Das war die Diskussion. -- T.seppelt (talk) 17:31, 10 December 2016 (UTC)
Hier werden meines Erachtens zwei Sachen vermischt, ähnlich wie beim Sichten in der deutschen Wikipedia: Dort geht es lediglich darum zu erkennen, ob ein offensichtlicher Vandalismus vorliegt, nicht ob die angegebene Information korrekt ist. Letzteres ist die Aufgabe weiterer Edits und Diskussionen, nicht aber die des Sichtens. In diesem Fall kann man diesen Qualitätsanspruch natürlich ebenfalls ansetzen, dann werden wir allerdings nie fertig. Es gilt lediglich zu prüfen, ob die Informationen aus den Personendaten in Wikidata bereits enthalten sind (a) oder ob diese ergänzt bzw. konkretisiert werden können (b). Beim angegebenen Beispiel trifft Fall a zu, insofern sehe ich kein Problem, die Challenges pauschal als erledigt zu markieren. Queryzo (talk) 17:52, 10 December 2016 (UTC)

Bei den Beschreibungen kann man übrigens sowas locker importieren. Oder hat es hier bereits Fälle gegeben, wo die Beschreibung murks waren? Queryzo (talk) 17:54, 10 December 2016 (UTC)

Hallo T.seppelt!

Ich versuche gerade in der dt. Wikipedia einen Abgleich zwischen den dort in der Vorlage Normdaten eingetragenen Daten mit den über Wikidata --> VIAF --> und dem dort bereitgestellten File viaf-20170502-links.txt.gz zu basteln. Soweit murmelt das Gebastel schon ganz schön, ich hab nur das Problem, dass ich die Namenseinträge der GND über dieses File nicht von den Personeneinträgen unterscheiden kann und damit kann ich nicht erkennen ob eine Namens-GND als GND (Person) statt als GND (Name) eingetragen wurde. Daher muss ich dich ein wenig löchern: Wie vollständig ist deine in der Überschrift angegebene Liste und wie hast du diese Namens-GNDs als solche identifiziert? (Ich will nicht unbedingt irgendwelche Server mit tausenden von http-Zugriffen quälen). --Wurgl (talk) 20:56, 26 May 2017 (UTC)