Wikidata:WikiProject Sardanes

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Project to collect all sardana (Q1413570) and other works for cobla (Q2989770) in WikiData using and as main sources, where there are some 32,000 registered items.

This project is twinned with the Wikidata:WikiProject Music.

Both projects work closely to have coherent models and rules.



We are working on a main item Sardana and adding some properties and identifiers to their Composers, but there are other forms of musical works.


Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)musical work/composition <instance of> La Santa Espina-
form of creative workP7937Itemform of art, album type, musical form, type of musical work/composition and form of creative work: structure of a creative worksardana <form of creative work> La Santa Espina-

Other possible values for form of creative work (P7937), which are subclasses of sardana (Q1413570), are:

Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
composerP86Itemcomposer: person(s) who wrote the music [for lyricist, use "lyrics by" (P676)]La Santa Espina <composer> Enric Morera i Viura-
tiratgeP11200Quantitynumber of musical bars for each section of a sardanaLa Santa Espina <tiratge> -
tiratge with qualifier relative toP2210Itemreference point: qualifier: what a statement value is relative toLa Santa Espina <tiratge> 23
<relative to> short
tiratge with qualifier relative toP2210Itemreference point: qualifier: what a statement value is relative toLa Santa Espina <tiratge> 87
<relative to> long
tiratge with qualifier relative toP2210Itemreference point: qualifier: what a statement value is relative toLa Santa Espina <tiratge> 55
<relative to> jump
lyrics byP676Itemlyricist: author of song lyricsLa Santa Espina <lyrics by> Àngel Guimerà-
location of first performanceP4647Itempremière: location where a work was first debuted, performed or broadcastedMare de Déu de la Riera <location of first performance> Les Borges del Camp-
date of first performanceP1191Point in timepremière: date a work was first debuted, performed or live-broadcastedEl castell de Vallparadís <date of first performance> 1 gen 1949-
dedicated toP825Itemdedicatee, memorial society and dedication: person or organization to whom the subject was dedicatedSardana dels Rajolers <dedicated to> Vilafant-
instrumentationP870Iteminstrumentation: combination of musical instruments employed in a composition or accompanying a (folk) danceSardana dels Rajolers <instrumentation> cobla-
instrumentation with qualifier replacesP1365Itemreplaced entity: person, state or item replaced. Use "structure replaces" (P1398) for structures. Use "follows" (P155) if the previous item was not replaced or predecessor and successor are identicalSardana dels Rajolers <instrumentation> choir
<replaces> cobla
replaced by
Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
significant placeP7153Itemsignificant place: significant or notable places associated with the subjectSardana dels Rajolers <significant place> cobla-
significant place with qualifier object has roleP3831Itemrole: (qualifier) role or generic identity of the value of a statement ("object") in the context of that statement; for the role of the item the statement is on ("subject"), use P2868La capella de la Pietat <significant place> Thuir
<object has role> reference


Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
Musicsperlacobla sardana IDP11202External identifiersardana identifier used by archiveLes fulles seques <Musicsperlacobla sardana ID> 1.1MorViu034-
Musicsperlacobla composer IDP11203External identifiercomposer identifier used by musicsperlacobla archiveEduard Toldrà <Musicsperlacobla composer ID> 328-
Boig Sardanista sardana IDP11204External identifieridentifier for entities in the Boig Sardanista websiteLes fulles seques <Boig Sardanista sardana ID> 2069-






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These are the sources we are working with. We include a status for the negotiation we are having for a col·laboration process with their managers.

Source Satus ✓ Done ✓ Done