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This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Bureaucrats and the translation is 73% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Bureaucrats as o September 2024 (edit)
  1. DannyS712, en, he-2, es-2, zh-2
  2. Lymantria nl, en-3, de-2, fy-2, fr-1
  3. Ymblanter, ru, en-3, de-2, fr-2, nl-2, it-1, es-1

The seestem currently recognizes 3 bureaucrats. If that is nae the last nummer in the leet above, thare is an error in the leet.

Wikidata Bureaucrat icon

Bureaucrats are uisers who hae the technical ability tae chynge some uisers' richts an tae rename uisers. Thay hae a private mailin leet for privacy-relatit issues or tae draw attention tae urgent matters.


Uisers' richts

Bureaucrats are entrustit wi the task tae mak ither uisers intae admeenistrators, bureaucrats, translation admeenistrators, an bots, follaein a successful request for permissions.

Thay can remove bots an translation admins due tae voluntary resignation, a successful request for removal or in an emergency situation. Richts that are voluntarily resigned unner uncontroversial circumstances can be reassigned bi a bureaucrat, as lang as thay still are eligible tae hauld them unner ony applicable inactivity policy.

Bureaucrats are tasked wi closin richts removal discussions an bringin tae Meta those that thay cannae technically carry oot themselves (for example, admeenistrator access removal). Thay are allaeed tae uise discretion when closin richts requests that hae been affectit bi canvassin (on this wiki, on ither WMF wikis, or ootside o Wikimedie) or sockin. Finally, they should refrain frae closin richts discussions that thay hae parteecipatit in.

Chyngin uisernames

Before 15 September 2014, bureaucrats had the technical ability to rename users. Renames are now done by global renamers and stewards.

Acomin a bureaucrat

Bureaucrat access is granted efter a successful request at Wikidata:Requests for permissions/Bureaucrat. 80% support an at least 15 supportin votes are required efter at least a week o discussion.

Losin bureaucrat access

The bureaucrat flag can be lost due tae inactivity, through a richts removal request (50% support o removal is needit), or bi voluntary resignation. A bureaucrat loses thair status wi the admin flag when the admin flag is removed due tae inactivity, or when the admin flag would be removed if the bureaucrat is nae an admin. Inactivity is defined as less than ten bureaucrat/admeenistrator actions ower this sax month period. Bureaucrat accoonts are checked for inactivity on a monthly basis. Thare is currently na reprieve seestem in place.

Leet o bureaucrats

Thare are currently 3 local bureaucrats. In addeetion, sax uisers are Wikimedie Deutschland staff who hae temporary access in absence o a staff group, an who don't uise the richts unner normal circumstances.

A timeline which shaws aw bureaucrats can be foond at Wikidata:Bureaucrats/Timeline.

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