Wikidata:Property proposal/Archive/2023/10

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Property name Proposer Start date Close date Property Label Description Uses
Metacritic game ID Kirilloparma 2023-09-19 2023-10-02 P12054Metacritic game IDidentifier of a video game in the Metacritic database16636
Dicionário Aberto ID EnaldoSS 2023-01-11 2023-10-05 P12055Dicionário Aberto IDidentifier for entries on Dicionário Aberto7
Gematsu game ID Lewis Hulbert 2023-09-26 2023-10-06 P12058‎Gematsu game IDidentifier of a video game in Gematsu database3430
World Auchenorrhyncha Database ID Korg 2023-09-28 2023-10-06 P12057World Auchenorrhyncha Database IDidentifier for a taxon in the World Auchenorrhyncha Database (Hoppers Species File)73
Online Etymology Dictionary ID GZWDer 2023-01-13 2023-10-06 P12056Online Etymology Dictionary IDID of a entry in Online Etymology Dictionary (with URI fragment)127
DBIL ID Mr. Moonlight 2023-09-26 2023-10-07 P12060DBIL IDidentifier for the Latin American Left Biographic Dictionary20
identifiant du musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux VIGNERON 2023-09-26 2023-10-07 P12065Museum of Fine Arts, Bordeaux object IDidentifier for an artwork on the Museum of Fine Arts, Bordeaux website355
Pinakes IDs Epìdosis 2023-09-28 2023-10-07 P12061Pinakes country IDnumeric identifier for a country in the Pinakes database54
Encyclociné ID Wyslijp16 2023-05-20 2023-10-07 P12059Encyclociné IDnumeric identifier for a movie on Encyclociné.com270
Aparat channel ID Poig97 2023-09-08 2023-10-08 P12066Aparat channel IDID of the Aparat channel of a person or organisation85
Sessionize speaker profile URL slug Mxn 2023-04-11 2023-10-09 P12069Sessionize speaker IDidentifier of the person's speaker profile on Sessionize16
Matilda paper ID Pamputt 2023-09-27 2023-10-09 P12068Matilda paper IDidentifier for a paper in Matilda10
FaroeSoccer referee ID Mitte27 2023-08-09 2023-10-09 P12067FaroeSoccer referee IDidentifier for an association football referee in the FaroeSoccer database6
MUSE book ID Susmuffin 2022-06-17 2023-10-09 P12071MUSE book IDnumeric identifier of an academic book in Project MUSE14 mineral ID AdamSeattle 2023-08-27 2023-10-09 mineral and gemstone IDidentifier for a mineral or gemstone on Minerals.net434
ProductReview ID Dhx1 2023-09-12 2023-10-09 P12074‎ProductReview IDidentifier of a product or brand on the website236
Metacritic publication ID Kirilloparma 2023-09-30 2023-10-10 P12079Metacritic publication IDidentifier of a gaming or any other media publication in the Metacritic database161
Nordic Women in Film-ID Jon Harald Søby 2023-09-28 2023-10-10 P12076Nordic Women in Film-IDidentifier in the Nordic Women in Film database1132
Metacritic company ID Kirilloparma 2023-09-30 2023-10-10 P12080Metacritic company IDidentifier of a company in the Metacritic database482
SlackBuilds package Matthias M. 2023-10-01 2023-10-10 P12077SlackBuilds packageidentifier for software package in the SlackBuilds database1672
WHO Aware Classification Doc James 2023-08-17 2023-10-11 P12081‎WHO Aware Classificationantibiotic classification according to the World Health Organization244
identifiant Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français Hypsibius 2023-09-22 2023-10-11 P12073Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français IDidentifier in the Société de l'histoire du protestantisme français database63
Steam Workshop file ID Lewis Hulbert 2023-10-03 2023-10-11 P12083Steam Workshop mod IDidentifier for a mod on the Steam Workshop92
California State Park ID AdamSeattle 2023-10-02 2023-10-12 P12084California State Park IDidentifier for a California state park from the California Department of Parks and Recreation174
Find my School ID Dhx1 2023-10-03 2023-10-12 P12085‎Find my School IDunique identifier of a public school in Victoria, Australia used on the Find my School website6
WikiKids ID S. Perquin 2023-09-29 2023-10-13 P12086WikiKids IDidentifier of the article on WikiKids22804
SBL player ID Horcrux 2023-10-02 2023-10-13 P12087Swiss Basketball League player IDidentifier for a basketball player on the Swiss Basketball League's official website (
non-self-identified name Birk Weiberg 2023-09-30 2023-10-15 P12090non-self-identified namename used to identify a group of humans as opposed to their self-determination9
Gematsu company ID Lewis Hulbert 2023-10-07 2023-10-15 P12092‎Gematsu company IDidentifier of a company in the Gematsu database513
Valve Developer Community article ID Matthias M. 2023-10-07 2023-10-15 P12093‎Valve Developer Community article IDidentifier of an article on ‎Valve Developer Community408
DBpia article ID ChoKukSuho 2023-03-02 2023-10-15 P12091DBpia article IDidentifier for an article in the DBpia database provided by Nurimedia162
Open Library publisher ID Horcrux 2023-10-04 2023-10-15 P12088Open Library publisher IDidentifier for a publisher in OpenLibrary.org1021
DfE Group UID Quiettwenty 2023-09-16 2023-10-17 P12094‎DfE group UIDunique identifier of the school group used by the UK government3825
DBpia author ID ChoKukSuhoTemp 2023-09-03 2023-10-18 P12101DBpia author IDidentifier for an author in the DBpia database provided by Nurimedia21
fonds Jonathan Groß 2023-10-07 2023-10-18 P12095‎fondspart of an archival collection which an item belongs to30
Kinobox ID Vojtěch Dostál 2023-10-10 2023-10-18 P12096Kinobox film IDidentifier for a film on the website250982
FloraVeg.EU species ID AdamSeattle 2023-09-17 2023-10-18 P12100FloraVeg.EU taxon IDidentifier for a plant taxon in the FloraVeg.EU online database28873
parent form of an active substance Wostr 2023-10-09 2023-10-18 P12099parent form of an active substanceparent form of a chemical entity (e.g. a salt) used as an active substance in pharmaceutical products9
Mod DB company ID Trade 2023-10-11 2023-10-20 P12102‎Mod DB company IDidentifier of a company in the ‎Mod DB database1419
GameBrew ID Trade 2023-10-12 2023-10-20 P12103‎GameBrew IDidentifier for homebrew video games, software and emulators on GameBrew53
Royal Irish Academy ID Horcrux 2023-10-07 2023-10-20 P12104Royal Irish Academy IDidentifier of a person on the Royal Irish Academy's official website (
Red List of South African Plants conservation status Maqdisi 2023-09-06 2023-10-21 P12105‎Red List of South African Plants conservation statusconservation status of endemic South African plants assigned by the South African National Biodiversity Institute32
IGI Global affiliate ID Haseeb55 2023-09-08 2023-10-22 P12111‎IGI Global author IDidentifier for an author on the IGI Global website10
Rahlfs Number Jonathan Groß 2023-10-09 2023-10-22 P12116‎Rahlfs numbercanonical number of a Septuagint manuscript according to Alfred Rahlfs's catalogue1616
Catenae Catalogue Jonathan Groß 2023-10-11 2023-10-22 P12109‎Catenae Catalogue IDnumeric ID of a manuscript in the Catenae Catalogue1461
Pandit Project work ID عُثمان 2023-09-08 2023-10-22 P12112‎Pandit Project work IDidentifier for an Indic textual work in the Pandit Project database73
RKDexcerpts Jane023 2023-09-10 2023-10-22 P12106‎RKDexcerpts IDrecord for a note (on index card) in Hofstede de Groot archives held by the RKD-Netherlands Institute for Art History in the Hague6
Flora of New Jersey Project atlas URL AdamSeattle 2023-09-16 2023-10-22 P12114Flora of New Jersey Project atlas IDidentifier for a plant species in the Flora of New Jersey Project atlas92
Vascular Plants of Iowa species ID AdamSeattle 2023-09-17 2023-10-22 P12113Vascular Plants of Iowa species IDidentifier for a plant species in The Vascular Plants of Iowa website1857
JLPGA player ID MasterRus21thCentury 2023-10-13 2023-10-22 P12108LPGA of Japan Tour player IDidentifier for a golf player in the JLPSA database18
GNU Savannah project Matthias M. 2023-10-10 2023-10-22 P12115‎GNU Savannah project IDidentifier of a project in the GNU Savannah database245
ELSST Thesaurus ID AdamSeattle 2023-10-06 2023-10-23 P12107ELSST Thesaurus ID (Version 4 - 2023)identifier for a term in the ELSST (European Language Social Science) Thesaurus (Version 4 - 2023)239
Illinois State Parks ID AdamSeattle 2023-10-07 2023-10-24 P12117Illinois State Parks IDidentifier for an Illinois state park on the State Parks & Outdoor Recreation website96
Minnesota State Parks and Recreation Areas ID AdamSeattle 2023-10-09 2023-10-24 P12119Minnesota State Parks and Recreation Areas IDidentifier for a Minnesota state park on the Minnesota State Parks and Recreation Areas website130
Minnesota State Forests ID AdamSeattle 2023-10-09 2023-10-24 P12118Minnesota State Forests IDidentifier for a Minnesota state forest on the Minnesota State Forests website82
Flickr Photo ID Jessamyn 2023-10-17 2023-10-25 P12120‎Flickr photo IDpersistent identifier for images on Flickr26
ManyVids ID Vivaelcelta 2023-09-07 2023-10-25 P12122ManyVids IDidentifier for a person's store on the ManyVids website569
IBP 6-letter bird species alpha code Bamyers99 2023-10-16 2023-10-25 P12121‎IBP 6-letter bird species alpha codestandardized six-letter alphabetic code for bird species by the Institute for Bird Populations2180
North Rhine-Westphalian school ID T. Wirbitzki 2023-10-18 2023-10-26 P12123‎North Rhine-Westphalian school ID6-digit number used by the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of North Rhine-Westphalia to identify schools757
identifiant Repairs Maxime Ravel 2023-10-18 2023-10-28 P12124Repairs IDidentifier of a former French slave owner on Repairs13

Not done

Property name Proposer Start date Close date Reason
Basketball Bundesliga Teams UUID Looniverse 2023-09-28 2023-10-31 withdrawn